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Speciality: Public management
Code: 9 34 04 03

HA NOI - 2019

The thesis is completed at:

Facilitator:. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thao
Dr. Nguyen Hoang Quy

Reviewer 1: .......................................................

Reviewer 2: .......................................................
Reviewer 3: .......................................................

The thesis will be defended in front of the Academy's Thesis Evaluation
Place: Room….. Floor…... Home……., national Academy of public
administration, no 77 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Ha Noi.

Can find the thesis at:
- Viet Nam national Library;
- National Academy of public administration’s Library.

1. The urgency of the topic
In this day and age, the world has had many changes, globalization and
economic integration are seen not as a phenomenon but as an objective trend, a
rule, covering most of the field of human social life and more and more countries
in the world are involved in this process. The trend of international economic
integration has put countries and regions before the common problems of
development. For Vietnam, at the Ninth National Party Congress affirmed our
country's development view is closely linked to building an independent and
autonomous economy with proactive international economic integration. Fast,
efficient and sustainable development, economic growth coupled with progressive
implementation, social justice and environmental protection. Economic integration
will promote exchanges, cooperation and development of production forces,
increasing competition pressure. The countries participating in this process will

become more interdependent across the sectors, and as the interdependence
increases, the change in an economy will have an effect on other economies. It can
be affirmed that, before the trend of international economic integration, there will
be no nation that separates itself from the international community.
After 30 years of renovation, Vietnam's agriculture has made great progress,
mainly due to the renewal of thinking and innovation in state management of
agriculture. Over the past 30 years, many innovative policies have been
implemented to gradually shift from a stagnant centralized planning economy to a
market economy. Along with that, Vietnam has actively and actively integrated
into the regional and world economy such as joining the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1995 and the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). ) and
joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2007. As a result, GDP of
agriculture has been constantly increasing in the period from 2000 to 2012, the
structure of agricultural production value of Vietnam has shifted in a positive
direction such as: increasing the contribution of fishery sector (the proportion of
fishery production value increased from 16% in 2000 to 24% in 2011), the
proportion of value of cultivation decreased from 65% to 55% in the same period.
Within the cultivation sector, the structure of crops has shifted from annual crops
and food crops to increasing the proportion of industrial and fruit trees.
However, Vietnam's agriculture and rural areas are still underdeveloped
areas. Productivity, quality and competitiveness of Vietnamese agricultural
products are still low, due to: The small and scattered nature of agricultural

production also shows the lack of cohesion among the actors, the cooperative
economy is underdeveloped, so it is impossible to connect farmers together to form
large groups; planning allocation of resources to serve agricultural development is
not reasonable, not aiming to promote the competitiveness of agricultural, forestry
and fishery products. Planning on land and water surface for rice production, shortterm industrial crops, long-term crops, animal husbandry and aquaculture, etc., is
unclear and not specific enough to be strictly managed according to production

requirements; low-quality labor, poor organization, lack of equipment and
machinery; The level of application of technical advances to improve the quality,
efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural products is limited.
As a coastal province in the North Central region of Vietnam, Quang Binh is
located at the narrowest point in the East-West direction of Vietnam's S-shaped
strip of land, with a total area of 806,527 hectares, including six districts and one
city. and 153 communes and wards, Quang Binh is one of the provinces in the
region with severe weather and storms, often appearing in the last months of the
year, causing adverse impacts on production activities for the community.
In recent years, promoting potentials and advantages of land, labor and
taking advantage of many investment resources, agricultural production in Quang
Binh province has achieved positive results, gradually shifting towards production
towards commodity production, raising product quality and value, making
important contributions to socio-economic development and security and political
stability of the province. By the end of 2013, nearly 84% of the rural population
and 66% of laborers would work in agriculture, forestry and fishery. The
production value of agriculture, forestry and fishery (2010 price) is VND 6,763
billion, accounting for 20.4% of the provincial GDP; the average growth rate in the
period of 2010 - 2013 reaches 4.2%; the structure has changed significantly, the
proportion of cultivation decreased, livestock, forestry and fishery increased;
initially forming a number of concentrated production areas and a number of
products becoming commodities such as rubber, cassava, wood chips, aquatic
products, ...; income and living standards of rural residents have been gradually
improved, making significant contributions to hunger eradication and poverty
reduction programs; stabilize life, develop socio-economic and build new
However, due to the current requirements of international economic
integration, the province's agricultural development is still limited, not meeting the
set agricultural production development targets; potentials and advantages have not

been exploited or exploited ineffectively. As a member of the WTO, opportunities
to access the markets for goods and services of WTO countries with reduced
import tariffs and services sectors are open under the accession protocols of these
countries. without being discriminated against; The difference in production,
management, and management skills, etc., which have not yet met the integration
requirements will be a big challenge for the province's agricultural economics
restructuring. The cause of the above limitations is primarily from the state
management and is putting state management on agriculture before the great task
of how to improve the level, efficiency and competitiveness of the state.
agricultural products.
Therefore, for agricultural economics restructuring in Vietnam in general,
Quang Binh province in particular, the completion of content of state management
in accordance with integration requirements, speeding up the process of
agricultural economics restructuring is a really urgent issue. Stemming from the
above reason, I chose the topic "State management of agricultural economic
restructuring in Quang Binh province under the trend of international economic
integration" as my doctoral thesis.
2. Research purposes and tasks
2.1. Research purposes
Based on the general theoretical study of agricultural economic
restructuring, state management of agricultural economic restructuring and practice
in Quang Binh province to propose solutions to improve state management on
restructuring the agricultural economy
2.2. Research tasks
- To achieve research objectives, the thesis focuses on performing the
following tasks:
- Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic
- Systematize, clarify theoretical basis and state management practices on
agricultural economics restructuring

-Develop a theoretical framework for state management of agricultural
economic restructuring on the basis of inheriting and developing previous
scientific works
- Analyze and evaluate to clarify the state management situation on
agricultural economic restructuring in Quang Binh province in terms of integration

- Finding out the limitations and causes of the limitations that make the
effectiveness and efficiency of state management of agricultural economic
restructuring are not high.
- Interpretation, proposing viewpoints and solutions to perfect the state
management of agricultural economic restructuring
3. Research subject and scope
3.1. Research subjects
- The object of the thesis is to study the issues of state management of
agricultural economic restructuring in Quang Binh province in the direction of
international economic integration.
3.2. Research scope
- Regarding the content: The thesis focuses on the theoretical and practical
contents and contents of state management of agricultural economic restructuring
(planning, planning, policy implementation, organizational structure, inspection,
examination, factors affecting the state management of agricultural economics
restructuring in Quang Binh province).
- Regarding space: the thesis researches in Quang Binh province to solve the
problems of state management of agricultural economic restructuring.
- Regarding time: the thesis focuses on research based on information and
materials from 1996 to 2016, orientation to 2025. Reasons why the author took the
research timeline starting from 1996 because in 1995 Vietnam applied to join the
world trade organization.
4. Methodology and research methods

4.1. Methodology
The research method is based on the dialectical materialism and historical
materialism of Marxism – Leninism
4.2. Research Methods
- Method of document research: through the analysis and synthesis of
relevant domestic and foreign documents and scientific works on state
management, agricultural economics restructuring under specific historical
conditions to give theoretical arguments on the subject of the dissertation author.
- Comparative method: this method is used to compare the state management
practices on agricultural economic restructuring over the years in Quang Binh
province, thereby finding out the strengths and limitations in the state management
of areas that the thesis author is studying.

- Methods of practical evaluation and summary: researching on state
management of agricultural economic restructuring through summarizing and
evaluating reports to see the advantages and limitations of house management.
From that point, the country will have a viewpoint on agricultural issues so as to
propose solutions to perfect state management of agricultural economic
- Methods of analysis and synthesis: This method systematizes and clarifies
the scientific basis of state management of agricultural economic restructuring;
analyzing and clarifying the state management situation of agricultural economic
restructuring in Quang Binh province to show the achieved results, the limitations
and the causes of the state management. Since then, the thesis analyzes the
direction and solutions to improve the state management of agricultural economic
restructuring in Quang Binh province.
- Practical research methods through sociological surveys: the thesis collects
information on agricultural development and state management of agricultural
economic restructuring in Quang Binh province in all 6 districts. and 1 city of

Quang Binh province. The survey was conducted according to 02 survey forms,
with a total of 220 votes (120 votes for people and businesses working in
agriculture; 100 votes for officials working in inter-agency management agencies.
regarding agriculture), the number of votes collected was 170 (90 votes for people
and businesses; 80 votes for officials working in agriculture-related management
5. Research questions and scientific hypotheses
5.1. Research question
- Which theoretical basis to improve the state management of agricultural
economic restructuring in Quang Binh province towards international economic
- What is the current situation regarding the state management of agricultural
economic restructuring in Quang Binh province in the context of globalization and
international economic integration?
- Why the State management of agricultural economic restructuring in
Quang Binh province has not really promoted its high efficiency in the conditions
of market economy development and international economic integration today?
- In order to improve the state management of agricultural economic
restructuring in Quang Binh province in the direction of international economic
integration, what solutions should be applied?

5.2. Scientific hypothesis
- The State plays a very important role in the orientation, regulation and
support to restructure the agricultural economy in Quang Binh province to develop
in the right direction and achieve high efficiency in the context of international
economic integration.
- Completing the state management contents of agricultural economic
restructuring will create a new and effective development of agricultural economic
restructuring in terms of integration.

6. Theoretical and practical meanings
6.1. Theoretical meaning
- The thesis contributes to clarify some theoretical issues of state
management on agricultural economic restructuring
- Applying the theoretical basis to study and evaluate the state management
situation of agricultural economic restructuring in Quang Binh province
6.2. Practical meaning
- The thesis indicates natural, socio-economic factors affecting the state
management of agricultural economic restructuring in Quang Binh province.
- The thesis analyzes and clarifies the actual situation of agricultural
economic restructuring and state management of agricultural economic
restructuring in Quang Binh province.
- The thesis provides views, orientations and recommendations to improve
the state management of agricultural economic restructuring in Quang Binh
- The thesis is a work that can be used as a reference in research, teaching
and learning at administrative science training institutions; A useful reference for
agricultural policy makers.
7. New contributions of the thesis
- Determining the contents of state management and analyzing the factors
affecting the state management of agricultural economic restructuring.
- Analyze and assess the current situation, the achieved results and the
limited cause of the state management situation of agricultural economic
restructuring in Quang Binh province.
- Proposing solutions to improve the state management of agricultural
economic restructuring in Quang Binh province to meet the requirements of
international economic integration.
8. The structure of the thesis

In addition to the introduction, sub-chapter, conclusions, list of references
and appendices; The thesis content is structured with 4 chapters, as follows:
- Chapter 1: Overview of research situation and issues related to the thesis.
- Chapter 2: Scientific basis for state management of agricultural economic
- Chapter 3: Actual state management of agricultural economic restructuring
in Quang Binh province.
- Chapter 4: Viewpoints and solutions to perfect state management of
agricultural economic restructuring in Quang Binh province.
Chapter I
1.1. Overview of domestic and foreign research works related to the thesis
During the research of the topic that the PhD student has selected, the PhD
student has collected and researched many domestic and foreign documents related
to agricultural economic restructuring, state management of agriculture,
globalization. and international economic integration. However, the research works
are mainly focused on such contents
Firstly, explain the causes of globalization, difficulties and challenges when
Vietnam participates in international economic integration;
Secondly, the state management research on agriculture is mainly focused on
the interpretation of an aspect such as: analysis and evaluation of supporting
policies on agriculture, pointing out the positive and limited aspects of the policies.
policies on agriculture when Vietnam participates in the trend of international
economic integration.
1.2. Evaluation of domestic and foreign research results on agricultural
economics restructuring
The research works summarized by the author of the thesis have not yet built a
theoretical framework for state management of agricultural economic restructuring,
including: planning and plans; elaborate, promulgate and organize the
implementation of laws and policies; organizing committee; inspection, testing,…

1.3. Research orientation of the thesis
Develop a theoretical framework of state management of agricultural
economic restructuring according to functions and identify objective and
subjective factors affecting state management of agricultural economic
restructuring; Analyze and assess the state of agricultural economic restructuring,

state management of agricultural economic restructuring in a province to see the
results achieved in the state management work, the limitations and causes of
limitations in the state management of agricultural economic restructuring;
propose some solutions to improve state management of agricultural economic
restructuring; Looking for state management experiences in agricultural economic
restructuring of some provinces and territories to make lessons for Quang Binh
Chapter II
2.1. Theoretical issues on agriculture and agricultural economic
2.1.1. The concept of agriculture, economic structure, agricultural economic
structure and agricultural economics restructuring Agricultural concept
“Agriculture is the basic material production sector of society; using land for
cultivation and husbandry; exploit plants and animals as materials and labor materials
mainly to create food, food and some raw materials for industry” Economic structure concept
“The economic structure is the sum of the organic, mutually interacting,
facilitating relationships between the constituent parts, between the elements of the
national economy, showing the internal structure, the The relationship between quality
and proportional relations in quantity shows the efficiency of the economy” Concept of agricultural economic structure
“As a whole, the relative proportions of quantity and quality are relatively stable
of socio-economic factors related to agricultural production in a given time and space” Concept of agricultural economics restructuring
“Process of changing the structure and interaction relationships in the
agricultural production system in certain directions and goals”
2.1.2. The role of agriculture
2.1.3. The need for agricultural economic restructuring to meet the
requirements of international economic integration
2.1.4. Main trend of agricultural economics restructuring process
2.2. State management on agricultural economics restructuring
2.2.1. State management concept on agricultural economics restructuring State management concept
State management: The most important function operates regularly by the state
apparatus to ensure all activities of society as well as in each field of social life, moving
in a certain direction and direction set by the State. to specify.
“State management is the exercise of state power carried out by state agencies in
order to establish an order of stability and social development according to the goals
pursued by the ruling class”. State management concept on agricultural economics restructuring
“State management of agricultural economics restructuring is the operation
of competent agencies in accordance with the law in formulating and organizing
the actual implementation of State policies on the field of Agriculture”
2.2.2. The objective necessity of state management on agricultural
economics restructuring
2.2.3. Target of state management on agricultural economics
2.2.4. Contents of state management of agricultural economics

restructuring Strategies, planning and plans for agricultural development and
implementation of agricultural economics restructuring Developing laws, institutions and policies on agricultural economics
restructuring. Consolidate the organizational structure of the State management
apparatus in agriculture Supervise, examine and correct mistakes in the state management of
agricultural economics restructuring
2.2.5. Criteria for evaluating state management of agricultural economic
restructuring Some criteria for evaluating agricultural economic restructuring Some criteria for evaluating state management of agricultural
economic restructuring
2.2.6. Factors affecting the state management of agricultural economic
restructuring Objective factors Subjective factors

2.3. Experience in state management of agricultural economic
restructuring in some provinces of Vietnam, Taiwan territory and lessons
learned for Quang Binh province
2.3.1. Experience of Nam Dinh province
2.3.2. Experience of Vinh Phuc province
2.3.3. Experience of Bac Giang province
2.3.4. Experience of Taiwan
2.3.5. Some lessons on state management on agricultural economic
restructuring have been drawn for Quang Binh province
Chapter III

3.1. Natural and socio-economic features of Quang Binh province
3.1.1. Natural features About the terrain
The topography of the province is different among sub-regions (1) The
mountainous area is located along the East Truong Son slope; (2) The hilly and
midland areas are mainly concentrated in Bo Trach and Quang Trach districts, part
of Quang Ninh, Le Thuy districts and Dong Hoi city; (3) Coastal plains and coastal
sandy areas in districts of Quang Trach, Bo Trach, Dong Hoi City, Quang Ninh
and Le Thuy Climate and hydrological
Quang Binh is located in the tropical monsoon region, influenced by the
transitional climate between the North and the South, with typical tropical climate
in the South and relatively cold winters in the North. Quang Binh's climate is
divided into two distinct seasons: dry and rainy seasons. The rainy season is from
September to November, accounting for 80% of the total rainfall of the whole year,
so it usually causes large-scale floods, the average annual rainfall in the whole
province is 2,100 - 2,200 mm, the average number of rainy days is 152 day / year.
The dry season is from December to August of the following year, coinciding with
the hot and dry season associated with the hot dry Southwest wind, large
evaporation so it often causes drought, flying sand, flowing sand filling fields and
people. The average temperature of the province is 24-250C, rising gradually from
the North to the South, decreasing from East to West. The total annual temperature
is about 8,600 - 8,7000C, the average annual sunshine hours is about 1,700 - 1,800

hours / year. Thus, the temperature and the total temperate of the year are quite
high, suitable and convenient for industrial crops, perennial trees and tropical
plants. Water Resources
Quang Binh has a plentiful surface water source thanks to the quite dense
system of rivers, streams and lakes. The density of rivers and streams reaches from
0.7 to 1.1 km / km2, unevenly distributed, tends to gradually decrease from the
West to the East, from the mountains to the sea. Quang Binh rivers are short and
steep with 5 main rivers flowing to the East Sea: Roon, Gianh, Ly Hoa, Dinh and
Nhat Le rivers. The area of the five rivers basin is 7,977 km2, a length of 343 km.
The flow is quite plentiful and belongs to the largest in Vietnam. The average flow
module is 55 l / s / km2, equivalent to 4 billion m3 of water / year. Flow in flood
season is from September to November, total flow in flood season accounts for
80% of total annual flow. Because the rainy season coincides with the rainy
season, the terrain has large slopes and short rivers, so sudden floods often occur,
causing heavy flooding in many areas, especially in two districts of Quang Ninh
and Le Thuy. Forest resources and forest land
Quang Binh forest vegetation is very diverse and plentiful, including many
kinds of valuable timber such as ironwood, mahogany, nests, tau ... and many rare
and precious animals such as tigers, leopards, langurs, pheasants, pheasants, other
reptiles and hooves. Specialties under the forest canopy are quite rich, diverse and
of great value such as rattan, precious medicinal herbs, orchids ... Especially in
Phong Nha - Ke Bang conservation area, there are many kinds of rare animals and
plants. such as rocky cypress cypress, large saola, and many unique aquatic species
are rare and precious genetic resources to create ecosystems of economic, scientific
and tourist value.
3.1.2. Socio-economic characteristics
- Population, labor and employment
Quang Binh's population in 2015 was 847,956 people (growth rate of 0.8% /
year compared to 2000). Of which, the rural population is 719,888 people
accounting for nearly 85% and the urban population is 128,068 people accounting
for nearly 15% of the provincial population. In 2009, the population density of the

province was 105 people / km2, which concentrated most in the city. Dong Hoi
696 people / km2. The lowest district is Minh Hóa 33 people / km2.
- Actual situation of economic development

GDP of the whole province in 2015 calculated at the actual price of VND
23,578,062 million, of which the value of agriculture, forestry and fishery
production was VND 5,798,545 million (24.70%), industry and construction were
VND 7,779,439 million. VND (accounting for 20.04%), and services is VND
11,915,781 million (accounting for 50.50%).
3.1.3. General assessment of the effects of nature, economy and society on
state management of agricultural economics restructuring advantage
The amount of unused land is still quite large (unused flat land is 13,318 ha,
unused hilly land is 40,862 ha), especially hilly areas, which are favorable for
developing long-term, short-term industrial trees, and planting material forests.
Having abundant labor resources, intelligent human resources,
industriousness, determination to overcome all difficulties and demand for
progress. On the other hand, there are scientific and technical staff capable of
absorbing advanced technology.
The province has Hon La economic zone and Quang Binh University along
with some major projects of the Central, which are conditions for creating
breakthroughs in economic development in general, agriculture in particular and
human resource development. difficulties
The quality of human resources for management and production in
agriculture and rural areas of the province remains low, which is a major obstacle
in commodity agricultural production.
Agricultural production and business also revealed limitations. Regarding
the agricultural sector of Quang Binh province, when agricultural production and

business still revealed limitations such as: productivity and product quality were
low; organization of production is not tight, lack of joint ventures, links between
economic sectors
The allocation of land to create conditions for economic sectors to invest in
agriculture still has limitations: the State's policies, though launched in time, meet
the requirements and expectations of all economic sectors. , the owner of the farm,
but when the local implementation is slow and there are inadequacies due to the
lack of coordination among sectors and units
The allocation of land to create conditions for economic sectors to invest in
agriculture still has limitations: the State's policies, though launched in time, meet
the requirements and expectations of all economic sectors. , the owner of the farm,

but when the local implementation is slow and there are inadequacies due to the
lack of coordination among sectors and units
3.2. Reality of agricultural economic restructuring in Quang Binh
province in the period of 1996 - 2016
3.2.1. Restructuring economic sectors in rural areas in terms of GDP
The restructuring of GDP of Quang Binh province in the period of 1996 2016, based on the general trend of the economy, there have been positive changes
towards reducing the proportion of agriculture, increasing the proportion of
industry and service.
3.2.2. Restructuring economic sectors in rural areas in terms of
employment structure
Associated with the process of restructuring the economic sector of Quang
Binh province, the labor structure of the province in the period 2000 - 2016 has
shifted in the trend of reducing the proportion of labor employed in the agriculture
- forestry - fishery sector. and increase employment in industry - construction and
services. This shows the employment structure towards attracting more workers
into the fields of industry - construction and services.

3.2.3. Economic restructuring within the agriculture, forestry and fishery
There has been a restructuring of the three agricultural, forestry and fishery
groups in a positive direction. In the period 1996 - 2016, the total value of
agricultural production at the actual price of Quang Binh increased 12.11 times,
from VND 1,032,897 million to VND 12,513,061 million. Agricultural production
value increased by 10.6 times, from VND 743,571 million to VND 7,859,259
million; forestry increased by 7.4 times, from 124,153 million dong to 920,984
million dong; fishery increased by 22.6 times from VND 165,173 million to VND
3,732,818 million. Agriculture has the highest value of production value compared
to the value of forestry and fishery, but the fishery industry has the fastest growth
3.2.4. Economic restructuring within the agricultural sector
Over the past years, Quang Binh's agricultural sector has experienced a good
growth and shifted the agricultural economy structure in a positive direction: in the
period 1996-2016, the production value of the entire agricultural specialty has
increased 12, 2 times, from VND 743,571 million to VND 9,079,178 million; in
which production value of cultivation increased by 7.07 times, husbandry

increased by nearly 23.2 times, services increased by 28.7 times. The growth rate
of production value of husbandry and services is much higher than the growth rate
of production value of crop production.
3.2.5. Economic restructuring in the crop sector
In recent years, the province has applied the mode of regenerating rice
cultivation. Although productivity is still low, taking advantage of rice cultivation
land is not the main crop of the province, requiring little fertilization and
investment. In 2009, the area of regenerated rice reached 6,563ha, productivity
reached 27.46 quintals / ha and production reached 18,023 tons. The area of
regenerated rice in Quang Binh province is concentrated in the districts of Bo

Trach, Quang Ninh and Le Thuy.
3.2.6. Economic restructuring of forestry sector
The production value structure of the forestry sector has shifted towards
increasing the proportion of planting and raising forests, from 12.2% to 15.4%,
reducing the proportion of timber and forest product exploitation from 86.5% to
80.5% left; The proportion of forestry services increased from 1.4% to 4.1%,
which reflects a positive trend in planting and raising forests and reducing logging.
3.2.7. Restructuring the fisheries sector
In the 1996 - 2016 period, Quang Binh fishery sector had a good growth step
and restructured in a positive direction. The total value of the fishery sector has
increased by 19.4 times, from VND 165,172 million to VND 3,732,818 million. In
which, the exploitation value increases by 13.5 times and aquaculture value
increases by 86.99 times.
3.2.8. Restructuring the livestock sector
Based on data of the livestock sector shows that animal husbandry has
grown well, the reason is that the Provincial People's Committee approved the
Livestock Development Program in the province in the 2005-2010 period, in
addition, the Provincial People's Committee also issued a system of documents.
legal documents on policies to support livestock development in the province.
Thereby, promoting the strong development of husbandry, achieving an average
production value growth of 8.2% / year in the period of 2000-2009.
In the period of 2010 - 2016, the production value of livestock sector in
Quang Binh province has been shifted in a positive direction.
3.3. Reality of state management of agricultural economics
restructuring in Quang Binh province
3.3.1. Planning work for agricultural economics restructuring

3.3.2. Promulgating laws and policies related to agricultural economics
restructuring Regarding the promulgation of laws and policies related to
agricultural economics restructuring Organize the implementation of laws and policies related to
agricultural economics restructuring
3.3.3. Reality of state management apparatus on agriculture in the
province About organizational structure Regarding training and fostering
3.3.4. Examine and supervise the state management of agricultural
economics restructuring
3.4. Assess the reality of state management of agricultural economics
3.4.1. Achievements
- The lines, strategies, planning and plans on agricultural development are
always concerned from the central to local level
For each period, based on the agricultural development goals set by the
Government, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, under the
direction and administration of the People's Committee of Quang Binh Province,
the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development organize the
implementation of assigned tasks. In addition, the planning to serve as a basis for
the development of industries in the province has always been considered such as
an important task by the provincial government, as follows:. Decision No. 952 /
QD-TTg of June 23, 2011, approving the overall planning on socio-economic
development of the province, Decision No. 933 / QD-UBND of April 25, 2011 on
approving the master plan of agricultural development to 2020, Decision No. 1484
/ QD-UBND on restructuring agriculture in the direction of increasing added value
and sustainable development in the period of 2014-2020 on June 10 / 2014,
Decision No. 1136 / QD-UBND on approving the planning on human resource
development of Quang Binh province in the period of 2011-2020, Decision No.
1358 / QD-UBND on approving the planning on rubber development ...

- The construction and improvement of institutions and legislation on land
have created an important legal framework to promote agricultural development.
The impact of the land law on agricultural development has been completed
over time, from the 1987 Land Law, the 1993 Land Law, the 2003 Land Law, and

the 2013 Land Law. spending a lot of regulations on land use planning and plans.
According to the 2003 Land Law, the basis for making land use zoning and
planning, and the content of land use zoning and planning, are common for all four
levels, has caused inadequacies and lack of uniformity in the grounds. elaborating
planning and not clearly defining responsibilities of each level in managing and
organizing the implementation of approved land use plannings and plans. To
overcome the aforementioned inadequacies, the 2013 Land Law has specific
provisions on the grounds and contents of land use planning and plans of each
level such as full and clear regulations on bases. and content of land use planning
and planning. The stipulation of the contents of land use plannings and plans for
each level has ensured scientificity and has satisfied the requirements of each level.
- The promulgation and organization of implementation of agricultural
support policies have created a motivation for restructuring agricultural economics.
Based on the 2003 Law on Land of the National Assembly, Decree of the
Government, Decisions issued by the Prime Minister such as Decree No. 41/2010 /
ND-CP and Decree No. 55/2015 / ND -CP, Decree No. 67/2014 / ND-CP, Decree
No. 210/2013 / ND-CP, Decision No. 62/2013 / QD-TTg, Decision No. 48/2010 /
QD-TTg, Decision No. 50/2014 / QD-TTg etc., Together with the documents
issued by the Provincial People's Committee, the Department of Agriculture and
Rural Development has developed and organized the implementation of tasks,
encouraged and created favorable conditions for organizations and people to
participate. Producing and trading agricultural products. The results of agricultural
production in the following fields (cultivation, husbandry, aquaculture) were
higher than the previous year.

- The organization of the state management apparatus and the performance
of state management tasks on agricultural economics restructuring have overcome
the limitations and shortcomings, created great changes in direction, operating;
management apparatus became more streamlined; decentralizing more functions
and tasks to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; eliminate the
"cumbersome" administrative procedures, reform the system of regulations; The
direction and administration work of the Department of Agriculture and Rural
Development has been focused, unified in directing and implementing the tasks,
avoiding the overlap of functions and duties between the Department of
Agriculture and Departments, departments under the department, thereby
improving the state management effect.

- Inspecting, examining, monitoring and handling violations in agricultural
production activities to help the province's agricultural production gradually go
into order, and achieve positive results, gradually changing Translation in the
direction of commodity production. To achieve that result, the inspection,
examination and supervision of agricultural production activities have been paid
attention by the Provincial People's Committee, directing the Department of
Agriculture and Rural Development to implement, contributing to discovering,
prevent and handle law violations that affect agricultural development.
3.4.2. The limitations
- There is no overall strategy for consuming agricultural commodities, there
is a lack of initiative. The reason is that the links in the value chain from
production to product consumption between enterprises and farmers are few and
not tight.
- The localities have not focused on planning as well as developing annual
vocational training plans
- A number of agricultural support policies when implemented are

- The work of inspection, examination and supervision of Agricultural
material quality, Ensuring food hygiene and safety remains inadequate; small-scale
and backward agricultural, forestry and aquatic product processing establishments;
the management of food quality and safety of new agricultural and aquatic
products controls the individual stages, not yet managed in series; The inspection
and examination process is mainly based on the senses and the quick examination
has low efficiency.
- The organizational structure, personnel, functions and tasks of the state
management agencies in charge of agriculture are slowly improved, resulting in a
overlapping division of responsibilities and decentralization of functions and tasks.
3.4.3. The cause of the limitations Objective reason Subjective reason
Chapter IV:
4.1. Viewpoints and orientations for perfecting state management of
agricultural economic restructuring in Quang Binh province

4.1.1. Issues raised in perfecting the state management of agricultural
economic restructuring
4.1.2. The Party and State's views on improving state management of
agricultural economic restructuring
4.1.3. Orientation to improve state management of agricultural economic
4.2. Solutions to improve state management of agricultural economic
restructuring in Quang Binh province
4.2.1. Improve the quality of planning

Directing the implementation of approved plans; at the same time, review
and adjust a number of plans to suit the restructuring of industries associated with
the construction of new rural areas, craft villages and factories and processing
establishments; direct the effective implementation of new rural construction
planning, especially production development planning; revise the development
planning of the agricultural sector, the investment plan of the state and the
province and at the same time need to accurately assess the advantages and
competitiveness of each agricultural product.
4.2.2. Innovating and completing a number of policies to support the
restructuring of agricultural economy Land policy Policy on science and technology Policy on farm economic development Policies on investment and credit
4.2.3. Strengthen the province's state management apparatus of
agriculture On the organizational structure of state management apparatus Expand the content of decentralized management for the
agricultural management agencies On the contingent of cadres performing the state management work
on agricultural economic restructuring
4.2.4. Completing the work of inspection, examination and supervision of
agricultural economics restructuring
4.2.5. Promote administrative reform
4.2.6. Develop high quality production human resources
4.2.7. Market solutions
4.2.8. Developing cooperative economy

4.2.9. Mobilizing investment capital

4.3. Some recommendations
4.3.1. Propose to the Government
Firstly, propose the Government to amend and supplement Decree No.
32/2017 / ND-CP dated March 31, 2017 on State investment credit; which allows
large-scale livestock and poultry raising with industrial methods to borrow
preferential development credit from the Development Assistance Fund to create
resources for investment, construction and innovation in animal husbandry.
Secondly, in terms of land policy, the State needs to improve and develop
the land market in agriculture so as to accelerate the process of land accumulation
and concentration, thereby creating conditions for entities have the ability,
enthusiasm, desire to get rich from agriculture have a higher ability to accumulate
Thirdly, for market policy, from the implementation of Decision No.
80/2002 / QD-TTg and most recently Decision No. 62/2013/QD-TTg. Proposing to
the Government to complete and supplement regulations on rights and
responsibilities of the parties when joining the association; concretize the sanctions
on the responsibilities of the parties when participating in the chain of linkages in
agricultural production and consumption; Clause 2, Article 9 of Decision 62 should
specify the responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in assisting
enterprises in the consumption of agricultural products.
Fourthly, the Government issued Decision No. 315 / QD-TTg on March 1,
2011 on piloting the implementation of agricultural insurance for the period of
2011 - 2013. During the implementation process, there are still difficulties,
However, there have been positive results such as: in production activities, people
have gradually become aware of and formed a habit of compliance with production
and farming processes. Along with that, the risks in agricultural production
activities have been gradually overcome. In general, through the implementation of
Decision 315 / QD-TTg has minimized losses in agricultural production,
maintaining production after agricultural losses and risks occurred.
4.3.2. With the Provincial Farmers' Association

- Promote communication and awareness raising on the important role of
cooperatives and cooperative members for farmers in the province.
- Enhancing the opening of training courses, fostering, innovating training
methods close to the actual production and business situation of cooperatives and

cooperative group to improve the quality of management staff for cooperatives and
4.3.3. With the school training and fostering cadres
- Develop and implement synchronous mechanisms and policies on training
and retraining cadres and civil servants; closely associate training, management
and employment of officials and public employees;
- For professional training classes, it is recommended to renovate the Party's
programs, contents and modes of training and fostering cadres and civil servants so
as to fully grasp the Party's line and viewpoints on national renewal; adhering to
the province's requirements, political duties and socio-economic development;
- Prioritize funding for professional training, and refresher courses to
encourage officials and employees, adopt policies and mechanisms to support
cadres and civil servants to take part in learning to improve their professional
The history of world economic development has proved that the development of
agriculture is the basis for the development of the life of human society. Today,
agriculture has made great progress thanks to the research and application of high
scientific and technological achievements in agriculture. However, the application
of scientific and technological achievements to create productivity and product
quality is mainly done in countries with developed economies, and in developing
countries, the reality of Agricultural development is still at a low level, which is
caused by: lack of capital, management and production resources still do not meet
practical requirements, lack of market connectivity ..., along with the trend of

deeper and deeper international economic integration and climate change. Taking
place increasingly fierce are challenges for developing countries. In order to solve
the aforementioned issues, besides relying on the endogenous capacity of the
agricultural sector, the assistance of other actors, especially the government, is
needed through relevant support policies. to agricultural production. Therefore, the
completion of state management of agricultural economics restructuring in the
current context is necessary and urgent.
Based on the state management reality of agricultural economics
restructuring, domestic and international context, views, orientations and directions
for perfecting state management of agricultural economics restructuring, the thesis
proposed. system of solutions to perfect state management of agricultural

economics restructuring today such as improving the quality of planning; complete
laws and policies on agricultural economics restructuring; complete the state
management apparatus on agriculture; inspect, examine and supervise the state
management of agricultural economic restructuring.
During the research process, the thesis basically completed the research
objectives and tasks and made certain contributions such as: providing scientific
arguments in the state management of planning and implementing policies and
laws related to agricultural economics restructuring.


1. Pham Quoc Vinh, Hunger eradication and poverty reduction in Ca Mau
province - reality and solution, Journal of State Management - National
Academy of Public Administration, No. 221, June 2014
2. Pham Quoc Vinh, Policy for Vietnam's Agriculture Sector when
participating in international economic integration, Journal of State

Management - National Academy of Public Administration, No. 251,
December 2016
3. Pham Quoc Vinh, Some solutions to improve the quality of commodity
agricultural products in Quang Binh province, Journal of State Management National Academy of Public Administration, No. 257, June 2017
