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Major: Theory and Methologody in Teaching Chemistry
Code: 91.40.111


HA NOI - 2020

The thesis was completed at Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi National
University of Education


1. Asso.Prof.Dr Tran Trung Ninh
2. Asso.Prof.Dr Le Kim Long

Reviewer 1: Associate Professor. Le Van Nam
Vinh University

Reviewer 2: Associate Professor. Dang Thi Oanh
Hanoi National University of Education

Reviewer 3: PHD. Cao Thi Thặng
The VietNam National Institute of Educational Sciences

The thesis is defensed in front of the Council at
Hanoi National University of Education at ….. … … … …

The thesis can be found at The National Library, Hanoi
or the library of Hanoi National University of Education


1. Rationale
Globalization and modernization are creating an increasingly diverse and connecting
world. The knowledge explosion together with the rapid development of science and
technology poses great demands and challenges to human resources. In this context, the
competencies that individuals need to meet the requirements of work and life become more
complicated. Therefore, the basic goal of education today is to train people who are adaptable
and creative in all working places and complex conditions of modern life. More and more new
capabilities of the 21st century citizens are mentioned in teaching and assessment.
In Vietnam, the 8th Plenum of the 11th Session Resolution on basic and comprehensive
innovation of education and training clearly stated: “Continue to vigorously renew teaching and
learning methods towards modernization; promote positiveness, initiative, creativity and apply
learners‟knowledge and skills; overcome one-way transmission, memorizing automatically.
Focus on teaching how to learn, how to think, encourage self-study, create a basis for learners to
update and renew their knowledge, skills, capacity development ... ”. The curriculum of general
education for Chemistry issued under Circular No. 32/2018 / TT-BGD ĐT also mentioned in
detail the chemical competence elements, including: cognitive chemistry competence, nature
exploration through chemistry and knowledge and skills application in practice competence.
In the published competence system of the general education program, collaborative
problem solving competence has been completely mentioned but not the students‟

collaboration and problem solving. Problem solving collaborative compentence is very
important in the 21st century. Studying the overview of materials and current state of teaching
at high schools, the author found that the collaborative problem solving competence and the
organization of evaluating these competences are still new in Vietnam. From the above
analysis, the author has chosen the PhD thesis "Developing the students’ collaborative
problem-solving compentence in teaching non-metallic chemistry at high school", with the
desire of improving and developing students' capacity through chemistry teaching, contributing
to the comprehensive renovation of education and training in the country.
2. The purpose of the research
Research on designing and implementing teaching topic-based integrated subjects
accordance with Kolb‟s experience models on non-metallic chemistry with topics to
develop the students‟ collaborative problem solving competence, thereby contributing to
innovating teaching methods and improving the quality of teaching chemistry in high
schools according to the orientation of developing students' capacity.
3. The research tasks
(1) Research theoretical basis on issues related to the topic: teaching topic-based
integrated subjects and Kolb‟s experience model to develop students' competence, problem
solving competence, collaborative problem solving competence (concept, structure, rating
scale ...)
(2) Investigate and assess the current state of teaching Chemistry at some high
schools today on developing students‟ collaborative problem solving competence.
(3) Study output standards, capacities that should be formed for students; analyze the
content, the structure of high school chemistry program, especially further research nonmetallic chemistry. Concretize the students‟ collaborative problem solving competence in
teaching chemistry.
(4) Research and propose two measures to form and develop the students‟ collaborative
problem solving competence in teaching non-metallic chemistry at high schools.

4. The object and subject of the research

- Research object: The process of teaching chemistry at high school.
- Research subjects: Students' collaborative problem solving competence and two
measures to develop the students‟ collaborative problem solving competence by integrated
scientific natural subjects teaching and experience Kolb model.
5. The scope of research
- Non-metallic chemistry in high school chemistry program.
- The students„ collaborative problem solving competence in chemistry.
- Survey and pedagogical experiment at some high schools representing three regions
of North, Central and South.
6. Scientific hypothesis
If the topic-based non-metallic chemistry teaching integrated with other subjects
according to Kolb's experience model is applied scientifically and the assessment tool of
collaborative problem solving competence is built appropriately, this will form and develop
the students‟ collaborative problem solving competence, contributing to improve the quality
of teaching chemistry at high schools according to the orientation of developing capacity.
7. Research approach
The thesis used 03 main groups of research methods, including: theoretical research
methods; practical research methods; data processing methods

1.1. Overview of research issues
1.1.1. Research on problem solving competence
The problem solving cabpacity is the ability to bridge the gap between a problem and
a solution by using information (knowledge) and theories. In addition, research used
Demuth‟s five steps to solve a physic problem (2007): focusing on the problem, physic
description, planning solutions, implementing the plans, and performing solutions. Two
tools: Testing problem solving ability in Physics and testing of results in Physics were used

for research. Testing problem solving capacity in Physics requires students to solve
problems in physics and is used to determine their problem solving capacity. It contains
twenty items, ten of which are to test students' attitude towards problem solving and the
remaining ten are based on basic principles to solve problems in physics. Research results
showed that student's problem solving competence is a factor affecting students' academic
performance in Physics.
1.1.2. Research on problem-solving collaborative competence
Collaborative problem solving competency (abbreviated as CPSC) is one of the
essential competencies of modern humans in the 21st century. Many studies have shown
that learning with frenquent cooperation can improve the learners‟ learning records. The
formation and development of learners‟ CPSC will enable them to identify strengths and
weaknesses and to collaborate to solve tasks that learners are unable to perform alone and
thereby improve themselves. The CPSC has been officially included in the 2015 PISA
evaluation program by the OECD and has been very interested in researching in teaching
and testing in the world in recent years.

1.1.3. Research on teaching and testing collaborative problem solving
In the past years, researching and implementing teaching to develop students'
capacity, including problem solving competence has been particularly interested in most
educational levels due to the general trend of comprehensive innovation in education and
training. In the study "Applying project-based teaching in teaching Organic Chemistry to
develop the students‟ problem-solving competence in Northern High School", the author
Nguyen Thi Phuong Thuy designed project-based teaching plan to develop the students‟
problem-solving competence in the Organic Chemistry. Results assessed by the proposed
toolkit have confirmed the effectiveness of project-based teaching on developing problemsolving competence.
In general, the researches have built common theoretical basis for competence,
collaborative problem solving competence. Some studies have been conducted experimentally
beside the theory and initially gained some results. However, in Vietnam at present, there are

not many studies on teaching and evaluating collaborative problem solving competence,
especially evaluating the collaborative problem solving competence in chemistry.
1.2. Teaching capacity development
1.2.1. Concept and competence structure
Competence can be defined as ability, the performance demonstrated by actual
results. It relates to knowledge, skills, attitudes and personal traits. Competency is built on
the knowledge base, established through values as capabilities, formed through experience,
reinforced through experience, materialized through the will (John Erpenbeck, 1998).
Sigmund Freud proposed a model of "3 levels of brain thinking: cognition - supernatant,
pre-cognition-middle and unconsciousness, lower part."
1. (Behaviour)

2. (Thoughts)

3. (Willingness)

Standard, value, belief

Figure 1.1. Iceberg model of competence structure
1.2.2. Psychological basis of competence development teaching Piaget's theory of cognitive development
The sensory-motor phase (from 0 to 3 years), is the period when a child identifies

the world through a combination of sensation and movement. The specific premanipulation phase (from 3 to 7-8 years old) is when children can recognize the world
through symbols, especially symbols in language. In the specific manipulation phase (from
7-8 years old to 11 years old), children can understand the world in theory rather than
simple perception through the concept of external objects. In the manipulation or logical
thinking phase (from 11 to 14-15 years old), children have the ability to generalize ideas
and structure abstractions. They are more likely to draw conclusions from hypotheses than
rely entirely on actual observation. The child's intelligence has reached full development. Vygotsky’s social and cultural theory in the process of creating knowledge
L.S. Vygotsky and the former Soviet psychologists studied Marxist-Lenin writings

and used this doctrine as a methodology to build the Macxism psychology. This psychology
branch stated that people are social existence, historical existence, rational existence, labor
existence, emotional existence. Activities are the key to understanding, evaluating, forming
and controlling psychology. Consciousness was formed by the social relationships between
people and the world around and it is the result of these relationships and that life.
Exchanging activities create psychology, consciousness and language.
Collaborative teaching is one of L.X Vygotsky's major contributions to the modern
teaching theory system. In his research works, he has repeatedly affirmed that children
cannot directly perceive social-historical experience by themselves but indirectly through
adults, through collaborative activities between children and adults. For him, collaborative
teaching is always more effective than the children's self-study to access the knowledge.
Practically, collaborative teaching can take place in the form of exchanging between
teachers and individual students or exchanging in groups of students. Howard Gardner’s multi-intelligencel theory
According to Howard Gardner, this multi-intelligence theory shows that every learner is
capable of expressing his knowledge in 9 different ways and once you know what types of
intelligence you have, you will know how to learn the most effectively. Howard's theory is
highly influential and is widely used in education. This theory does not only help children to be

more confident in their own abilities but also profoundly changes the learning methods of
children around the world. Today the developed educational institutions have adopted the
theory of multi-intelligence, creating opportunities for every child to explore their competences
through learning music, exercise, expressing their thoughts, interacting with friends and natural
learning environment. When directly exposed, they will reveal their strengths and limitations
and draw their own learning method that is most suitable for themselves.
1.2.3. Some approaches in competence development teaching Integrated subjects teaching
Integrated subjects teaching is teaching the content related to two or more subjects.
"Integration" refers to the method and goals of teaching activities, while "integrated subjects"
refers to the content of teaching. To ensure the effectiveness of integrated subject teaching, it
must be towards the integrated goal. Topic-based teaching is a teaching model in which content
is formulated into practical topics and demonstrates in different subjects and in interdisciplinary
relationships so that students can develop ideas completely. In each activity of this integrated
subject learning process, students can form and develop skills, can know how to apply
integrated skills and knowledge to solve problems in the real life related to the knowledge in
subjects. This is an opportunity for students to achieve the competency criteria which is the
component of the common competencies as well as specific competencies for each subject. Teaching under Kolb's experience model
Experience teaching is an activity that takes place in a social process including
dialectical relationship between experience activities (teachers‟ instructions, guide,
orientation) and experience learning activities with the students‟ knowledge and specific
experiences to affirm and systematize knowledge, skills, techniques to meet teaching
objectives. Experientcel teaching focuses on training students through exchanging, group
collaboration to know how to exploit learning materials, scientific information, know how
to rediscover existing knowledge, thinking to explore and discover new knowledge. The
process of exchanging, discussing and practicing in groups is an opportunity for students to
form common competences and some specialized competencies. Through performing each
learning task, teachers can guide students to detect problems, propose solutions and together
select the optimal solution to solve problems.

1.3. Collaborative problem solving competence
1.3.1. Definition of collaborative problem solving competence
We can approach the definition of collaborative problem solving competence based
on the collaborative competence and problem solving competence, There are a number of
definitions of the collaborative problem solving competence. (such as O'Neil et al, Salas,
Dickenson, Converse, & Tannenbaum have the similarity that (a) learners are composed of
at least two or more people, (b) assume that there is a problem to be solved and a common
goal the group of learners needs to achieve, and (c) to solve the problem the group of
learners does not only need perceptive competency but they also need social competence
and communication competence. The collaborative problem solving competence is a
combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes of learners needed to participate in solving a
problem that cannot be solved, and we need to have collaboration and exchanging with
people who work together to achieve common goals.Therefore, it can be seen that to
evaluate the collaborative problem solving competence, teachers need to give complex
tasks. which can only be solved with the participation of many members.
The collaborative problem solving competence assessment framework should be
based on the previous assessments of addressing individual issues with these cognitive
processes. The criteria for evaluating the competencies in the framework are based on other
assessments such as the CRESST teamwork model, Salas and colleagues‟ team work model.
1.3.3. Tiêu chí đánh giá năng lực hợp tác giải quyết vấn đề
Trên cơ sở nghiên cứu mô tả NL HTGQVĐ của PISA, nghiên cứu này đã đề xuất bộ
36 chỉ báo sử dụng thiết kế các công cụ đánh giá (Bảng 1.4):
1.3.3. Criteria for evaluating collaborative problem solving competence
Based on the description of PISA‟s collaborative problem solving competence, this
study has proposed a set of 36 indicators using the design of evaluation tools (Table 1.4):
Table 1.4. Proposed indicators for evaluating collaborative problem solving competence
Establising and

maintaining general

and knowledge

and statement

(A1) Discover the
potential and abilities of
team members
A1.1 Identify advantages
and disadvantages of team
members related to the
A1.2 Assign work to
A3.1 Identify the problem.
(B1) Develop a general
description and be aware
of the implications of the
B1.1 Describe the
relationship of the
problem to the subject
B1.2 Describe the
importance of problems in

Selecting the suitable
solutions to solve
(A2) Identify types of
collaborations to achieve
requirements and set
A2.1 Provide some forms
of collaboration
A2.2 Choose from a
variety of group meetings
A3.2 Frequency, work
efficiency during group
(B2) Identify and
describe the goals that
need to be formulated
B2.1 Identify and
describe the goal of
subject knowledge and
social knowledge needed
to solve the problem.
B2.2 Identify and

Maintaining group
(A3) Describe the
principles of problem
A3.1 Identify the

A3.2 Analyze a
number of reasons.
A3.3 Given the main
(B3) Describe the
group's principles and

B3.1 Electing a team
B3.2 Develop common
principles for group

Establising and
maintaining general
B1.3 Identify the
relationship between
theoretical knowledge and
social knowledge related
to the problem.

(C1) Communicate with
team members about

C1.1 Attend team
Plan and
C1.2 Learn and present
implementation views on issues related to
C1.3 Communicate
actively to find common

and reflection

Selecting the suitable
solutions to solve
describe the goal of the
subject's skills and
problem-solving skills.
B2.3 Identify and
describe the attitude
goals for the lesson and
the attitude to the
problem to be solved.
(C2) Implement the plan

Maintaining group
B3.3 Implement the

group's rules.

(C3) Monitor the given

(D1) Correct shared

D2) Monitor the outcome
of the action and evaluate
the problem solving

C3.1 Take notes,
follow up the group
C3.2 Remind and give
comment to members
who are not yet active.
C3.3 Adjust the rules in
accordance with
(D3) Supervise,
provide feedback and
adapt to group

D1.2 Detect errors in
common knowledge.
D1.3 Accept, adjust the

behavior according to
common understanding.
D1.3. Revise statements
and solutions in
accordance with changing

D2.1 Monitor the
problem-solving process.
D2.2 Adjustment.
D2.3 Assess the results of
problem solving

D3.1 Provide feedback
to each member
D3.2 Share your views
and adjust the group
principles D3.3 Adapt
to group principles

C2.1 Propose a solution
to the problem
C2.2 Adjust the solution
based on members'
C2.3 Agree on choosing
a solution

1.3.4. Methods to assess collaborative problem-solving competence

Teacher’s observation-based evaluation. This method is often used when teachers
need to provide the qualitative information to supplement the quantitative information in
investing and collecting the evidences to evaluate the criteria. Record-based evaluation:
Learning records are documents that demonstrate the progress of students, in which students
evaluate themselves, state their strengths, weaknesses, interests, record their results in the
learning process, self-assessing, comparing with the learning objectives to realize what is in
progress or not yet progress, and then find the causes and solutions in the future. Productbased evaluation: can be the evaluation through the reports, presentations, seminars or
research products. Product-based evaluation requires the use of rubric to have specific, clear
criteria that help with accurate assessment. Self-evaluation: is a form of evaluation that
students connect the tasks performed with the objectives of the learning process. Peer
evaluation is a process in which groups of students at the same age or in the same class will
evaluate each other's work.

1.4. Some positive teaching methods to develop collaborative problem solving competence
1.4.1. Project-based teaching method
Project-based teaching is a teaching method in which learners perform a complex
learning task, combining the theory and the practice to create a specific product. Learning
tasks are implemented by learners with high self-reliance in the learning process, including
defining goals, planning, implementing the project, checking and evaluating the process and
results of implementation.
1.4.2. Collaborative group teaching method
Cooperative group teaching helps students enhance their ability to focus and study on
the right goals. At the same time, it helps students enhance the spirit of solidarity and the
ability to collaborate with themselves in the group. During group discussion, students have
the opportunity to develop sharp thinking and critical thinking.
1.4.3. Problem discovering and solving teaching method
Problems discovering and solving teaching is a teaching method that helps students
have the habit of finding and solving problems in a scientific way of thinking. Problem

discovering and solving teaching method does not only create demands, interests to study
and self-dominate knowledge but also develops students‟ creative competence.
1.5. Current state of teaching chemistry in accordance with the development of
collaborative problem solving competence in some high schools today
The current Chemistry teaching methods, Students‟ iInteresting level for knowledge
units in Chemistry lessons, Current state of teaching Chemistry with topics associated with
current practice,
Students‟ interest level when studying Chemistry with topics in integrated subject or
in the form of experience and Students‟ way dealing with the problems when encountering
practical problems related to Chemistry.

Students' opinions about the frequency of
Teachers' opinions about the frequency of
teachers’ using methods in teaching Chemistry
using methods in teaching Chemistry
Diagram 1.1. Frequency of using teaching methods of high school teachers

Figure 1.8. Teachers’ self-assessment and assessment on the criteria of students’
collaborative problem solving competence through the status survey


2.1. Goals, content, structure of non-metallic chemistry in high school Chemistry
program analysis

Figure 2.1. High school nonmetallic chemistry program diagram

2.2. Principles of formulating and selecting topics of non-metallic chemistry teaching
to develop high school students' collaborative problem solving competence
2.2.1. Principles of formulating topics of teaching chemistry to develop the students'
collaborative problem solving
The topics of teaching chemistry to develop collaborative problem solving must be
suitable with the cognitive characteristics and students„ capacity as well as the conditions of
the school and classrooms to ensure feasibility and practice.
The topics of teaching chemistry to develop collaborative problem solving competence
must ensure that students have just reached the content objectives, basic skills, characteristics,
specific competencies of chemistry, and at the same time, developing the problem solving
competence, achieving the criteria of collaborative problem solving competence.
The topics of teaching chemistry to develop collaborative problem solving
competence must generalize, cover the key knowledge, the nature of chemistry, the
relationship between structural characteristics and the properties and applications of the
substances. The topics of teaching chemistry to develop collaborative problem solving
competence often selects complete issues such as understanding a group of elements;
compounds containing the same element; or substances of the same type; ...
The topics of teaching chemistry to develop collaborative problem solving
competence must contain problems in practice, close to students, attract the students„
attention and excitement as related to environment, health, career issues ...
2.2.2. The topics of non-metallic chemistry are selected to design teaching activities to
develop collaborative problem-solving capabilities for students.
Based on the teaching objectives, the content of non-metallic chemistry, practical
issues related to the monomers and compounds of non-metallic elements and the principles
of topics building. In section 2.2.1, we have proposed:

Table 2.1. Topics in non-metallic chemistry to develop collaborative problem solving
competence for students







Halogen group

Sulfur - Oxide

Nitrogen Phosphorus

Carbon - Silicon

Topics for developing collaborative
problem solving competence
Topic 1. Practical applications of salts
containing halides
Topic 2. Chlorine compounds with
Topic 9. Explosives, magic fireworks

Biện pháp


Topic 3. Sulfur in food preservation

Integrated subjects

Topic 4. Compounds of Sulfur in life
Topic 10. Oxygen and ozone with the
Topic 11. Oxygen, Water and life
Topic 5. Effect of N, P content on the
development of green algae and bluegreen algae in ponds and lakes
Topic 6. Compounds of nitrogen with
the environment
Topic 12. Compounds of nitrogen
with health issues
Topic 7. Compounds of carbon with
Topic 8. Silicon-hidden charm


Integrated subjects

Integrated subjects
Integrated subjects

Integrated subjects
Integrated subjects

2.3. Measure 1. Topic-based non-metallic chemistry teaching with integrated natural
science subjects to develop students' collaborative problem solving competence
2.3.1. Principles of topic-based non-metallic chemistry buidling with integrated natural science
subjects to develop high school students' collaborative problem solving competence
Building topics to integrated natural scientific subjects in non-metallic chemistry is to
develop students' collaborative problem solving competence should be based on teaching
objectives, teaching content of non-metallic chemistry and general principles (in section
2.2.1). At the same time, it is necessary to ensure some specific principles for the topics of
integrated science subjects teaching in order to develop students' collaborative problem
solving competence, as follows:
The topics of non-metallic chemistry in intergrated science subjects teaching to
develop students' collaborative problem solving competence must include the objectives of
teaching integrated subjects of Chemistry, Physics and Biology with the similarity of
difficulty; be consistent with the use of positive teaching methods in real conditions of the
school; identify the competences and qualities that can be formed for students. (Official
Letter 3535 / BGD ĐT on guiding the implementation of play dough hand and other active
teaching methods; Official Letter 791 on guiding of general education education programs,
Official Letter 5555 on guiding professional activities on innovation of teaching method.
The topics of non-metallic chemistry in integrated subjects teaching to develop
students' collaborative problem solving competence, including 02 types of tasks: general
tasks and specific tasks for each group of students in class. The common task is to ask
students to discuss, predict and study the properties of the substance based on the structural

characteristics of the substance; analyze the relationship between the structural

characteristics, properties, applications and modulation of substances and groups of
substances. The specific task is to ask students to discuss, demonstrate, evaluate or conduct
experiments to describe and explain practical phenomena related to the substance being
studied based on the sum of properties. substance, chemical, physical, or biological
characteristics of a substance.
2.3.2. Designing a teaching plan for non-metallic chemistry on the topics of integrated
natural science subjects to develop high school students' collaborative problem solving
For each teaching plan for non-metallic chemistry on the topics of integrated natural
science subjects to develop high school students' collaborative problem solving competence,
there must be all the following contents: the objectives of integrated subjects teaching,
orientation to contribute developing students' collaborative problem solving competence and
specific competencies; teachers and students‟ preparation; the lesson main content, teaching
methods and 4 stages activities organizing procedure. Objectives and content of non-metallic chemistry on the topics of integrated natural
science subjects to develop students' collaborative problem solving competence
The following are the teaching objectives and contents of the four integrated natural
science subjects topics (Table 2.2).
Table 2.2. Summary of objectives and contents of topics in integrated science subjects to
develop the collaborative problem solving competence
Topic 1. “Practical applications of salts containing halogens“
- Classify salts containing - Explain the
- Analyze the - Structure, - The effect of

non-halogen and oxygen:
effect of
mechanism of physical
NaClO and
structural characteristics,
NaClO and Ca shooting,
Ca(ClO)2 salts
(ClO) 2 salt on washing,
on human
- Predict the chemical
coating and
halogenated health (skin,
properties of halogenated
- Explain the
hair, eyes).
salts based on their
effects of
- Explain the compounds - The influence
structural characteristics
fluoride salt on mechanism for - Chemical of fluoride salt
- Use chemical experiments gum disease
on dental

- Explain the
photos with
Identify the presence of
effect of iodide different sizes halogenated - The role of
halogenated compounds to salt on health
and brightness salt
iodide salt in
disinfect swimming pools
compounds preventing
Explain the chemical
reactions that occur during
shooting, washing, film
release to create images ...
salts in
Topic 3: "Sulfur in food preservation"

- Present the structural
Describe the
- The
- The process
characteristics and physical metabolism of
physical and of metabolism
properties of sulfur and
substances in
in the body.
sulfur dioxide
the body.
- Respiratory
- Predict the chemical
List respiratory
of sulfur
process in
properties of sulfur, sulfur processes in
and sulfur
dioxide based on structural humans
- Benefits and

- Mechanism
for shooting,
coating and

film release.
- Mechanism
for creating
photos with
different sizes,


- The
harms of using
- Use chemical experiments
mechanism sulfur in
to identify the presence of
of using
preserving food
sulfur in
and beverages.
substances in food and
food and
- Explain the metabolism of
sulfur when it is used to
- Identify

preserve food and
the presence
- Assess the benefits and
harms of using sulfur in
preserving food and
sulfur in
food and
- Set out safe use measures
for foods and drinks
containing sulfur.
Topic 5: "Effects of N and P content on the growth of green algae and blue algae in ponds and lakes"
- Present the existence of
- State the
Analyze of
- Physical
- Activity of

compounds containing N
concept of
adsorption, ion properties
ion exchange
and P in the lake
green algae,
- Explain the metabolism of blue algae
compounds bacteria group
N and P in lake water
- Indicate and
containing (nitrite group)
- Explain the effect of
explain the
N, P
- Activity of
concentrations of N and P activity of
- Chemical heterotrophic
on the growth of blue algae inorganic
and green algae
bacteria (nitrite

- Assess the effectiveness group),
of chemical, physical and heterotrophic
biological measures to treat bacteria
N, P
N and P pollution in lakes. (Pseudomonas)
Topic 8: “Silicon-hidden charm”
- Analyze the existing state, - Explain the
- Compare the - The
- Process of
Mechanism of
chemical properties of
process that
role of
silicon and their
semiconductor properties

types p, n and
p with
of silicon
solar cells.
- Explain the metabolism of depending on semiconductor and its
- Propose
the content of n in the
compounds. measures to
compounds in the body.
silica salt
operation of
- The
- Explain the effect of
the solar cell. chemical
minimum silica
silicon compounds on
salt content
human health.
of silicon
provided to the
- Assess the role of silicon
and its
human body

in the mechanism of action
of n, p semiconductor
materials and the structure
of solar cells. Tasks/problems to be solved when teaching non-metallic chemistry on the topic of
integrated natural science.
After defining the teaching objectives and selecting the content for intergrated natural
science parrallel with each topic, the author designed two types of tasks: General tasks and

specific tasks for each student group. These two types of tasks are built on the teaching objectives
and ensure the content of the lesson in general and the focus of the lesson in particular.
General tasks of all groups is to study and analyze the intrinsic relationship between
the structural, properties, applications and modulation characteristics of chemical
substances. The general tasks may also be to predict chemical properties based on their
structural characteristics, which may also be to classify or compare chemical properties
between substances/groups of substances.
The specific tasks of each group is to apply the chemical and physical properties of
the substances and combine them with the knowledge and skills of the goal of teaching
physics or teaching biology to students. Exchange, discuss to be able to identify analysis,
explain and evaluate some phenomena in related practice. Teaching methods used in teaching integrated natural science to develop collaborative
The project-based teaching method is used as a key teaching method in teaching nonmetallic chemistry on intergrated natural science in order to develop collaborative problem
solving for students. The common task of all groups and the individual task of each student
group is organized by the teacher, assigning tasks to the students in the form of a project.
These learning tasks are quite complex, requiring synthesis and comparison between

substances; combining properties and characteristics of Chemistry, Physics or Biology of
matter with practical problems to create a specific product (Figure 2.3).

Photo 2.3. Students perform experiments that simulate practical tasks The process of teaching non-metallic chemistry on the topic of intergrated natural
science to develop collaborative problem solving.
After building 04 natural science inter-subjectal topics in teaching non-metallic
chemistry with common tasks and corresponding tasks to develop the problem-solving
capacity of students, we build a teaching process for each subject integrated
interdisciplinary science course in teaching non-metallic chemistry in 4 stages, including
phase 1 (30 minutes in class): project introduction, group formation; idea development,
planning; Phase 2 (1-2 weeks after class): groups take initiative in performing tasks at home
and contact teachers for support; Phase 3 (2 periods in class): student groups take turns to
report the results, perform the group products performed; 4 stage (20-30 minutes in the
classroom): feedback and evaluation.

2.3.3. Some tools to assess students’ collaborative problem solving through teaching nonmetallic chemistry with natural science inter-subjectal topics
The study carried out the evaluation tools according to the following matrix:
Table 2.6. Matrix of assessment tools for collaborative problem solving in "Siliconhidden beauty"
Observation Forms


A1.1 Detect team members'
strengths and weaknesses related
to silicon's role in semiconductor
materials and human health
A1.2 Assign work to members.

A2.1 Provide some form of
A2.2 Choose from a variety of
group meetings.
A2.3 Frequency, work efficiency
during group meetings
B3.1 Elect a team leader.
B3.2 Develop common principles
for group work.
C2.2 Adjust the solution based on
members' opinions.
C2.3 Agree on choosing a
C3.1 Take notes and follow up on
group work.
C3.2 Giving reminders and
suggestions to members who are
not yet active.
C3.3 Adjust the rules in
accordance with reality.
D2.1 Track the problem-solving
D2.2 Adjust.
D3.1 Provide feedback to each

A1.3 Search and share
materials related to silicon
in semiconductor materials
and human health.

B3.3 Implement the group's
C1.1 Attend team meetings
C1.2 Learn and present
views on the role of silicon
and the manufacture of
semiconductor materials
actively to find common
C2.1 Propose preventive
measures related to silicon.
D1.1 Detect errors in
common knowledge.
D1.2 Accept and adjust
your behavior according to
common understanding.
D1.3 Revisve the reasoning
and treatment in accordance
with changing conditions.
D3.2 Share the views and
adjust the principles of
group activities.
D3.3 Adapt to group
working principles.


A3.1 Identify the problem.
A3.2 Analyze a number of
A3.3 Give the main cause.
B1.1 Describe the relationship
of the problem to the subject
B1.2 Describe the importance of
problems in life.
B1.3 Identify the relationship
between theoretical knowledge
and social knowledge related to
the problem.
B2.1 Identify and describe the
goal of subject knowledge and
social knowledge needed to
solve the problem.
B2.2 Identify and describe the
goal of subject skills and
problem-solving skills.
B2.3 Identify and describe the
attitude goals for the lesson and
the attitude to the problem to be

D2.3 Assess the
problem solving


2.4. Measure 2. Teaching non-metallic chemistry under Kolb’s experiential model to
develop collaborative problem-solving for high school students
2.4.1. Principles of developing non-metallic chemistry topics following Kolb's model in
order to develop collaborative problem-solving for high school students
Building a topic of teaching non-metallic chemistry based on Kolb‟s experiential model
to develop collaborative problem-solving for students should be based on the teaching
objectives and teaching content of the non- metallic chemistry part and general principles when
developing the subject of teaching chemistry to develop collaborative problem-solving (in
section 2.2.1). At the same time, it is necessary to ensure some specific principles for the subject

of non-metallic chemistry teaching according to Kolb‟s experiential model in order to develop
collaborative problem-solving for students, as follows:
The topic of teaching non-metallic chemistry under Kolb‟s experiential model to
develop collaborative problem-solving for students must be formulated including
experimental tasks corresponding to the steps of the cycle. Kolb's experience: discrete
experience, observational thinking, conceptualization and positive experiment. At the same
time, it must be consistent with the objectives of teaching chemistry and teaching content,
ensuring that students meet the criteria and develop the specific competences in chemistry:
cognitive competence in chemistry, capacity explore the natural world from a chemical
perspective, ability to apply knowledge and skills.
The topic of teaching non-metallic chemistry part of Kolb‟s experiential model to
develop collaborative problem-solving, including experience tasks corresponding to the
steps of the Kolb experience cycle, can be done in pairs, groups of 6-8 and take place in the
form of regular experiences, "miniaturizing the practical model" right in the classroom,
consistent with the use of positive teaching methods, Experimental methods, practical
experiments in the conditions of the school. Students have the most opportunities to

experience and learn together, achieve criteria, develop collaborative problem-solving...
2.4.2. Designing a teaching plan on non-metallic chemistry topics based on Kolb’s experiential
model to develop collaborative problem-solving capacity for high school students
The study proposed six topics and in which 04 topics were designed to teach nonmetallic chemistry based on Kolb‟s experiential model to develop collaborative problemsolving to solve problems for students. The four topics in turn are: topic 2. Compounds of
chlorine with life; topic 4. Sulfur in food preservation; topic 6. Compounds of nitrogen with
the environment and topic 7. Compounds of carbon with life, corresponding to 04 chapters
in the non-metallic chemistry program at high school level.
For each teaching plan, there must be a full range of contents: non-metallic chemistry
teaching objectives, teachers and students' preparation, lesson focus, teaching methods and
organizational process. Teaching activities in four stages corresponding to the four steps of
the Kolb experience cycle. Each stage is organized accordingly in one class in the class,
including the teaching objectives, instruction to organize the activities and the student
materials to complete respectively. student Materials are interactive documents that support
students to be able to keep up, complete solving their respective tasks, and proactively
complete tasks. teachers may collect student materials upon completion of stages for timely
control, monitoring, evaluation and assistance. Objectives and tasks/problems to be solved in teaching non-metallic chemistry
according to Kolb's empirical model
Designing a plan for teaching non-metallic chemistry topics based on Kolb‟s
experiential model to develop collaborative problem-solving for students, built from the
goal of teaching non-metallic chemistry. Students combine the knowledge and skills of
nonmetallic chemistry with practical problems to solve the group's set of problems. This
contributes to help students achieve the criteria, develop collaborative problem-solving and
still ensure the formation and development of students of the specific competencies of the
subject such as capacity of Cognitive capacity study, capacity to explore the natural world
from a chemical perspective, capacity to apply knowledge and skills learned.
The content of teaching non-metallic chemistry section selected to organize subject
teaching according to Kolb‟s experiential model needs to be complete knowledge groups

suitable to the objectives of teaching non-metallic chemistry. Identify and ensure
compliance with program difficulty and delivery.
Each topic includes 06 experiential tasks built from defining the target of teaching
chemistry and choosing the content of non-metallic chemistry at the respective high school.
Experimental tasks are designed in four steps of Kolb's experience model, which range from
discrete experience, thoughtful observation, conceptualization to positive experiment, or
sequentially from discrete experience, positive experimentation, conceptualization, and
finally thoughtful observation. Method of teaching non-metallic chemistry topics based following Kolb’s
experimental model
Cooperative group teaching methods and experiential methods, conducting experiments
in classroom space, or in practice are used primarily in the organization of teaching nonmetallic chemistry topics according to the experience model of Kolb. (Figure 2.9)

Photo 2.9. Students do experiments in classroom The process of teaching non-metallic chemistry following Kolb’s experimental model
Kolb's experience-based learning model can be organized in both processes,
specifically ensuring that students can experience the lesson, experience real phenomena, or
experiment with simulating re-enactment of real phenomena right in the classroom. Within
the scope of the thesis, we aim to teach non-metallic chemistry in a "regular" type of
experience, taking place right in the classroom lessons, with the conditions of the classroom.
Organize teaching according to Kolb‟s experiential model according to process 1 and
process 2. In each task, there will be goals and implementation. Giving the goal to the
students will help them determine the outcome of the task, so that the student easily assesses
whether he/she has achieved the goal of the task. After the goal part is how to do it. The
tasks are designed in the form of joining, joining columns, filling vacancies; with the help of
photographs, drawings and scientific or current news. The interaction on the material was
distributed to help students learn, communicate in the group in a specific, clear and
concurrent manner, record and complete the learning tasks in a personal and easy way. The
content of the materials of the students and teachers is designed to ensure the compatibility

between the activities/methods used by the teachers and the goals and objectives of the
students. (Table 2.11)

Table 2.11. Correlation between teachers’ activity and students’ learning tasks
Period 1, Task 1& 2:
Form, build the
system of concepts
and definitions

Teacher’s materials
Students’ materials
Methods and forms: conversation
Tasks: usually do fill-in exercises,
combined with visual media, games, match pictures.
groups of people
Awareness level: remember;

Period 2, Task 3:
Perform experiments
to verify chemical

Task: Instruct students to do
experiments to prove chemical
Methods and forms: Group
activities, experiments

Task: Predict and practice
experiments in a group of verified
chemical properties that have been
anticipated and complete an
experiment description
Awareness level: understand, apply

Task: Instruct students to do
experiments to prove chemical
Methods and forms: Group
activities, experiments...

Tasks: Students compare chemical
properties between substances and
can express creativity in both form
(presentation) or content.
Awareness level: apply, analyze,
compare, create.

Task: Provide a problem that is too
abstract and general, ask students to
observe, analyze, explain the
phenomenon. Then propose
Methods and forms: group
activities, product evaluation of
students after the topic

Tasks: Participate in activities in a
specific, general situation, it is
necessary to mobilize and
synthesize a lot of knowledge given
by teachers to be evaluated by
Awareness level: synthesis,

Learning phases

Period 3, Task 4::
Research, synthesize
and compare chemical
properties between
Task 5: Understand
the modulation
process in the
laboratory and in
Period 4, Task 6:
Observe and explain
the aggregate
phenomenon, from
which propose

2.5. Pedagogical experiment with teaching non-metallic chemistry under two measures
to develop collaborative problem-solving capacity for students

2.5.1. Experiment purposes
After surveying and assessing the situation of teaching chemistry, designing nonmetallic chemistry teaching topics based on the interdisciplinary integration perspective and
Kolb's empirical model, we conducted pedagogical tests on the small, typical model for the
purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of some teaching plans, assessing the reliability of
the evaluation tool set components of collaborative problem-solving and making appropriate
adjustments to the objectives, a set of assessment tools for collaborative problem-solving to
effectively implement teaching plans on a wider scale and evaluate and classify the level of
collaborative problem-solving.
2.5.2. Tasks of pedagogical experiment Subjects and areas of pedagogical experiment
With the method of teaching non-metallic chemistry on the subject of
interdisciplinary integration of natural sciences, the study conducted experiments on 02
grade 11 classes in Hanoi, including: Class 11D5, Tran Phu High School and Class 11A2,
High School for Education Science, school year 2016-2017.

With the method of teaching non-metallic chemistry following Kolb‟s experimental
model, the study conducted experiments on 02 classes of 10 in Hanoi, including: Class
10A3, Viet Duc High School and Class 10A3, High School for Education Science, school
year 2016-2017. Experiment topics
With the method of teaching non-metallic chemistry on the subject of
interdisciplinary integration of natural sciences, the study conducted experiments on two
topics including: Topic 5. Effect of N and P content on algae development continent, bluegreen algae in ponds and theme 8. Silica of latent beauty.
With the method of teaching non-metallic chemistry following Kolb‟s experimental
model, conducting experiments on two topics: Topic 2. Compounds of chlorine with life
and topic 4. Compounds of sulfur in life.
2.5.3. Experiment contents Designing a plan for teaching non-metallic chemistry on the subject of interdisciplinary

integration and assessment tools collaborative problem-solving for students
* Designing a teaching plan with 02 topics integrated interdisciplinary science:
teaching plan topic 5 (appendix 3.3.1), teaching plan topic 8 (part 2.3.4)
* Designing assessment tools for students‟ collaborative problem-solving through
teaching 02 topics integrated interdisciplinary natural sciences: assessment tools for
collaborative problem-solving in teaching topic 5 (appendices 3.3.3 to 3.3.6) and assessment
tool for students‟ collaborative problem-solving in topic teaching 8 (part 2.3.5) Designing a plan for teaching non-metallic chemistry parts based on Kolb’s
experiential model and assessment tool collaborative problem-solving for students
* Designing a teaching plan for 02 teaching topics based on Kolb's empirical model:
teaching plan for topic 2 (appendix 4.1.1) and topic 4 (appendix 4.2.1)
* Designing assessment tools collaborative problem-solving for students through
teaching 02 teaching topics based following Kolb‟s experimental model: assessment tool
collaborative problem-solving of students in teaching topic 2 (appendix 4.1.3 to 4.1.6) and
in teaching topic 4 (appendix 4.2.3 to 4.2.6) Implementing the experiment
The process of implementing the experiment: Teaching in 2 topics during:
December, December 2017, according to their teaching plan.
Method of evaluating students' problem solving competence, through a toolkit: selfassessment (self-assessment), peer evaluation (peer evaluation), teacher evaluation
(observation, rubic product evaluation) group, quiz).
2.5.4. Results of pedagogical experiment and building tools to develop students’
collaborative problem-solving Reliability
Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient of 12 criteria are at 0.660 and 0.819. Once again
confirming the 12 main criteria are the interference of 3 sub-components of collaborative
problem-solving and 4 steps of problem solving. The indicators after being adjusted after
the first time, were completely in accordance with the criteria and structure of collaborative
problem solving proposed by PISA researchers. Therefore, it can be seen that through the
evaluation tasks and toolkit during the test, indicators were measured with reliable results. Distribution of problem solving competence

Based on the results of calculating the reliability of the toolkit and the NL structure,
the author conducted a statistical analysis describing the results of the Cooperative to solve
the 2nd problem to propose a rating scale of collaborative problem solving. The statistical

results described above show average score (35,547), median score (37.5) and dominant
score (35) of measurement results of cooperative cooperation of problems; scope of
cooperation of problems vary from 22.50 to 51, the capacity becomes 1 from 6 to 19,
component 2 is from 4.5 to 19 and the 3rd component is from 7 to 19.5 (Table 2.18). Improving tools to develop students’ collaborative problem-solving
Lesson plan
After conducting the experiment, from the results obtained, it is combined with
observation and interviewing the implementation teacher to find out the points that need to
be adjusted in the teaching plan. The study conducted to revise and supplement the basic
points: writing detailed objectives, each topic selects a key teaching method, prepares
detailed documents for teachers and students ... On the basis of then complete the set of
teaching and learning development plans collaborative problem solving by two measures:
interdisciplinary integration of Natural Sciences and teaching subject through Kolb's model
experience (See the appendix).
Evaluation toolkit
In the above section, the author presents two processes, detailed teaching plan and
assessment tool matrix for 02 topics, other topics are presented similarly in the appendix. In
order to complete the assessment tool and the teaching plan for the topics under two
development measures, collaborative problem solving, the author developed the
corresponding assessment tools according to the code a tool match, conduct a test to
standardize the tool as well as a teaching process of the two measures, before experimenting
on a larger scale. In this section, the author presents a detailed set of tools and how to
deploy the evaluation in the process of experiment the topic.
Official criteria to assess collaborative problem solving

Each criterion of collaborative problem solving was analyzed including 4 levels from
1 to 4, corresponding to 4 levels of total collaborative problem solving published in Pisa,
2015. In 12 criteria of collaborative problem solving, 07 criteria that are generally described
for the subjects of development teaching capacity collaborative problem solving and 05
described criteria that change corresponding to each topic teaching and developing capacity
collaborative problem solving.
07 common descriptive criteria for topics of developmental education collaborative
problem solving: A2 - Proposing the type of cooperation in problem solving (similar or different
among members) in accordance with objectives, A3 - Identify the role of each individual in
problem solving, B2 - Describe and divide the tasks to be done by the group, B3 - Establish the
principles of group activities, C3 - Compliance complying with the given principles (e.g.,
supporting other members in the task), D1 - Monitoring and adjusting shared knowledge, D3 Monitoring, providing feedback and adapting to principles and group organization.
05 criteria are described to change corresponding to each of the development
teaching topics. capacity collaborative problem solving: A1 - Discover the potential and
ability of team members, B1 - Define goals and Being aware of the significance of the
problem, C1 - Unifying the group's problem-solving plan, C2 - Implementing the problemsolving plan, D2 - Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of problem-solving.
(2) Matrix of official assessment tools of collaborative problem solving
Self-assessment and peer assessment sheets are used by students during and at the end of
group activities: assessing the criteria A1, A3, B2, B3, C3, D1, D2. Teachers' observation sheets
are used in the whole group of students, evaluating the criteria: A1, A2, B2, C1, C2. teachers
evaluate the products and presentations of groups, as well as the test at the completion of the
task, the end of the group activity, and evaluate the criteria: B1, C1, C2, D2, A3.


3.1. Purpose of pedagogical experiment
The purpose of the PEdagogical experiment is to demonstrate the impact and

effectiveness of two interdisciplinary integrated teaching methods in natural sciences and
Kolb's experiential teaching model for the development of collaborative problem-solving
through teaching non-metallic parts in grades 10 and 11, through analyzing data with
descriptive statistical analyzes and interpreting the results obtained after experiments.
3.2. Experiment tasks
3.2.1. Subjects and experimental areas
In order to carry out the experimental process on representative samples, the author has
selected the geographical areas in the North, Central and South; at the same time both grade 10
and grade 11 to ensure sufficient grounds for evaluating the effectiveness of capacity
development measures collaborative problem solving according to the experiment phase.
The pedagogical experiment of integrated teaching subjects in natural science
subjects at grade 10 and 11 at 06 high schools. The study repeats the second round with the
same students in 6 classes over two years of study with 04 different topics, and repeats the
second round on the same two teachers, same topic in two different school years for each
specific measure (Table 3.1, Table 3.2):
3.2.2. Teaching topics of pedagogical experiment
For interdisciplinary integrated measures, natural sciences include 04 topics: topic 1 practical application of halogen-containing salts; topic 3 - sulfur in food preservation; topic
5 - Effect of N, P content on the development of green algae, blue-green algae in ponds and
topic 8 - Potential beauty silicon.
For teaching methods under Kolb's experience model, there are 4 topics: topic 2 chlorine compounds with life; topic 4 - compounds of sulfur in life; Topic 6 - Compounds
of nitrogen with the environment; Topic 7 - Compounds of carbon with life.
3.2.3. Experimental method
Pedagogical experiment of integrated interdisciplinary topic teaching plans and
experience based on Kolb's model and development toolkit collaborative problem solving (08
teaching plans and 08 sets of evaluation tools for cooperation and problem solving capability).
Each empirical measure 04 topics at two different times to verify the repetition of each measure
as well as evaluate the development of collaborative problem solving on the same subject, in the
two academic years 2017- 2018 and 2018-2019. Based on the analysis of the results after the
experiments, it will prove the increase of collaborative problem solving.
3.3. Experimental contents

Based on the notes of the experiment process, the set of 12 evaluation criteria at 4
levels and the assessment tool matrix, we conducted to complete the set of 08 teaching plans
of 04 integrated teaching topics. Subjects and 04 teaching topics based on the Kolb
experience model in teaching non-metallic high school chemistry.
Each of the interdisciplinary integrated science teaching topics includes: A teaching
plan specifying the goals of chemical, physical and biological learning; task system or
problem to be solved; teaching process and evaluation toolkit collaborative problem solving.
Each topic taught through Kolb's experience includes a set of materials for students
(students can read in advance at home, convenient when participating in class activities) and
teacher material is a teaching plan, including teaching objectives, experiential tasks, and
guidance for organizing each corresponding task.

3.4. Reliability of the assessment results on students’ collaborative problem solving
Through the implementation of 4 empirical lesson plans with 230 students, the results
show that the problem solving tool set of cooperative problem solving has good reliability,
in all groups satisfied with the correlation with the variable. The sum is greater than 0.3. The
results of the detailed analysis also show that the criteria are designed to evaluate the
capacity of collaborative problem solving with 4 levels is reasonable, no criteria reduce the
reliability of the evaluation results. In which, the correlation coefficient in the fourth
empirical lesson plan: between 12 criteria of collaborative problem solving to solve the
problem is the largest (0.931), the group of Discovery and understanding criteria is the
lowest (0.722) but still satisfy the request. The cronbach's alpha requirement fulfillment
across all 4 topics with different evaluation tools but based on a set of 12 criteria has
confirmed the validity of the proposed evaluation tools. As a result, the results can be used
to assess students' collaborative problem solving and thereby evaluate the increase in
collaborative problem solving across each teaching topic (Table 3.5).
3.5. Developing students’ collaborative problem-solving through two experimental
cycles of teaching chemistry in two ways

3.5.1. Distribution of points in collaborative problem solving through two experimental
rounds of teaching chemistry in two ways
Descriptive statistical results show that the evaluation of collaborative problem
solving by the system of assessment tools has ensured the reliability and at the same time
has the ability to distinguish well. Capacity distribution diagram collaborative problem
solving and the component capacities asymptotic distribution (GA1: 17-40, GA4: 19-47)
due to the average, median and dominant points approximately equal to each other and
better test results. Specifically, the results of empirical assessment of the integrated
interdisciplinary topic 4 points of average, median and dominant points collaborative
problem solving respectively: 32,722; 32,000; 32,000.
This result also shows that the collapse of the evaluation criteria has helped teachers
and learners more convenient in the implementation process, the evaluation results are able
to distinguish the ability to cooperate in solving students' problems. Better. The actual range
of variability is quite wide, approaching the proposed scale (0-48: however the zero here
does not make sense because any student already has a certain capacity of zero. Absolute).
The results of this assessment also show that multi-channel factors in capacity assessment
are necessary, especially with complex capacity such as problem solving capacity.
The results of detailed analysis by Explore algorithm in SPSS show that: in lesson 1,
25% of students achieved the collaborative problem solving below 26, 25% got from 27 to
30 points, the next 25% follow from 31 to 34 points, 25% from 35 to 39 points. This result
increased after each topic, 50% of students placed more than 33 points in topic 4. Figure 3.1
also saw a decrease in the number of students in group 1 (low level of competence) and the
number of students. Students in group 4 (high level of competence) gradually increase
through 4 topics.
3.5.2. The point distribution of 3 components through two experimental rounds of
chemistry teaching under two measures
Next we conducted, analyzing the results of each component capacity of
collaborative problem solving, to better understand the distinctiveness of the toolkit.
Evaluation results after the subject of integrated interdisciplinary teaching 4 (Table 3.8)

Intergrated natural science contents

Kolb experimental model




























Std. Error of Mean





















Std. Deviation



















































N: number of students, Mean: average, Std Error of Mean: error standard, Median:
Median, Mode: Outstanding, Std. Devitation: Standard deviation, Variance: Variance,
Minimum: Lowest score, Maximum: Highest score
3.5.3. The point distribution according to four steps of problem solving through two
experimental rounds of teaching chemistry under two measures

Perform descriptive statistical analysis according to problem solving steps: Discovery
and understanding (A), Description and statement (B), Planning and implementation (C),
Monitoring and reflection (D) shows that the student's score ranges from 7 to 12 points, the
average of the discovery step is the lowest (7,499), the highest expression and statement
(8,007) for the integrated measure. Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences and 7,541 and 8,0741
respectively with experience measures modeled by Kolb. The quartile results show that
approximately 25% of students score below the average in their problem-solving steps and
only about 25% of students score between 9 and 12 points for both. Solution. This result
shows the differentiation of the assessment toolkit of students' problem solving skills, about
50% of students achieved the average score from 9 points.
3.5.4. The point distribution of 12 criteria through two rounds of experimental teaching
chemistry under two measures
Table 3.10 below shows the results of students' achievement level for each of the
evaluation criteria collaborative problem solving, showing that most learners achieved Level
2 and Level 3 of the assessment criteria. Prices accounted for 80.2% (A1) - 91.36% (A2) for
integrated interdisciplinary natural science topic 1; 65.91% (C3) -74.09% (A2 & C2) for
integrated interdisciplinary natural science teaching method 4. The results also show more
clearly the problem identification component (A) is the problem that is most problematic for
most students.


Figure 3.3. Comparison of 12 criteria through empirical inter-subject
integrated topics 1 and 4
3.6. Comparing the results of collaborative problem solving through each trial period
3.6.1. Comparing results of collaborative problem solving of students through teaching
chemistry under measure 1
Testing the difference in average value of collaborative problem solving between the
assessments with ANOVA, showing the increase in average score of collaborative problem

solving after students each topic taught study is statistically significant (sig <0.05) with all
03 capacity components, 04 steps to solve problems and capacity collaborative problem
solving. This result initially confirms through interdisciplinary integrated teaching activities
through projects and rational use of active teaching groups, capacity of collaborative
problem solving of students have improved, the regular creation of an environment to work
together to solve tasks has a positive impact on the formation and development of
collaborative problem solving with academic problems. The regular use of assessment tools,
implementation of cooperative activities in problem solving has affected the formation and
development of capacity for learners, and collaborative problem solving increased through
the implementation of 04 topics. This is not only reflected in collaborative problem solving,
but also the component competencies of students also have a statistically significant
increase after all 4 teaching topics integrated interdisciplinary natural sciences because sig
values are all less than 0.05.
3.6.2. Comparing the results of students' collaborative problem-solving through teaching
chemistry under measure 2
Research shows a significant increase in each component capacity. Specifically:
component capacity Establishing and maintaining a common understanding in the
process of problem solving increases from 10,004 to 10,939; component capacity Providing
appropriate solutions to solve problems in the process of problem solving increased from
9,661 to 10,852; Liquidity Maintaining the working group during problem solving process
increased from 9,787 to 10,930; Discovering and understanding element increased from
7,113 to 7,943; element Descripting and stating of issues increased from 7,617 to 8,243;
component Planning and implementation increased from 7,039 to 8,048; Monitoring and
reflection components increased from 7,683 to 8,178 (chart 3.6). This result initially shows
that the process of teaching integrated interdisciplinary topics has an impact on
collaborative problem solving of students.
Testing the difference between assessments with ANOVA, showing that the average
increase in collaborative problem solving after students taught each topic was statistically
significant (sig <0, 05). This result is initially confirmed through experiential teaching
activities under the Kolb experience model. Students' collaborative problem solving has

been improved, the regular creation of a collaborative working environment and task
solving has positively impacted the formation and development of the capacity to solve
problems. Of learners, component capacity as well as total capacity have increased. This is
reflected not only in the capacity of collaborative problem solving, but also the component
capacity has the statistical increase after all the 4 topics. The results below show that except
for criteria D1 and D3 there is no difference between 04 assessments, the remaining values
show that Kolb's experience teaching has a positive impact on competence. collaborative
problem solving. (Appendix 3.3)
3.7. Analyze one student’s colloborative problem solving
Here is an example of the process of assessing individual points through the topic:
"Influence of nitrogen, phosphorus concentration on the growth of green algae, blue-green
algae in Sword Lake". The object is Truong Minh Hieu, a member in class 11A3 Viet Duc
high school - Hanoi. The scoring process of indicators takes place throughout, following the
problem-solving process. From radar chart combined with 4 levels of collaborative problem
solving and 4 levels of each component capacity, can be used to analyze the above
individual results as follows:

Figure 3.8. Components of problem solving competence of 01 student
Students‟ collaborative problem solving (42 points) at level 3. Students can complete
tasks with complex problem solving requirements or complex cooperation needs, in
complex problem spaces. Sundry and dynamic.
3.8. Analyzing the results of collaborative problem-solving capacity on two classes of
students tested by the same teacher
In addition to analyzing the results of two iterations on the same students in two
academic years to see the impact of interdisciplinary integrated teaching methods on the
development of students' problem-solving cooperation capacity; We conduct an analysis of
the teachers' performance of this measure by comparing the results of the two groups of

students. The following table shows the T-test results between two classes: 10D3 (44) and
10D6 (48) - Viet Duc High School taught by the same teacher for 2 years. As a result of the
second class taught by a teacher, the ability to collaborate in solving average problems of
students is better than the first class. Although the difference between the second class and
the first one is not much, this difference is statistically significant with the sig index <0.05
with most of the component capacities and collaborative problem solving capabilities.
threads. This result is reasonable because teachers with many experiences will implement
interdisciplinary integrated teaching activities more effectively, paying special attention to
activities to enhance cooperation and solve problems of the student. The results of
