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Module: Commercial Law


Ho Chi Minh, May 2020

I. Overview of commercial contracts...........................................................................2
1. Concept.................................................................................................................... 2
2. Feature.....................................................................................................................2
1.2.2. Form..................................................................................................................3
1.2.3. Subject...............................................................................................................3
1.2.4. Purpose..............................................................................................................4
1.2.5. Conditions of the validity of the contract...........................................................4
3. The facility recognizes the commercial contract......................................................6
II. Legal risks arising from signing and performing a commercial contract................8
1. Risk of the subject signing the contract...................................................................9
2. Risk of the formality of the contract........................................................................9
3. Risks of contract object...........................................................................................9
4. Risk of no provisions on the basic contents of the contract.....................................10
5. Risk of price, payment methods...............................................................................10
6. Risk of guarantee letter............................................................................................11
7. Sanction risks apply in case the parties violate the contract.....................................12
8. Risks related to provisions on force majeure events................................................12
9. Risk of dispute resolution........................................................................................13

III. Recommendations for Vietnamese enterprises.......................................................14
1. Risk of the subject signing the contract...................................................................14
2. Risk of the formality of the contract........................................................................14
3. Risk of contract object.............................................................................................14
4. Risk of no provisions on the basic contents of the contract.....................................14
5. Risk of price, payment methods...............................................................................14
6. Risk of guarantee letter............................................................................................15
7. Sanction risks apply in case the parties violate the contract.....................................15
8. Risks related to provisions on force majeure events................................................15
9. Risk of dispute resolution........................................................................................15
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................17

Reference ....................................................................................................................

In commercial business as well as in ordinary civil activities, contracts are an
important type of transaction of any entity, whether individual or legal entity. Most
companies in developed countries always uphold the process of drafting and signing
contracts. Therefore, their commercial contracts are very detailed, coherent and
anticipate even rare situations. For example: Bill Gate, in an interview with Microsoft
candidates, asked: “What do you think is the factor that maintains the stability and
success of today's business activities? A typical candidate answered, "That is the
contract rigor." Many people at the time doubted the seriousness of this candidate's
answer, but Bill Gate didn't think so. He gave this candidate maximum points and got
him to work.
Meanwhile, the majority of Vietnamese companies have not paid much attention
to this issue yet, still use stereotypical, monotonous, confusing and even backward
contract forms compared to the current laws. Consequently, the performance of the

contract is very difficult, prone to disputes and often lost when litigation. Therefore, in
order to ensure favorable transactions, minimize risks leading to unfortunate damage
for each party and ensure the harmony of the transactions, we need to protect our
rights by carefully consider all matters when entering into a contract.
As a result, there are many legal risks when signing and implementing the
contract, which makes the contract performance very difficult, prone to disputes, and
often lost when litigation. Therefore, in order to ensure favorable transactions,
minimize risks leading to unfortunate damage to each party and ensure the harmony of
the transactions, we need to protect our rights by carefully consider all matters when
entering into a contract.
For the above reasons, I decided to choose the topic: "Legal risks when signing
and implementing the commercial contract".


I. Overview of commercial contracts
1. Concept
The 2005 Commercial Law does not define what a commercial contract means,
but under Article 1 and Article 2 of the 2005 Commercial Law (state the scope of
regulation and the subject of the 2005 Commercial Law) can define: Trade contract is
an agreement to conduct commercial activities on the territory of Vietnam and
commercial activities outside the territory of Vietnam if the parties agree to apply this
law or foreign law, international treaties to which Vietnam Nam is a member with
regulations that apply this law. ”
Commercial activities are activities for profit-making purposes, including goods
sale and purchase, service provision, investment and trade promotion (including
promotional activities, commercial advertising, display and introduction of goods).
goods, services, and other lucrative activities.
Goods in commercial activities include all types of movable assets (including

also properties formed in the future) and objects attached to land.
According to Article 174 of the Civil Code, real estate and movable property are
distinguished as follows:
- Real estate means properties including:
+ Land.
+ Houses and constructions attached to land, including properties attached to
such houses and constructions.
+ Other properties associated with the land.
+ Other properties prescribed by law.
- Assets are properties that are not real estate.
2. Feature
1.2.1 Content


The content of a commercial contract in particular and a contract in general is a
summary of the terms agreed upon by the parties to the contract, these terms define the
specific civil rights and obligations of the contracting parties. However, the basic
difference of a commercial contract is that the content of a commercial contract is
commercial activity. Each type of contract has certain provisions on basic terms. For
example: For a sales contract, the basic terms include the object and the price.
The law promotes agreement between the contracting parties, but the content of
the contract must comply with the general provisions of the contract law, as provided
in the Civil Code 2015. Excluding the provisions of the law, Compulsory content, the
parties may agree on other terms than those prescribed by law. Article 398 of the 2015
Civil Law provides that parties to a contract have the right to agree on the content of a
contract: The object of the contract; Quantity Quality; Price and mode of payment;
Duration, location, mode of contract performance; Rights and obligations of the
parties; Responsibility for breach of contract Argument settlement."

Depending on the nature of each type of contract, the parties may agree or not
agree on all of the above. The parties may also add to the contract terms that do not
have provisions but the parties feel unnecessary.
In addition, to clarify the content of the contract, there is an addition by the
appendix of the contract. The contract annex has the same effect as the contract, but
the content of the appendix must not be contrary to the contract.
If the annex contains terms contrary to the content of the contract, this provision
shall not be effective, unless otherwise agreed.
If the parties accept the contract annexes, the terms are contrary to the terms of
the contract, it is considered that the terms of the contract have been amended.
1.2.2. Form
Under the 2005 Commercial Law, commercial contracts are expressed verbally,
in writing or established by specific acts. In case the law requires in writing, it must
follow this form (for example: International goods sale contract, Sales service contract,
Commercial advertising service contract, Display service contract, Business law4
Trade in goods , Sales contract, Sales agent contract, Trade contract, ...)

1.2.3. Subject
The subjects of business contracts include traders (including lawfully established
economic organizations, individuals who conduct commercial activities independently,
regularly and with business registration), individuals and other organizations engaged
in trade-related activities (Article 2 of the 2005 Commercial Law).
1.2.4. Purpose
The purpose of establishing a commercial contract is to make a profit. Profits are
understood as profit seeking (not necessarily profitable). However, pursuant to Article
1 of the 2005 Commercial Law, the activities of one party are not intended to be
profitable for traders in the territory of Vietnam, and also apply the Commercial Law
to solve in the case chosen by that party.

1.2.5. Conditions of the validity of the contract
The signed commercial contract must ensure the principles of the contract as
prescribed by law. The provision of the principle of entering into a contract to ensure
the agreement of the parties is in accordance with their real will, towards the legitimate
interests of the parties, and at the same time does not infringe upon the benefits that
the law need protection. According to the provisions of the Civil Code, the conclusion
of a contract must abide by the following principles: freedom of contracting but not
contrary to law and social ethics, commercial law is a separate law of civil law, so it is
also subject to adjustment of the above principles.
According to Article 117 of the 2015 Civil Code, a transaction is valid when it
meets the following conditions:
- Firstly, the participants in the transaction have civil act capacity, because the
act of contracting will give rise to legal rights and obligations for the parties.
Therefore, in order for the contract to be legally effective and enforceable, the
signatory must be able to be aware of the act of signing the contract as well as the
consequences of the conclusion of the contract. For individuals and organizations that
enter into contracts, they must be strictly competent. If the participants in the
transaction do not have full civil act capacity, the contract will not be valid and will be
declared invalid according to the law.


Second, the purpose and content of the transaction does not violate the

prohibition of the law, not contrary to social ethics. The purpose of the contract is the
legal benefits that the parties desire to achieve when entering into the contract. The
content of the contract includes the terms agreed upon by both parties. In order for the
contract to be valid and capable of being implemented, the law stipulates the purpose

and contents of the contract must not be contrary to law and social ethics.
- Third, participants in transactions are completely voluntary. The provision of
the principle of entering into a contract to ensure the agreement of the parties is in
accordance with their real will, towards the legitimate interests of the parties, and at
the same time does not infringe upon the benefits that the law need protection.
According to the provisions of the Civil Code, the conclusion of contracts in general
and commercial business contracts in particular must follow the principles: freedom of
conclusion but not contrary to law and social ethics: Voluntary, equality, goodwill,
cooperation, honesty and integrity. Acts of coercion, intimidation, and deception to
conclude contracts ... are the reasons leading to the contract being considered invalid.
- Fourth, if the law provides for the form of a contract, this provision must be
followed. Usually it is a contract that must be made in writing or a contract document
must be notarized or authenticated. In this case, the form of the contract is a valid
condition, when the parties are signed. Follow the form prescribed by law. For a
commercial contract to be effective, it must be established in legally recognized forms.


3. The facility recognizes the commercial contract

Civil Code 2015


Commercial contract
Commercial Law 2005 and

Civil Code 2015
- Prioritize the application of
the provisions of the
Commercial Law
- In cases where the
Commercial Law does not
contain provisions or unclear
regulations, the provisions of


Subjects are individuals and

the Civil Code will apply
Traders engaged in

organizations (may or may not have commercial activities or other
legal status)

organizations and individuals
related to trade
As such, at least one of the
parties must be a trader or


Purpose of consumption, giving,

entities with merchant status
For profitability purposes

giving, charity

Form of

Speech, behavior, text. Most are

Speech, behavior, text.


more verbal through credibility,

There are legally binding

simple transactions, commonality

statutory contracts. Forms like

and low value

fax, telex and email are

- Loan agreement

considered documents
- Contract of goods purchase

- Moving contract

and sale

- Processing contract

- Agency contracts

- Authorization contract

- Representative contract

- Deposit contract

- Commercial advertising

- Contract of renting ...

service contract
- Contract of service


Depending on the type of contract,

There are some terms that the


the parties may agree on the

contract does not have:


- Terms of time and place of

- The object of the contract is the


property to be delivered, work to be - Terms of carriage of goods;
done or not to be done;

- Terms of insurance; ...

- Quantity Quality;
- Price, mode of payment;
- Duration, location, mode of
contract performance;
- Rights and obligations of the
- Responsibility for breach of
- Contract violations;

- Other contain
The court


- Court
- Arbitration


As agreed by the parties

The violating party must only
be punished if it is agreed on
the contract.
The 2005 Commercial Law
stipulates that the total
penalty for a commercial
contract must not exceed 8%
of the value of the violated
contractual obligation, except
for the case of a breach of an
assessment service contract.

Some typical types of contracts in commercial activities:
- Commodity trading contracts
- Service contract

Promotion service contract

Commercial advertising service contract

Service displaying goods and services contract

Representation for trader contract

Trust contract

Agency contracts

Processing contract

Goods auction service contract

Transit service contract

Franchise contract

And in fact there are many other types of commercial service contracts in
consulting, transportation, finance, post and telecommunications, tourism, education,
II. Legal risks arising from signing and performing a commercial contract
When drafting a contract, the subjects should pay attention to the risks in
entering into a goods sale and purchase contract, including:
Risk of the subject signing the contract
Risk of the formality of the contract
Risk of contract object
Risk of no provisions on the basic contents of the contract
Risk of price, payment methods
Risk of guarantee letter
Sanction risks apply in case the parties violate the contract
Risks related to provisions on force majeure events
Risk of dispute resolution
1. Risk of the subject signing the contract

- Partners without civil act capacity to perform the contract;
- The partner has no legal status;

- The representative of the partner is not authorized to sign the contract;
- The contracting party is beyond the scope of authorization;
- The subject does not have the qualifications and conditions to perform the
object of the contract
For example: a company with a large number of contracts with customers, the
Director did not have enough time to sign contracts with small customers, so the
manager voluntarily signed a number of contracts while the Director of the company
has not authorized the head of the department to sign the contracts under his authority.
When customers have disputes that need to be resolved, the company will not solve
them. In this case, there is a risk of the representative of the partner who is not
authorized to sign the contract.
2. Risk of the formality of the contract
Some common types of contractual risks are:
- The two parties establish a non-written contract with respect to contracts that
must be made in writing in accordance with the law.
- The contract is not notarized or authenticated at a notary office competent to
conduct notarization or authentication activities.
For example: Company A trades with Company B, A assigns a shipment to
Company B, the two parties do not have a business contract because the two parties do
long-term business so they trust each other. But by the time we provide goods to Party
B, Party A will not deliver them. In this situation, Party B cannot sue Party A because
there is no contract to authenticate.
3. Risks of contract object
The object of a commercial contract is goods and services.
Some risks may be encountered during contract performance:
- Disputes over goods that are not in the agreed subjects.
- Disputes over the quality of goods are incorrect, do not meet the standards for
implementation (restricted) or prohibited by law;
- Dispute unit calculation.

- When drafting a contract, the two parties do not specify and detail leading to
misunderstanding or due to a party taking advantage of a loophole to not perform its
For example: Company A in Vietnam sells to Company B in the US with a value
of USD 100,000, but when drafting the contract, the two parties did not notice the use
of the separator symbol between numbers. In the US, people use commas to separate
the numbers from thousands, millions, billions, billions, millions, and zillions, dots for
the fate. In Vietnam, it is mainly used to separate the numbers from thousands,
millions, billions, trillion, million billions and billions billions, commas for decimals.
Resulting in a dispute payment dispute.
4. Risk of no provisions on the basic contents of the contract
This is the type of risk that investors may face due to the lack of knowledge in
drafting the contract, which leads to the contract not being guaranteed as prescribed by
For example: A purchase and sale contract but no sale price; Contract of carriage
but does not specify the place of loading and unloading, shipping time.
5. Risk of price, payment methods
Some common types of contractual risks are
- Price risk when the market is volatile.
- Currency risk as a payment method.
- Disputes over the cost of loading, unloading, warehousing and transport.
- Risk of delivery method.
- Risks in contract guarantee by guarantee method.
- No specific provisions on rights and obligations of each party
For example: The situation of coffee farmers on the Vietnamese market is often
unstable and fluctuates depending on the world price of coffee and the weather. Every
year when the weather is good and the world market price of coffee drops, the price of
coffee in the country decreases, causing coffee farmers' losses. On the contrary, when

the weather is not good and the world market price of coffee increases, the domestic
price of coffee increases accordingly, making coffee exporters locked in buying coffee
from farmers. For example, at the beginning of the season, company A signs a 6-month
contract to buy Mr. X 20 tons of coffee at an agreed price of VND 15 million / ton. Mr.

X is called seller and company A is the buyer in the forward contract. After 6 months,
Mr. X must sell the company 20 tons of coffee at the agreed price of VND 15 million /
ton and company B must buy 20 tons of Mr. X's coffee at that price, even though the
coffee price in the market. How much after 6 months. With a known and fixed price
agreement, neither Mr. X nor Company A have to worry about coffee price fluctuations
in the market.
6. Risk of guarantee letter
- Forging guarantee certificates.
- The risk that the person signing the guarantee certificate is not beyond the
- Conditions of guarantee: The bank issues a letter of guarantee which requires
the beneficiary to prove the breach of the guaranteed, then the bank will pay.
- The risk of refusing to guarantee is still in the way of writing the guarantee
term, for example, the guarantee period is 360 days, leading to different interpretations
as normal days or working days.
- The guarantor may give reasons to refuse payment or late payment to the
guarantee accepting party. (The reasons for the original contract / PLHĐ are arbitrarily
For example: Northern Steel Import and Export Joint Stock Company ("Shaped
Steel Company" - Party A) and Van Phu Building Investment Joint Stock Company
("Van Phu Company" - Party B) sign a lease contract. To secure the contractual
payment obligation, Party A requires a bank's payment guarantee. A major commercial

joint stock bank in the North has issued a guarantee letter of irrevocable commitment
and affirmed its responsibility to pay up to the value of the guarantee letter
immediately after receiving the first written request attached to the application.
Preliminary evidence that Party B has breached or fails to properly and fully perform
payment obligations.
Receiving the guarantee, the Steel Company is assured of performing the
contract with Van Phu Company. After the time of contract performance, due date of
payment, Van Phu Company does not perform payment obligations. By the end of the
guarantee validity, the Steel Company shall send a written request to the bank to fulfill

the guarantee obligation. Within 7 months from the date the Steel Shaped Company
sends a written request for performance of the guarantee, the bank does not pay nor
7. Sanction risks apply in case the parties violate the contract
- According to the Commercial Law (Article 301), the right to agree on the level
of violation of the parties is limited, specifically: “The level of penalty for breach of
contractual obligations or the total level of fine for many violations due to the parties
agree in the contract but not exceeding 8% of the value of the contractual obligations
are violated ". Therefore, the parties when agreeing on a fine must base themselves on
the provisions of the Commercial Law to select a fine within 8% or less, if the parties
agree on a higher fine (for example, 12%). the excess (4%) is considered a violation of
the law and is invalid.
- Under the provisions of the Civil Code, if the payment is delayed, the parties
may agree on the fine but must not exceed 150% of the basic interest rate (Article
- The late payment interest rate based on the average overdue interest rate on the
market at the time of payment corresponds to the time of late payment.

For example: Company A has signed a goods purchase and sale contract with
Company B. A sells goods to B with a contract value of VND 10 billion, and agrees a
fine for violating the contractual obligation of 10% of the value of the obligation.
Contract is breached. In the contract, the payment term is divided into 3 times,
corresponding to three deliveries. The last delivery time, Company B made the
delivery as agreed in the Contract. A repeatedly sent request B still does not pay.
Therefore, A has the right to ask B to punish the contract and compensate for the
damage but due to the maximum penalty of 8%, the excess (2%) is considered a
violation of the law and is invalid.
8. Risks related to provisions on force majeure events
Concept: Force majeure event is an event that happens objectively and
unpredictably and cannot be overcome despite all necessary measures and allowances
(Article 161 of the Civil Code).

In addition to risks arising from subjective and controllable reasons of the above
parties, there are also unexpected and objective risks when facing a force majeure
situation. In the course of implementation, one of the parties may fall into a force
majeure situation or an objective obstacle leading to the failure to fulfill the
obligations specified in the contract, causing unexpected damage.
According to Clause 1, Article 161 of the 2005 Civil Code: A force majeure event
is an event that happens objectively and unforeseen and cannot be overcome despite
taking all necessary measures and possibilities for allowed.
Objective obstacles are obstacles caused by objective circumstances that make it
impossible for a person with civil rights and obligations to know that his / her lawful
rights and interests have been infringed upon or unable to perform his / her civil rights
or obligations.
Clause 2, Article 302 of the 2005 Civil Code: In cases where the obligor cannot
perform civil obligations due to force majeure events, they shall not be liable for civil

liability, except for agreed or provided by law. Ex: natural disasters, fires, changes in
legal policies, etc.
The risks mentioned above will result in the commercial contract being nullified
in whole or in part. When a dispute arises, the rights and benefits of business investors
are not guaranteed, causing great damage to the property, reputation, operations, etc. of
the business.
For example: Mr. X signs a contract with company A to supply 20 tons of coffee
in an agreed time. Mr. X is called the seller, company A is the buyer in the forward
contract. But the covid-19 epidemic happened during the delivery agreement of the
two sides, the transporter stopped operating, so Mr. X could not supply 20 tons of
coffee to Company A as agreed. But this is a force majeure event, so Mr. X does not
have to pay compensation for company A.
9. Risk of dispute resolution
Regarding the arbitration clause: in the contract, when there is this dispute, if the
parties do not resolve by way of negotiation, they will invent a lawsuit. The parties
may sue a court or arbitration, but in those two methods the award arbitration is used
more, because it has more advantages than a court measure such as simple procedures,
closed voting, saving the time.

- Because the contract is not required to have an arbitration clause, if there is no
clause in the contract, when the dispute does not select a solution.
- The arbitration clause may be stated in the contract or may be agreed to be
added to the contract by the two parties when a dispute arises. However, it will be very
complicated for both parties if the arbitration agreement is provided when a dispute
occurs because then the disagreement about rights will make it difficult for the parties
to choose the appropriate arbitration organization.
- Dispute over the arbitration selection.
The fact proves that there are many contracts during the signing, forgetting to

write the arbitration clause, the result is that when a dispute occurs, the violator of the
towel refuses to take the dispute to the arbitration agency, pretending The contract
does not provide for that. Therefore, a reasonable and strict arbitration clause helps the
parties resolve quickly against disputes arising.
III. Recommendations for Vietnamese enterprises
1. Risk of the subject signing the contract
- Check the Business Registration Certificate to see who the legal representative
- Requesting a power of attorney for employees when making transactions or
signers other than the legal representative.
- Check in the authorization letter whether the signer is within the scope of
authorization (authorization conditions, rights of the authorized person).
2. Risk of the formality of the contract
- Request to establish a contract in writing or in another form of equivalent legal
validity (telegraph, telex, fax, data message and other forms as prescribed by law)
- Find out if the contract to be signed requires notarization or authentication or
requires registration for the contract to be valid or not. If so, notarization and
registration authentication are required.
3. Risks of contract object
- When drafting, it is required to specify and detail the object of the contract, the
quality of goods, the quantity and weight. Technical norms, applicable standards,
calculation units to avoid disputes.
4. Risk of no provisions on the basic contents of the contract

- Need detailed, specific, flexible terms to suit each transaction.
5. Risk of price ,payment methods
- Need detailed, specific, flexible terms to suit each transaction. For example, if
the payment currency and the currency are different, the two parties need to specify the

exchange rate for these two currencies: the buying or selling rate, the time of
calculating the price (calculated at the time of contract signing or time of shipment),
6. Risk of guarantee letter
- Need to apply the same guarantee letter form with instructions. It is best not to
apply a conditional guarantee.
- Strictly comply with the terms signed in the contract (Especially the relevant
documents must be accurate, correct and in accordance with the time).
- Should not amend the contract, supplement PLH between the two sides when
the guarantee certificate has been obtained without the guarantor's consent. (In case the
two parties amend HD, prepare PLHD, must report / request the guarantor to repeat the
Guarantee in accordance with the amended content).
7. Sanction risks apply in case the parties violate the contract
- This is a regular provision. When negotiating a contract with a customer, it may
or may not be included in the contract as required by law. Sales staff should be flexible
when using this clause.
- According to D 41 ND 48/2010 / ND-CP dated May 7, 2010 particularly for
construction contracts, the maximum penalty is 12% of the violated contract value.
8. Risks related to provisions on force majeure events
- When drafting a contract, there must be a clear agreement on force majeure
- Force majeure may be caused by natural phenomena: Floods, floods, fires,
earthquakes, tsunamis.
- Force majeure may be caused by social phenomena: War, riot, coup, strike,
embargo, change of government
- It is possible to give the event itself: power outages, machine failures, etc.
supplies suppliers delay delivery is force majeure events to exempt liability.
9. Risk of dispute resolution

- Put the arbitration clause into a clause in the contract since the contract was
- If an arbitrator is selected, that is, the arbitrator operates regularly according to
a predetermined statute, he or she should always choose the arbitration rules of that
arbitration, not the organization of arbitration A and its arbitration rules. B, because
this will cause a lot of difficulties, even though there are many conflicts leading to no
arbitration organization having jurisdiction to hear.
- When selecting an organization, the referee must also specify the name of the
arbitration organization. Failure to specify the name of the statutory arbitration
organization may result in future disputes and sometimes refusal to accept the
From the above analysis, it can be seen that even a small error in drafting a
contract can seriously affect the rights and interests of the parties later, including but
not limited to the contract being nullified. Efficiency, time-consuming dispute
resolution, costly expenses on legal proceedings, discredit when the dispute is made
public, etc. You can draft and review the contract yourself, but don't leave the risks
involved in the contract binding you. The assistance of a qualified lawyer can help you
push back or minimize the risks and ensure legal safety for the contract in particular
and for the operation of the business in general.


Contracts are one of the most effective tools in carrying out actual business
activities. In the course of their existence and development, every business entity must
enter into many simple contractual relationships existing in the form of verbal
agreement to complex contracts with a high level of requirements for formality to
ensure legal security such as a written contract Through research and practice of

business activities, we can see the incidents and risks in the process of entering into a
business contract is inevitable.
The process of negotiating and signing contracts is a complicated process. From
the steps of market research, choosing partners, from the step of negotiating, agreeing
to signing and implementing contracts, it is always required to consider and consider
Therefore, in order to minimize the risks involved in entering into a contract,
with the expectation that some businesses will compete against the losses and risks and
perform the reversal contract and achieve the profit business purpose. , the seminar
focused on analyzing and offering limited solutions to help businesses detect, repair
and remedy timely the signing and implementation of business contracts.



Commercial Law 2005
Civil Code 2015
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