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English 4- week 26

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Date of preparing: 12/3/2018 Week 26- Period 99

<b>Lesson 3: 1-2-3</b>

<b>I. AIMS</b>
1. Knowledge

<b>- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice 2 sounds / cl/and </b>
/fl/ and practice listening, writing, reading skills, .

- Sentence patterns: revision
- Vocabulary: revision

2. Skills: speaking, listening and reading

3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson and work hard.

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach, work in pairs , individual, in groups, discuss.

1. Class organization: (1’)

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?

- Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent students

4A ……… ………

2. Warm up : (5’)
* Bean bag circle

- Have Ss play the game: passing ball to introduce themselves.
S1: When is New Year?

S2: It’s on the first of January.
S1: What do you do at Tet?
S2: I make banh chung.

<i>- T monitors and correct their mistakes </i>
3. New lesson: (30’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
<b>* Activity 1: Listen and repeat (11’)</b>

- T asks Ss to read the title
- Ss read

- T: What does it mean?
- Ss: Nghe và nhắc lại

-T asks ss to listen the tape or video
- Ss listen and repeat to the tape

- T models: /cl/

- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)
- T: model: clothes

- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)

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- T: model: She wears new clothes at

- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)
- T: model: close

- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)
- T: model: close the door, please.
- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)
- T: model: / fl /

- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)
- T: model: flowers

- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)
- T: model: My mother búy lots of
flowers for Tet.

- T: model: floor

- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)
- T: model: I clean the floor in the

- Ss repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)
- Ss repeat chorus ,invidually

* Furthe practice : Pick up the word

- T writes some word on card and ask ss to
find the word which has stress

- T asks to work in four groups
- Ss say bingo when they finish
- T minitors and gives feedback

<b>* Activity 2: Listen and write. Then say </b>
<b>aloud. (11’)</b>

a. Pre-listening

- T asks Ss to read the title
- Ss: read

- T: what does it mean?
- Ss: listen and write

- T : How many sentences?
- Ss: four

- T lets SS run through
- T asks Ss to tell the task
b. While- listening

- Ask Ss to open the books on page 34
- Ask ss to listen1st<sub> time</sub>

- Ss listen

- Ask ss to listen2nd<sub> time</sub>

- Ss listen

- Ask ss to tell the answers

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners

<b>2. Listen and write. Then</b>
<b>say aloud</b>


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- Ask ss to listen the 3rd <sub>time ( Listen and </sub>


1. We give our teachers lots of flowers for
Teacher’s Day.

2. Close the door please.
3. The close are beautiful
4. She’s cleaning the floor now

c. Post-listenning

<b>Chinese whisper</b>

- T devides Ss in to 2 groups

- Ss: make a line and one of them take one

- T: Read aloud

- Ss: stick it on board and read aloud
- T minitor and give feedback

<b>* Activity 3: 3. Let’s chant: (8’)</b>
<b>What do you do at Tet?</b>
- T: ask ss to look at the board
What is the picture draws about?
- Ss answer

What are they doing at Tet?
- Ss answer

- T opens the chant
- Ss listen to the chant
- T reads the lyrics

- Ss repeat after the teacher

- T teaches them some new words

- T opens the chant again

- Ss repeat line by line

- Ask ss to sing along with the music
- T devides Ss into 2 groups

- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups
- Ss sing and do actions together.

- T calls somes groups perform before the

- T listens and give feedback.

<b>3. Let’s chant</b>

<b>What do you do at Tet?</b>

4. Consolidation: (3’)

? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link: (1’)

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Date of preparing: 12/3/2018 Week 26- Period 100


<b>Lesson 3: 4-5-6</b>
<b>I. AIMS</b>

1. Knowledge

<b> - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to asking and answering </b>
questions what people do at a fastival.

- Sentence patterns: revision
- Vocabulary: revision

2. Skills: speaking, listening and reading

3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson and work hard.

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach, work in pairs , individual, in groups, discuss.

1. Class organization: (1’)

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent students

4A ……… ………

2. Warm up : (5’)

<i><b>- Sing the chant What do you do at Tet?</b></i>
* Jumpled letter

- T shows ss words in which all the letters have got mixed up.
- T asks ss toput the letters in the correct order to make a word.
- T asks Ss to play in two teams

- Ss plays game

- T monitors and prides the winer.

weflor= flower clethor= clother codetera= decorate
3. New lesson: (30’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
<b>* Activity 1: 4. Read and write.(10’)</b>

a. Pre- reading

<b>- Ask Ss to look at the Activity 4p35</b>
- Set the scence:

What’s this? ( It’s Tet holiday).

What’s his name in the text? ( Mai)

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How many sentences are there? (5)
- Ss answer

- Call a students read the sentences.

- Tell the class that they are going to read
about Mai’s Tet holiday and write.

b. While- reading

- Ask Ss to read the passage and check their

- Ss do the task independently. (3’)

- Get them to compare their answers before
checking as a class

1. Tet
2. flowers

3. their house/ banh chung
4. the firework displays

5. their grandparents, teachers, friends
c. Post- reading

- Have Ss play a game: Musical box
- Ss play the game.

1. Tet
2. flowers

3. their house/ banh chung
4. the firework displays

5. their grandparents, teachers,

<b>* Activity 2: Write about your Tet (10’)</b>
a. Pre- writing

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 35 to
read and write the first draft of their answer in
their books.

- Ss fill in the blank

- Ask ss to work in invidually
- Ss read in front of the class
b. While-writing

- Ask Ss to read and write to complete the

- Get Ss compare with their partners.

- T corrects the mistakes .

<i><b>Key: Answers vary</b></i>
c. Post writing

* Display

- T asks three ss to read aloud
- Ss read the answer

-T monitors and corrects their mistakes

<b>5. Write about your Tet </b>

<b>* Activity 3: Project: (7’)</b>

- T: asks Ss to to make a greeting card for Tet
and tell the class about it

- T asks ss to do in groups

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- Ss work in groups of three
- T gives the time

- Each Pupil selects three classmates to
interview and takes notes.

- Invite two or three groups to show their
posters and talk about them

4. Consolidation: (3’)

? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link: (1’)

- Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the new words and structures.


Date of preparing: 12/3/2018 Week 16- Period 101

<b>REVIEW 3</b>
<b>I. AIMS</b>

1. Knowledge

<b>- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to remember all the knowledge </b>
unit 10 to 15 they have learn and do all the exercises

- Sentence patterns: revision
- Vocabulary: revision

2. Skills: speaking, listening and reading

3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson and work hard.

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach, work in pairs , individual, in groups, discuss.

1. Class organization: (1’)

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent students

4A ……… ………

2. Warm up : (5’)

<i>- Read the chant What do you do at Tet?</i>

* Slap the board: ( using the words: bread, rice, vegetable, lemonade, chicken)
- Divide the class into 2 teams

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- Ss slap the words in English
- Let Ss play the game

- Praise the winners
3. New lesson: (30’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
<b>* Activity 1: Listen and number.(10’)</b>

a. Pre-listening
- Set the scene

How many parts are there? (5)
Who are they?

What’s this?

What do you do in this part?
b. While- listening

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st<sub> time</sub>

- T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and
complete the correct answer.

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners
before reporting them to the class.

- T asks Ss to read out the answer .

- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their

<b>Key: 1- b</b> <b>2- a 3- d 4- e</b> 5- c
c. Post- listening

* Chinese whisper

- T devides Ss in to 2 groups

- Ss make aline and one of them take one sentence
- T reads aloud

- Ss stick it on board and read aloud
- T minitors and gives feedback.

<b>1. Listen and number</b>

<b>* Activity 2: Read and complete.(15’)</b>
a. Pre- reading

- T sets the scene:
How many pictures?
How many sentences?
What does he do?
Where is he?

How many blanks are there? (4)

- T asks Ss to read the text and complete the table.
b. While- reading

- Ss read the text

- Ss Ss to read the text and complete.

- Compare with your partner

- Ss read their answer to the class.

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- T monitors and correct their mistake.
<b>Key: </b>

c. Post-reading:

- Have them play the game: Lucky number.
4. Consolidation: (3’)

? What’s the content of the lesson?
5. Home-link: (1’)

- Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the new words and structures.


Date of preparing: 12/3/2018 Week 26- Period 102

<b>REVIEW 3</b>
<b>I. AIMS</b>

1. Knowledge

<b>- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to remember all the knowledge </b>
unit 10 to 15 they have learn and do all the exercises

- Sentence patterns: revision
- Vocabulary: revision

2. Skills: speaking, listening and reading

3. Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson and work hard.

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach, work in pairs , individual, in groups, discuss.

1. Class organization: (1’)

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon. How are you?
- Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent students

4A ……… ………

2. Warm up : (5’)

* Slap the board ( using the words: slimmer, taller, stronger, bigger)
- Divide the class into 2 teams

- Choose 5 students from each team stand in 2 lines.
- Teacher speaks the Vietnamese words ,

- Ss slap the words in English
- Let Ss play the game

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3. New lesson: (30’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
<b>* Activity 1: Read and match.(15’)</b>

a. Pre- reading
- T sets the scene:
Who’s he? ( Tony)

What does he do? ( a pilot)
Where is he? (in the airport)
How many columns are there? (4)

What are they? ( name, hobby, future job and

- Ss answer

- T asks Ss to read the text and complete the

b. While- reading
- Ss read the text

- Ss Ss to read the text and complete.
- Compare with your partner

- Ss read their answer to the class.
- T monitors and correct their mistake.
<b>Key: 1 e 2 c 3 d 4 b 5a</b>

c. Post-reading:

- Have them play the game: Lucky number.

<b>3. Read and match</b>

<b>* Activity 2: Look and write.(11’)</b>
a. Pre- writing

- Set the scene: How many pictures are

Are they completed ?

- T asks ss to read the words

<b>- Asks Ss to look at the Activity 4 p37 and </b>

b. While- writing

- Ask pupils to do the task independently.
- Ask pupils to swap their answers.

- If there is enough time, invite some pairs to
act out the dialogues.

- T gives feedback.

1. seven thisty
2. factory worker
3. Chilren’s Day
4. Orange juice
c. Post writting

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* Write it up

- T asks Ss to write about greeting each other.
- T gives Ss 2 minutes to do the task.

- Ss read your writing

- T corrects and lets Ss to copy down on their

<b>* Activity 3: Write about your father or </b>
<b>mother (10’)</b>

a. Pre- writing

- Set the scene

What’s your father name?

- T asks Ss to write about family name.
- Ask Ss to read the gapped sentences and
think about what their family .

b. While-writing.

- T gives Ss 3 minutes to write
- Ask Ss to swap their writing

- T calls some Ss to read aloud their

- T monitors and gives feedback.
<i><b>Key : Answers vary</b></i>

c. Post writing

- Play the game: Musical ball
- Guide how to play .

<b>5.Write about your father or</b>
<b>mother </b>

4. Consolidation: (3’)

? What’s the content of the lesson?

5. Home-link: (1’)

- Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the new words and structures.



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