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Xây dựng đội ngũ công chức ở nước ta hiện nay theo tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh tt

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vi: LU~N



1. Ten d~ tai lu~n an: Xay dung dpi ngu ciing chuc iJ' nutrc ta hi?n nay

theo ur tuong

Ha Chi Minh

2. Chuyen nganh: H6 Chi Minh hoc
3. Mii sA: 6231 0204
4. HQ va ten nghien ciru sinh: Nguyen Van Hoa
5. Khoa dao tao: K3I (2015-2018)
6. NgU'Oihuong din khoa hoc: 1) PGS,TS Trieu Van Cirong
2) TS Tdn Thi Phuc An
7. Ten CO' sO'dao tao: HQc vien Chinh tri qudc gia H6 Chi Minh
8. Tom t~t cac k~t qua moo ciia lu~n an

8.1. Nhiing dong gop mm

vJ h(Jcthu9t, Ij IU9n

Luan an h~ thong hoa, phan tich lam sang to khai niem v~ can bQ, cong
chirc, cong chirc nha-mroc va quan niem H6 Chi Minh v@cong clnrc, xay dung
dQi ngfi cong chirc. D6ng thai, lam ra nhirng nQi dung tu nrong H6 Chi Minh v@
xay dung dQingii cong chirc, bao g6m: Quan di@mH6 Chi Minh v~ vi tri, vai tro

cua dQi ngfi cong chilc; tieu chu§.n cong chilc; quy trinh xay d\fIlg dQi ngu cong
chilc; phuang phap xay d\fIlg dQi ngfi cong chilc ..
Lu~n an gop ph~n b6 sung va lam sau s~c them kho tang ly lu~n cua chu
nghla Mac-Lenin v~ can bQ, cong chilc; co th@lam tai li~u tham khao trong
nghien clru, giang d~y mon tu tu6ng H6 Chi Minh trong cac truang d~i hQc, cao
d~ng Vi~t Nam hi~n nay.


8.2. Nhiing diJm mm rut ra tic cac kit qua nghien cuu, khao sat
Qua kSt qua nghien clru, khao sat v~ ly lu~n va thlJc ti~n trong vi~c xay
d\fIlg dQi ngfi cong chilc nha nuac thea tu tu6ng H6 Chi Minh, lu~n an kh~ng
dinh tu tu6ng cua Nguai v~ xay d\fIlg dQi ngfi cong chilc nuac ta la mQt tu
tu6ng d~c s~c, khong chi co y nghla quan trQng trong qua khil rna tiSp t\lC soi
sang cho cac quan di@m, duang lai xay d\fIlg va sir d\lng dQi ngfi can bQ cong
chilc cua Dang va Nha nuac ta hi~n t~i cfing nhu tuang lai sau nay. Do do, lu~n
an lu~n giai, lam ra them nhUng quan di@m,nQi dung va d~ xufit nhUng giai phap
d6ng bQ, co tinh kha thi nh~m xay d\fIlg va nang cao han nfra chfit IUQ11gdQi ngfi
cong chilc nha nuac Vi~t Nam hi~n nay.





TS Tr~n Thi Phuc An


ciru SINH

Nguy~n Van Hoa




1. Title: Building the contingent of civil servants in our country today ,

according to Ho Chi Minh's ideology
2. Major: Ho Chi Minh Studies
3. Code: 62 31 02 04
4. PhD Candidate: Nguyen Van Hoa
5. Training course: No 31 (2015 - 2018)
6. Supervisors: 1. Assoc Prof, Dr Trieu Van Cuong
2. Dr Tran Thi Phuc An
7. Training institution: Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
8. Summary of the new contributions
8.1. Contributions in terms of academic and theories
The thesis systematizes and analyzes to clarify the concept of cadres, civil
servants, civil servants working in state agencies and Ho Chi Minh's perspective
on civil servants and building the contingent of civil servants. At the same time,
clarifying the contents of Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on building a contingent of
civil servants, including: Ho Chi Minh's perspective on the position and role of

civil servants; standards of civil servants; process of building a contingent of
civil servants; method of building the contingent of civil servants.
The thesis contributes to deepen the theoretical treasure of MarxismLeninism about cadres and civil servants; it can be considered as the reference
document in research and teaching the subject of Ho Chi Minh's ideology in
universities and colleges in Vietnam today.
8.2. New findings and main results of the thesis
Through the results of research and survey on theory and practice III
building a contingent of state civil servants according to Ho Chi Minh's
ideology, the thesis affirms that his thoughts on building a contingent of civil
servants in our country is the unique thought which not only has an important
meaning in the past but also to continues to enlighten the views of building and
using the contingent of cadres and civil servants of the Party and the State at the
present and in the future. Therefore, the thesis interprets, clarifies the views,
contents and proposes synchronous and feasible solutions for building and
improving the quality of state civil servants in Vietnam today.


Dr Tran Thi Phuc An

Nguyen Van Hoa
