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Giáo án tiếng anh 8

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Period : 01

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I. Teaching points:
- By the end of the lesson Ps review the tenses which have learnt before.
- Give the rules for learning subject.
II. Teaching aids:
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1. Warm up
- Asks some questions
Answer the questions
- How are you?
Possible answers.
? What’s the weather like to day?
I am....
? How many students are there in your It’s fine......
There are......
? What did you do in your vacation last I visited.....
Answer the question
2. Review grammar:

Repeat the grammar & structure.
- Answer the questions about the tenses Gives examples
Possible answers.
? Repeat the grammar & structures in I always get up at 5
English 7.
I bought that hat yesterday.
- Asks Ss to give some examples with I am speaking English.
each tense.
S + Vs/ Ves/V + O
a. The present simple
(usually, often, always sometime, every)
b. The present continuous
S + am/ are/is + Ving + O
c. The past simple
(now, at this moment....)
d. The future
S + Ved / V2 + O
3. Practice:
(Yesterday, last night, week month, ago...)
Gives some exercises
S + will/ shall + Vinf + O
? Do exrcises please.
S + be going to + Vinf
Use correct verbs.
(tomorrow, next..
1. Lan (live) in Hue two years ago.
Do exercises
2. Now she (talk) with her friends.
3. Yesterday I (go) to...

4. The Sun ( move) around the Earth
5.Tomorrow I (go) fishing with my is talking
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

4. Home work:
Learn by heart the structures

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Learn by heart the structures and grammar

Displaying on the board
1. Tenses:
a. The present simple
S + Vs/ Ves/V + O
(usually, often, always sometime, every) ex:
b. The present continuous
S + am/ are/is + Ving + O
(now, at this moment....) ex:
c. The past simple
S + Ved / V2 + O
(Yesterday, last night, week month, ago...) ex:

d. The future
S + will/ shall + Vinf + O
S + be going to + Vinf
(tomorrow , next...)
2. Practice: Use correct verbs.
1. Lan (live) in Hue two years ago.
2. Now she (talk) with her friends.
3. Yesterday I (go) to...
4. The Sun ( move) around the Earth
5. Tomorrow I (go) fishing with my friends
Period :

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Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and read
I. Teaching points:
Reading for details a conversation and practice the structure: be (not) + adj +
enough + to + Vinf
II. Teaching aids:
Pictures, posters
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1. Warm up:

-Prepares 12 cards with numbers one side Look at the board and play game
and the verbs on the other.
Work in group to choose numbers.
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
-Sticks the cards on the board.
-Asks Ss to play in 2 groups.
Feed back
2 - Presentation
* New words:
- seem (v): (Translation): Dường như
- a next door neighbor: (n): (explanation)
- look like (v) (translation): trong như
Checks R.O.R
*Comprehension questions
-Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue between
Hoa, Lan and Nien to answer the questions
in exercise 2 page 11
? Work in pairs
Call some pairs to ask and answer.
Corrects their mistakes
*Model sentences:
Gives ss the model sentence

Asks ss to translate this sentence in to
Asks ss to give form and using
3. Practice:
*Work cue drill:
Gives some cues
Model one: I am enough tall to play
Asks ss to practice by steps
a. I/ tall/ play volleyball (v)
b. Nam / strong/ carry/ table (x)
c. My friend/ young/ take part/ this club
d. Tea / cold/ we/drink (v)
4. Further practice:
* Write it up
-Asks Ss to write a paragraph about Hoa
and Lan.
- Asks Ss to use the simple present or
simple past to write individually.
- Gives some cues:
a. Lan / Hoa best fried
b. They/ same class / Quang Trung
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu

Listen and guess the words from T's
Repeat in chorus and individually
Check R.O.R
Listen to the dialogue between Hoa,

Lan and Nien and answer the questions
Work in pairs
a. Nien lives in Hue
b. No, she doesn’t.
c. Then sentence is “she wasn’t old
enough to be in my class.”
d. At Christmas
She wasn’t old enough to be in my
Cô ấy không đủ tuổi để học lớp của tôi
Form: be (not) + adj + enough + to +
Use: đủ hoặc không đủ điều kiện để
làm gì
Practice by steps
a. I am tall enough to play volleyball
b. Nam isn’t strong enough to carry this
c. My friend is young enough to take
part this club
d. Tea is cold enough for us to drink
Write a paragraph about Hoa and Lan.




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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
c. Last year/ Hoa /to school first time
It is used to express an action which is
d. Lan / show / around/ introduce
always true.
- Chooses some answers to correct.
Form: S + V/ Vs/ Ves
*Revision of simple Present tense.
- Asks Ss to review present tense.
Work in 2 groups.
be - move - set - rice - go
Do Ex 1 (ex book)
5. Home work:
Do Ex 1 (ex book)
Displaying on the board
1. Vocabularies:
- to seem (v) Dường như
- a next door neighbor: (n) người hàng xóm
- to look like: (v) trong như
2. Comprehension questions
a. Where does Nien lives?

b. Does Lan know Nien?
c. Which sentence tell you that Hoa is older than Nien?
d. When is Nien going to visit Hoa?
3. Model sentences:
She wasn't old enough to be in my class
Form: be (not) + adj + enough + to + Vinf
Use: đủ hoặc không đủ điều kiện để làm gì
Period :
Lesson 2:

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Speak - Listen

I. Teaching points
Practice in speaking to describe someone.
Listening for details to complete the dialogue:
II. Teaching aids:
III. Teaching steps.
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1. Warm up:

Asks Ss to think of the (adj) used to Think and write the (adj)
describe body build and hair.
Work in 2 groups
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Asks Ss to work in 2 group
Gives feed back
2.1 Pre - speaking:
- Curly: (adj) ( picture): tóc xoăn
- Blond: (adj) (picture): Vàng hoe
- Straight: (adj) (example):tóc thẳng
- Fair: (adj): (picture): Vàng nhạt
Checks: Slap the bard
- Shows Ss a picture of Mary and asks
them to describe her hair and her body
? Practice and gives mode sentences.
? Asks Ss to give form
2.2 While - speaking:
*Picture drill:
- Gives the pictures and asks ss to practice

by steps with the form
Feed back
*Write it up:
Gives word cue:
a- He / tall /thin
b- She /short/ slim
c- She / short/ fat
d- She/ long /black
e- She/ curly/ blond
f- She /straight/ brown
? Write the right sentences individually
Feeds back
2 3 Post - speaking:
* Describing:
? Work in groups
? A student describe one person in your
group and others have to guess Who is she
or he
3.1 Pre listening:
Gives ss some expressions and make sure
they know their meanings
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu

Listen and guess the words from T's
Repeat in chorus and individually
Check by play the game: Slap the board
Give model sentences

- She has Long blond hair
- She is short and think
Give form:
S + has / have + adj + hair
S + to be + adj ...
Practice by steps with the form
T - SS
Close pair
Open pair
Write the right sentences individually
a- He is tall and thin
b- She is short and slim
c- She is short and fat
d- She has long black hour
e- She has curly blond hair
f- She has straight brown

Work in groups
Describe one person
Guess Who is she or he

Listen and think

Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8

Gets ss to guess and to complete four
dialogues and write down on the board Guess to complete four dialogues in 2
using the given expressions
groups and write down on the board
? Work in 2 groups
Listen to the tape twice
3.2 While listening:
Work in pairs to complete the dialogues
Lets ss to listen to the tape twice
and compare with their prediction
Gets ss to work in pairs to complete the
dialogues and compare with their Play the role of Nam - Hoa - Thu:
Khai - Mrs Lien - Mr Lam - Vi: Ba Gives feed back:
Bao - Grandmother; Mr lam - Mrs
* Role play:
Linh - Mr Thanh and practice the
Asks ss to play the role of Nam - Hoa - dialogues
Thu: Khai - Mrs Lien - Mr Lam - Vi: Ba - Work in pairs
Bao - Grandmother; Mr lam - Mrs Linh Mr Thanh and practice the dialogues
Correct their pronciation
Asks ss to write the dialogues a, b, in
? Work in pairs
the note books individually
3.3 Post listening:
* Write it up:
Do exercise 2 -3 in Ex book
Asks ss to write the dialogues a, b, in the
note books individually
4. Home work:

? Do exercise 4 -5 in Ex - book
Displaying on the board
1. Vocabularies
- curly: (adj): tóc xoăn
- blond: (adj): Vàng hoe
- straight: (adj):tóc thẳng
- fair: (adj): Vàng nhạt
2. Speaking:
*Model sentences.
She is short and thin
She has long blond hair
S + has/ have + adj + hair
S + be + adj
*Picture drill:
*Word cue drill
a-He/ tall/ thin
b-She/ short/ slimc-He/ short/ fat
d-Long/ back
e-Curly/ blond
f-Straight/ brown

Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu
Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
* Role play:
* Write it up

2. Home work: Do exercise

Period :

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Lesson 3:

I. Teaching points.
Reading for specific information
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Ba’s friends.
II. Teaching aids:
Posters, Pictures
III. Teaching steps
Student's activities
Teacher’s activities
1. Warm up:
- Asks Ss to look at 4 pictures on page and Look at the pictures and answer the T's
talk about the activities they want to do after questions
school or in their free time
? Answer the questions
? What are these Ss doing?
? How many people are there in the
picture? Who?
? What are they talking?
Gives feed back
2 . Pre - reading:
*New words:
Listen and guess the words from T's
- a character: (n) (Translation): Tính nết tính eliciting
Repeat in chorus and individually
- an orphanage: (n) (explanation): Trại mồ
Check R.O.R
- reserved: (adj) (translation): Kính đáo
- sociable: (adj) ( Translation): Dễ gần gũi

- to tell jokes: (v) (Translation): nói đùa
Read the sentences carefully
- sense of humor: ( n) ( translation):
Checks R. O. R
Work in pairs and then work in 2
* T/ F statements:
groups to guess T or F
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
-Gives T/ F statements
-Asks Ss to guess T or F
Read the text carefully to check T/F
Gives the sentences:
and correct
a. Ba only has 3 friends - Bao, Song, Khai. Work individually
b. Ba and his friends have the some
c. Bao, Song, Khai are quite reserved in b

d. they all enjoy school and study hard.
? Read the sentences carefully
? Work in pairs and then working 2 groups Work in pairs and then in 2 groups
to guess T or F
a- three
3. While - reading:
b- does not affect this school work.
-Asks Ss to read the text carefully to check c- are rather shy
d- get tired of his jokes
? If it is F how can you correct
- Read the text again to prepare
? Work individually
answering and play the game: Lucky
*Multiple choice:
- Get Ss to do exercises 1 on page 14
- Answer the questions in 2 groups.
- Asks Ss to work in pairs to choose the best a- He feels lucky having a lot of
answer and compare together.
- Explains some words/phrases in

b- Ba is the most sociable
c- Khai likes reading
*Comprehension questions:
d- His jokes sometimes annoy his
-Read again to answer the questions
-Asks Ss to prepare answering to play the e- Bao spends his free time doing
game: Lucky numbers
volunteer work at a local orphanage .
-Asking Ss to work 2 groups.
f- Student’s answer.
- Gives feed back
4. Post - reading:
Work in pairs and talk to each others
Asks Ss to work in pairs and talk to each using the adj they have just learn to
others using the adj they have just learn to describe.
Do Ex 4- 5 in Ex book
5. Home work:
? Do Exercise 4-5 in Ex book
Displaying on the board
1. New words.
- a character: (n) tính nết tính cách
- an orphanage: (n) trại mồ côi
- reserved: (adj) kín đáo
- sociable: (adj) dễ gần gũi
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
- sense of humor: ( n) hài hước

- to tell jokes: (v) nói đùa
2. Reading:
*T/F statements (Poster)
a-Ba only has three friends Bao, Song, Khai
b-Ba and his friends have the same character.
c-Bao, Song, Khai are quiet reserved in public
d-They are enjoying school and study hard
e-Bao is extremely and generous.
*Multiple choice:
*Comprehension questions:
*Lucky numbers: 1. question c
2. Lucky num ber
3. question d
4. Lucky num ber
3. Home works: Do Exercise 4-5 in Ex book

5. question a
6. question b
7. question e
8. question f
Period :


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Lesson 4:
I. Teaching points
Write about oneself and about other people
Write a paragraph about their close friends.
II. Teaching aids:
Posters, Pictures
III. Teaching steps:
Student's activities
Teacher’s activities
1. Warm up:
- Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 17 -Look at the picture and think
and keep their books closed
- Asks Ss to answer two questions
-Answer the questions.
a- How many people are there in their a-four
b-The woman is wearing a red shirt and
b- What is person wearing?
a green skirt. The man is wearing brown
? Answer individually
trousers and a yellow shirt

2 . Pre - writing
*Comprehension questions
Answer individually
-Asks Ss to read the information about Tam
then answer some questions
Read the text about Tam
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
? Work in 2 groups to answer the questions Answer the questions in 2 groups.
? Write some information about Tam on the
? What is his name?
? How old is he?
? What is he like?
His name is Le Van Tam
? Where does he live?
He is 14 years old.
? Whom does he live with?
He is tall and thin. He is sociable,
? Who are his friends.
humorous and helpful.
Gives feed back

He lives at 26 Tran Phu street
3 . While - writing
He lives with his mother
*Write it up
Ba and Bao
-Lets ss to write a paragraph about Tam Write a paragraph about Tam
using the information they have just got.
Work individually
? Work individually
Compare with the paragraph in their
-Asks Ss to compare with the paragraph in books on page 15
their books on page 154.
Write some information about one of
4. Post writing:
their friends then write a paragraph about
-Asks Ss to write some information about him or her.
one of their friends then write a paragraph Gives some information about one of
about him or her.
His name:
He lives
He is
Takes some sentences to correct
He has
5 . Home work:
Asks Ss to write another paragraph about Write another paragraph about one of
one of their family members
their family members

Displaying on the board
1. Writing:
*Comprehension questions:
His name is Le Van Tam
He is 14 years old.
He is tall and thin. He is sociable, humorous and helpful.
He lives at 26 Tran Phu street
He lives with his mother
Ba and Bao
*Write it up
2 . Home work:
Write another paragraph about one of their family members
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Period :

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Lesson 5: Language focus
I. Teaching points.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense to talk
about general truths and write some sentences using the structure : not + adj + enough +
to + Vinf
II. Teaching aids:
III. Teaching steps.
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1. Warm up:
Asks Ss to write the (adj) beginning with Write (adj)
the letters Teacher gives
Gives one word: A, b, c, d, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, Work in groups. (two groups)
n, o, p, q, r
Gives one model: A: awful
Asks Ss to play in groups.
2. Presentation:
*New word:
- a planet: (n) (example): Vệ tin
Listen and guess the words from T's
- Mars (n) (translation):
- Mercury: (n) (translation):
Repeat in chorus and individually
- Silly: (adj) (translation):
Checks R.O.R
Check R.O.R
*Revision of simple Present tense.

- Asks Ss to review present tense.
Gives five verbs: be - move - set - rice - go
3. Practice:
*Gap fill:
Practice in pairs
- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue:
- Give feed back
*Role play:
- Asks Ss to work in pair to practice.
Listen to the teacher
- Give feed back
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
- Sets the scene to introduce the structures. Answer: ( For weak Ss)
*Nam is 5 years old
Nam is not old enough to go to school.
Nam wants to go to primary school.
Form: S + to be +ajd + enough + to +
How do you think?
Asks Ss to gives model sentences and

Practice by steps.
*Word cue drill.
a. Read English books/ good
b. drive a car/ old
a- I am good enough to read EL book.
c. carry this bag / strong
b- He isn’t old to drive a car
d. tall/ play volleyball
c- They are not strong to carry this bag
- Asks ss to practice by steps.
d- Lan is tall enough to play volleyball.
4. Further practice:
*Gap fill:
Do exercises 4 on page 17 in pairs
-Asks Ss to do exercises 4 on page 17 in Practice the dialogue.
pairs and asks student
-Gives feed back and
a: not big b: not old
5. Home work:
c: strong
d: good....
? Do exercises 5 - 6 in Ex book
Do exercises 5 - 6 in Ex book
Displaying on the board
1. New words:
- a planet: (n) Vệ tin
- Mars (n) Sao hoả
- Mercury: (n)

- Silly: (adj)
2. Revision of simple Present tense.
Form: S + V/ Vs/ Ves
*Gap fill:
3. Using "Enough"
Model sentences: Nam is not old enough to go to school.
Form: S + to be +ajd + enough + to + Ving
*Word cue drill.
*Gap fill:
4. Home work: Do exercises 5 - 6 in Ex book
Period :
Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and read

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I. Teaching points.
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the telephone to make and confirm
II. Teaching aids:
Posters, pictures
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1. Warm up.
Matching in 2 groups
- Asks Ss to match each object (pictures on a-5
page 18) with its name.
- Gives the definitions of these objects on c-1
poster and ask students to match the object a - an answering machine
with its definition.
b- a mobile phone
- Asks Ss to work in 2 groups.
c- a fax machine
d- a telephone directory
- Gives feed back
e- a public telephone
2. Presentation:
f - an address book.
Asks ss to listen to the dialogue between Hoa
and Nga

Asks ss to read the dialogue to answer the Work in 2 groups to answer
a-Who made the call?
a- Nga
b- Nga
b-Who introduced herself?
c- Nga
d- Nga
c-Who arranged a meeting?
e- Hoa
f- Nga
d-Who arranged the time?
e-Who agreed to the time?
? Work in 2 groups
-Asks Ss to read the dialogue again to match
by individually
Practice the dialogue in pairs
a. Hold on
b. Is six thirty all right?
c. Where's it on?
d. A bit far from...

1. nó được chiếu ở đâu?
2. Khá xa..
3. Sáu giờ 30 được chứ?
4. (cầm máy) chờ nhé

Match in individually

*Model sentences:
I’m going to see the movie Dream City at a- 4; b-3; c-1; d-2.
6.45 this evening
Asks ss to translate in to Vietnamese
Tôi dự định xem phim “Dream City:
Asks ss to give form
vào lúc 6.45 phút tối nay.
Asks ss to give using
Form: be + going to + Vinf
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Use: Dùng để diễn tả một dự định

3. Practice:
*Tran formation:Models one
a. He likes sport very much. There is a Pay attention
football match on TV tonight
Practice by steps
- He is going to watch TV tonight
b. Lan’ aunt lives in Hue. She wants to visit b. he is going to Hue
her in the Summer

c. Nam is going to do homework in
c. Nam has a lot of home work in English English
and he is going to have English at school d. Nga is going to listen to the English
d. Nga bought new English tape yesterday
4. Post - reading:
* Comprehension questions:
Read the text again to prepare answer
? Read the text again to prepare answer and and play game lucky numbers
play game lucky numbers
Work in 2 groups
? Work in 2 groups
a. Her telephone umber is 3847329
a. What's Hoa telephone number?
b. They are going to see the movie
b. Which movie are they going to see?
Dream City at Sao Mai Movie
c. How is Hoa going to see the movie?
c. Hoa is going by bike
d. Where are they going to meet? What time?
d. They are going to meet outside
Gives feed back
the theater at 6.30
Displaying on the board
1. Listening
2. Reading

a- 5
d-2 b- 6
e- 4
c- 1
*Model sentences:
I’m going to see the movie Dream City at 6.45 this evening
Tôi dự định xem phim “Dream City: vào lúc 6.45 phút tối nay.
Form: be + going to + Vinf
Use: Dùng để diễn tả một dự định
* Comprehends ion questions:
Lucky number:
1 2
3 4 5
a b
c d LN LN
2. Home works:Do Ex 1- 2 in Ex book
Period :
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


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Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Lesson 2:
Speak - Language1,2
I. Teaching points
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk on the telephone about
intentions with “going to”.
II. Teaching aids:
Posters, pictures
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1. Warm up:
Talk to students about using telephone
Answer the T's questions individually
? Do you have a telephone at home?
? How often do you make a phone call?
? What would you say when you pick up
the phone to answer it?
Do exercises in two groups.
2. Presentations.

- Asks Ss to do exercise 1 on page 20 by
working in two groups.
*Answer given:
- Yes.
- Asks some questions to check Ss
- They intend to go to the pop concert.
understanding and focus the structures
- They are meeting inside the center
“Going to”
- be going to
? Are they talking on the phone?
Form: S + be + going to +Vinf
? What do they intend to do?
*Use: Express an intention.
? What time are they meeting?
? What form of the verbs do you use to talk Practice in pairs
about intentions.
3. Practice.
*Role play:
Asks ss to play role to practice with the
dialogue they have ordering
? Work in pairs

Gives feed back
Complete the dialogue.
4. Further Practice:
*Gap fill:
Play the roles of Ba and Bao to practice
Set the scene: Ba and Bao are making the dialogue.
arrangements to play dress.
Make the similar arrangements and
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
-Asks Ss to work with their partners to practice talking with a partner.
complete the dialogue.
Ba: Hello. 824336
Bao: May I speak to Ba, please. This Bao.
B: Hello, Bao. How are you?
Bao: I am fine Thanks and you
Bao: Great. Me too.
B: Can you play chess tonight?
Bao: I'm sory. I can't play chess tonight.
I'm going to do my homework
Bao: Tomorrow afternoon is fine....
Write five things that they intend to do

5. Home work:
next week.
? Write 5 things that they intend to do
Do Ex 3 -4 in Ex book
? Do Ex 3 -4 in Ex book
Displaying on the board
1. Speaking:
2-f 3-j 4-o
5-i 6-c
7-e 8-k 9-g
Form: S + be + going to + V-inf
*Use: Express an intention.
*Answer given:
? Are they talking on the phone?
? What do they intend to do?
? What time are they meeting?
? What form of the verbs do you use to talk about intentions?
2. Practice
*Role play:
*Gap fill:
3. Home work: Write five things that they intend to do next week.
Do Ex 3 -4 in Ex book
Period :

Lesson 5:
Listen + Language focus3,4

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/ /

I. Teaching points:
Listening for details and by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete
telephone message by listening
II. Teaching aids:
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activities
1. Warm up:
*Telephone transmitting: Two teams
The teacher shows the first Ss (in each line)
a telephone number.
He/she whispers the telephone number to
the next person in his/ her line.
The second Ss whisper to the third....until

the last same as the number teacher shows.
2. Pre - listening:
*Pre diction:
? Look at the form of the telephone message
on page 21
Sets the scene: a woman phoned the
principal of Kingston junior high school, but
he was out.
Asking Ss to guess gap filling
Let’s Ss to work in 2 groups
3. While listening:
Get Ss to listen to the tape twice fill in the
message, compare with their guess.
*Answer given:
Gives question and asks ss to answer
? Work in 2 groups
Gives feed back
4. Post - listening:
*Role play
? Practice the dialogue they have listened to
? Work in pairs
Gives feed back
? Grammar with near future with “going to”
?Do exercise 1 page 25, work with a partner
and say what the people are going to do
? Work in pairs to practice in the front of the
Gives feed back

*Word cue drill.
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu

Student's activities
Do the tasks
Play game in 2 teams

Look at the form of the telephone
message on page 21
Work in 2 groups
Listen to the tape
Answer the questions
Work in 2 groups to play the game
Lucky numbers
Practice the dialogue they have listened
Work in pairs
Give the near future with “going to”
Form: S + be + going to +Vinf
*Use: Express an intention.
Work in pairs
S1: Nga has a movie ticket. What is she
going to do ?
She’s going to see a movie
a.They are going fishing
b.She ‘s going to read the new novel

c.She is going to do her home work
a.He’s going to watch on action movie
on T.V tonight
Practice with word cue drill by steps
Are you going to see a movie?
Yes. I am

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
a. See a movie V
T -S
b. Play sports X
c. meet your friends V
Close pairs
d. help your mother V
Open pairs
e. Do you home work X
- Gives model sentences
Use the adverbs of place to complete
Are you going to see a move?
the speech bubbles:
Yes, I am/ No, I’m not
1- outside
Ask Ss to repeat chorus then individually

Asks Ss to practice in pairs
Gives feed back
4. Further practice:
a. Where is Tuan? I think he is upstairs
*Gap fill:
b. No, he isn’t here
Asks s to do exercise 3 on the page 26
c. He isn’t downstairs and he isn’t
Sets the scene: “Ba is playing hide and seek upstairs
with his cousin, Mr. Tuan.
d. Perhaps he’s outside
? Use the adverbs of place to complete the e. No, he isn’t there
speech bubbles
f. I’m not outside. I’m inside, Ba
? Work in pairs
Do exercise 4- 5 in Ex book
Gives feed back
5 . Home work:
? Do exercise 4- 5 in Ex book
Displaying on the board
1. Listening:
*Pre diction:
*Answer given:
*Role play

a. See a movie V
Ex: Are you going to see a move?
b. Play sports X
Yes, I am/ No, I’m not
c. meet your friends V
d. help your mother V
e. Do you home work X
*Gap fill:
2. Home work: Do exercise 4- 5 in Ex book
Period :
Lesson 3:

/ /
/ /

I. Teaching points
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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Alexander
Graham bell.
II. Teaching aids:
Posters, pictures
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1-Warm up:
What is the telephoneuse for?
Lets students answer the questions by
to chat will friend.
coming to the board and write.
to communicate
Asks students to play in 2 groups
have a message
2. Pre- reading:
make arrangements
*New words
talk to a friend who live far from ....
-to emigrate: (v) (example)
-to transmit: (v) (translation)
Listen and guess the words from T's
-to conduct: (v) (Synonym: carry out)
-to demonstrate: (v) (translation)
Repeat in chorus and individually
- a device (n): (translation)
-a deaf - mute: (explanation):
Checks R.O.R

*T/F statements
- work in pairs to guess which statement Check: R.O.R
are T or F ?
? Read the sentences carefully
? Work in 2 groups
Read the sentences carefully
a- Alexander G. Bell was born in the Guess T or F
b- He worked with deaf mute patients in a Work in 2 groups
hospital in Boston.
c- Thomas Watson was Bell’s assistant.
d. Bell and Watson introduced the
telephone in 1877.
e-Bell experimented with ways of
transmitting speech between deaf - mutes
over a long distance.
f- Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot
of exhibition
3. While - reading:
Asks Ss to read the text to check T or F
? If it is F how can you correct?
Read the text to check T or F
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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Check: a. F :b. T: c. T:
d. F: e. F: f. F

Gives feed back
? Read sentences on page 22
Get students to read the events of Bell’s Put the statements in correct order
life and put them in the correct order.
Asks them to compare with their partners. Compare with their partners.
Gives feed back
4. Post- reading
Use the information from the text to write
*Write it up:
paragraph about the Bell’s life.
- Write paragraph about Bell’s life using
the information from the text?
Write the paragraph they have just
5. Home work:
written and corrected with their friends in
Write the paragraph you have just written to their notebook.
and corrected with your friends in to their
Displaying on the board
1. Vocabulary:
- to emigrate: (v) di cư
- to transmit: (v) truyền phát
- to conduct: (v) tiến hầnh
- to demonstrate: (v) biễu diễn

- a device (n): thiết bị
2. Reading
*T/F statements
a- Alexander G. Bell was born in the Edinburgh in Scotland.
b- He worked with deaf mute patients in Boston University.
c- Thomas Watson was Bell’s assistant.
d. Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876.
e- Bell experimented with ways of transmitting over a long distance.
f- Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of exhibition
*Writing it up:
3. Home work:
Write the paragraph you have just written
Period :
Lesson 4:

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/ /

I. Teaching aims:
By the end of the lesson student will able to write a telephone massage.
II. Teaching aids:
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Posters, pictures
III. Teaching steps
Teacher’s activities
1. Warm up:
*Jumbled words:
1. mcuestor = customer
2. ayddmi = midday
3. essgmea = massage
4. nifurretu = furniture
5. rvseice = service
Writes words whose letters are in a random
order on the board.
Ss write the corrects words.
2. Pre - writing:
- a customer: (n) ( Explanation)
- a delivery: (n) (Translation)
- stationery(n) (example)
- pick someone up: (v) (translation)
Checks R.O.R
*Gap fill:
- Asks students to read the message and fill
in the passage on page 23.
Work in pairs.

- Let Ss work in pairs.
3. While - reading:
*Write it up:
- Asks Ss to read passage 2 on page 23 to
get information and write and write the
-Let’s Ss write individually then share with
a partner.
- Gives feed back
4. Post writing:
*Write it up:
Sets the scene: Tom phoned Nancy, but she
was out. Lisa, Nancy’s sister took a
message for Nancy, help Lisa write a
-Asks Ss to read the dialogue between Lisa
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu

Student's activities
Do the tasks
Work in the groups to write the right words

Listen and guess the words from T's
Repeat in chorus and individually
Check R.O.R
Read the message and fill in the passage on
page 23.
1.phoned 2. May 12 3. speak

5. name
6. delivery
7. Mr Ha
8. at
Read passage 2 on page 23 to get
information and write and write the
Thanh Cong Delivery service
Date: June 16
Time: After midday
For: Mrs. Van
Massage: Mr Nam called about his
stationery order . He wanted you to call
him at 8634082.
Taken by: Mr. Toan
Write individually then share with a
Write another message
Listen: Read the dialogue between Lisa
and Tom and then write the message

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and Tom then write the message.
5. Home work:

Write the message on notebooks
Asks Ss to write the message on their
Displaying on the board
1. Vocabulary:
- a customer: (n)
- a delivery: (n)
- stationery (n)
- pick someone up: (v)
2. Writing
*Gap fill: 1. phoned
2. May 12
3. speak
4. took
5. name
6. delivery
7. Mr. Ha
8. at
*Write it up:
For: Nancy
Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon. He will come over to
pick you up at 1.30
Taken by: Lisa.
3. Home works; Write the message on notebooks
Period :

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/ /

Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read
I. Teaching points:
Helping Ss to read the language for details and to practice the model verbs: must,
have to, ought
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and use model
verbs to talk about the house work.
II. Teaching aids:
Posters, pictures
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1. Warm up
*Kim’s game
Gives 6 pictures
(getting started) to
Work in 2 groups
Asks them to look at 6 pictures quickly in
a. wash dishes l do washing up.
30 seconds and try to remember the verbs
b. Make the bed
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
in the pictures as many as possible.
c. sweep the floor
Which team remembering more verbs is
d. cook
e. tidy up
Gives feed back
f. Feed the chicken
2. Presentation:
*New words:
- a steamer: (n) (picture)
Listen and guess the words from T's
- a cup board: (n) (picture)
- a sauce pan:(n) (picture)
Repeat in chorus and individually
- chore: (n) (picture)
Check What and where
- a sink: (n) (picture)
Checks What and where
Pay attention

Asks ss to the dialogue between Nam and Work in 2 groups
his mothers, Mrs. Vui
Complete the list of the things
*Gap fill:
- Cook dinner
Asks students to complete the list of the
- Go to the market to buy fish and
things Nam has to do.
Gives feed back
- Call his Aunt, Miss Chi and ask her
*Model sentences
to meet his mother at grandma’s house
? What do you have to do at home?
Answer: I have to do .....
I have to do my home work
*From: Has/ have to + Vinf = Must
?Translate the sentences in to Vietnamese
+Vinf = ought to
? Give form
*Meaning: phải, nên (làm gì)
? How can you use it?
-Practice by steps:
3. Practice:
* Picture cues
Gives the picture cues drill.
Close pairs
? Use the pictures with model sentences to Open pairs

practice by steps
a. do the washing up b. make the bed
4. Further practice
c. sweep the floor
d. cook dinner
* Gap fill:
e. tidy my room
f. feed the chickens
Gives Ss 7 words: feed- empty- do- tidy- Look at the picture and complete
sweep- clear- dust.
individually and compare with your
Asks Ss to look at the pictures and partners
complete the dialogue between Nga and Lan: I have to do
Lan using "must" or "have to" together Nga:
with the verbs given..
Lan: must tidy/home to dust/must
Asks Ss to compare with your partners
5. Home work:
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8
Write the things you have to do on Lan: have to clean/ must empty / must

ex: On Sunday morning, I have to tidy.....
Write the things
Displaying on the board
1. Vocabulary
- a steamer: (n)
- a cup board: (n)
- a sauce pan:(n)
- chore: (n)
- a sink: (n)
2. Listening:
3. Reading:
*Gap fill:
Model sentences: I have to do my home work
*From: Has/ have to + Vinf = Must +Vinf
*Meaning: Phải , nên (làm gì)
*Picture cues
4. Home work: Write the things you have to do on Sundays
ex: On Sunday morning, I have to tidy.....
Period :

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Lesson 2: Speak
I. Teaching points:
Practicing in speaking.
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the prepositions of place to talk about
the position of furniture in the house.
II. Teaching aids:
Posters, pictures
III. Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activities
Student's activities
1. Warm up:
*Kim’s game
- Shows the picture of a kitchen page 28 to Ss Do the tasks
Asks Ss to study the things in the kitchen on Play game
the picture for 30 seconds.
Write more words
- Take away the picture and asks Ss to write Work in 2 groups
? Work in 2 groups
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu
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2. Presentation:
*Pre teach
- a rug: (n) (picture)
- a calendar (n) (picture)

- a counter(n) (picture)
- a knife - knives (n) (picture)
Listen and guess the words from T's
- a disk rack(n) (picture)
- a folder(n) (picture)
Repeat in chorus and individually
- a wardrobe(n) (picture)
Copy the New words
Checks What and where
Check What and where
*Questions given:
- Asks Ss the positions of the items in the Work in pair to ask and answer the
- Hangs a poster which has the questions.
? Where is the clock?
*It’s above the fridge
? Where is the fruit?
*in the bowl
? Where are the flowers?
*on the table
? Where is nice cooker?
*next to the bowl of fruit
? Where is cup board?
*on the board, above the counter.
? Where are knives?
*They are on the wall, under the coup
? Where is dish rack?

? Work in pair to ask and answer the *on the counter next to the bowl of
Gives feed back
Talking about position of each item.
3. White - speaking:
Eg: The calendar is on the wall, above
the stove.
- Gets students to work in pairs, discussion a The knives is on the wall under the cb
bout position of each item.
4. Post - speaking:
Look at the picture and talk about their
Set the scene: Mrs Vui bought new furniture Ex:
for her living room, but she cannot decide, -Let’s put the clock on the wall,
where to put it. You should help her to between the shelf and the picture.
arrange to look at the picture and talk about -OK, I think we ought to put the T.V
their ideas.
and the stereo on the shelf.
? Work in pairs
-I think the coffee table, should be
Gives feed back
between the couch and the arm chain.
5. Home works
-Let’s put...
? Describe your living or bed room
Describe your living or bed room

Displaying on the board
Giáo viên : Trần Thị Lựu


Trêng THCS Cam

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