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Date of teaching: Class Total Absent Ss
Period 37: UNIT 7: The mass media
Lesson 1: reading
I, Objectives:
1. Educational aim: Students should know the advantages and disadvantages of the
mass media and read and understand the information on T.V
2. Knowledge: Students will be able to read and understand about the mess media
2. Lexical items: Words related to about T.V
3. Skill: Reading
II. Preparation
- Teachers preparation: lesson plan, textbook, some real pictures and information they
often see on T.V, newspaper, internet
- Students preparation: Students book, notebook, pen,
III, Procedure:
1. check up the old lesson
2. New leson
Teacher's activities Students' activities
Warm- up (5 )
Ask Ss some questions
1. Do you like watching T.V?
2. What programme do you like the most?
3. How many hours do you watch TV a
day ?
4. Is it good for you to enrich your

Listen and give more ideas to help students
practise speaking well
Introduce the lesson
Pre- reading (7 )
Vocabulary pre teach
- Population and Development: Dân số và
phát triển.
- TV Series: Phim truyền hình dài tập.
- Folk songs: Dân ca nhạc cổ
- News headlines: Bản tin chính
- Weather Forecast: Dự báo thời tiết
- Quiz Show: Trò chơi truyền hình
- Portrait of life: Chân dung cuộc sống
- Documentary: Phim tài liệu
- Wildlife World: Thế giới thiên nhiên
hoang dã
- Around the World: Vòng quanh thế giới.
Ask Ss to read the new words after the
1. Yes, I do
2. I like the sports and
entertainment most. Because
It helps me relax.
3. about 2 hours
4. Yes, It is
Listen and take notes
Read aloud
Call on some Ss to read aloud.
Check their pronunciation

While - Reading:
Task 1: Matching ( 8')
Ask Ss to read three programme schedules
and do task 1: Match the words in A which
appear in the reading passage with their
definitions in B.
Call on some Ss to give correct answers.
Feedback and give correct answers.
Task 2: True or False ( 7')
Tell Ss to read the programmes carefully and
decide whether the statements are true (T)
or false ( F).
Correct the false information.
Ask Ss to explain their answers by giving
evidence in reading passage.
Check the answers in front of the class as a
Give correct answers
Task 3: Answering Questions ( 7')
Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer
the questions in the book basing on the
information in the reading passage.
Call on some pairs to ask and answer in
front of the class.
Feedback and give correct answers.
Post reading (8 )– ’
Have Ss to work in pairs
A: Which TV programme do you like
watching best?
B: I like watching __________________

A: Why?
B: Because______________________.
Go around the class and help if necessary.
Call on some pairs to practse
Work individually
Check the answers with a friend.
Give answers
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
Work in pairs
Give answers
1. T
2. T
3. F ( The Nature of Language is
the documentary programme at
15:15 on VTV 3)
4. T
5. F ( VTV 1 starts at 5:35 and the
last programme starts at 23:30)
Work in pairs
Give answers:
1. There are five films on
2. At 9:00 a.m, 12:00 at noon.
7:00 p.m. 11 p.m on VTV 1 and
7:00 p.m on VTV 3.
3. VTV 2
4. The Quiz Show
5. ( You should watch) VTV 1
6. The Football
Work in pairs

-Summary two news stories in groups.
4 Homework (1’)
- Learn by heard new words
- Prepare lesson 2- speaking

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