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NS: 6/3/09
ND:9/3/09 Period 73: Unit 12. a vacation abroad
Lesson 1: - getting started
- listen and read
I. The aims and objective
1. The objectives: Helps Sts to read the dialogue for deatails about making
plans for a vacation abroad.
2. Teaching point:
Reading the dialogue for deatails about making plans for a vacation abroad
By the end of this period , students will able to aware of how to make,
accept and decline invitations.
Skill: Listening, reading.
II Teaching aids:
- T: textbook , pictures , extra board, stereo .
- ST: textbook.
III. Procedures :
1. Organisation (1’)
2. Checking up( 5’). Revise the structures
3.The new lesson(37’)
T s Activities’ T Sts activities’
* Greetings.
* Getting Started:
guessing game
- Show Ss the photocopied pictures one by one
and ask Ss to guess what country it is .
Answer Key:
a. The U.S.A b. Australia
c. Thailand
d. Britain e. Canada

f. Japan
* Chatting:
T: Which country do you want to visit?
T: Why?
St: ……………….
II. Pre- reading.
1. Pre- teach Vocabulary: elicit
N.W from Ss
- (to) include:
- (to) come over:
- (to) pick sb up:
- abroad (adv):
- a schedule:
bao gåm
ghÐ th¨m, ghÐ qua
®ãn ai ®ã
ë níc ngoµi
lÞch tr×nh
* Checking the V.O.C: Making
Think and write as
quickly as possible

Check whole class
Listen and answer the
Guess and give the
meaning of the
Listen and repeat before
2. True/ False Statements
- Set the scene: Mrs. Quyen is going to the USA
for a vacation. She is calling her friend, Mrs
Smith to tell her about the trip.
- Ask Ss to guess if the statements on the poster
on the b.b are true or false.
1. Mrs. Quyen is calling Mrs. Smith from the
airport in San Francisco.
2. Mrs. Smith invites Mrs. Quyen and her
husband to stay with her while they are in town.
3. Mrs. Quyen doesn t accept Mrs. Smith s’ ’
invitation because she wants to stay with her
Vietnamese friend.
4. Mrs. Quyen and her husband will be in the
USA for 3 days.
5. Mrs. Quyen and her husband will come
over to Mrs. Smith s place for dinner one night.’
6. Mr. Thanh; Mrs. Quyen s husband, goes’
abroad for a business meeting.
- Give feedback and write Ss’ prediction on the

1…….. 2……. 3……… 4……… 5………
iii. while reading.
1. Reading and checking the
- Have Ss open their books and listen to the tape
while reading the dialogue to check their
- Give feedback and correct.
Answer Key:
1- F ( Mrs. Quyen is calling Mrs. Smith
from Ha Noi)
2- T
3- F ( because her accommodation is
included in her ticket price)
4- T
5- F ( only Mrs. Quyen will come over to
Mrs. Smith’s)
6- T
2. Grid Table.
- Draw the grid on the b.b and ask Ss to copy.
- Have Ss read the dialogue again and work in
pairs to complete Mrs. Quyen’s schedule with
the information from the dialogue.
- Call on some Ss to write the information in the
grid on the b.b.
Answer Key:

Read and write
Look at and match in
Write on the board and
check before class
Listen to teacher’s
Listen and guess the
Listen to the tape and
Read the text and match
in pair
Write on the board
and check before class
Read the text again then
ask and answer the
question in pair (close
and open pair)
Date Mon 25 Tue 26 Wed 27
Schedule Coming to San
Going out Having dinner
with the Smiths
- Ask Ss to copy.
3. Comprehension Questions .
- Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions (P113).

- Call on some pairs to work open.
- Give feedback and correct.
Answer Key:
a. No. Because their accommodation is
included in their ticket price, so they will stay at
the hotel.
b. No, he won t. Because he will have a’
business meeting in the evening that day.
c. Mrs. Smith will pick her up at her hotel.
iV- post reading: Grammar
- Get Ss to read the dialogue again and find the
sent.s indicating the following situations.
1. Making an invitation.
2. Accepting an invitation.
3. Declining an invitation.
4. Making a complaint.
- Give feedback and correct.
Answer Key:
1. Making an invitation.
- Would you like to come and stay with
us …?
- … you must come over for dinner one
2. Accepting an invitation.
- Yes, we’d love to but we’ll only be in
town for three nights.
3. Declining an invitation.
- That’s very kind of you but we’re
coming on a tour…

4. Making a complaint.
- Oh dear. He’s always working.
Listen and take note
Discuss in group to
answer these questions
Present before class
Copy down
Retell the main content of the lesson
5.Homework :(2’)
- Learn the new words and practice writing them.
- Prepare Unit 12- Speak.
NS: /3/09
ND: /3/09 Period 74: Unit12. a vacation abroad
Lesson 2: - speak and listen
I. The aims and objective
1. The objectives: Helps Sts to Practice in making plans using tourist
brochures and flight information.
2. Teaching point:
Practice in making plans using tourist brochures and flight information.
By the end of this period , students will able to Practice in making plans
using tourist brochures and flight information.
Skill: Listening, speaking.
II Teaching aids:
- T: textbook , pictures , extra board, stereo .
- ST: textbook.

III. Procedures :
3. Organisation (1’)
4. Checking up( 5’). Revise the structures
3.The new lesson(37’)
T s Activities’ T Sts activities’
* Greetings.
* Slap the board:
II. Pre- speaking.
1. Pre- teach Vocabulary: elicit
N.Ws from Ss
- an itinerary:
-a gallery:
- a flight:
- via:
lé tr×nh
phßng trng bµy
chuyÕn bay
®i qua, ngang qua
T- W.C
T- Ss

T - Ss

come over
- facilities:
- a brochure:
ph¬ng tiÖn, CSVC
tê r¬i, môc qu¶ng c¸o
* Checking the V.O.C: R.O.R
2. Matching.
- Stick 4 photocopied on the b.b and write 4 titles
on the left.
- Ask Ss to go to the b.b to match the titles with
the correct pictures.
Answer Key:
iii. While speaking.
1. Questions.
- Take turns to show the tables on the b.b and ask
Ss some questions for information about the
flights, accommodation and tourist places.
* Flight Information:
- How many flights a week can you take from Los
Angeles to Boston?
- Which flight can you take everyday of the
* Hotel Advertisement:
- Which hotel is cheaper, Revere or Atlantic

- How much is a double room in Revere Hotel?
- How about the Atlantic?
* Travel Brochure:
- Where can you visit?
2. Mapped Dialogue.
- Set the scene: these people are making a plan for
their trip from Los Angeles to Boston. Let’s do it
with them.
- Put the mapped dialogue chart on the b.b and
elicit exchanges from Ss.
- Have some pairs practice the exchanges before
moving to another exchange.
- Get some pairs to read the dialogue
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, replacing the
information using the tables.
- Monitor and help Ss.
Mr. Smith Mrs. Smith
T- Ss
T- St
Open pairs
Close pairs
Open pairs
T- Ss

1.Hotel Advertisement
2. Flight information
3. Itinerary
4. Travel Brochure
- Where shall we stay?
- Where should we visit?
- What time should we
leave Los Angeles?
- The Revere Hotel is
expensive but it has a gym.
- I think we should visit
Havard Medical School, the
Museum and Arts Gallery.
- There’s a dairly flight at 10
a.m, would that be OK?
- Get Ss to practice in front of the class.
iv. post speaking:
- Ask Ss to make a plan for their coming summer
holiday by filling the information in their
Depart (Hue):……………………..
Arrive (Ho Chi Minh City):
Accommodation: …………………..
Depart (Ho Chi Minh City) :
- Call some pairs to demonstrate their plans for
the class.

- Give feedback and correct.
* Listening :
II. Pre- listening.
1. Pre- teach Vocabulary: elicit
N.Ws from Ss
- humid (adj):
- temperate (ajd):
- the weather forecast:
- minus :
- degree centigrade:
- zero degree:
- the temperature:
«n ®íi
dù b¸o thêi tiÕt
(®é) ©m
®é C
®é ©m
nhiÖt ®é
* Checking the V.O.C: Making
2. Chatting.
- Ask Ss some questions to lead in the new lesson.
+ Have you ever listened to the weather
forecast on TV or on the radio?
+ What does it often tell you about?
+ Do you think it is necessary to listen to the
weather forecast? Why/ Why not?
iii. While listening.
1. Gap Fill.

- Put a poster with a Gap- Fill table on the b.b and
ask Ss to copy.
City Weather
T- W.C
T- Ss
T- W.C
T- W.C
T- Ss

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