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1. Reasons for choosing dissertation topic
Teachers are a crucial factor in determining the success or
failure of raising the people's intellectual level, training human
resources, developing talents for the country. The mission of teachers
is to have a special role, their labor to promote the development of
the country in a sustainable manner. President Ho Chi Minh affirmed:
"Without teachers, there is no education, ... without education,
without officials, there is nothing to say about economy - culture".
Pedagogical capacity is a specific form of human capacity in the field
of education. It is one of two factors that determine the value of
teacher personality and the quality and effectiveness of creative
pedagogical labor of the teaching staff.
The practice of managing pedagogical capacity retraining
activities for teachers at secondary schools in Hanoi City still reveals
many limitations and shortcomings, due to the management of
teachers' capacity development activities. There is a contradiction
between the requirements for developing the training scale of
intermediate level and the inadequate capacity of teachers; building a
structure of professional qualifications (especially new ones) with
pedagogical skills of teachers not balanced; no strategic plans for
fostering and developing pedagogical capacity for teachers, the
direction of self-improvement activities, self-organizing activities to
foster pedagogical capacity development of teachers is still low.
In terms of theoretical aspects of school human resources
management in general, development and standardization in order to
develop teacher staff, in particular, are important categories, which
still have many issues that need to be clarified. Regarding
professional issues, the pedagogical capacity of teachers in schools,
there have been authors abroad and in Vietnam studying at different

levels, but none of the works has been basically studied on the
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
secondary schools. From the above bases, the author chooses the
issue: “Management of the development of pedagogical capacity for
teachers in colleges in Hanoi City in the current context” is the
dissertation in field of education management.

2. Research purpose and tasks
* Research purpose:
On the basis of interpreting theoretical issues, practical
assessments, the dissertation proposes a measure to manage
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in secondary schools
in Hanoi city in the current context, the dissertation contributes to
standardizing, improving the quality and pedagogical capacity of
teachers at intermediate schools in Hanoi city today, practically
contributing to improving the quality of human resource training for
the Hanoi and surrounding areas.
* Research tasks
The dissertation clarifies the theoretical basis for pedagogical
competence, management of pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges;
The dissertation makes surveys and assesses the situation of
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges in Hanoi City;
The dissertation proposes measures of management of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi
City in the current context;
The dissertation verifies the research results through a survey

of necessity, feasibility of measures and tests.
3. The subject, object, scope of research
Research subject
Management of development of teacher staff in colleges in the
current context.
Objects subject
Management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers
in colleges in Hanoi City in the current context
Scope of research
Scope of content: The dissertation researches theoretical and
practical issues on pedagogical capacity, management of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi, from which
the dissertation proposes and test the measures.
Scope of the survey object: Conducting research on
administrators and Training Department staff; staff of faculties and
departments of colleges; teaching staff at 10 colleges in Hanoi City.
Scope of time: The survey data which is used in the dissertation
is limited from the 2014-2015 to the 2018-2019 school year.

Scope of the test: the dissertation chooses measure 3
"Diversifying the organizing methods of the development of capacity
development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi " for testing.
4. Hypotheses of research
Pedagogical capacity development for teachers is effective or
not effective based on the management and organization of teachers'
educational activities.
If the process of pedagogical capacity development for teachers,
educational managers at colleges in Hanoi focuses on raising awareness,

organizing development of plans for development activities teachers,
focusing on directing the selection of content, innovating methods, using
diversified forms of development; promoting each teacher's selfdevelopment role, the management of pedagogical capacity development
for teachers in colleges will achieve the goal of improving the quality of
teachers, contributing to improving high quality of education and training
of colleges in Hanoi today.
5. Methodology and research methods
The dissertation is implemented on the basis of dialectical
materialism of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh ideology, views and
policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam on education, training
and training management.
During the research, the author approaches the problem from a
systematic - structural perspective; history - logic; practical perspective. At the
same time, access to educational management theories such as: approach to
management functions; access to pedagogical competence of teachers;
operational approach; approaching development of teaching staff as the basis
for approaching the research subjects, solving research tasks of the topic.
Research Methods
Group theoretical research methods
General analysis, systematization, generalization, comparison
of research results of books and articles related to the topic.
Practical research methods
Methods of summarizing experience: synthesizing and
studying legal documents; summarized reports on education and
training of colleges.
Observation method: observing organization and direction of
managers for teacher training classes of Hanoi Department of
Education and Training, Ministry of Education and Training;
Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.

Dialogue method: conduct seminars and discussions with
managers and teachers on issues related to the research topic.
Method of experts: seeking opinions of scientists, experts on
the implementation of the topic, the theoretical issues of the topic.
Survey method: conducting surveys and surveys of some
educational managers, teachers and managers of the Department of
Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
Personal interview method: chatting with some teachers
Testing and testing methods: used to verify the effectiveness of
the proposed dissertation measures.
Method of using statistical maths: to process data collected
from surveys and surveys and calculate assay and trial results.
6. New contributions of the dissertation
Developing and perfecting theories on pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges; management of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers in the current context;
Discovering and properly assessing the status of pedagogical
capacity development, management of pedagogical capacity
development and developing criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges in current context.
Proposing and confirming the effectiveness of the management
of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges in the
current context.
7. Significances of the dissertation
In term of theory
The dissertation contributes to supplementing and developing

theories of educational management in colleges, especially the issue
of teacher resource management and management of teachers'
development, directly improving the quality and capacity of the
teaching staff, meeting the requirements of the construction and
development of colleges in the current context.
In term of practicality:
The dissertation is one of the bases to help subject
management at all levels to analyze, evaluate accurately and make
appropriate management impacts in pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges .
The dissertation can be used as a reference for research, teaching
and learning activities in colleges in the current system of occupations.

8. Structure of the dissertation
The dissertation includes introduction, five chapters,
conclusions, list of scientific works of the author related to the
dissertation, list of references and appendices .
Chapter 1
1.1. The research works related to fostering, developing
pedagogical capacity for teachers
1.1.1. Overview of scientific research works related to dissertation
Discussing professional training, pedagogical competence for
teachers in the history of the world and current educators mentioned
in terms of approach, content and valuable values to be studied and
continued. autumn, like JA Kômenxki; Delors, Jacques; Eleonora
Villegas - Reimers; P.Jackson; -Raja Roy Singh; Ann Grosso de

Leon; Anne Reynolds; Robert Glaser; Jegede Margaret Taplin ...
Understanding the results of the above research, showing the
common ideas and perspectives of the above authors, through their
works, confirms the role, necessity and content of vocational training
requirements service, professional capacity, personality quality for
teachers. In general, the research works serving human resource training
and pedagogical development for teachers in developed countries
express the view that the quality of teachers is firstly the pedagogical
capacity is a decisive factor to the quality of education and training.
1.1.2. Overview of scientific research works in Vietnam
Research on pedagogical capacity and development of
pedagogical capacity has been interested in many scientists such as
Nguyen Dinh Chinh; Tran Ba Hoanh; Dang Ba Lam; Nguyen Huu
Chau; Nguyen Xuan Truong; Le Minh Vu; Phan Van Ty.
In the field of education and training at colleges and secondary
schools, the authors have studied the fostering and developing
pedagogical capacity in specific directions, such as Tran Hung Luong
(2003) with his PhD on "A number of solutions for professional
fostering and technical pedagogical capacity for Vietnamese
vocational teachers at present". Truong Dai Duc (2011), with his
dissertation on education on "Fostering teaching capacity for teachers
to practice vocational schools in the Northern mountainous areas".

There are also many scientific articles discussing pedagogical
capacity, fostering and developing pedagogical capacity for teachers,
such as Hoang Hoa Binh; Pham Thi Kim Anh; Nguyen Duan - Dinh
Thi Hong Van, Dang Thi Da Thuy; Nguyen Van Y; Dau Thi Hoa ...
Thus, the topics, research works and dissertations have

mentioned many different angles on pedagogical capacity and
training, pedagogical capacity development for teachers in each type
and each condition. However, these studies are mostly in the form of
macro, general and comprehensive research that have not gone into
depth to address the specific and urgent requirements on management
and development of pedagogical competence for teachers. at specific
secondary schools in an area or a locality. Therefore, the dissertation
acquires scientific ideas to research the theoretical basis of
pedagogical capacity development management for teachers in
secondary schools in the current context.
1.2. The research works related to the management of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers
1.2.1. The research works of foreign authors
The scientific works discussing teacher fostering and managing
pedagogical capacity development for teachers include a number of
scientific works such as: "Teacher professional development in a policy
learning perspective"; The teaching project "Teaching in focus" of
OECD has affirmed that the leadership and direction of effective training
is to create a favorable environment, valuable environment, creating
psychology for motivated teachers. self-study, self-training, self-control
fostering activities of themselves. Research on management methods,
ways of fostering pedagogical competence for teachers can include
N.M.Iacôplep author; V. A. Xukhomlinski ...
In summary, the overseas research works on management of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers have focused on
personalizing this activity such as teacher training and development
However, there has been no work on pedagogical development
management for teachers at secondary schools to meet the
requirements of educational innovation in the current context.
1.2.2. The research works of Vietnamese authors

There are many researches on management of pedagogical
development and fostering for teachers. In books and textbooks on
training, fostering and developing pedagogical capacity

development for teachers, like Bui Minh Hien; Tran Thi Bich
Lieu, Tran Van Khoi, with his dissertation on "Some solutions to
improve the quality of management of teaching staff in colleges of
economics - business administration in Vietnam today"; Tran Thi
Hai Yen, with her dissertation "Managing and fostering teaching
capacity for high school teachers according to professional
standards"; author La Hong Phuong, with his doctoral thesis
"Managing pedagogical capacity training activities for lecturers of
social sciences and humanities at military universities"; Nguyen
Thi Tuyet, with her dissertation "Managing and fostering teaching
capacity for junior high school teachers in Hanoi to meet the
requirements of educational renovation". Along with books,
scientific topics, dissertation, there are also typical articles
published in scientific journals.
Through research and analysis of scientific topics, doctoral
theses, scientific articles discussing pedagogical capacity,
management of fostering and developing pedagogical capacity for
teachers, the author realized that in the current context, when the
policy of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education
and training also opens up many opportunities and challenges for
teachers, it requires them to constantly study, foster and cultivate
moral qualities. knowledge and skills to meet current education and
training requirements. In the face of these changes, colleges need to
show their roles, responsibilities, and further strengthen the

management and development of pedagogical capacity for teachers in
the current context.
1.3. Overview of research results of published scientific
works related to dissertation and issues that need to be solved.
1.3.1. Overview of research results of
published scientific works
Through the summary of research results from sources of
books, themes, scientific articles of authors in foreign countries and
Vietnam, shows that the research works on pedagogical capacity
development management for teachers in colleges in Hanoi City in
the current context has not been implemented. Therefore, the relevant
research works is a scientific basis, facilitating the theory, helping the
author have a scientific fulcrum to deploy the research project

"Management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges in Hanoi City in the current context ”.
1.3.2. The issues that dissertation to be solved
Firstly, build a theoretical basis for pedagogical capacity,
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
accordance with the characteristics of teachers' activities in colleges and
conditions to ensure the operation of development of pedagogical capacity
for teachers in colleges has been stipulated in the current context.
Secondly, investigating, making survey, sketching the current
picture of pedagogical capacity development, management of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi City.
Thirdly, the dissertation proposes scientific measures ò management
of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi in the
current context. The study proposes feasible measures which will meet new

requirements for management of pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges in Hanoi in the current context.
Conclusion of Chapter 1
Pedagogical capacity as well as management of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers is an issue that has always
received the attention and research of many authors both in the world
and in Vietnam. Through researching books, scientific works,
dissertation, scientific articles of authors in the world and in Vietnam
on capacity, pedagogical capacity, pedagogical capacity development
and management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers is
an important premise, a theoretical and practical foundation for the
author to continue studying the theoretical basis and practices of
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges in Hanoi in the current context.
Chapter 2
2.1. Theoretical issues about pedagogical
capacity, pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges in the current context
2.1.1. Pedagogical capacity of teachers in colleges Capacity concept

Competence is the ability to perform activities based on the
mobilization of a combination of knowledge, techniques, skills and
experience to effectively deal with an activity. Pedagogical capacity development for

teachers in colleges
Pedagogical capacity development is the synthesis of
knowledge, techniques, teaching and educational skills, in order to
meet the requirements and achieve high results in pedagogical
activities at colleges. Characters of pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges
Firstly, teaching capacity
Secondly, educational capacity
Thirdly, the capacity to organize pedagogical activities Evaluation criteria of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges
According to Circular No. 08/2017 / TT-BL ĐTBXH,
"Regulations on professional standards of vocational educators", the
criteria for assessing pedagogical capacity of teachers in intermediate
schools, including: pedagogical qualifications and time of
participation in teaching; Prepare teaching activities; Conducting
teaching activities; Examining and evaluating learning results of
learners; Managing teaching records; Developing programs,
developing textbooks and teaching materials; Building plans,
implementing educational activities; Managing learners, building an
education and learning environment; Social activities
2.1.2. Current context and issue of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges The current context impacts on the development of
pedagogical capacity for teachers in colleges
Firstly, the international context
The Industrial Revolution 4.0, especially the rapid development
of information and communication technology, the knowledge-based
economy is growing strongly, directly affecting the socio-economic

development and education. In the world. It is neccessary for countries
to have policies for education and training development, including
pedagogical development for teachers at all levels.
Secondly, situation in Vietnam

Our country is in the process of stepping up the process of
industrialization and modernization of the country, conducting the
process of international integration, ensuring political stability and
socio-economic development. The Party and the State have set out
strategies for national development in each period with specific steps,
creating favorable conditions for the implementation of fundamental
and comprehensive renovation of education, training and capacity
development for teachers at all levels, including teachers at colleges
to meet the current renovation requirements.
Thirdly, the policy of comprehensive renovation of education
and training of the Party and State
The goal of education renovation is to create fundamental and
strong changes in the quality and effectiveness of education and
training; meet better and better the work of building, defending the
Fatherland and learning needs of the people. Requirements on pedagogical capacity development
for teachers in colleges
Firstly, it is necessary to focus on standardizing the teaching
staff according to Circular No. 08/2017 / TT-BLDTBXH, of the
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
Secondly, strictly implementing the plan of teacher development,
which focuses on developing pedagogical capacity for teachers.
Thirdly, amending policies on salaries, allowances and other

preferential regimes to motivate teachers to self-study and selfresearch and develop pedagogical capacity; Revise the method of
hiring teachers to ensure quality teachers.
2.1.3. Pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges The concept of pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges
Developing pedagogical capacity for teachers in colleges is the
frequent and continuous impacts of the development subject on the
teachers, creating opportunities for teachers to consolidate and update
new knowledge, skills, contributing to improving the effectiveness of
teaching and educating students according to the educational and
training goals set by colleges. Content pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges

The content of pedagogical capacity development for teachers
in intermediate schools focuses on: the capacity of designing and
conducting teaching; teaching assessment and management
competencies; capacity to outline student development projects
according to social requirements; ability to communicate, sensualize
and skillfully treat students.
2.2. Theoretical issues on management of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges in the current context
2.2.1. The concept of management of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges
The management of pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges is the overall organized, planned impact of the

management subjects on the development of pedagogical competence for
teachers to ensure the progress of teaching activities closely to develop
and improve the pedagogical competence of teachers in colleges.
2.2.2. Content of management of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges Developing plans and organizing forces to implement
plans of management of pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges Management of the objective implementation of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges Managing the content implementation of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers in colleges Organizing implementation of methods to develop
pedagogical competence for teachers in colleges Directing teachers in colleges to develop pedagogical
skills themselves Organizing to build environment and conditions for
pedagogical capacity development for teachers of secondary schools Monitoring, checking and evaluating pedagogical
capacity development results for teachers of colleges
2.3. Factors affecting management of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges in the current context
2.3.1. Impacts from the new development on the
characteristics and training tasks of colleges in the current context
Facing a dynamic and rapidly changing labor market of the
international integration process, the secondary schools should be set
for fundamental and comprehensive renovation, creating a


breakthrough in training quality, especially, is high quality training;
developing scale corresponding to quality assurance conditions;
ensuring a reasonable structure between training levels; building an
open and flexible vocational education system to create favorable
conditions for all learners; developing high quality schools, key
national, regional and international vocational schools.
2.3.2. Impact of qualifications and capacity of educational
management staff in colleges
Qualifications of managerial staff, which have a direct impact
on teacher pedagogical development. Therefore, managers of
secondary schools must always keep up with the Party's resolutions
in time; State guidelines on education and training to implement
pedagogical capacity development activities for teachers in colleges.
2.3.3. Impact from the need to develop and improve the
pedagogical capacity of each teacher in colleges
The teachers at the capacity are responsible for training
students according to the goals and requirements of colleges, in order
to develop human resources for the country's industrialization and
modernization in the future. Developing quality and pedagogical
capacity for teachers is an indispensable element in the period of
fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education towards
standardization, modernization, socialization and international
2.3.4. Impact from the pedagogical environment and brands
of colleges
The pedagogical environment has a great influence on the
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges in the current context. The pedagogical environment affects
the emotions, reason and behavior of the members and unites the
members, promoting all activities in the school. Therefore: “Each

production, working, studying and fighting unit must be an
environment for disciplining, skilled, highly productive and efficient
labor character, where friendship is expressed, comradeship,
teamwork, forming a new human personality and new culture ”.
Conclusion of chapter 2
Developing pedagogical capacity for teachers of colleges in
the current context is a crucial concern of colleges. Developing

pedagogical capacity for teachers in colleges is considered in issues
such as goals, content; development methods; ability to apply modern
achievements and school management in pedagogical development
for teachers. The above contents have both the common points of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges, and the
specific points of each specific school in each locality.
Chapter 3
3.1. General overview of colleges in Hanoi City
3.1.1. The process of formation and development of colleges
The vocational training system is part of the Vietnam National
Education System framework (Decree 90 CP of November 29, 1993
of the Government and the Education Law of 2005). The process of
formation, change and development, up to now the network of
vocational training institutions has been widely developed in all
districts of Hanoi City.
3.1.2. The organizational structure and training activities of
colleges in Hanoi city

Organizational structure
Training activities
3.1.3. Characteristics of teachers at colleges in Hanoi city
The teachers in the colleges have an uneven structure of
quality and quantity. Teachers are recruited from many different
sources, so teachers have different ages, qualifications, capital,
experience in pedagogical practice. In terms of quality, teachers at
intermediate schools in recent years have made strong strides.
However, there are still some new training disciplines of secondary
schools, or there are few leading experts so standardizing the quality
of teachers faces many difficulties.
3.2. Overview of the current situation
3.2.1. Survey purpose
3.2.2. Survey content
3.2.3. Subjects, enumeration areas and time
surveying situation
3.2.4. Survey method and calculation method

3.3. Actual situation of pedagogical development of
teachers at colleges in Hanoi city
3.3.1. Situation on the qualifications of teachers in colleges in
Hanoi city today Actual situation of professional qualifications of
teachers in colleges today
By the school year 2018 - 2019, the teachers of 10 colleges in
Hanoi city, there are 23 doctors, 183 masters, 288 bachelors and 130
teachers with college degrees. This is the main force contributing to
the construction of the school and performing the tasks of education

and training in the current context Practical situation of pedagogical practice of teachers
in the colleges today
The number of teachers who graduated from pedagogy
schools and technical pedagogical schools with major
pedagogical qualifications mainly manage. This is an issue for
education managers in college to study, to take management
measures to develop teachers' capacity in a timely manner to
meet the requirements of education and training innovation in the
current context.
3.3.2. Practical situation of pedagogical capacity of teachers
at colleges in Hanoi City
The survey results in Table 3.2 showed that all 8 contents of
pedagogical competence of teachers have an average score of 2.76 2.90 (fair).
3.3.3. Practical situation of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi City
The results of the investigation on pedagogical capacity
development for teachers at intermediate schools in Hanoi City today,
in all 4 areas, have an average score ranging from 3.70 to 3.79 ( good
3.4. Practical situation of management of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers in colleges
3.4.1. Situation of making plans and organizing forces to
implement pedagogical capacity development plans for teachers Building plans for pedagogical capacity development
for teachers

Building a plan to develop pedagogical capacity for teachers in

content 1, 2, 4 with an average score of 3.03 to 3.15, with only 01
content reaching 3.31 points (a good level). Arranging forces to implement pedagogical capacity
development plans for teachers in colleges
Among 5 contents of the survey on organizing the
implementation of the pedagogical capacity development plan for
teachers, 1 content has an average score of 3.27, a "good" level,
while other contents have points average from 3.11 to 3.23 "average".
3.4.2. Practical situation of management to implement
pedagogical capacity development goals for teachers in colleges
The statistical data of the survey results show that in all 5 survey
contents, the average score is in the range of 3.11 to 3.20 (fair level).
3.4.3. Practical situation of managing the implementation of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers
The survey results showed that in content management for
pedagogical capacity development for teachers, 5 contents achieved
at "good" level, 3 contents were at "fair" level.
3.4.4. Practical situation of implementation of methods for
developing pedagogical capacity for teachers
With 5 questionnaires on how to develop pedagogical
competence for teachers, it shows that the average of all 5 contents is
in the " fair " level.
3.4.5. The situation of directing teachers in colleges to
develop pedagogical skills themselves
The survey results show that the direction of teachers to
develop pedagogical capacity themselves is assessed with an average
score of 2.93 - 3.07 (good level).
3.4.6. Practical situation of organizing the building of
environment and conditions for developing pedagogical capacity
for teachers

The environmental management, conditions for developing
pedagogical capacity for teachers in colleges in Hanoi City are not
really good, the average of the survey content ranges from 2.27 - 2.42
(good level).
3.4.7. Situation of supervision, examination and evaluation
of pedagogical capacity development results for teachers

Survey results on the status of monitoring and checking the
results of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
secondary schools have shown that the average score of the content
ranges from 3.02 to 3.06 ( pretty good).
3.5. Practical situation of effecting issues of management of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges
Survey results show that both objective and subjective factors
have a great impact on the management of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers.
3.6. General assessment of the situation of management of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges in
Hanoi city
3.6.1. Advantages and causes Advantages
Firstly, building and organizing the implementation of the
pedagogical capacity development management plan for teachers
Secondly, the management and evaluation of pedagogical
capacity of teachers.
Thirdly, the management of objects, they develop qualities and
Fourthly, building management methods to develop

pedagogical capacity for teachers
Fifthly, environmental management develops pedagogical
capacity for teachers
Sixthly, on supervision, examination and evaluation of
pedagogical capacity development results for teachers Cause advantages
Firstly, the colleges have followed closely the rules,
regulations, guiding documents, instructions of the superiors.
Secondly, the process of developing teachers, colleges have
directed the strict implementation of regulations.
Thirdly, teachers of colleges in Hanoi City have been active
and proactive in studying and researching to improve the
qualifications in all aspects to meet the requirements of education and
training innovation.

Fourthly, managers in colleges are always active, effectively
manage education and training activities in general, and build
teachers in particular. Cause advantages
Firstly, the colleges have followed closely the rules,
regulations, guiding documents, instructions of the superiors.
Secondly, the process of developing teachers, colleges hava
directed the strict implementation of regulations.
Thirdly, teachers of colleges in Hanoi City have been active
and proactive in studying and researching to improve the
qualifications in all aspects to meet the requirements of education and
training innovation.
Fourthly, managers in colleges are always active, effectively

manage education and training activities in general, and build
teachers in particular. Cause limitation
Firstly, awareness and innovation of thinking about
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges also showed a slight disregard for pedagogical capacity
development for teachers.
Secondly, the management of planning, selection, training, and
use of teachers has not become a routine.
Thirdly, the management of pedagogical capacity development
for teachers in colleges in Hanoi City has not been given adequate
attention, has not developed and issued specific standards on
pedagogical competence. for each teacher object.
Fourthly, monitoring, checking and evaluating and managing
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in some colleges are
not regular.
Conclusion of chapter 3
Teachers, administrators and pedagogical forces at colleges
have realized the important significance of the management of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in the current context.
In the process of management and implementation of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges in the
current context, there are still many contents that have not achieved
the desired effect. Management and development of pedagogical

capacity for teachers in colleges in Hanoi City still have limitations
and shortcomings that need to be overcome in a timely manner to
improve the qualifications of teachers. Application for renewing

education and training in the new situation.
Chapter 4
4.1. Requirement of measures
4.1.1. Measures must adhere to current education renovation
4.1.2. The measures must meet the development
requirements of secondary schools in the current context
4.1.3. Management measures must be aimed at improving
the quality of school education
4.2. Measures of management of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers in colleges in
Hanoi City in the current context
4.2.1. Education organizations to raise awareness for
officials and teachers about pedagogical capacity development to
meet the requirements of educational and training renovation in
secondary schools.
In order for the process of developing pedagogical capacity for
teachers in colleges in Hanoi City to be effective, it is necessary to do
a good job of raising awareness for managers and teachers about the
importance of pedagogical competence.
4.2.2. Directing the development of pedagogical capacity
development plan for teachers in accordance with practical
requirements of the school
This measure is to ensure that the pedagogical capacity
development of teachers is organized and in a logical order and
creates the ability to mobilize and use resources for pedagogical
capacity development of teachers in the best way.

4.2.3. Diversifying methods of developing pedagogical
capacity for teachers

Diversifying methods of organizing the development of
pedagogical capacity for teachers is an important and meaningful
measure in both theoretical and practical activities in managing
educational activities in secondary schools in the area. Hanoi city in
the current context.
4.2.4. Directing and organizing teachers to self-study and
self-develop pedagogical capacity to meet the requirements of the
current school
This is a measure affecting the awareness in self-study, selftraining pedagogical capacity of each teacher to improve their
comprehensive level to better meet the requirements of education and
training of the school in the current new situation.
4.2.5. Mobilizing resources to ensure teachers' pedagogic
capacity development activities at colleges
This measure aims to maximize the role and responsibility of
the pedagogical forces and material resources to participate in the
process of management and development of pedagogical capacity for
teachers throughout the work duration at colleges .
4.2.6. Regularly supervise, check and evaluate pedagogical
capacity development results for teachers in colleges according to
professional standards
This measure aims to enhance the autonomy, creativity and
responsibility of the management forces and teachers in the
management of pedagogical capacity development.
Relationship of measures
The above measures are closely related to each other, forming

a comprehensive management system in all aspects from planning to
evaluation in the process of developing pedagogical capacity for
teachers in the current context. Each measure is relatively
independent in organizing the implementation of pedagogical
capacity development management for teachers in colleges in Hanoi
city. Colleges can actively select each internal management capacity
development pedagogical capacity for teachers in accordance with
the actual conditions of teachers and schools in a certain period.

Conclusion of chapter 4
Management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers
in colleges is one of the strategic tasks of the school, in order to meet
the requirements of professional standards prescribed by the Ministry
of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs. At the same time, realizing
the policy of developing vocational training for workers, setting up
the educational management staff of colleges in Hanoi city to take
measures to manage pedagogical capacity development for teachers
in colleges in the current context.
Measures of management of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers incolleges in Hanoi city are of special
importance, contributing to the successful implementation of the
objective of quality management of human resources of secondary
schools and improve pedagogical capacity for teachers in the context
of radical and comprehensive renovation of education and training
that our Party has proposed.
Chapter 5

5.1. Testing the necessity and feasibility of the measures
5.1.1. Testing
Purpose of testing
Scale and composition of testing force
Content of testing
Scores and rating scales
5.1.2. Test results Reasibility of measures
The opinions of all respondents said that the measures of
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges in Hanoi City is necessary, the average score of the measures

is 2.64 points, the points of each measure are from 2.60 points to 2.69
points Feasibility of the measures
The test results on the feasibility of the measures, with GPA
ranged from 2.56 to 2.65 points. Correlation between the necessity and the feasibility of
the proposed measures
The results show that R> 0, so it is possible to conclude that
the urgency and feasibility of the measures are positively correlated,
which means that the admitted measures are both urgent and feasible.
Moreover, R = 0.77 is closer to value 1, so the correlation of this
positive relationship is quite high and very close.
5.2. Testing the measures of management of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers
5.2.1. Test purpose

Experimental measures "Diversifying methods of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers" are aimed at confirming the
soundness of scientific hypotheses and at the same time finding
practical experience, thereby completing measures of the
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in
colleges in Hanoi city in the current context.
5.2.2. Experimental hypothesis
It is possible to improve the effectiveness of pedagogical
capacity development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi city, if the
management measures for pedagogical capacity development for
teachers for teachers in colleges are applied in a way consistent with
the reality of the school. However, due to the teaching conditions and
characteristics of each college, the dissertation only conducts the
experiment of "Diversifying methods of developing pedagogical
capacity for teachers".
5.2.3. Content, object, force and duration of the test
Content of the test: Experimental measure 3 "Diversifying the
pedagogical capacity development method for teachers in colleges.

Testing facility: The trial was conducted at Hanoi Polytechnic
and Hanoi Technology college.
Test force: Author; collaborators at the test school; lecturers
participated in developing pedagogical capacity for teachers and 63 teachers
of Polytechnic college and 63 teachers of Hanoi Technology college.
Test period: Is divided into 2 stages
Phase 1: implemented from November to December 2018.
Phase 2: implemented from March to April 2019.
5.2.4. Test Method

Test method: controlled trial.
5.2.5. Organize testing and analysis of results Testing organization
Testing is done in a 3-step process
Step 1. Prepare the test
Step 2: Carry out the test impact
Step 3: Finish the experiment
Quantitative test results: We have conducted analysis of
quantitative test results according to two defined criteria. The results
of teacher awareness about pedagogical capacity and pedagogical
capacity development in Hanoi Polytechnic College and Hanoi
Technology college, are shown in Table 5.7; 5.8; 5.9; 5.10 and
diagrams 5.4 and 5.5 (All test results are summarized in Appendix 4
of the dissertation).
Qualitative test results: Through testing, the qualitative
results are consistent with the comments and assessments of
educational managers at the Polytechnic and Hanoi Technology
college. The results were recognized by the school's
administrators and teachers.
In summary, the results of the trial were rigorously analyzed,
both quantitatively and qualitatively; through this can achieve the
necessary reliability. The test was conducted in a narrow scope (in 01
measure) and conducted in the scope of 02 college with the
appropriate number of teachers, but it was concluded: with the

experimental results that proved the scientific hypothesis Study of the
dissertation given is correct.
Conclusion of chapter 5

Conducting experiments and seeking expert advice on
measures of management of pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges in Hanoi city in the current context and
organizing testing of measures 3 "Diversifying the mode of
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges”.
Experimental results show that, in order to develop pedagogical
capacity for teachers in colleges in Hanoi city in the current context
of high efficiency, the subject of educational management in schools
must be organizer, direct manager and responsible for this activity.
1. Conclusion
Management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers
in colleges in Hanoi city in the current context is the overall
organized, planned impact of management subjects to ensure
activities. The pedagogical capacity development for teachers is
organized strictly, taking place in accordance with the quality and
efficiency process, thereby contributing to consolidating and
developing professional experience, the level of teaching theories and
reasoning. From that point of view, the dissertation will improve
pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges .
Survey results, analysis of the situation show that the content
of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi
City still has shortcomings and limitations. In addition, the current context
is creating new requirements, requiring the management process to
develop pedagogical competence for teachers in colleges to make changes
accordingly to improve management of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi city in particular.
Based on theoretical research and current situation evaluation, the
dissertation builds a system of management of pedagogical capacity
development for teachers in colleges in Hanoi city in the current context

synchronous, breakthrough in some important contents of the process of
developing pedagogical capacity for teachers.
The results of testing and evaluating the research results of the topic
and the measures of management of pedagogical capacity development for
teachers in colleges in Hanoi city in the current context have confirmed
urgency and feasiblity, practical effectiveness of the measures of
management of pedagogical capacity development for teachers in colleges
in Hanoi city that the dissertation has proposed.
2. Recommendations
For the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
The specialized agencies of the Ministry of Labor, War
Invalids and Social Affairs should soon promulgate documents
specifying programs and contents of regular training to develop
pedagogical capacity for teachers at colleges.
For Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Hanoi
Directing the functional agencies of the Department to
coordinate with the Department of Education and Training and
secondary schools to organize training courses and seminars on
pedagogical capacity development for teachers, in compact and
proper forms, identify, in accordance with practical requirements,
meet the requirements and aspirations of teachers.
For colleges in Hanoi City
Paying direct attention to the direction and administration of
pedagogical capacity development activities for teachers to avoid
entrusting them entirely to the vice principal and subject leader. Care
and create the best conditions for fostering pedagogical capacity

development for teachers at the school.
