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Date of preparing: 12 /9/2015
Period: 4

Elective lesson – Wh- questions

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim
- To practise some wh- question
- To help SS know more wh- questions and use them properly.
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
- Grammatical structures/items:
+ Structures in Reading Part and Language focus
* Skills:- Make question for the sentences
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts of the practice exercises.
- Ss: revise old lessons at home.
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may not know some new words appearing in the new passage so T should explain them before Ss
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
Reviewed & Practiced content
A. WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Whole class
-T checks Ss some wh questions studied by Write these sentences into English.
asking them to translate some sentences
1. Bạn sinh ra ở đâu?
into English.
2. Khi nào là sinh nhật của bạn?
-SS: translate the sentences

3. Bạn thường đến trường bằng phương tiện
Suggested answers:
1. Where were you born?
2. When is your birthday?
3. How do you go to school?
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Whole Class
- T lets students make some questions about
their places, occupations and hobbies
- T revises of WH-questions with How,
What, Where, When ,Why, …?
- Ss gives some more examples and do task


When? - Time => Hỏi thông tin về thời gian
Where? - Place => Hỏi thông tin về nơi
Who? - Person => Hỏi thông tin về người
Why? - Reason => Hỏi lý do
How? - Manner => Hỏi cách thức, phương
What? – Object / Idea / Action =>Hỏi về vật
/ ý kiến / hành động
Các từ khác cũng có thể được sử dụng để hỏi các
thông tin cụ thể:
Which (one)? - Choice of alternatives => Hỏi

thông tin về sự lựa chọn
Whose? - Possession => Hỏi thông tin về sở
Whom? - Person (objective formal) => Hỏi về
người (ở dạng tân ngữ)
How much? - Price, amount (non-count) => Hỏi về

giá cả, lượng (không đếm được)
How many? - Quantity (count) => Hỏi về
lượng (đếm được)
How long? - Duration => Hỏi về thời gian
How often? - Frequency => Hỏi về mức độ
thường xuyên
How far? - Distance => Hỏi về khoảng cách
What kind (of)?- Description => Yêu cầu
mô tả thông tin
- Câu hỏi WH- là loại câu hỏi bằng các nghi vấn từ
( question words)
Who, which , what , where, when , why, how,,,,
. Wh – questions:
* Form:
Wh - questions + aux + S + V ?
C. PRACTICE 1 – Make question for underlined part(15ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Individual work
- T delivers handout to Ss and ask them to
Exercises 1:
do exercise 1 individually.
1 When did you receive a letter from Lan?
- Ss read all the sentences and then make 2 What does Minh usually do after getting up?

question them .
3 How often do you brush your teeth?
- T goes around the class for help and
explains some new structures or new words4 What time does Nga have appointment this
if necessary.
5 What time does she go to bed?
- T calls some Students to write their
answers on the board.
6 When did you begin to study English?
7 Where do they live?
- Other Ss comments and correct common 8 Why do you like Tom and Jerry?
9 Who did you go to disco with last night ?
10What is she worried about?
- T corrects and give feedback.
11What makes people different from all other
12When do they do their homework?
13Who came to the party alone?
14What do you like?
15What is that?
16How long did show talk to him?
17What does he study at the university?
18What’s your telephone number?
19What does your father do?
20How are you?
D. PRACTICE 2 - Choose the best answer (12ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Pair work
- T asks Ss to work in pair to choose the

Suggested answers:
best answer
Exercises 2:
- Ss give answer and explain their choice.
1. A.
2. C.
3. C
4. C.
5. D.
6. B.
- T corrects and gives feedbacks
7. A.
8. D 9. C.
10. D.
11. A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. B. 15. D. 16. A.
17. B.
18. D. 19. C.
20. B.


WRAP UP (2 ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: The whole class
- T: reminds SS of grammar points they
Some wh question to make question for the
reviewed in this lesson
- Ss: summarize the main points of the

- T: assign homework to SS
* Homework:
- Ss: listen and take notes
Do extra exercises
.............., September ........, 2015
Group leader’s comments

• Self Evaluation:
Exercises 1: Make questions with the underlined words/phrases
1. I received a letter from Lan last week.
2. Minh usually takes exercises after getting up.
3. I brush my teeth twice a day.
4. Nga has an appointment at 10.30 this morning.
5. She goes to bed at 9. p. m.
6. I began to study English 6 years ago.

7. They live in the city center.
8. I like ‘Tom and Jerry” because it’s very interesting.
9. Last night I went to disco with my friend.
10. She is worried about the next examination.
11. Music makes people different from all other animals.
12. They do their homework at night.
13. Mr. Robertson came to the party alone.
14. I like the red blouse, not the blue one.
15. That is an English book.
Exercises 2: Choose the best answer a, b, c or d?
1. Do you know ___ language is spoken in Kenya?


a. which
b. who
c. what
d. how
2. ___ is your blood type?

a. which
b. who
c. what
d. how
3. ___ do you play tennis? For exercise.
a. which
b. who
c. what
d. how
4. ___ can I buy some milk? At the supermarket.
a. which
b. who c. where
d. how
5. ___ much do you weigh?
a. which
b. who
c. what
d. how
6. ___ hat is this? It's my brother's.
a. which
b. who se
c. what
d. how
7. ___ can I park my car? Over there.
a. where
b. who
c. what
d. how
8. ___ tall are you?
a. which

b. who
c. what
d. how
9. ___ do you expect me to do?
a. which
b. who
c. what
d. how
10. ___ do you like your tea? I like it with cream and sugar.
a. which
b. who
c. what
d. how
11. ___ picture do you prefer, this one or that one?
a. which
b. who
c. what
d. how
12. ___ is that woman? - I think she is a teacher.
a. which
b. who
c. when
d. how
13. ___ book is this? It's mine.
a. which
b. who
c. whose
d. how
14. ___ do you usually eat lunch? At noon.
a. which

b. when
c. what d. how
15. ___ you wash clothes every week?
a. which
b. who
c. What
d. how
16. ___ does your father work? At City Hall.
a. where
b. who
c. what
d. how
17. ___ usually gets up the earliest in your family?
a. which
b. who
c. what
d. how
18. ___ do you think of this hotel? It's pretty good.
a. which
b. why
c. what
d. how
19. ___ does your father work at that company? Because it's near our house.
a. which
b. who
c. why
d. which
20. ___ dances the best in your family?
a. which
b. who

c. what
d. how


Date of preparing: 16/ 9/2015
TC: 5
I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- read for specific information,
- understand the text and express their ideas about school.
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
- Grammatical structures/items: Present simple
* Skills:
- Practice skills: Reading new words in the cloze text and in the passage.
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts of the practice exercises.
- Ss: revise old lessons at home,
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may forget the use of present simple tense, vocabulary related to school so T should help Ss recall them
before doing exercises.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
Reviewed & Practiced content
WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Check old lesson
- T asks Ss some questions related * Questions:

to the old lesson.
1. What are the forms and the uses of the past simple, past perfect and
past continuous?
- T gives feedback to Ss’ answers. 2. Give some examples of 3 tenses.
* Answers:
Ss’ answers
ACTIVITY 1/PRACTICE 1: reading (35ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Group and Pair work
- T. asks Ss to work in groups and
give some tips to do reading + First, skim the questions to understand them.
+ Go back to the first question and locate the information for the
- Some other Ss go to the board to question by finding the key words in the passage and mark the place.
write them down.
+ Read the part carefully to find the answer. Ss can use their own
- T gives feedback after that and words.
confirms the correct ones.
+ Continue with the rest of the question

- T. delivers the handouts.
- Ss read the text and fill in the
blanks by choosing the best

2. PRACTICE (25ms)
* Exercises: Answer key
I. Reading text:

1. D
2. B
3. A


answers from A, B, C or D.
- T calls on some Ss to read their
answers, and checks them then.
- Ss read the passage and do the
- T. asks Ss to read the answers
and corrects them as well.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to talk
about the best friendship in their
- Call on some Ss to speak out
their answers in front of the whole
- Listen and give feedback.

4. D
5. B
6. C
III. Cloze text:

1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B
Ss’ talk

WRAP UP (3ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Summarize , whole class
- T: Summarize the main point of
the lessons.
1. Skills to do reading text
- Ss: Listen and take notes
- T: sets homework
* Homework:
- Ss: Listen and take notes
- Revise today’s lesson.
- Do all the exercises again.
..................................................., 2015
Group leader’s comments
• Self Evaluation:
Choose the best answer A, B, C, D
Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state primary school when she was five. She

enjoyed her reading and writing lessons, but there were so many pupils in the class that the teacher found it
difficult to control them.
When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some money on her education.
He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girl wore dark green uniforms and did two hours'
homework every evening.
Chantal liked her new school, and did well. Because she studied hard, she passed all her exams, and went to
university at eighteen. She chose history course and was an excellent student. In the end she decided to
become a teacher, and returned to her old primary school to teach.
1. Why did Chantal's parents send her to a state primary school?
A. They liked it.
B. It was near her house.
C. They were poor.
D. It was expensive.
2. How many kinds of lessons did she like learning?
A. 3
B. 1
C. 4
3. What was her teachers' problem at the primary school?
A. large class
B. low salary


C. disobedient pupils
D. strict head master
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the state school is ________than the private school.
A. cheaper
B. more expensive

C. better
D. better equipped
5. What was an important event for Chantal when she was eleven?
A. leaving her home
B. getting better education
C. passing the exams
D. going overseas
6. In her private school, the girls wore
A. different clothes
B. the same clothes
B. colourful clothes
C. cheap clothes
7. She passed all her exams because__________.
A. she liked the new school
B. she was a hard working student
C. the new school was better
D. all A, B and C
8. Her course at university related to__________.
A. past events
B. medicine
C. numbers
C. linguistics
9. At university she studied __________.
A. very badly
B. very poorly
C. very well
C. so so
10. What profession did she finally decide to choose?
A. cooking
B. teaching

C. nursing
C. advertising
Questions 51-60: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space
by circling the letter A, B, C, or D, Mark your choice on the answer sheet.
It's important to eat well, especially when you're (1)_________. If you are
at (2)_________, you may go home for lunch, and have a cooked meal of (3)__________or fish and
vegetables. Or perhaps you take some food with you to school, and eat it in the lunch (4) _____. A chicken
and lettuce sandwich, with some fresh (5) __________, would be a light but healthy lunch. Many people
around the world eat plain, (6)___________rice two or three times a day. Pupils and (7) ______ often
don't eat well when they're (8) ______for an exam - they eat chocolate and drink lots of black coffee!
And by the way, doctors say everybody should start the day with a healthy (9) _________. It's also good for
you to drink a lot of (10) _________right through the day.
1. A. student
B. study
C. studying
D. studied
2. A. school
B. primary
C. office
D. class
3. A. cheese
B. meat
C. fruit
D. seafood
4. A. timetable
B. classroom
C. lesson
D. break
5. A. lemons
B. fruit

C. chicken
D. peas
6. A. boiled
B. baked
C. grilled
D. roast
7. A. teachers
B. professors
C. students
D. boys
8. A. reviewing B. reading
C. learning
D. revising
9. A. dinner
10. A. water

B. breakfast
B. coffee

C. lunch
C. tea


D. supper
D. coke

Date of preparing: 23/9/2015
Period: 6


I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use gerund and to infinitive appropriately.
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
- Grammatical structures/items: gerund and to infinitive
* Skills:
- Practice skills: improve skills of doing exercises: giving correct forms of verbs.
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts of the practice exercises.
- Ss: revise old lessons at home,
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may forget the use of gerund & present participle, so T should help Ss recall them before doing
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
Reviewed & Practiced content
WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Check old lesson
- T asks Ss some questions related * Questions:
to the old lesson.
1. What are the forms and the uses of present perfect and past simple?
2. Give some examples of present perfect and past simple.
- T gives feedback to Ss’ answers.
* Answers:
Ss’ answers

ACTIVITY 1/PRACTICE 1: gerund and present participle (35ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Group and Pair work


- T. asks Ss to give some
examples using gerund.
- Then Ss are required to looked
at the examples to draw out the
usage of gerund.

- T. asks Ss to give some
examples infinitive. T may helps
Ss to give some more.
- Then Ss are required to looked
at the examples to draw out the
usage of present participle.

A. Gerund:
a. Form: gerund = V-ing
b. Usage: The gerund often acts like a verb and a noun at the same
time. It can be used:
- as the subject of a sentence
Eg: Playing tennis is not expensive in England
- as complement of a verb
Eg: What I have to do now is writing a letter to her.
- as an object of a preposition

Eg: She’s afraid of living alone.
- after certain verbs such as enjoy, miss, finish, avoid, etc.
Eg: I enjoy listening to jazz.
B. Infinitive with to / To-infinitive:
Some Verbs are followed by To V
start *
+ (O)
+ (O)
+ (O)
+ To-inf.
+ (O)
+ (O)
+ (O)
+ (O)
+ (O)

+ (O)
+ (O)
+ O
+ O
+ O
+ O
- We decided to make a trip to Dalak.
- She wants to have a cup of tea.
- My cousin wanted me to take her to the supermarket.
- My grandparents often advise me to study hard.

a. After adj
delighted (vui)
lovely (đáng u)
pleased (vui, hài lòng)
anxious (bồn chồn, lo lắng)
shocked (bò sock)
surprised (ngạc nhiên )
happy (hạnh phúc)
glad (vui, hân hạnh)
afraid (ngại)
sorry (lấy làm tiếc)


+ To inf

Example: I’m glad to come to your party today.

b. Show purpose
Example: She learns English to find a good job

c. In some structures
- TOO + adj + (for someone) + to inf.
- adj + ENOUGH + to inf.
Example: - The tea is too hot (for me) to drink.
- He’s strong enough to lift this stone.
2. PRACTICE (25ms)
- Ss work in pairs to do the
1. camping 2. Amusing 3. Taking 4. To do 5. Fishing 6.
Embarrassing 7. Surprising 8. Wearing 9. Reaading 10. Boring
11. To work….spending 12.go…play 13. Study 14. Looking
- T. calls on some Ss to read their
15.writing 16. Cooking 17.going 18.answering 19.watching 20.
answers, and correct their answers
Cry 21. Cleaning 22.trying 23.going 24.to come 25.paying
if necessary.
26.seeing 27.finding 28.to get 29.go…shopping 30.sewing 31.to
keep 32.to lock 33.to use 34.to go 35.to lose…to have 36.to feed
37.smoking 38.talk 39.spending….earning 40.to go

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to
Ss’ answers
give answers for above exercise.
- Call on some Ss to speak out
their answers in front of the whole
- Listen and give feedback.
WRAP UP (3ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Summarize , whole class
- T: Summarize the main point of 1. Forms and use of gerund and to infinitive
the lessons.
2. Skills to do exercises
- Ss: Listen and take notes
- T: sets homework
* Homework:
- Ss: Listen and take notes
1. Revise today’s lesson.
2. Do all exercises again
Exercise: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form (gerund, infinitive):
1.We will go (camp) ………. in BaDen mountain this summer vacation.
2.That’s such an (amuse) ……….. story that I can’t put it down.
3.(take) ……….. the umbrella with him, he went out in the heavy rain.
4.I have to work hard these days. I am always busy (do) ……….. my home work.
5.Would you like to go (fish) ……….. with me on Saturday afternoon?


6.It was one of my most (embarrass) ……….. experiences in my life.
7.That he passed the exam is very (surprise) ………..
8.The woman (wear) ……….. a red dress is my neighbor.
9.We spend most of my time (read) ……….. science book.
10. The film is very (bore) ………… So I kept on sleeping in the rex.
11. I didn’t like (work) ………… so I suggested (spend) ………… the day in the garden.
12. I’d rather (go) ………… for a swim than (play) ………… tennis.
13. We’d better (study) ………… hard.
14. Why do you keep (look) ………… back? Are you afraid of (be) ………… followed?
15. ( write) ………… gives him a lot of pleasure.
16. Does your sister mind (cook) ………… everyday?
17. Have you ever considered (go) …………to live in another country?
18. He tried to avoid (answer) ………… my questions.
19. When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) ………… TV. It’s relaxing.
20. The movie was very sad. It made me (cry) …………
21. I’ll do the shopping when I’ve finished (clean) ………… the apartment.
22. Paula has given up (try) ………… to lose weight.
23. When I was a child, I hated (go) ………… to bed early.
24. Would you like (come) ………… to dinner on Friday?
25. He left the hotel without (pay) ………… his bill.
26. Are you looking forward to (see) ………… Ann again?
27. After (find) ………… a hotel, we looked for someplace to have dinner.
28. It took us three hours (get) ………… here.
29. I’d rather (go) ………… (shop) ………… than anything else.
30. My close friend is fond of (sew) …………
31. I was very tired. I tried (keep) ………… my eyes open, but I couldn’t.
32. She told me (lock) ………… the door.
33. My father allowed me (use) ………… the camera.
34. It was a nice day, so we decided (go) ………… for a picnic.

35. They jog every morning (lose) ………… weight and (have) ………… a good health.
36. She is busy (feed) ………… the baby all the time.
37. Would you mind my (smoke) ………… here?
38. He doesn’t let anyone (talk) ………… in the working time.
39. Most people prefer (spend) ………… money to (earn) ………… it.
40.Susan wants (go) ………… to Hanoi next week.
..................................... ........, 2015
Group leader’s comment
• Self Evaluation:
Date of preparing: 1/ 10/2015
Period: 7
I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use tenses gerund and to infinitive appropriately.


2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
- Grammatical structures/items: gerund and to infinitive
* Skills:
- Practice skills: improve skills of doing exercises: giving correct forms of verb

II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts of the practice exercises.
- Ss: revise old lessons at home,
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may forget the use of To-infinitive and gerund, so T should help Ss recall them before doing exercises.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
Reviewed & Practiced content
WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Check old lesson
- T asks Ss some questions related * Questions:
to the old lesson.
1.List some verbs followed by gerund?
2. Give some uses of gerund and some examples and make
- T gives feedback to Ss’ answers. sentences with these verbs.
* Answers:
Ss’ answers
ACTIVITY 1/PRACTICE 1: infinitive and gerund (35ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Group and Pair work
- T. asks Ss to work in groups and
give the forms and usage of the The use ofGerund :
active and passive infinitive and - after some verbs: like/dislike, love/hate, enjoy, finish mind,
practise, stop, avoid, consider, miss, suggest, go on ................
Ex: You should practise speaking English frequently.
- Some other Ss go to the board to - after preposition:

write them down.
Ex: She is interested in learning English.
- making Subject:
- T gives feedback after that and
Ex: Studying is hard.
confirms the correct ones. The use of To_infinitive :
- T supplies Ss with the cases in - after some Verbs: plan, expect, try, like, decide, hope stop,
which infinitives are used. (This is threaten, agree/want, forget....
printed in handouts delivered to Ex: He decided to get married.
Ss beforehand.)
- after adjectives:
Ex: Mary is happy to come here.
- after Wh- words:
Ex: She didn’t know where to go.
- making Subject:
Ex: To sing an English song is difficult.
C. Passive gerund:
- I don’t enjoy being laughed at by other people.
- Instead of being accused, he was set free.
a. Form: BEING + PP
b. Usage: Pasive gerund can come in the same pattern as
the active forms, for example after some verbs (risk, stop,
ect) or some prepositions (of, at, in, etc.).
D. Passive to-infinitive:
- She ought to be told about it.


- I didn’t expect to be invited to his party.
a. Form: TO BE + PP
b. Usage: Pasive to-infinitive can come in the same
pattern as the active forms, for example after some verbs
(expect, hope, want, ect) or some adjectives (happy,
delighted, glad, easy, etc.).
- T gives handouts for Ss to do
- Ss work in pairs to do the

- T. calls on some Ss to read their
answers, and correct their answers
if necessary.

- T asks Ss to work individually to
do exercises
- Call on some Ss to speak out
their answers in front of the whole
- Listen and give feedback.

2. PRACTICE (25ms)
* Exercises:
• Answer key:I
1. to be fooled
2. being taken
3. being invited
4. being caught

5. being published
6. Being searched
7. to be done / to do
8. to be included
9. being involved
being taken
being seen
to be admitted
to be designed
to be forgotten
being asked
being held up
Answer keys II
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. B
Ss’ answer

WRAP UP (3ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Summarize , whole class
- T: Summarize the main point of 1. Forms and use of infinitive
the lessons.
2. Skills to do exercises
- Ss: Listen and take notes
- T: sets homework
* Homework:
- Ss: Listen and take notes
1. Revise today’s lesson.
2. Do all exercises again
................................................, 2015


Group leader’s comment
• Self Evaluation:
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1. It is easy (fool) ………….. by his lies.
2. Martha doesn’t like to have her picture taken. She avoids (photograph) ………………
3. I appreciate (invite) …………. to your home.
4. Let’s not risk (catch) ………. In a traffic jam.

5. The government tried to stop the book (publish) ………….
6. (search) …………….. by customs officers is unpleasant.
7. There’s a lot of work (do)…………….

8. The new students hope (include) …............ in many of the school’s social activities.
9. When the police first questioned him, he denied (involve) …………. in the robbery.
I remember (take) ………. to the zoo when I was a child.
We managed to climbed over the wall without (see) ……...
Isabel expected (admit) ………..to the university, but she wasn’t.
The tin opener seems (design) …... for left-handed people.
Many reliable methods of storing information tended (forget) …………. When the computers
She resented (ask) ……………to make tea for everyone at the meeting.
Let’s leave early. We can’t risk (hold up) …………in heavy traffic during rush hour.
II. Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting.
1. She suggested taking the plane this evening or to go by train.
2. She began play the guitar when she was six
3. I’d like telling you something about myself.

4. What made you to do so?
5. Most famous people do not like to asked personal questions.
6. Would you like making me some tea?


Date of preparing:9/10/2015
Period: 8
I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim
- This lesson is aimed to helps students to revise the verbs forms (Gerund and Infinitives) as a
supplementary lesson for what they have learned in the mainstream programme
2. Knowledge and skills:

* General language knowledge:
- Grammatical structures/items: Structures relating to Gerund and infinitives
* Skills:- Doing some kinds of exercises


II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts of the practice exercises.
- Ss: revise old lessons at home.
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may not know some new structures using gerund and infinitives so T should supply them before
students do the exercises
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
Reviewed & Practiced content
A. WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Whole class
-T checks Ss some structures studied by
Write these sentences into English.
asking them to translate some sentences
1. Anh ta thích đọc sách vào lúc rảnh rỗi.
into English.
4. Cô ấy rất vui khi đến trường mỗi ngày.
-SS: translate the sentences
5. Toi không biết sử dụng cái máy này như thế
Suggested answers:
1. He ẹnjoys reading books in his free time.
2. She is happy to go to school everyday.

3. I don’t know how to use this machine.
B. PRACTICE 1 (22ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Pair work and Group work
Exercise 1. Decide whether the following Suggested answers:
verbs in Infinitive or in gerund
- T delivers handout to Ss and ask them to
1. opening
do exercise 3 individually.
2. to take
- T goes around the class for help and
3. do (to do)
explains some new structures or new words
4. seeing
if necessary.
5. watching/playing
- T calls some give answers
- T corrects and give feedback.
Exercise 2. Choose the best answer A, B, C Suggested answers:
or D for each sentence:
1. B
3. C
5. B
- T asks Ss to work in pair to choose best
2. B
4. C
6. C
answer for each blank.
- Ss give answer and explain their choice.
- T corrects and gives feedbacks
C. PRACTICE 2 - Writing (15ms)

* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Individual work and Pair work
Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences
Suggested answers:
- T guide Ss how to rewrite the sentences
1.I can’t remember meeting Jane .
with Infinitives and gerund
2. Please remember to buy some stamps.
- Ss work in group to do the exercise
3. We tried to open the door but we couldn’t.
- Some Ss write the answer on the board.
4. Mary forgot to phone Peter.
- T corrects and give feedbacks
5. We’ll try to finish all the work today.
6. I don’t have enough money to buy the dictionary.
7. We regretted having sold the house.
8. Peter can’t stand staying at home all day.
9. Her mother recommended her to see the doctor.
10. I don’t mind singing in public.
WRAP UP (2 ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: The whole class
- T: reminds SS of grammar points they
- The use of Gerund and infinitives.
reviewed in this lesson
- How to do exercise
- Ss: summarize the main points of the



- T: assign homework to SS
- Ss: listen and take notes

* Homework:
Do extra exercises

Exercise 1. Decide whether the following verbs in Infinitive or in regund
1. Paul began __________(collect) stamps last year. He enjoys ____(collect) stamps.
2. Would you like _____________(have) some more food?
3. I prefer _____(read) books to _____(watch) television.
4. What about __________(go) to the beach this weekend?
5. I don’t mind ____(help) you but I am to busy ___________(talk) to you now.
6. She is very interested in _________(learn) Vietnamese literature.
7. _________(Play) sports is good for our health.
8. The teacher made the students ________(rewrite) all the exercises.
9. I’d rather ___________(stay) at home than _____(go) out tonight.
10. She left the city without ___________(say) goodbye to us.
Exercise 2. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ We wish _______ to college next year.
A. go
B. to go
C. going
D. shall go
2/ They agreed _______ us some more money.
A. lend
B. to lend
C. lending
D. lent

3/ He suggested _______ to France this summer time.
A. travel
B. to travel
C. traveling
D. traveled
4/ She doesn’t mind _______ me with my exercises.
A. help
B. to help
C. helping
D. helps
5/ We would love _______ three cups of coffee.
A. have
B. to have
C. having
D. had
6/ Don’t you think my jeans need _______?
A. clean
B. to clean
C. cleaning
D. cleans
7/ They will never forget _______ the Prince.
A. see
B. to see
C. seeing
D. will see
8/ His teacher regrets _______ him that his application for the job has been turned down.
A. tell
B. to tell
C. telling
D. tells

9/ The workers stopped _______ a rest because they felt tired.
A. take
B. to take
C. taking
D. took
10/ That girl tried to avoid _______ some of my questions.
A. answer
B. to answer
C. answering
D. answered
Exercise 3. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown.
1. You say that I’ve met Jane, but I cant remember her.
=> I cant remember…………….........................................................
2. Please remember that you must buy some stamps.
=> Please remember……………………………..................................
3. We wanted to open the door, but we couldn’t.
=> We tried……………………………………….................................
4. Marry intended to phone Peter, but she forgot.
=> Marry forgot……………………………........................................
5. It will not be easy to finish all the work today.
=> We’ll try…………………………………………….......................
6. The dictionary was too expensive for me to buy.
=> (enough)…………………………………………...........................
7. We regretted that we had sold ,our house.
=> We regretted……………………………………………....................
8. Peter hates staying at home all day.


=> Peter cant stand………………………………………………............
9. Her mother said that she should see a doctor.
=> Her mother recommended………………………….........................
I find singing in public all right.
=> (mind)………………………………………………………
..............., October ........, 2015
Group leader’s comments

• Self Evaluation:

Date of preparing: 16/ 10/2015
READING: Education
TC: 9
I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- read for specific information,
- understand the text and express their ideas about education.
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
- Grammatical structures/items: Present simple
* Skills:
- Practice skills: Reading new words in the cloze text and in the passage.
II. Preparation:

- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts of the practice exercises.
- Ss: revise old lessons at home,
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may forget the use of present simple tense, vocabulary related to education so T should help Ss recall
them before doing exercises.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
Reviewed & Practiced content
WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Check old lesson
- T asks Ss some questions related * Questions:
to the old lesson.
1. What are the forms and the uses of the past simple, past perfect and
past continuous?


- T gives feedback to Ss’ answers.

2. Give some examples of 3 tenses.
* Answers:
Ss’ answers
ACTIVITY 1/PRACTICE 1: reading (35ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Group and Pair work
- T. asks Ss to work in groups and

give some tips to do reading + First, skim the questions to understand them.
+ Go back to the first question and locate the information for the
- Some other Ss go to the board to question by finding the key words in the passage and mark the place.
write them down.
+ Read the part carefully to find the answer. Ss can use their own
- T gives feedback after that and words.
confirms the correct ones.
+ Continue with the rest of the question
- T. delivers the handouts.
- Ss read the text and fill in the
blanks by choosing the best
answers from A, B, C or D.
- T calls on some Ss to read their
answers, and checks them then.
- Ss read the passage and do the
- T. asks Ss to read the answers
and corrects them as well.

2. PRACTICE (25ms)
* Exercises: Answer key
I. Reading text:
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.A
II. Cloze text:

1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to talk
about the best friendship in their
- Call on some Ss to speak out
their answers in front of the whole
- Listen and give feedback.

Ss’ talk

WRAP UP (3ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Summarize , whole class
- T: Summarize the main point of
the lessons.
1. Skills to do reading text
- Ss: Listen and take notes
- T: sets homework
* Homework:
- Ss: Listen and take notes
- Revise today’s lesson.
- Do all the exercises again.

..................................................., 2015
Group leader’s comments

• Self Evaluation:


Exercise 1: Mark your choice on the answer sheet.
Last summer Nga decided to do a two-week course in England, because she wanted to improve her English.
On her first day at the language school, they gave her a test, and the teacher told her, "We'll put you in the
top class." She was very pleased to hear that, and she proudly told all her friends at home: "I'm one of the
best students!” Rut soon she was surprised to find how difficult the class was. She also felt very homesick.
"It's hard to adapt to life in another country!" she thought. At the end of two weeks, her English was much
better, but she was happy to return home!
1. What did Nga decide to do last summer?
A. to go on holiday overseas
B. to find a summer job
C. to study overseas
D. to spend her holiday in her home village
2. She decided to go to England because____________.
A. it has the best language environment
B. it has the best environment
C. she had a friend there
D. she had a relative there
3. How long did the course last?
A. two months

B. a fort night
C. one month
D. three months
4. On her first day at the language school she was given a _______test.
A. placement
B. placed
C. placing
D. place
5. Nga did the test
A. badly
B. well
C. good
D. very well
6. How did she feel when she got the results?
A. proud
B. pleased
C. proudly
D. both A & B
7. She was put in the ________class.
A. beginner
B. best
C. middle
D. bottom
8. What soon made Nga surprised?
A. the teachers' attitude
B. the school facilities
C. the difficulty of the class
D. the head master
9. It can be inferred from the passage that Nga ___________her family very much.
A. missed

B. hated
C. loved
D. both A and C


10. Nga thought it's __________to live in another country.
A. not easy
B. simple
C. easy
D. happy
Exercise 2: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space by
circling the letter A, B, C, or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet
The special (51) _______of people with disabilities (52) _______considered by the education (53)
_______and appropriate services (54) _______. For example, (55) _______ blind would benefit from access
(56) _______ computers which convert text to (57) _______. The (58) _______may need special tutors
skilled (59) _______sign language. The goal, however, would be the integration of the
disabled into the regular school system (60)_______maintaining these services.
1. A. needs
B. demand
C. requirement
D. questions
2. A. to be
B. must be
C. be
D. ought be
3. A. class
B. group
C. system

D. team
4. A. lent
B. borrowed
C. sold
D. provided
5. A. the
B. a
C. an
D. 0
6. A. on
B. in
C. to
D. by
7. A word
B. voice
C. language
D. letter
8. A. deaf
B. blind
C. rich
D. poor
9. A of
B. on
C. in
D. with
10. A although
B. in spite
C. during
D. while

Date of preparing: 22 /10/2015
Elective lesson – The + adj/ used to+ infinitive
Period: 10
I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim
- To practise The + adj/ used to+ infinitive
- To help SS know more The + adj/ used to+ infinitive and use them properly.
2. Knowledge and skills:


* General language knowledge:
- Grammatical structures/items:
+ Structures in Reading Part and Language focus
* Skills:- Rewrite the sentences
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts of the practice exercises.
- Ss: revise old lessons at home.
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may not know some new words appearing in the new sentences so T should explain them before Ss
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
Reviewed & Practiced content
A. WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Whole class
- T writes a sentence in the board and asks • Sentence:
the whole Ss to put “to be” in correct form
The poor (1 to be) much more unhappy in the

first and then asks some Ss to read it aloud,
past than now because they used to (2 to be )
paying attention to underlined words.
out of job, which helped them to get money.
- T calls on some Ss to give answer
- T asks some Ss to read aloud the
underlined words only
- T gives feedback and introduce content of
the new lesson

• Answer: were/ be

B. PRESENTATION : The + adjective, Used to (10ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Whole Class
- T writes the words on the board & raises
the Qs.
(?) What part of speech are they?
+ Young, old, rich, poor
- T elicits the use of The + adjective by
analyzing the example.
- T raises the Qs:
(?) What activities did you often do when
you were a child?
- T encourages Ss to recall the structure.

A. - The + adjective:
* Elicits the use of The + adjective by analyzing the
The young have the future in their hands.
The young ~ young people

We use The + adjective to describe a group of
people as a whole so it requires a plural verb.
B. Used to + infinitive.
Present the structure:
+ Form: Used to + bare infinitive
+ Uses: to express past habits
past state
Notes: - It has no present equivalent.
- It has the negative & question form as the
ordinary verb in the past simple.
Eg. – Did you use to be late for school? ~ No, I
didn’t. I used to be on time.

C. PRACTICE 1 – Complete the sentences(15ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Individual work
- T delivers handout to Ss and ask them to
Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences by
do exercise 1 individually.
using the + Adj : blind, deaf, healthy, old, polite,
- Ss read all the sentences and then
poor, rich, sick , unemployed, young


complete the sentences .
- T goes around the class for help and
explains some new structures or new words
if necessary.
- T calls some Students to write their

answers on the board.

1. The unemployed
2.The rich ………the poor
3.The blind ……the deaf
4. young…..old
5. The polite ……the sick
6. The health

- Other Ss comments and correct common
- T corrects and give feedback.
D. PRACTICE 2 – Rewrite the sentences(12ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Pair work
- T asks Ss to work in pair to rewrite the
Suggested answers:
Exercises 2: Write a sentence for each of the
- Ss give answer and explain their answer.
following using “used to” or ‘didn’t use to’
- T corrects and gives feedbacks
1. We didn’t use to live in the countryside/ We
didn’t use to be happy./ We used to be unhappier
2. Dave used to smoke 2 years ago.
3. Barbara used to be in Italy/ she used to stay with
an Italian family.
4. I used to be keen on drinking coffee in the
5. We used to be interested in our work.
6. I used to mind traveling by train.

7. Mr. Michael used to grow tulip.
8. I used to go to the church when I was a child.
WRAP UP (2 ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: The whole class
- T: reminds SS of grammar points they
- The + adjective, Used to + infinitive to do exercise
reviewed in this lesson
- Ss: summarize the main points of the
- T: assign homework to SS
* Homework:
- Ss: listen and take notes
Do extra exercises
I. Complete the following sentences by using the + Adj : blind, deaf, healthy, old, polite, poor, rich, sick
, unemployed, young
1. ……………….of the town gather there once a month to get the dole
2. ……………….should share some of their possessions with ……………..
3. ……………….are those who can see nothing, and …………….are those who can’t hear.
4. There will be a great shortage of workforce in our country. The number of …………is decreasing while
the number of ………………..is increasing.
5. …………………………..are the happiest people and have millions of wishes while ………..have only
one wish; that’s to be healthy.
6. ………………….always say “ sorry ‘’ and ‘’thank you’’
II. Write a sentence for each of the following using “used to” or ‘didn’t use to’
1. Since we started our life in the countryside, we’ve been much happier.
2. Dave gave up smoking 2 years ago.
3. When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italian family.
4. I quite like drinking coffee in the morning although I wasn’t keen on it when I was younger.

5. We seem to have lost interest in our work.
6. I don’t mind traveling by train now.


7. Mr. Michael grew tulip, but he doesnt any more.
8. I went to the church when I was a child.
.............., October ........, 2015
Group leaders comments

Self Evaluation:
Date of preparing: 28/10/2105
Period: 11

Relative clause
Defining relative clauses and non- defining RC

1. Educational aim

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify defining and nondefining relative clause
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
- Grammatical structures/items: use defining and non- defining relative clauses appropriately
* Skills:
- Practice skills: improve skills of doing different types of exercises; skills of taking notes/...........
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts of the practice exercises, ................
- Ss: revise old lessons at home, .............................
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may not know to identify relative and nonrelative clause so T should explain them before Ss study
III. Procedure
Teachers / Students activities
Reviewed & Practiced content
ACTIVITY 1: Presentation (10ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Whole class.
- T: reminds ss on defining relative Defining relative clauses and non-defining relative
clause and non defining relative
1. Defining relative clauses
- Ss: listen and take note.

For thing
MĐQH xác định thờng đứng sau the+N. ngoài ra nó còn
đc dùng sau mạo từ a, an +N or Ns không có the, và những
đt nh all, none,anybody, somebody.
Ex: I like the ruler which my mother bought from China
very much
That thờng theo sau các từ nh: something, anything,
everything, nothing, all và trong so sánh bậc nhất
Ex: Is there anything that we must pay attention to?


2.Non- defining relative clauses
For person Who
For thing


-Là loại mệnh đề không cần thiết vì danh từ trước nó đã
được xác định, không có nó câu vẫn đủ nghĩa.
-Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định được ngăn cách với mệnh
đề chính bởi dấu phẩy.
*Cách nhận biết mệnh đề quan hệ không xác
định: dựa vào danh từ đứng trước mệnh đề quan hệ. Nếu
danh từ đứng trước là danh từ xác định thì mệnh đề sau
nó là mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (và ngược
lại).Danh từ xác định là những danh từ riêng , danh từ có
các tính từ bổ nghĩa trước nó như "this, that, these,
those", "my, his,her, your, their, our" hoặc có cụm giới
từ bổ nghĩa sau nó.
Ex:That man is Mr Pike. You saw him yesterday.
This is Mrs Jones. She helped me last week.
Mary has won an Oscar. I know her sister.
*Không dùng "that" trong mệnh đề quan hệ không giới hạn.
( Trong các ví dụ trên, ta không thể dùng "that" thay cho
"whom, who, whose" vì đây là những mệnh đề quan hệ
không xác định)
ACTIVITY 2: Exercise 1 (15ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: individual and pair work
- T gets Ss to do Exercise 1
* Key
individually and then find a partner 1. Which/ nothing/ that
to check their answers with.
2. who
- T checks with the whole class and 3. which/ that
provides corrective feedback.

4. who
- Share the answers & then speak
5. which/ that/ nothing
6. which
- Take notes.
7. who
- Pick out the form
8. who/ that
- Copy down
9. which
10. which/ that/ nothing
11. who
12. who
13. which
14. who/ that
15. that/ which/ nothing
ACTIVITY 3: Exercise 2 (15ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: individual and pair work
- T asks Ss to do Exercise 2
individually and then compare their
1. I met Mary, who asked me to give you this.
answers with another student.
2. He is the customer whose address I lost .
- T calls on some Ss to read out
3. She is the novelist whose book won first prize.
their answers.
4. She was dancing with a student who had a slight limp.
- T elicits peer correction and gives

5. I am looking after some children who are terribly
correct answers if necessary.
6. The bed which I slept on had no mattress.
7. I was sitting in a chair which suddenly collapsed.
8. This is the story of a man whose wife suddenly loses
her memory.


9. I was waiting for a man who didn’t turn up.
10. The car crashed into a queue of people four of whom
were killed.
WRAP UP (3ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Summarize
- T: summarizes the main points
Defining and non- defining relative clauses
- Ss: listen and take notes
- T. gives assignment
* Homework:
- Ss take notes
- Learning by heart Defining and non- defining relative
* Suggestions:
EXERCISE I : Write who, that, which, or nothing to complete these sentences :
1. Have you got the money ___________ I lent you yesterday ?
2. Peter, ___________ I had seen earlier, wasn’t at the party.

3. This is the machine ___________ cost half a million pounds.
4. Mary, ___________ had been listening to the conversation, looked angry.
5. Have you read the book ___________ I gave you ?
6. The hous, ___________ they bought three months ago, looks lovely.
7. Mrs.Jackson, ___________ had been very ill, died yesterday.
8. Is this the person ___________ stole your handbag ?
9. The dog, ___________ had been very quiet, suddenly started barking.
10. I didn’t receive the letters ___________ she sent me.
11. My mother, ___________ hadn’t been expecting visitors, looked surprised.
12. The old man, ______ had been talking to them earlier, knew that they were in the building.
13. The horse, _________ had been injured by the flying stones, was very frightened.
14. We didn’t like the secetary ___________ the agency sent.
15. I didn’t find the money ___________ you said you’d left.
Exercise 2: Combine these sentences into one, using relative pronouns and relative clauses:
1. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.
2. He is the customer. I lost his address.
3. She is the novelist. Her book won first prize.
4. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp.
5. I am looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt.
6. The bed had no mattress. I slept on this bed.
7. I was sitting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed.
8. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.
9. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t turn up.
10. The car crashed into a queue of people. Four of them were killed.
…………………………………… 2015
Group leader’s comments

• Self Evaluation:


