D~ tai: Dang Cpng san Vl?t Nam liinh i/{lo cong tdc bdo vf mOi truimg giai iIo{ln hifn nay
Chuyen nganh: Xay dung Dang va chinh quyen nha mroc
Ma sa: 62310203
Nghien ciru sinh: Trfrn Thi Ha Van
NgtlOi hiroug dftn khoa hoc: 1) PGS.TS. D6 Ngoc Ninh
2) TS. Nguyen Thi T6 Uyen
CO' sO'dao tao: HQc vien Chinh tri quoc gia H6 Chi Minh
1. Dang Cong san Viet Nam lanh dao cong tic bao v~ moi tnrong 1£1
toan bQhoat dQng cua
Dang nhir: xay dung, ban hanh cac nghi quyet, chi thi v~ bao v~ moi tnrong; quan triet, t6 chirc
thuc hien; kiem tra, giam sat viec thirc hien cua cac t6 chirc dang va dang vien, cac t6 chirc chinh
tri xa hoi, t6 chirc xa hoi, t6 chirc kinh t~ va nhan dan theo quy djnh, lam cho moi truOng trong
lanh, can b~ng, b~n vfing.
Dang CQng san Vi~t Nam lanh dl;lOcong tic bao v~ moi truOng thong qua nhfrng phuang
thuc: M(Jt la, Dang lanh dl;lOb~ng cac nghi quy~t, chi thi va djnh huang chu truang, chinh sach Ian
v~ bao v~ moi truOng. Hai la, Dang lanh dl;lO bkg phlanh dl;lObkg tuyen truy~n, thuy~t phl,lC,v~ dQng th\IC hi~n ngh! quy~t, chi thi cua Dang v~ bao
v~ moi truOng. B6n la, Dang lanh dl;lOcong tac bao v~ moi truOng bkg cong tac t6 chuc, can bQ
hOl;ltdQng trong lInh V\ICmoi truOng va tf\ICti~p lam cong tic bao v~ moi truOng. Niim la, Dang
lanh dl;lOcong tac bao v~ moi truOng thong qua dp uy, t6 chuc dang, dang vien, nh~t 1£1c~p uy
trl,IcthuQc Ban chAp hanh Trung uang lanh dl;lOth\Ic hi~n cac nghi quy~t, chi thi cua Dang v~ bao
v~ moi truOng. Sciu la, Dang lanh dl;lOcong tic bao v~ moi truOng bkg vi~c phat huy vai tro cua
M~t tr~ t6 qu6c, cac t6 chuc chinh tri - xa hQi, cac t6 chuc xa hQi, cac doanh nghi~p th\Ic hi~n
nghi quy~t, chi thi cua Dang v~ bao v~ moi truOng. Bay la, Dang lanh dl;lOcong tac bao v~ moi
truOng bkg cong tac ki€m tra, giam sat.
2. MQt s6 vk d~ ~t ra cfrn giai quy~t d6i vm vi~c tang cUOngS\Ilanh dl;loCllaDang d6i vm
cong tic bao v~ moi truOng: M(Jt la, vk d~ xay d\ffig nghi quy~t, chi thi v~ cong tic bao v~ moi
truOng kip thoi Hai la, vk d~ v~ hl;lllch~, b~t c~p CllaLu~t bao v~ moi truOng so vm th\ICti€n. Ba
la, vk d~ xay d\ffig ki~n toan t6 chuc bQ may lam cong tic bao v~ moi truOng. B6n la, vk d~ v~
tuyen truy~n, v~ dQng,thuy~t phvc t6 chuc va ca nhan tham gia bao v~ moi truOng. Niim la, vk d~
tang cUOngS\Ilanh dl;lOcua c~p uy, cac t6 chuc dang cac c~p va dQingii can bQ,dang vien th\IChi~n
nghi quy~t, chi thi cua Dang v~ bao v~ moi truOng. Sciu la, phat huy vai tro M~t tr~ t6 qu6c, cac t6
chuc chinh tri - xa hQi, doanh nghi~p, t6 chuc xa he)ith\IChi~n ngh! quy~t, chi thi cua Dang v~ bao
v~ moi truOng. Bay la, vk d~ ki€m tra, giam sat d6i vm cong tic bao v~ moi truOng.
3. D€ tang cUOngS\Ilanh dl;lOcua Dang d6i v&i cong tac bao v~ moi truOng trong thm gian
tm, cfrn th\IChi~n cac giai phap sau: M(Jt la, nang cao nh~ thuc, trach nhi~m cua cac c~p uy, can
bQ, dang vien, cac t6 chuc trong h~ th6ng chinh tri va nhan dan d6i vm cong tac bao v~ moi
truOng. Hai la, nang cao ch~t lm;mg xay d\ffig va th\IChi~n cac ngh! quy~t chuyen d~ cua Dang v~
bao v~ moi truOng. Ba la, xfty d\ffig Nha nu&c va chinh quy~n cac c~p vfing ml;lnh,bao dam th\Ic
hi~n t6t chuc nang quan ly'nha nu&c v~ moi truOng. B6n la, tang cUOngS\Ilanh dl;locua c~p uy d6i
vm M~t tr~ T6 qu6c, cac doan th€ chinh tri - xa hQi, t6 chuc xa he)i, doanh nghi~p va nhan dan
tham gia cong tac bao v~ moi truOng. Niim la, tang cUOngki€m tra, giam sat, thanh tra va xu ly cac
t6 chuc dang, dang vien, ca nhan va ~p th€ vi phl;lmv~ bao v~ moi truOng. Sciu la, xay d\ffig va
phat huy vai tro cua cac t6 chuc co sa dang, can be),dang vien, nh~t 1£1cac dang bQxa, phuOng, thi
trk th\Ic hi~n t6t vi~c tuyen truy~n, v~ dQng, t6 chuc nhan dan bao v~ moi truOng. Bay la, tang
cUOnghqp tic qu6c t~, khu V\ICv~ bao ve moi truOng theo dUOngl6i d6i ngol;licua Dang. .
Nghien sinh
D~i di~n t,p th~ htl'
PGS.TS. D8 NgQcNinh
The title: The Communist Party of Vietnam leads environmental protection work in the
current period
Major: Building the Party and the state government
Code: 62 31 02 03
PhD Candidate:
Tran Thi Ha Van
1) Assoc. Prof, Dr. Do Ngoc Ninh
2) Ph.D. Nguyen Thi To Uyen
Training institution: Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
1. The leadership of Vietnam Communist Party in environmental protection work concerns
with all activities as: building, promulgating resolutions, instructions about environmental
protection; deeply knowing, organizing to implement; inspecting, supervising implementation of
party organizations and members, political-social organizations, social organizations, economic
organizations and people under stipulations to make our environment pure, balance and sustainable.
The Party leads environmental protection work through: The first, resolutions, instructions
and major oriented policies about protecting environment. The second, promoting role of the State.
The third, propagating, persuading, encouraging to cany out resolutions, instructions of the Party
about protecting environment. Thefourth, organizations and cadres work in environment field and
directly implement environmental protection work. The fifth, the Party Committee at all levels,
party organizations, adherents especially the Party Committee level under Central Committee
leading to execute the Party's environmental resolutions, directions. The sixth, improving the role of
the Vietnam Fatherland Front, political-social organizations, social organizations, enterprises to
cany out resolutions, instructions of The Party about protecting environment. The seventh. checking
and supervising activities.
2. To strengthen the leadership of the Party in work of protecting environment, some
problems need to be solve: Thefirst, building resolutions, instructions about protecting environment
in time. The second, limitations, inadequacies of the Law on Environmental Protection for reality.
The third, constructing and consolidating the state mechanism in charge of environmental
protection work. Thefourth, propagating, encouraging, persuading organizations and individuals to
take part in protecting environment. Thefifth, strengthening the leadership of all levels of the Party
Committee, party organizations and cadres, adherents in performing the Party's resolutions,
instructions about environmental protection. The sixth, heightening role of the National Fatherland
Front, political-social organizations, enterprises, social organizations to cany out resolutions,
instructions of the Party about protecting environment. The seventh, checking and supervising
environmental protection work.
3. In order to enhance the leadership of the Party to environmental protection work in future,
some solutions should be implemented: Thefirst, developing the conception and responsibility of
the Party Committee at all levels, cadres, party members, organizations in the political system and
people about environmental protection work. The second, gifting quality of constructing and
executing the Party's specialized resolutions about protecting environment. The third, building the
State and government all levels strongly, ensuring for executing well state management function
about environment. Thefourth, improving leadership of the Party Committee levels to the National
Fatherland Front, political-social organizations, social organizations, enterprises and people
participating in environmental protection work. The fifth, reinforcing to examine, survey, inspect
and treat party organizations, adherents, individuals, groups violating environmental protection. The
sixth, constructing and promoting roles of party cell organizations, cadres, adherents especially the
Party Committee at village, ward, town levels in propagating, encouraging, organizing people to
protect environment. The seventh, reinforcing regional, international cooperation about protecting
On behalf on
Assoc. Prof, Dr. Do Ngoc Ninh
PhD Candidate
Tran Thi Ha Van