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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 unit 10: Recycling

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Period 60 : UNIT 10: RECYCLING
Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen & Read
I.Aims and objectives:
- Helping ss to understand information about the environment problems and know
the uses of passive forms and Adj followed by an infinitive.
- Vocabulary: a presentative, to protect, natural resources, (to) recycle, (to)
- Skill:

+ Target skill: Speaking
+ Other skills: Reading ,listening, writing.

- Main teaching points: +To help ss to understand information about the
environment problems and know the uses of passive forms and Adj followed by an
-By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do something to protect the
environment, save natural resourses and structures deeply and clearly.
II. Teaching aids:
-Teacher: Textbook, disc, poster….
- Ss: textbook, schoolthings
III. Procedures:
1.Check up: (3’)
Have 2 ss write sentences using in oder to/so as to
2. Lead in:(2’)
Brainstorm: Elicit from ss
Ways to reduce the amounts of the garbage.

- reuse plastic bags.

- use cloth bags.
- use tree leaves to wrap things.
- make garbage into fertilizer.
- make garbage matter into animal food.
3. New lesson: (36 minutes)
Teacher’s & students’ activities
3.1 Presentation: (18’)

Content of the lesson
I. Vocabulary:

- Preteach vocabulary

- a presentative : người đại diện

+ Techniques: translation, situation,

-(to) protect : (to) keep something/

example, situation, translation

somebody safe from sb/ sth

+ T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in

- the natural resources : nguồn tài

chorus, individually and give meaning.

nguyên thiên nhiên

+ Check understanding: Ro + R

- (to) recycle : to use again.

- Set the sence: Ask ss to look at the

- (to) overpackage : đóng gói nhiều

picture and elicit situations from ss.Who is


this? It’s Mr Black. Who are they? They
are her students.What are they talking
about? ..........

II. Dialogue:

-Present the dialogue:

*Answer key: (p90)

Ask s to close their books & listen to the

a.Reduce means not buying

tape carefully.

products which are overpackaged.

Ask ss to open their books, listen to the

b.We can reuse things like

tape twice, find out the pronunciation &

envelopes, old plasticand glass

the content of the dialogue.


Ask ss to read the dialogue in pairs

c.Recycle means not to throw things

- Comprehension qs: Ask ss to read the

away. Try and find another use for

dialogue silently & practice asking and


answering the qs (p 90) in pairs

d.We can look for information on

- Monitor, take notes & give the correct

recyling things by contacting with


an organization like Friends of the

- Present new target item: Elicit sentence

Earth, going to the local, or asking

from ss

our family and friends.

+ What are these sentence into Vnamese?

e.Because plastic bags are difficult

- What comes after “difficult ”? to V

to be destroyed, so the amount of

What comes after “ are”? PII

garbage increases.

+ Elicit form & use from ss

*New target iterm

3.2 Practice: (10’)

- It is not difficult to remember

Ask ss to complete sentences individually.

because all the three words begin

- Monitor, take notes & give the correct

with the letter R.


-Products are overpackaged

3.3 Prodution: ( 8’)

Form: * It is (not) + adj + to

Ask ss to write full sentences


ASk ss to make up sentences in pairs


( active to passive)

* S + is / are/ am + PII ...+ ( by

- Monitor, take notes & give the correct



III. Practice
a. using word cues drill
+ easy / understand this lesson
+ hard/ believe her
+ dangerous/ go out at night
+ important/ wait for him
+ difficult/ follow this instruction
Ex: It’s dangerous to go out at night.

+ She cleans the floor every day.
+ Mai waters the flowers every

4. Summary: ( 2’)
Repeat the main structure again
5. Homework: (2’)
- Learn by heart the vocabulary & structures
- Prepare Unit 10: Speak & Listen


Period 61 : UNIT 10: RECYCLING
Lesson 2: Speak + Listen
I.Aims and Objectives:
- Helping ss practice in giving and responding to instructions and listening for a
specific information about making compost
- Vocabulary: fertilizer , (to) fertilize, the compose, fabric (n), the leather

+ Target skills: Listening & speaking
+ Other skills: Reading, writing

-Main teaching points: Giving and responding to instructions and listening for a
specific informationabout making compost
- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to give and respond to the instructions
fluently & improve their listening & speaking skills .
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher: Textbook, tape, radio, poster, pictures ….
- Ss: Textbook, schoolthings
III. Procedures:
1.Check up: (3’)
Ask one ss to write vocabulary.
Ask one ss to write form: passive voice in present simple
2. Lead in: (2’)
Memory games.( Kimg Games.)
- Stick the picture in page 91 and then put it away.
- Divide class into two teams at the same time go to the board to write as many
show things in the picture as possible

- Which team has more right words is the winner
♦Answer keys:
used paper, old new paper, books, card board, boxes, bottles,glasses, jars, plastic
bags, food cans, drinking tins, vegetable matter, clothes, school bags . . .
3. New lesson: ( 36’)
Teacher’s & students’ activities
3.1. Pre- speaking activities: (5’)

Content of the lesson
I. Vocabulary:

- Pre-teach vocabulary:

- fertilizer (n) : phân bón -> to fertilize

+ Techniques: translation, explanation,

-compose (n) : phân xanh

synonym, example

-fabric (n) = clothes

+ T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in

-leather (n) : da thuộc

chorus, individually and give meaning.

+ Check understanding: Ro + R
- Set the sence: What do they do with the
-> We recycle them.

II. Speak:

2. What do they do next before they recycle ?
-> We should them into group.
-T asks SS to practice the dialogue.
-SS work in pairs.


-Some pairs of SS practice aloud in front of -Which group do clothes belong to ?-> put
the class.

them in fabric.

- Monitor, take notes & give the correct -What can we do with those clothes?->

We can recycle them and make them into

3.2. While – speaking activities: (12’)

paper or shopping bags.

-T guides: Now you work in pairs. Use the
structures you have learned and the situations

in the book to make up new conversations.


-SS practice in pairs.

♦ Drill Use the items in the box p 91 and

-Each pair practices one situation.

dicide which group each item belong to.

-SS change the rolls.
-Some pairs of SS practice aloud before class.
–T monitors, takes notes &


corrects the

mistakes if necessary.
3.3. Post – speaking activities: (5’)
Now you work in pairs, think of a situation
and make up a new dialogue - Elicit the
exchanges from students.

Used paper (old newspaper, book


cardboard boxes).
Bottles, glasses, jars.
Plastic bags, plastic bottles.
Food cans, drinking tins.
Clothes (cloth bags, material)


(shoes, sandals, schoolbags)

Vegetables Fruit peels (vegetables,...)
2. Mapped Dialogue:

- Model the exchanges.
-SS practice in pairs.
- T monitors, takes notes &

corrects the

mistakes if necessary.
3.4. Pre- listening activities: (4’)
Prediction: - Have ss read the multiple choice
questions on page 91 and predict the correct


- Which group

Put ...... in

Belong to?
- What can we do

- We can ....

- Are .......?

That's right

What shall we do

- We make

With (....)

Listen to the tape carefully for the first time.
3.5. While – listening activities: (6’)
- Ask ss to listen to the tape carefully & get

general idea Then check their predictions.
(Ss listen to the tape for three times)
T plays the tape the last time to check

III. Listening

- T monitors, takes notes & give the correct a.A



3.6. Post – listening activities: (4’)


-T devises the SS in group of six.


- Ask ss to express their opinions / ideas on How to protect our environment?
this topic.
T monitors, takes notes & give the correct
4. Summary: (2’)
Repeat how to give and respond to instructions
5. Homework: (2’)
- Learn structures by heart
- Prepare Unit 10: Read

Period 62 : UNIT 10: RECYCLING
Lesson 3: Read
I.Aims and objectives:
- Helping ss read for details about how things are recycled
- Vocabulary: a car tire, a pipe, a floor covering,(to) refill, (to) break up, a deposit
- Skill

+ Target skill: Reading
+ Other skills: Listening, speaking, writing

- Main teaching points: Reading for details about how things are recycled
- By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to understand the vocabulary, the content
of the text, know some recycling facts and things are recycled.
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher: Textbook, poster, pictures ….
- Ss: Textbook, schoolthings
III. Procedures:
1.Check up: (3’)
- Ask one ss to write vocabulary
- Ask 2 ss to practice giving and respond to instructions
2. Lead in: (2’) Elicit from ss: Recycling facts: -> cars tires, bottles ........
Let’s come to our lesson today.
3. New lesson:(36 minutes)
Teacher & students’ activities
3.1. Pre-reading activities: (10’)

Content of the lesson
I. Vocabulary:

- Pre-teach vocabulary:

- a car tire: lốp xe ô tô

+ Techniques: Explanation,picture, realia,

- a pipe: ống nước

translation, mime, translation

- a floor covering: thảm trải sàn nhà

+ T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in

- (to) refill: làm đầy lại,

chorus, individually and give meaning.

- (to) break up: đập vụn

+ Check understanding: Ro + R

- a deposit: tiền đặt cọc

- Set the sence: ASk ss to look at the picture
& elicit situations from ss. What are they?
They are glass, drink cans, milk bottles.
How can they be recycled?
- Predition: Ask ss to think and guess some

II. the text:

recycling facts to protect the environment.


3.2. While-reading activities: (18’)

. Make a list of recycled things.

- Ask ss to open the text book, read silently
and check their predictions
- Grid: Ask some ss to go to the board and
add the missing information
T monitors, takes notes & give the correct
- Comprehensions questions: Ask ss to
practice asking and answering the questions
(page 93)
T monitors, takes notes & give the correct
3.3. Post- reading activities: (8’)
- Ask ss to work in group of five and retell
recycling facts then ask the tutor to retell in
front of the class
- T monitors, takes notes & give the correct

Car tires

Shoes , sandals, floor

Milk botles
Drink cans
Household and

Reused 30 times, pipes…
New glass ware….
Reused , recyled…
Made compost

garden waste
* Keys:
a) They collect, clean and refill them
b) There It is broken up, melted and made
into new glassware.
c) They said thet there must be a deposit
on all drink cans.
d) It is made from household and garden
e) Tell the class and all friends to do

4. Summary: (2’)
Sum up the recycling facts
5. Homework: (2’)
- Learn vocabulary by heart
- Do test 1 of unit 10

- Prepare Unit 10: write
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **

Period 63 : UNIT 10: RECYCLING
Lesson 4: Write
I.Aims and objectives:
- Helping ss know how to write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things.
- Vocabulary: (to) soak, (to) mix, a bucket, a wire mesh, (to) scatter, a tray, (to)
- Skill

+ Target skill: Writing
+ Other skills: Listening, speaking, reading

- Main teaching points: To introduce to ss how to write a set of
instructions on how to recycle used things
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the vocabulary,
how to write write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things,
using the sequencing fluently & correctly & develpoe their writing skill.
II. Teaching aids:
- Teacher: Textbook, poster, pictures ….
- Ss: Textbook, schoolthings
III. Procedures:
1.Check up: (3’)
Ask one ss to write vocabulary
Ask one ss to retell recycling facts
2. Lead in: (2’)
Have you ever recycled used things? How did you do? Can you share the class?
Let’s come to our lesson today

3. New lesson:(36 minutes)
Teacher & students’ activities
3.1. Pre-writing activities: (10’)

Content of the lesson
I. Vocabulary:

- Pre-teach vocabulary:

- (to) soak: ngâm

+ Techniques:translation, mime Ïexample, translation, - (to) mash: nghiền
situation, realia.
- a bucket: thùng, sô
+ T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in chorus,
- a wire mesh: lưới sắt
individually and give meaning.
to) scatter: rải,tung
+ Check understanding: Ro + R
a tray: khay
- Set the scence: - Ask Ss to look at exercise (page
93) and give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
- Monitor, take notes and give the correct answers.
- T asks Ss to write the procedure of the works:

II. Write
* (p93)

- T presents: In some areas people burn dry tea leaves 0 – soak

to keep mosquitoes away.

1 – use



- T asks: Have you ever used dry tea leaves to keep 3 – Place

mosquitoes away?


Do you know how to do that?

6 – Wait

4 – press


7 – dry

- Ss look at the picture, make instructions on how to

prepare the dry tea leaves, using the given words in
the box. (in group of four)

Ss write the instructions, then exchange their writing

* First, …

Then, ….

Next, …

Then, …

with a partner to compare
3.2. While-writing activities: (18’)
Ask ss to write to make the instructions on how to
prepare the tea leaves, using the given words (in

Finally, …
+ bare V

group of five)

* Answer keys: (part 2-p 94)

- T moves around, helps weak ss & takes notes

a) First, take used tea leaves

3.3. Post- writing activities: (8’)

from the tea pot

- Ask some tutors to write the instructions on the

b) Next, scatter the tea leaves

board, the others observe and give their remarks.

on a tray.

T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers.

c) Then dry the tea leaves in

If there is enough time, ask ss to reorder the pictures

the sun

how to recycle glass.(p 95)

d) Finally, put the dry leaves

T monitors, takes notes & give the correct answers.

in a pot for future use.

4. Summary: (2’)
Retell how to write the instructions on how to make things
5. Homework: (2’)
- Learn vocabulary by heart,complete writing (p95), do test 2 of unit 10

- Prepare Unit 10: Language focus

Lesson 5: Language focus
I.Aims and objectives:
- Giving ss further practice in the passive voice and in expessing their feelings,
using the adjectives and recycle instructions.
- Vocabulary:


+ Target skill: speaking
+ Other skills: Reading , listening, writing

-Main teaching points: The passive voice and in expessing their feelings, using
the adjectives and recycle instructions.
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to improve their knowledge, know the
use of
the structures above clearly & skills of doing exercises in the real situations.
II. Teaching aids:
Teacher:Textbook, poster
SS: textbook, schoolthings
III. Procedures:
1. Warm up: (2’)
Elicit from ss: Ask ss to give structures they have learnt in unit 10
2. New lesson:(39’)
Teacher’s & students’

Content of the lesson

2.1 Revision 1:(20’)

I. Passive voice:

* Passive voice:


- Elicit form from ss
-Elicit use from ss

a. They broke the glass into small pieces.

- Ask ss to look at part  The glass is broken into small pieces.
1 and reoder the picture + Form: Passive Form in the
(p 95)
- Ask ss to look at part
2 ( 96) and practice in
- T monitors, takes
notes & gives the
correct answers

Present Simple
Subject + is/ am/ are + p.p

+ Use: it is used when the subject is affected by the action of the
+ How to change an active sentence to a passive one
Active: S


Passive: S

be + p.p


2.2. Revision 2:(19’)
* Adj followed by an
- Elicit form from ss



Ex: 1(page 95)
b.--> The glass is washed with detergent liquid

-Elicit use from ss

c.  The glass pieces are dried completely.

- Ask ss to look at part


3 (p96) and practice in

Ex 2 ; page 96


1. will be shown.

- Monitor, take notes & 2. will ...be built.
give the correct

3. will be finished.


4. will ... be made.

* Adj followed by a

II. Adjective

noun clause.

* Adj followed by an infinitive.

- Elicit form from ss
-Elicit use from ss

- Ask ss to look at part
4 (p 97) and practice

Set the scene:
Ba gives Nam a lot of directions at a time so Nam finds it
difficult to follow Ba's directions what does he say to Nam?
Model sentences:

in individually.

Form: It + be + adj + to infinitive

- Monitor, take notes & Ex 3 Pge 96
give the correct
1- It is easy for me to understand.
2- It’s hard to believe.
3- It’s dangerous to go near the stove.
4- It’s important to wait for 5 minutes
* Adj followed by a noun clause.
Model sentence:
Form: S + be + adj + that/ noun clause
Ex 4 page 97
1.was happy.
2. am relieved .
3.is afraid.
4. Are you sure.
5. am certain.
4. Summary: (2’)

Retell how to use “ in order to / so as to “, simple future, modal will to
make requests, offers, and promises.
5. Homework: (2’)
- Learn grammar by heart
-Do exercises of unit 10
-Prepare unit 11: Getting started + listen and read
