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2 2 audio script with TPR actions

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Pupil’s Book 2 Class audio script with TPR actions

. 2
Rhyme Hello! [Chant]
Hello, hello, hello.
[Smile and nod. Shake hands with neighbours.]
How are you?
[Hold hand out and look at neighbour
Hello, hello, hello.
[Smile and nod. Shake hands.]
I’m fine, thank you.
[Hand on chest, nod and smile.]
(Chant repeated)
. 3
Rhyme Alphabet [Song]
a, b
a, b, c
c, d
c, d, e
e, f
e, f, g
g and h and i

. 5
Rhyme: Goodbye [Song]
Goodbye Dona. Goodbye Sam.
Goodbye Tarik. Goodbye Lin.

Goodbye friends, goodbye to you.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
(Song repeated)
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
[Wave (with alternate hands) for each name as
it is sung. Use Poster 1.1 or the IWB pages 4–5
and wave to each character.]
. 7
Rhyme Numbers: [to 5] [Chant]
Voice:I can count to five.

I can count to five.

One, two, three, four, five.

I can count to five.
[No actions]
. 9
Rhyme: There is one fish. [Song]
Look! There is one fish in the sea.
[Hold up thumb of one hand.]
Look! There are two fish,
And now there are three.
Look! There are four fish,
And now there are five.
There are five fish in the sea.
[Hold up the fingers on one hand as you count.]

h, i
i, j, k

k, l
k, l, m
m, n
m, n, o
o and p and q
p, q
q, r, s
s, t
s, t, u
u, v
u, v, w
x and y and z.
[The children should clap on the beat as they say
each letter name.]

There are five fish in the sea.
[Hold up all five fingers on one hand.]
Look! There are four fish,
And now there are three.
Look! There are two fish,
And now there is one.
There is one fish in the sea.
[Close the fingers as you count back from five.]
Look! There are no fish in the sea.
[Show hand with all fingers and thumb closed.]
There are no fish in the sea now.
[Shake head.]
Goodbye fish. Goodbye.
[Wave goodbye to class.]
Look! There are no fish in the sea.

There are no fish in the sea now.
[Shake head.]
Goodbye fish. Goodbye.
[Wave goodbye to class.]

© 2016 Cengage Learning


. 0
Rhyme Numbers [to 10 ] [Chant]
I can count to ten.
I can count to ten.
One, two, three, four, five,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
I can count to ten.
I can count to ten!
[No actions]
. 2
Rhyme The wheels on the bus [Song]
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All day long.
The windows on the bus go up and down,
Up and down, up and down.
The windows on the bus go up and down,
All day long.
The wipers on the bus go left and right,

Left and right, left and right.
The wipers on the bus go left and right,
All day long.
The bell on the bus goes ring, ring, ring;
Ring, ring, ring; ring, ring, ring.
The bell on the bus goes ring, ring, ring,
All day long.
The horn on the bus goes honk, honk, honk;
Honk, honk, honk; honk, honk, honk.
The horn on the bus goes honk, honk, honk,
All day long.


. 3
Rhyme: Our world [Song]
This is our world;
[Make big circle in the air with both hands/arms.]
This is our home,
[Cross hands on chest or hold arms in inverted V
shape over heads.]
The birds in the trees;
[Make flapping motion with both hands out to
the side.]
The fish in the sea.
[Make sideways wiggle/swimming motion with
one hand.]
A home for you;
[Point to another person/other people.]
A home for me;

[Point to self.]
A home for everyone.
[Hold both arms out to indicate everyone else.]
This is our world;
[Make big circle in the air with both hands/arms.]
This is our home,
[Cross hands on chest or hold arms in inverted V
shape over heads.]
The grass is green;
[Arms by sides; sway body from side to side as if
long grass swaying in the wind.]
The sea is blue.
[Raise arm to shoulder and ‘draw’ a wavy line
with the hand from left to right.]
A home for me.
[Point to self.]
A home for you;
[Point to another person/other people.]
A home for everyone,
[Hold both arms out to indicate everyone else.]
A home for everyone.

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. 6
Rhyme My body (V1–2) [Song]
Point to your arm and point to your leg.
Point to your body and point to your head.
Point to your body and point to your head.

Point to your arm and point to your leg.
Point to your hand then point to your feet.
Stand up straight and sit on your seat.
Stand up straight and point to your feet.
Point to your hand then sit on your seat.
[Children carry out the instructions as given.]
. 7
Rhyme: Values [Song]
I can listen,
[Raise hand to ear.]
And I can learn.
[Raise hand as if to answer question.]
I can sit and wait my turn.
[Sit down feet together, hands together in lap.]
I can tidy
[Make picking-up motion with hand.]
And I can share.
[Make giving motion with both hands.]
I can help and show I care.
[Place both hands on heart.]
(Song repeated)
. 9
Rhyme Dipping rhyme [Chant]
Ip dip sky blue.
I can choose what to do.
[No actions]
(Chant repeated)

. 2 0
Rhyme: Art [Song]

[Make scissors-action with fingers of one hand.]
And fold,
[Start with palm up and bring hand smoothly
over onto desk, palm down.]
And colour
[Make scribbling motion with one hand.]
And glue.
[Run fist firmly along desk from left to right as if
using a glue stick.]
This is what we need to do.
[Nod head repeatedly.]
Draw and paint,
[Sweep hand/arm up and down through the air in
big paint-brush action.]
And stick,
[Make a fist and push thumb down onto desk.]
And sew.
[Fingers and thumb together, make up-and-down
sewing motion action.]
Now we’re ready – off we go!
[Walk on the spot and wave both arms above
the head.]
(Chant repeated)
. 2 2
Rhyme: Come and play! [Chant]
Come girls, come and play.
[Make big ‘come here’ motion with one hand
towards the girls in the class.]
Come and say a rhyme today.

[Bring hand up in front of chest, palm inwards,
move hand away from self, palm upwards, to
indicate production of sound.]
Come boys, come and play.
[Make big ‘come here’ motion with one hand
towards the boys in the class.]
Come and say a rhyme today.
[Bring hand up in front of chest, palm inwards,
then move hand away from self, palm upwards,
to indicate production of sound.]
(Chant repeated)
. 2 5
Rhyme Sounds [Chant]
I can hear the sounds you say. [Hand cupped to ear.]
I can read my words today. [Palms together then
opened up like a book.]
I can write and I can spell. [Right (or left) hand
makes writing motion in the air.]
I know my letters very well. [Nodding action in
(Chant repeated)

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. 2 8
Rhyme Five little buns [Song]
Five little buns in the baker’s shop,

Yellow and round, with sugar on the top.
Along comes Tarik with a penny one day.
He takes one bun and eats it right away.

. 3 1
Rhyme Five baby ducks [Song]
Five baby ducks went swimming one day,
[Hold up 5 fingers, then make swimming
Over the pond and far away.
[Hold hand over the top of the eyes, as if looking
into the distance.]
Mummy duck said: ‘Come back, come back!’
[Hold hands around mouth, as if calling, then
make a beckoning gesture with hand.]
Four baby ducks came swimming back.
[Hold up 4 fingers, then make swimming

Four little buns in the baker’s shop,
Yellow and round, with sugar on the top.
Along comes Tarik with a penny one day.
He takes one bun and eats it right away.
Three little buns in the baker’s shop,
Yellow and round, with sugar on the top.
Along comes Tarik with a penny one day.
He takes one bun and eats it right away.

Four baby ducks went swimming one day,
[Hold up 4 fingers, then make swimming

Over the pond and far away.
[Hold hand over the top of the eyes, as if looking
into the distance.]
Mummy duck said: ‘Come back, come back!’
[Hold hands around mouth, as if calling, then
make a beckoning gesture with hand.]
Three baby ducks came swimming back.
[Hold up 3 fingers, then make swimming

Two little buns in the baker’s shop,
Yellow and round, with sugar on the top.
Along comes Tarik with a penny one day.
He takes one bun and eats it right away.
One little bun in the baker’s shop,
Yellow and round, with sugar on the top.
Along comes Tarik with a penny one day.
He takes one bun and eats it right away.
No little buns in the baker’s shop,
Yellow and round, with sugar on the top.
Along comes Tarik with a penny one day,
But there are no little buns for him to take away.
[Hold out fingers on one hand to represent the
buns and fold one as each bun is taken away.
Or have items to represent the buns See Online
Resources 1.49 (cut-out cakes) and a child to be
Tarik and remove one item each verse.]
. 2 9
Rhyme One, two. How are you? [to 10 ] [Chant]

One, two,
How are you?
Three, four,
Who’s at the door?
Five, six,
How many bricks?
Seven, eight,
Stand and wait!
Nine, ten,
Whose is this pen?
[No actions]
(Chant repeated)


Three baby ducks went swimming one day,
[Hold up 3 fingers, then make swimming
Over the pond and far away.
[Hold hand over the top of the eyes, as if looking
into the distance.]
Mummy duck said: ‘Come back, come back!’
[Hold hands around mouth, as if calling, then
make a beckoning gesture with hand.]
Two baby ducks came swimming back.
[Hold up 2 fingers, then make swimming
Two baby ducks went swimming one day,
[Hold up 2 fingers, then make swimming

Over the pond and far away.
[Hold hand over the top of the eyes, as if looking
into the distance.]
Mummy duck said: ‘Come back, come back!’
[Hold hands around mouth, as if calling, then
make a beckoning gesture with hand.]
One baby duck came swimming back.
[Hold up 1 finger, then make swimming

© 2016 Cengage Learning

One baby duck went swimming one day,
[Hold hand over the top of the eyes, as if looking
into the distance.]
Over the pond and far away.
[Hold hand over the top of the eyes, as if looking
into the distance.]
Mummy duck said: ‘Come back, come back!’
[Hold hands around mouth, as if calling, then
make a beckoning gesture with hand.]
No baby ducks came swimming back.
[Hold up fingers in the shape of a zero, then
make swimming movements.]
Sad mummy duck went swimming one day,
[Hold up 1 finger, then make swimming
Over the pond and far away.
[Hold hand over the top of the eyes, as if looking

into the distance.]
Mummy duck said: ‘Quack, quack, quack, quack!’
[Hold hands around mouth, as if calling.]
And five baby ducks came swimming back.
[Hold up 5 fingers, then make swimming
. 3 2
Rhyme Shapes (V1) [Chant]
Eight [Hold up 8 fingers.] sharp corners [Hit elbow
with palm of hand.]
and six [Hold up 6 fingers.] flat faces, [Pull flat of
hand down in front of face, palm in.]
You [Point away from self.] see me [Point to self.]
in lots of places,
[Point away from self in wide sweeping
[Stretch up.]
or small,
[Crouch down/push arm down with palm parallel
to floor.]
[Stretch arms out to side.]
or wide,
[Stretch arms out, front to back.]
I can’t roll,
[Shake head and move hand outwards from
chest in a rolling motion.]
but I can slide.
[Nod and smile, and starting at chest height

and finishing at waist height, push hand out and
away from self, palm down.]
I'm a box!

. 3 4
Rhyme Ten green bottles [Song]
Ten green bottles standing on the wall,
Ten green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be nine green bottles standing on the wall.
Nine green bottles standing on the wall,
Nine green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be eight green bottles standing on the wall.
Eight green bottles standing on the wall,
Eight green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be seven green bottles standing on the wall.
Seven green bottles standing on the wall,
Seven green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be six green bottles standing on the wall.
Six green bottles standing on the wall,
Six green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be five green bottles standing on the wall.
Five green bottles standing on the wall,
Five green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be four green bottles standing on the wall.

Four green bottles standing on the wall,
Four green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be three green bottles standing on the wall.
Three green bottles standing on the wall,
Three green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be two green bottles standing on the wall.
Two green bottles standing on the wall,
Two green bottles standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be one green bottle standing on the wall.
One green bottle standing on the wall,
One green bottle standing on the wall,
And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,
There’ll be NO green bottles standing on the wall.
[Children hold up ten fingers at the start. For
each verse, they take hold of one finger on ‘if
one’ and tuck it down on ‘fall’, continuing to
show the remaining fingers.]

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. 3 6
Rhyme You can’t make a spoon out of paper!
You can’t make a spoon out of paper.

You can’t make a hat out of wood.
You can’t make a car out of plastic.
Plastic is just no good.
So make your books out of paper.
For windows, please use glass.
Wood is good for a desk or chair.
We know this from our class.
[No actions]
. 3 7
Rhyme I can remember (V1) [Chant]
My book
[Put palms together, then open out, palms up,
keeping hands together.]
and my pencil,
[Make writing motion with one hand.]
My cap or my hat,
[With two hands, one front and one back, mime
pulling on a cap.]
My bag
[Fists near shoulders, elbows out, mime holding
the straps of a back pack.]
and my lunchbox, too.
[One arm held stiffly to one side, hand miming
holding a handle.]
Try to remember
[One forefinger to forehead.]
all of your things.
[With arms extended, bring both hands into
chest in ‘gathering’ motion.]
I can remember.

[Point to self (one hand or both.)]
Can you?
[Point to others (one hand or both.)]
(Chant repeated)

. 3 9
Rhyme The sun has got his hat on! [Song]
The sun has got his hat on
(Make a large circle with the arms and mime
pulling hat onto head with both hands.)
Hip, hip, hip hooray!
[Raise hands above head and wave them
on ‘hooray!’]
The sun has got his hat on.
(Make a large circle with the arms and mime
pulling hat onto head with both hands.)
And it’s time for us to play.
[Jiggle on the spot as if running, jumping,
We’re all feeling happy.
(Make big ‘smile’ gesture with hand or finger in
front of face.)
Hip, hip, hip hooray!
[Raise hands above head and wave them
on ‘hooray!’]
The sun has got his hat on.
(Make a large circle with the arms and mime
pulling hat onto head with both hands.)
And it’s time for us to play.
[Jiggle on the spot as if running, jumping,


[Use Flashcard 1.10a or the IWB version of card
to show sun wearing a hat.]
. 4
Rhyme Wash [Song]
This is the way we wash our hands,
Wash our hands, wash our hands.
This is the way we wash our hands
Before we eat our food.
[Hand-washing action for first three lines;
spooning food into mouth for last line.]
This is the way we wash our hands,
Wash our hands, wash our hands.
This is the way we wash our hands
Before we go to bed.
[Hand-washing action for first three lines; eyes
closed, palms together under cheek as if sleeping
for last line.]


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. 4 4
Rhyme In the kitchen [Song]
The kitchen is where we cook our food, cook our
food, cook our food.
The kitchen is where we cook our food. We cook our

food in the kitchen.
[Stir food in a pan.]
The bathroom is where we clean our teeth, clean
our teeth, clean our teeth.
The bathroom is where we clean our teeth. We
clean our teeth in the bathroom.
[Brush teeth.]
The sitting room’s where we watch TV, watch TV,
watch TV.
The sitting room’s where we watch TV. We watch
TV in the sitting room.
[Fold arms and sit still, looking straight ahead.]
The bedroom is where we go to sleep, go to sleep,
go to sleep.
The bedroom is where we go to sleep. We go to
sleep in the bedroom.
[With eyes closed, put palms together and tuck
hands under one cheek.]
. 4 6
Rhyme Lizards (to 11) [Song]
There are ten green lizards, up and down the wall.
Ten green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are eleven green lizards, up and down
the wall.
[On 10, children hold up all the fingers of
both hands.
On 1, they hold up one finger.
On 11, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 1 more.]

. 4 8
Rhyme Ten little children [Song]
Ten little, nine little, eight little children,
Seven little, six little, five little children,
Four little, three little, two little children,
One little child all alone.
One little, two little, three little children,
Four little, five little, six little children,
Seven little, eight little, nine little children,
Ten little children now.
[Sitting: Children hold up 10 fingers and tuck one
down as they say each new number. In verse two
they start with one finger and hold up one more
each time.]
[Standing: 10 children at the front; the rest of
the class point as the children in the line sit
down/stand up in turn. If space is restricted,
the 10 children in the line could raise their arms
instead of standing up.]
. 5 0
Rhyme Numbers [to 12 ] [Song]
I can count to twelve. Yes, I can.
I can count to twelve. Yes, I can.
I can count to twelve. I can count to twelve.
I can count to twelve. Yes, I can.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
I can count to twelve. I can count to twelve.
I can count to twelve. Yes, I can.

[No actions]
. 5 5
Rhyme A home for me [Chant]
A den is a home for a lion,
A monkey lives in a tree,
The sea is the place for a dolphin or a fish,
But a house is a home for me.
A nest is a home for a bird,
A hive is a home for a bee,
A pond is the place for a duck or a frog,
But a house is a home for me.
[No actions]
. 5 6
Rhyme Recycle! [Chant]
Recycle old paper,
Don’t throw it away.
Or save it and use it
Another day.
[No actions]
(Chant repeated)

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. 5 8
Rhyme Letters and sounds [Chant]
Read a letter. Say the sound.
[Children mime reading then demonstrate

speaking a sound, like an actor.]
Say it well. Now say it better.
[Children repeat the action as above, but with
more gusto.]
Read a letter. Write the letter.
[Children mime reading then mime writing.]
Write it straight or write it round.
[Children mime writing a big horizontal line up
and down, then a round letter ‘o’]
(Chant repeated)
. 6 0
Rhyme Colours (V1) [Song]
I can see colours:
Yellow and green.
I can see colours:
Red and blue.
I can see colours:
Lots of colours.
I can see colours.
How about you?
[Place flashcards 1.31a, 1.33a, 1.39a and 1.54a
on the board or use IWB flashcards and point to
each one as you sing the colour. At ‘How about
you?’, point to individual children around the
(Chant repeated)
. 6 3
Rhyme Point to your clothes [Chant]
Point to shorts. Point to a t-shirt.
[Children stand at their desks and point to the

named items of clothing.]
Point to a top. Point to a skirt.
[Children point to the named items of clothing.]
Point to green and point to blue.
[Children point to the named colours.]
Point to a sock and point to a shoe.
[Children point to the named items of clothing.]
Point to yellow. Point to red.
[Children point to the named colours.]
Point to a hat on someone’s head.
[Children point to the named item of clothing.]
Point to trousers. Point to a dress.
[Children point to the named items of clothing.]
Sit down now and all say ‘yes’. YES!
[Children sit down and say ‘yes’ loudly.]


. 6 5
Rhyme Lizards [to 13 ] [Song]
There are eleven green lizards, up and down the wall.
Eleven green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are twelve green lizards, up and down
the wall.
[On 11, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 1 more.]
[On 1, they hold up one finger.]
[On 12, they hold up 10 fingers briefly and then
2 more.]

There are twelve green lizards, up and down the
Twelve green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are thirteen green lizards, up and down the
[On 12, children hold up ten fingers briefly and
then 2 more.]
[On 1, they hold up one finger.]
[On 13, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 3 more.]
. 6 7
Rhyme Holiday! [Chant]
We are off on holiday.
Need to pack our things today.
Take your shorts or take your skirt,
Take your top or take a t-shirt,
Shoes and socks, a bag and mat.
And don’t forget to take a hat!
[Children point to their own garments as they
name them.]
. 6 9
Rhyme Numbers [to 14 ] [Song]
I can count to fourteen. Yes, I can.
I can count to fourteen. Yes, I can.
I can count to fourteen. I can count to fourteen.
I can count to fourteen. Yes, I can.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
Thirteen, fourteen, I can count to fourteen.

I can count to fourteen. Yes, I can.
[No actions]

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. 7
Rhyme Are you bigger? [Chant]
Are you bigger than a plane?
[Move hands apart at waist height to show bigger.]
No, I’m smaller than a plane.
[Shake head. Move hands together at waist
height to show smaller.]
Are you bigger than a car?
[Move hands apart at waist height to show bigger.]
No, I’m smaller than a car.
[Shake head. Move hands together at waist
height to show smaller.]
Are you bigger than a tree?
[Move hands apart at waist height to show bigger.]
No, I’m smaller than a tree.
[Shake head. Move hands together at waist
height to show smaller.]
You’re very, very small!
[Move hands together at waist height to show
And I’m very, very sad because
[Pretend to wipe away a tear.]
Everything’s bigger than me.
[Move hands apart at waist height to show bigger.]

Are you bigger than a hat?
[Move hands apart at waist height to show
Yes, I’m bigger than a hat.
[Nod head. Move hands apart at waist height to
show bigger.]
Are you bigger than a bee?
[Move hands apart at waist height to show
Yes, I’m bigger than a bee.
[Nod head. Move hands apart at waist height to
show bigger.]
Are you bigger than a cat?
[Move hands apart at waist height to show
Yes, I’m bigger than a cat
[Nod head. Move hands apart at waist height to
show bigger.]
You’re very, very big,
[Move hands apart at waist height to show
And I’m very, very glad
Not everything is bigger.
[Shake head. Move hands apart at waist height
to show bigger.]
Some things are smaller,
Some things are smaller than me.
[Move hands together at waist height to show

. 7 7
Rhyme I can remember (V2) [Chant]
My book [Put palms together, then open out,
palms up, keeping hands together.]
and my pencil, [Make writing motion with one hand.]
My cap or my hat, [With two hands, one front and
one back, mime pulling on a cap.]
My bag [Fists near shoulders, elbows out, mime
holding the straps of a back pack.] and my
lunchbox, too. [One arm held stiffly to one side,
hand miming holding a handle.]
We must remember [One forefinger to forehead.]
to name all our things. [Make writing motion with
one hand.]
I can remember. [Point to self (one hand or both.)]
Can you? [Point to others (one hand or both.)]
. 8 0
Rhyme I can move my hand. [Chant]
[For most things, children do actions as described.]
I can move my hand.
I can shake my head.
I can hop and stand.
I can move my leg.
I can close my eye.
I can climb and slide.
[Move one hand above another, as if climbing a
rope; one-hand slide motion, as in the chant ‘I’m
a cuboid’.]
But I can’t swim,

[Shake head and make swimming motion with
and I can’t fly.
[Shake head and make flapping motion with arms.]
. 8 3
Rhyme A monkey can climb. [Song]
A monkey can climb a tree.
A fish can swim in the sea.
A bird and a plane can fly
In the blue and sunny sky.
A rabbit can jump and run
Under the morning sun.
I can fly in a plane and swim.
I can climb and slide and spin.
I can walk and move and run.
I can go and I can come.
I can jump and I can hop.
I can start and I can stop!
[Children act out some of the action verbs in the

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2. 3
Rhyme Lizards [to 15 ] [Song]
There are thirteen green lizards, up and down

the wall.
Thirteen green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are fourteen green lizards, up and down
the wall.
[On 13, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 3 more.]
[On 1, they hold up one finger.]
[On 14, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 4 more.]
There are fourteen green lizards, up and down
the wall.
Fourteen green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are fifteen green lizards, up and down
the wall.
[On 14, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 4 more.]
[On 1, they hold up one finger.]
[On 15, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 5 more.]
2. 6
Rhyme Numbers [to 16 ] [Song]
I can count to sixteen. Yes, I can.
I can count to sixteen. Yes, I can.
I can count to sixteen. I can count to sixteen.
I can count to sixteen. Yes, I can.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.

I can count to sixteen. Yes, I can.
[No actions]

2. 2
Rhyme You put your right arm up! [Song]
You put your right arm up,
You put your right arm down,
You put your right arm up,
and you move it round and round.
You take a step forward,
And you take a step back.
Then you turn round and round.

Yes, move and play now.
Yes, move and play now.
Yes, move and play now.
Then you turn round and round.
You put your left arm up,
You put your left arm down,
You put your left arm up,
And you move it round and round.
You take a step forward,
And you take a step back.
Then you turn round and round.

Yes, move and play now.
Yes, move and play now.
Yes, move and play now.
Then you turn round and round. Yeah!
[Children make the movements given in the song.]

2. 3
Rhyme We play nicely! [Song]
We play nicely at play time.
We wait in line.
We don’t run fast.
We don’t push past.
We don’t make noise.
We share our toys.
We play nicely at play time.
[Song repeated]
[No actions]
2. 5
Rhyme Rice and beans [Song]
Rice and beans hot.
Rice and beans cold.
Rice and beans in a pot,
Nine days old.
Some like them hot.
Some like them cold.
Some like them in a pot,
Nine days old.
[No actions]


© 2016 Cengage Learning

2. 7
Rhyme Pat-a-cake [Song]

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker Stan, [Clap hands.]
Make me a cake, as fast as you can. [Clap hands.]
Roll it [Make a circling motion with one hand.]
and pat it [Make a patting motion with the same
and mark it with B, [Air-write B.]
And put it in the oven [Mime holding a tray and
sliding it onto a shelf.]
for Baby [Mime holding a baby.]
and me. [Point to self]
(Song repeated)
2. 9
Rhyme Lizards [to 17 ] [Song]
There are fifteen green lizards, up and down
the wall.
Fifteen green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are sixteen green lizards, up and down
the wall.
[On 15, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 5 more.]
[On 1, they hold up one finger.]
[On 16, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 6 more.]
There are sixteen green lizards, up and down
the wall.
Sixteen green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are seventeen green lizards, up and down
the wall.

[On 16, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 6 more.]
[On 1, they hold up one finger.]
[On 17, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 7 more.]
2. 22
Rhyme Numbers [to 18 ] [Song]
I can count to eighteen. Yes, I can.
I can count to eighteen. Yes, I can.
I can count to eighteen. I can count to eighteen.
I can count to eighteen. Yes, I can.
One, two, three, four, five, six,
Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen.
I can count to eighteen. Yes, I can.
[No actions]

2. 24
Rhyme Two little chickens [Chant]
Two little chickens looking for some more.
Along come another two and that makes four.
Four little chickens hopping on some bricks.
Along come another two and that makes six.
Six little chickens sitting on a gate.
Along come another two and that makes eight.
Eight little chickens run to mummy hen.
Along come another two and that makes ten.
[Show the correct number on your fingers, adding
two each verse, until you are showing ten fingers.]

2. 27
Rhyme Head, shoulders, knees and toes [Song]
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
[With both hands, children touch each body part
as it is named, bending as necessary.]
(Song repeated)
2. 30
Rhyme My family (V1–2) [Song]
There are five people in my family. [Children hold
up five fingers.]
There’s my mum [Children hold up one finger.]
and my dad [Children hold up one finger.]
in my family.
There’s my sister [Children hold up one finger.]
and my brother [Children hold up one finger.]
in my family.
And there’s me. [Children point to themselves.]
Yes, there’s me!
There are more people in my family.
There’s my mum [Children hold up one finger.]
and my dad, [Children hold up one finger.]
in my family.
There’s my sister [Children hold up one finger.]
and my brother [Children hold up one finger.]
in my family.
There’s my gran [Children hold up one finger.]
and my grandad [Children hold up one finger.]

in my family.
And there’s me. [Children point to themselves.]
Yes, there’s me!

© 2016 Cengage Learning


2. 34
Rhyme Lizards [to 19 ] [Song]
There are seventeen green lizards, up and down the wall.
Seventeen green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are eighteen green lizards, up and down
the wall.
[On 17, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 7 more.]
[On 1, they hold up one finger.]
[On 18, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 8 more.]
There are eighteen green lizards, up and down the wall.
Eighteen green lizards, up and down the wall.
One more lizard comes to join them all.
So there are nineteen green lizards, up and down
the wall.
[On 18, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and
then 8 more.]
[On 1, they hold up one finger.]
[On 19, children hold up 10 fingers briefly and

then 9 more.]
2. 36
Rhyme Numbers [to 20] [Song]
I can count to twenty. Yes, I can.
I can count to twenty. Yes, I can.
I can count to twenty. I can count to twenty.
I can count to twenty. Yes, I can.
One, two, three, four, five, six,
Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
Nineteen, twenty.
Yes, I can!
[No actions]

2. 38
Rhyme Five funny freckled frogs [Song]
Five funny freckled frogs sit on an old brown log,
Catching some most delicious bugs. (Yum, yum!)
One jumps into the pool, where it is nice and cool.
Now there are four green freckled frogs.
Four funny freckled frogs sit on an old brown log,
Catching some most delicious bugs. (Yum, yum!)
One jumps into the pool, where it is nice and cool.
Now there are three green freckled frogs.
Three funny freckled frogs sit on an old brown log,
Catching some most delicious bugs. (Yum, yum!)
One jumps into the pool, where it is nice and cool.
Now there are two green freckled frogs.
Two funny freckled frogs sit on an old brown log,

Catching some most delicious bugs. (Yum, yum!)
One jumps into the pool, where it is nice and cool.
Now there is one green freckled frog.
One funny freckled frog sits on an old brown log,
Catching some most delicious bugs. (Yum, yum!)
One jumps into the pool, where it is nice and cool.
Now there are no green freckled frogs. (Boo, hoo!)
[Children hold up five fingers at the start. For every
verse, they take hold of one finger, continuing to
show the remaining fingers.]
2. 43
Rhyme Colours (V1–2) [Song]
I can see colours:
Yellow and green.
I can see colours:
Red and blue.
I can see colours:
Lots of colours.
I can see colours.
How about you?
I can see colours:
Black and white.
I can see colours:
Brown and grey.
I can see colours:
Lots of colours.
Can you see colours,
Colours today?
[No actions]


© 2016 Cengage Learning

2. 45
Rhyme We’re not noisy! [Chant]
Don’t be noisy; please don’t shout.
Please don’t yell, or run about.
Please play quietly with your toys.
Please be helpful girls and boys.
Hush! Hush!
[At ‘Hush!’, children put a finger to their lips.]
We’re not noisy; we don’t shout.
We don’t yell, or run about.
We play quietly with our toys,
We are helpful girls and boys.
[At ‘Hush!’, children put a finger to their lips.]
2. 50
Rhyme Twenty legs [Song]
The spider hangs upon the gate.
How many legs has he? Yes, eight!
Above him flies a yellow bee.
He has six legs. Can you see?
A small white cat goes running past.
Her four long legs help her move fast.
Mrs bird has two legs – that’s not many.
But Mr worm does not have any!
[No actions]

2. 5
Rhyme Incy Wincy spider [Song]
Incy Wincy spider climbs up the wall.
[Touch fore-finger to thumb of opposite hand,
then swing hands and touch thumb to opposite
forefinger, in climbing motion. This is traditional
and good for motor control but a simpler
climbing action can be substituted.]
Down comes the rain.
[Move hands down through the air while wiggling
Poor Incy has a fall.
[Drop hands suddenly to the floor or table.]
Out comes the sun
[Make sun-rising movement.]
and dries up all the rain.
[Wiggle fingers while moving hands upwards.]
Incy Wincy spider climbs up the wall again!
[Repeat climbing motion from first line.]
(Song repeated)

2. 52
Rhyme One, two. How are you? [to 12 ] [Chant]
One, two. How are you?
Three, four. Who’s at the door?
Five, six. How many bricks?
Seven, eight. Stand and wait.
Nine, ten. Whose is this pen?
Eleven, twelve. What’s on the shelves?
(Chant repeated)

[No actions]
2. 56
Rhyme Push it away! [Chant]
Pull it near
[With closed fists, children make a pulling
gesture at chest height.]
or push it away.
[With palms facing outwards, children make a
pushing gesture at chest height.]
We do these things every day.
Push it away or pull it near.
Can you make the difference clear?
(Chant repeated)
2. 59
Rhyme Wiggly Woo [Song]
There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden,
And his name is Wiggly Woo.
There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden,
And all that he can do
Is wiggle all night, and wiggle all day.
[Children hold out their hands and wiggle
their fingers.]
The people round here they always say,
There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden,
And his name is Wiggly Woo.
There’s a bug at the bottom of the garden,
And her name is Bouncing Boo.
There’s a bug at the bottom of the garden,
And all that she can do
Is bounce all night, and bounce all day.

[Children can either stand and jump gently up
and down, or bounce gently in their seats.]
The people round here they always say,
There’s a bug at the bottom of the garden,
And her name is Bouncing Boo.

© 2016 Cengage Learning


2. 63
Rhyme I like animals [Song]
I like animals. I like animals. [Hand on heart.]
Do you like animals, too? [Hands open in
questioning gesture.]
I like elephants. I like lions. I like kangaroos.
[Hand on heart.]
Some people don’t like spiders or dogs.
[Hand on heart, shake head for ‘No’.]
Some people don’t like snakes or frogs.
[Hand on heart, shake head for ‘No’.]
Some people don’t like lizards or bats.
[Hand on heart, shake head for ‘No’.]
But I like animals. I like animals.
[Hand on heart.]
And my favourite animals are cats.
[Hand on heart, say ‘Meow’.]
2. 66
Rhyme Favourites [Song]

My favourite place to be is home. [Put hand on
heart then make a roof shape.]
My favourite place to go is school. [Put hand on
heart then make a sweeping gesture, taking in
the room.]
My favourite thing to do is run. [Put hand on heart
then pretend to run.]
My favourite person to see is mum! [Put both hands
on heart.]
My favourite food to eat is cake.
[Put hand on heart then pretend to eat.]
My favourite drink to drink is juice.
[Put hand on heart then pretend to drink.]
My favourite colour to see is blue. [Put hand on
heart then point to something blue.]
And my favourite friend to meet is you. [Put hand
on heart then point to someone near you.]
2. 68
Rhyme Two, four, six, eight [Chant]
Two, four, six, eight,
Stand here at the gate.
Ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen,
Listen to the teacher speaking.
Eighteen, twenty, that’s the end.
Sit down with your friend.
[No actions]
(Chant repeated)


2. 72
Rhyme One, two. How are you? [to 20 ] [Chant]
One, two. How are you?
Three, four. Who’s at the door?
Five, six. How many bricks?
Seven, eight. Stand and wait.
Nine, ten. Whose is this pen?
Eleven, twelve. What’s on the shelves?
Thirteen, fourteen. What needs sorting?
Fifteen, sixteen. What needs fixing?
Seventeen, eighteen. Who is waiting?
Nineteen, twenty. That is plenty!
[No actions]
2. 73
Rhyme Uncle Ali has a farm [Song]
Uncle Ali has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on his farm he has a cat, E-I-E-I-O.
There’s a meow, meow here, and a meow,
meow there.
Here a meow, there a meow, everywhere a
meow, meow.
Uncle Ali has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
Uncle Ali has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on his farm he has a horse, E-I-E-I-O.
There’s a neigh, neigh here, and a neigh, neigh there.
Here a neigh, there a neigh, everywhere a
neigh, neigh.
Uncle Ali has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
Uncle Ali has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on his farm he has a duck. E-I-E-I-O.

There’s a quack, quack here, and a quack,
quack there.
Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a
quack, quack.
Uncle Ali has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
Uncle Ali has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on his farm he has a cow, E-I-E-I-O.
There’s a moo, moo here, and a moo, moo there.
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo, moo.
Uncle Ali has a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
[Children make the animal noises in each verse.]
2. 75
Rhyme Tomatoes, peas and carrots [Song]
Tomatoes, peas and carrots grow, [Make weaving,
growing motion with one arm.]
Tomatoes, peas and carrots grow.
Can you or I or anyone know [Shrug and look round
How tomatoes, peas and carrots grow?

© 2016 Cengage Learning

In the ground we plant the seeds, [Bend down and
mime planting a seed.]
Then comes the sun and rain they need, [Look up at
sky, hold up hands, palms open and smile.]
And on the plant or on the tree,
Grows the food for you and me. [Point, moving the
hand upwards at 'grows', then mime picking and

showing a fruit.]
Apples, grapes and lemons grow,
Apples, grapes and lemons grow.
Can you or I or anyone know
How apples, grapes and lemons grow?
2. 78
Rhyme The present [Chant]
What’s in this box? [Point and look around.]
What can it be? [Hold hands up and shrug;
look around.]
Let’s open it up; [Pull hands apart in ‘opening’
Let’s look and see! [Shade eyes with hand.]
It isn’t for Sam and it isn’t for Lin. [Shake head and
wave one finger in negative gesture.]
Yes, it’s a present [Throw both hands in the air
giving a big smile.]
just for me! [Bring both hands down onto own chest.]
(Chant repeated)
2. 80
Rhyme Shapes (V1–2) [Chant]
One curved surface
[Make curving motion with cupped hand.]
and two [Hold up two fingers, palm out.]
flat faces,
[Pull flat of hand down in front of face, palm in.]
You [Point away from self.]
see me [Point to self.]
in lots of places. [Point away from self in wide
sweeping movement.]

Tall [Stretch up.]
or small [Crouch down.]
thin [Hold hands close together, palms flat.]
or wide [Pull hands apart.]
I can roll, [Nod and smile, and move hand
outwards from chest in a rolling motion.]
and I can slide. [Nod and smile, and starting at
chest height and finishing at waist height, push
hand out and away from self, palm down.]
I’m a tube!

Eight sharp corners and six flat faces,
You see me in lots of places.
Tall or small, long or wide,
I can’t roll, but I can slide.
I’m a box!
2. 83
Rhyme Five noisy fireworks [Chant]
Five noisy fireworks all in a row.
Wheee! Flash! Bang!
Now there are four.
Four noisy fireworks not close to me.
Wheee! Flash! Bang!
Now there are three.
Three noisy fireworks well away from you.
Wheee! Flash! Bang!
Now there are two.
Two noisy fireworks. Now we’re nearly done.
Wheee! Flash! Bang!
Now there is one.

One noisy firework all on its own.
Wheee! Flash! Bang!
Time to go home.
[Children make all the firework noises.]
2. 86
Rhyme Please and thank you [Chant]
Please and Thank you aren’t hard to say.
I try to say them every day.
Thank you for my present and
Thank you for my food.
I can be polite. I’m never, ever rude.
Please can I have a cake? and Please help me.
I can be polite. Good manners are free.
Please and Thank you aren’t hard to say.
I try to say them every day.
[No actions]

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