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tiểu thuyết việt nam giai đoạn 1986 – 2014 từ góc nhìn phê bình sinh thái

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<b>Speciality: Vietnamese Literature </b>
<b>Code: 62 22 01 21 </b>

<b>Supervisors: </b>

<b>1. Associate Professor., Doctor. DO LAI THUY </b>
<b>2. Doctor. TON THAT DUNG </b>

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<b>This thesis finished in: ... </b>

<b>Supervisors:... </b>

<b>Reviewer 1: ... </b>
<b>Reviewer 2: ... </b>
<b>Reviewer 3: ... </b>

The thesis was protected before Hue University Thesis Review Board
meeting at ...


In the day: ... day ... month .... 2018

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<b>HEADING </b>

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<b>CONTENTS </b>


<b>1.1. Research works of Ecocriticism </b>
<i><b>1.1.1. Ecociritical study in the world </b></i>

<i> The first period from 1972 to 1991: the period of formation </i>
At this stage, ecocriticism walked the first steps slowly and
no system. The literature and culture researchers have developed
theories and critiques on ecological aspect by interdisciplinary
approach. But their studies were considered “The study of nature
writing” that appeared singularly with different names such as:
Pastoralism, human ecology, regionalism, landscape in literature,
interdisciplinary studies… So, the first twenty years of ecocriticism
were still the period of formation.

<i> The second period from 1992 to 2004: The theoretical </i>
<i>outbreak of ecocriticism </i>

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<i> The third period from 2005 to now: the completion and </i>
<i>expansion of ecocriticism </i>

Looking at the original works, ecocritics focused on texts in

their country (including English, German, and Western languages).
Then, ecoriticism gradually left the central district, noted the outside
Europe - USA texts that to exposed new new potential in the intrinsic
theory itself. In the process of studying the text outside Europe - USA,
particularly in the East Asian texts, ecocritics have also discovered the
“ambiguity” of Oriental attitudes toward nature (Karen Thornber's case).
At the same time, as they move towards the East, ecocriticism has been
linked to the philosophy of modern environmental ecology and ancient
oriental cultural thought (Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism), then it
offer a new behavior with nature, ecological reconstruction. It showed
the current urgency and necessity in introducing ecocriticism into
literary studies in Asian countries in general and Vietnam in particular.
<i><b>1.1.2. Ecociritical study in Vietnam </b></i>

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<b>1.2. Research works of Vietnam’s novels of after 1986 look from </b>
<b>the theory of ecocriticism </b>

<i><b>1.2.1. Vietnamese novels after 1986 to now - the process of </b></i>
<i><b>innovation and progress toward ecological literature </b></i>

Ecological awareness in Vietnamese literature after 1986 in
general, Vietnamese novels in particular began to grow from postwar
literature. Later, the literature of innovation began to appear and paid
attention to the position in the relationship between human and nature.
Accompanying with the critique of the backward side of civilization,
many writers have tacitly warned that the source of ecological risk is
the modernity and the disease of consumerism - excessive
consumption, the rise of money. This can be clearly seen through the
works of Nguyen Huy Thiep, Nguyen Ngoc Tu, Nguyen Xuan Thuy,
Dang Thieu Quang, Do Phuc, Do Bich Thuy, Nguyen Xuan Thuy,

Nguyen Van Hoc… Writers have pointed to environmental degradation
leading to natural imbalances; urbanization, the market economy has
made people leave the ecological environment, people become victims
and tools of the trade.

<b>1.2.2. Ecocriticism - a new approach to Vietnamese novels after 1986 </b>
Nguyen Thi Tinh Thy’s article: “Writing and ecocriticism -
The potential for exploitation of Vietnamese literature” published in
the Military Arts Magazine (25/10/2014). This article has provided
evidence that the potential for ecological writing and ecocriticism of
Vietnamese literature.

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thesis, the author has surveyed Vietnamese literature after 1975 and
found the appearance of ecological prose.

<b>1.3. Assess the research situation and orientation of the topic </b>
<i><b>1.3.1. Research situation </b></i>

Ecocriticism has developed vibrant, spreading around the
world, many experts are interested, with a lot of intensive works.
However, the introduction, the application of this theory in Vietnam
is still only in the beginning. Although in recent years there have
been a number of elaborate monographs onecocriticism, but in
comparison with the general world, the development of ecological
critique in my country are still single, has not been widely
appreciated. If ecocriticism in the world has entered the third stage of
development - building theories of ecocriticism, perfecting ecological
poetry; Vietnam is still at the initial stage, which is influenced by the
depth of ecological theory, the main operation is the analysis and
evaluation of how nature is described in the text, expressing

grievances about the disappearance, absence of nature.

<i><b>1.3.2. Research orientation of the topic </b></i>

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nature and the effects that ecocriticism brings, we go deep into the
spiritual world through the power of discourse and cultural
categories, intertextuality.

<b>CHAPTER 2. </b>


<b>2.1. Ecocriticism and post/deconstruction characterizations </b>
<i><b>2.1.1. Concept and origins of ecocriticism </b></i>

<i> Concept </i>

Ecocriticism’s openness, multidimensional and interdisciplinary
have brought many concepts for it. This does not create contradictions,
conflicts or disputes between scholars. On the contrary, it emits an effect
and attracts more ideas to improve the theory, while also affirming the
magnetism of ecocriticism in the world today. Although there are many
different definitions, but all scholars agree that ecocriticism is a theory
with clear ideological and aesthetic principles. That is we use ecological
dimensionalism as a principle, which judges the cultural origins of
ecological risk and evaluates the text from the perspective of ecological
art. This is also our view in the thesis.

<i> The philosophic origins of ecocriticism </i>

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<i><b>2.1.2. The Poststructuralism/Deconstruction characterizations of </b></i>
<i><b>ecocriticism </b></i>

In his paper, Michael Verderame demonstrates how feature
of Ecocriticism is expressed, he argues that this period scholars
focused more on reconstructing in Ecociticism, with the following
characteristics: deconstructing the inherent antagonism of “nature”
and “humanity” that previously was honor but later was a disgrace;
explore aspects of physical, economic, social, and the effects of
environmental processes; check “environmental aspect” as an
important attribute of all documents over a field of a restricted
category tight in “nature writing”; while expanding its vision beyond
the wild landscape and countryside including the city, the suburbs
and the rest of the built environment.

<b>2.2. Post/deconstruction aspects of ecocriticism in Vietnamese </b>
<b>novels after Innovation </b>

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“ecology-center”. Depending on the circumstances, specific situation,
<i>the spot view are connected and become center, for example, in Ruoi </i>
<i>la ruoi (Do Phan), when people carry out the largest scale slaughter </i>
ever to kill the flies and the environment for them, the writer's lens
towards more interested in flies. Whether we wanted it or not, human
beings must recognize that “they are part of our green planet”, and
“the dangers they bring are not necessarily overwhelming their
benefit”. People's lives revolve around the flies. So the purpose of the
writer when promoting the fly is “towards an ecologically balanced
world. All the plants and animals living on this planet must be

<i><b>2.2.2. The death of subject – intersubjectivity </b></i>

The death of subject from an ecological perspective is not
simply a complete negation of the role and status of man, but more
deeply, the writer's desire to suppress the violent desires of people
and their irrational thought and action toward nature. Therefore, with
the counter-subject, the subject's death in ecocriticism is also the
expression of intersubjectivity.

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object, human / non-human through two parallel images: person /fish,
person /river, person /fly, person /cat, person/dog.

<i><b>2.2.3. Dialogue - a way of connecting with the natural world </b></i>

Dialogue is actually expressed opposition on ideological
stance of the character, make the multi-tone, polyphonic features of
novels. Of course, the nature of dialogue with nature in ecological
novels is quite different from the dialogue in animal stories. It means
that the writers do not create inquiries/conversations between
humanity and the non-human world, nor in the form of coexistence.
The empathy and connection are made primarily through
monologues, reflections, self-examination of man and nature. On the
principle of ensuring the balance between character position and
author position, the subject (possibly human, or nature) reveals his or
her self-perception. By experiencing the subject, the character speaks,
judging the actions and issues that related to life such as morality,
society, politics, culture ...

<b>CHAPTER 3. </b>


<b>3.1. Character of the natural encroachment - aspirations of expansion </b>
<i><b>3.1.1. Anthropocentrism and wrong behavior </b></i>

<i> Delight when natural dominance </i>

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people look at the five-color Que Lam birds, “although the feathers
of birds extremely beautiful”, “the singing of it too loud as whistling
to blow the whistle to increase the beat hurry to hurry the streets”.
Raise the birds, but not to watch, nor enjoy the song, in the end what
they want? They locked up in a cage bird, hanging between the
houses as a kind of “jewels”. They want to see them in boxes, just as
they are “in such boxes of the city”. Through the process of grappling
and winning with nature, people get new sensations, wake up their
own instincts lurking in the dark, tedious day.

<i> To wrong behavior </i>

With the idea of world domination, people weren’t aware of
the actual situation and the right actions to do. Because the father
<i>(Tram nam con lai) wants more gold and wants to dominate the </i>
world, so he forgot to take care of his home. A lifetime in the deep
forest, his fields were eroded and the land swept along the streams
and then into the Dabkla stream after 20 years of mining.

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<i><b>3.1.2. Ecoambiguity - misconceptions in the law of existence </b></i>

<i> Misconception of the nature’s endless in the era of </i>
<i>industrialization – modernization </i>

The first is the misperception of people during the war. Yen
<i>Ngua forest in Nguyen Khac Phe's Thap gia giua rung sau novel is a </i>
testament to the vestiges and losses of a war. To serve the
confrontation with the enemy, people “cut wood to make the trench;
the bigger the tree the more achievements”. The forest is a refuge for
soldiers, forest is a source of weapons in combat, and it is also place
to suffer the battle with the enemy.

Vietnamese people often proud of majestic mountains and
rivers and “golden forest, silver sea”. but the forest is dying, and the
<i>sea is depleted. Captain Le May (Bien va chim boi ca - Bui Ngoc </i>
Tan) has always wished when the war ended he would be on the
fishing boat out in the sea. He wishes to contribute to the country by
“exploit gold sea, silver sea, build his country is richer and stronger
than other countries in the world”. But the sea is increasingly
exploited by humans. The tragic result of his company is easy to
guess, when we are unaware of the exploitation associated with the
preservation, fishing associated with resource protection; we go on to
exploit depleted , the sea will be angry by storms, tsunamis, red tides,
and seafood will run out.

<i> Heartless attitude to the crisis environment </i>

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bureaucracy and self-interest of people. Ecoambiguity issue will
continue if we don’t awaken and change the perception of the whole
community. Charles Wells said: “We can only change the world by
changing people”. The voice respect for creatures and natural

protection will sink in helplessness and weakness if done only by an
individual. The connection and sharing of all is essential.

<b>3.2. The ecological victim character - the consequence of civilization </b>
<i><b>3.2.1. Farmers, the poor and the suggestion of class ecology </b></i>

<b>The important thing of class ecology is that “the oppression </b>
of the human toward nature is always accompanied by the oppression
of the human toward human in society”. Because during the natural
destruction processes, the rich and powerful people always have the
most benefits. While the poor often lose theirs. Sung Chua Da – A
<i>character in novel Chua dat of Do Bich Thuy writer - is a particular </i>
one for this oppressive class. He is authoritative and evil, he used his
power to force the villagers to plant drugs instead of agricultural
crops. Because after each harvest, Landlord earns lot of silver.
Finally, “landlord did the least but earned the most silver – a kind of
currency - while the poor just earn enough to live on, even not”. So in
all over mountainous area, the farmers are hungry and miserable. Bui
<i>Ngoc Tan’s Bien va chim boi ca has reflected life of the poors, the </i>
workers very authentically. They spend most of time, energy or even
blood to exploit natural resources but they have to share most of
benefits with people who is more powerful.

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equality, and they desire to change human behaviors toward the
natural world, no more oppression, no more over-exploitation... Do
<i>Tien Thuy’s Mau rung ruong, Do Phan’s Gan nhu la song, Bui Ngoc </i>
<i>Tan’s Bien va chim boi ca, Nguyen Ngoc Tu’s Song, Do Bich Thuy’s </i>
<i>Chúa Đất, Nguyen Tri’s Thien duong ao vong... are novels that show </i>
such spirits.

<i><b>3.2.2. Citizens, intellectuals and the wave of urban ecology </b></i>

With the city people, it is too difficult to towards a peaceful
spiritual life. They wonder about their own choices of life: “do not
understand what the city has so much charm?”. Because being urban
people means they are locked up in cramped, crowded apartments in
buildings all year round that do not see the sun. They must be
crowded on dusty roads always cluttered in peak hours; they rarely
enjoy the hometown dishes; and they only have an advantage that
<i>“not greeting each other as in the village”. Throughout Nham mat </i>
<i>nhin troi novel (Nguyen Xuan Thuy) is the thought process of </i>
Nguyen, he has always tried to maintain the dignity of a civil servant.
Living in the midst of the devastation, mischief of many fate in the
vortex, Nguyen carries the tragedy of a conscientious writer, he can
not ignore all social problems. Being separated from nature and
facing the smoke of the city, with space lacking trees, Nguyen
realized: “Humans was constantly sinking beneath the graves, they
were like insect larvae and can not swim in sewers. Suffocation”.
<i><b>3.2.3. Females and imprints of Ecofeminist </b></i>

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character, the writer buit a woman for all his life - a wealthy mother ,
cultivate, worry, live beautiful. In the eyes of children, gold - material
has “blind eyes” all. She died in loneliness and indifference. Because
of suspicion, Cho, Sau and De have excavated his mother seeking
scavenger hunting gold, but deep bottom of the grave dark, soil, stone
and confused confusion only see puddle “red as blood”. They did not
even think about cleaning up their tomb. The mother's happiness does
not seem to exist.

Thus, one of the causes of women's degeneration is the loss of

share with nature, and also partly due to poverty due to natural
<i>disasters and natural disasters. Ms. Nhinh (Than xac novel of A Sang) </i>
decides to break up his first love with A Sang and the beautiful Pac
Thay village, she lives in a civilized city, not because her love is not
big enough. Degradation, deprivation of nature and scenery also
become obstacles to her further than the village and the chain to the
city. She feared “ugly house, full of smell of buffalo”. And in her
memory, in the ancient harvest season, the whole “diminutive,
hungry”. Her mother and grandmother went to the forest and took
some “pao pinh” to eat. If she stay in poor village, she will soon
become an old woman, “body has flourished, the new spleen has been
robbed by men"; “all the days of fire, sadness, unhappiness ... like any
woman in the Pac Thay”; She will “give birth to the black children,
naked running on the road full of mud mixed with feces” and at night
she will die in the lullaby.

<b>3.3. The awaken character - concept of unity </b>
<i><b>3.3.1. Repentance, respect - respect for the species </b></i>

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limitations. Vietnamese novels of the innovation period have shown
that dark places in human beings, lower human beings, neither
mystification nor rationalization. Writers Tran Duy Phien, Do Phan,
Nguyen Khac Phe, Dang Thieu Quang, Nguyen Xuan Thuy ... have
refused to build the wonderful, perfect and monotonistic characteristics
of writing in the past; they go deep decipher new dimension of human.
That is the aspiration to be traced to the real original. It shows that
human is not only a social entity, but also a biological-social entity.
<i><b>3.3.2. Protect nature - Earth reconstruction efforts </b></i>

Often, with the type of character standing up to protect nature,

they all have in common is a heart-infatuated nature, loving all species.
With all sincere affection, they view nature as a part of the body, a
spiritual footprint. So when nature were abused, raped, they find ways
<i>to save nature. Growing up on the stream of Sam Tang, A Sang (Than </i>
<i>xac of A Sang) is attracted by the beauty of the mountains, this place </i>
has kept his footsteps to the city. The bear's big bile of him bitter,
preventing him from going to the city: “That’s Hell”. He stayed in his
countryside as an “authentic farmer, working all day on the chestnut
hill”. His chestnut hill always covered with pink, butterflies and bee
always flied. He saw them as a real being, he saw “the life of the trees
as well as the people: have heart, have beats, have love”. And “if the
chestnuts weren’t cared for by flower buds, they didn’t sleep together,
fallen to the ground, and couldn’t be pollinated”.

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arouse the sense of responsibility of man with nature. Somewhere in
everyday life, there are still people quietly forget about their life to
save the Earth. Do not we feel heartbreaking and ashamed? The bright
example, the noble deeds with nature will awaken the conscience of
the community readers.

<i><b>3.3.3. Towards the country life – the pilgrimage to nature </b></i>

When returning to nature, located in the heart of nature,
humanity identifies its position in the universe. They live with
<i>responsibility and respect for other beings more?! After Dang (San ca </i>
<i>than) witnessed the quiet life of Mr. Van and his daughter, he wanted </i>
to get away from the “wild and crazy” crowd to escape the fears and
misfortunes of struggling with the god-fish and he “wanted to stay in
their simple home on the stream”.

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<b>CHAPTER 4. </b>


<b>4.1. Power of discourse - the opening vision of contemporary civilization </b>
<i><b>4.1.1. Form a natural romantic discourse in the new horizons </b></i>
<i> Showing the beauty of nature in nostalgia </i>

The return of the romantic discourse in the novel is not
accidental, it is the intention of the writer to insist that we have and
have such a natural masterpiece. But then we will preserve it for how
long? Modern people enjoy the scene of “old days” through the
restoration of the past in literature. By a gentle voice, Nguyen Ngoc
Tu writer took the reader to a special market that probably no longer
<i>exists - the smoke market (Song). So the natural beauty described by </i>
the writer has proved that the Vietnamese seem unable to leave the
agricultural roots. Despite the civilized, modern life, in the minds of
everyone still remembered about a countryside they once had. Thus,
many novels have written about the natural world as a place of refuge
and shelter of the heart with a passionate love for the homeland and
the country.

<i> The status diagram of all species from the margin </i>

In the spirit of recognition and understanding of the loss of
the ecosystem, writers have expressed a common spirit towards
empathy for all beings. Such discourses, it will naturally come to
positive attitudes to the community: to share and love as naturally as
one's own destiny. It will be the beautiful and precious quality of


<i><b>4.1.2. Creating the modern ecological discourse – another imagine </b></i>
<i><b>about the environment </b></i>

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Surveying Vietnamese novels after Innovation, as a
coincidence, or perhaps this is a good mode, writers often used
parallel writing such as human/non-human, subject/object,
<i><b>human/nature. The writer has created a high artistic imprint. In Song </b></i>
novel (Nguyen Ngoc Tu), the flow of the river always runs along the
road with the characters An, Xu, Boi; they find the source of the Di
<i>river is also to find human beings. Nhung bay meo vo sinh novel </i>
(Mac Can) created a mess between humans and pigeons, living in the
house of old SuDa, SuDa's house is designed as a pigeon’s house;
and it is difficult to distinguish who is speaking doves or pigeons
<i>speak human language. Cho Bi, doi luu lac novel (Ma Van Khang) is </i>
the life of dog Bi, he happened to meet Toan's father, then the writer
looked in comparison: “Bi is a painting in lively face. And my father
is really a poem deep, rich metaphor”.

<i> Open Writing – calling the horizons of the meditation </i>

In the mission of protecting the Earth, environmental discourse
often suggests ways to deal with nature. It forces the reader to think, to
wonder about the need to change the old-fashioned concept of
Anthropocentrism with the attitude of “observe the species”, “respect
nature”. To do this thing, the discourse of the novel should escape the
traditional framework, opening up the horizons of reflection.
Comprehension at the end of the text gives an overview, involving
many aspects and categories, beyond the limits of literature. Of course,

it also creates the shift of the value system in the process of cultural
and literary innovation, formed from the recognition of environmental

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comma-delimited novels), but also in the way of creating
multi-dimensional image space with only one color sharp; the color is steam
with three characters of the same name X who living in the same
building filled with characters that difficult to identify. This novel has
been implicitly alarmed, will come to humanity only the stuffy
literature stripped “homo spaciens” generation – that an indeterminate
generation in the cold concrete walls, industrial smoke.

<b>4.2. Intertextual power – made linked to the totality of the divine </b>
<b>life in the universe </b>

<i><b>4.2.1. The dialectic between literature and reality </b></i>
<i> Predictability through dreams and hypotheses </i>

Reincarnating the world through dreams and prophesies,
writers show that, when lost to the unique position, people have to
“bend down” and “reconcile” with nature to survive, just like any
Other organisms. If people harm nature, they are harming themselves.
For one thing, the Earth has experienced billions of years of
catastrophe, volcanic eruption, earthquake and tsunami waves to
achieve equilibrium. But today, the activities and lifestyle of the people
who make the surrounding environment is destroyed, not just Earth,
biosphere also suffered heavy losses. Predictably tight predictions with
reality are always a hindrance for people to walk the path of shortened

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a consciousness. Because it is clear that the fly also has dialogue and
<i>thoughts. Do Phan’s Ruoi la ruoi novel have been described as </i>
“shelter. Materials that once held the human face” [64, p.32]. Is there
human more fully equipped, modern techniques than other creatures?

Along with the house, costumes are also an item to create the
hierarchy, the order of human. And if the reverse side of the house is to
trap people in stuffy space, the left side of the costume is to turn
humans into monotonous, boring robots. The northeast monsoon
<i>blows, the children in Gan nhu la song novel (Do Chan) to school with </i>
“baggy uniforms”. "After years of studying fashion in schools, the
education sector has designed the uniforms only a standard. Make sure
no one is fit” [63, p.327]. Adults are racing in fancy fashion. “The
clothes are full of mossy creases. The whole city just went like “army”
suddenly became the veterans”. And the “obsessive-compulsive
obsession of a non-unionist” inspired the protagonist to walk down the
street “in his crumbling mossy clothes”. As a result, “the whole city of
moss fashion makes the eyes sometimes colorless”, and no one looks
sadly at others - just like me. “Colorless morning”! A city blurred in
the offensive uniforms and fashions.

<b>4.2.2. Legend and customs as the way to adjust thinking about the </b>
<b>Earth </b>

<i> Retributive code – the power of creation through the symbolic </i>
<i>world </i>

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and justification of the myths, the oracle is a way to warn the ancient
powers of creation.

The combination of myths, customs, and retribution will create
a lot of emotion and move strongly to the human mind, creating a
strong spiritual foundation to constantly deter, remind us necessarily be
respectful and humble before nature.

<i> Happy code - the realm of existence through the system of </i>
<i>customs, conception </i>

In some works, writers have elevated the pure soul when
<i>humans confront nature. Dong Nang girl in Nguyen Ngoc Tu’s Song </i>
novel is a manifestation of the need for a clear, honest qualities of
human beings when they want to achieve resonance with the world of
all species. “Everything is pure and honest in her heart”. The But snail
found in her purity, they sing for her with all their emotion. Those
mundane as Lượm would never hear.

Legends are an information power that provides ritual and
oracle meaning, a comprehensive opening up for humanity to examine
the relationships between people and the environment. Impressions of
the nature’s strength and power are not the hallmark of individuals
after they are caught up in ecological accidents, but it is the mind of the
community which received and extended from the past. Decoding the
myths and customs of nature, we will decode what is the realm of
existence, what is the principle of the fullness of humanity.


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operation of the novel in general and ecological novel in particular. At
first, ecological thought in the novel is still unclear, fuzzy with other
topics and ideas. Gradually, writers have become aware of the

ecological theme is an essential issue, meaningful in modern life. From
the late twentieth century until now, ecological novels has developed
strongly, it is presented by writers according to the system of views
and discourse ecology featured in each style; (Case style urban ecology
as Do Phan, wild ecology as Tran Duy Phien). In particular, young
writers are also very mindful of ecological problems as a hot
phenomenon globally.

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3. In the spirit of ecological moral normative valuation, we set
three basic ethical standards: Character of the natural encroachment,
the ecological victim characters, the awakened character. The results of
the survey show that, with character of the natural encroachment,
ecoambiguity is related to socio-political issues and mechanisms and
policies in environmental management. In essence, writers do not
deliberately set up an ideal model to prove that there is no central
human being, no independent existence, no separation between
humans and animals. Deeply these are reflections on the future of
mankind. So backing to nature, promoting dignified lifestyles is what
novelists want contemporary readers to strive for with respect and
respect for nature.

4. In chapter four, the study of some cultural aspects such as
discourse and intertextual power shows that ecocriticism absorbs many
theoretical sources and creates attractive for their own. Through the
discourse of nature, the path of Vietnamese eco-novels is from
“anti-romantic” to new environmental images with predictive and predictive
functions. Ecological novels have questioned the essence of
environmental narratives, limited or rarely seen as natural adornments
as in previous texts. Besides towards oriental philosophy, from the
myths and folk customs, we want to turn to the thought of ecocriticism.

The power of nature is not the stamp of the individual after they are
caught in ecological accidents, but it is the mind of the community
which has been passed down from the past. The connection between
tradition and modernity, folk and scholars have created a circuitry to
inspire ecological origins in Vietnamese literature.

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Ecocritical essence is a theory originating from the movement
of the environment, ecocriticism considered weak in theory, often
ignored theory. Therefore, building a strong ecological critics theory is
the goal of the researchers. This is the direction that opens up the
prospects for specifying the subject of ecocriticism, how to use it,
avoiding “borrowing” and “overusing” other theories, take the unique
value of ecocriticism. In fact, ecocriticism attaches great importance to
critical inspiration, which is unlikely to bring about theoretical
maturity. By introducing the spirit of ancient Eastern ecological
philosophy, ecocriticism will strengthen and consolidate some of the
inherent constraints.

- Another direction that can be taken into account when
studying ecocriticism in contemporary Vietnamese fiction is
ecofeminist, class ecology, urban ecology and eco-postcolonial. These
things we have mentioned in the thesis, but not yet expanded and deep.
Therefore, the development of the categories, the branching of
ecocriticism will be new directions for further research.

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<b>I. Article </b>

1. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2015), “Nguyen Ngoc Tu’s prose from the
<i>point of ecological view”, Hue university Journal of Science: Social </i>
<i>sciences and humanities, Vol 105, no. 6, p.179-190. </i>

2. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2016), “Ecological organoleptic in the novel
<i>Tram nam con lai by Tran Duy Phien”, Hue university Journal of </i>
<i>Science: Social sciences and humanities, Vol 125, no.11, p. 235-246. </i>
3. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2016), “Ecocriticism in Vietnam from cultural
<i>view”; Proceedings of science “Vietnamese literary achievements of </i>
<i>thirty years of renovation (1986 - 2016)”, Hue College of Sciences, p. </i>

4. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2016), “Southern prose from ecocritical view”;
<i>Proceedings of Conference Vietnamese literature in the trend of </i>
<i>globalization, Da Nang University of Education, p. 466–474. </i>

5. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2017), Dialogue - a way of connecting with
<i>the natural world in contemporary Vietnamese fiction, Journal of </i>
<i>Literary Studies, 2017, no.3, p. 31–38. </i>

<i>6. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2017), “Ma Van Khang’s Cho Bi – Doi luu lac </i>
novel – from ecocritical theory”, Study and Teaching Literature in the
Context of Education Reform, Hue University Press, 2017;

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

8. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2017), “The corollaries of modern culture for
ecology environment from the urban respect in the Vietnamese prose
<i>after Renovation”, Journal of Science and Technology, Hue University </i>
<b>of Science, Vol. 9, p. 63-72. </b>

9. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2017), “Learning about the “ecological
victim” character – the warnings of nature in Vietnamese novels
<i>after the Renovation”, International Conference Proceedings </i>
<i>Ecocriticism: Local and Global Voices, Institute of Literature, p. </i>

10. Nguyen Thuy Trang (2018), “The environmental message in Nham
<i>mat nhin troi of Nguyen Xuan Thuy”, Journal of Science and </i>
<i>Technology, Hue University of Science, Vol. 11, no. 2, p. 43-52. </i>
<b>II. Science research topic </b>


