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Anh ngữ sinh động phần 1

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Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….

Anh Ng sinh đ ng bài 1.

Dynamic English Lesson 1 2.34MB[Download] (RealAudio)
Nghe tr c ti p trên m ng Dynamic English Lesson 1 2.34MB[Download] (RealAudio)
Dynamic English Lesson 1 7.11MB[Download] (MP3)
ây là ch ng trình Anh ng Sinh đ ng New Dynamic English bài th 1. Ph m V n xin kính
chào quí v thính gi . Trong bài h c này quí v s g p ông Max và cô Kathy hai ng i ph trách
ch ng trình Anh ng c n b n nh m giúp quí v hi u thêm v ng i M và v n hóa M . Ch đ
c a bài h c hôm nay là câu Where Do You Come From?= B n t đâu đ n.
Quí v s h c cách h i và tr l i câu này dùng đ ng t COME thì hi n t i v i đ i danh t “I” và
“YOU”. Sau đó, quí v c ng h c cách dùng câu “nice to meet you” (hân h nh g p b n), và nghe
đo n gi i thi u ông Gary Engleton là ng i s mách giúp quí v dùng Anh ng trong m c “Gary's
Tips” và “Culture Tips”.
Có nh ng t ng c n nghe tr c:

New York = tên thành ph N u
c, thu c ti u bang New York.
San Francisco=tên thành ph San Francisco (C u Kim S n), thu c ti u bang California.
City=thành ph
State=ti u bang. [Hoa K có 50 ti u bang.]
The United States=hay The U.S.= Hoa K .
Bây gi xin nghe ph n đ u c a bài h c trong đó Kathy và Max nói h t đâu đ n, và Larry
gi i thi u ch đ bài h c.

Max: Hi, I'm Max.
Kathy: Hello. My name is Kathy.
Max and Kathy: Welcome to New Dynamic English!
Larry: Dynamic English is a beginning language course and an introduction to American
people and culture. Today's unit is Where Do You Come From?
Kathy: Good morning, Max. How are you today?
Max: Fine, thank you. And you?
Kathy: Just fine.
Kathy: Hello, everyone. My name is Kathy. I come from New York.
Max: New York?
Kathy: Yes, New York.
Where do you come from, Max?
Max: I come from San Francisco.
Kathy: San Francisco?
Max: That's right. San Francisco, California.
Vietnamese Explanation

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– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Bây gi đ n ph n th c t p. Quí v l ng nghe r i l p l i; nghe câu tr l i (câu tr c ch m,
câu sau nhanh), dùng câu I come from_____ ti p theo là tên t nh, hay tên ti u bang, hay tên
x .
Larry: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat)
Max: I come from San Francisco.(pause and repeat)
Larry: I come from New York.(pause and repeat)

Kathy: I come from New York.(pause and repeat)
Larry: I come from California.(pause and repeat)
Max: I come from California.(pause for repeat)
Larry: I come from the United States. (pause and repeat)
Kathy: I come from the United States. (pause and repeat)
Vietnamese explanation
Bây gi là ph n th c t p. Quí v nghe r i l p l i vào ch ng ng.
- Do you come from Los Angeles?
- No, I don't. I don't come from Los Angeles.
- I come from New York City.
- Where do you come from? (New York City)
- I come from New York City.
- California.
- I come from California
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là m u đ i tho i trên máy bay gi a ông Walter Kennedy và ông Michael Davis. Quí
v s nghe câu Nice to meet you vi t t t câu It’s nice to meet you = hân h nh g p ông hay
bà. Và câu tr l i là, “Nice to meet you, too": tôi c ng hân h nh g p ông hay bà.
Sau đó là ph n th c t p. Quí v nghe r i l p l i.
Larry: Daily Dialog—On an Airplane (part 1).
Walter: Hi, my name is Walter. Walter Kennedy. (short pause)
Michael: Hello, my name is Michael. Michael Davis. (short pause)
Walter: Nice to meet you. (short pasue)
Michael: Nice to meet you, too. (short pause)
Larry: Listen and repeat
Walter: Hi, my name is Walter. Walter Kennedy. (short pause)
Michael: Hello, my name is Michael. Michael Davis. (short pause)

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Walter: Nice to meet you. (short pasue)
Michael: Nice to meet you, too. (short pause)
Vietnamese explanation
Ch đ c a ph n k ti p c a bài h c hôm nay là Story Interlude, Welcome to Washington
(chào m ng b n t i th m Washington) g m nh ng câu nói th ng dùng hàng ngày. Quí v
s nghe cô Elizabeth Moore, ph trách ch ng trình Functioning in Business – Anh Ng
Th ng M i và Larry Smith ng i gi i thi u c a hai ch ng trình.

c h t xin nghe m y ch khó:

On the air=đang tr c ti p nói v i, hay đang thâu trên đài truy n thanh, hay truy n hình.
Off the air= không còn thâu, hay thâu xong, ch nnh trình/truy n thanh hay truy n hình.
The Mall= đánh v n M-A-L-L, M vi t hoa, khu công-viên d c theo đ i l Constitution và
Independence, kéo dài t Qu c H i, i n Capitol, đ n đài k ni m T ng th ng Lincoln, là
n i chung quanh có nhi u b o tàng vi n và đài k ni m. N i này du khách M và ngo i qu c
th ng đ n th m.
The United Nations=Liên hi p qu c.
To miss (some place)=nh (m t n i nào).
International=qu c t .
International Students=Foreign students=sinh-viên ngo i qu c.
Spanish =ti ng Tây Ban Nha
Russian=ti ng Nga.

Chinese=ti ng Trung Hoa.
Move=d n (nhà)
Pretty often=khá th ng
On(s p di n) – Her show is on next = ch ng trình k ti p là ch
About to begin=s p b t đ u.

ng trình c a cô y

M đ u, Max gi i thi u cô Elizabeth Moore, ng i đi u khi n ch ng trình
Functioning in Business (Anh ng th ng m i). Ng i đi u khi n ch ng trình, ti ng Anh
g i là Host - đánh v n H-O-S-T.
Larry: OK...and we're off the air. Good shows.
Kathy: Thanks, Larry. Larry, have you met Max?
Larry: Yes, I have. Good show, Max. Welcome to Washington.
Max: Thanks, Larry.
Kathy: Max, how do you and your wife like your new house?
Max: Oh, we like it a lot.
Kathy: Do you miss San Francisco?
Max: A little. But Washington and San Francisco are both very international. I was at the Mall
yesterday... ..and there were people speaking Spanish and Russian and Chinese. It sounded
like the United Nations. How long have you lived in Washington, Kathy?
Kathy: I moved here several years ago.
Max: Where from?
Kathy: From New York City.

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Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Max: Do you miss New York?
Kathy: Sometimes. But I go there pretty often.
Kathy: Oh, hi, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Have you met Max?
Eliz: No, I haven't.
Kathy: Elizabeth, this is Max Wilson.
Max just moved from San Francisco. Max, this is Elizabeth Moore. Elizabeth is the host of
Functioning in Business. Her show is on next.
Max: Nice to meet you, Elizabeth.
Liz: Nice to meet you too. Max. Excuse me, but my show is about to begin.
Max and Kathy: Good luck.
Eliz: Okay, Larry. I'm ready when you are.
Larry: Ready for Functioning in Business.
Eliz: Hello, I'm Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!
Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus
on American business practice and culture. Today's unit is “Introductions, Part 1"
Vietnamese explanation
B t đ u, ông Larry gi i thi u v i quí v ch ng trình Anh ng Th ng M i Functioning in
Business c a Elizabeth và Gary, hai ng i đi u khi n ch ng trình này. Functioning in
Business Anh ng Th ng M i là m t l p Anh ng trung c p chú tr ng vào các t p t c và
đ i s ng kinh doanh và v n hóa Hoa K . ây là bài h c “Gi i-thi u Ph n 1"- Introductions Part 1.
Ch khó c n nghe tr


Language Functions=ch c n ng ngôn ng - nh ng cách dùng ngôn ng th nào.
Business trip=chuy n đi vì công vi c kinh doanh, công tác.
Meetings=các bu i h p hay g p m t.

Participants=ng i tham d
Negotiations=th ng l ng
Interview=ph ng v n
Conduct business=đi u hành công vi c (kinh doanh, th ng m i)
Hãy nghe Elizabeth gi i thi u ch

ng trình.

Eliz: In this program we will follow the story of an important business trip. We will follow the
meetings and negotiations between several international companies.
As we study these meetings, we'll interview some of the participants. We will also look
closely at the language they use for conducting business in English.
We'll see how successful use of English can lead to success in business and in international

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Vietnamese explanation
Trong ch ng trình này chúng ta s theo dõi bài t ng thu t m t chuy n đi kinh doanh quan
tr ng. Chúng ta s theo dõi các bu i h p và th ng l ng gi a nhi u công ty qu c t . Trong
khi ta nghiên c u nh ng bu i h p này, chúng ta s ph ng v n nh ng nhân v t tham d .
Chúng ta c ng s xét k ti ng Anh h dùng đ đi u hành th ng m i.
Chúng ta s th y r ng th o ti ng Anh có th d n đ n thành công trong vi c kinh doanh và
giao d ch qu c t . Sau đây là cu c ph ng v n c a cô Elizabeth v i ông Gary Engleton,

ng i ph trách đi u khi n ph n “Gary's Tips” ("M c ch d n ng pháp c a ông Gary") và
“Culture Tips” (M c ch d n v v n hoá).
Guest=khách, ng i đ c m i lên ch ng trình.
Regular Features=m c th ng xuyên
Linguistics=khoa ngôn ng h c.
Tipsl i mách giúp, m o, ch d n.
Documentary= m t phim hay bài phóng s tài li u.
Background=quá trình h c v n và ngh nghi p c a m t ng i.
BA, Bachelor of Arts Degree=v n b ng c nhân 4 n m đ i h c.
MBA=Master of Business Administration Degree=v n b ng cao h c kinh doanh (1 hay 1
n m r i sau c nhân].
Business Situations=tr ng h p hay hoàn c nh th ng m i.
Havard Business School=tr ng cao h c qu n tr kinh doanh Harvard.
Radio show=ch ng trình truy n thanh.
Local=đ a ph ng, trong vùng.
Listeners=thính gi .
UCLA=University of California at Los Angeles.
Consulting=c v n
Consultant=ng i c v n.
Foreign students=sinh viên ngo i qu c [hay international students].
Take a break=ngh (gi i lao).
Bây gi xin nghe cu c ph ng v n .
Eliz: Our guest today is Gary Engleton. Gary is our host of “Gary's Tips” and also of “Culture
Tips.” “Gary's Tips and “Culture Tips” will be regular features on Functioning in Business.
Hello, Gary! Welcome to our show!
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth! It's great to be here.
Eliz: On each Functioning in Business program, you'll talk about how to use English in
business situations.
Gary: That's right. I'll give tips about American culture and about using the English language

in business. I'm glad we're able to do this radio show together.
Eliz: I am, too. I'm excited about doing a radio documentary on using English for business.
Gary: Me too. I think it will be interesting and useful for our listeners.
Eliz: Gary, let's tell our listeners a little about your background.
Gary: Sure. What do you want to know?
Eliz: How did you get into the language consulting business?
Gary: I studied at UCLA.
Eliz: That's the University of California at Los Angeles, right?
Gary: Right. I got my BA there in 1979.

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Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Then I went to Harvard Business Schoool to do an MBA.
While I was doing my MBA, I taught business English to foreign students.
Eliz: That's interesting.
Gary: After I got my MBA, I started my own business.
I began helping foreign companies do business in the United States. Now I also work with
international business people who need help with their English.
Eliz: We're so happy to have you on our show.
Gary: I'm happy to be here!
Eliz: Great! Let's take a break.
Vietnamese explanation
Quí v v a h c xong bài 1 trong ch ng trình Anh Ng Sinh
ng Dynamic English. Ph m
V n xin kính chào quí v thính gi và xin h n g p l i trong bài h c k t ti p.

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….

Anh Ng sinh đ ng bài 2.

Dynamic English Lesson 2 2.40MB[Download] (RealAudio)
Nghe tr c ti p trên m ng Dynamic English Lesson 2 2.40MB[Download] (RealAudio)
Dynamic English Lesson 2 7.27MB[Download] (MP3)
ây là ch ng trình Anh Ng Sinh đ ng New Dynamic English bài th 2. Ph m V n xin kính
chào quí v thính gi . Trong bài h c này quí v s làm quen v i Max và Kathy, hai ng i ph trách
ch ng trình Anh ng sinh đ ng New Dynamic English trên đài truy n thanh. New Dynamic
English là ch ng trình Anh ng c n b n giúp quí v hi u thêm v ng i M và v n hóa M . Quí
v c ng s nghe cô Elizabeth Moore, ph trách ch ng trình Functioning in Business – Anh Ng
th ng m i, và Larry Smith ng i gi i thi u c a hai ch ng trình.

Sau đây là ph n ph ng v n ti p v quá trình h c v n và công vi c c a ông Gary Engleton,
ng i ph trách M c mách giúp v ng -pháp và v n hóa.
Cha ông Gary Engleton

trong quân đ i. Khi ông còn nh ông s ng

c và Thái Lan.

Xin nghe m y ch khó:

An overseas client=thân ch ngo i qu c.
[Phân bi t cách dùng Overseas=v a là t nh t (adj.) v a là tr ng t (adv.) và Abroad(adv.):
Go abroad>=đi ra x ngoài; live abroad=s ng ngo i qu c;
Overseas trade=xu t nh p c ng(buôn bán) v i x ngoài.
Overseas clients=ng i thân ch ngo i qu c.
The VOA broadcast programs are for overseas listeners= ch
Ti ng Nói Hoa K dành cho thính gi
ngoài Hoa K .

ng trình phát thanh c a đài

[Trong ba câu trên “overseas” là t nh t ].
Mr. Engleton lived and worked overseas. Ông Engleton s ng và làm vi c
câu này “overseas” là tr ng t ].

x ngoài. [Trong

Germany= c.
Thailand=Thái Lan.
Korea= Tri u Tiên.
Experience=kinh nghi m.
Political science=khoa chính tr h c.
Scholarship=h c b ng.
MA=Master of Arts Degree= v n b ng cao h c=còn vi t là “Master’s”.
A Fulbright Scholarship==h c b ng trao đ i v n hoá do th ng ngh s M Fulbright đ
x ng, theo đó các h c gi hay nhà chuyên môn ngo i qu c đ c g i đ n d y hay h c
t i các tr ng Hoa K và giáo s hay sinh viên Hoa K đ c g i đi d y hay h c n c
The Seventies=th p niên b y m i, nh ng n m t 1970 đ n 1979.
Public policy=môn chuyên v hành chính công quy n

UC Berkeley=University of California at Berkeley= đ i h c California t nh Berkeley. Thêm

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Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
ch Berkeley đ phân bi t v i nh ng đ i h c ti u bang California nh ng t nh khác. Nh :
UCLA=University of California at Los Angeles.
On the phone=nói đi n tho i
Quite a bit of time = a lot of time = nhi u thì gi .
Abroad= x ngoài
Live abroad=s ng x ngoài.
I sure will. Nh n xét: thay vì “Surely” dùng “sure” - informal style (v n nói, thân m t).
Relatives =h hàng.
Eliz: We're back again with our guest, Gary Engleton.
Gary: It seems that you have a lot of experience in international business.
Gary: Yes, I travel abroad a lot, and I'm often on the phone with my overseas clients.
Eliz: How did you get interested in doing international work?
Gary: Well, I grew up in an international family. My father was in the army, and when I was
young, we lived in Germany and Thailand. And my mother is Korean. I've spent quite a bit of
time in Korea visiting my grandparents and other relatives.
Eliz: Oh, do you speak Korean?
Gary: Yes, I do.
Eliz: I didn't know that. I've also lived abroad.
Gary: Oh really? Where?
Eliz: In China. I studied political science at UC Berkeley in the seventies. Then I got a
Fulbright scholarship to study in China.

Gary: Where in China did you live?
Eliz: I lived in Shanghai. After I left China, I did a Master's in Public Policy at Georgetown
Gary: And so how did you get into radio?
Eliz: I worked at the local radio station when I was at Georgetown. I discovered I like asking
Gary: You'll get a chance to ask lots of questions on this show!
Eliz: I sure will. Let's take a break.
Vietnamese explanation
Trong ph n th c t p, quí v nghe r i l p l i. Tr c h t, l p l i nhóm ch c n b n, sau đó l p
l i c câu; sau n a, quí v nghe m t câu h i mà câu tr l i chính là câu quí v v a l p l i.
Eliz: In Germany and Thailand.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: He lived in Germany and Thailand. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Where did Gary live when he was young? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: He lived in Germany and Thailand. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Korean. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: He speaks Korean. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: What language does Gary speak besides (ngoài) English? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: He speaks Korean. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Political science. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: She studied political science. (pause for repeat)

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– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….

Eliz: What did Elizabeth study at UC Berkeley? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: She studied political science. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: At Georgetown University. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: She got her Master's at Georgetown University. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Where did she get her Master's? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: She got her Master's at Georgetown University. (pause for repeat)
Vietnamese explanation
Trong ph n này quí v s làm quen v i ông Gary Engleton là ng i ph trách m c “Gary's
Tips” (l i ch d n v cách dùng ti ng Anh c a Gary) và “Culture Tips” (h ng d n v v n
hóa). Hôm nay Gary s ch quí v bi t cách g i tên c a ng i M trong khi giao d ch th ng
m i.
G i tên hay g i h , và khi nói v i m t ph n thì khi nào dùng Miss (cô), Mrs. (bà) và Ms.
(dùng chung cho cô hay bà).
First Name=tên
Family name=h
Middle name=tên đ m
Ms=bà hay cô
Expert=nhà chuyên môn, ng i gi i v m t ngành gì.
Try one’s best=g ng h t s c. I'll try my best=tôi s g ng h t s c mình.
Safe=an toàn.
Prefer=thích h n.
American business culture=đ i s ng th ng m i Hoa K
Offend=xúc ph m, làm ai b c mình.
He was offended at my remarks=anh ta b c mình vì l i nói c a tôi.
E-mail=đi n th
Eliz: We're back with Gary Engleton, our language and culture expert.

Gary: Hi, Elizabeth.
Eliz: Hello, Gary. Our listeners have sent in some e-mail questions, Gary. They have some
questions about American business culture.
Gary: I'll try my best!
Eliz: Our first question is,"Do Americans usually use their first name or last name in
Gary: Well, this is a difficult question. Not everyone feels the same about names.
Eliz: What do you prefer?
Gary: Personally, I always use my first name, but some Americans prefer to use their last
names. To be safe, use the name the other person gives you. I always say,"Please call me
Eliz: Our next question is,"When speaking with women in business, when should we use
Miss, Mrs. or Ms.?
Gary: Well, Miss is for single women; Mrs. is for married women. They are older words. Ms.
is a newer word. Ms. is easier to use than Mrs. or Miss because you don't have to know

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Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
whether or not a woman is married. I always use Ms. because with Ms., I always don't offend
Eliz: What do most American women in business prefer?
Gary: I believe most American women prefer Ms.
Eliz: Thank you, Gary. Let's take a break.
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là ph n th c t p cách đi n đ y đ m t câu. Quí v nghe m t câu r i đi n thêm vào

m t ti ng đã h c cho câu có đ ngh a sau khi nghe ti ng chuông. Sau đó quí v s nghe câu
tr l i đúng.
Eliz: Some people use their first name in business, but others prefer to use their__________.
(ding)(pause for answer) (chuông, ng ng đ tr l i)
Eliz: last name.
Eliz: They prefer to use their last name. (ding)(short pause)
Eliz: Most American women prefer to be addressed as (g i là)___________. (ding)(Pause
for answer)
Eliz: Ms.
Eliz: They prefer to be addressed as Ms. (short pause)
Eliz: In the past, people used to address all married women as______. (ding)(pause for
Eliz: Mrs. People used to say Mrs. (short pause)
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là ph n “Gary's Tips", M c ch d n ng pháp c a Gary v Language functions - các
ch c n ng c a ngôn ng .
Ph n này gi i thi u cách dùng m t ch c n ng c a ngôn ng .
L i th nh c u có th là câu h i hay câu xác đ nh.

ó là: requesting = th nh c u.

Là câu xác đ nh nh câu: I'd like a glass of water, please.= Xin cho tôi m t ly n c. Hay là
câu h i nh May I have another cup of coffee?= Xin cho tôi thêm m t tách cà phê n a đ c
Offering=m i ai
confirm/confirming=xác nh n
Refuse/refusing=t ch i.
Make an offer=m i ai

Look forward to=mong đ i [nh n xét: sau look foward to dùng v-ing: I’m looking forward to
attending your party]
Gate=c ng
Directions=h ng

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Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Tune=v n.
Tune in again next time=xin m i quí v v n đài đón nghe k t i.
Bây gi xin quí v nghe.
Eliz: Hello, Gary. Can you tell me more about “Gary's Tips?”
Gary: Sure.
In “Gary's Tips”, I'll be giving tips about language functions.
Eliz: What's a language function?
Gary: A language function is something that you do with language. An example is a request.
You make a request when you ask someone to tell you something or do something for you.
For example, in an airport, if you say,"Can you tell me where Gate 21 is?” you're requesting
directions to Gate 21.
If you say,"I'd like a glass of water, please,” you're requesting a glass of water.
Eliz: I understand. What are some other language functions?
Gary: Oh, there are lots of different language functions, like offering, refusing, confirming,
and agreeing.
For example, when you say,"Would you like another cup of coffee?” you are making an offer.
Eliz: I'll look forward to hearing more about language functions in the coming weeks.
Gary: Yes, it's going to be fun!

Eliz: I want to thank you for being with us today.
Gary: Thank you! I'll see you again next time!
Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!
Vietnamese explanation
Trong ph n này, quí v nghe nh ng cách nói khác nhau, Variations, ngh a là cùng m t ý mà
có th nói b ng hai cách.
Thí d : nhóm ch “sinh viên ngo i qu c” ta có th nói “foreign students” hay “international
students”. Hay là, thay vì nói, “After I got my MBA, I started a business,” (sau khi đ v n
b ng cao h c kinh doanh, tôi b t đ u ra kinh doanh riêng) ta có th nói: “After I got my MBA,
I formed my own business.”
ã h c: Linguistics=ngôn ng h c.
Eliz: My training is in linguistics.
Larry: I studied linguistics.
Eliz: I got my BA.
Larry: I graduated with a BA.
Eliz: I taught business English to foreign students.
Larry: I taught business English to international students.
Eliz: After I got my MBA, I started a business.
Larry: After I got my MBA, I formed my own business.

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Vietnamese explanation

Quí v v a h c xong bài s 2 trong ch ng trình Anh Ng sinh đ ng Dynamic English. Ph m
V n xin kính chào quí v thính gi và xin h n g p l i trong bài h c k ti p.

Anh Ng sinh đ ng bài 3.

Dynamic English Lesson 3 2.42MB[Download] (RealAudio)
Nghe tr c ti p trên m ng Dynamic English Lesson 3 2.42MB[Download] (RealAudio)
Dynamic English Lesson 3 7.31MB[Download] (MP3)
ây là ch ng trình Anh ng Sinh đ ng New Dynamic English bài th 3. Ph m V n xin kính
chào quí v thính gi . Trong bài h c này quí v s g p ông Max và cô Kathy, hai ng i ph trách
ch ng trình Anh ng c n b n nh m giúp quí v hi u thêm v ng i M và v n hóa M . Ch đ
c a bài h c hôm nay là câu I’m from Florida=Tôi ti u bang Florida đ n.

Quí v s h c cách nói mình t đâu đ n. Sau đó quí v c ng h c cách dùng thì hi n t i
[present tense] c a đ ng t “to be” và nh ng hình th c nói t t c a đ ng t này. C ng h c
hai đ i danh-t “he” và “she” và s h u t nh t “his” và “her.” Ph n hai bài h c là ph n Anh
ng Th ng M i Functioning in English. Trong đo n s p nghe, Kathy và Max nói v i Robert
Harris, m t ng i khách g i vào đài.
Có nh ng t ng c n nghe tr


He’s from the United States=Ông ta

M đ n.

Bây gi là đo n đ u bài h c.

Max: Good morning, Kathy. How are you this morning?
Kathy: I'm great! And you?
Max: Pretty good. [Intro: His name is Robert Harris.]
Kathy: We have a guest with us today.
Max: What's his name?
Kathy: His name is Robert Harris.
Max: Robert Harris?
Kathy: Yes, Robert Harris.
He's from the United States.

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Vietnamese explanation
Bây gi đ n ph n th c t p. Quí v l ng nghe r i l p l i; đ ý đ n câu tr l i, câu tr
câu sau nhanh.

c ch m,

Larry: What's his name? (pause for repeat)
Max: His name is Robert. (pause for repeat)
Max. His name is Robert. (pause for repeat)
Larry: What's her name? (pause for repeat)
Max: Her name is Kathy. (pause for repeat)

Max: Her name is Kathy. (pause for repeat)
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là cu c đi n đàm (telephone) gi a cô Kathy và Robert Harris, ng i Hoa K . Ông
g i vào đài. Tên g i t t và thân m t c a Robert là Bob. Ông Harris t t nh Miami, ti u bang
Florida, n i có khu gi i trí Disney World.
Có vài ch khó: Please go ahead: xin h i tr c. Mu n b o ai làm chuy n gì tr c thì nói,
Please go ahead. Break: lúc ngh . Let's take a break: chúng ta hãy ngh m t lúc.
Kathy: Now it's time for our interview. Our guest today is Robert Harris. Good morning, Mr.
Bob: Good morning, Kathy. Please call me Bob.
Kathy: OK, Bob. I have a question for you.
Bob: Please, go ahead.
Kathy: OK, where are you from?
Bob: I'm from Florida. Disney World is in Florida. Kathy: Is Disney World in Miami?
Bob: No, it's not. It's in Orlando. Orlando, Florida.
Kathy: Are you from Orlando?
Bob: No, I'm not. I'm not from Orlando. I'm from Miami.
Kathy: That's very interesting. Thank you.
Bob: You're welcome.
Kathy: Our guest is Bob Harris. He's from Miami, Florida. We'll talk more after our break.
This is New Dynamic English.
Vietnamese explanation
Bây gi là ph n th c t p. Quí v nghe r i l p l i vào ch ng ng.

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Larry: Where are you from? (pause for repeat)
Bob: I'm from the United States. (pause for repeat)
Larry: Where are you from? (pause for repeat)
Bob: I'm from Florida. (pause for repeat)
Larry: Where are you from? (pause for repeat)
Bob: I'm from Miami. (pause for repeat)
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là m u đi n đàm gi a Kathy và m t thính gi g i vào đài tên là Khalid, ng i th
đô Cairo, x Ai C p (Egypt). Th đô=capital. [You're on the air= b n đang nói chuy n tr c
ti p v i ch ng trình truy n thanh/truy n hình].
Kathy: Now it's time for a phone call. Hello. You're on the air with New Dynamic English.
Khalid: Hello. My name is Khalid. I come from Cairo.
Kathy: You come from Cairo?
Khalid: That's right. I come from Egypt. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. I have a short question
for Mr. Harris.
Bob: Yes. What is it?
Khalid: You come from Florida. Is Memphis in Florida?
Bob: No, it's not. It's in Tennessee.
Khalid: Is Max from Florida?
Bob: No, he's not. He's from California.
Khalid: California?
Bob: That's right. He's from California.
Khalid: Oh. Thank you. Good-bye.
Bob: Good-bye.
Kathy: Bob, thank you for being our guest today.

Bob: Thank you for inviting me.
Kathy: Let's take a short break.
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là ph n th c t p. Quí v nghe r i l p l i, tr c h t l p l i m t đ a danh, sau l p l i
m t câu, r i l ng nghe câu h i mà câu tr l i chính là câu quí v v a l p l i. London is the
capital of England = Luân ôn là th đô c a Anh Qu c.
Max: San Francisco. (pause and repeat)
Max: San Francisco is in California. (pause for repeat)
Max: Where is San Francisco? (pause for repeat)
Max: San Francisco is in California. (pause for repeat)
Max: London. (pause for repeat)
Max: London is in England. (pause for repeat)
Max: Where is London? (pause for repeat)
Max: London is in England. (Pause and repeat)

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là m u đ i tho i ph n 2 trên máy bay gi a ông Walter Kennedy và ông Michael
Davis. Quí v s nghe câu Nice to meet you vi t t t câu It’s nice to meet you= hân h nh
g p ông hay bà. Và câu tr l i Nice to meet you, too= tôi c ng hân h nh g p ông hay bà.
Sau m u đàm tho i là ph n th c t p. Quí v nghe r i l p l i.
Walter: Hi, my name is Walter. Walter Kennedy. (short pause)
Michael: Hello, my name is Michael. Michael Davis. (short pause)

Walter: Nice to meet you. (short pause)
Michael: Nice to meet you, too. (short pause)
Larry: Listen and repeat Are you from New York? (pause for repeat)
Michael: No, I'm not. (pause for repeat)
Where are you from? (pause for repeat)
I'm from Arizona. (pause and repeat)
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là ph n bài h c đ u đ là Man on the Street. Nhóm ch “man on the street” có
ngh a là ng i ngoài ph .
o n này gi i thi u v i quí v tên vài thành ph và ti u bang Hoa K , vài ti u bang có tên
g c ti ng Tây Ban Nha (Spanish names); vài thành ph hay ti u bang có g c ti ng ng i da
đ (American Indian, Native American).
Capitol Building=tòa nhà Qu c h i Hoa K . ánh v n: CAPITOL.
D.C.=District of Columbia=đ c khu Columbia, t c là th đô Washington.
o n này phóng viên Kent Moss ph ng v n Henry Parker, m t ng i g p ngoài đ
tr c Qu c H i M .


Kent: This is the New Dynamic English Man on the Street, Kent Moss. Today I'm standing in
front of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Excuse me, Sir?
Henry: Yes?
Kent: I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Henry: OK, go ahead.
Kent: What's your name?
Henry: My name is Henry Parker.
Kent: And where are you from?
Henry: I'm from Tallahassee.

Kent: Tallahassee?
Henry: Yes, Tallahassee.
Kent: Where is Tallahassee?
Henry: It's in Florida. Tallahassee is in Florida.
Kent: Is that a Spanish name?
Henry: No. it's an Indian name.
Kent: from India?

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Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Henry: No, American Indian.
Kent: Really?
Henry: Yes, some American cities have Indian names.
Kent: Some American cities have Spanish names, like Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Kent: And a lot of names come from England, like New York, and New Hampshire
Henry: American names come from all over the world.
Henry: That's right. Well, thank you very much for talking with me.
Henry: You're very welcome.
Vietnamese explanation
Ph n k ti p c a bài h c hôm nay là A Dinner Invitation (m i dùng c m t i). Max m i Kathy
đ n dùng c m t i và Kathy nh n l i.
Tr c h t xin nghe m y ch khó:
Dinner party = ti c n t i.
Would you like to come?=b n có mu n đ n không? I’d love to= Tôi mu n đ n.
I’ll be looking forward to it=Tôi s mong đ i đ c đ n d b a n t i đó.

Look forward to=mong ch .
Why don’t you come between 7:00 AND 7:30?=B n có th t i trong kho ng t b y gi đ n
b y r i t i ch ?
Don't bother= đ ng m t công.
Max: Kathy, my wife and I are having a dinner party this weekend. Would you like to come?
Kathy: Friday night? Sure I'd love to.
Max: Good. You can meet my wife, Karen, and my son, John.
Kathy: Oh, that would be great! Can I bring anything? (Tôi có th làm món gì đem đ n
Max: Oh, no. Don't bother.
Kathy: What time should I come?
Max: We plan to eat around 8:00, so why don't you come between 7:00 and 7:30?
Kathy: That would be great. I'll be looking forward to it. I can't wait to see your new house.
Vietnamese explanation
K ti p là ch ng trình Anh ng Th ng M i Functioning in Business c a Elizabeth Moore.
Functioning in Business Anh ng Th ng M i là m t l p Anh ng trung c p chú tr ng vào
các t p t c và đ i s ng kinh doanh và v n hóa Hoa K . ây là bài h c “Gi i thi u Ph n 2"Introductions Part 2.
Bài hôm nay chú tr ng v đ tài “gi i thi u trong th ng m i” và gi i thi u ba thành ph n
tham d . Charles Blake làm vi c cho công ty Trung Hoa là International Robotics, công ty
qu c t chuyên v máy t đ ng thay ng i đi u khi n. Mike Epstein làm vi c cho hãng M
tên là Advanced Technologies - K thu t tiên ti n, cao c p. Cô Shirley Graham là Vice
President (phó ch t ch công ty) và là x p (boss) c a ông Epstein. “Graham” không đ c âm

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– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,

c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
M y ch khó c n nghe tr


Listeners=thính gi , ng i nghe.
An industrial robot=máy t đ ng thay ng i dùng trong k ngh .
A higtech company=công ty k thu t cao c p (đi n t ).
Computer components=b ph n máy đi n t .
International Robotics Manufactures Industrial Robots=hãng International Robotics ch t o
máy đi n t thay ng i.
Silicon Valley=thung l ng Silicon, tên vùng Nam San Francisco, California là n i có nhi u
hãng ch t o máy đi n toán và các ph n m m (software), t c là các ch ng trình c a máy
đi n toán.
[Silicon: ch t si-li-ca tìm th y cát và đ t sét, dùng trong các b não c a máy đi n toán, nh
máy transistors, hay solar cells (t bào bi n n ng l ng phát x c a m t tr i thành đi n).
Hãy nghe Elizabeth gi i thi u ch ng trình]
CUT 10
Eliz: I'm here today with Gary Engleton. Gary is the host of “Gary's Tip” and also of “Culture
Tips.” Hello, Gary! Nice to see you again!
Eliz: Gary, it's nice to tell our listeners a little about our show.
Gary: Okay! Why don't you start?
Eliz: All right. As you know, we are following some important business meetings and
negotiations. Over the next several weeks, we will be interviewing three business people:
Charles Blake, Mike Epstein, and Shirley Graham. Our first guest is Charles Blake. Mr. Blake
lives in Beijing, China. He works for International Robotics, a Chinese company.
Gary: What kind of company is it?
Eliz: International Robotics manufactures industrial robots.
Gary: Robots. So it's a high-tech company.

Eliz: Yes, it is. Then in another program, we'll interview Mike Epstein. Mr. Epstein lives in
Sunnyvale, California, in Silicon Valley. He works for Advanved Technologies, an American
Gary: That sounds like a high-tech company too.
Eliz: Yes. Advanced Technologies makes computer components. The third person we'll
interview is Shirley Graham. Ms. Graham is Mr. Epstein's boss. She's a Vice President at
Advanced Technologies. And you'll see, she and Mr. Epstein don't always agree.
Gary: It sounds interesting. When do we start?
Eliz: In just a moment. Charles Blake will be our first guest. But first, let's take a short break.
I'll see you later, Gary.
Gary: My pleasure.
Vietnamese explanation
Quí v v a h c xong bài 3 trong ch ng trình Anh Ng Sinh đ ng New Dynamic English.
Ph m v n xin kính chào quí v thính gi và xin h n g p l i trong bài h c k ti p.

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….

Anh Ng sinh đ ng bài 4.

Dynamic English Lesson 4 2.31MB [Download] (RealAudio)
Nghe tr c ti p trên m ng Dynamic English Lesson 4 2.31MB [Download] (RealAudio)
Dynamic English Lesson 4 7.00MB[Download] (MP3)
ây là ch ng trình Anh Ng Sinh đ ng New Dynamic English bài th 4. Ph m V n xin kính chào
quí v thính gi . Ph n bài h c này quí v s nghe cô Elizabeth Moore, ph trách ch ng trình

Functioning in Business, Anh Ng th ng m i.
Hôm nay quí v s nghe tr c ph n cô Elizabeth ph ng v n ông Charles Blake, ng
hãng s n xu t d ng c đi n t thay ng i tên là International Robotics.

i làm vi c cho

Sau đó là m u đ i tho i gi a ông Smith và ông Chang t i m t cu c tri n lãm kinh doanh k ngh
(Industrial trade show).
BOOTH=gian hàng trong cu c tri n lãm.
SALES MANAGER=qu n đ c mãi v (lo vi c bán).
ROBOT=máy t đ ng, thay ng i, đ làm m t s công vi c trong k ngh .
TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS=tên công ty, có ngh a là cách gi i đáp k thu t.
HARDWARE=ph n c ng (còn g i là c ng li u); ch máy móc trong máy đi n t , nh CPU= central
processing unit= b ph n v n hành trung ng c a máy đi n toán, hay printer=máy in.
SOFTWARE=ph n m m (nhu li u)=nh ch ng trình Windows, hay ch ng trình MSWord làm ch y
đi n toán.
INFORMATION=tin t c, thông tin (s ít, không có s).
MANUFACTURING PROCESS: ti n trình ch t o.
Trong tên công ty INTERNATIONAL ROBOTICS, ch “robotics” có ngh a là ngành chuyên v máy
t -đ ng thay ng i đi u khi n m t s công vi c.
PRODUCTS=s n ph m.
BROCHURES=t p tài-li u nói v đ c tính và công d ng s n ph m.
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây quí v s nghe Elizabeth ph ng v n Charles Blake v công ty và trách nhi m c a ông. Công ty
c a ông Blake ch t o b ph n k ngh và máy đi n t thay ng i (industrial equipment and robots).
Nhi m v chính c a ông Blake là xu t c ng máy đi n t thay ng i dùng trong k ngh .
HEAD OFFICE=v n phòng trung ng=Main office.
EXPORT=xu t c ng. IMPORT=nh p c ng. [v a là đ ng t v a là danh t ]

FREE TIME=gi r nh r i
EFFICIENT=h u hi u
WHAT ARE THE ROBOTS USED FOR?=ng i máy dùng đ làm gì?
WHAT ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES?=nhi m v c a ông là gì?
I SPENT A LOT OF TIME TRAVELING= tôi đ nhi u thì gi đi công tác.
[Nh n xét: sau đ ng t “spend”, đ ng t th hai th verb-ing].

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Eliz: Welcome back to Functioning in Business. Our guest today is Mr. Charles Blake. Good morning,
Mr. Blake. Thank you for coming to our program.
Blake: Good morning. It's a pleasure to be here.
Eliz: Please tell our listeners a little about yourself and your company.
Blake: Well, I work for a Chinese company, International Robotics.
Our head office is in Beijing, China.
Eliz: What does your company manufacture?
Blake: We manufacture industrial equipment and robots.
Eliz: What are industrial robots used for?
Blake: They're used in the manufacturing process, for example, in car manufacturing and in
production of computer parts. They make the manufacturing process safer and more efficient. That's
because robots don't get tired, sleepy, or hungry.
Eliz: What are your responsibilities at International Robotics?
Blake: May main responsibility is to export the company's industrial robots to North America. Eliz: I
see. Do you spend most of your time in North America? Blake: Not really. I work at the company's

head office in Beijing, but I spend a lot of time traveling.
I usually travel for six to eight weeks a year.
Eliz: So you live in Beijing?
Blake: That's right. My wife is Chinese and I have one child, a son.
Eliz: What do you do in your free time?
Blake: My free time? Well. I enjoy playing golf and tennis, but unfortunately I don't have as much
time as I would like.
Vietnamese explanation
Trong ph n này, quí v nghe nh ng cách nói khác nhau, VARIATIONS, ngh a là cùng m t ý mà có
th nói b ng hai cách.
Thí d : Thay vì dùng danh t “responsibility” (trách nhi m, nhi m v ) thì có th dùng “be responsible
for” (ch u trách nhi m) hay “be in charge of”;
head office=main office=v n phòng trung ng
travel= be on the road =đi công tác.
Eliz: My main responsibility is to export industrial robots.
Gary: I'm responsible for exporting industrial robots. (pause)
Eliz: I work at the company's head office.
Larry: I work at the company's main office. (pause)
Eliz: I usually travel for six to eight weeks a year.
Larry: I'm on the road for six to eight weeks a year. (pause)
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là ph n bài t p. Có ch HOBBY/HOBBIES=trò tiêu khi n.
Quí v nghe r i l p l i.

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
Eliz: Who does Mr. Blake work for? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: He works for International Robotics, a Chinese company. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Is he responsible for the import or export of industrial robots? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: He is responsible for the export of industrial robots. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Does he work at International Robotics' head office? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Yes, he does, but he spends six to eight weeks on the road. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Is he married? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Yes, he is. His wife is Chinese. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Does he have any children? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Yes, he does. He has one child, a son. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Does he have any hobbies? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Yes, he does. In his free time, he likes to play golf and tennis. (pause for repeat)
Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là m u đ i tho i gi a ông George Smith và ông Dennis Chang t i m t cu c tri n lãm kinh
doanh k ngh (Industrial trade show).
Ôn l i:
BOOTH=gian hàng trong cu c tri n lãm.
DISTRIBUTE=phân phát, phân ph i.
SALES MANAGER=qu n đ c mãi v , lo v vi c bán, xu t c ng.
TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS=tên công ty, có ngh a là cách gi i đáp k thu t.
BROCHURES=tài li u qu ng cáo v s n ph m.
Eliz: Today's Business Dialog is about introductions. Imagine you're in an industrial trade show and
you hear this conversation. Let's listen.
Smith: Hello. Welcome to our booth.
Chang: Hello. My name is Dennis Chang I'm the sales manager for Technologies Solutions.

Smith: Nice to meet you, Mr. Chang.
Chang: Oh, please call me Dennis.
Smith: Okay, nice to meet you, Dennis. I'm George Smith.
Chang: Nice to meet you, George.
Smith: I'm the local sales representative for Ace Electronics in Los Angeles. What can I do for you?
Chang: My company distributes hardware and software in the Eastern United States. Can you give me
some information about your products?
Smith: Sure, Here are some brochures.
Chang: Thanks.
Vietnamese explanation
Trong ph n k ti p, quí v nghe Gary ch d n v cách gi i thi u mình và hãng mình.
Tr c h t, hãy nghe r i l p l i m y câu gi i thi u.
Sau đó nghe Gary ch cách t gi i thi u trong m t tr ng h p th ng m i. Khi g p ng i khác, hãy
nói tên và h và ch c v và công ty c a mình. My name is Dennis Chang. I'm the sales manager for
Technology Solutions.

– Download Các bài test Ti ng Anh mi n phí

– Download ph n m m, tài li u h c ngo i ng mi n phí :
Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….
N u c n tr ng nghi th c (formal) thì hãy g i ng i khác b ng h c a ng i y khi m i g p. Sau đó
n u ng i y mu n, thì hãy g i b ng tên. Sau đó Gary s nói k h n trong ph n Gary's Tips (l i ch
d n c a Gary).
CLIENT=khách hàng, thân ch .
FORMAL=nghiêm, tr ng nghi th c.
INFORMAL=thân m t.
FULL NAME=h và tên.
POSITION=ch c v . T ng t , TITLE.

REPRESENTATIVE=ng i bán hàng, đ i di n hãng, th

ng g i t t là “rep.”

Larry: Listen and repeat.
Eliz: Hello. My name is Dennis Chang. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I'm the sales manager for Technology Solutions. (Pause for repeat)
Eliz: I'm the local representative for Ace Electronics in Los Angeles. (pause for repeat)
(Gary's tips) Eliz: Welcome back! You just heard a conversation between two business people
meeting at a trade show. Now, it's time for Gary's Tips. Are you ready, Gary?
Gary: Sure thing, Elizabeth.
Eliz: What's your topic for today?
Gary: Today I'll be talking about how to introduce yourself and your company.
Eliz: That's a really important topic. You should know how to introduce yourself to new clients.
Gary: Yes, exactly. So, if you want to introduce yourself to another businessperson, say “Hello,” and
then give your name. “Hello” is better than “Hi” because it is a little more formal. It's best to give your
full name, first and last.
In today's Business Dialog, we heard Dennis Chang introduce himself to George Smith at a trade
show. Notice that Mr. Chang gives his full name, and then mentions his position and the name of his
Let's listen to the Business Dialog.
Chang: Hello: My name is Dennis Chang. I'm the sales manager for Technology Solutions.
Gary: Let's listen to how George Smith introduces himself.
Notice that he gives his full name, his position, and his company.
Smith: I'm George Smith. I'm the local sales representative for Ace Electronics in Los Angeles
Gary: If you want to be polite, you should address people by their last name when you first meet them.
In the Business Dialog, Mr. Smith addresses Mr. Chang by his last name.
Let's listen again.
Chang: Hello. My name is Dennis Chang. I'm the sales manager for Technology Solutions.

Smith: Nice to meet you, Mr. Chang.
Gary: It's best to use a person's last name in a business situation until you are very certain that you can
be more informal.
In the Business Dialog, Mr. Chang tells Mr. Smith to call him Dennis. This is a signal to Mr. Smith

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that Mr. Chang wants to be informal.
From that point on, the two businessmen call each other by their first names.
Let's listen one more time.
Smith: Nice to meet you, Mr. Chang.
Chang: Oh, please call me Dennis.
Smith: Okay, nice to meet you, Dennis. I'm George Smith.
Chang: Nice, to meet you, George
Gary: Today we heard some examples of people introducing themselves in a business setting.
Remember when you introduce yourself to say your full name, your position or title, and the company
you are with. And if you are unsure about using a person's last name or the first name, use the last
name. N u không ch c nên g i th nào (h hay tên) thì hãy g i ng i đó b ng h c a ông hay bà ta.
Vietnamese explanation
Quí v v a h c xong bài s 4 trong ch ng trình Anh Ng Sinh ng New Dynamic English. Ph m
v n xin kính chào quí v thính gi và xin h n g p l i trong bài h c k ti p.

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Anh, Pháp,
c, Nga, Trung, Hàn, Nh t, Ý, T.B. Nha ….

Anh Ng sinh đ ng bài 5.

Dynamic English Lesson 5 2.10MB[Download] (RealAudio)
Nghe tr c ti p trên m ng Dynamic English Lesson 5 2.10MB[Download] (RealAudio)
Dynamic English Lesson 5 6.34MB[Download] (MP3)
ây là ch ng trình Anh ng Sinh đ ng New Dynamic English bài th 5. Ph m V n xin kính
chào quí v thính gi . Trong bài h c này quí v s g p ông Max và cô Kathy, hai ng i ph trách
ch ng trình Anh ng c n b n nh m giúp quí v hi u thêm v ng i M và v n hóa M . Ch đ
c a bài h c hôm nay là câu Is She from Chicago? - Có ph i cô y thành ph Chicago đ n
không? Quí v s h c cách nói mình t đâu đ n. Sau đó quí v c ng h c cách dùng ch “we”
(chúng tôi, chúng ta) và ch “they” (h ) và hình th c s nhi u c a đ ng t “to be” (là “are"). Quí
v s nghe các ch :

SISTER=em hay ch gái.
WASHINGTON, D.C.= tên th đô Hoa Th nh
n, thu c đ c khu Columbia.
C ng nghe cách vi t và đ c t t c a “SHE IS” là “SHE'S”.
Trong đo n s p nghe, Kathy và Max nói v hai ng i khách m i lên đài là Sara Scott và
ng i em gái cô ta tên là Chris. Ti ng anh ch sister ch ch hay em gái. Mu n nói rõ, dùng
elder sister, cho “ch ”, younger sister, cho “em gái”; dùng ch eldest sister, cho “ch c ”.
Bây gi là đo n đ u bài h c.
Kathy: Hi, Max. How are you today?
Max: Fine. And you?

Kathy: Oh. I'm OK.
Kathy: Our guests today are Sara Scott and her sister Chris.
Max: Is Sara from Washington?
Kathy: Do you mean from Washington, D.C.?
Max: Yes. Is she from Washington, D.C.?
Kathy: No, she's not.
Max: Where is she from?
Kathy: I don't know. We'll ask her.
Vietnamese explanation
Bây gi đ n ph n th c t p. Quí v l ng nghe r i l p l i; nghe câu tr l i, câu tr
câu sau nhanh.

c ch m,


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Anh, Pháp,
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Larry: Sara...is from...the United States. (Pause for repeat)
Larry: She's from the United States. (Pause for repeat)
Larry: Max...is from...San Francisco. (Pause for repeat)
Larry: He's from San Francisco. (Pause for repeat)
Larry: Kathy...is from...New York. (Pause for repeat)
Larry: She's from New York. (Pause for repeat)

Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là cu c ph ng v n c a Kathy v i Sara Scott và Chris Scott.
Hai ng i Chicago đ n.
ý đ n cách vi t và đ c t t c a “They are” là “They're” và “We
are” là “We're”. Trong đo n t i có vài tên c n bi t:
Chicago Bulls=tên đ i bóng r n i ti ng Chicago. Bull=bò m ng;
Golden Gate Bridge= Kim-môn-ki u, tên chi c c u treo m u đ n i ti ng San Francisco.
Sears Tower=tên tòa nhà ch c tr i Chicago.
Xin l ng nghe:
Kathy: Now, it's time for today's interview. Our guests today are Sara Scott and her sister.
Good morning, Sara.
Max: Hi, Sara.
Sara: Good morning, Kathy. Hello, Max.
Kathy: Thank you for coming.
Sara: Thank you for inviting me.
Kathy: I'd like to introduce my sister, Chris.
Kathy: Hello, Chris. Nice to meet you.
Chris: Hello, Kathy. It's nice to meet you too.
Max: Hello, Chris.
Chris: Hello, Max. Nice to meet you.
Kathy: OK, Sara. I'd like to ask you a question.
Sara: Certainly.
Kathy: What city do you come from?
Sara: I come from Chicago.
Kathy: Chris, are you from Chicago too?
Chris: Yes, I'm from Chicago.
Sara and I are both from Chicago.
Sara: Yes, we're both from Chicago.

Max: I'm from San Francisco.
Chris: Really? I love San Francisco! The Golden Gate Bridge is in San Francisco.
Max: That's right. What's in Chicago?
Sara: Well, the Sears Tower is in Chicago.
Chris: And the Chicago Bulls basket ball team is in Chicago.
Kathy: I love basket ball! Our guests are Sara and Chris Scott. We'll talk after our break.
Kathy: This is New Dynamic English.
Vietnamese explanation

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