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giao an anh 6 ca nam

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Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Date of preparing: 21 /8/ 2009 Date of teaching: 25 / 8 / 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 24/ 8 / 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 25 /8 / 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 27 / 8 / 2009: class:6D

1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :
+ Know how important of learning English is
+ Know some main knowledge they will learn in English 6
b. Skills:
Speaking skills, writing skills
c. Education:
Feel learning English is fun
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: Teacher : book , planing
b. Students: books, notebooks
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
Check the preparing of students: book, notebook, work boook.
* Introduction: ( 2’)
You’ve learnt English for 3 years in The primary school. It won’t be difficult to
learn well if you are really interested in it. In English 6, there are some simple
knowledge that are in 9 topics. Each topic contains its own sub-topics and they are
easy for you to learn.”
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

*Warm up :
? Ask students some questions then
call some to answer :
1. Do you like English ?
2. Is it interesting ?
3. Are you good at English ?
* Presentation
1. Basic knowledge in English 6 :
+ Simple present tense
1. Basic knowledge in English 6 :
+ Simple present tense
+ Presesnt progressive tense

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 1 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
+ Presesnt progressive tense
+ Near future
+ Verbs modal : can, can’t , must,
2. Some imperative sentences.
T give some imperative sentences and
explain how to answer the question or
follow the command.
Read and ask Ss to repeat after in
Call some SS to repeat after in

3. How to learn English in effective
T give some guides to Ss

+ Near future
+ Verbs modal : can, can’t , must,
2. Some imperative sentences.
- Who’s absent today?
- Who’s on the duty?
- May I come in ?
- May I go out?
- Stand up
- Sit down
- Open your books
- Close your books
- Keep silent
- Look at the board
- Read after me =read in chorus
* Some abbreviations:
-Noun = n ; verb = v;
conjunction = conj
-Preposition = prep; adverb = adv;
adjective = adj
3. How to learn English in effective
- Have enough book, note book, work
- Spend at least 15 minutes a day to

study English: listening, speaking,
reading, writing, learn new words.
- try to learn new words, structures by
making sentences to remember well.
- try to speak English with friends
every day.
- Prepare the new lesson before go to
class: new words, answer the
c. Feed back: 2’
Resay the content of the lesson.
d. Home work: 2’
Prepare unit 1 A1,2 3
Date of preparing: 22 / 8/ 2009 Date of teaching: 28/ 8 / 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 25 / 8 / 2009: class:6B

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 2 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Date of teaching: 27/ 8 / 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 28 /8 / 2009: class:6D
Period 2 : Lesson A 1+2+3 : HELLO
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :
+ Know two main ways of greeting they often do to others
+ Know how to introduce their name in two ways

+ hello / hi
+ I am ( Lan)
+ my name is
+ Hello, I am Linh
+ Hi, My name is Linh
b. Skills: All four skills
c. Education:
SS love learing English and know how to greet the others
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: book, notebook, planning lesson, pictures
b. Students: book, note book
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: omit
* Introduction: 1’
To know how to greet the others we will learn in this lesson
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions
* Warm up:
- Let students play a game :
- Give out some information in some
cards then ask students to play this
- Guide them how to play
- Call some SS to go on the board to
play the game.
T remarks
* Presentation

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 3 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
I am Linh
My name is
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Ask students some questions :
? Have you got a great summer
? Are you happy when you meet your
friends again?
? How do you greet when you meet
them again?
Imagine that you have had a long
vacation with your parents. And
now, it’s time for you to come back
to school. When you come back to
school, you meet a lot of new and old
friends in your class. What will you
say to greet them ?
- Introduce some ways of greeting to
other and explain how to use the
greetings in each case carefully
- Take the form out.
- Present some new words then ask
students to make examples with

those words carefully
- Take the form out then let them
introduce their name
* Practice:
Let students to look at the part 1 and
read in silence
- Play the tape for two times to let
students listen carefully and then let
them read after the tape for
Ask students to play in roles to
practise speaking and practise before
the class
1. Some ways of greeting :
+ hi
Ex : Hi, Lan !
Hi, Tuan !
+ hello
Ex : Hello, Lan !
Hello, Tuan !
Hi / Hello + name

2. Introduce your name :
+ I (pro) :
+ am (v) :
Ex : I am Linh
+ my ( adj) :
+ name (n) :
+ is (v) :
Ex : my name is Linh

I am..................
My name is...................

3. Practice:
Listen to the tape and repeat
Practice in pairs
EX: S1: hello. My name is Mai
S2: Hello, Mai.

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 4 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Ask students to look at those
pictures in part 2 and practise
introducing their name in English
before the class
- Play the tape to let students listen
through the tape carefully then let
them practise following the tape.
Ask 4 students to go to the board
then play roles to re introduce all the
names in part 3.
- Give out a simple exercise to check
their understanding.
Ask students to work in groups to
practise speaking with their partners
to introduce their name to other in
two ways
c. Feed back: 2’
Resay the content of the lesson. Vocabulary and structures.

Ask SS to make sentences with the structures
d. Home work: 2’
+ Learn new words by hearts
+ Do exercise at home
+ Prepare Lesson A4+5
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Date of preparing: 25/8/ 2009 Date of teaching: 29/8/ 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 28/ 8/ 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 28/8/ 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 29/8/ 2009: class:6D
Period 3 : Lesson A 4 + 5 : HELLO
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , studnets will be able to :
+ Know some other ways of greeting they often do to others
+ Know how to greet others in each time of a day
+ How are you? I am fine, thanks
b. Skills: All four skills

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 5 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Greetings Names
My name is Nam

I am Lan
I am Nga
My name is Ba
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
c. Education:SS love learning E and know how to greet the others in polite
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: book , planing , tape , pictures
b. Students: books, notebook.
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
* Questions:
Call 2 Ss to go on the board to greet each other, and introduce name
* Answers:
SS answer : Hello, my name is Lan. What is your name?
My name is Hoa
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions
* Warm up:
Call some pairs to pratise introducing
their name to others.
St1 : Hello , My name is Linh.
St2 : Hi , I am Lan.
* Presentation:
- draw some simple pictures about
the time in a day
in the morning
in the afternoon

in the evening
T present some other ways of
? After school, What will you greet
to friends when you come home
? You are going to bed, What will
you say to parents
- Present some new words to
students the let them try to make
examples with those words carefully
? Take the form out

1. Greetings for a day :
+ good morning :
Ex : Good morning , Lan
+ good afternoon :
Ex : Good afternoon, Nam
+ good evening :
Ex : Good evening , Nga
+ good bye
Ex : Good bye, Teacher
+ good night :
Ex : Good night , Mom and Dad.

2. Your health :
+ How (q) :
+ are (v) :
+ you (pro) :
+ fine (adj) :
+ thank you = thanks

Ex : How are you ? I am fine.

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 6 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
* Practice:
Ask some questions:
? Who are they talking in the
picture?. ? What are they talking
about ?
- Let students listen to the tape for
two times
Ask students to practise reading the
dialogue in pairs
Ask students to base on the model
dialogue to practise speaking with
their partner.

Call some pairs to practise before
the class.
T go around and help them if they
+ we (pro) :
Ex : How are you ? We are fine.
+ And you ?
How are you ?
I am fine / We are fine.

Look at the picture and answer the

Listen to the tape and repeat after in

S1 : Hello, my name is Linh
St2 : Hi, I am Hoa. How are you ? St1
: I’m fine, thank you. And you
S2 : I’m fine, thanks.
students work in pairs to practise
speaking in freedom
+ They can go around the class and
greeting, introducing their name and
asking their health with others freely

c. Feed back: 2’
Resay the content of the lesson. Vocabulary and structures.
Ask SS to make sentences with the structures
d. Home work: 2’
+ Learn new words and structures by hearts. Make sentences with new
words and structures.
+ Do exercise 3,4 page 5 in the workbook.at home
+ Prepare Lesson B for the next period.
Date of preparing: 28/8/ 2009 Date of teaching: 1/ 9 / 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 31/8/ 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 31/8/ 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 11/9/ 2009: class:6D

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 7 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639

Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Period 4 : Lesson B : GOOD MORNING
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :
+ Ask and answer about their health fluently
+ Know some other greetings
+ Make dialogue with personal information
+ Improve their skills
+ good morning + good bye
+ good afternoon + good night
+ good evening
b. Skills: All four skills
c. Education:
SS love learning English and know how to greet the other in polite way.
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: Book, note book, planning, pictures.
b. Students: book, notebook.
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
* Questions:
Call 2 SS to go on the board to do Ex 3,4 page 5 in the work book.
* Answers:
Ex 3:
a. name is, fine, are, am fine, fine
b. Hi, my name is Thu.
Hi, Thu. I am Van. How are you?
I am fine, thank you. And you?

Fine, thanks.
Ex 4:
a. Hoa, are you?, fine, thank you.
How are you?, fine, thanks.
b. my..... is, How .... you ?
am fine, you. How are ?, fine, thanks
* Introduction: 1’
Today we will study some sentences used to greet people and say good bye.
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions
5’ * Warm up:
Ask Ss to say the greeting in the last SS practice greet each others

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 8 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Ask them to look at the picture
copied from B2 page 15 and ask the
to guess the picture in the morning,
afternoon or in the evening.
T: To help you to greet at time of a
day we will study in this lesson
Sets the scene in an effort to
introduce the greetings.
- Points at the fisrt picture :

What time is it? If you meet
someone in the morning you should
say "good morning"
- In the afternoon "good afternoon"
- In the evening "good evening"
- Before go to bed "good night"
- Gives new words and explains by
some methods
Ask Ss to practice in pairs
* Practice:
Let them listen to the tape
- Play the tape to let students listen
again then let them get information
- Play the last time to let them read
after sentences by sentences,
Ask students to make new
dialogues with their partners.
* Further practice:
Ask students to do exercise 4 in the
book and work in groups to discuss
and then complete the dialogue
between Nga and Lan.
Call two pairs to practise reading
the dialogue.
Ask students to copy the dialogue
in their notebooks.
Look at the pictures and say the time
of the day.
Listen to teacher.

1. Greetings in a day :
+ good morning :
Ex : Good morning , Lan
+ good afternoon :
Ex : Good afternoon, Nam
+ good evening :
Ex : Good evening , Nga
+ good bye
Ex : Good bye, Teacher
+ good night :
Ex : Good night , Mom and Dad.
Ex :
S1 : Good morning , Nam
S2 : Good morning , Hoa .
S1 : How are you ?
S2 : I’m fine , thanks. And you ?
S1 : I’m fine , thanks. Good bye.
S2 : Good bye.
Some pairs practise speaking before
the class
*Exercise 4: Write:
Nga: Good afternoon, Lan
Nga: I am fine, thanks. And you?
c. Feed back: 2’
Let them read B 6 page 16 again.
d. Home work: 2’

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 9 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn

phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Learn by heart the dailogue part B4.
Do exercises 1, 2, 3 in the workbook (page 6,7).
Prepare C1 + C2 for next period.
* Guide Ss how to do excercises.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Date of preparing: 30/8/ 2009 Date of teaching: 8/9/ 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 1/ 8 / 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 8/ 9 / 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 12/9// 2009: class:6D
Period 5 : Lesson C : HOW OLD ARE YOU ? ( C1 + C2)
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :
+ Know some ordinal numbers from one to twenty.
+ Count from one to twenty fluently.
b. Skills: All four skills.
c. Education:
SS love learning English and use English everyday.
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: planing lesson, book, pictures.
b. Students: book, notebooks.
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
* Questions:
Ask 2 Ss to go on the board and make dialouge to practice greeting and asking
the health.

* Answers:
Possible anwser:
S1:Good morning,Ha.
S2:Good morning,Lan.
S1:How are you?
S2:I'm fine,thanks.And you?
S1:Fine, thanks.Good bye.
* Introduction: 1’
Today we will study the cardinal numbers from 1 to 20
b. The new lesson:

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 10 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions
* Warm up:
ask SS to count the apple in the
picture on the board
* Presentation:
Ask them to look at the box then
give the remark
- Present twenty cardinal numbers
in English to students.
Turn the stereo on first.
Ask them to listen three times then

repeat sentence by sentence.
Call some of them to read.
? Ask students to practise speaking
in chorus

Let students practise counting in
pairs and then change their roles.
Ask students to practise counting
all things around them in class.
Ask each groups to stand up then
let one counts correctly.
Ask all boys to stand up then ask
one girl count out then change for
? Can you count all the Ss in your
? How many SS are there in your
* Production:
Present the new song of English that
tells ordinal numbers.
- Guide them how to sing
beautifully then ask them to practise
Call some SS to sing before class
Look at the pictures and count
1.Cardinal numbers:
- Look at the box then give the

Write the number in the note book.
+ one : 1 + eleven : 11
+ two : 2 + twelve : 12
+ three : 3 + thirteen : 13
+ four : 4 + fourteen : 14
+ five : 5 + fifteen : 15
+ six : 6 + sixteen : 16
+ seven : 7 + seventeen : 17
+ eight : 8 + eighteen : 18
+ nine : 9 + ninteen : 19
+ ten : 10 + twenty : 20
Read following teacher’s guide
2. Practice:
practise counting all things around
them in class.
count all students in their class.
S: one, two, three......
There are 32 SS in my class.
3. The song:
Ten little indians
I - One little two, little three, little
Four, little five, little six, little
Seven, little eight, little nine, little
Ten little indian boys .
II - Ten, little nine, little eight, little

Seven, little six, little five, little

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 11 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Four, little three, little two, little
One, little indian boy
c. Feed back: 2’
Retell the cardinal number from 1 to 20
d. Home work: 2’
Learn by heart the cardinal numbers
Do exercises 1 in the workbook (page 7).
Prepare C3 + C4 + C 5 for next period.
* Guide Ss how to do excercises.
Date of preparing:3/9/ 2009 Date of teaching: 6 / 9 / 2009 : class:6A
Date of teaching: 7 / 9/ 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 6 / 9 / 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 17 / 9/ 2009: class:6D
Period 6 : Lesson C : HOW OLD ARE YOU ? ( C 3 + C 4 + C5)
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :
+ Review twenty ordinal numbers they’ve learnt
+ Know how to ask and answer about their age
Structures: + How old + age + year old

How old are you ?
I’m 11 / I’m 11 years old
b. Skills: All four skills
c. Education: Ss love learning English.
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: book, planning lesson, casste, pictures
b. Students: book, note book.
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
* Questions:
Write the cardinal number from 1 to 20 then read aloud
* Answers:
Write the numbers correctly and then read fluently.
* Warm up: 5’
Let students play a game : - LUCKY NUMBERS –

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 12 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
1. Greet in the morning
2. How are you ?
3. Lucky number
4. Greet when meeting friends
5. Polite greeting
6. Introduce their name
7. Lucky number
8. Say to parents at night
9. Lucky number
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

Ask students some questions :
When you meet a new friend,
what will you want to know about
her ? How can you ask about her
age ?
- Present some new words to
students then let them read in
? Guide them how to make
examples with those words
Gets one student to read part C3
Which sentence does Nga use to
introduce Lan to Miss Hoa?
Can you introduce your partner to
-Take out the structrure
Calls some students to introduce
their partners.
Ask students to retell all names
of those pictures then ask
questions: ? What are they
talking about ?
Let students listen carefully and

students maybe answer the questions in

1. Introduing our age :
+ age : ( n)
+ How old (phr) :
Ex : How old are you, Nam ?
+ year old (phr) :
Ex : I am one year old
We are 11 years old
Ex : How old are you , Hoa ?
I’m 11 years old.
2.The way introduce other.
S1:This is Lan.
S2: This is Hai
Form: This is + name ( near )
That is + name ( far )
*Notes: -"This is" is used to introduce one
person or one thing near the speaker ."That
is" introduce one person or one thing which
is far from the speaker.
S1:This is Thanh.
S2:This is Lan .
S3:This is Tam.
S4:That is Hai.
3. The dialogue
Listen and repeat after the tape in chorus.
Practice in groups.

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 13 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
1 2 3

7 8 9
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
read after for three times.
Ask students to work in groups
and practise speaking.
Ask students to work in pairs to
ask and answer about their age.
Calls ome pairs to practise
speaking with their partners
Ask SS work in groups and
practice asking and introdude the
Call some groups to practice
before class.
Listen and remark
Practice in pairs
Practice in groups
- Practice. ( Group work )
* Group 1:
Ha: Hello,Son.
Son: Hi,Ha.This is Phuong.
Ha: How old are you?
Phuong: I'm eleven.
* Group 2, 3..do the same
c. Feed back: 2’
Resay the content of the lesson.
Ask Ss give more examples

d. Home work: 2’
Learn by heart the cardinal numbers
Do exercises 2,3,4 in the workbook (page 8,9,10).
Prepare A1 + A2+ A3+ A4 unit 2 for next period.
• Guide Ss how to do excercises
The end
Date of preparing: 9/ 9 / 2009 Date of teaching: 12 / 9 / 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 8 / 9 / 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 15 / 9 / 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 18/ 9 / 2009: class:6D
Period 7 Lesson A : COME IN
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :
+ Know some normal commands in class

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 14 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
+ Practise fluently with their friends
Structures: some commands
+ come in + sit down + stand up
+ go out + open the book + close the book
+ good bye
b. Skills: All four skills
c. Education: Ss like learning English and speak English everyday.
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: book, planning lesson, casste, pictures

b. Students: book, note book.
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
* Questions:
Call 2 Ss to go on the board to ask and answer about the age, name, greet.
* Answers:
SS answer:
S1: Good morning.
S2: Good mornging. How are you?
S1: I am fine, thanks. And you?
S2: I am fine, thanks.
* Warm up: 5’
- Let students play a game : JUMBLE WORDS
E V E L W T V = Twelve
E T N G I E H E = Eighteen
R O U F = Four
NEIN = Nine
Ask students to use some numbersto practise asking and answering :
How old are you ?
I am twelve years old
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions
Ask students to lookk at the pictures
at page 20 and ask them to read the
commands below the pictures
? Guide them how to read

- Plays the tape or reads part A1
(twice), then asks Ss to repeat.
1 Some commands :
Sit down
Stand up
Come in
Go out
Close your book
Open the book
Good bye
2. Practice:

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 15 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Pays attention to pronunciation and
- Calls some Ss to read new words
? Can you make an example with
- Gives out the form.
? If you want your partners to close
their books . What do you say?
Asks Ss to follow the teacher's
-T says: stands up.
- T says: Sit down

- Lets Ss to work in pairs.
- Calls some pairs to practice.
- Hangs the pictures of part A2 on
the board and give Ss some flash
cards "sit down", "close your
book" ,"open your book", "stand
up", "come in".Asks Ss to match
them with the correct picture
- Lets Ss check and correct.
*Free practice.
- Lets Ss play the game"simon says"
- Guides Ss to play.
Eg: Simon says"stand up"
But teacher says"stand up "
- Controls.
Call some Ss to go on the board to
control the others SS play.
Ss:stand up
Ss: Sit down
Eg:S1:says,open your book
S2: open his book
- Pair 2,3…do the same
- Work in groups.
Answer keys.
Picture a:open your book
Picture b:come in
Picture c:stand up
Picture d:close your book

Picture c:sit down

- Listen to T and then play the game.
Ss:Stand up
Ss: don’t stand up
c. Feed back: 2’
Resay the content of the lesson. Some commands in class.
Ask Ss give more examples
d. Home work: 2’
Learn by heart the commands
Do exercises 1,2 the workbook (page 11)
Prepare B1, B2, B3 for next period.

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 16 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
* Guide Ss how to do excercises
Date of preparing: 8/ 9 / 2009 Date of teaching: 15/ 9 / 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 1 1/ 9 / 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 17 / 9 / 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 19 /9 / / 2009: class:6D
Period 8 Lesson B : WHERE DO YOU LIVE ? (B1,B2,B3)
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to
+ Know how to ask and answer about the address
+ Know how to read all letters in English Alphabet

Where do you live ?
I live in Mai Son
I live on Tran Phu Street
I live at number 10 quarter 9 in Mai Son
All letters in alphabet
b. Skills: All four skills
c. Education: Ss like learning English.
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: book, planning lesson, casste, pictures
b. Students: book, note book.
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
* Questions:
Call 2 Ss to go on the board to greet each others and ask about the name, the age.
* Answers:
2 ss go on the board and make a dialouge
Hello, My name is Lan.
What is your name?
Hi, Lan. My name is Mai.
How old are you?
I am 12 years old.
T remarks and gives marks
* Warm up: 5’
Let stdents play a game : MATCHING

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 17 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010

- Prepare a cardboard with some information given
1 What is your name ?
2 How old are you ?
3 Where do you live ?
4 How are you to day ?
A I live on Tran Phu street
B I’m fine , thanks
C My name is Long
D I’m eleven years old?
? Ask them to match then ask them to practise in pairs
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions
16’ *Presentation:
-Ask Ss some questons
Where do you live?
Do you live in a country or in a city?
Do you live in a house or an
-Ask Ss to look at the picture and
Is it a city or a country ?Why do you
What do people often ask when
meet the first?
-Play the tape or read the dailogue
first.Then ask Ss to repeat twice.
-Notice the stress of "wh-question"
? What's your name?
? Who can find the question asking

and answering about name in the
-Write the answer on the board.
Which question is used to ask about
-Ss:Give out the answer.
-Make two examples and lets Ss to
compare the different between Eg1
with Eg2
-Explain how to split of "live"
-Have 2pairs make sentences base
SS answer the questions
Ex: I live in Mai Son
I live in a country.
I live in a house/ an apartment.
Look at the picture
It’s in the city. Because I can see the
wide roads with high buildings and
tall trees.
Ss: They often ask about name
1.Asking about name and addresses.
-Ss.listen to and repeat
-Ss.give the answer by speaking
*Asking about name.
Eg1:What is your name?
My name is Hoa
Eg2: What is her/his name?
Her/his name is Ha.
*Asking about addresses.

Eg1:Where do you/they live?
I/We/They live in Hat Lot
Eg2:Where does she/he /N(Lan)live?
She/he/ N lives in Na San.
*Notes:"where"is used to ask about
-Perposition of place"on"is placed
before name of the stress "in"is placed
before name of city ,town,district…

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 18 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
on the Eg .
-Give out new words and explain by
some methods.Let Ss guess the
meaning of them.
Reads and lets them to read in
chorus (twice).
- Lets Ss to practise themselves.
- One asks the other answers (work
in pairs)
- Go round the class and control
- Call on some pairs to practice
before class.
- Notice their pronunciation.
Introduce all letters in English

Turn on the tapeand ask S to repeat
after in chorus.
* Further practice:
T give the alphabet song and teach
Ss to sing.
T sings the song and helps Ss to sing
Calls some SS to sing before class.
- It’s is easy to help students to
remember in effect way
-Ss guess the meaning of them.
live (v) sống, ở…
Street (n) phố…
What (pron) cái gì…
Where (pron) ở đâu…
Country (n) làng quê…
House (n) nhà, ngôi nhà…
2- practice
: pair 1
: What's your name ?
: My name's Hang
: How old are you ?

: I'm eleven years old.
: Where do you live ?
: I live in Co Noi.
- Pair 2,3 do the same.
3. The alphabet song:
Q R S and T U V
W X and Y Z
happy, happy shall we be
Where we learn our a b c
c. Feed back: 2’
Resay the content of the lesson.
How do you ask one's name/address ?
Ps: What's your name ?
Where do you live ?
Ask Ss give more examples
d. Home work: 2’
Learn by heart the alphabet song. Mke sentences with the structures.
Do exercises 1, 2,3 in the workbook (page 12).
Prepare B4 + B 5 + B6 for next period.
* Guide Ss how to do excercises

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 19 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
Date of preparing: 11 / 9/ 2009 Date of teaching: 18/ 9/ 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 14/ 9/ 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 14/ 9 / 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 24 / 9 / 2009: class:6D
Peroid 9 Lesson B : WHERE DO YOU LIVE ? (B 4 + B 5)
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to :
+ Review how to ask and answer their names
+ Know how to ask and answer about spelling their names
+ Review the English alphabet
+ spell the name
+ How do you spell your name ?
L_A_N , Lan
b. Skills: All four skills
c. Education:
SS like learning English more.
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: book, planning lesson, casste, pictures
b. Students: book, note book.
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
* Questions:
Complete the dialogue.

…………….your name ?
B. My
……………..is Thu.
…………………do you live ?
B. I
……………….on a street.
……………. …..are you ?
* Answer:
1. What is 4. live
2. name 5. how old
3. Where 6.I am
* Warm up: 5’
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions
15 *Presentation: 1.How do you spell one's name?

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 20 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010

Ask Ss to look at the piture part B

page 25.
What does the teacher ask Lan first?
And then?
- Play the tape or read the dialogue,
then ask Ss to repeat
Who can act out the dialogue?
- Call 2 pairs to play the role of
teacher and Lan.
- How do you ask if you want to
know one's name.
Which question does the teacher use
to ask Lan to spell her name?
What about the answer?
- Write it on the board.
What does "spell"mean?
- Ask Ss to read the pattern sentences
How do you spell your name 'Lan?
How do your spell your name,HOA?
Can you give the form?
* practice.
- Let’s do themselves one asks and
the other answers.
- Call on some pairs to perform.
- Check and correct.

- Give some words and ask Ss to
spell them.
Eg:English , math...
*Further practise.
- If you want to ask about one's
name, what question do you use?
what about the answer?
How do you ask one'age and
Ask SS to give the form to help them
Ss:She asks about Lan’s age.
Ss: She asks Lan to spell her name
Listen to the dialouge and repeat after
the tape in chorus
pairs work
Ss:What is your name?
Ss give out the answer by speaking .
SS: How do you spell it?
L- A N, Lan
Ss: spell.T-H-A-N-H, THANH
Eg: How do you spell your name?
Ss:spell H-O-A, HOA.
spell (v) đánh vần
How do you spell one’s name?
It’s ................
Eg:S1.what's your name?
S2:My name is Hoa.
S1:How do you spell your name?

S2:H-O-A (HOA)
- Pairs 2,3 do the same.
What is + your/her...+ name?
My/her...+ name + is....
How old + be + S?
S + be + age + year(s) old.
Where + do/does + s + live?
S + live(s) + on/in/ at + N(noun of
- Ss work in pairs.

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 21 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
remember well.
- Let Ss practice asking and aswering
about name,age address.
- Call some pairs to practice.
- Notice their prounciation.
Eg:S1.What is your name?
S2.My name is Ha
S1.How old are you?
S2.I'm eleven years old.
S1.Where do you live?
S2.I live in Co Noi.
S1.How do you spell your name?
-Other pairs do the same.

c. Feed back: 2’
Resay the content of the lesson.
Ask Ss give more examples
d. Home work: 2’
Learn by heart the structures, and the alphabet song. Practice spell the name of
things in your class or at home.
Do exercises4, 5,6 in the workbook (page 13).
Prepare C1 for next period.
* Guide Ss how to do excercises
Date of preparing: 12/ 9/ 2009 Date of teaching: 19 / 9 / 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 15/ 9 / 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 22 / 9/ 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 25 / 9 / 2009: class:6D
Period 10 Lesson C : MY SCHOOL ( C1)

1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the leson , students will be able to :
+ Know how to use the pronouns “ This / That ”
+ Know how to use articles “ a / an / the ”
+ Know some names of the things aroud the class
+ This + a + classroom + teacher
+ That + an + student + desk
+ class + the + school
What is this ? It is a desk
What is that ? It is an eraser

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 22 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
This is my desk
That is my desk
b. Skills: All four skills but pay attention to speaking skills
c. Education: SS love learning English and know how to make their school
more and more beautiful
2. Preparation:
a. Teacher: book, planning lesson, casste, pictures
b. Students: book, note book.
3. The stage of the lesson:
a. Check the old lesson: 5’
* Questions:
S1:Spell the English alphabet.
S2:Make some questions and answer about one's name,age, address.
* Answers:
S1.read out A-B-C...
S2:What is your name?
My name is Ha.
How old are you?
I'm twelve years old.
Where do you live?
I live in Mai Son.
* Warm up: 5’
Prepare a board with words rack and each reck has different one
? Ask students to take the different words out
A student pupil teacher
B book notebook pen
C desk table chair

D school class classroom
E this you that
b. The new lesson:
Time Teacher’s actions Students’ actions
16’ *Presentation:
Let Ss look at the pictures and
answer the questions.
-What is the picture about?
-What are there in your school?
-Show new words by some methods
and let Ss to guess the meaning of
1. Things in my school.
Ss:It is a school
Ss:There are teachers, students, class,
teacher (n) giáo viên
student (n) học sinh
class (n) lớp học
classroom(n) phòng học
desk(n) bàn học sinh
bench (n) ghế dài

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 23 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639
Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
-Read and let Ss to read in chorus
-Get 3 Ss to read individualy.
-Let Ss skim the part C1 and find the

sentences that are used to introduce
his school,teacher...
-How does the boy present his
How does the boy present his
- Write on the board.
How do you present your teacher?
- Point at a student beside and says:
This is a student.
- Poin at a student far from and says:
That is a student.
-Let Ss to mark the differences
between"this" and "that"
-Give out the form.
-Explain how to use of possessive
-Give out an example.
Who can change this example into
interogative form?
Listen and repeat in chorus
-Ss:This is my school
-Ss:That is my teacher
-S:This is my teacher.
Eg1:This is my school.
Eg2:That is my teacher.

*Demonstrative pronoun :this/that.
-"This" is used to present one thing

or one body near the speaker
-"That"is used to present one thing or
person far from the speaker.
* Form:
+ This/That + is + singular N.
- This/ That + is + not + singular
? Is + this/ that + singular N?
Yes, this/ that/ it + is
No, this/ that/ it + is + not
*Possessive adjs
Pronouns Possessive meaning
I my cua toi
you your cua ban
we our cua ...
they their .....
he his
she her
it its
-Possessive adj + N
-Ss: write on the board.
Eg: This is my pen.
-Is this your pen?
Yes, this is
No, this is not.

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 24 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639

Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 Năm học: 2009 – 2010
*Controlled practice.
-Play the tape or read part C1 (twice).
-Have some Ss to read the text again.
-Ask Ss to make sentences with
-Hepl them if they need.
*Free practice
-Ask Ss to make sentences with
pattern: Is this/that....?
-Ss work in pairs.
-Notice the stress.
-Call some pairs to practice.
-let Ss make open dialogues(using
this/that is ..and is this/that...?)
-Get 3 pairs to practice speaking.
-Ss listen to and repeat.
S1:This is my desk.
S2:That is my pen.
S1:This is my book.
Is that your book?
S2: No, it is not .
This is my book.
S1:Is this your book?
S2:Yes,it is.

c. Feed back: 2’
Resay the content of the lesson.
Ask Ss give more examples
d. Home work: 2’
Learn by heart structures about this and that
Do exercises 2 in the workbook (page 15).
Prepare C2 + C3 + C 4 for next period.
* Guide Ss how to do excercises
Date of preparing: 15/9 / 2009 Date of teaching: 22 / 9 / 2009: class:6A
Date of teaching: 18 / 9 / 2009: class:6B
Date of teaching: 24 /9 / 2009: class:6C
Date of teaching: 28 /9/ 2009: class:6D
Period 11 Lesson C : MY SCHOOL ( C 2 + C 3 + C 4)
1. The aims of the lesson:
a. Knowledge:
By the end of the leson , students will be able to :
+ Know how to use the pronouns “ This / That ”

GV: Đỗ Thị Kiểm 25 Trường THCS Chất Lượng Cao Mai Sơn
phone number: 01277427639

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