Lesson Plan 8 Long Dien A Junior Highschool
Unit 3 : AT HOME
Lesson 1 : Getting started & Listen and Read.
Lesson 2 : Speak.
Lesson 3 : Listen.
Lesson 4 : Read.
Lesson 5 : Write.
Lesson 6 : Language Focus.
Period 12 : Unit 3 – AT HOME – Lesson 1 - Getting started & Listen
and Read – Page 18 -19.
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the chores
and read the dialogue to understand main ideas and details.
Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cassette
Teacher’s and
5’ -T. explains how to
-SS match the
with the correct
-SS go to the board
to write their
answers in two
-T. gives Feedback.
I ) Warmer :
Getting started / P.27.
Pictures / P.27.
1. Feeding the chicken.
2. Making the bed (gấp chăn màn)
3. Cooking.
4. Washing the dishes / doing the washing-up.
5. Tidying up (dọn dẹp)
6. Sweeping the floor (quét nhà)
Answer key :
1f 2b 3d 4a 5e 6c
-T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models.
-SS repeat chorally
first, then
-T. puts the words
on the board.
-T. checks meaning
II )Pre reading(Stage) :
.Pre teach.
-(to) look after ( brother / sister) : trông em. (Situation)
-(to look after the house : trông nhà. (Situation)
-(to) lay / clear the dining table : sửa soạn / chọn bàn ăn.
-steamer (n) : nồi hấp, nồi đun hơi. (Translation)
-sink (n) : bồn rửa bát. (Explanation)
-saucepan (n) : cái chảo. (Explanation)
-frying pan (n) : chảo rán. (Explanation)
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Lesson Plan 8 Long Dien A Junior Highschool
and pronunciation.
-T. give an
-T. introduces the
-T. sets the scene.
-SS guess.
Ex : Nam ought to go to the market himself.
Modal verbs : Động từ hình thái.
Have to / ought to / must + V
Meaning : phải / nên làm việc gì.
Reflexive pronouns : Đại từ phản thân.
Him – himself
She – herself
It – itself
I – myself
We – ourselves
You – yourself / yourselves
They - themselves
o Who’s Mrs Vui ?
o What are they doing ?
o What are they talking about ?
*Open prediction.
What is Nam’s mother going to do tonight ?
-T. gets SS to read the
dialogue and check
their predictions.
-T. asks SS to make a
-SS write on posters.
-T. gives Feedback.
-T. presses the tape.
-SS listen with book-
-T. gets SS to
practice the dialogue
in pairs.
III ) While reading (Stage) :
*She is going to visit Grandma after work tonight.
*Now work in pairs and make a list of the things that
Nam has to do.
Answer key :
o Nam has to cook dinner.
o He has to go to the market and buy fish and
o Call his Aunt Chi and ask her to meet his mother
at Grandma’s house.
Listen and read / P.27-28.
10’ -T. explains how to
-SS go around and
ask their
IV ) Post reading (Stage) :
Find someone who …
Name Make
Do the
o What do you have to do ? I have to …
2’ -T. says and writes
“ Homework” on
the board.
-SS copy.
V )Homework :
-Learn vocabulary + Structures.
-Prepare “ Speak” / P. 28-29.
(rug, coffee table )
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Lesson Plan 8 Long Dien A Junior Highschool
Tuần 5
Period 13 : Unit 3 – AT HOME – Lesson 2 – Speak – Page 28-29.
• Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the
position of things in each room.
• Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters.
• Procedure.
Teacher’s and
5’ -T. gives the topic.
-SS go to the board
to write in two
-One student-one
I ) Warmer :
-T. sets the scene.
-SS look at the
picture and match the
objects in the house
with the correct
-SS go to the board
to write their
II )Pre speaking :
.Pre teach.
-rug (n) : tấm thảm trải sàn. (Explanation)
-coffee table (n) : bàn ngồi uống cà phê. (Situation)
*Hôm nay các em sẽ được thực hành cách miêu tả vò trí
của đồ vật. Hãy làm việc theo cặp, nói vò trí của các đồ
vật bằng cách nhìn vào tranh / P.28.
1) The fruit a. is on the table.
2) The plate b. is in the bowl.
3) The calendar c.are on the table.
4) The sink d. is on the wall, above the
5) The cupboard e. is between the rice cooker and
the disk rack.
6) The knives f. are on the wall, under the cupboard.
7) The bowl of fruit g. is on the wall, above the counter.
8) The clock h. is next to the stove.
9) The flowers i. is on the wall, above the stove
and the sink.
10) The saucepans j. is above the table.
11) The lighting fixture k. are on the wall.
Answers :
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Lesson Plan 8 Long Dien A Junior Highschool
-T. gives Feedback. 1b 2a 3i 4h 5g 6f 7e 8d 9c 10k 11j
-T. gets SS to
describe the position
of each item (aloud).
-T. sets the scene.
-T. runs through
-SS do the exercise
in groups of four.
III) Controlled Practice :
*Describe the position of each item (aloud).
Mrs. Vui : Whos she ? What did she buy ?
Rug, picture, lamp, telephone, armchair, stereo, couch,
cushions, TV, shelves, coffee table, clock, magazines.
-Questions and answers.
Did she decide where to put them for her living
room ?
In groups arrange the furniture / P.29.
Suggested answers :
I think the coffee table should be between the
couch and the armchair.
Lets put the magazines on the shelf above the
I think the shelves ought to be at one of the
corners, opposite the couch.
Lets put the telephone next to the couch.
The TV and stereo should be put on the shelves.
Lets put the clock on the wall, above the picture.
I think we should hang the picture / the clock
above the couch.
(Some groups present the position of their
furniture for Mrs Vuis living room.)
10 -SS describe the
position of things in
their house.
IV ) Free Practice (Production) :
-Further practice.
2 -T. says and writes
Homework on the
-SS copy.
V )Homework :
-Learn vocabulary.
- Describe the position of things in your house.
-Do exercise 7 / P.26.
-Prepare Listen / P. 30.
(special chinese fried rice, garlic, onion, green pepper,
pea, ham )
Period 14 : Unit 3 AT HOME Lesson 3 Listen Page 30.
Giaựo Vieõn : Huyứnh Taỏn ẹửực Trang 26
Lesson Plan 8 Long Dien A Junior Highschool
• Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to a dialogue
about cooking “special chinese fried rice” to understand main ideas and details.
• Materials : Magnified copies of pictures from the textbook, Posters, cassette
• Procedure.
Teacher’s and
5’ -SS go to the board
to write “words–
objects in a kitchen”
-One student-one
I ) Warmer :
-Network or Brainstorm.
-T. elicits.
-SS guess.
-T. models.
-SS repeat chorally
first, then
-T. puts the words on
the board.
-T. checks meaning
and pronunciation.
-T. sets the scene.
-SS work in pairs to
II )Pre listening :
-Pre teach.
-Special Chinese Fried Rice (n) : Cơm Rang Dương
Châu Trung Quốc. (Explanation)
-Garlic (n) : tỏi. (Situation)
-Onion (n) : hành. (Realia)
-Green pepper (n ): ớt xanh. (Realia)
-pea (n) : đậu. (Translation)
-ham (n) : thòt đùi. (Situation)
(teaspoon, salt, delicious, fry, oil, cook )
*Today we are going to listen to a dialogue about
cooking “Special Chinese Fried Rice”.
-Open prediction.
*Hãy làm việc theo cặp và trả lời xem để làm món cơm
Rang Dương Châu Trung Quốc thì cần những nguyên
liệu gì ?
-T. introduces the
-T. runs through
III )While listening :
* Hãy nghe 1 đoạn hội thoại giữa cô Tú và Lan, họ nói
về những nguyên liệu cần thiết để làm món cơm rang
Dương Châu. Các em nghe Và trả lời xem nguyên liệu
và dụng cụ cần thiết là gì, bằng cách chọn những
nguyên liệu và dụng cụ được đề cập tương ứng với
những bức tranh có trong bài.
(Fried rice : cơm rang, fried vermicelli : mì xào, pot :
Giáo Viên : Huỳnh Tấn Đức Trang 27
Objects in a kitchen
Lesson Plan 8 Long Dien A Junior Highschool
-T. presses the tape.
-Ss listen and choose
the correct pictures.
nồi, pan : chảo, garlics and onions : tỏi và hành tây,
garlic and green peppers, chicken and peas, ham and
peas : giăm bông và đậu Hà Lan ).
*Listen and choose the correct pictures.
*Compare with your partners.
Listen / P.30. Answer key :
a.fried rice b.pan
c. garlic and green peppers d.ham and peas.
Tapescript :
Lan : Can I help you cook dinner, Mom ?
Mrs Tu : Sure. You can cook the “Special Chinese
Fried Rice” for me. Use the big pan, please.
Lan : Okay. How much oil do I put in ?
Mrs Tu : Just a little. Wait until it’s hot and then fry the
garlic and the green peppers.
Lan : Do I put the ham and the peas in now ?
Mrs Tu : Yes. And you can put the rice and a teaspoon
of salt in.
Lan : Yummy ! It smells delicious.
10’ -T. gets SS to work
in groups.
-Ss discuss and
IV ) Post listening :
*Trình bày các nguyên liệu chính và cách làm món
Cơm Rang Dương Châu.
2’ -T. says and writes “
Homework” on the
-SS copy.
V )Homework :
-Learn vocabulary and how to cook “Special Chinese
Fried Rice”.
-Do exercise 3-4 / 22-23.
-Prepare “Read” / P. 31-32.
(safety precaution, object, chemical, drug, match,
electrical socket, scissors, bead )
Period 15 : Unit 3 – AT HOME – Lesson 4 – Read – Page 31-32.
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