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Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh



Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

Unit7. pollution
lesson 1. getting started- A PROJECT ON POLLUTION
I. Objectives
- Introduce the topic of the unit 7 “ Pollution”
- Present vocabulary and the grammar items to be learnt and practiced through skills
and activities of the Unit 7.
- Vocabulary: pollute, pollution, pollutants, polluted, poison, dump, ....
- Pronounciation: stress in words ending in –ic and -al.
- Grammar: Conditional sentences type 1 & Conditional sentences type 2
II. Teaching aids
- The recording
- Flashcards/ Pictures
- Student’s book
III. Procedures

1.Warm up(5’)
- Review the previous unit before -Review the
Ss open their books by asking previous unit
them to take part in a small game. and play game
Ss work in two big groups A and
B. Make a paper ball. Throw the
ball to one students in group A
and he/she throws the ball to a
student in group B. The game
stops when time is up. The group
with more points wins.
-Ask Ss if they know any story -Answer the T’s
or questions
- Write the unit title on the board -Look at the title
“pollution”. Ask Ss to call out and give some
things which cause pollution,
E.g: cars, factories, cows, ....
Act 1.
*Ask Ss to open their books and -Ss answer the
look at the picture. Ask them questions as a
some questions:

-Who can you see the picture?
- Where do you think they are?
- What can you see in the picture?
- What do you think the people in
the picture are talking about?
3. Practice(15’)

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
*Play the recording and have Ss
follow along.
- Ask Ss to compare their answers
with the information in the
dialogue and add some more
details to their answers
Act 1a.
*Have Ss work independently to
find the words with the given
meaning in the conversation.
- Allow them to share answers
before discussing as a class.
- Remember to ask Ss to read out
the line in the dialogue that
contains the words
- Quickly write the correct
answers on the board.
Act 1b.
*Have Ss read the questions to
make sure they understand them.

-Ask Ss to read the conversation
again to answer the questions

-Let Ss exchange their answers
with a classmate.
- Call on some Ss to write their
answers on the board.
- Check their answers
*Have Ss read the sentences
quickly to make sure they
understand them.
-Ask them firstly to decide if the
sentences are true, false or there is
no information without reading
the dialogue.
- Have some Ss write their
answers on the board.
-Ask Ss to read the conversation
again to check their answers.
-Ask Ss if they want to change the
answers on the board and ask
them to explain their choices.

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

follow along.
Ss compare their


Ss work
independently to
find the words
Ss share answers
discussing as a
Ss to read out
the line in the
-Ss read the
-Ss read the
again to answer
the questions
-Ss exchange
their answers
with a classmate.
-Check the
- Ss read the
-Ss decide if the
sentences are
true, false or
there is no

- Ss to read the
again to check
their answers
- Confirm the

Key Act 1a.
3. dump
4. poison
5. polluted
6. to come up with

Key 1b:
1.They are in Mi’s
home village.
2.It’s almost black.
3. She’s surprised
because she sees the fish
are dead.
4. It’s dumping poison
into the lake.
5. He’s sneezing so
much because the air is
not clean.
*Key 1c:
1. F( It’s polluted by the

2. T
3. NI
4. T
5. T

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
-Confirm the correct answers
Act 2
*Have Ss look at the pictures. Ask
them what they see in each
- Tell Ss that in the box are some
types of pollution.
-Let Ss read these and identify
any new words they do not know.
-Explain the new words so that Ss
can understand the pollution
- Have Ss do this activity in pairs
-Call on some Ss to give their
answers and write them on the
Act 3
*Have Ss read through the
sentences to get a general
- T may teach some words which
T thinks Ss do not know such as
contamination /kən,tæmi'neiʃn/:

sự làm bẩn/ sự nhiễm bệnh
- Let Ss do this activity
individually and then compare
their answers with a classmate
- Call on some Ss to stand up and
give their answers.
- Comfirm the correct answers

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

correct answers
-Ss look at the

-Ss read these
and identify any
new words

Key act 2:
A.radioactive pollution
B. noise pollution
C. visual pollution
D. thermal pollution
E. water pollution
F. Land/soil pollution
G.light pollution
H. air pollution

- Ss do this
activity in pairs

-Ss give their
answers and
write them on
the board.
- Ss read through - contamination
the sentences to /kən,tæmi'neiʃn/: sự làm
get a general
bẩn/ sự nhiễm bệnh
-Ss read and
/kən'tæmineit/: làm bẩn,
copy new words làm ô uế/ làm nhiễm
- Ss do this
- radioactive
(a) /'reɪdɪəʊ'æktɪv/:
individually and phóng xạ
then compare
- radiation /,reidi'eiʃn/:
their answers
sự bức xạ, sự phát xạ, sự
with a classmate toả ra
- thermal /'θə:məl/:
nhiệt, nóng
*Key 3
1. thermal pollution
2. Air pollution

3.radioactive pollution
4.light pollution
5. Water pollution
6. Land/Soil pollution
7. Noise pollution
8. visual pollution

4. Production(10’)
Organise a game for this activity.

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
-Have Ss work in groups of five
or six. In five minutes, Ss write
down the pollution types their
neighbourhood faces and rank
them in order of seriousness. They
also have to give the reasons for
their order.
- Call group representatives to
present their group’s order and
- Have the class vote for the group
with the best reasons.
-If time doesn’t allow, do not have
Ss do this activity. Instead just ask
Ss to quickly review the pollution
5. Homework(5’)

-Translate “Listen and read” into
-Listen to the recording again.

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

Ss work in
groups of five or
six. In five
minutes, Ss write
down the
pollution types
faces and rank

Ss. Write down
in notebook


Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

unit 7. pollution

lesson 2. A closer look 1
I. Objectives
- Present and practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the topic “ Pollution”
- Extend and practise vocabulary related to “ pollution”
- Pronunce correctly the stress in words ending in –ic and -al
- Use "Conditional sentences type 1- review" ans “Conditional sentences type 2”.
II. Teaching aids
- The recording
- Flashcards/ Pictures
- Student’s book
III. Procedures
- radioactive pollution
1.Warm up(5’)
*Ask Ss to call out types of
Ss to call out
- noise pollution
pollution they learnt in the
types of
- visual pollution
previous lesson.
pollution and
- thermal pollution
-Tell them that in this lesson
write on the
- water pollution
they are going to learn different

- Land/soil pollution
form of some words as well as
- light pollution
some words/phrases to talk about
- air pollution
the cause and effect of pollution
Act 1
*Key 1:
*Have Ss look at the table in the - Ss look at the
1. poison
book. Make sure that they table in the book 2.contaminate
understand what to do.
3. pollutants
- Let Ss complete the exercise - Ss complete
individually and then compare the exercise
5. death
their answers with a partner.
6. damaged
- Call on some Ss to write their -Ss write their
answers on the board.
answers on the
- Check their answers.
Act 2.
*Have Ss read each sentence
-Ss read each
*Key 2:

siliently to have general
1. poisonous
understanding and decide which siliently to have 2. pollutants
word form should be put in each general
3. dead
4. contaminated
For example: the word to be
and decide
5. damage
filled in the blank in sentence 1
which word
6. pollute
is an adjective.
-T point out that the provided

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
letter is a clue to help them find
the word.
-Let Ss do exercise and then
compare their answers with a
-Call on one or two Ss give out
the answers before confirming
the correct ones.

*Have Ss look at the language
-Tell Ss that the words and
phrases in the box express cause
and effect relationships.
- Remind that Ss have learnt “ so,
because and because of”
Quickly go through the rest of
words/phrases as follows:
- Have Ss read the example
sentences and underline the
clauses or noun phrases.
-Let Ss read the expression and
copy down
- Have Ss read the example
sentences and underline the
clauses, noun phrases or to
*For more able students, T may
have Ss read the sentences and
explain the rules themselves by
using the words and phrases.
Act 3a.
*Ask Ss to read each pair of
sentences and decide which
sentence is a cause and which
sentence is an effect.
- Have Ss compare their answers
with a partner before giving the
answers to the T.

- Confirm the correct answers.

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

-Ss do exercise
and then
compare their

- Ss look at the
language box.
-Remind the use
of the

-Ss read the
- Ss read the
expression and
copy down
-Ss read the
-Ss read the
sentences and
explain the rules

* Because/ since and due to
/because of are used to talk
about the cause of something

- because and since are
synonyms and they come
before a clause.
- due to and because of are
synonyms and they come
before a noun phrase.
*Other words and phrases in
the box express the effects of
- so comes before a clause
- to cause/ to lead to and to
result in are synonyms and
come before a noun phrase
- to make somebody/
something do sth is another
way to express the effects.
After somebody/ something is
an infinitive verb without to.

*Key 3a:
- Ss read each
1. People throw litter on the
pair of sentences ground.C Manyanimals eat
and decide
the litter and become sick. E
2. Ships spill oil in oceans
- Ss compare
and rivers.C Many aquatic
their answers
animals and plants die.E

3.Household dump waste into
-Copy down
the rivers. C It is polluted. E
4. Their children have birth
defects. E The parents were
exposed to radiation. C
5. We can’t see the stars at
night. E There is too much

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
Act 3b:
*Ask Ss to read the example.
Ask them what changes they can
see in the new sentence.
-T may have Ss look at the
language box again to remind
them of the structures.

-Ask Ss to combine each pair of
sentences in 3a into complete
sentence, using the word/phrase
in the baskets.
-To save time, assign sentences 2
to 5 to different students and
have Ss work only on these.
-Call on some Ss to write their
sentences on the board and
correct them carefully.

-T can ask Ss to write all the
sentences as homework.
Act 4. Work in groups. Look at
the pairs of pictures. Ask Ss to
give sentences as possible to
show cause/ effect relationships.
*Have Ss look at the pictures in
- Ask Ss which picture show the
cause and which show the effect.
-Ask Ss to read the examples of
the sentences and pay attention
to the cause/effect words or
-Let Ss work in pairs to write
sentences showing cause /effect
relationships. For more able
class, T may have Ss do the
whole exercise. With other
classes, just ask Ss to work with
the pair of sentences in 2.
- Ask Ss to identify the picture
showing the cause and the one
showing the effect. Then
together make up sentences,

Ss read the
- Ss look at the
language box

again to remind
them of the
-Ss to combine
each pair of
sentences in 3a
- Ss work only
on these

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh
light pollution. C
Key Act3b.
2.Oil spill from ships in
oceans and rivers lead to the
death of many aquatic
animals and plants.
3. Household dump waste
into the rivers so it is
4. Since the parents were
exposed to radiation, their
children have birth defects
5. We can’t see the stars at
night due to the light

Suggested answers:
Ss work in
1- Peopole cough because
groups give

they breathe in the fumes
sentences as
from cars.
- The fumes from cars make
people cough.
-Ss read the
2.There is land pollution so
examples pay
plants cacn’t grow.
attention to the 3.We won’t have fresh water
to drink because of water
4. We plant trees, so we can
-Ss work in pairs have fresh air.
to write
showing cause

-Ss identify the
picture showing
the cause and
the one showing

Lesson plan 8 - New text book

using the cause/effect words or
phrases. The rest can be done as
- This activity can also be carried
out as a game. Divide the class
into 12 groups. Two groups work
with the same pair of pictures in
2,3 or 4. In three minutes, groups
of Ss write down as many
sentences based on the given
picture pair as possible on a sheet
of paper. When time is up, the
group with the most sentences is
the winner. They stick their sheet
of paper on the board and read
the sentences aloud. Other
groups and T give comments.
Other groups can add any
sentences they have.
- T may take Ss’ work home to
make it.
*Stress in words ending in –ic
and –al
*Ask Ss to look at the rules in
the box and the examples. Go
through the rules with them. For
the more able class, have Ss give
some more examples
- Adding the suffix –ic changes

the stress of a word. Stress the
syllable immediately before the
Ex: ‘atom – at’omic
-Adding the suffix –al to a word
doesn’t change its stress.
Ex: ‘nation – ‘national
Note: If the word can take both
suffixes: one ending in –ic and
the other ending in –al, both
words have the tress on the same
Ex: ec’onomy- econ’omicecon’omical
Act 5.

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

the effect

*Play game

-Ss look at the
rules in the box
and the
-Ss give some
more examples


*Stress in words ending in –ic
and –al
*Audio script:
1. artistic
2. athletic
3. historic
10. botanical

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
*Play the recording for Ss to
stress the words.
-Ask some Ss to say where the
stress in each word is.
- Confirm the correct answers.
-Play the recording again for Ss
to repeat the words.
-Call on some Ss to read out the

Act 6
*Have Ss do the exercise
-Play the recording for Ss to

check their answers. Then elicit
the corect stress patterns from Ss.
- Play the recording again for Ss
to repeat the sentences. Ask
some Ss to read out the

4. Homework(5’)
- Give Ss some exercises in the
A1,2; ( page 3) B1,2,3 (Page 4)

-Ss listen to the
-Ss say where
the stress in each
word is
-Ss listen and

- Ss do the
-Ss check their
answers and
repeat the

- Take note


Teacher: Bui Van Vinh
*Answer key 5.
1. artistic
2. athletic
3. historic
10. botanical
*Audio script:
1. According to scientific
research, tiny species may
help clean radioactive
2. Water quality has become a
national problem.
3. Many people have received
medical treatment because of
the disease.
4. Chemical waste can cause
water pollution.
5. The reduction in air
pollution was dramatic last

* Guideline:
A1: Write the word from the
box in the correct part of the
table according to the stress
A2: Complete the sentences
with the words in the box.
Then practise saying them
aloud. You don’t need to use
all the words.
B1. Match each type of
pollution with its relevant
B2. Complete the sentences
using the correct form of the
words in brackets.
B3. Circle a mistake in each
sentence, and then correct it.

Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

unit 7. pollution
lesson 3. A closer look 2
I. Objectives
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

- Use lexical items related to the topic "Pollution" to talk about types of pollution
- Use words and phrases showing cause/effect relationships to describe the causes
and effects of pollution
-Use conditional sentences type 1 and type 2 correctly and appropriately to describe
II. Teaching aids
- The recording
- Flashcards/ Pictures
- Student’s book
III. Procedures
*Match two parts of each sentence:
1.Warm up(5’)
*Match two parts of each
1. The earth gets warmer
sentence and make them into one 2.things change for the better
complete conditional sentences.
3. people fly less
4. air pollution becomes worse in the city
5. we regret it in the future
6. there is less water pollution
*Answer keys:
A. We have more cars
B. the factory treats its waste well
C.the sea level rises

D. carbon emissions are reduced
E. we take action immediately
F. we use too much energy now
2. Conditional sentences type 1:
* Câu điều kiện là câu gồm có
hai phần: một phần nêu điều
* Elicit the form and use of the Ss give the form
kiện của hành động (mệnh đề
conditional sentence type 1 from and use of
điều kiện bắt đầu bằng “If”) và
Ask Ss to give some example sentences type 1 phần còn lại nêu kết quả hành
động(mệnh đề chính).
Ex. If you work hard, you will
pass the exam.
You will pass the exam if you
work hard.


Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

* Conditional sentences type
1( Điều kiện có thực, không thể
xảy ra được ở hiện tại hoặc
tương lai)
If clause
Mệnh đề điều
kiện với “If”

Main clause
Mệnh đề

If S + simple

S + simple



Ex.If it rains, I will stay at home.
Our life will be distroyed if we
go on polluting the environment.

Key 1:
1. recycle; will help
2. won't dump; fines
3. travel; will be
4. will save ; don’t waste
5. use ; will have

Act 1.
*Have Ss do this exercise - Ss do Ex
individually then compare their individually
answers with a partner.
- Ss compare the
anwers with a
- Have Ss read out their answers. - Ss give the
anwers before
- Confirm the correct ones.
4. will save; don'tKey
5. use; will have
Act 2.
1. Students will be more
* Have Ss read the pairs of - Ss read the aware of protecting the
of environment if teachers
teach environmental issues
- Ask two Ss to write the new -Ss write the
at school.
conditional sentences type 1 on new conditional 2. When light pollution
the board while other Ss write sentences type 1 happens,

their own sentences.
on the board
change their behaviour
- Ask Ss to comment on the - Ss correct
sentences on the board.
3. The levels of radioactive
- Give feedback on these
pollution will decrease if
sentences and ask other Ss to
we switch from nuclear
correct them if necessary.
power to renewable energy
* For a more able class, this - Ss play
activity can be done as a game. game( chain
4. If the water temperature
Ss work in groups and write the game or brain
increases, some aquatic
sentences on a big piece of paper. storm)
creatures will be unable to
- T go through the groups'

Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

sentences and give marks to the
groups with all correct sentences.

5. People will get more
diseases if the water is

3. Conditional sentences type 2
* Write this incomplete sentence Ss listen and
on the board: If I were a give comment:
billionaire, I would _______.
If I were a
would ................
- Ask some Ss to complete the Ss complete the
sentence orally.
sentence orally.
- Write the most original answer
on the board.
- Tell Ss that this sentence is an Ss listen and
example of the conditional copy down
sentence type 2.
* Have Ss look at the structure of Ss look at the
the conditional sentence type 2 in structure and
the language box.
draw Ss'
- Draw Ss' attention to the attention to the
example sentence on the board. example

Underline the subject, verb, etc.
in this example and explain the
structure of the sentence at the
same time.
Ss read the
- Ask Ss to read the second second example
example in the language box. Tell and remember
them that this sentence is a piece
of advice.
Ss give one or
- Ask Ss to give one or two two examples.

type 2 describes a thing
which is not true or is
unlikely to happen in the
present or future( Diễn tả
điều kiện không có thực,
có thể xảy ra được ở hiện
tại hoặc tương lai- Ước
muốn ở hiện tại nhưng
thực tế sẽ không xảy ra)
If clause Main clause
Mệnh đề điều Mệnh đề
kiện với “If”
If S + past
S + past

would +
could/ might
If it wasn’t noisy in here, I
clearly.( But it’s very noisy
in here.)
sentences type 2 can be
used to give advice.
Ex. If I were you, I would
tell her the true.
If I were the president, I
would build a lot of
Note: We can use both


Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh
“was” and “were” with S:
I/he/She in the if-clause

this Key 3:
1 – b: If I were you, I’d
individually and look for a new place to live.
the 2 – c: If Lan wasn’t ill, she
would join our tree planting
- Check Ss' answers.
1. b
2. c
33.– dd: If there
4. e were 5.
cars on the road, there
would be less pollution.
4 – e: If people really care
about the environment, they
wouldn’t dump waste into
the lakes.

5 – a: If there was no fresh
water in the world, what
would happen?
Key 4:
Ss do the task
1. were; would... do
Act 4.
* Have Ss do this exercise individually
2. exercised; would be
- Two Ss write
3. had; would build
- Invite two Ss to the board to the answer on
4. tidied; wouldn't be
write their answers.
the board
5. was/ were; would grow
- Go through the answers with the
Ss correct the
- Have other Ss correct the answers
answers if necessary.
Act 3.
* Have Ss do this exercise
individually, and then compare
their answers with a classmate.

Ss quickly read
Act 5.
* Have Ss quickly read the the example.

They may see
- Ask Ss to comment on the that the meaning
of the original
sentences was
made opposite in
the new
sentence (i.e.
positive into
negative form
for the first
Key 5:
sentence and
2.If there weren't so many
negative into
billboards in our city,

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
positive for the
second sentence)
Ss compare the
- Have Ss do this exercise - Ss do this
individually and then compare the exercise
answers with a classmate.
individually and

then compare the
answers with a
- Ask one or two Ss to write their classmate
sentences on the board.
- If time doesn't allow, have Ss
write sentences 2 and 3 and
correct these carefully. The rest
can be done as homework.

4. Further practice(5’)
Act 6.
* Put Ss in groups of vive or six
to play this chain game. Explain
that the aim of the game is to
keep the chain going for as long
as possible using type 1 or 2
conditional sentences. If a group
hesitates for more than 10
seconds they are out. Walk
around the class listening to
groups and monitoring the game.
Groups that are still going when
the five minutes is up are the
winners. Note that the aim is to
practise the language in a fun,
verbal way so be sure to keep the
atmosphere light.
5. Homework(5’)
Guide Ss exercise
B4,B5,B6( page 5)

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh
people could enjoy the
3.If there wasn't/ weren't so
much light in the city at
night, we could see the
stars clearly.
4. If we didn't turn on the
heater all the time, we
wouldn't have to pay three
million dong for electricity
a month.
5. If the karaoke bar didn't
make so much noise almost
every night, the resident's
wouldn't complain to its
6. She wouldn't have a
headache after work every
day if she didn't work in a
noisy office.

Ss play game

- Write down



B4.Match two parts of each
sentence and make them
into one complete
conditional sentence type 1.
B5. Make conditional
sentences type 2 from the

Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh
B6. Answer questions,
using conditional sentences
type 1 or type 2.


Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

unit 7. pollution
lesson 4. communication
I. Objectives
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Use conditional sentences type 1 and type 2 correctly and appropriately to describe

- Talk about the causes and effects of water pollution as well as ways to reduce it
II. Teaching aids
- The recording
- Flashcards/ Pictures
- Student’s book
III. Procedures
1.Warm up(5’)
*Answer the questions
*Finding friends
*Play the game
using the conditional type 2
Answer the questions using the
1.If I could
or 1
conditional type 1 or 2
travel back to
1.Who would you meet if
- Divide the class into 2 groups.
the 19 century, you could travel back to the
Group 1 gives the questions and
I would meet the 19th century?
group 2 answers. Who have
President Ho.
2. If you get a good mark in
question and answer which are
2. If I get a good your test, what will your

matched are winners.
mark in my test, parents do?
my parents will 3. If you have free time this
be very happy.
weekend, where will you
3. If I have free
time this
4. What would you do if
weekend, I will
you saw a ghost at night?
go to the
5. What will happen if we
countryside to
cycle more?
go fishing with
6. If you were a superhero,
my friends.
what would you do?
4. I would be
frightened, if I
saw a ghost at
5. If we cycle
more, there will
be more fresh
6. If I were a
superhero, I
would save poor

and unkucky

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
2. Presetation(10’)
*Tell Ss that in this lesson they
will have the opportunity to
explore noise pollution, a
common pollution type that not
many people recognise as a
- Go through the extra vocabulary
with Ss. If Ss do not know any
word in the box, quickly teach it.
T can teach the words using
different ways:

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

*Extra vocabulary:
Ss listen to the T - permanent: give the
definition (lasting forever;
never changing) or give the
antonym (this is the
opposite of temporary)
- earplug: draw a pair of
-Read, guess the earplugs on the board and
meaning of the

explain "We put these into
words and copy our ears to keep out noise or
- affect: tell Ss that this is
the verb form of the noun
- hearing loss: ask if Ss
know the verb form of loss.
If they do not, give them the
verb to lose. Then give a
simple explanation "When
you have hearning loss, you
can't hear things clearly".
- blood pressure: give an
example (My father has
Whenever he goes to
hospital, the nurse measures
his blood pressure.) and ask
if Ss can guess the meaning.
T may give the Vietnamese

Act 1.
* Have Ss read the questions in -Ss read the
the questionnaire to make sure questions in the
they understand everything.

questionnaire to
make sure they
- Explain any unclear points. Ss listen to the
Then Ss answer the questionnaire T’s explaination
- Remind them to circle their Ss choose the
Act 2.

*Audio script:
Noise is constant and loud
sound. To measure the
loudness, or volume of
sounds, people use a unit
called a decibel. When a
sound is louder than 70
decibels, it can cause noise
pollution. Do you know that
the noise from a vacuum
cleaner or a motorcycle can
result in permanent hearing
loss after eight hours? The
sounds of a concert are even

Lesson plan 8 - New text book

*Have Ss work in pairs to
compare their answers and see if
they have any different answers.
They do not have to reach an
agreement at this stage.
- Ask some pairs to report on
their differences.
Act 3.
*Play the recording for Ss to
check their answers.
-Let Ss listen to the recording
twice. If there are any incorrect
answers, Ss correct them.
- Ask Ss if any of the answers has
surprised them, and if so, why.
Key 3:
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
4. Production(10’)
* Ask Ss which of the eight
questions in the questionnaire
proposes ways to prevent noise
- Have Ss work in groups in five

minutes to discuss more ways to
reduce noise pollution.
- Have Ss vote for the best ways.
(This activity can be carried out
as a game to find out which group
in five minutes can come up with
the most ways. The winning
group then presents the answers
to the whole class. Other groups
add more if they have any
different ways.)
5. Homework(5’)
Do exercises C1,2 (page7)

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

Ss work in
more serious. They can
pairs( close pairs reach as high as 130
then open pairs) decibels and may cause
immediate and permanent
Some pairs
pollution can also lead to
report before the headaches and high blood
pressure. If you are
- Listen to the

listening to music through
tape & correct
headphones, and other
the mistakes
people can hear it, it means
the music is too loud and
unsafe. If there seems to be
-Give the
a ringing or buzzing in your
ears, it means the noise is
affecting you and damaging
your hearing. Wearing
earplugs when you go to
concerts or other loud
events, and listening to
music through headphones
or headsets at safe levels
can help you reduce the
effects of noise pollution.
Ss write their
answers on a big
piece of paper
and then present
their answers.

-Write down

C1: Rearrange the sentences

Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh
to make a complete
conversation. The first one
has been done for you.
C2: Immagine that you are
giving a presentation about
air pollution. Look at the
following pie chart and
pictures. What are the cause
and effects of air pollution?.


Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

unit 7. pollution
lesson 5. Skills 1
I. Objectives
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Talk about the causes and effects of water pollution as well as ways to reduce it

- Read for general and specific information about water pollution
II. Teaching aids
- The recording
- Flashcards/ Pictures
- Big pieces of paper and board pens
- Student’s book
III. Procedures
*Complete the sentences
1.Warm up(5’)
*Complete the sentences using
- Do the task
using the correct form of the
the correct form of the words in
words in brackets
1.Scientists say that exshaut
fumes are ....... our
2.Many seabirds were ......
because of the oil spill.(die)
3. Waste from households
will gradually ....... the
4. Tree can’t grow here
because the soil is
too .......(pollute)

1. poisoning
2. dead
3. contaminate
4. polluted
Suggested differences:
2.Pre reading(10’)
Picture A
Picture B
Act 1.
*Have Ss do this activity in pairs. -Ss ask each
- The ducks -The ducks are
are white.
One student looks at the picture A other Yes/ No
- They're going
on page 12 while the other looks questions to find
going to the from the lake.
at picture B on page 15.
out the
- There aren't some factories
- T may model asking and between the two
any factories near the lake.
answering questions with a strong pictures
near the lake. -The

student. For example:
water is dirty/
T: (picture A): Are there five
water is clean.
ducks in your picture?

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
S1: (picture B): Yes, there are.
Are the ducks black in your
T: No, they aren't. They're white
- Call on one student to report on
the differences. Other Ss can add
some more.
- Ask Ss what the pictures tell
them (water pollution). Lead to
the second activity.
*Represent some words

S1 reports on
differences and
other can add
some more

-Remember and

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh
*Some words:
-groundwater: nước ngầm
- sewage: nước cống
- herbicides: thuốc diệt cỏ
-pesticides: thuốc trừ sâu
- dramatic effect: sự ảnh
hưởng sâu sắc
- point source:tiêu điểm
- outbreaks:sự bùng nổ
- cholera: dịch tả
- untreated water:

3.While- reading(10’)
Act 2.
* Ask Ss to read the passage - Ss read the
quickly and answer the questions. passage quickly
and answer the
- Tell Ss that the first two questions.
questions ask for general
information while the rest focus
on details.
- Let Ss underline parts of the text - Ss can
that help them with the answers.
underline parts
of the text that
help them with

the answers
- Have Ss compare their answers -Ss give the
before giving the answers to T.
answers before
- Give the comments

Key 2:
1.The second paragraph tells
about the causes of water
2.The third paragraph tells
about the effects of water
3.It's the water beneath the
Earth's surface.
4.They are industrial waste,
sewage, pesticides, and
5.They are pollutants from
6.They use herbicides to kill

Act 3.
* Remind Ss quickly of the way

to do this type of exercise.
- For example, in sentence 1, the
key words are drinking water,
untreated and outbreak.
-Let Ss locate the key words in
the passage and pick the suitable
words to fill each blank. For
instance, for the blank in sentence
1, a noun should be filled in.
- Have some Ss read aloud their
answers. Confirm the correct

Key 3:
1. cholera
2. die
3. polluted water
4. dead
5. aquatic plants

-Ss read the
quickly to
underline the
key words.
-Ss locate the
key words in the
passage and pick
the suitable
words to fill

each blank


Lesson plan 8 - New text book
4. Post reading – Speaking(15’)
Act 4.
*Have Ss work in groups to -Ss work in
discuss the solutions to water groups to discuss
the solutions to
water pollution
- Ss work in
- To help Ss focus their ideas, T groups
can suggest they make two sub headings:
Point source pollution
Non-point source pollution
- Ss think of the
- Have go through each cause in sollutions
the presentation and think of the
For example:
Factories dump industrial waste.
Solution 1: Give heavy fines to
companies that are found doing
Solution 2: Educate companies
about the environment.
Solution 3: Give tax breaks to

companies that find "clean" ways
to dispose of their waste.
-Ss write on the
*Let Ss make notes of the piece of paper
answers on a piece of paper.
Invite one group to quickly
present their solutions. Other
groups add any ideas if necessary.
As it is an open activity, accept
all the answers as long as they
make sense.
-Ss work in
Act 5.
*Have Ss work in groups again to groups again and
complete the diagram.
draw the
- Set the time of about five to diagram on a big
seven minutes. It is better if Ss piece of paper
draw the diagram on a big piece
of paper.
-Ss give a
Act 6.
*Ask some groups to give a presentation
water about water
-Have other groups listen and -Others listen

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

Lesson plan 8 - New text book
give comments.
and give
- Let the class vote for the best comments
presentation and T can give them
- If the class size is small and
time allows, all the groups can
5. Homework(5’)
Give Ss some exercises in the
Write down
D1,D2,D3(page 7,8,9)


Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

D1.Choose the correct
answer A,B,C or D to
complete Mi’s email to her
friend, Liam.
D2: Fill each blank with
suitable word from the box

to cokplete a passage about
the cause of visual pollution.
D3: Read this passage about
the effects of visual pollution
D3a. Match the words with
their definitions
D3b. Answer the questions:

Lesson plan 8 - New text book

Teacher: Bui Van Vinh

unit 7. pollution
lesson 6. Skills 2
I. Objectives
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- Listen to get specific information about thermal pollution
- Write about the causes and effects of one pollution type
II. Teaching aids
- The recording
- Flashcards/ Pictures
- Student’s book
III. Procedures
Solution 1: Give

1.Warm up(5’)
*Ask Ss give some sollutions of
Ss go to the
fines to companies that are
the water pollution
board and write found doing this.
Solution 2: Educate
Solution 3: Give tax breaks
to companies that find
"clean" ways to dispose of
their waste.
Key 1:
*Have Ss work in pairs, -Ss work in
- The first picture shows an
describing the pictures and the pairs, describing algal/'ælgəl/bloom(sự
relationship between them.
the pictures and hoa tảo biển) in coastal
the relationship
between them
- The second picture shows
- Call on one or two Ss to give -Ss give their the cooling towers from a

their answers.
power station.
- They are both related to
thermal pollution.
- Play the recording for Ss to
check their answers.
- Ask Ss what they know about
thermal pollution.
1. hotter
* Have Ss quickly read the Ss quickly read
2. cooler
diagram and identify the form of the diagram and 3. cool
the word/ phrase to be filled in identify the form 4. warm rivers
each blank. For example, the of the word/
5.warmer water
words for blanks 1 and 2 are phrase to be
6.fish population

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