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KHDH tiếng anh tuần 3

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Date: 4/9 - 8/9/2017

Lesson 3 - Workbook
I. Objectives: Greet someone in a friendly way and ask for their names.
II. Languages focus:
- Vocabulary: Tom, Alfie, Mai, Nick.
- Structure: Hello, my name’s (Alfie).
What’s your name?
My name's (Tom). Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too
III. Integrated skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing
IV. Teaching aids: CD.
V. Procedures
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
35’ A. Write the names.
1. Have students open their Student Books,
- Call out the names.
look at part A and call out all the names they
can see.
2. Have students write the names in the
- Write the names.
provided spaces on the Workbook.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
- Give results.
B. Find and circle the names.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. - Look, listen.

2. Have students look at all the names one by
- Circle the names.
one and circle them on the word search.
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them
- Work in pairs.
check the answers with each other.
4. Afterwards, check answers as a whole class. - Answer.
C. Look and write.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example
- Answer.
by asking and answering with a student.
2. Have students look and write to complete the - Complete the
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them
- Work in pairs.
check the answers with each other.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
- Give results.
5. Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate the - Some pairs
activity in front of the class.

WEEK 3 – Period 7

Date: 4/9 - 8/9/2017

Lesson 4
I. Objectives: Ask and answer about personal information.

II. Languages focus:
- Vocabulary: Alpha, Greenwood, River Town, home.
- Structure: Where are you from?
I’m from (Greenwood).
Where’s (he/she) from?
(He/she)’s from (River Town).
III. Integrated skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing
IV. Teaching aids: - CD1 tracks 21-24.
- Flashcards: Alpha, Greenwood, River Town, home
V. Procedures
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
15’ A. Listen, point and say (CD1 – Track 21):
1. Arrange the flashcards on the board.
- Play audio.
- Listen and repeat.
- Point to the flashcards along with the
- Repeat.
audio. Repeat several times.
2. Play audio again
- Listen, repeat and point to
the pictures in their books.
3. Change the order of the flashcards, point to - Say the words.
them individually and have students say the
words, correct pronunciation when needed.
4. Play the “Word Tennis” game. Have one
- Play game.
student come to the front and play "Tennis"

with you.
5. As you say a word hit it to the student and
have the student respond with another word
and hit it back to you.
6. Divide the students into pairs and have
them play with each other. Have some pairs
demonstrate the game in front of the class.

B1. Listen and read (CD1 – Track 22):
1. Review the story from the previous lesson - Answer.
"Tom and his friends met an alien in the
2. Now introduce the situation "Tom is asking - Listen.
Alfie where he is from…"



3. Have students call out the places they can
4. Have students listen and read.
B2. Listen and draw lines (CD1 – Track
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity
using the example.
2. Play audio and have students listen and

draw lines.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a
whole class.
B3. Practice the structure (CD1 – Track
1. Draw students’ attention to the structure
2. Play audio and have students listen.
3. Play audio again and have students listen
and repeat.

- Call out the places
- Listen and read.
- Listen.
- Listen and draw lines.
- Answer.

- Look, listen.
- Listen.
- Listen, repeat.

WEEK 3 – Period 8

Date: 4/9 - 8/9/2017

Lesson 4
I. Objectives: Ask and answer about personal information.
II. Languages focus:

- Vocabulary: Alpha, Greenwood, River Town, home.
- Structure: Where are you from?
I’m from (Greenwood).
Where’s (he/she) from?
(He/she)’s from (River Town).
III. Integrated skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing
IV. Teaching aids: CD.
V. Procedures
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
5’ C. Listen. Sing along (CD1 – Track 25):
1. Play audio.
- Listen.
2. Play audio and have students point to the
- Listen and point.
pictures in Part A.
3. Play audio and have students sing the song
- Sing the song.
as a whole class.
4. Divide the class into two groups, group A:
- Work in groups.
sing the questions, group B: sing the answers.
5. Swap roles and repeat.
- Repeat.
* Pronunciation tips (CD1 – Track 26):
3’ 1. Focus on the example sentence and briefly
- Listen.
explain the focus.

2. Tell students they must listen and notice the - Notice the pronunciation
pronunciation feature.
3. Play the audio once and draw attention to
- Look, listen.
the pronunciation feature.
4. Play the audio again. Have students listen
- Listen, repeat.
and repeat with a focus on the feature.
D. Listen and circle. Practice. Point, ask and
answer (CD1 – Track 27):
5’ * Listen and circle.
1. Have Ss call out the places they can see.
- Call out.
2. Play audio and demonstrate the activity
- Listen.
using the example.
3. Play audio again.
- Listen and circle.
4. Play audio again and check answers as a
- Answer.
whole class.




* Practice.
1. T: I say, "you." You say, "Where are you
T: I say, "he." You say, "Where's he from?"
T(to class): You
Class: Where are you from?
T(to class): He
Class: Where's he from?
Continue whole class/group/individual
drills, with:
• they
• she
2. Divide class into Group A and Group B
T: I say "you/Alpha", group A, you say,
"Where are you from?", group B, you say, "I'm
from Alpha.”
T: I say "he/Greenwood", group A, you say,
"Where's he from?", group B, you say, "He's
from Greenwood". OK?
T (to class): You/Alpha
Group A: Where are you from?
Group B: I'm from Alpha.
T (to class): He/Greenwood
- Continue whole class/group/individual
drills, with:
• They/River Town
• She/Maple City
* Point, ask and answer.

5. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
6. Divide the students into pairs.
7. Have Student A point and ask, have Student
B answer.
8. Swap roles and repeat for next pictures.
9. Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate
the activity in front of the class.
E. Play the “Follow the lines” game. Ask
your friends.
1. Divide the students into pairs.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students trace lines, ask e.g. “Where's
she from?”, and answer e.g. “She's from
4. Have students fill in the blank for where
they and their friends are from.
5. Swap roles and repeat.

- The whole class.
- Groups.
- Individuals.

- Work in groups.

- Listen.
- Work in pairs.

- Some pairs.

- Play game.


Date: 4/9 - 8/9/2017

Lesson 4 - Workbook
I. Objectives: Ask and answer about personal information.
II. Languages focus:
- Vocabulary: Alpha, Greenwood, River Town, home.
- Structure: Where are you from?
I’m from (Greenwood).
Where’s (he/she) from?
(He/she)’s from (River Town).
III. Integrated skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing.
IV. Teaching aids: Workbook.
V. Procedures
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
10’ A. Look at the pictures and complete the
1. Arrange the flashcards on the board, point
- Say along.
and have students say along.
2. Have students look at the pictures and
- Complete the words.
complete the words.
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them

- Work in pairs.
check the answers with each other.
4. Afterwards, check answers as a whole class. - Give answers.
8’ B. Read and put a tick or a cross in the box.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. - Listen.
2. Have students read and put a tick or a cross - Tick in the box.
in the box.
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them
- Pairs.
check the answers with each other.
4. Afterwards, check answers as a whole class. - Give result.
9’ C. Read and circle.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. - Listen.
2. Have students read and circle the words that - Read, circle.
matches the pictures.
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them
- Pairs.
check the answers with each other.
4. Afterwards, check answers as a whole class. - Answer.
8’ D. Trace, write and draw.
1. Demonstrate the activity.
- Listen.
2. Divide the class into pairs, have student A
- Pairs.
ask “Where are you from?”, have student B
answer “I’m from ______.” using their own
idea, then write down the answer in their own


3. Swap role and repeat.
4. Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate
the activity in front of the class.

- Repeat.
- Some pairs.

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