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Giáo án Anh 6 Cả năm

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Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
Period 1: Introduction English 6
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the Ss will be able to :
- Understand about learning program of English 6.
- Prepare carefully for this subject such as : an English book, a workbook, a notebook
and some objects of learning.
- Be interested in learning this subject.
B- Contents.
- Introduce English 6.
C- Teaching aids.
- Book, objects of teaching.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.
1. Warm up.
- Introduce about himself.
2. Presentation.
- Introduce about an English book as
well as its program.
- There are 16 units in English
program connected with 6 main topics:
1, Personal information.
2, Health.
3, Education.
4, Community.
5, Recreation.
6, The world around us.
- There are 4 skills such as listening,
speaking, reading, writing that are
mixed in exercises. the S have to

practice all of them in English program
class 6.
- Language focus appears after 3 units
that is used for the S to practice
grammar, vocabulary as well as 4 skills.
3. Consolidation.
- Ask the s to sum up all of the
knowledge about English 6.
- Feedback.
- pay much attention
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
4. Homework.
- Ask the S to prepare a book, a
notebook and objects of learning for the
next lesson.

Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
Unit 1: Greetings
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S can:
- Greet people.
- Identify oneself.
- Ask how people are.
- Say goodbye.
- Introduce oneself and others.
- Say how old one is.
- Say how old others aer.
- Count to twenty.

B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- “ To be “ in present simple tense.
- Contractions.
- Questions.
2. Vocabulary. topic- Greetings
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.++
Ngµy 1 th¸ng 10 n¨m 2007
Unit 3: at home
Period 13
: Part A : My house – Ex 1,2
I. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to identify some places and objects.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- What are these? They’re.....................
- What are those?
- Review “ to be” and imperatives.
2. Vocabulary.
- Objects at home, in the school
- Occupations.
C- Teaching aids.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.

D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.
1. Warm up.
Have the S play game: Net words.
desk table
bench board
pen ect
2. Presentation.
* New words : Objects in the house.
a lamp, armchair, television, stereo, clock, telephone,
* Checking up: “ Slap the board”
- Ask the S to give out the similarity and difference
between “ this / These” and “ That / Those”.
- Ask the s to give examples for them.
- Ex : This is a book . That is a table.
- Have the S to change these sentences into the ones with
plural nouns.
- Ex : These are books. Those are tables.
- Give notes about changing singular into plural.
+ Common: singulal noun + ‘s‘ = plural noun
+ Special ways: nouns finifhing as: o, s, x, sh, ch add ‘
Ex: a box => boxes. couch => couches.
- Have the S give questions about objects:
+ What is this? - This/ It is + a/ an + a noun.
+ What is that? - That / It is + a/ an + a noun.

- Ask the S to change those sentences into plural form.
- Form: What are these? - These / They are + a plural
What are those? - Those / They are + a
plural noun.
3. Practice.
- Work in groups.
- Read and coppy.
- Work in groups.
- Give examples
- Listen and coppy.
- Give structures.
- Change sentences
into plural form.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Objects at school
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
-Ex 1 on the page 30, 31 : Have the S listen to the tape
- Have the S repeat in chorus.
-Read one by one.
- Get the S to work in pair.
-Have the S do ex in the book: Complete the sentences with
the words provided.
a. What / this ? ‘ a table .b. What / these ? windows
c.. What / that ? ‘ a lamp .d. What / those ? ‘ books.
- Feedback.
4. Production.
- Hang on the extraboard with some pictures of objects in
their house.

- Get the S to play “ slap the board” game.
- Have the S practice asking and answer about objects in
the pictures.
Ex: What is this? - This is a telephone.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart.
- Ask the S to write a passage using “ this / that” to
introduce objects in their house.
- Listen to the tape.
- Complete the
- Play the game
- Ask and answer

Unit 3: at home
Period 14
: Part A : My house – Ex 3,4,5
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask about one’s age,introduce one’s job.
introduce their family.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- How many people are there....?
- There / are...
- What is one’s name ? – One’s name is ....
2. Vocabulary.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
- Objects at home, in the school.

C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.
1. Warm up. “Nought and Crosses”
a clock a table
a televison telephones
a lamp a bookself an armchair
2. Presentation.
a. Vocabulary:
father, mother, brother, sister. (pictures) who
* Checking up: “ Matching”.
* Grammar: Introduce about possessive: my, your, his , her
with 4 sentences.
a, This is her father. This is his book. That is my book. That
is your book.
- Ask the s to give the form for these sentences.
- Feedback: This / That is + pos + noun.
- Guide the S how to use the pos: to show one’s possession.
- Have the S to look at the photo of a family.
- Ask the Ss to say about number of members in the photo.
- Guide the Ss how to ask and answer about number.
- Form: - How many + Noun(plural) are there?
- There are + noun ( plural)

-There is + noun ( single).
-Give note about plural noun.
-Ask the S to practice with that structure.
3. Practice.
-Have the S listen to the tape twice. ( Ex 3 on the tape 32 in the
-Ask the S to pratice about the content provided in the tape.
+ Who is that/ this ? ‘ This/ That is.......
+ What is his/ her name ? ‘ His/ Her name is .....
+ How old is she/ he? ‘ He / She is .....years old.
- Work in groups.
- Coppy.
- Go to the Bb to
- Coppy.
- Look at the photo
- coppy.
- Practice in pairs.
- Listen to the tape
- Practice in pairs
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
- Get the S to practice asking about themselves.
- Get the S to recall an adverb” too” or “ so”.
- Have the S to introduce about people in the class who have
the same things.
Ex: This is my book. That is my book, too.
- Ex 4 on the tape 33: Hang on the pictures on the board.
- Ask the s to say about their jobs follow Ba’ introduction in ex
3 using possessive “ his’ and “ her”

- Ask the S to answer the questions follow the request in ex.
( work in pair).
* Feedback.
a. Her name is Nga b. His name is Ha
c. That’s Ba . d. This is Lan
- He is 12 years old - She is 15 years old
e. There are 4 people in the family.
4. Production.
-Ex 5* on the tape 33: Ask the s to introduce their family with
their photo of their family.
- Get the S to work in pairs to ask about themselves.
- Feedback.
5. Homework.
-Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart.
- Ask the S to write a passage to introduce about their family.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.
- Say about the jobs.
- Do ex 3
- Do ex4

Unit 3: at home
Period 15
: Part B : numbers – Ex 1,2
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use numbers from 1 to 100.
- Pronunciate: /s/ , / iz/, / z/ for plural nouns.
- Count objects in the class, schoolbag, house.

B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Plural nouns
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
-There is / are.
2. Vocabulary.
- Numbers.
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.
1. Warm up. (numbers)
2. Presentation.
a. Vocabulary:
- Thirty.(30) - Seventy (70)
- Forty. (40) - Eighty (80)
- Fifty. (50) - Ninety (90) Realia
- Sixty (60) - One hundred (100)
* Checking up:
b. Plural noun:
-Ask the S to recall how to form plural nouns.
+ Common: singular noun + ‘s‘ = plural noun
+ Special ways: nouns finifhing as: o, s, x, sh, ch add ‘ es’.
Ex: a box => boxes. couch => couches.
- Hang on the board with singular nouns: watch, bench, shirt,

- Ask the S to change them into plural nouns.
-Introduce how to sound ‘ es‘ and ‘ s‘ after plural noun.
+ es / iz/.
+ ‘s‘ / s / when ‘s‘ ‘ sau ©m v« thanh: k, f, t.
+ ‘s‘ / z / - sau ©m h÷u thanh.( the last)
- Have the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to read turn by turn.
- Ask the S to make up sentences with structures“There is are..”
.3. Practice.
- Ask the S to listen to the tape of ex 1 on the page 35 twice .
- Ask the S to read numbers again turn by turn.
- Give a board of numbers .
a, 19 b, 35 c, 50, d, 67, e, 98......
-Ask the s to find out numbers after being asked about them with
- Play game “bingo”
- Coppy.
- Checking
- Revision
- Coppy
- Change into plural
- Repeat in chorus.
- Read individually
- Listen to the tape
-Read numbers.
- Find out numbers
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang

Ex: Which is number ‘ fifty‘ ? ‘ number of ‘c‘.
- Have the S to do ex 2 on the page 36: Count the items in the
classroom using ‘ There is / are...‘
- Feedback.
4. Production.
- Hang on the picture of objects, people.
- Ask the s to look at the board and read the request of ex.
- Ask the S to practice in pair to ask and answer about the items
in the picture.
- Ask the S to make up dialogues for each picture.
Ex: + How many teachers are there in the picture?
+ There are 4.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn again the structures and do ex.
- Ask the S to pronunciate “es”.
- Prepare the next lesson.
- Do ex2
- Look at the
- Practice in pairs
- Make up
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
Ngµy 8 th¸ng 10 n¨m 2007
Period 6
: THERE IS ……../ THERE ARE ………
I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about number of objects and
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- How many ............ are there ?
- There is / are........................
2. Vocabulary.
- Objects at home, in the school.
- Question words.
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.
1. Warm up.
“Chain game”

- Play game.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
: There are 4 windows.
There are 4 windows and 10 desks.
2. Presentation.

* Presentation Text:

- Give model sentences:
+ How many doors are there?
+ There’s one / There are (two)
3. Practice.
- Ask the S to answer about the numbers of objects in the picture
of p
(ex 4,5)
* Example exchange:
: How many {armchairs] are there ?
There are [six]
4. Production.
-Devide the class into 4 groups, and choose 4 students from 4
groups to ask their members.
In your
In your house In your

tables TV’s desk
Hoa 3

Example Exchanges:
: How many { people] are there in your [family]?
: [three]
: How many [chairs] are there in your [house] ?
: [two]

- Listen carefully.
- Coppy.

- Listen to the tape.
- Ask and answer
about the numbers
of objects.
- Play game
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn again the structures and do ex.
- Prepare the next lesson.
Ngµy 20 th¸ng 10 n¨m 2007
Period 7
: at home
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able introduce about members in their family.
( names, jobs, ages, )
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Structure: “What do/ does S do ? “ – “ S + be + a/ an noun of job.”
- Review “ to be” and imperatives.
2. Vocabulary.
Members in the family
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.
1. Warm up.

Have the S to play game :” Networds” topic: Your introduction
about your family.
- Play game.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Your introduction about
your family
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
2. Pre- reading:
a. Vocabulary:
mother: (n)
sister: (n) Pictures
brother: (n)
engineer: (n)
nurse: (n)
* Checking up: “ Jumble words.”
b.Grammar: The way to ask and answer about one’s job.
+What do/ does S do? ‘ S + be + a/ an + noun.
- Ask the S to make up sentences with this structure.
- Feedback.
3. Practice:
- Have the S listen to the tape of ex 1 twice.
- Have the S read follow the tape.
- Have the S compare their answer with the content of the text.
- Give the correct answer: + c, b, a . + b, c, a . + b, a.

- Have the S work in pair with structure of asking about one’s
- Hang on some pictures of jobs.
- Ask the S to practice with them.
- Have the s play “ Lucky number” to answer the questions.
- Feedback.
a, There are 4people in her family.
b, Her father is forty.
c, He is an engineer.
- Get the S to look at the tree of family.
- Ask the S to work in pair to ask about the members of that tre
of family.
- Explain new work : doctor, nurse, him.
- Get the S to work in apair to write about Song’s family.
- Ask the S to read their introduction about Song’s family.
- Feedback.
4 Production.
- Get the S to work individually to introduce their families .
- Give more new words: a farmer, a housewife.
- Coppy
- Copy.
- Make up sentence
- Listen to the tape
- Read in chorus.
- Copy.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice.
- Play game
- Ask and answre
about members in

the family
- Introduce the
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
- Have some S inttroduce their family before class.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart.
- Ask the S to write a passage to introduce about their family.
- Prepare the next lesson.
Ngµy 15 th¸ng 10 n¨m 2007
Period 18
: Grammar practice.
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to elicit all of the grammar from Unit 1 to unit
3 and make use of their life fluently and exactly.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Structure: to ask about job, place of birth, of living, about numbers, one’s name, one’s
- Contractions.
- Review “ to be” and imperatives.
- This/These and That/ Those.
- Adverb: too/ so.
2. Vocabulary.
- Question words./Occupations.

C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.
1. Warm up. ( Revision)
a. What is your name?
b. How old are you?
c. How do you spell your name?
d. What is this ?
e. What is that?
- Answer the questions.
a. My name is…………..
b. I am………………….
c. ……………………….
d. It is a/an………………
e. It is a/an …………......
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
f. What are these?
g. What are those?
h. Who is this?
i. Who is that?
j. How many students are there in the classroom?
2. Practice.
- Ask the S to do ex 1,2 : Give extra board and
pieces of papers.
- Have the S play game: Matching.
- Feedback:

a. am,am / are / is / are
b. am,is / is / is / are / are.
- Write structure to ask about age:
- How old be S? - S be +cardinal number + years
- Get the S to complete the sentences with to be.
- Feed back: a, are/ am. b. is/ is c. Is/ isn‘t.
d. Are/ aren‘t.
- Ex 4: p
“Simon Says”
- Feedback: in/ down / your / your/ up.
- Have the S repeat how to ask and answer about
- Feedback:
+How many + plural nouns + are there in +
+There is + a/ an + singular noun .
+There are + plural noun.
- Have the S look at the book and answer the
- Give keys:
a, There is a / one desk.
b, There are 3 books.
c, There are 2 students.
- Ask the S to give question words.
+ For object: What.
+ For people: Who.
+ For place: Where
- Ask the S to practice what they have just

- Have the S read numbers from 1 to 100.
f. They are ………………
g. They are ……………..
h. This is ……………….
i. That is ………………..
j. There are …………….
- Do ex 1,2.
- Copy.
- Complete the sentences.
- Play the game.
- Ask and answer.
- Copy
- Look at the book and answer
the questions.
- Copy.
- Practice in pairs
- Read numbers.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
a, Have the s write the words for the numbers.
Ex: 5 ‘ five ; 8- eight...
b,Write numbers for the words:
Ex: 54 ‘ fifty-four ; 97 ‘ ninety- seven.
- Have the S work in pair to have greetings.
- Get the S to use “ This/ These” and “ That/
Those “ to introduce objects in the picture.
- Feedback:
a, that/ Is / Yes.
b, this/ Is / isn‘t.

- Have the S play a picture quiz in the book.
- Feedback.
1. chair 2. book 3. eraser 4. ruler
5. door 6. clock 7. board 8. window.
3. Production.
- Devide the class into 4 groups.
- Give them papers.
- Have them write a tree of their family.
- Call on some S to introduce their family through
the tree of family.
- Remark and feedback.
4. Homework.
- Ask the S to do exercises again.
- Ask the s to do ex in workbooks.
- Prepare for the Test.


-Write the words for the
- Write numbers for the words.
- Introduce objects in the picture
- Copy.
- Play a picture quiz.
- Copy.
- Write a tree of family

Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang

test on english Time: 45 minuites
Full name:...................................................Class : 6.......
Marks Teacher–s remarks
I. Choose the best answer for each following sentence.
1. ........... does Mr. Hai work ? – He works in a hospital.
A. How B . When C. Where D. How many
2. How many ............are there in the class ?
A. desk B. board C. armchairs D. students
3. Mr. Hoang lives ....... Hai Ba Trung street, ........Hanoi capital.
A. on/ in B. on / on C. in/ on D. at/ in.
4. ........... is your father ? - He is a doctor.
A. What B. Who C. How D. How old
II. Find out a mistake for each sentences and correct it.
5. He is a engineer. ..................=>.......................
6. There is four people in my family. ..................=>........................
7. What does you do? ..................=>.......................
8. How many benchs are there in your class? ..................=>.......................
III.Write in letters the following numbers:
9. 11..............,12.............., 17.................., 20..................., 32....................,
10. 44..............,51..............., 88...................,96..................,100....................
IV. Choose a sentence in column B to be suitable for each sentence in column A.
A B Your answers
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang

11. How are you? a. This is my father, Mr.Tuan. 11- ........
12. Who is this? b. There are 4 people. 12- ........
13. How many students are c. I’m fine, thanks. 13- ........
there in your family? d. They are my books and pens 14- .......
14. Where do you live? e. They are my friends in my class. 15- ........
15. What are those? f. I live on Tran Hung Dao street,
in Da Nang city
V. Write a paragraph about your family.
Use these prompts.( your name, your adress, numbers of the members in your
family,their names, their jobs, their ages, what about you ).
I - 1.C 2. D 3. A 4. A
I I- 5.an 6. are 7. do 8. benches
III-9. 11- eleven 12- twelve 17- seventeen 20- twenty 32- thiry- two
10. 44- forty-four 51- fifty-one 88- eighty-eight 96- ninty- six 100- one hundred
IV- 11- c 12- a 13- b 14- f 15- d
V- At least, they write 5 sentences about their family following the requests.
From question I to question IV : 0,5 points for each right answer = 7,5 points.
Writing test: 0,5 point for each right sentence = 2,5 pionts.
Sum up = 10 points.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 2006

Unit 4: Big or small
A- Objectives.
After this lesson, the S can:
- Describe location and size of school.
- Describe location of objects.
- Identify possession.
- Spell words.
- Describe everyday activities.
- Ask for and say the times.
B- Contents.
1- Grammar.
- Adjectives.
- Possessive : ‘s.
- “To have” in the present simple time.
- What time...?
2- Vocabulary.
- Ordinal numbers to tenth.
- Everyday actions.
- Places.
- Adjectives.
C- Teaching aids.
- Book, cassette, tape, cards, poster, pictures, objects of teaching.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique, adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
Ngµy 22 th¸ng 10 n¨m 2007
Unit 4: Big or small

Period 20
: Part A: Where is your school? – Ex 1,2.
A- Objectives.
After this lesson, the S can:
- Describe location and size of school.
B- Contents.
1- Grammar.
- Possessive : ‘s.
2- Vocabulary.
- Places.
- Adjectives.
C- Teaching aids.
- Book, cassette, tape, cards, poster, pictures, objects of teaching.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique, adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.

5 ms
5 ms
5 ms
1. Warm up:
- Hang on the pictures of ex 1on the page 44.
- Get the S to remark about the sizes of those schools
and where they are located.
- Ask the S to say st about their school.
2. Presentation.
a. New words:
small >< big (adj) (realia)

in the country (example)
in the city (example)
* Checking up:
“What and where”
b. Grammar: Introduce about possessive pronoun: ‘s
- Look at the
pictures and
remark about the
sizes of school.
- Read and copy.
- Go to the Bb to
write new words.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
20 ms
8 ms
2 ms
- It is used to express person’s [possession
Modal sentences:
+ This is Phong’s school
+This is Thu’s school
- Ask Ss to give some more examples
3. Practice.
- Ask the S to listen to the tape of ex 1 on the page 44 in
the book.
- Get the S to repeat the content of the text in chorus.
- Call on some s to read again one by one.
- Correct their way of pronunciation.
- Ask the S to do ex 2 on the page 44.
- Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions in pairs.

: Is Phong’s school small?
: Yes, it is
: Is Thu’s school small?
: No, it isn’t
: Where is Phong’s school
: It is in the country.
: Is Thu’s school in the country?
S: No, it isn’t.
- Hang on an extra board and ask the S to fill in the
blanks with the following information.
School Size of school Where
small in the

big in the city
4. Production.
- Call on some S to introduce about their school before
the class.
- Remark and correct their pronunciations.
5. Homework.
- Ask the s to learn new words by heart.
- Ask the S to do ex in their work books.
- Prepare the next lesson.
- Give some
- Listen to the
tape and repeat in
- Read
- Do ex 2
- Ask and answer.
- Copy in the
- Go to the BB
and fill in the
- Introduce about
Binh Minh school
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn

Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
Ngµy 24 th¸ng 10 n¨m 2007
Unit 4: Big or small
Period 21
: Part A: Where is your school? – Ex 3,4.
A- Objectives.
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe numbser of somethings at school.
B- Contents.
1- Grammar.
- Remember. How many ...? – There are...
C- Teaching aids.
- Book, cassette, tape, cards, poster, pictures, objects of teaching.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique, adroitnesses.
E– Teaching process.

7 ms
8 ms
1. Warm up:
-T. elicits & lists numbers on the board: T. reads:
6, 8, 9, 20, 13, 100, 4, 400, 900, 8, 20, 22 13, 4, 900
25, 45, 600. 400, 45, 18, 26.
- Ss choose 5 numbers from the board

1 8 X
2 13 X
3 400 X
4 600
5 900 X
Set the sence:
This is passage which talk about Phong’s school and
- Play game.
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
23 ms
5 ms

2 ms
Thu’s school.
* Open prediction:
Ss guess what these numbers are about, to do with school.
400, 900, 8, 20.
Eg: students, teachers, desks, windows, …..
3. While-reading:
- Read aloud.
- Ask the S to read and check their prediction.
- Answer the questions
* Comprehension question:
–Lucky numbers–
1 2(LN) 3 4 5 (LN) 6
7(LN) 8 9(LN) 10(LN) 11 12

Questions: Answer key:
1. Where is Phong’s school? 1. in the country
2. How many classrooms are there? 2. 8
3. How many students are there? 3. 400
4. Where is Thu’s school? 4. in the city
5. Is it small? 5. No, it isn’t.
6. How many classrooms are there? 6. 20
7. How many students are there? 7. 900
4. Post- reading:
- Ask Ss to answer the questions of ex 4.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to write a paragraph about their school.
- Ask the S to do ex in their work books.
- Prepare the next lesson.
- Listen to the
- Read and
check the
- Play game.
- Copy in the
- Answer the
a. It is in the….
b. there are ….
c. there are ….


Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
Ngµy 23 th¸ng 11 n¨m 2007
Unit 4:
Period 32
: Part A: – Ex 1,2,3.
A- Objectives. After this lesson, the S can:
- Continue to describe school, especially their class.
- Describe location of their class.
B- Contents.
1- Grammar. Number. How many ...? – There are...
- Adjectives.
- Which grade be S in ? – S be in grade + cardinal number.
- “To have” in the present simple time.
2- Vocabulary Ordinal numbers to tenth.
- Everyday actions.
- Places.
- Preposition of place
C- Teaching aids. Book, cassette, tape, cards, poster, pictures, objects of teaching.
D- Teaching method. Community, technique, adroitnesses.
E – Teaching process.
5 ms
1. Warm up:

- Have the S play game: Brainstormings. floor

board ect
- Feed back.
2. Presentation.
- New words: grade, floor, classroom.
- Read aloud.
- Ask the S to repeat in chorus.
- Call on some S to read agian one by one.
- Correct their pronunciation.
- Play game
- Read and
- Read in
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn
What are there in
your school?
Trêng THCS Sinh Long – Nà Hang – Tuyên Quang
8 ms
15 ms
8 ms
- Check: Jumble words.
- Grammar: The way about location .
+ Which grade/ class be S in?
+ S be in the + ordinal number + floor / class.
- Ask the S to make up the sentences with that structrure.

- Introduce “ to have” anf the way to devide it.
- I, you, we, they : have
- He, she, it , Hai, my father : has.
- Ask s to make up sentences with “have”. Ex: I have a
book. She has a ruler.
- Ask the S to find out sentences that have to have.
- Feedback.
3. Practice.
- Ask the S to listen to the tape twice.
- Call on some s to give the informations they have just
- Remark and give the correct information for the text.
Name Grade Class Classroom‘s
Thu 7 7B 2
Phong 6 6A 1
- Have the S find out the questions for the answers of ex 1 on
the page 47.
- Ask the S to write a paragraph about themselves.
- Call on some S to read their passages before the class.
- Error hunter.
4. Production.
- Hang on an extra board which has informations about some
- Ask the S to play game: Nought and crosses.
- Call on some s to play .
grade 6 second How many
7A on in

Which first big
- Feedback.
5. Homework.
- Ask the s to learn new words by heart.
- Learn and make up 10 sentences with ‘to have’.
- Ask the S to write a paragraph about the location of their
classrooms, about their grade.
- Write modal
- Listen to the
- Remark.
- Play game
Gi¸o viªn: TrÇn văn Tuấn

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