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1. The rationale for choosing the theme "factors keep employees
in the enterprise"
2. Theories relating to methods and creating of dynamic foot care



1. The rationale for choosing the theme "factors keep employees
in the enterprise
"Today, in the harsh conditions of the marketplace, competition for
human resources is always a hot issue at the company. One of the most
important issues that HR professionals can’t ignore is the planning and
implementation of strategic human resource development, attract talent to
work for the company to them and not less fragrant with psychological
"standing at this mountain and looking another."
According to results from a study of two companies and Hodson
Walker Information Institute provides information on the loyalty of

employees in enterprises as follows:
Ø 24% of employees find that they are truly loyal, truly committed to
contribute to these objectives, the activities of the company and willing to
work in business at least two years.
Ø Up to 33% of employees in the enterprise has no commitment, a
plan to survive in the long term business.
Ø But 39% are considered employees were reluctant to do. They
stayed to work for some reason only that (wages, respected, you know, look
for another job waiting ...) but did not have a specific plan to bring benefits
to the enterprise.
All managers, business owners are recognizing that they must always
pay very high prices for the departure of key associates. The study found
that up to 70% of customers leave because businesses are related to the

departure of key employees. Besides, if constantly the departure of key
figures, it will cause waves go of all the rest. Currently, in Vietnam the
problem of how to retain staff is a big problem for managers of enterprises
in Vietnam, especially after Vietnam joined the WTO. The firms wishing to
expand production and business need, in addition to human resources with
high quality, they must know how to retain employees who have the capacity
to avoid being brain drain, this is a matter of business survival. Thus, the
problem posed is that businesses need to identify, consider and appreciate
the factors that affect the loyalty of employees, based on which a business
will have the appropriate direction in the work of human resource
management, in order to have positive activities to retain talent for the
enterprise to avoid brain drain phenomenon in the future. That's why we
have chosen the theme "The factors affecting the retention of corporate

The factor to retain employees is quite identical to the methods and
motivates employees. Because, only when employees are motivated, they
really work and dedication and bring value to the enterprise. Especially for
quality personnel, awareness and their capacity is quite high. If they are not
motivated to work out the risk they take is very large. Therefore, the study of
the factors keeping workers can not research on the theory mentioned
problems and motivate employees. Each theory refers to the different
aspects. Managers need research interests motivate the theory, the meaning
of the doctrine from which to make the policies, regulations and rules ... in

order to motivate workers to match with conditions of business, consistent
with the psychological, physiological, personality of each person.
1. The theory of needs

Maslow's needs theory

The behavior of an individual at a given moment is determined by the
strong demand of them. Thus managers need to consider the needs usually
most important, dominant behavior of workers.
Maslow hypothesized that within every human being there exists a
system of five hierarchical needs:
The basic needs at the bottom of the tower must be met before
thinking to the higher demand. The higher demand will arise and look
forward to more intensely satisfying when all basic needs at the bottom (the

bottom of the tower) have been met.
5 levels in the Tower of Maslow's needs theory:
• 1st level: The most basic needs of the "physical" (physiological) food, water, shelter, sex, excretion, breathing, relaxation.
• 2nd level: Demand for safety (safety) - need to feel assured of
physical security, employment, family, health and property are guaranteed.
• 3rd level: The need to exchange feelings and are attached (love /
belonging) - want to be in a certain community groups, want to have calm
family, friends, trusted friends.
• 4th level: demand of being love (esteem) - need to feel respected, to
love, to be believed.


• 5th level: The demand for self-expression itself (self-actualization) like creativity, ability to be expressed, to express themselves, their
presentation, have been and are recognized as successful.
When this demand is basically satisfied, the next demand tame.
According to this theory, set out for the manager needs to master the
demands of workers, firstly satisfy physiological needs of man, then will
gradually increase to the higher demand.

The meaning derived from the theory needs

To survive and develop people always have the needs and demands
must be satisfied that needs to respond to their existence and their
The theory refers to the need for different levels of human needs, but
the purpose is to exploit the maximum potential from human labor in the
organization and also related to retention workers.

Look at the theory of needs helps managers to understand the source
of motivation, level of human needs, the needs governing the behavior of
employees so that they can identify for and the impact should look like.
Human beings can exist simultaneously in many different needs, when
demand is satisfied, the other will appear demands, so managers need to pay
constant attention to meet the needs of workers. In each condition which can
satisfy the basic needs that to some degree.
The level of satisfaction higher as keeping employees and increase
their motivation to work, people work more actively. When human needs are
concerned, the employee will understand that their work will benefit them to
satisfy their own objectives. On the business when employees feel that the

attractiveness of the job, rest assured they will work more effectively,
improve productivity, reduce disturbances due to changes in human
Motivating employees is also satisfying the basic needs of workers.
2. Two-factor theory of Herzberg.
He said there are 2 factors that impact on people related to job
satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are:

Promoting factors: Includes those factors job satisfaction of

workers, such as achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility and








environment, such as policies, mechanisms of the company, the supervision,
inter-personal relations, working conditions and wages.
From this theory helps managers should pay more attention to the
second factor, two factors that combine to retain and motivate employees.
Managers need to see besides the physical benefits such as wages,
bonuses also have a variety of other factors are responsible, achievement,
advancement, the recognition they have a direct impact to the labor force.
When people feel their job, their responsibility for the business and
feel honored, the employee will be more responsible for their work, their
peace of mind, do the more enthusiastic, more energetic and more efficient.
Desire of workers to be promoted and which is attached along with the
development of the business. It showed them that they become more mature


through the enterprise, giving them develop their abilities in the

development business development.
Any business will understand they need to keep the foot of the staff on
how to mount them with the survival of the business. Let's find out the
following steps:
1. Imagine a strategy for employee retention:
Every business has its peculiarities and employee retention strategy
also depends on the individual businesses. We need a clear understanding of
the strengths and weaknesses of the business to ensure that activities related
to employee retention achieved the desired effect last key. Before making
employee retention strategies, we imagine the staff that we need to keep.
This question is sometimes considered meaningless by many businesses
would answer that they want to keep all employees. We need to find these
groups need to retain employees and their impact on business operations
when they leave. Here are some specific examples so that we can refer to:


How to determine

Why do we want to keep them

Research and

Discuss with the director of The brain drain business, loss of


research and development

Group of key

Discussion with department The cost of training new employees



competitive advantage.

to replace is high, hard to find a


Sales staff

Discussion with sales

Losing customers to competitors,


difficult to find a replacement

A special note: Just think what can fill in the column "why we want to
keep their feet again" and then burn your first thought about the question:
Who are the key employees? How do I know they are key and they affect the

operation of businesses is what?

Employee retention starts with recruitment:

What we say and do before recruitment as important as what we say
and do then. Managers focus on preventing employee leaves the company.
It's wrong! As demand increased staff rotation, retention efforts of our
employees will fail if we only focus on preventing their flight.
Instead, we should focus on attracting the right people. If the work
environment and consistent with their job, they will stay firm in the long run.
We should not expect that things will fit best staff ever. Take advantage of
maximum ability and interest of each employee as long as they do for us.
"We do not recruit for current employees that make recruiting for the

Building a healthy competitive environment

We must have the necessary changes in employee retention are:
Program and employee retention strategy is only a means, not the
destination. Strategy itself never makes a difference in employee retention
strategies in the long term.
It is important that companies need to note that a raise or promotion is
effective only temporary. Companies need to improve the working


environment. There are many interesting projects, with the training plan ...

simultaneously measures on building a strong brand to gain the confidence
and enthusiasm among staff.
For the business to achieve good results, it needs a collective effort of
all. No one can do it yourself good things, whether it's your part, so it is
important to build team spirit and competition in the company folds.
Can choose one of two ways to create a healthy competitive
environment in the company: (1) Set specific responsibilities for each job
and the employee who completed their work will be rewarded; (2) Create a
working environment where, rather than individual performance evaluation
of employees in the group to be rewarded if good overall results. The second
way is hard to apply, but a healthy competitive than the first.
Designed to work flexible hours
Young employees are generally like his work proactively, rather than
confined to work eight hours a day, five days a week. In fact the survey
showed that, if the freedom and time to complete all the work they account
for only half the time sitting in the company.
Let's do a poll in the company, if the majority of employees agree,
give them the opportunity now to work actively with their conditions to
achieve high performance.

Do not skimp on praise

Many directors only critical personnel when errors are committed, but
forget to praise when employees do their job well. They say it is the
responsibility of staff of course.


Please improve friendship between the director and staff, and
encourage them to continue striving in the form of public commendation by
the material. If the financial situation does not allow it a card, such as hands,
or mail of thanks and encouragement also work well.

No arbitrary criticism

When errors occur in the work, all employees are immediately
concerned will be blamed. Action wise than the "specified offense" means a
board of directors and other employees are directly related discussions to
find out the cause of errors on, then, sets out the measures needed to avoid
false similar repeated.

Create learning opportunities

To retain employees, you can show them that the Company wishes to
contribute to making their lives better, They are open to new insights by
generating all possible learning opportunities.
Any person is also interested in guiding, teaching others. Build faculty
on a number of important topics and tasks assigned to them imparting
knowledge experience for staff. If the results as well as personnel training
requirements, so companies can reward teachers, and authors like no big
prize citation or thank-you enough to please them.

The role of managers

We note that our job is to represent the business. The difference is the

power and responsibility. You must do the following:
* Mission:


The first field that you must represent the business is integrated into
the business mission objectives and activities of top employees. This mission
can be forced to write down and integrated into the meetings with top
employees. If not, employees will begin to let go away the key strategic
objectives of the business, eventually leading to feeling neglected between
employees and businesses.
* The values:
The second area to represent your business is to maintain the value of
the business and how to give all employees follow the same core values.
These values are as entrenched as an important compliance. Top employees
often have strong core values of their own. Therefore, linking the core
values of our employees and business is very important to retain staff in the
long term
* Culture:
3rd field is the internal communication culture of the business. This is
difficult thing because it has difficult formational concepts. Your task is to
ensure that employees understand and get along with that culture.

Benefits of counseling and training

Consulting, training and some other program is called is called coworkers program. For top employees, if you assign them the following
- They are stronger sense of personal development and career.

- They achieve more satisfying.


- They desire to finish what they start and maintain a sustainable
relationship with the consultant has been previously established.
- They feel more engaged with business to realize their efforts have a
positive effect on the lives and careers of other employees.
All counseling and training in business from staff level to
management level can be understood in a brief definition of "program
colleagues." These programs can help your colleagues to build better
relationships with their top employees.


Today, the market economy the competition is getting fierce, so that
businesses want to survive and thrive in this race, they must be prepared in
many aspects such as financial, reputation, the material ... but most
importantly human resources. The development of competition policy to
retain employees and attract qualified talent will lead to other consequences
as organizations will have many new ideas work better resolution, employee
loyalty organization will make businesses increase sales and significantly
reduce costs some factor that is competitive with rivals.
Personnel management policies if built based on the actual situation
will bring objectivity and feasibility. The range of topics focused
identification of factors affecting the loyalty of employees and organizations
based on which appropriate adjustment towards the goal is: when employees
loyal to the organization will focus wholeheartedly on the work and the

contribution of their effort to build the organization. The result gives the
organization is to build positive working environment, there is healthy
competition among employees in the work process, reducing the cost of


hiring and training new employees. In addition, employees will tend to work
better than what customers expect and there is high morale in the best of
their ability.




Tran Thi Kim Dung & Nguyen Thi Mai Trang (2007), The

impact of organizational culture and leadership style to the job performance
of employees and their loyalty to organizations, scientific research subjects
Ministry, economic University of Ho Chi Minh City.

Two. Paul Hersey & Ken Blanc Hard (2001), Organizational

Behavior Management, Statistics Publisher.


--- The end ---

