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Date of preparation: 30/12/09
Date of teaching : 5/1/10 Week: 1
Period 1: REVISION

I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to remember the old knowledge
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar: Tenses
- Vocabulary:
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Steps Teacher’s and sts’ activities Content
Warm up
- Ask sts some questions
- T. asks Ss to tell about the uses and
formation of each tense
- Ss work in groups
- T. collects the answer
* Chatting:
1. How are you?
2. What did you do in your last summer?
3. Do you usually review your lesson?
4. What tenses did you learn in English?

a. Simple present tense:
(+) S + V1(s/es) + O
(-) S + do/does + not + bare V
(?) Do/Does + S + bare V?
Yes, S + do/does
No, S + don’t /doesn’t
b. Simple past tense
(+) S + Ved / irregular verbs
(-) S + didn’t + bare V
(?) Did + S + bare V?
Yes, S + did
No, S + didn’t
c. Simple future:
(+) S + will /shall +Bare V
(-) S + will /shall not +Bare V
(?) Will /Shall+ S + bare V?
Yes, will / shall
T: asks Ss to tell about comparatives and
superlatives, adverbs and exclamations.
- Ss do as teacher’s requirement
- T. collects the answer . then ask ss
copy them in their notebook
- Students listen and copy them in their
- Teacher gives the exercises on the

board and asks students complete them.
- Students listen and copy them in their
- Teacher goes round the class and helps
students to do the exercises when it is
- Asking students to remind all the
No, S + will/shall + not
d. Simple future with “ be going to”:
(+) S + be + going to + inf.
(-) S + be + not + going to + inf.
(?) Be + S going to + inf.?
e. Comparative and superlative of long
+ be + more adj + than + S
S + be+ the most + adj
f. Adverbs of manner
S + V (tense) + ( very) + adv of manner
g. Exclamations:
What + (a /an) + adj + N/s / un. count!
Exercise: Give the correct form of the verbs in
1. She enjoys ( learn)………. English.
2. I am interested in ( listen)……… to music.
3. Don’t worry! We ( wait)……. for you.
4. Minh (not go)…. to school yesterday because he

( catch) ………….a cold .
5. How often you ( play ) ……….soccer?
6. When I (be)………. a child, I often (go)……….
7. At the moment Thoa (sit)…….. in Dr. Khoa’s
surgery. He (check)……….. her teeth.
8. My father (take) ……. me to the zoo tomorrow.
9. Mr. Nam always (go)….. to work by bus.
10. You (find)……. my book yesterday?
11. You (stay) …… at home tonight ?
12. He(buy) ………this pen last month.
- Learn structures by heart and re- practice the exercise again
- Prepare the lesson: “Getting started” + “ Listen and read” + LF1
Date of preparation: 30/8/10
Date of teaching : 5/9/10 Week: 1
Period 2 – Lesson 1: G.S + Listen and read + LF1

I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to know more about Hoa-Lan -Nien and review simple present
and simple past tense.
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar: Present simple to talk about general truths (review)
Simple past tense (review)
What ( a/an) + adj. + noun ! (review)
S + be( not ) + adj. + enough + to V( inf. )......
- Vocabulary:

III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Steps Teacher’s and sts’ activities Content
Warm up
Pre –reading
- Guide Ss how to play the game.
- Ss match words
- T asks sts some questions about
their activities after school.
- T shows the pictures (a, b, c and
d) for sts to observe and ask them
to discribe the pictures
- T does the model of picture (a)
and then sts work in pairs.
- Ss look at the pictures . T asks ss
some questions before describing
these groups of friends and their
favorite activities

- T shows Sts the photo of Hoa and
Nien and then asks Sts some
T. shows pictures(Hoa, Lan, photo
of Hoa and Nien) and elicit

questions & answer from ss .
- T introduces the brief content of
the conversation.
- T explains vocabulary (A person
who lives next to your house).
- T reads vocab. → Sts repeat
(Chorus and individual).
* Checking vocab. :Rub out and
* Pelmanism.
I. Getting started:
What do you often do after
Who do you often play it
with ?

a): What are these boys doing?
They are playing soccer
* Answer key :
a) The boys are playing
soccer .
b) The girls are studying.
c) The boys are playing
chess . .
d) The girls are playing
II. Listen and read:
Who is this? It’s Hoa.
Who is this? It’s Lan.
What are they talking about? They
are talking about Hoa’s

meet come live think send thoug
receive met lived received came sent
While reading
Post reading
- Sts listen to the tape once.
- Sts listen and read after the T
- Sts practice the conversation in
pairs. One or two pairs do it in
front of the class.
- Pair work - students ask &
answer questions (p. 11)
- T monitors take notes and give
the correct answers.
- T asks to look at the Hoa’s
picture and answer some questions
about Hoa and Nien.
- T guides Sts how to change a
statement into an exclamation
- Elicits form from ss
- Elicits use from ss: To express
someone has enough ability to do
-Ask some ss to practice in front of
the class.
- T monitors takes notes & correct
T: asks Ss to pick out a sentence

from the text with simple past
- Ask ss to use the simple present
and simple past tense to complete
the paragraph on the board.
- Next-door neighbor: (n)
1. Practice the dialogue with a
2. Answer the following questions:
a) She lives in Hue.
b) No. Lan doesn’t know her .
c) “She wasn’t old enough to be in
my class”.
d) She is going to visit Hoa at
- Who are they in the picture?-
Hoa and Nien.
- Is Nien beautiful?
- Was she Hoa’s classmate or
next- door neighbor in Hue?
- How is her smile? – Her smile is
- How do you write it into
- What a lovely smile !
What + a/an + N!
- Was Nien in Hoa’s class ? Why?
No, she wasn’t. Because She
wasn’t old enough to be in Hoa’s

(not) + adj + enough + to-inf
Complete the sentences
1. Nga/not/old /enough/ go to
2. They/clever/ enough
/answer that question.
3. Mai /tall/ enough /reach the
4. She / not /strong / enough/
carry this box
III. Language notes:
* Review :
* The past simple tense
Ex: I received a letter from my
friend , Nien today
Form : S + Ved/ V
( be =
was / were )
Gap-filling: (live-sent-be-come)
"Hoa (1) in Hue last year, but
now she (2) in Hanoi.
Yesterday, Hoa's friend Nien (3)
Hoa a letter. Nien (4) Hoa's
friend neighbor when Hoa lived in
Hue. She (5) yourger than Hoa.
She (6) to Hanoi in December
- Learn structures by heart.

- Ask students to do exercise 1(a) ; 1(b) (page 16) on their notebooks.
- Prepare for speaking and LF2
Date of preparation: 30/810
Date of teaching : /9/10 Week:
Period 3 – Lesson 2: Speaking + LF2

I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to practice in describing someone and review simple present
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar: Present simple to talk about general truths (review)
S + have / has + Adjective + hair
S + be + Adjective
- Vocabulary:
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Steps Teacher’s and sts’ activities Content
Warm up
Pre- speaking
Post speaking
- T. asks Ss to think about the adjectives
used to describe body build and hair .

- T. divides the class into 2 groups . One
group writes vocabulary about “ body
build ” . other one writes words about “
hair ” .
-T shows Ss a picture of Mary and ask
them to describe her hair, her body
- Ss describe Mary
- T explains the structure.
- Ss listen and copy
- T. shows 3 or 4 pictures of famous
people. Some pairs of Ss practice the
dialogue with these pictures.
OR: T. asks Ss to show the photos they
brought to class (homework of lesson 1)
- Ss practice describing people in the
- T. calls one student to describe another
student in class; other Ss guess who that
person is.
* Brainstorming:
* Vocabulary :
- Curly (adj ) :
- Blond ( adj ) : = fair
- Bald ( adj ) : ( picture )
- Slim ( adj ) :
- Straight (adj ) : ( realia )
- overweight : ( adj ) ( realia )
Ex: - She has long blond hair.
- She is short and thin.

----> Form:
* Practice:
1. Word one drill:
a. He / tall / thin.
b. She / short / shin.
c. He / short / fat.
d. long / black.
e. curly / blond.
f. straight / brown.
2. Practice speaking:
: This person is short and thin. She has long
blond hair.
: Is this Mary?
: Yes.
Example: This person is very short and fat. She
has short black hair. She is a teacher. She
teaches English. Who is she?
 She is Bich Thuan
Body build
S + have / has + adjectives + hair
S + be + adjectives
-T monitors, takes notes and corrects

- Ss work individually to give correct
forms of verbs, and then share answer
with partners.
- Teacher collects, corrects mistakes and
gives keys.
LF 2 : Revision of Present Simple tense
Answer keys:
1- sets 2-moves 3-goes
4- is 5-is 6-moves
- Learn structures by heart.
- Practicing describe everyone around you.
- Prepare for Listening and LF4
Date of preparation: 30/8/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Period 4 – Lesson 3: Listening + LF4

I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to complete the dialogue by listening and write some sentences
using the structure” Be (not) + adj + enough + to-infinitive”
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar: “ Be (not) + adj + enough + to-infinitive”
- Vocabulary:
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance

2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up
- Ask Ss to find out the adjectives that they
begin with the letters that the teacher gives.
- Divide the class into 2 groups.
- Give four letters at the same time, Ss are to
find out four nouns beginning with the four
letters given (t- whole class)
- Teacher introduces the content that they are
going to study today.
- T. reviews the expressions for greetings-
explaining when to use them.
- Ss read these expressions (p. 12)
- Ss read the 4 conversations (pp. 12-13) and
try to guess and complete four dialogues,
* Categories:
T: a b c d
S: awful big clever dirty
I. Listen:
Listen and complete the conversations. Use
the expressions in the box:
1, how do you do
2, nice to meet you
3, come and meet

using the given expressions.
- T. asks Ss to get ready to listen to the tape
and check if their answers(words in the
blanks) are correct.
- Ss listen to the tape (all 4 conversations).
- Ss listen again with a pause after each
- Ask ss to work in pairs to compare with their
- T gives the correct answer.
- Call on some ss to play the roles of Nam-
Hoa - Thu, Khai -Mrs. Lien, Mrs. Vi, Ba,
grandmother, Mr. LAm- Mrs. Linh, Mr. Thanh
and practice the dialogues
- Ss work in groups of 3 or 4 and practice
introducing to people.
- T monitors takes notes and correct their
pronunciation and grammar mistakes
- T sets the scene to draw the structure:
be (not)+ adj + enough + to-infinitive.
Teacher is to ask students to hang the picture
on the board. How do I say and how do you

answer? Complete the exchange.
- T models two cues, the whole class repeats,
then ask some ss to repeat individually.
- Make sure ss remember the exchange, then
ask a new ss/ give a new cue.
4, Its pleasure to meet you
5,come and meet
6, nice to meet you
1, Id like to meet you
2, nice to meet you
3, Id like to meet you
4, Its pleasure to meet you
5,come and meet
6, how do you do
II. Language focus 4:

Can you
over there?
No I

over there.
* Answer:
T: Can you hang this picture over there?
S: No, I am not tall enough to hang the picture
over there.
Be (not)+ adj + enough + to-inf.
Meaning: Chửa/ khoõng ủuỷ..ủeồ laứm gỡ
Word Cue Drill
Model sentences
a. read English books / good
Can you read English book?
Yes. My English is good enough to read
English books.
- T lets all ss works in pairs, one ask, the other
- Ask ss to do exercise 4 on page 17 in pairs.
- Teacher collects, corrects mistakes and gives
b. drive a car / x old
Can you drive a car ?
No, I’m not old enough to drive a car
c, carry this bag / strong
d, solve this problem / x clever
Answer keys:
a, not big enough
b, not old enough

c, not strong enough
d, good enough
- Learn structures and expressions by heart.
- Prepare for Listening and LF4
Date of preparation: 30/8/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Period 5 – Lesson 4: Read
I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to know more about Ba’s friends.
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar:
- Vocabulary: Character, sociable, generous, reserved,
Outgoing, volunteer, orphanage, joke
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up
Pre –
- Have ps write adjectives about characters of
a person. ( 2 groups)
- Elicits vocabularies from ss

* Brainstorming:
* New words:
- A character (situation ) ,
- An orphanage ( Vietnamese )(a place where
children without parents live )
- A sense of humor ( example
- Sociable (adj) ( translation )
- (to) tell jokes ( explanation ) ( tell a story
- Checks understanding of new words “ rub
out and remember” .
-Asks the students to look at the picture and
answer the questions:
-T says: “Let’s read the text to know more
about his friends”
- Gives T/F statements prediction.
- Gets the Ss work in pairs to guess which are
true, which are false.
- Ss try to guess
- Gets feedback.
- Asks them to practice reading the text.
-Let them check their prediction.
- Gives the keys
- Asks the Ss to read the text again & make
the right choice.

- Gets some to give their ideas
- Gives correction
- Has them play “lucky number” to answer
comprehension questions (Exercise 2).
-Gives feedback.
which makes people laugh )
- reserved (adj) ( mime )
1.What is Ba talking?
2. How many friends does Ba have?
3. Do they have the same or different
a. Ba only has 3 friends: Bao, Song, Khai.
b. Ba and his friends have the same
c. Bao, Song, Khai are quiet reserved in
d.They all enjoy school and study hard.
a.F, b.F, c.F, d.T.
I. Choose the best answer and write it:
Keys: a. A, b. C, c. B, d. D
II. Now answer the questions:
a. He feels lucky having a lot of friends.
b. Bao is the most sociable.
c. Khai likes reading.
d. His jokes sometimes annoy his
e. Bao spends his free time at the
local library.

- Learn vocabularies by heart.
- Repractice this lesson.
- Prepare lesson: Write and LF3
Date of preparation: 30/8/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Period 6 – Lesson 5: Write + LF3
I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to know more about Ba’s friends.
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar:
- Vocabulary:
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up
Pre – writing
While writing
- Ask ss to look at the picture on
page 17 quickly. Then let them
keep their books closed.
- Divide the class into four groups.

- Give ss two questions, the group
which answers correctly the fastest
wins the game.
T . asks Ss to look at the
information about Tam and read
silent .And then answer some

- T: gives Ss the forms and asks Ss
to fill in the information about the
* LF3/17. Look at the picture. Ask
and answer the questions:
1. How many people are there in
the picture?
- Four.
2. What is each person wearing?
- The woman is wearing a red
shirt and a green skirt.
- The man who is standing
beside the car is wearing brown
trousers and a yellow shirt.
- The man who is standing on
the pavement is wearing a pink
shirt and blue trousers.
- The boy is wearing blue short
and a white shirt.
I. Read the information about Tam:
1.What is his name ? - Le Van
2. How old is he ? - 14

3. Where does he live? - He lives
at 26 Tran Phu Street, Hanoi .
4. Who does he live with ? - He
lives with his mother, father and an
elder brother .
5. What does he look like ? . He
is tall and thin .He has short black
6. What is he like ?- He is
sociable , humorous and helpful.
Post writing
friends sitting next to you.
T: Like Tam’s teacher , I also want
you to fill in this form but with the
information sitting next to you .
You can use questions in exercise
2 P15 to ask. Notice to change his /
her into your.
*Ex: What is your name ?
- T asks Ss to swap their forms to
check the information together
-T asks Ss to use the information
checked to write a passage similar
to the passage in Exercise 1
“ Correction”
- T asks Ss to swap their writing
and correct mistakes for each
- T may collect some writings to

mark or asks - Ss to read their
writing in front of the class.
7. Who are his friends ? - Ba and
Bao .
II. Fill in a similar form for your
partner. Use the following
questions as prompts:
Name: Nguyen Van A Age : 14
Appearance: tall , slim , long straight hair
Characters: kind , humorous , hard- working
Address: Viet Quang Hamlet , Loc Ninh town
Family: mother , father , younger brother
Friends: Ha , Hong, Cong
III. Now write a paragraph about
your partner.
His name is Nguyen Van A and he
is 14 years old............
- Write a paragraph about one of your family members.
- Prepare unit two- part: G.S + Listen and read.
Date of preparation: 30/8/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Period 7 – Lesson 1: G.S + Listen and read
I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements.
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar: S + be + going to + V( inf. ) + ….

- Vocabulary: a bit far , to hold on , a fax machine, …
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, cassette, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up
- T asks sts to match each object
I. Getting stared:
Match each object with its name:
Pre – reading
While - reading
( pictures on page 18) with its
- Ss work in groups
- T calls sts to go to the board to
- T reads vocab.
- Sts repeat ( chorus and individual
- T gives the definitions of these
objects on a poster and ask sts to
match the object with its
Set the scene : T asks Ss
some questions

T : How many girls are there
in the pictures ?
Ss : two girls
T: Who are they ?
Ss : Hoa and Nga
T : What would Hoa say
when she picks up the phone
to answer it ?
Ss : say “ 3874236 ”
T: What would Nga say when
she is a caller ?
Ss : she says “ can I speak to
Hoa , please ? ”
Today we learn about the
way to receive and answer on
the phone and give an
intention .
- Teacher gives some new
words on the board.
a. an answering machine
b. a mobile phone
c. a fax machine
d. a telephone directory
e. a public telephone
f. an address book
1. to send fax
2. to find someone’s
telephone number

3. to write address and
telephone numbers
4. to make a phone call in a
street telephone box .
5. to leave and take
messages .
6. to make phone call anywhere
you like .
a-5 b-6 c-1 d-2 e-4 f-3
II. Listen and read:
New words:
a bit far : ( Vietnamese )
hơi xa
to hold on : ( picture ) giữ maùy
Post - reading

- T. asks ss to open the books
and listen to the tape and
check pronunciation .
- Ss practice the dialogue in
- Ss read the dialogue a loudly
- T checks pronunciation .
- T. sets the situation to draw the

5. Read and do exercises :
- T. asks Ss to read the text

silently , then answer the
questions .
- Ss work individually, then
share their answers with their
- T. corrects them
1. Practice the dialogue with a
T:Hoa and Nga talks about
film . they want to see . Ok !
Which movies are they going
to see ?
Ss : they are going to see the
movie Dream city ?
Form :
S + be + going to + V( inf ) + ….
Usage : Express the intentions in
the future .
2. Read the dialogue again.
Decide who did and said each
of the following things. Then
ask a partner these questions
to check your answers:
Answer keys :
a. Nga made the call.
b. Nga introduced herself.
c. Nga invited Hoa to the
d. Nga arranged a meeting

e. Hoa arranged the times.
f. Nga agreed to the time.
- Learn the structure and vocabularies by heart.
- Re-practice this lesson again.
- Prepare unit two- Lesson : Speak + LF1,2.
Date of preparation: /9/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Period 8 – Lesson 2: Speak + LF1,2
I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson SS will be able to talk on the phone about intensions with “going to”.
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar: Be + going to + inf.
- Vocabulary:
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up
Pre –
- Asks ss answer some questions .

- T introduces the content this lesson that they
are going to study today.
- T introduces the dialogue and then ask ss to
correct order to make a complete conversation.
- Ss do as requirement.
- T gives answer
- Ask some question to check Ss’ understanding
and focus on the structure.
- Listen and answer the questions.
- Hi ! How are you?
- What is the weather like today? - hot.
- When It’s hot. What are you going to
do if your house is near swimming
pool? – go swimming.
- Who do you go swimming with? –
alone or with your friends? – my
- If your friends ‘ house is big far and
your house has a telephone in the
house. What are you going to do? –
Call to my friends.
- What would you say if you are the
- What would you say when you pick up
the phone to answer it?
1. Put the sentences below in the correct order
to make a complete conversation:
Answer :

1b, 2f , 3j , 4a, 5i, 6c, 7e , 8k ,9g , 10h
- Are they talking on the phone?
- What do they intend to do?
- What time are they meeting? Where?
While –
Post –
-T models two cues then ask Ss to repeat
chorally  individually.
- Ss do as requirement.
- T asks ss to practice asking and answering in
pairs ( whole class)
- T calls some pairs to demonstrate before the
class. ( Let ss speak freely)
- Do exercise language focus 1 on phage 25.
- T gives situation and ask ss to answer it.
- Ss answer.
- T asks Ss to do exercise in pairs.
- Calls on some ss to give answer on the board.
- T corrects .
- Ask ss to do the exercise 2 on page 20.
- Ss work in groups , they complete the dialogue
( practice open )
- T . calls Ss to play role again in pairs
- What form of the verbs do you use to talk
about intent?

Form: S + be + going to + infinitive.
Use: Express an intension or plan
Word cue drill.
Model sentences:
- Are you going to see a movie?
- Yes, I am / no, I’m not.
a. See a movie.
b. Play sport.
c. Meet your friends.
d. Help your mother.
e. Do your homework.
f. Watch TV.
T: Nga has a movie ticket. What is she going to
S: She going to see a movie.
a. They are going fishing.
b. She’s going to read a new novel.
c. She’s going to do her homework.
d. He’s going to watch an action movie on
TV tonight.
e. She’s going to give him a birthday
2. Complete the dialogue. Ba and Bao are
making arrangements to play chess. Practice
the dialogue with a partner. Then make similar
- Write five things that they intend to do next week.

- Do exercise 1,2 on page 25 in your student’s book into your notebooks.
- Prepare unit two- Lesson : Listen + LF3
Date of preparation: /9/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Period 9 – Lesson 3: Listen + LF3
I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to complete telephone message by listening and further practice in
adverbs of place
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar:
- Vocabulary:
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up
Pre –listening
While – listening
- Ask ss to look at the picture and
guess. Then answer some teacher’s
T: Set the scene: “Ba is playing
hide and seek with his cousin, Mr.

Tuan. Use the adverbs of place to
complete the speech bubbles”
- Ss listen
- T asks ss to give meaning of the
adverbs of place in the box. And
then ask to do it.
- Ss do as requirements.
- Correcting.
- T ask Ss to look at the form of the
telephone message on page 21 and
set the scene “ a woman phoned the
principal of Kingston junior high
school, but he was out”
- T has Ss guess the message.
- Ss work in pair.
- T gives feedback.
- Ss do the task
- T asks Ss to listen to the tape to
fill the information
LF3. Complete the speech bubbles.
Use each adverb in the box once:
- Who is he?
- What is he doing ?
- Who does he play hide
and seek with?
a. Where is Tuan? I
think he is upstairs
b. No, he isn’t here
c. He isn’t downstairs

and he isn’t upstairs
d. Perhaps he’s outside
e. No, he isn’t there
f. I’m not outside. I’m
inside, Ba.
Listen to the telephone
conversation. Fill in the missing
FOR:__________THE PRINCIPAL__________
TELEPHONE NUMBER:_________________
Post - listening
Ss: compare the information they
have just got.
- T asks Ss to listen to the tape the
second or third times to correct the
information for themselves
T: gives feedback
- Ask ss to answer some questions
about the information that they
have just hear.
- Ss answer .
DATE: Tuesday TIME: 9.45
FOR: The Principal

MESSEGE: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to
see you at 9.45 on Tuesday morning.
a. Who called the principal ?
b. When will the principal and the
woman meet ? what time ?
c. What is the woman’s telephone
number ?
d. Who received the information of
the woman ?
a. the woman called the principal
b. they will meet at 9.45 on
Tuesday morning
c. her telephone number is
d. the secretary received the
information of the woman .
Tape transcript:
Secretary: Kingston Junior High School. Good
Woman: Good afternoon. Could I talk to
principal, please?
Secretary: I’m afraid. Mr. Kelvin is out at the
moment. Would you like to leave a
Woman: Um, no. But I’d like to make an
appointment to see him.
Secretary: I think he will available on Tuesday.

Woman: Tuesday’s OK. Can I see him in the
Secretary: Sure, you can. What time would you
like to come?
Woman: Is 10.30 OK?
Secretary: I’m sorry. The principal will have a
school visit at 10.30 What about 9.45?
Woman: 9.45? Let’s me see. Yes, it’s alright.
Secretary: What’s your name, please?
Woman: My name’s Mary Nguyen
Secretary: Is that N-G-U-Y-E-N?
Woman: Yes, that’s right. Mrs. Nguyen.
Secretary: And your address, please?
Woman: Number 23, 51
Street, My telephone
number is 64683720942.
Secretary: Thank you, Mrs. Nguyen.
Women Thank you very much. Good bye.
Secretary: Goodbye.
- Learn the adverbs of place by heart..
- Prepare unit 2 ( cont.)- Lesson : Read
Date of preparation: /9/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Period 10 – Lesson 4: Read
I. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know more about Alexander Graham Bell.
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar:
- Vocabulary:
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up
- Ask ss to answer the question ( 2
- T gives instructions
Possible answers :
- to have a message
- to make
- to talk to a person who lives
What is the telephone used
Pre – reading
While - reading
- T uses the picture in the text book
and asks Ss some questions about
Alexander Graham Bell . Then

teacher introduce:
“Today we learn about the
invention of Alexander Graham
T uses the steps of teaching
* Checking vocabulary : What and
- T uses statements on page 22.
- T hangs the poster of T/F
statements on the board and ask Ss
to work in pairs an d guess which
statements are true and which are
T: collects Ss’ guessing

- Ss read the text on page 22 and
check their prediction.
- T has Ss correct false statements.

far from.
- to call some one
- to get the information at the
airport or railway station
Who is this ? ( Alexander
Graham Bell )
Where is he from ? ( from
Scotland )
What did he invent ?

( telephone )
- (to) emigrate ( translation ) a
person goes to another country to
live : di cư ,xuất cảnh
- (to) transmit ( example) truyền
phaùt tín hiệu
Post reading
- Ss do the exercise in Read 2 P. 22
. Ss read the events of Bell’s life
and put then in the correct orders
then compare with their partners.
* Write it up
- Ss use their own words to write
about Alexander Graham Bell
- (to) conduct (Vietnames) thực
hiện , tiến hành
- (to) demonstrate ( explanation )
biểu diễn
- a device ( example ) dụng cụ
maùy moùc
- a deaf - mute (n) ( explanation )
vừa caâm vừa ñiếc
1. T /F statements prediction
Guess Answer Statements
a) Alexander
Graham Bell
was born in
the USA.

b) He worked
with deaf-
mute patients
in a hospital in
c) Thomas
Watson was
d) Bell and
introduced the
telephone in
e) Bell
with ways of
between deaf-
mutes over a
long distance
f) Bell
his invention
at a lot of
Guess Answer Correction
2. Put the events in the correct

Answer key:
1.d , 2.e , 3.a , 4.g , 5.c , 6.b , 7.f
Alexander Graham Bell was born
on March 3
, 1847 in Scotland.
He went to live in Canada and then
to the USA in 1870s He worked
with deaf-mutes at Boston
University and did experiments
with ways of transmitting speech
over a long distance. In 1876 he
and his assistant- Thomas Watson
introduced the telephone
successfully and in 1877 the first
telephone was in commercial use .
- Read the text and do the exercises again
- Prepare for : Unit 2: (cont.) – Lesson: Write
Date of preparation: /9/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:

a) Alexander Graham Bell was born
in Edinburgh in Scotland
b) He worked with deaf-mute
patients at Boston University.
c) Thomas Watson was Bell’s
d) Bell and Watson introduced the
telephone in 1876.
e) Bell experimented with ways of
transmitting speech over a long
f) Bell demonstrated his invention at
a lot of exhibitions
Period 11 – Lesson 5: Write
I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write a telephone message.
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar:
- Vocabulary: delivery, stationery, pick someone up....
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up

Pre –
While –
- T asks sts some questions
- Ss answer
- T explains (A person who comes to buy
something at a shop)(Translation)
Ex: papers, pens, rulers, envelopes )
- T reads new vocab.
- Ss repeat ( chorus and individual)
- T checks vocab.
(rub out and remember)
- T asks sts to read the message and fill in the
gaps in the passage.
- Sts work in groups
- T calls some sts from groups to give answers
- Ss go to the board and write their answers
- T corrects
- T asks sts to read the message and fill in the
gaps in the passage on page 23
- Let sts to work in pairs
- T asks sts to complete the message
Questions :
1. Have you got a phone?
2. What’s your telephone number?
3. Who do you often phone?
4. Have you ever taken a telephone message?
5. When you take a message, what should be
mentioned in the message?

customer (n) Khách hàng
delivery (n) phân phát
stationery (n) Văn phòng phẩm
pick someone up (n) đón ai
1. Read the message. Then fill in the gaps in
the passage that follows with information.
* Answers:
1- phoned 2- May12 3- Speak
4- took 5- name 6- deliver
7- Mr. Ha 8- at
2. Read the message below. Write the
telephone message in your exercise book.
Post -
- Ss check other sts’ message
- T checks and corrects
- T asks sts to read the message on page 23
- Ask sts to write another message
Set the scene: “ Tom phoned Nancy, but she
was out. Lisa, Nancy’s sister took a message
for Nancy. Help Lisa to write a message”
Asks sts to read the dialogue between Lisa and
Tom then write the message.
Let sts work in pairs
T moves around the class and help sts
* Answers:
Thanh Cong Delivery Service

Date: June 16
Time: after midday
For: Mr. Van.
Message: Mr. Nam called about his
stationery order. He wanted you to call him at
Taken by: Mr. Toan.
3. Read the message on page 23 again. Then
help Lisa write a message for Nancy. Use the
information from the dialogue.
Date: (...........)
For: Nancy
Message: Tom called about playing tennis this
afternoon. He will come over to pick you up at
Taken by: Lisa
Homework: - Learn “Vocab.” by heart
- Asks sts to write the message on their notebooks
- Prepare the new lesson : Unit 3 – Part: G.S + Listen and read + LF1
Date of preparation: /9/10
Date of teaching : /9 /10 Week:
Unit 2: AT HOME
Period 12 – Lesson 1: G.S + Listen and read + LF1
I. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and use modal verds to talk about the
II. Knowledge:
- Grammar: have / has to + inf. = must + inf.

- Vocabulary: the chore, a cupboard, a steamer, a sink, a sauce pan, (to) feed the chicken, a rice cooker
III. Skills & Teaching aids:
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, chalks, color chalks, ruler, etc.
IV. Teaching steps:
1. Greeting and checking attendance
2. The previous lesson:
3. The new lesson:
Stages Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
Warm up
Pre –
While –
- Teacher asks, Ss answer.
- Ask ss to look at: Getting started & write the
chores they often do at home.
- Techniques: explanation, example, picture,
realia, translation.
- T elicits words from ss, asks ss to read in
chorus, individually and give meaning
Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember
- Ask ss to look at the picture & elicit sentences
from ss.
- T says: Now close your book & listen to the
tape carefully, get the detail of the dialogue &
how to pronounce new words.

- Ask ss to read in pairs loudly.
- Ask ss to read the dialogue again & complete
the list of things Nam has to do.
- Monitor, take notes & give the correct answer.
- Elicit sentences from ss
I. Getting started:
Do you often help your mother? - Yes
What do you often do? - do the chores.
Words given:
a) wash up the dishes / do the washing - up.
b) make the bed.
c) sweep the floor
d) cook
e) tidy up.
f) feed the chicken
- a steamer: nồi hấp, nồi đun hơi
- the chore: công việc nhà, việc vặt
- a cup board : tủ chén, tủ chạn.
- a sink: bồn rửa bát
- a sauce pan : cái chảo-
- (to) feed the chicken: cho gà ăn
- a rice cooker: nồi cơm điện
II. Listen and read:
Who is this? -It’s Nam.
Who is this? -It’s Mrs Vui, Nam’s mother.
What are they doing? - They are talking on
the phone.
What are they talking about?.....
1. Practice the dialogue with a partner:

2. Read the dialogue again. Complete the list
of things Nam has to do.
Answer keys:
- cook dinner
- go to the market to buy fish and vegetables
- call his aunt, Mrs. Chi and ask her to meet
his mother at grandma’s house.
Modal verbs:
Nam has to cook dinner.
(+) S + have / has to + inf.= must + inf.
Meaning: Phải ( làm gì)

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