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Title Pages

University Press Scholarship Online

Oxford Scholarship Online
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling
Change and Event Occurrence
Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett

Print publication date: 2003
Print ISBN-13: 9780195152968
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2009
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195152968.001.0001

Title Pages




Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis



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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
Singer, Judith D.
Applied longitudinal data analysis : modeling
change and event
occurrence/by Judith D. Singer and John B.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-515296-4
1. Longitudinal methods. 2. Social sciences—
I. Willett, John B. II. Title.
H62 .S47755 2002
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University Press Scholarship Online

Oxford Scholarship Online
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling
Change and Event Occurrence
Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett

Print publication date: 2003
Print ISBN-13: 9780195152968
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2009
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195152968.001.0001



Time, occasion, chance and change.
To these all things are subject.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley
Questions about change and event occurrence lie at the heart of
much empirical research. In some studies, we ask how people
mature and develop; in others, we ask whether and when events
occur. In their two-week study of the effects of cocaine exposure on
neurodevelopment, Espy, Francis, and Riese (2000) gathered daily
data from 40 premature infants: 20 had been exposed to cocaine,
20 had not. Not only did the cocaine-exposed infants have slower
rates of growth, but the effect of exposure was greater the later the

infant was delivered. In his 23-year study of the effects of wives’
employment on marital dissolution, South (2001) tracked 3523
couples to examine whether and, if so, when they divorced. Not
only did the effect of wives’ employment become larger over time
(the risk differential was greater in the 1990s than in the 1970s), it
increased the longer a couple stayed married.

In this book, we use concrete examples and careful
explanation to demonstrate how research questions about
change and event occurrence can be addressed with
longitudinal data. In doing so, we reveal research
opportunities unavailable in the world of cross-sectional data.

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In fact, the work of Espy and colleagues was prompted, at
least in part, by the desire to improve upon an earlier crosssectional study. Brown, Bakeman, Coles, Sexson, and Demi
(1998) found that gestational age moderated the effects of
cocaine exposure. But with only one wave of data, they could
do little more than establish that babies born later had poorer

functioning. They could not describe infants’ rates of
development, nor establish whether change trajectories were
linear or nonlinear, nor determine whether gestational age
affected infants’ functioning at birth. With 14 waves of data,
on the other hand, Espy and colleagues could do this and

more. Even though their study was brief—covering just

the two weeks immediately after birth—they found that
growth trajectories were nonlinear and that the trajectories of
later-born babies began lower, had shallower slopes, and had
lower rates of acceleration.
South (2001), too, laments that many researchers fail to
capitalize on the richness of longitudinal data. Even among
those who do track individuals over time, “relatively few …
have attempted to ascertain whether the critical
socioeconomic and demographic determinants of divorce and
separation vary across the marital life course” (p. 230).
Researchers are too quick to assume that the effects of
predictors like wives’ employment remain constant over time.
Yet as South points out, why should they? The predictors of
divorce among newlyweds likely differ from those among
couples who have been married for years. And concerning
secular trends, South offers two cogent, but conflicting,
arguments about how the effects of wives’ employment might
change over time. First, he argues that the effects might
diminish, as more women enter the labor force and working
becomes normative. Next, he argues that the effects might
increase, as changing mores weaken the link between

marriage and parenthood. With rich longitudinal data on
thousands of couples in different generations who married in
different years, South carefully evaluates the evidence for, and
against, these competing theories in ways that cross-sectional
data do not allow.
Not all longitudinal studies will use the same statistical
methods—the method must be matched to the question.

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Because these two studies pose different types of research
questions, they demand different analytic approaches. The
first focuses on a continuous outcome—neurological
functioning—and asks how this attribute changes over time.
The second focuses on a specific event—divorce—and asks
about its occurrence and timing. Conceptually, we say that in
the first study, time is a predictor and our analyses assess how
a continuous outcome varies as a function of time and other
predictors. In the second study, time is an object of study in its
own right and we want to know whether, and when, events

occur and how their occurrence varies as a function of
predictors. Conceptually, then, time is an outcome.
Answering each type of research question requires a different
statistical approach. We address questions about change using
methods known variously as individual growth modeling
(Rogosa, Brandt, & Zimowski, 1982; Willett, 1988), multilevel
modeling (Goldstein, 1995), hierarchical linear modeling
(Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002), random coefficient regression
(Hedeker, Gibbons, & Flay, 1994), and mixed modeling
(Pinheiro & Bates, 2000). We address questions about event
occurrence using methods known variously as survival analysis
(Cox & Oakes, 1984), event history


analysis (Allison,

1984; Tuma & Hannan, 1984), failure time analysis (Kalbfleish
& Prentice, 1980), and hazard modeling (Yamaguchi, 1991).
Recent years have witnessed major advances in both types of
methods. Descriptions of these advances appear throughout
the technical literature and their strengths are well
documented. Statistical software is abundant, in the form of
dedicated packages and preprogrammed routines in the large
multipurpose statistical packages.
But despite these advances, application lags behind.
Inspection of substantive papers across many disciplines, from
psychology and education to criminology and public health,
suggests that—with exceptions, of course—these methods
have yet to be widely and wisely used. In a review of over 50

longitudinal studies published in American Psychological
Association journals in 1999, for example, we found that only
four used individual growth modeling (even though many
wanted to study change in a continuous outcome) and only one

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used survival analysis (even though many were interested in
event occurrence; Singer & Willett, 2001). Certainly, one
cause for this situation is that many popular applied statistics
books fail to describe these methods, creating the
misimpression that familiar techniques, such as regression
analysis, will suffice in these longitudinal applications.
Failure to use new methods is one problem; failure to use
them well is another. Without naming names, we find that
even when individual growth modeling and survival analysis
are used in appropriate contexts, they are too often
implemented by rote. These methods are complex, their
statistical models sophisticated, their assumptions subtle. The
default options in most computer packages do not

automatically generate the statistical models you need.
Thoughtful data analysis requires diligence. But make no
mistake; hard work has a payoff. If you learn how to analyze
longitudinal data well, your approach to empirical research
will be altered fundamentally. Not only will you frame your
research questions differently but you will also change the
kinds of effects that you can detect.
We are not the first to write on these topics. For each method
we describe, there are many excellent volumes well worth
reading and we urge you to consult these resources. Current
books on growth modeling tend to be somewhat technical,
assuming advanced knowledge of mathematical statistics (a
topic that itself depends on probability theory, calculus, and
linear algebra). That said, Raudenbush and Bryk (2002) and
Diggle, Liang, and Zeger (1994) are two classics we are proud
to recommend. Goldstein (1995) and Longford (1993) are
somewhat more technical but also extremely useful. Perhaps
because of its longer history, there are several accessible
books on survival analysis. Two that we



recommend are Hosmer and Lemeshow (1999) and Collett
(1994). For more technically oriented readers, the classic
Kalbfleisch and Prentice (1980) and the newer Therneau and
Grambsch (2000) extend the basic methods in important ways.
Our book is different from other books in several ways. To our
knowledge, no other book at this level presents growth

modeling and survival analysis within a single, coherent

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framework. More often, growth modeling is treated as a
special case of multilevel modeling (which it is), with repeated
measurements “grouped” within the individual. Our book
stresses the primacy of the sequential nature of the empirical
growth record, the repeated observations on an individual
over time. As we will show, this structure has far-reaching
ramifications for statistical models and their assumptions.
Time is not just “another” predictor; it has unique properties
that are key to our work. Many books on survival analysis, in
contrast, treat the method itself as an object of study in its
own right. Yet isolating one approach from all others conceals
important similarities among popular methods for the analysis
of longitudinal data, in everything from the use of a personperiod data set to ways of interpreting the effects of timevarying predictors. If you understand both growth modeling
and survival analysis, and their complementarities, you will be
able to apply both methods synergistically to different
research questions in the same study.

Our targeted readers are our professional colleagues (and
their students) who are comfortable with traditional statistical
methods but who have yet to fully exploit these longitudinal
approaches. We have written this book as a tutorial—a
structured conversation among colleagues. In its pages, we
address the questions that our colleagues and students ask us
when they come for data analytic advice. Because we have to
start somewhere, we assume that you are comfortable with
linear and logistic regression analysis, as well as with the
basic ideas of decent data analysis. We expect that you know
how to specify and compare statistical models, test
hypotheses, distinguish between main effects and interactions,
comprehend the notions of linear and nonlinear relationships,
and can use residuals and other diagnostics to examine your
assumptions. Many of you may also be comfortable with
multilevel modeling or structural equation modeling, although
we assume no familiarity with either. And although our
methodological colleagues are not our prime audience, we
hope they, too, will find much of interest.
Our orientation is data analytic, not theoretical. We explain
how to use growth modeling and survival analysis via careful
step-by-step analysis of real data. For each method, we

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emphasize five linked phases: identifying research questions,
postulating an appropriate model and understanding



assumptions, choosing a sound method of estimation,
interpreting results, and presenting your findings. We devote
considerable space—over 150 tables and figures—to
illustrating how to present your work not just in words but
also in displays. But ours is not a cookbook filled with
checklists and flowcharts. The craft of good data analysis
cannot be prepackaged into a rote sequence of steps. It
involves more than using statistical computer software to
generate reams of output. Thoughtful analysis can be difficult
and messy, raising delicate problems of model specification
and parameter interpretation. We confront these thorny issues
directly, offering concrete advice for sound decision making.
Our goal is to provide the short-term guidance you need to
quickly start using the methods in your own work, as well as
sufficient long-term advice to support your work once begun.
Many of the topics we discuss are rooted in complex statistical
arguments. When possible, we do not delve into technical
details. But if we believe that understanding these details will

improve the quality of your work, we offer straightforward
conceptual explanations that do not sacrifice intellectual rigor.
For example, we devote considerable space to issues of
estimation because we believe that you should not fit a
statistical model and interpret its results without
understanding intuitively what the model stipulates about the
underlying population and how sample data are used to
estimate parameters. But instead of showing you how to
maximize a likelihood function, we discuss heuristically what
maximum likelihood methods of estimation are, why they make
sense, and how the computer applies them. Similarly, we
devote considerable attention to explicating the assumptions
of our statistical models so that you can understand their
foundations and limitations. When deciding whether to include
(or exclude) a particular topic, we asked ourselves: Is this
something that empirical researchers need to know to be able
to conduct their analyses wisely? This led us to drop some
topics that are discussed routinely in other books (for
example, we do not spend time discussing what not to do with
longitudinal data) while we spend considerable time

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discussing some topics that other books downplay (such as
how to include and interpret the effects of time-varying
predictors in your analyses).
All the data sets analyzed in this book—and there are many—
are real data from real studies. To provide you with a library of
resources that you might emulate, we also refer to many other
published papers. Dozens of researchers have been
extraordinarily generous with their time, providing us with
data sets in psychology, education, sociology, political science,
criminology, medicine, and public health. Our years of
teaching convince us that it is easier to master technical
material when it is embedded in real-world applications. But
we hasten to add that the methods are


unaware of the

substance involved. Even if your discipline is not represented
in the examples in these pages, we hope you will still find
much of analytic value. For this reason, we have tried to
choose examples that require little disciplinary knowledge so
that readers from other fields can appreciate the subtlety of
the substantive arguments involved.
Like all methodologists writing in the computer age, we faced
a dilemma: how to balance the competing needs of illustrating
the use of statistical software with the inevitability that

specific advice about any particular computer package would
soon be out of date. A related concern that we shared was a
sense that the ability to program a statistical package does not
substitute for understanding what a statistical model is, how it
represents relationships among variables, how its parameters
are estimated, and how to interpret its results. Because we
have no vested interest in any particular statistical package,
we decided to use a variety of them throughout the book. But
instead of presenting unadulterated computer output for your
perusal, we have reformatted the results obtained from each
program to provide templates you can use when reporting
findings. Recognizing that empirical researchers must be able
to use software effectively, however, we have provided an
associated website that lists the data sets used in the book, as
well as a library of computer programs for analyzing them,
and selected additional materials of interest to the data

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The book is divided into two major parts: individual growth
modeling in the first half, survival analysis in the second.
Throughout each half, we stress the important connections
between the methods. Each half has its own introduction that:
(1) discusses when the method might be used; (2)
distinguishes among the different types of research questions
in that domain; and (3) identifies the major statistical features
of empirical studies that lend themselves to the specified
analyses. Both types of analyses require a sensible metric for
clocking time, but in growth modeling, you need multiple
waves of data and an outcome that changes systematically,
whereas in survival analysis, you must clearly identify the
beginning of time and the criteria used to assess event
occurrence. Subsequent chapters in each half of the book walk
you through the details of analysis. Each begins with a chapter
on data description and exploratory analysis, followed by a
detailed discussion of model specification, model fitting, and
parameter interpretation. Having introduced a basic model,
we then consider extensions. Because it is easier to
understand the path that winds through the book only after
important issues relevant for each half have been introduced,
we defer discussion of each half’s outline to its associated
introductory chapter.

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University Press Scholarship Online

Oxford Scholarship Online
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling
Change and Event Occurrence
Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett

Print publication date: 2003
Print ISBN-13: 9780195152968
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2009
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195152968.001.0001



We have spent the last eighteen years working closely
together in the most productive, mutually supportive, and
personally enjoyable collaboration of our professional lives.
We offer this book as testament to that collaboration.
We first met in January 1985. The previous academic year, we
had each applied for a single position as an Assistant Professor
of Quantitative Methods at the Harvard Graduate School of
Education (HGSE). When the chair of the search committee

announced that he was leaving Harvard for the University of
Chicago, the School discovered it had two vacancies to fill and
decided to hire us both. We had never met, and everyone told
us they expected us to compete. Instead, we began meeting
regularly for lunch—first for mutual support, then to
coordinate courses, and ultimately to link our scholarship.
Despite the popular image of the competitive lone scholar,
we’ve found that by working together, we’re more
imaginative, productive, and effective than either of us is
working apart. And perhaps more importantly, we have more
As junior academics, we had to weather the usual storms of
promotion and review. For this, we owe our sincere thanks to

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colleagues at Harvard and elsewhere who encouraged us to
pursue our own interests and scholarship above all else.
Initially, we were set on our path by our doctoral advisors:
Fred Mosteller and Dick Light at Harvard (for Judy), David

Rogosa and Ingram Olkin at Stanford (for John). Tony Bryk,
the chair of the Harvard search committee that hired us,
inadvertently laid the foundation for our collaboration by
bringing us together and then leaving us alone. Over our years
at Harvard, we benefited greatly from the active help and
gentle advice of colleagues. Dick Light and Dick


Murnane nurtured and guided us by unselfish example and
personal friendship. Catherine Snow and Susan Johnson led
the way by exploring the promotional pathway at HGSE, just
ahead of us. Two far-sighted HGSE Deans, Pat Graham and
Jerry Murphy, found ways to help an institution steeped in
tradition entertain the unusual—a pair of quantitative
methodologists working together.
We trace our planful collaboration to a conversation one warm
spring afternoon in April 1987, on a bench along the
Mississippi River in New Orleans. With youthful hubris, we
hatched the first of several “five-year” plans: together we
would become the “great communicators of statistical
methods,” bringing powerful new quantitative techniques to
empirical researchers throughout education and the social
sciences. A former B-movie actor had carried that banner into
the Oval Office, so why couldn’t a nice Jewish girl from
Brooklyn and an expatriate Yorkshire lad do the academic
equivalent? We decided right there to give it a shot.
Part of our strategy was to make our collaboration seamless.
We would never divulge who wrote what; if one of us was
invited to give a talk or contribute a paper, s/he would insist

that the other participate as well; we would never compete
with each other for any opportunity; and all our papers would
include the disclaimer: “The order of the authors has been
determined by randomization.”
The majority of our joint scholarly activity has focused on the
analytic issues and problems that arise when modeling change
and event occurrence. Like any intellectual endeavor, our
understanding of the field has grown more nuanced over time,

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largely as a consequence of interactions not only with one and
other but with others as well. This book draws together and
organizes our own thoughts in light of the many
understandings we have derived from the pioneering work of
others. Too numerous to count, the list includes: Paul Allison,
Mark Appelbaum, Carl Bereiter, Tony Bryk, Harris Cooper,
Dennis Cox, Lee Cronbach, Art Dempster, Brad Efron, Jan de
Leeuw, Harvey Goldstein, Larry Hedges, Dave Hoaglin, Fred
Lord, Jack Kalbfleisch, Nan Laird, Bob Linn, Jack McArdle, Bill

Meredith, Rupert Miller, Fred Mosteller, Bengt Muthen, John
Nesselroade, Ross Prentice, Steve Raudenbush, Dave
Rindskopf, David Rogosa, John Tisak, John Tukey, Nancy
Tuma, Jim Ware, Russ Wolfinger, and Marvin Zelen. To all of
these, and to the many others not listed here, we offer our
sincere thanks.
We would also like to thank the many people who contributed
directly to the genesis, production, and completion of the
book. Our first thanks go to the Spencer Foundation, which
under then-President Pat Graham, provided the major grant
that permitted us to buy back time from our teaching
schedules to begin assembling this manuscript. Anonymous

reviewers and board members at the Spencer

Foundation provided early feedback on our original proposal
and helped refine our notions of the book’s content, audience,
and organization. Other friends, particularly Steve
Raudenbush and Dave Rindskopf, read early drafts of the book
and gave us detailed comments. Our colleague Suzanne
Graham tested out earlier versions of the book in her class on
longitudinal data analysis at HGSE. Suzanne, and the cohorts
of students who took the class, provided helpful feedback on
everything from typos to conceptual errors to writing style.
We could not have written a book so reflective of our
pedagogic philosophy without access to many real longitudinal
data sets. To provide the data for this book, we surveyed the
research literature across a wide array of substantive domains
and contacted the authors of papers that caught our collective

eye. In this search, we were very ably assisted by our
colleague, Librarian John Collins, and his team at HGSE’s
Monroe C. Gutman Library.

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The empirical researchers that we contacted—often out of the
blue—were unfailingly generous and helpful with our requests
to use their data. Many of these scholars are themselves
pioneers in applying innovative analytic methods. We are
grateful for their time, their data, and their willingness to
allow us to capitalize on their work in this book. Specifically,
we would like to thank the following colleagues (in
alphabetical order), who made a direct contribution of data to
our work: Niall Bolger; Peg Burchinal; Russell Burton;
Deborah Capaldi and Lynn Crosby; Ned Cooney; Patrick
Curran and Laurie Chassin; Andreas Diekmann; Al Farrell;
Michael Foster; Beth Gamse; Elizabeth Ginexi; Suzanne
Graham; James Ha; Sharon Hall; Kris Henning; Margaret
Keiley; Dick Murnane and Kathy Boudett; Steve Raudenbush;

Susan Sorenson; Terry Tivnan; Andy Tomarken; Blair
Wheaton; Christopher Zorn. In the text and bibliography, we
provide citations to exemplary papers by these authors in
which the data were originally reported. These citations list
both the scholars who were responsible for providing us with
the data and also the names of their collaborating colleagues,
many of whom were also important in granting permission to
use the data. And, while we cannot list everyone here in the
brief space allowed for our acknowledgments, we recognize
them all explicitly in the text and bibliography in our citation
of their scholarship, and we thank them enormously for their
Of course, the data will always remain the intellectual
property of the original authors, but any mistakes in the
analyses reported here are ours alone. We must emphasize
that we used these data examples strictly for the illustration of
statistical methods. In many of our examples, we


modified the original data to suit our pedagogic purposes. We
may have selected specific variables from the original dataset
for re-analysis, perhaps combining several into a single
composite. We transformed variables as we saw fit. We
selected subgroups of individuals, or particular cohorts, from
the original sample for re-analysis. We also eliminated specific
waves of data and individual cases from our analyses, as
necessary. Consequently, any substantive results that we
present may not necessarily match those of the original

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published studies. The original researchers retain the rights to
the substantive findings of the studies from which our dataexamples were drawn and their results naturally take
precedence over ours. For this reason, if you are interested in
those findings explicitly, you must consult the original
empirical papers.
We decided early on that this book would describe the ideas
behind analyses, not the programming of statistical software.
Computer software for analyzing longitudinal data is now
ubiquitous. The major statistical packages include routines for
modeling change and event occurrence, and there are
dedicated software packages available as well. Software
packages differ not so much in their core purpose as in their
implementation; they generally fit the same statistical models
but offer different user interfaces, methods of estimation,
ancillary statistics, graphics and diagnostics. We therefore
decided not to feature any particular piece of software but to
employ a sampling of what was readily available at the time.
We thank the SAS Institute, Scientific Software International,

SPSS, and the STATA Corporation for their support, and we
appreciate the willingness of the authors and publishers of the
HLM, MLwiN, and LISREL software for providing us with upto-the minute versions.
Needless to say, software continues to change rapidly. Since
we began this book, all the packages we initially used have
been improved and revamped, and new software has been
written. This process of steady improvement is a great benefit
to empirical researchers and we fully expect it to continue
unabated. We suggest that researchers use whatever software
is most convenient at any given moment rather than
committing permanently to any single piece of software. While
analytic processes may differ with different software, findings
will probably not.
We would like to comment specifically on the help, feedback
and support that we have received from the Statistical
Training and Consulting Division (STCD) of the Academic
Technology Services at UCLA, under the directorship of
Michael Mitchell. The STCD has graciously written computer
programs to execute all the analyses featured in this book,

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using several major statistical packages (including HLM,
MLwiN, SAS, SPSS, SPLUS, and STATA), and they have
posted these programs along with selected output to a
dedicated website


( />
examples/alda/). This website is a terrific practical companion
to our book and we recommend it: access is free and open to
all. We would like to thank Michael and his dedicated team of
professionals for the foresight and productivity they have
displayed in making this service available to us and to the rest
of the scholarly community.
It goes without saying that we owe an immense debt to all
members of the production team at Oxford University Press.
We are particularly grateful to: Joan Bossert, Vice President
and Acquiring Editor; Lisa Stallings, Managing Editor; Kim
Robinson and Maura Roessner, Assistant Editors. There are
also many others who touched the book during its long journey
and we thank them as well for all the energy, care, and
enthusiasm they devoted to this effort.
Finally, we want to recognize our love for those who gave us
life and who provide us with a reason to live—our parents, our
families, and our partners.
P. S.: The order of the authors was determined by
randomization. (p.xvi)

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

University Press Scholarship Online

Oxford Scholarship Online
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling
Change and Event Occurrence
Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett

Print publication date: 2003
Print ISBN-13: 9780195152968
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2009
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195152968.001.0001

A Framework for Investigating
Change over Time
Judith D. Singer
John B. Willett


Abstract and Keywords

This chapter describes why longitudinal data are necessary for
studying change. Section 1.1 introduces three longitudinal
studies of change. Section 1.2 distinguishes between the two
types of issues these examples address: within-individual
change, how does each person change over time?
Interindividual differences in change, what predicts
differences among people in their changes? This distinction
provides an appealing heuristic for framing research questions
and underpins the statistical models we ultimately present.
Section 1.3 identifies three requisite methodological features
of any study of change: the availability of multiple waves of
data; a substantively meaningful metric for time; and an
outcome that changes systematically.

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

Keywords: change, longitudinal data, longitudinal studies, interindividual

Change is inevitable. Change is constant.
—Benjamin Disraeli

Change is pervasive in everyday life. Infants crawl and walk,
children learn to read and write, the elderly become frail and
forgetful. Beyond these natural changes, targeted
interventions can also cause change: cholesterol levels may
decline with new medication; test scores might rise after
coaching. By measuring and charting changes like these—both
naturalistic and experimentally induced—we uncover the
temporal nature of development.
The investigation of change has fascinated empirical
researchers for generations. Yet it is only since the 1980s,
when methodologists developed a class of appropriate
statistical models—known variously as individual growth
models, random coefficient models, multilevel models, mixed
models, and hierarchical linear models—that researchers have
been able to study change well. Until then, the technical
literature on the measurement of change was awash with
broken promises, erroneous half-truths, and name-calling. The
1960s and 1970s were especially rancorous, with most
methodologists offering little hope, insisting that researchers
should not even attempt to measure change because it could
not be done well (Bereiter, 1963; Linn & Slinde, 1977). For
instance, in their paper, “How should we measure change? Or
should we?,” Cronbach and Furby (1970) tried to end the
debate forever, advising researchers interested in the study of
change to “frame their questions in other ways.”
Today we know that it is possible to measure change, and to
do it well, if you have longitudinal data (Rogosa, Brandt, &
Zimowski, 1982; Willett, 1989). Cross-sectional data—so easy
to collect and so widely available—will not suffice. In this
chapter, we describe why longitudinal data are necessary for

studying change. We begin, in section 1.1, by introducing


longitudinal studies of change. In section 1.2, we

distinguish between the two types of question these examples

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

address, questions about: (1) within-individual change—How
does each person change over time?—and (2) interindividual
differences in change—What predicts differences among
people in their changes? This distinction provides an
appealing heuristic for framing research questions and
underpins the statistical models we ultimately present. We
conclude, in section 1.3, by identifying three requisite
methodological features of any study of change: the
availability of (1) multiple waves of data; (2) a substantively
meaningful metric for time; and (3) an outcome that changes

1.1 When Might You Study Change over Time?
Many studies lend themselves to the measurement of change.
The research design can be experimental or observational.
Data can be collected prospectively or retrospectively. Time
can be measured in a variety of units—months, years,
semesters, sessions, and so on. The data collection schedule
can be fixed (everyone has the same periodicity) or flexible
(each person has a unique schedule). Because the phrases
“growth models” and “growth curve analysis” have become
synonymous with the measurement of change, many people
assume that outcomes must “grow” or increase over time. Yet
the statistical models that we will specify care little about the
direction (or even the functional form) of change. They lend
themselves equally well to outcomes that decrease over time
(e.g., weight loss among dieters) or exhibit complex
trajectories (including plateaus and reversals), as we illustrate
in the following three examples.
1.1.1 Changes in Antisocial Behavior during Adolescence

Adolescence is a period of great experimentation when
youngsters try out new identities and explore new behaviors.
Although most teenagers remain psychologically healthy, some
experience difficulty and manifest antisocial behaviors,
including aggressive externalizing behaviors and depressive
internalizing behaviors. For decades, psychologists have
postulated a variety of theories about why some adolescents
develop problems and others do not, but lacking appropriate
statistical methods, these suppositions went untested. Recent

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

advances in statistical methods have allowed empirical
exploration of developmental trajectories and assessment of
their predictability based upon early childhood signs and

Coie, Terry, Lenox, Lochman, and Hyman (1995)

designed an ingenious study to investigate longitudinal
patterns by capitalizing on data gathered routinely by the
Durham, North Carolina, public schools. As part of a
systemwide screening program, every third grader completes
a battery of sociometric instruments designed to identify
classmates who are overly aggressive (who start fights, hit
children, or say mean things) or extremely rejected (who are
liked by few peers and disliked by many). To investigate the
link between these early assessments and later antisocial
behavioral trajectories, the researchers tracked a random
sample of 407 children, stratified by their third-grade peer
ratings. When they were in sixth, eighth, and tenth grade,

these children completed a battery of instruments, including
the Child Assessment Schedule (CAS), a semi-structured
interview that assesses levels of antisocial behavior.
Combining data sets allowed the researchers to examine these
children’s patterns of change between sixth and tenth grade
and the predictability of these patterns on the basis of the
earlier peer ratings.
Because of well-known gender differences in antisocial
behavior, the researchers conducted separate but parallel
analyses by gender. For simplicity here, we focus on boys.
Nonaggressive boys—regardless of their peer rejection ratings
—consistently displayed few antisocial behaviors between
sixth and tenth grades. For them, the researchers were unable
to reject the null hypothesis of no systematic change over
time. Aggressive nonrejected boys were indistinguishable from
this group with respect to patterns of externalizing behavior,
but their sixth-grade levels of internalizing behavior were
temporarily elevated (declining linearly to the nonaggressive
boys’ level by tenth grade). Boys who were both aggressive
and rejected in third grade followed a very different trajectory.
Although they were indistinguishable from the nonaggressive
boys in their sixth-grade levels of either outcome, over time
they experienced significant linear increases in both. The

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

researchers concluded that adolescent boys who will
ultimately manifest increasing levels of antisocial behavior can
be identified as early as third grade on the basis of peer
aggression and rejection ratings.
1.1.2 Individual Differences in Reading Trajectories

Some children learn to read more rapidly than others. Yet
despite decades of research, specialists still do not fully
understand why. Educators and pediatricians offer two major
competing theories for these interindividual differences: (1)
the lag hypothesis, which assumes that every child can become
a proficient reader—children differ only in the rate at which
they acquire skills; and (2) the deficit hypothesis, which


assumes that some children will never read well because they
lack a crucial skill. If the lag hypothesis were true, all children
would eventually become proficient; we need only follow them
for sufficient time to see their mastery. If the deficit
hypothesis were true, some children would never become
proficient no matter how long they were followed—they simply
lack the skills to do so.
Francis, Shaywitz, Stuebing, Shaywitz, and Fletcher (1996)
evaluated the evidence for and against these competing
hypotheses by following 363 six-year-olds until age 16. Each

year, children completed the Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Test Battery, a well-established measure of
reading ability; every other year, they also completed the
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). By
comparing third-grade reading scores to expectations based
upon concomitant WISC scores, the researchers identified
three distinct groups of children: 301 “normal readers”; 28
“discrepant readers,” whose reading scores were much
different than their WISC scores would suggest; and 34 “low
achievers,” whose reading scores, while not discrepant from
their WISC scores, were far below normal.
Drawing from a rich theoretical tradition that anticipates
complex trajectories of development, the researchers
examined the tenability of several alternative nonlinear
growth models. Based upon a combination of graphical
exploration and statistical testing, they selected a model in
which reading ability increases nonlinearly over time,

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

eventually reaching an asymptote—the maximum reading level
the child could be expected to attain (if testing continued
indefinitely). Examining the fitted trajectories, the researchers

found that the two groups of disabled readers were
indistinguishable statistically, but that both differed
significantly from the normal readers in their eventual
plateau. They estimated that the average child in the normal
group would attain a reading level 30 points higher than that
of the average child in either the discrepant or low-achieving
group (a large difference given the standard deviation of 12).
The researchers concluded that their data were more
consistent with the deficit hypothesis—that some children will
never attain mastery—than with the lag hypothesis.
1.1.3 Efficacy of Short-Term Anxiety-Provoking Psychotherapy

Many psychiatrists find that short-term anxiety-provoking
psychotherapy (STAPP) can ameliorate psychological distress.
A methodological strength of the associated literature is its
consistent use of a well-developed instrument: the Symptom
Check List (SCL-90), developed by


Derogatis (1994). A

methodological weakness is its reliance on two-wave designs:
one wave of data pretreatment and a second wave
posttreatment. Researchers conclude that the treatment is
effective when the decrease in SCL-90 scores among STAPP
patients is lower than the decrease among individuals in a
comparison group.
Svartberg, Seltzer, Stiles, and Khoo (1995) adopted a different
approach to studying STAPP’s efficacy. Instead of collecting

just two waves of data, the researchers examined “the course,
rate and correlates of symptom improvement as measured
with the SCL-90 during and after STAPP” (p. 242). A sample of
15 patients received approximately 20 weekly STAPP sessions.
During the study, each patient completed the SCL-90 up to
seven times: once or twice at referral (before therapy began),
once at mid-therapy, once at termination, and three times
after therapy ended (after 6, 12, and 24 months). Suspecting
that STAPP’s effectiveness would vary with the patients’
abilities to control their emotional and motivational impulses
(known as ego rigidity), two independent psychiatrists

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

reviewed the patients’ intake files and assigned ego rigidity
Plotting each patient’s SCL-90 data over time, the researchers
identified two distinct temporal patterns, one during
treatment and another after treatment. Between intake and
treatment termination (an average of 8.5 months later), most
patients experienced relatively steep linear declines in SCL-90
scores—an average decrease of 0.060 symptoms per month

(from an initial mean of 0.93). During the two years after
treatment, the rate of linear decline in symptoms was far
lower—only 0.005 per month—although still distinguishable
from 0. In addition to significant differences among individuals
in their rates of decline before and after treatment
termination, ego rigidity was associated with rates of symptom
decline during therapy (but not after). The researchers
concluded that: (1) STAPP can decrease symptoms of distress
during therapy; (2) gains achieved during STAPP therapy can
be maintained; but (3) major gains after STAPP therapy ends
are rare.

1.2 Distinguishing Between Two Types of
Questions about Change
From a substantive point of view, each of these studies poses a
unique set of research questions about its own specific
outcomes (antisocial behavior, reading levels, and SCL-90
scores) and its own specific predictors (peer ratings, disability
group, and ego rigidity ratings). From a statistical point of
view, however, each poses an identical pair of questions: (1)

How does the outcome change over time? and (2) Can

we predict differences in these changes? From this
perspective, Coie and colleagues (1995) are asking: (1) How
does each adolescent’s level of antisocial behavior change
from sixth through tenth grade?; and (2) Can we predict
differences in these changes according to third grade peer
ratings? Similarly, Francis and colleagues (1996) are asking:

(1) How does reading ability change between ages 6 and 16?;
and (2) Can we predict differences in these changes according
to the presence or absence of a reading disability?

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

These two kinds of question form the core of every study about
change. The first question is descriptive and asks us to
characterize each person’s pattern of change over time. Is
individual change linear? Nonlinear? Is it consistent over time
or does it fluctuate? The second question is relational and asks
us to examine the association between predictors and the
patterns of change. Do different types of people experience
different patterns of change? Which predictors are associated
with which patterns? In subsequent chapters, we use these
two questions to provide the conceptual foundation for our
analysis of change, leading naturally to the specification of a
pair of statistical models—one per question. To develop your
intuition about the questions and how they map onto
subsequent studies of change, here we simply emphasize their
sequential and hierarchical nature.
In the first stage of an analysis of change, known as level-1, we

ask about within-individual change over time. Here, we
characterize the individual pattern of change so that we can
describe each person’s individual growth trajectory—the way
his or her outcome values rise and fall over time. Does this
child’s reading skill grow rapidly, so that she begins to
understand complex text by fourth or fifth grade? Does
another child’s reading skill start out lower and grow more
slowly? The goal of a level-1 analysis is to describe the shape
of each person’s individual growth trajectory.
In the second stage of an analysis of change, known as level-2,
we ask about interindividual differences in change. Here, we
assess whether different people manifest different patterns of
within-individual change and ask what predicts these
differences. We ask whether it is possible to predict, on the
basis of third-grade peer ratings, which boys will remain
psychologically healthy during adolescence and which will
become increasingly antisocial? Can ego rigidity ratings
predict which patients will respond most rapidly to
psychotherapy? The goal of a level-2 analysis is to detect
heterogeneity in change across individuals and to determine
the relationship between predictors and the shape of each
person’s individual growth trajectory.

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A Framework for Investigating Change over Time

In subsequent chapters, we map these two research questions
onto a


pair of statistical models: (1) a level-1 model,

describing within-individual change over time; and (2) a
level-2 model, relating predictors to any interindividual
differences in change. Ultimately, we consider these two
models to be a “linked pair” and refer to them jointly as the
multilevel model for change. But for now, we ask only that you
learn to distinguish the two types of questions. Doing so helps
clarify why research studies of change must possess certain
methodological features, a topic to which we now turn.

1.3 Three Important Features of a Study of
Not every longitudinal study is amenable to the analysis of
change. The studies introduced in section 1.1 share three
methodological features that make them particularly well
suited to this task. They each have:
• Three or more waves of data
• An outcome whose values change systematically over time
• A sensible metric for clocking time
We comment on each of these features of research design below.
1.3.1 Multiple Waves of Data

To model change, you need longitudinal data that describe
how each person in the sample changes over time. We begin
with this apparent tautology because too many empirical
researchers seem willing to leap from cross-sectional data that
describe differences among individuals of different ages to
making generalizations about change over time. Many
developmental psychologists, for example, analyze crosssectional data sets composed of children of differing ages,
concluding that outcome differences between age groups—in
measures such as antisocial behavior—reflect real change over
time. Although change is a compelling explanation of this
situation—it might even be the true explanation—crosssectional data can never confirm this possibility because
equally valid competing explanations abound. Even in a
sample drawn from a single school, a random sample of older

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