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Lesson plan: Let’s go 1B Grade: 4 Week: 16 / Period: 32 Teacher: Le Trung Hau
Unit 6
Let’s listen.
• Aim : By the of the lesson student will be able to review and listen.
• Aid : picture, poster, cassette.
• Procedure:
Time Contents & Techniques T. & sts’ activities
Warm up and review
1. How’s the weather?
2. Where’s the book?
3. How many puddles are there?
4. Can he read?
a. Yes, he can.
b. It’s rainy.
c. It’s on the table.
d. There are four puddles.
Unscreamble: cldouy; tere; fwelor; bycicle
- T. guides
- Individual
- Give feedback
- T. checks
Review some question:
1. How’s the weather?
2. Where’s ….?
3. How many …. are there?
4. Can he/she …?