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Quản trị nguồn nhân lực của Viettel

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Internal influencing factors to Viettel and its HR practices.............................................................2
External influencing factors to Viettel and its HR practices...........................................................3
Recruitment channels of Viettel......................................................................................................4
Training and Development of Viettel..............................................................................................7
Performance evaluation and reward management of Viettel...........................................................8
Employee involvement....................................................................................................................9


I choose Viettel to evaluate HRM because it is a fairly large company in Vietnam and
under the management of the state. And employees at this company enjoy a lot of benefits.
Viettel Military Industry and Telecommunication Corporation is a defense economic
enterprise of the Military Industry and Telecommunications Group, established under Decision
No. 2079/2009 / QD-TTg of the Prime Minister signed on December 14. 2009 100% capital of
the state, is responsible for inheriting the
rights, legal obligations and legitimate













organizational charters. Viettel Military



exercised by the Ministry of Defense
and is a military business enterprise in
the field of post - telecommunications and information technology. With the slogan "Let's talk
your way", Viettel always strive to grow steadily during the operation. Viettel is Vietnam's largest
telecommunications and information Technology Company and one of the fastest-growing
telecommunications companies in the world and one of the top 15 telecommunications

companies in the world global number of subscribers.
The strategy of Viettel Group in the future is to continue to develop IT applications to
include in all fields of social life and materialize in many foreign markets, to become a global
corporation. , located in the 20 largest telecommunications companies in the world. (Source:
VNR 500 Top 500 Company, n.d, viewed 10 October 2018).

Internal influencing factors to Viettel and its HR practices

Vision of Viettel. Vision to 2020, Viettel aspires to become the leading equipment
manufacturing corporation in Asia in terms of electronic telecommunication, IT, automatic


control. Products manufactured by Viettel must be owned from A to Z, from components to
modules, software, systems. Revenue from research, development and manufacturing is $ 1
billion. The objective of Viettel. Viettel wants to become the No 1 Telecom and Information
Technology company in Vietnam. In addition, it brings information technology and
telecommunication into every field in Vietnam.
Viettel's mission is very simple. Viettel wants to wake up the power of Vietnam.
Viettel always train its employees on communication skills and customer service attitude.
In addition, Viettel always selects employees with good English skills to achieve the mission and
vision that the company has set.

External influencing factors to Viettel and its HR practices
Vietnam is regarded as one of the countries with stable politics in the world, creating a safe
and friendly business environment for domestic and foreign investors. The trend of international
economic integration makes the company have the opportunity to enter the world market.
Especially when Viettel entered the TOP 100 largest telecommunications enterprises in the
world. In addition, with changes in the management of the telecom sector: the ceiling price for

telecommunication, the limitation of forms of promotion, registration of personal information,
etc. also have a considerable impact on the process business of Viettel.
Under the efects of economic crisis and instability, Viettel has decided not to employ more
than one employee to work in different positions. The company is always looking for employees
who are capable of working in many fields. Viettel need to reduce the number of staffs to save
operational cost and hire staffs who are multi-skills.
Next is the social influences on the employees’ expectation. Due to increased employee
expectations, there will be some impacts on the Viettel, and Viettel company will have to change
its organizational structure. If Viettel company wants to have more good employees, it must have
a reasonable salary.
The final influences comes from technological advancement. Technology is growing,
and this will affect the hiring. Application of technology & machines at work: Fewer staffs
needed. Viettel should train staffs new technological skills continually. Besides, today the


technology sector is developing and very interested. Therefore, Viettel needs to seize this
opportunity to gain access to new technology and improve service quality.

Recruitment channels of Viettel
Internal recruiting method usually selects the employees of the Viettel company or uses the
Viettel company staff to broker or introduce friends and relatives to recruit into the company. HR
departments send notifications to all employees in the company to provide them with
information and job requirements. Based on that, employees have wide relationship will share
and post announcement to familiar,person has potential and fit. Besides, some companies offer
incentives for employees who had introduced the talents for the company. From that, that helps
encourage human resources and motivating employees in the company. The advantages of this
method are usually cost savings, not waste time, for brokerage firms.Create motivation if the
employee is successful, they will be able to get promoted after looking at the current ability in

the Viettel company. But besides that, it also has disadvantages of this method such as the bias
will lead to the underground struggle in the company, good candidates can be retained by the
company instead of promoting another position or waring effect.
Recruitment external is the selection of candidates from outside. Viettel often use:

E-recruitment: vietnamwork, Vieclam24h, TimViecNhanh, and other.The company just
posted recruiting information, job requirements on broker websites. The candidates will
then submit their resume online or the company can post information on the main

Education association: In addition, Viettel can also recruiting methods from universities,
colleges or other senior employees. This approach will make it easier for the company to
get the right candidates, experience, cost savings, and meet new goals.The weakness of
this method is the high cost by broker, new employees are good at their profession and
easily jump to another job if the company does not have a good attitude to maintain
employees,Companies will need more time to determine the strengths and weaknesses of
the candidate.


Due to the increasing market demand, it has created favorable conditions for companies to
develop. Viettel Corporation has launched a new strategy from now until 2020 named
"Ecirizens". With this orientation,Viettel strives to become a leading corporation in terms of
providing electronic services to the community. Information and telecommunications will
continue to be the cornerstone of integration, in order to meet and provide the most convenient
service to customers. Orientation in the next period is focused on development in information

technology and telecommunications, so in November and December 2018, Viettel needs to

Staff Telecom Sales Consultant Viettel


Information Technology staff

Job information
Staff Telecom Sales Consultant Viettel.
Firstly is the responsibility. Can advise and answer customer inquiries related to the network
services Viettel provides. Receive and support to solve problems and complaints of customers
encountered during the use of services. Secondly is the request. Candidates Male or Female,
under 30 years old. Standard voice, easy listening (no lingering, stuttering, speaking in the local
voice). Minimum Intermediate (Accepts Temporary Certificate of Education).


experience, staff will be supported to train communication skills and professional skills when
participating in the work. Be patient, sociable & watch customer care is fun in life. Finally, the
benefits. Employees will have stable jobs, enjoy good treatment policies such as annual leave,
social insurance contributions in accordance with state regulations, health insurance for relatives.
Information Technology staff
Firstly is the responsibility. Develop programs or plans to identify target customers, learn
customer information on Network Security solutions. Make sales plan according to customers to
make contact, evaluate the specific needs and sales opportunities. Contact the potential
customers, coordinate with the technical department to clarify customer needs, build the prize.
overall and quotation for customers. Secondly is the request. Candidates with university degree

in Information Security, Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunications or


Business Administration. Basic knowledge of IT products, preferably candidates with knowledge
of IT Security products. Good communication skills and persuasiveness, clear presentation. Have
more than 2 years experience working in the equivalent position in Information Security or
Information Technology. Finally, the benefits. Employees will have stable jobs, enjoy good
treatment policies such as annual leave, social insurance contributions in accordance with state
regulations, health insurance for relatives.
Selection process of Viettel.










www.timviecnhanh.com. This web site will automatically be blocked when there are enough
candidates registered.
Next, Viettel will hold a test on the paper exam on social issues and questions related to
the company.
Finally, after a test on the paper, Viettel will select the best people to do the interview. If
the candidates pass the interview will be selected into the company.
This selection of Viettel is quiet time consuming, but in this way, Viettel company always
find good employees, knowledgeable and talented.

Training and Development of Viettel
The training plan includes the following main contents: Firstly, internal and post-recruitment
short-courses: These training contents were distributed to a large number of newly recruited staff,
with an expected number of trained 30,905 people. with the estimated cost of 6.153.600 VND.
Secondly, management training: These training courses are also used by Viettel in the form of
on-the-job training or distance learning by applying information technology to the training
process. The number of trained people is identified and selected, in 2011 Viettel will train about
2,571 people with the estimated cost of 2.784.900 VND.
Thirdly, short-term training in the country: Training contents include training in business and
management for specific and different subjects, on-the-job training or intensive training courses
in localities. The training is selected to suit the characteristics of each business area. Finally,


short-term and long-term training abroad: The training content includes Business Strategy
Training, Product Development, Markting, PR, etc. in foreign countries; Training software
applications such as Java, Oracle, etc.
Advantages and disadvantages of training programs at Viettel Telecom

Speaking about advantages, there are on-the-job training human resources that are
specialized and experienced trainers who have been working for the company to train and
develop new employees. Furthermore, human resources are recruited and trained at the company
so that the skills and qualifications are sufficient to meet the production requirements laid down
at the place of employment.
In term of disadvantages, Viettel Telecom Company is a company with a very large
number of employees, operating in the whole country, from remote areas, border areas, islands,
mountains and so on. Therefore the training and development of human resources in the
company is a very heavy work, expensive in terms of time, money and workmanship.

Performance evaluation and reward management of Viettel
Viettel has two methods to evaluate employees. Firstly is the Paired Comparison Method.
In the same department, an employee will be evaluated for other employees and vice versa. This
method is convenient for evaluators but easily leads to bias, so in recent times Viettel less use
this method.
Secondly is the Rating method. Viettel employs self-assessment on a scale, each employee
evaluates himself / herself according to an assessment of his or her performance, and the
manager checks in the weekend. This method has high self-control, save time, have the ability to
evaluate accurately. This method is more commonly used.
The main objectives for conducting annual performance evaluation are to increase
performance of staffs and to decide the respective compensation and rewards.
The purpose of this method is:

To find excellent employees to reward.


Help employees have high morale and self-discipline of employees will be higher

Reward management of Viettel
Viettel employees will enjoy all the standard benefits of the state.
Viettel buys healthinsurance and pays social insurance to its employees. Besides, Viettel

opens a number of foreign language classes to improve the foreign language skills for
employees. There are many benefits and incentives for your employees. Example: Free ATM
card, free gifts and discounts when staff use Viettel services, etc.
In addition, the Military Telecom Corporation (Viettel) held an event honoring individuals,
collective excellence, outstanding contribution, breakthrough for the group in the year. This is
the annual event to find the best individuals and collectives and 2018 is the first year called "The
Best of Viettel". Individuals who were honored at "The Best of Viettel" were rewarded VND 100
million and a study trip abroad worth VND 100 million. They are all very young.
Employee involvements
Each year, Viettel Company organizes contests to find new ideas from employees. Viettel
employees can register to join or if they do not want to, they do not need to register. This contest
aims to connect employees together and find the best person to reward.
The bonus of Viettel is usually cash, or receive special privileges when using the services
of Viettel. Therefore, most of Viettel employees are very interested in participating in this
competition. This competition helps them to improve their skills and create new ideas for the


VNR 500 Top 500 Company, n.d, thongtindoanhnghiep, viewed 10 October 2018 from

