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<i><b>Week: 1 Date of planning:17/8/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 1 Date of teaching:24/8/2009</b></i>

<b>Bài mở đầu: Giới thiệu môn học, cách học</b>

<b>*.Objective: Sau khi học xong bài học, học sinh sẽ có thể: </b>

<b>-</b> Nắm được sơ qua nội dung chương trình tiếng Anh 6

<b>-</b> Biết được đặc trưng của mơn học để có biện pháp học nhằm đạt kết quả cao nhất.
<b>*.Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual.</b>

<b>*.Materials: T’s book, Ss’ books.</b>

<b>I. Warm up and Revision: </b>

<b>II. New lesson:</b>

<b>I. Giới thiệu chương trình Tiếng Anh 6 </b>
<i><b>1. Mục tiêu mơn học.</b></i>

- Hình thành và phát triển ở học sinh những kiến thức, kỹ năng cơ bản về Tiếng
Anh và những phẩm chất trí tuệ cần thiết để tiếp tục học hoặc đi vào cuộc sống lao

<i><b>* Mục tiêu cụ thể.</b></i>

- Học sinh có thể nắm được kiến thức cơ bản tối thiểu và tương đối hệ thống về
Tiếng Anh thực hành hiện đại.

- Có kỹ năng cơ bản sử dụng tiếng Anh như một công cụ giao tiếp đơn giản duới
các dạng nghen nói, đọc, viết.

- Có sự hiểu biết khái quát về văn hóa các nước sử dụng Tiếng Anh

- Hình thành kỹ năng học tiếng và phát triển tư duy, phát triển kỹ năng sử dụng
tiếng mẹ đẻ và góp phần hình thành ngơn ngữ tồn diện hơn cho học sinh

<i><b>2. Cấu trúc sách.</b></i>

<i><b>a) Quan điểm phương pháp</b></i>

- Quan điểm chỉ điểm đề cao các phương pháp học tập tích cực, chủ động và
sáng tạo của học sinh

<i><b>b) Nội dung sách</b></i>

- Xoay quanh 6 chủ điểm lớn:

+You and me + Health

+ Education + Recreation

+ Commnunity + The world around us
<b>II) Giới thiêu sách TiếngAnh 6 ( 10’ )</b>

<i><b>I.Caáu trúc sách</b></i>

<b>-</b> Có 16 đơn vị bài học(Units)

<b>-</b> Mỗi đơn vị bàoi học gồm 3 phần A,B,C

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<b>III. Giới thiệu cách học Tiếng Anh ( 15’)</b>
<i><b>1.Trên lớp:</b></i>

- Trật tự lắng nghe giáo viên giảng bài, hăng hái phát biểu ý kiến

- Rèn luyện và giao tiếp bằng Tiếng Anh trong giờ học T-A, hạn chế sử dụng
Tiếng Việt. Mạnh dạn phát âm chuẩn, thực hành nói nhiều

<i><b>2.Học ở nhà</b></i>

- Học bài cũ: học từ vựng, ngữ pháp của bài học trước
- Đọc lài bài khóa nhiều lần để nhớ từ vựng

- Tự lấy ví dụ sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp đã học

- Làm nhiều bài tập nâng cao. Chuẩn bị bài học tiếp theo
<b>III. Homework (5’ )</b>

1. Học thuộc bài học

2 .Chuẩn bị Units 1 Greetings
3. Lesson1: A1-4(p.10-11)

<b>T guides Ss to do the homework</b>
(Đọc trước, tra từ vựng ở cuối sách hoặc từ điển).

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<i><b>Week: 1 Date of Planning:19/8/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 2 Date of Teaching:26.8/2009</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 1: Greetings</b>

<b>Lesson 1 : A</b>




<b>*.Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able</b>
- To introduce themselves to others

- To count and write numbers from 0 to 5
<b>*.Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>
<b>*.Materials: T’s book, Ss’ books</b>


<b>I. Warm up and Revision</b>

<b>: </b>

<b>II. </b>

New lesson.

<b>Teacher and students' activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation ( 12’ )</b>

<b>+ Pre- teach: Vocabulary. ( 7’ )</b>
T. elicits words from the students
- T/ Ss read twice

-Ss read Vocab chorallly then individually

<b>-</b> <b><sub>Checking Vocab</sub></b>

+ R.O.R: Hi, Hello, name

<b>-</b> Have Ss repeat chorally before and
after T rubs out each word. When
all the English words are rubbed
out, gets Ss to call out the English

<b>-</b> Get Ss to come to the board and
write the E words again

<b>-</b> Slaps the board: 0 5

<b>-</b> T writes 6 numbers in 6 circles
<b>-</b> Divide the class into 2 teams
- Each team has 6 students from 0 ->

- Call on 2 students to the front of the
class. They stand at an equal distance

<b>I. Vocabulary</b>
- Hi = Hello: Chào
- a name: tên
- oh = 0
- one= 1
- two = 2
- three = 3
- four = 4
- five = 5

<b>II. Dialogue</b>

a) Lan: Hi. I’m Lan




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from the board.

- Call out one loud voice, the two students
must run forward and slaps the number on
the board

-The one who first slaps the correct
number is winner

- After the game, the team slaps more
correct numbers is the winner

<b>- Dialogue Build</b> <b>( 5’ )</b>
+ T sets the scene

(?)Who is this? (Lan)
(?) Is this Nga?(yes)

- Lan and Nga see each other for the first
time. How do they greet each other and
How do they introduce their names?

- Elicit the dialogues from the students

- Ask Ss to read the dialogues in chorus
then in pairs

<b>2. Practice: ( 15’ )</b>
<b>+ A4/P.11</b>

+ Ss say “ Hello” or “Hi” and introduce
their names to their classmates

+ Ss work in groups( 4 groups)
+ T. listens and corrects

<b>-</b> Numbers
<b>-</b> + Dictation

<b>-</b> T reads numbers in E
<b>-</b> Ss write numbers

<b>-</b> T calls on some students to read the
numbers they hear

<b>+ Word cue Drill</b>

<b>-</b> Run through all words cues
<b>-</b> T models with a students first

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to work in open pairs then

Nga : Hi. I’m Nga

b) Lan : Hello. Myname is Lan
Nga: Hello. Myname is Nga

 <b>Notes ; How to introduce your name</b>

a) I am + teân
I’m + teân
b) My name is + teân
My name’s + teân

<b>III. Practice</b>

<b>Example Exchange</b>
Hoa: Hi. I am Hoa

Thu: Hi. I’m Thu

Hoa : Hello. My name is Hoa
Thu: Hello. My name is Thu

3, 5, 4, 0, 2, 1, 033, 031, 352

S1: Hai phong, please
S2. Oh – three- one

<b>-</b> Gap- filling

a) Nam: Hello. My name is Nam
Phong: Hello. My name's<i><b> </b><b> </b><b> Phong</b></i>
c) Lan: Hi. I...am<i><b> .</b><b> .</b><b> Lan</b></i>

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closed pairs

<b>-</b> Monitor and correct
<b>3. Production ( 8 ‘ )</b>

- Ss work individually

<b>-</b> Call on 2 students to go to the board
to fill in the gaps

<b>-</b> T.WC correct

<b>III. Homework ( 5’ )</b>

<b>-</b> Learn by heart Vocab

<b>-</b> Say greetings to the members of your family

<b>-</b> Do A<sub>1.2 </sub>in Exercise book

<b>-</b> Prepare A<sub>5,6</sub>


<i><b>Week: 1 Date of Planning: 21/8/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 3 Date of Teaching: 28/8/2009</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Units 1: Greetings</b>

<b>Lesson 2 : A</b>

<b>5,6,7 </b>

<b>( p.13-14</b>


<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able</b>

- To use the question ‘How are you”? And the answer
“I’m fine, thanks” to greet each other

- To count and write numbers 6 10
<b>*.Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>
<b>*.Materials: T’s book, Ss’ books</b>


<b>I Warm up and Revision: ( 5’ </b>
<b> 1. Warm up:</b>

2. Revision: Jumbled Words

- ho = oh - wto = two- ether = three- ifev = five- rouf = four- eno = one

II New lesson

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<b>1 Presentation ( 10’ )</b>

<b>+ Pre- teach:Vocabulary ( 5’ )</b>

- Elicit the new words from the students
- Ss read Vocab chorally individually
- Checking Vocab.

- Rub out and Remember
+Presentation Dialogue ( 5’ )

- T sets the scene: Ba and Lan are
meeting and greeting each other

- How do they ask about their health?
Let us study their dialogue.

-> Check (?) Who are they?
(?)What are they doing?

(?)What are they talking about?
Elicit the dialogue from the Ss
- Ss read the dialogue after the T

- Ss read the dialogue in pairs(open

- Have Ss find out the model sentences
- Concept check

Meaning, form, use, pro.
<b>2 Practice ( 7’ )</b>

- Get Ss to play the role of Miss Ha, Mr
Hung, Nam and Nga to pratise the

- T and o good student model first

- Ss work in pairs: open pairs - closed

<b>3. Production ( 3’ )</b>

- Have Ss to read the dialogue between
Nam and Lan then fill in the gaps with
suitable words( in pairs)

<b>1. Presentation ( 5’ )</b>
- Pre teach: Vocab

Elicit the numbers from the Ss

- Ss read the numbers in chorus then

<b>- Checking Vocab: matching</b>
T’s instruction then model

<i><b>I Activity 1: Asking and answering</b></i>
about health


- How are you? Bạn có khoẻ không?
- Fine, thanks Tôi khoẻ, cảm ơn.

_ Miss: cơ...( người phụ nữ chưa có gia

-Mrs: cơ...( dùng cho phụ nữ đã có gia

<i><b>2 Dialogue.</b></i>

Ba: Hi, Lan
Lan: Hello, Ba.

Lan: I’m fine, thanks, and you?
Ba: Fine, thanks.

<b>Model Sentences</b>
How are you?
- I’m fine, thanks
<b>3.Pratice A6/P.12</b>
<b>Example Exchange</b>

Miss Hoa: Hello. Mr Hung
Mr Hung: Hello, Miss Hoa
Miss Hoa: How are you?

Mr Hung: I am fime, thanks. And

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Ss go to the board to do the matching( one
for each)

<b>2. Practice ( 7 )</b>

- Ask Ss to listen and write down the
telephone numbers they have heard

+ Three seven seven six six seven two
+Three five two seven nine one four.

- Call on Ss to read the telephone numbers
T.WC check

<b>3. production ( 3’ )</b>
- Slap the board

- Ss play in 2 groups ( A-B)
Praise the winne

<b>Grap – fill A6/P.12</b>

Nam, Hello Lan
How are you?

Lan: Hi, I’m fine, thanks.

<b>Activity 2: Numbers 6</b><b> 10</b>

- six = 6
- seven = 7
- eight = 8
- nine = 9
- ten = 10
<b>* Matching </b>

<b>III Home work (5’)</b>

1. Learn by heart the Vocab Hải Triều ngày …tháng 8 năm 2009
2. Do A3-5 / P.4 (exercise book) <i><b>Đã kiểm tra </b></i>

3. Prepare: B1-6 ( P. 14- 16


<i><b>Week: 2 Date of planning: ……/8/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 4 Date of Teaching: ……/8/2009</b></i>

<b>Units 1: Greetings</b>

<b>Lesson 3 : B</b>



<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able</b>

+ To greet each other by using “good morning, good afternoon, good
evening, good night.”

+ to use “ We are....” to talk about us, To count and write numbers 11<sub></sub>15
<b>*.Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>

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<b>I Warm up and Revision: (5’)</b>
<b>II New lesson </b>

<b>Teacher and students' activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1 Presentation ( 10’ )</b>
<b>+ Pre- teach :Vocab. ( 5’ )</b>

+ Elicit the new words from the
students( using pictures and explanation)
- T guides Ss to read the Vocab Ss read
the chorally, individually

- T reads in English
- Ss read in Vietnamese


- T. explains some ways of greeting
<b>+ Presentation Dialogue (5’ )</b>

+ Show the picture in B3/P.15 and ask: (?)

Who is this? (Teacher)
(?)Are they students?(yes)

Miss Hoa comes in the class

How do Miss Hoa and the students greet
one another? Let's listen to their dialogue

<b>-</b> T. reads the dialogue – Ss listen
<b>-</b> Ask Ss to play the role of Miss Hoa

ansd the children to read the
dialogue(closed pairs)

<b>-</b> Call on some pairs of Ss to
demonstrate the dialogue before the

<b>-</b> T. explains the question and the
answer. How are you?

<b>-</b> We are fine, thanks
<b>-</b> Ss take notes

<b>2 Practice : Picture Drill ( 5’ )</b>
- Run through all pictures
- Explain the way to practice

T. and a student model first

-Ss work in pairs to greet each other
<b>3. Production ( 3’ )</b>

<b>I Activity 1</b>

- Good morning: xin chào
( buổi sáng từ 0h <sub>– 12</sub>h<sub>)</sub>

- Good afternoon: xin chào
( buổi trưa, chiều từ: 12h <sub>– 18</sub>h<sub>) </sub>

- Good evening:xin chào
( buổi tối từ 18h <sub>– 22</sub>h<sub>)</sub>

- Good night: chúc ngủ ngon
- Good bye/ bye: tạm biệt
- Children: trẻ con

* Notes

Hi/ hello: Lời chào thân mật không
phân biệt thời gian trong ngày.

Good morning/ afternoon: dùng để
chào tùy theo thời gian trong ngày thể
hiện sự trịnh trọng, lịch sự để tôn trọng
người đối thoại.

<b>2.Dialogue B</b>3.P.15


How are you?

We are fine, thank you
=> We’re = We are

Caùc em có khỏe không?
Chúng em khỏe ạ, cảm ơn cô.
<b>3.Practice : Picture drill B2/ p.15)</b>



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- Ask Ss to work in groups
(4groups) to do Ex B4/p.15

(?) How many gaps are there? (10)
(?)Do you fill in each gap with two
words? (No, only one)

<b>-</b> Ss write down their answers.

<b>-</b> Call on the representative of one
group to go to the board and give
their answers

<b>-</b> T.WC correct. Ss play role to read
<b>1. Presentation ( 5’ )</b>

- Pre teach: Vocab

Using techniques for eliciting New vocab
Ss read Vocab, chorally then individually
-Checking Vocab

T reads in English
Ss read in Vietnamese


<b>2. Practice: word cue drill ( 10’ )</b>
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3

+ the first student reads the operation
Eg: fifteen

+The third one writes the result on the

T.WC correct

<b>3. Further Practice (7’ )</b>

Dictation: T reads numbers, SS

- T. reads: two, fourteen, ten, eleven.
Twelve, Fifteen, four. Three. One, oh,
three, eight, seven, six, five

Example Exchange
-S1: Good / morning
-S2: Good/ morning
<b>* B4/ p.15</b>

Nga: Good afternoon, Lam
Nga: I am fine, thanks.

And you?
Lan: Bye

<b>III Activity2: Numbers11</b>15

<b>-</b> eleven:11
<b>-</b> Twelve:12
<b>-</b> thirteen:13
<b>-</b> fourteen:14
<b>-</b> fifteen: 15

<b>2 Practice: Wordcues</b>

<b>Example Exchange: </b>

-S1: Seven and eight?

<b>III.Homework ( 5’ )</b>

1. Learn by heart the Vocab

2. Do B1,3,4 / (P.6/7) – exercise book

3. Prepare : C 1-4(p.17-19.

<i><b>Week: 2 Date of Planning:……./9/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 5 Date of Teaching:……/9/2009</b></i>
<b> </b>

7+ 8

5 + 6

3 + 7

8 + 4

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<b>Units 1: Greetings</b>

<b>Lesson 4 : C</b>



<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able:</b>
- To cont and write numbers from 16 to 20 in English

- To ask and answer about age using the question
<b>*. Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>

<b>*. Materials: T’s book, Ss’ books</b>
<b>*. Procedure:</b>

<b>I Warm up</b>

*Revision Jumbled words ( 5’ )

wlevte= twelve tefeifn= fifteen nelvee= eleven thntiree= thirteen eefturo= fourteen

II New lesson

<b>Teacher and students' activities</b> <b>Board</b>

<b>I. Activity 1: number: 16</b>20
<b>1 Presetation ( 5’ )</b>

<b>+Preteach: Vocabulary</b>

Using techniques for eliciting New Vocab
* Ss read Vocab in chorus, individual
Checking Vocab. Matching

<b>2 Practice ( 5’ )</b>
<b>- Pelmanism</b>

- Prepare 10 cards with numbers( from 1
to 10 ) on one side and the word or
number ( from 16 to 20) on the other side
students can only see the numbers

- Divide the class in to 2 teams and ask

Ss to choose 2 numbers, turn the cards
over. If they match.

Go on until all the cards are turned over
- The team which has more marks wins

the game

<b>3 .Further practice ( 7’ )</b>
- Lucky number

- T 's instruction<sub></sub> check

(?) How many lucky numbers? (2)

(?) What do you have to do now?( do as T
is requirement)

- Ss play in groups (A-B)

<b>I. Activity 1: number: 16</b>20
<b>1 Vocabulary </b>

- Sixteen = 16
- Seventeen = 17
- Eighteen = 18
- Nineteen = 19
- Twenty = 20
<b>2. Practice</b>

 Pelmanism


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- The group that gets more marks will
win the game.

- N1: Đếm ngược từ 20 <sub></sub> 0
- 3: Đếm số học sinh trong tổ:

- 4: Đếm các số chẵn trong khoảng từ 0<sub></sub>

- 5: Trả lời câu hỏi:
- How are you?

- 6: Đếm các số lẻ từ 0<sub></sub>20

- 8: Hãy xếp các chữ sau thành 1 số: “

<b>II. Activity 2: number: 16</b>20
<b>1.Presentation ( 5’) </b>

- Presentation dialogue: - Set the scene:
Miss Hoa, Lan and Ha are meeting one
another. Ha introduces Lan to Miss
Hoa. How Miss Hoa asks about Lan’s
age. Let's listen their dialogue

-Ss read the dialogue C3p.13 and find out

model sentences
- Concept check:

Meaning, form ,use. Pro

<b>2. Practice : word cue drill ( 10’ )</b>
-Run through all the pictures
- T models first

-Ss work in groups

1/2 of class: make question
1/2 of class: answer

-Ss work in pairs: open pairs closed pairs

<b>3. Oroduction( 3’ )</b>

- Ask Ss to do the exercise: make
questions for the answers

-- Ss work in pairs

- Call one some pairs of students to give
their keys

-T. corrects

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8


<b>II. Activity: Ask and answer about age</b>
<b>1. Model sentences</b>

<b>How old are you?</b>
<b>I'm twelve</b>

Use: To ask ans answer about age

How are you? Hỏi về sức khỏe
How old are you? Hỏi về tuổi
<b>2. Practice.</b>

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1. Learn by heart numbers, model sentences.
2. Do C1-4 /P. 7-10 (exercise book)

3. Prepare C5-6 /P. 19(text book)

<i><b>Week: 2 Date of Planning: ……/9/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 6 Date of Teaching::……/9/2009</b></i>

<b>Units 1: Greetings</b>

<b> Lesson 5 : C</b>



<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able</b>

- To understand more about the verb” be” in affirmative
<b>*. Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>

<b>*. Materials: T’s book, Ss’ books, poster</b>
<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision (5’)</b>
<b>1. Warm up: </b>

<b>2. Revision: Repair homework</b>
<b>II </b>

New lesson

<b>1. Presentation ( 7’ )</b>

(?) How many kinds of the verb “Be” do you
know? (3)

(?)What are they?
Ss: am/ is / are

(?) Which subject does “am” go with....?(I )
<b>-</b> Ask the same “am” for “ is/are”

<b>-</b> Tell Ss how to write, “Be” in full form

and short form.

<b>-</b> Guide Ss to read them
<b>-</b> Ss read again(individual)
<b>2. Practice ( 20’ )</b>

-Ask Ss to work in groups to do the exercise
(?) How many gaps are there? (5)

(?)What do you have to do now?

Deliver the hand outs to 4 groups. Ss in each
group discuss and fill in the gaps

<b>-</b> T. gets 4 groups’ ideas<sub></sub> correct

<b>I. </b> <b>The verb “be” in affirmative</b>
<b>form </b>

Be: am/ is / are

Full form Short form

I am
Yor are
He is
She is
It is
We are
They are

<b>II. Practice</b>

<b>Ex1: Fill in each gaps with a suitable</b>
verb of “ tobe”

1. This ....is.. Mr Tam
2. I ..am.... Lan

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>-</b> T. gives tasks to 4 groups
<b>-</b> G1: 1,2,2 - G<sub>3</sub>: 7,8,9
<b>-</b> G2: 4,5,6 - G4: 6,9,10
- Ss discuss and give their keys
<b>-</b> T. gets their ideas<sub></sub> correct

- Have the whole class read all the sentences

<b>*Revise the numbers</b>

<b>-</b> <b>Bingo</b>

+ The teacher gets Ss to brainstorm a list of

numbers from 1 20

+ Ss choose any nine numbers and copy them
into their grid

+ The teacher reads out the numbers in any

+ Each time the Ss has one of the number that
the T. reads. She/ he puts a tick next to that

+ The first S who ticks 3 number in a row
shouts “ Bingo”


<b>-</b> <b>Dictation</b>

+ T has some telephone numbers

Ask Ss to listen then write down them into
their notebooks

Eg: 048124076

<b>3. Production:Survey( 8’ )</b>

+ Ask them to stand up and ask each other the

questions about

E.g: What is your name?
What is your number?

+ They have to write the names and the
telephone number that their friends answer

<b>Ex2: Arrange these words in order</b>
1. Are/ you/ how?

<i><b></b><b> How are you?</b></i>
2. Thank/ fine/you?
<i><b></b><b> Fine, Thank you</b></i>
3. Is this/ Ba
<i><b></b><b> This is Ba</b></i>

4. Lan/ is/ name/my
<i><b></b><b> My name is Lan</b></i>
5. Twelve/am/I
<i><b></b><b> I am twelve</b></i>

<b>III. Revise the numbers : 1</b><b>20</b>
<b>Bing 0: C5</b>


1 13 9

12 7 3

10 2 8


<b>Example- exchange</b>
S1: What is your number?

S2: Oh- eight- five – five-
seven-nine- three- six

<b>-</b> Survey

Name telephone number

1. Ha 0313 657432

2. Hao 0313773482

3. Ly 0310870657

4. Hai 0310870346
<b>Example exchange</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

+ Give feedback S1: What is your number?
S2: 0313657432

<b>III Homework ( 5’ )</b>

<b>-</b> Review all the structures and gramar

<i><b>-</b></i> Finish all homework

<i><b>Hải Triều ngày……tháng ……..năm 2009</b></i>
<i><b> Đã kiểm tra</b></i>

<i><b>Week: 3 Date of Planning: ……/9/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 7 Date of Teaching: ……/9/2009</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 2: At school</b>

<b>Lesson 1 : A</b>



<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able</b>

- Use some simple commands that are often used in class
- understand and practice the teacher’s commands

<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>
<b>*. Materials: poster, hand outs, text book, T’s book</b>
<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I.Warm up and Revision</b>
- Greetings
<b>II. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1 Presentation ( 8’ )</b>
<b>+ Pre teach : Vocab</b>

- using pictures for eliciting
new Vocabulary

<b>I Vocabulary</b>

-(To) come in: mời vào
-(to) sit down # (to) stand up
ngồi xuống # đứng lên

(to) open # (to) close(your book)
Mở # gấp(sách)

Team A Team B
<b>II Pracice: </b>

<b>1. A2/P.21 :Match and Write</b>

 Key

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

- T/ Ss read Vocab ( twice)

<b>-</b> Ss read chorally then individually.
=>Checking Vocab: Slap the board
T’s instructions  check

(?) What do you have to do if i read English

(slap Vietnamese word)

(?) What happens if you slap the correct word?
(?) If you slap the wrong word? ( come back my

<b>2.Practice ( 10’)</b>

- First, ask Ss to match each command with a
suitable picture

- (?) How many commands are there?(5)
- (?)How many pictures are there?(4)

- (?)Do you match each command with a
suitable picture?(yes)

- Ss take turn to go to the board to do the

- T.WC correct

- Then T. guides Ss to play the game: Simon

+T.says the command aloud.
+ Ss only do as T’s command if

the T’s commands starts with “ Simon says”:

- If T says: “ Simons says: stand up!” , Ss have
to stand up

- If T says: “ Stand up”, Ss don’t stand up

- Ss do individually . If student gets mistake,
He/she loses the game

<b>3. Further Practice ( 7’ )</b>

c Come in

d Close your book
e Stand up

<b>2. A3/P.21 :Simon says</b>

<b>3.Mapped Dialogue</b>

Miss Hoa Children


Fine....sit and
open ...books

...morning, Miss

We are fine....

Yes, Miss !
Yes, Miss!

 Answer key

Miss Hoa: Good morning, children
Children: Good morning, Miss Hoa
Miss Hoa: How are you?

Children: We are fine, thanks . And

Miss Hoa: Fine, Thanks, Sit down
Children: Yes, Miss!

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

- Ask Ss to close their books

_ Put the poster with the cues on the board
- Elicit the exchanges from Ss

- Have some pairs of Ss pratice each exchange
before going on to another exchange

<b>III.Homework ( 5’ )</b>

1.Learn by heart the Vocab

2.Complete the mapped Dialogue again
3.Do A1-2/P.11 ( Exerecise book)

4.Prepare: B1-2P.23-24

<i><b>Week: 3 Date of Planning: ……/9/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 8 Date of Teaching:……/9/2009</b></i>

<b>Unit 2: At school</b>

<b>Lesson 2 : B</b>



<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to</b>

understand and practice a “ where do you live?” questions and answers to talk about
the place their friends live

<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>
<b>*. Materials: Poster, handouts, textbook, T’s book</b>
<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision:( 5’ )</b>
1. Warm up:

2. Revison: Play the game: Simon says
<b>II New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activitives</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1 Presentation ( 15’ )</b>
<b>+ Pre teach : Vocab ( 5’ )</b>

- Elicit the new word from the students. –
T + Ss read the vocab. ( twice)

- Ss read chorally / individually
=>Checking Vocab: Matching
<b>+ Presentation Dialogue ( 10’ )</b>
- T. draws 2 pictures of Lan and Ba
(?)Who is this?(Ba)

-(to) live: sống
-(in) a house: nhà

-(on) a street: đường phố:
-(in) a city: thành phố
<b>II. Dialogue: B1/P.23</b>

<b>1. Model sentences</b>
– Where do you live?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

(?)Is this Ba?(yes)

Lan and Ba are classmates. Lan is a
newcomer. So they are asking some
personal information.

As Ss to listen and repeat the dialogue at
the same time

Call on some pairs of Ss to play the role of
Lan and Ba to read the dialogue

( open pairs – close pairs)

- Lan wants to know where Ba lives. What
does she ask?

Ss: Where do you live?
How does Ba answer?
Ss: I live on Tran Phu street

- Have Ss repeat the model sentences
Write the model sentences on the board
Concept checking:

+ Meaning: What does it mean in

+ From: you want to ask where your friend
lives. How do you ask?

(?) How do you answer?

+Use: When do we use this form?
<b>2 . Pratice: Word cue Drill ( 12’ )</b>

- Run through all word cues

- Ask Ss to practice the questions and the

- T. models first

- Have Ss work in open pairs and closed

- monitor and correct

in a house
in a city
in Dong Son
in Hai phong
in Viet Nam

at 12 Tran phu street


<i><b> Where do you live?</b></i>
<i><b>I live on / in /at...</b></i>
<b>Use: </b>

Ask and answre about place you live
<b>2 .Pratice</b>

<b>Example exchange:</b>

S1 : Where do you live?
S2: I live in a house.

<b>3 Production ( 8’ )</b>
<b>* Noughts and crosses</b>

- Divide the class into 2 teams

- One team is Noughts (0) and the is crosses(x)

- Two teams choose the numbers in the boxes in turns and make questions and answers
with the information in the boxes. If the question and the answer are correct, they will
get one (0) or (x)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

Team : Lion (0) Team: Tiger(x)
<b>III. Homework ( 5’ )</b>

1.Learn by heart Voca./ model sentences
3. Prepare: B3-4.

<i><b>Week: 3 Date of Planning: ……/9/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 9 Date of Teaching::……/9/2009</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 2: At school</b>

<b>Lesson 3: B</b>



<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand and </b>
Practise the questions:

“ What is your name? and “ How do you spell it?” with the alphabet (a z)
to talk

<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>
<b>*. Materials: Text book, T’s book, radio, tape. </b>
<b>*. Procedure:</b>

<b>I. Warm up and Revision ( 5’)</b>
1.Warm up: Greetings

<i>2. Write it up:</i>

II New lesson

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1 .Presentation ( 17’)</b>
<b>+ Pre teach: The Alphabet</b>

- T. guides Ss to read the Alphabet

- Ss read the Alphabet chorally the

<b>->Checking Vocab: Bingo</b>
+T’s instructions:

- Ss choose any 9 letters from the
Alphabet and copy the into their grid
+ T reads: a, o, b. w, x, y, z, c, h, l ,n ,m

,i ,e, j, k, q, p , u , v, f, d, g, r, s, t,

<b>+ Presentation dialogue ( 5’)</b>

<b>+ Set the scene: the teacher and Lan are</b>
in the classroom. The teacher wants to
know Lan’s name and How she spells her

<b>I. Vocabulary: The Alphabet</b>
A /ei/ I /ai/ Q /kju:/
B /bi/ J /d ei/ R /a: (r )/
C /si/ K/kei/ S /es/
D /di:/ L /el/ T / ti:/
E /i:/ M /em/ U /ju:/
F /f/ N /en/ V / vi/
G /d i :/ O /ou/ W /dˆblju/
H /eits/ P /pi:/ X /eks/
Y /wai/

Z / zed/

a r W

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

name. What does she ask?

Let us read the dialogue B4/P.25

- Elicit from the students to give the
model sentences.

- Ask Ss to read the model sentences
<b>=>Concept checking</b>

- + Meaning, form, use, pro
<b>2. Practice: word cue Drill ( 8’)</b>

- Have Ss write their own names on cards
to make the cues for the Drill

- T. and a good student model first
- Ss work in groups

1/2 of class: ask
1/2 of class: answer


- Ss work in pairs: open pairs – closed

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate
before class

<b>3 . Futher Practice ( 5’ )</b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups to ask about
their friends’ names and spelling their

- T goes around the class and corrects
Ss’ mistakes

- Then do Ex. Complete the dialogue
with suitable word.

 T shows the poster on the board

(?) How many people are there in the

(?) Who are they?(Miss Hoa, Lan)
(?) What do you have to do?

( Complete the dialogue with suitable

+ Get Ss to work in groups + Deliver them
the hand outs

+ Ss write their keys on the hand outs.
- + T gets Ss’ hand outs and asks Ss to


h b u

<b>II. Dialogue B4P.25</b>

<b>1.Model sentences</b>
What is your name?
My name is Lan
How do you spell it?
L- A-N, Lan

2. Practice

Khuong Thanh

Lan Loan

Example Exchange
S1: What is your name?
S2: My name is Khuong

S1: How do you spell your name?
S1: K-H- U- O-N- G, Khuong.
<b>3. Complete the dialogue</b>

Miss Hoa : Come (1)…in ….please
Lan: Good morning, Miss Hoa

Miss Hoa: Good (2)..morning… Please sit

Lan: Thank you

Miss Hoa: ..(3)..What…. is your name?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

1. Learn by heart the Alphabet/ The model sentences

2.Do B3- 4,-5/P. 12-13( exercise book), Ex1/p.9 ( exercise notebook)

3.Prepare: B5-6(P.25).


Đã kiểm tra ngày ……tháng ……..năm 2009

<i><b>Week: 4 Date of Planning: </b></i>
<i><b>Period: 10 Date of Teaching:</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b> Unit 2: At school</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 5: C1 (P.26 -27)</b>

<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>

- Introduce objects/ things at school with ‘this/ that positive statements”
- understand “yes/no questions” to talk about people and things at school
<b>*. Ways of working: - T,WC, pairs , groups, individual</b>

<b>*. Materials: - Word cues, texbook</b>
<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I. Warm up and Revision ( 5’)</b>
1. Warm up: Greetings

2. Revision: Jumbled words

- mane = name ndsta pu = stand up , yict = city, lloeh = hello ,treest = street

New lesson

<b>Teacher and Students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation ( 10’)</b>
<b>+ Pre- teach: Vocab.</b>

- using techniques for eliciting vocab
T and Ss read the Vocab

- Ss read the Vocab chorally then

- > Checking Vocab.:Matching

+ Write the English words on the left of
the board and the Vietnamese translation
on the right

Make sure they are at random
+ Divide the class into 2 teams

+ Ask Ss from each team to go to the

<b>I . Vocaburaly</b>

- a student: : học sinh
- a teacher: giáo viên
- a school: trường học

- a class: lớp học
- a desk: bàn học sinh

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

board and match the English words with
their Vietnamese translation

+ The team that matches first with more
correct words will win the game

<b>2. Practice : word cue Drill (5’)</b>

- T. uses some word cues to ask Ss to
practise the Vocab, and revise the model
sentence: ‘ How do you spell it”?

- T models first
- Ss work in pairs:

(Open pairs- closed pairs)
<b>1. Presentation :C</b>1/P26-27 ( 5’)

<b>+ T. sets the scene</b>

- T. shows the pictures on P.27 and asks
(?) Who is this?(Ba)

(?) Is this Nam?(yes)

Ba wants to introduce to Ba about his
school, class , teacher and his desk. So

how he introduces to Ba. Let’s read the

- Ask Ss to read the text silently

- Elicit from Ss to give model sentences
<b>+ Concept check</b>

- Meaning: What does it mean in

- Form:

- Use When do we use “this/that’s”?
- Pro: Where is the stress?

<b>2 Practice (8’)</b>

- T uses the pictures on P.26- 27 and
guides Ss to practice using the model

- T models first

- Ss work in pairs: open pairs / closed

<b>3 Further Practice ( 7’)</b>

-T points to real things in and around the

classroom to ask Ss

a class giáo viên
a desk: trường học

<b>Practice: wordcue Drill</b>

Example Exchange

S1: What is this in English?
S2: a student

S1: How do you spell it?
S2: S.T.U.D.E.N.T
<b>II. Model sentences</b>

<i><b>- That is my desk</b></i>
<i><b>- This is my school</b></i>
<i><b> - Is this your desk?</b></i>
<i><b> - Is that your school?</b></i>
<i><b> -Yes, it is</b></i>

<i><b>-No, it isn’t</b></i>

 Use:

- This/that: là đại từ chỉ định

- This: đây, người này, cái này chỉ một
người hay vật ở gần người nói

- That: kia, người kia, cái kia chỉ 1
người hay vật ở xa người nói

<b>II. Practice: </b>
<b>a. Picture Drill</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

- Ss answer the teacher’s questions <b>b. Realia Drill</b>

Example Exchange
S1: Is this your desk?
S2: Yes, it is

<b>II Homework (5’)</b>

1. Learn by heart the Vocab/ model sentences
2. Do C2/P.15 ( exercise book)

3. PrepareC2-4

<i><b>Week: 4 Date of Planning: </b></i>

<i><b>Period: 11 Date of Teaching: </b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 2: At school</b>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Lesson 6: C</b>



<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- Understand and practise structure: “What is this/that?
- It is a/an...” to talk about things in the classroom

<b>*.Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>

<b>*.Materials: Posters, T’ s book, texbook</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision: (5’ )</b>
<b> *Slap the board</b>

II New lesson

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1.Pesentation ( 10’)</b>
<b>+ Pre-teach: Vocab</b>

Using pictures on P.28 and real things
for eliciting New Vocabulary

- T reads / Ss read after the teacher
-Ss read Vocab chorally then individually

<i><b>I. Vocabulary</b></i>

- a door: cửa ra vào
- a window: cửa sổ
- a board: bảng

- a waste basket: sọt rác
- a school bag: cặp sách



Bàn học


Học sinh


<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

=> Checking Vocabulary: Do Matching
<b>+ Dialogue Build</b>

- Elicit the dialogue from the students
- Ss read the dialogue in pairs 9 open

+ Then work in pairs to ask and answer
with the rest of words

(open pairs- closed pairs)
<b>2. Practice (15’)</b>

- Put the wordsquare on the board and
inform the topic “Things in the

- Divide the class into 2 tams

- Ask Ss to find out hidden words and
circle the words they have found
- Team A uses yellow chalk and team

B uses red chalk.

- The team that finds out more correct
words wins the game

- Praise the winner
<b>3 Further Practice ( 10’)</b>

- Divide the class into 2 teams A-B
- T tells Ss the rule of the game:

Each team has right to choose a number.
If the number they choose is unlucky ,
they have to answer a question. They will
get 2 marks if their answer is right

If the number they choose is lucky, they
will get 2 marks and have right to choose
another number.

_ The team that gets more marks will win
the game

- Praise the winner

No 1 – Q.c , No2- Q.b, No3- LK ,
No4 – Q.a , No5- Q.e, No6 – LK,
No7 – Q.g, No8- Q.d, No9 – Q.f,
No10 - LK

- a pencel: bút chì

- a pen: bút mực
- a ruler: thước kẻ
- an eraser: tẩy
<b>II. Dialogue</b>

S1: What is this?
S2: It is a window

S1: How do you spell it?
S2: W_I_N_D_O_W
<b>III. Practice.</b>

<b>1.Find out words in the wordsquare</b>







Pen, desk, ruler
Pencil, door, eraser.

Window, board

<b>2. Answer the questions: (Poster)</b>
<b> Lucky number</b>

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10


<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<b>III Home work ( 5’ )</b>

1.Learn by hear the Vocab/ spell them
2...Do C1,C3/p/.14-16( exercise book)

3.Prepare: A1-2/P.30-31


<i><b>Week: 4 Date of Planning:</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 12 Date of Teaching:</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 3:At home</b>

<b>Lesson 1: A</b>



<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:</b>

- understand and practice “ Wh. Questions” with These/ Those
- know more living room Vocabulary to talk about things in the house
<b>*.Ways of working: T,WC, pairs ,teams, individual</b>

<b>*.Materials:Text book, poster, pictures</b>

<b>I. Warm up and Revision: ( 5’)</b>
1. Warm up Greetings

2. Revision: Repair the homework
<b>II. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation ( 20’)</b>
<b>+ Pre- teach: Vocabulary</b>

- using the pictures on P.31 for eliciting
new Vocab

- T teaches Ss to read Vocab

- Ss read the Vocab chorally then

=>Checking Vocab :Slap the board
<b>+ Presentation text A2/P.31</b>

- Elicit from the Ss to give the model


- Ss read the model sentences chorally
then in pairs(open Pairs)

<b>+ Concept check</b>
- Meaning:

<b>I. Vocabulary</b>
- a lamp: cái đèn
- a bookshelf: giá sách
- a chair : ghế tựa

- a couch : ghế sa lông dài
- an armchair: ghế bành
- a table: bàn làm việc
- a clock: đồng hồ
- a stereo: đài

- a telephone: điện thoại
- a living room: phòng khách
- a stool: ghế đẩu

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

(? Who can translate the model sentences
in to Vietnamese?

Ss: Answer
- “Form”

(?)Who can give me the form?

Ss: answer

(?) When do we use the first structure and
the second structure?

Ss: answer

T explains the way to form plural Nouns

-T guides Ss how to pronounce the final

Ss pronounce examples after the teacher

<b>2. Practice ( 10’)</b>

<b>+ Picture drill A2/P.31</b>

- Ask Ss to run through the questions and
then the answers

- Ask Ss to Practice the questions and then
the answers

Ss work in groups
1/2 of class: ask
1/2 of class: answer


+ Ss work in pairs

(open pairs- closed pairs)

What is that? It is a chair

What are these? They are stools
What are those? They are armchairs
<b>* Form:</b>

<b>1. What is this/that?</b>
<b> It is+ a/an + N</b>

<b>2. What are these/those?</b>
<b> They are + N(s,es)</b>
<b>* Use:</b>

Hỏi và trả lời về 1 vật ở gần/ xa mình
Hỏi và trả lời về nhiều vật ở gần/ xa

<b>* Notes</b>

+ How to pronounce the final “s”
Có 3 cách phát âm –“s”

/-s/: khi theo sau aâm/p,t,k,f, /
Eg: books, maps

/-iz/: khi theo sau aâm/s,z,s,t ,d ,z/
Eg: classes, watches

/-z/: khi theo sau các âm còn lại
Eg: pens, tables.

<b>III. Practice</b>

Example Exchange
S1: What is this? / that?
S2: It’s a/an...

S1: What are those/these?
S2: They are....

<b>3 .Further Practice ( 5’)</b>

- Have Ss ask and answer about things around the class
- Ss work in pairs ( open pairs- closed pairs)


<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<b>III. Home work ( 5’)</b>

1. Learn to hear the Vocab

2..Do A1,2/P.17-18( exercise book)

3. Do E x1,2/P.16-17( exercise book)


<i><b>Hải Triều ngày……..tháng ……..năm 2009</b></i>
<i><b> Đã kiểm tra </b></i>


<i><b>Week: 5 Date of Planning:</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 13 Date of Teaching:</b></i>

<b>Unit 3: At home</b>

<b>Lesson 2: A</b>



<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>

- Know the use of possessive pronouns: my, your, her, and his
- Use “Who is this/that?” question to talk about family members
<b>*.Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>

<b>*. Materials: Textbook, wordcues</b>
<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision: ( 5’)</b>
1. Warm up : Greeting

2. Revision: Slap the board

II New lesson

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation ( 15’)</b>
<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab</b>

Using techniques for eliciting new Vocab
- T read/ Ss after the teacher

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

- father (n) : boá , cha
- mother ( n) : meï

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

- Ss read the Vocab chorally then

<b>=>Checking Vocab: R.O.R</b>
<b>+ Presentation text: A3/P.32</b>

- T. sets the scene:

- This is Ba. He is 12. He is a student.
He wants to introduce his family to us.
To know more clearly about his family.
Let’s study the text A3/P.32

<b>+ Complete the table</b>

- Before reading the text you should
predict and fill in the grid with suitable


- <sub></sub> check Ss’ understanding
(?) What do you have to do now?
Ss: Answers

-Ss take turns to go to the board and fill in
the grid

- Have the others correct

- Ask Ss to tell the way to ask about a
person they have not known in
Vietnamese and in English

Ss: answer

Ai thế nhỉ Who is that?

- Have Ss tell the way to ask the name of
a person they have not known

Ss: What is her/ his name?
Ss: answer

- T writes the model sentences on the

- Ss read the model sentences chorally
then in pairs

+ Concept check:
Meaning, form, use, pro

<b>2. Practice: word cue Drill ( 10 )</b>
- Run through all word cues
- T and a good student model

Ss work in groups then in pairs(open pairs
closed pairs)

<b>3. Production ( 10’)</b>

- brother ( n) : anh (em ) trai
- my: của tôi , của mình
- your: của bạn

- her: của cô ấy
- his: của anh ấy

<b>II. Complete the table .</b>
<b>Ba’s family.</b>

Tên Quan hệ Tuổi Nghề

Ha father X teacher

Nga mother X teacher

Lan sister 15 student

Ba brother 12 student

<b>III. Model sentences</b>
S1: Who’s that?
S2: It’s his mother.
S1: What’s her name?
S2: Her name is Nga

<b>IV. Practice:</b>

<b>Example exchange:</b>
S1; Who’s that?
S2: It’s Minh
S1: How old is he?
S2: He is 35



Hoa 32



<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

- Ask Ss to show the photos of their
families then practice asking and
answering the questions in pairs

<b>III. Homework ( 5’)</b>

2..Do Exercise 4/.20-21 ( exercise book), Ex 5, 6/ p.18- 19 ( exercise notebook)
3.Prepare: B1-2


<i><b>Week: 5 Date of Planning: </b></i>
<i><b>Period: 14 Date of Teaching:</b></i>

<b>Unit 3: At home</b>

<b>Lesson 3: B1-2 (P.35-36)</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- count and write numbers from 21 to 100

-Pronounce plural nouns /s/z/iz/ to count thing in the classroom
<b>*.Ways of working: T,WC, pairs ,groups, individual</b>

<b>*.Materials: Textbook, posters, T’s book, pictures</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision: ( 5’)</b>
1.Warm up :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<b>1 Presentation ( 10’)</b>
<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab</b>

- Elicit the numbers from the students
- Ss read Vocab chorrally then


- Checking the Vocab
- What and Where

T’s instruction <sub></sub>check Ss understanding
Ss play in groups A-B

<b>I Vocabulary</b>
- thirty: 30
- forty: 40
- fifty: 50
- sixty one: 61
- seventy six: 76
- eighty two: 82
- ninety nine: 99
- one hundred: 100

- one hundred and one: 101

<b>2 .Practice ( 20’)</b>
- T gives the poster

- Ask Ss to look at the poster then answer
the questions

-T ask and Ss answer
Eg: Which is number fifty?
S: (e”

T: Which is number twenty?
S: “b”

T: Which is number seventy?
S: “g”

<b>+ Count the item in the classroom</b>

- Ask Ss to count the items in the
classroom( board, door, window, desk,
table, lamp, pen, pencil, ruler, student,

- Ss work in groups to do(4)

- Then ask Ss to use the structure”
There is / there are ...” to count
things in the classroom

- T model s first and has Ss repeat

- T write example statements on the

<b>+ Concept check</b>

Open pairs- closed pairs

- Get Ss to repeat the way to form plural

Nouns and the way to pronounce
ending “s”

- Ss answer

<b>II. Practice</b>

<b>1. Look at the poster and answer the</b>

a. 10 d..40 g.70 j.100
b.20 e.50 h.80
c.30 f.60 i.90

2. Count the item in the classroom.

<b>Example statements</b>
S1: There is one door

S2: There are [three] windows

<b>3. Listen and write them in the correct</b>


/s/ /z/ /z/



<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

- T: repeat

<b>3. Further pratice ( 5’)</b>
<b>+ Dictation lists</b>

- T. read some words and has Ss write
the words they have heard

Desks, rulers, benches. Students, tables,
books, clocks, couches, doors, windows,
houses, lamps”

- Then Ss write them in the correct


<b>III. Homework( 5’)</b>

1. Learn by hear the Vocab
2. Do B1,2/P.21 ( exercise book)

3. .Do B4/P.18 (exercise notebook)

4. Prepare: B3,5


<i><b>Week: 5 Date of Planning:</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 15 Date of Teaching:</b></i>

<b>Unit 3: At home</b>

<b>Lesson 4: B3-5 (p.37)</b>

<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:</b>
- understand and practice structure

How many + N<s, es> + are there?

<b>*. Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>
<b>*. Materials: Posters, pictures</b>

<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I .Warm up and Revision ( 5’)</b>
Chain Game

<b>II .New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation ( 15’)</b>

<b>+ Presentation dialogue B3/P. 37 </b>

T sets the scene: They are Lan and Hoa.

<b>I. Dialogue</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

They are talking about things in the
classroom. Lan wants to ask Hoa How
may doors and windows there are

- Elicit from the students to give the

- Ss read the dialogue in chorus then in

<b>+ Concept check</b>

+ Meaning: Who can translate in to

+ Form: Give me the form of these

Use: When do we use this form?
Pro: Where is the stress?

<b>2. Practice ( 15’)</b>

- Ask Ss to do exercise B5/P.37

- Have them count the items in the living
room then work in pairs to ask and

- T models first- Ss repeat
-Ss work on pairs

: ( open pairs- closed pairs)

- Give the Ss the game: Lucky Number
- T’s instruction <sub></sub> check

- No1: Count the lamps in your

2: make a question with :
How many....?

3 Lucky Number
4 Lucky Number

5. How many boys are there in your

Not: boys: Hoïc sinh nam

6: Count the chairs in your classroom?
7: How many teachers are there in
your class:

8 Lucky Number
- After finishing the game

Count marks and praise the winner

Lan: How many windows are there?
Hoa: There are two(windows)
<b>=> Model sentences</b>

How many doors,

Benches are there.
There is one

There are [three.]


<b>How many + N<s,es. + are there?</b>

<b>There is + N( số ít)</b>
<b> are + N ( s/es)</b>

Use: dùng để hỏi và trả lời xem bao

nhiêu vật gì ( người) ở 1 nơi nào đó

<b>II .Practice: B5/P.37</b>

<b>Example Exchange</b>

S1: How many stools are there?
S2: There are =two

 Lucky number

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

<b>3. Further practice ( 5’)</b>

- T divides the class into 4 groups

- Ask each group to answer the questions
of the other group ( take turn)

How many students are there in your

<b>III .Home work ( 5’)</b>

1. Learn by hear the model sentences/ make sentence
2. Do B3,4 /P.22 ( exercise book)

3. Prepare: C1-2


Hải Triều ngày……..tháng ……..năm 2009
<i><b> Đã kiểm tra </b></i>

<i><b>Week: 6 Date of Planning: </b></i>

<i><b>Period: 17 Date of Teaching: </b></i>

<b>Unit 3: At home</b>

<b>Lesson 5: C</b>

<b>1,2 ( p. 38- 39)</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the </b>
reading text about a family to and talk about jobs

- use all possessive adjectives

<b>*.Ways of working: T,WC, pairs , groups, individual</b>
<b>*.Materials: Posters, text book, radio, tape</b>


<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
1. Warm up : Greetings
<b>2. Revision: Matching</b>
<b>II .New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Pre- reading (15’)</b>

<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab</b>

_ Elicit the Vocabulary from the

- Ss read the Vocab chorally then

- Check the vocab R.O.R

I .Vocabulary

- our: của chúng ta, chúng tôi
- their: của họ, của chúng nó
- an engineer: kó sư

- a nurse: y tá
- a doctor : bác só

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

<b>+ T. sets the scene</b>

- You will read the text about Lan’s
family. Now, work in pairs and guess
the information to fill in the table.
<b>+ Open - prediction</b>

- Hang the poster on the board

- T. gets Ss’ prediction and writes on
the board

<b>2 .While- reading C1/P.38 ( 15’)</b>

- Ask Ss to read the text on page 38
and check their predictions

- Call on Ss to correct the false

<b>+ Comprehension Questions</b>

- Show all questions on the board

- For the question i – T asks:

How many students are there in your

- Ask Ss to play the game” Noughts
and Crosses” to ask and answer all

* Divide the class into 2 teams, one
team is (0) and the other is (x)

Two teams choose the letters in the
boxes in turns and make question
and answer. If the question and the
answer are correct, they’ll get one(0)

or one(x)

- The team which has 3(0) or 3 (x) in
a line will the game

-T.WC praise the winner
<b>3 .Post- reading: ( 5’)</b>

- Ask Ss to word cues and pictures
in C2/P.39 to write about song’s


Lan’s family


How old?


What does he/she do?
An engineer

A teacher
A student
A student
<b>III. Answer the questions</b>

<b>=> Answer key:</b>
a.There are 4
b. He is 40

c. He is an engineer
d. She is 35

e. She is a teacher
f. He is eight
g. He is a student

h. They are in the living room
i. There are 30

<b>III. Write about Song’s family</b>
<b>=> Answer key</b>

<b>III. Home work ( 5’)</b>

1 Learn by hear the Vocab

2. Do C1-2,3/P.23-27(exercise book)

a g c

h b e

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

3. Do Ex5,6/P.18-19( exercise note book)

4. Prepare: : Grammar Practice

<i><b>Week: 6 Date of Planning:</b></i>

<i><b>Period: 18 Date of Teaching:</b></i>

<b>Lesson 6: Grammar Practice</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise: -“ be”,</b>
imperatives, numbers, questions. There is/ are. And furniture Vocabulary

<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pair, groups, individual</b>
<b>*. Materials:Posters, Text book, T’s book</b>

<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
<b>1.Warm up : Greetings</b>

<b>2.Revision: Askings and answerings</b>
<b>II. New lesson</b>

<b>1. Be: am/ is /are</b>

( ? )How many verbs of tobe are there?(3)
(?) `What are they? (am/ is/ are

- Give Ss the game: Noughts and Crosses

(1) x

X ( 2)

She/ a teacher
He/an engineer


I / a student 0(5) He/ a nurse
0 (6)



+ Divide the class in to 2 teams: A- B

+ Show the poster on the board. Each square is numbered( from 1-9)

+ The team will take turn to choose number and make sentence, using the cues and a
suitable to be

+ The team that has 3 noughts or 3 crosses in a line is the winner

<b>They are teachers</b>
<b>II. Imperative Ex4/p.40</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to fill in each gaps with a suitable word key:
a. come in c. open your book e. stand up

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>III. Question words</b>

? : How many question words have you learnt?
S : How, what, where

How: How old, How many
What: What is your name?
What is this/ that?

What do you do?/ What does he/she do?

- Ask Ss to do Ex<sub>6</sub>/P.41 in pairs. ( one ask- one answer)

=> Answer key:

a. What is your name? c. What is that?
My name is Nam That is my brother
b. Where do you live? d. What does he do?
I live in Ha Noi. He is a student

<b>- Answers Given:</b>

+T hangs the poster in which there is a paragraph about song’s family

+ Have Ss read the text then make questions using the answers Given..(Ss work in

Song is a student and he is twelve. There are four people in song’s family. His
father, his mother, his sister and him. His father is Kien, He is 42 and he is a doctor. His
mother’s name is Oanh. She is 39 and she is a nurse. His sister’s name is Lan. She is 15
and she is a students.

<b>IV. Numbers: Bing 0</b>

- Ss choose 9 numbers from 11 19 and the decimals: 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100

- - T reads

- Seventeen, seventy, eleven, one hundred, thirty, sixteen, forty, twelve, thirteen,
eighty, ninety, eighteen , fourteen, twenty, fifteen, sixty, nineteen

<b>V. Furniture</b>

<b>Ex10/P.43: Crossword puzzle</b>

<b>+ T/F Repetition Drill</b>

- - Ask Ss to use picture B<sub>5+/</sub>P.37

- T reads sentences( one by one). If the sentence the teacher reads has information in
the picture, Ss repeat. If not, Ss keep silent

Teacher Student

There is a TV

There are three stools
There are four people

There are 2 armchairs and 2 chairs


<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<i><b> Đã kiểm tra </b></i>

<i><b>Week:7 Date of Planning:</b></i>

<i><b>Period: 19 Date of Teaching: </b></i>

<b>Written Test: N01</b>

<b>Time allowed : 45 mins</b>
<b>( In the test lesson plan )</b>

<b> </b>

<b>* Objectives: </b>

<b> - Listen: Học sinh có thể nghe một đoạn văn nói về gia đình.</b>
- Đọc: Đọc hiểu một đoạn văn nói về các đồ vật trong gia đình.
- Kiến thức ngôn ngữ: Nối câu hỏi và câu trả lời sử dụng các mãu
câu đã học trong chủ điểm

- Write: Sử dụng các mẫu câu đã học để hoàn thành câu.
<b>*. Ways of working: </b>

- individual.
<b>*. Materials:</b>

- Testing papers.
<b>*. Procedure:</b>

<b>I. Listening: Listen to the passage then circle the best answer A, B, or C. ( 2.5ps )</b>
Hello, my name ( 1 )……… Trang. This is my family. We live

(2 )………Tran Phu street. There are (3 )………. in my family: my father , my
mother, my sister and me . My father is forty- one. He is a ( 4 )……

………. My mother is ( 5 )……….. She is a nurse. My sister is fourteen. She is a
student. We are happy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<i>A.am</i> <i>B. is</i> <i>C. are</i>

<i>A.on</i> <i>B. in</i> <i>C. at</i>


<i>A.three</i> <i>B.four</i> <i>C. five</i>


<i>A.worker</i> <i>B. an engineer</i> <i>C.teacher</i>


<b>II.Reading : Read the passage then choose the best answer. ( 2.5ps )</b>

My name is Nam. I’m twelve years old. There are four people in my family. We are in the
living room now. There is a table, a couch, a television, a bookshelf and there are two
armchairs, three stools in the living room.

<b>1. What is his name? </b>

<i>A. His name’s Ba B. His name’s Nam C. My name is Nam</i>
<b>2. How old is he?</b>

<i>A. He is 12 B. He is 11 C. He is 13.</i>
<b>3. How many people are there in Nam’s family?</b>

<i>A. There are three B. There are four C. There are five</i>
<b>4. How many armchairs are there in the living room ?</b>
<i>A. There is one B. There are three C. There are two </i>
<b>5. Where are they?</b>

<i>A.They are in the yard B. They are in the garden C. They are in the living room.</i>
<b>III.Language focus: Match the answer to the questions.</b>

( 2.5ps)


1. How are you?
2. What’s your name?

3. How do you spell your name?
4. How many chairs are there?
5. Where do you live?

6. Is this your pen?

a. I am a student
b. He is forty.

c. I live in Dong Son.
d. Yes, it is

e. My father is a teacher.
f. It is Hoa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

7. What does she do?
8. How old is your father?

9. Who’s that?

10. What do you do?

g. L – A –N, Lan.
h. I’m fine, thanks
i. There are three.
j. My name is Lan
k. She is a nurse

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

<b>IV.Writing: Complete a passage, using the given words.( 2.5ps)</b>
1. I / Mai.

2. I/ student.

3. How many/ people / in your family?
4. There / four people / my family.

5. We/ live/ Tran Phu street.

1. Ma trận :

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thơng hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>


<b>I. Listening</b> 5




<b>II. Reading</b> 5


<b>III. Language</b>

<b> focu</b>




<b>IV.Writing</b> 5

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

2.5 2.5

Toång 10






2. Đáp án:

<b>I. Listening: ( 2,5 ps ): Each correct answer gets 0,5 ps.</b>
1. B, 2. A, 3. B, 4.C, 5. C

<b>II. Reading: (2,5ps ): Each correct answer gets o,5 ps.</b>
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C

<b>III. Language focus: (2,5ps). Each correct answer gets 0,25 ps.</b>
1. h 2.j 3.g 4.i 5.c 6.d 7.k 8.b 9.f 10.a

<b>IV. Write. ( 2,5ps ). Each correct answer gets 0,5 ps.</b>
1. I am Mai.

2. I am a student.

3. How many people are there in your family?
4. There are four people in my family.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<i><b>Week: 7 Date of Planning: ….10/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 20 Date of Teaching: …..10/09</b></i>

<b>Unit 4: Big or small</b>

<b>Lesson 1: A</b>


<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to read the text and</b>
understand the description of a school with practice in possessive “ s” to talk about

<b>*.Ways of working: T, WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>
<b>*.Materials: Textbook, posters, T’book</b>


<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
<b>1.Warm up </b>


<b>Revision: Pelmanis</b>
<b>II.New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and student’s activities </b> <b> Contents</b>
<b>1.Pre- reading</b>

<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab</b>

- Elicit words from the students
- (realia)

- (antonym)

<b>I Vocabulary</b>
- big (adj): to, lớn
- small (adj): nhỏ, bé

- in the country: ở nông thôn
- in the city: ở thành phố






<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

- Translation)
- (antonym)

- Ss read the Voacb chorally then

- Checking the vocab: What and where
<b>+ Open – Prediction</b>

Teacher’s instruction: you are going to
read a conversation between Thu and
Phong. They are talking to each other
about their school. Before reading you
should predict and match Phong’s school
and Thu’s school with its characters

<b> Check Ss understanding</b>

(?) What do you have to do now?

- Call on Ss to go to the board to
match( one by one)

<b>2 While reading</b>

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the
text silently then check their matching
- Have Ss correct their matching
<b>+ Comprehension questions</b>
? Do you answer them now?(yes)

- Ask Ss to work in pair to ask and answer
the questions

(open pairs- closed pairs)
<b>+ Answer key:</b>

a. Yes, it is.
b. No, it isn’t.

c. It is in the country.
d. No, it isn’t.

<b>+ Yes/no question answer drill</b>
- Run through all word cues
- T models first

- Ss work in groups exchange

- Ss work in pairs : - open pairs- closed

<b>3. Post- reading</b>

- Ask Ss to write a paragraph (5
sentences) about Thu and Phong’s school

<b>II open- predition</b>

<b>III. Answer the question. A2/P.44</b>
<b>IV. Practice</b>

Example Exchange

S1: Is phong’s school small?
S2: Yes, it is

Word cues:

- Thu’s school/ big.
- Your house/ small.

- Your brother’s school/ small
- Your school/ in the country.
- Your sister’s school/ in the city.

<b>V. Writing . </b>

- Phong’s school isn’t big. It is small. It’s
in the country.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

- Have 2 Ss go to the board to write

- Get the whole class check and correct
their writing

<b>III Homework</b>

-Learn by hear the Vocab

- Answer the questions from a d in to your not book
- Do Ex1- 2/.p.22( exercise note book)

- Prepare : A3,4,,5

<i><b>Week: 7 Date of Planning: …….10/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 21 Date of Teaching:……10/09</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 4: Big or small</b>

<b>Lesson 2: A</b>


<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able </b>
- to read the text about Phong’s school and Thu’s school to
understand the details

- Ss can get further practice in numbers and school Vocabulary
<b>*.Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>

<b>*.Materials: Textbook, posters, pictures</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
1.Warm up


Jumbled Word

roomswscla classroom sutdent student sked desk dredhun hundred gib big
<b>II New lesson</b>

<b>1Pre- reading</b>

 T. sets the scene:

Last period. You have known a short
description of Phong’s school and Thu’s
school. Today the writer tells us more
about their schools.

<b>+ Open prediction</b>

- First, you should predict and fill in the
gaps with the information you know

<b>I. Fill in the gap with suitable words</b>
<b>about Thu’s school and Phong’s school.</b>
Phong’s school is in the(1)...It is
(2) ...There are(3)...classrooms.
There are (4)………. hundred student in
the school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

Check. (?) how many gaps are there?
(?) What do you have to do now?

- Divide the class into 2 team ,deliver the
hand out to them. Ask Ss to discuss and fill
in the hand outs

- Get 2 team’s keys<sub></sub> show on board
<b>2.While- reading</b>

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the
text silently then check their reading
- Get Ss to check their prediction after

- Give feed back and correct
<b>*Comprehension Question</b>

- Have Ss read the text gain and answer
the questions

- First, ask Ss to work in closed pairs to
ask and answer the questions

- Then , Ss play the game Lucky Number
- T’s introduction

(?) How many questions are there?
(?) How many numbers are there?
(?) How many lucky numbers are there?
(?0 Who is the winner?

N0<sub>1: Qc N</sub>o<sub>6: Lk</sub>

N0<sub>2: Qd N</sub>o7<sub>7: Qa</sub>

N0<sub>3: Lk N</sub>o<sub>8: Lk</sub>

N0<sub>4: Qe N</sub>o<sub>9: Qb</sub>

N0<sub>5: Qg N</sub>o<sub>10:Qb</sub>

<b>3 Post- reading</b>

-Ask Ss to write a paragraph (4-5
sentences) telling about their school

- Divide the class into 2 groups to write
- Get Ss writings  check

There are (8)...hundred students in
the school.

Team A Key Team B

1 country

2 small

3 eight

4 four

5 city

6 big

7 twenty

8 nine

<b>II Answer the questions(poster)</b>

a. How many classrooms are these in
Phong’s school?

b. How many students are there in
Phong’s school?

c. How many classrooms are there in
Thu’s school?

d. How many students are there in her

e. Is your school in the country or in the

f. How many classrooms are there in
your school?

g. How many students are there in your

 Lucky Number.

1 2 3 4 5

6 6 7 8 9

Team A- Team B
III Writing

<b>III Homework</b>
- Revise the Vocab

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

Prepare:B1-5 Haûi Triều ngày……..tháng ……..năm 2009

<i><b> Đã kiểm tra </b></i>

<i><b>Week: 8 Date of Planning: ……..10/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 22 Date of Teaching: ……..10/09</b></i>

<b>Unit 4: Big or small</b>

<b>Lesson 3: B</b>


<b>*. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to improve listening skill </b>
<b> by listening to a dialogue about school and practice cardinal number, </b>
ordinal number and "which" questions to talk about school.

<b>*. Ways of working:</b>

T.WC, pairs, groups, individual
<b>*. Materials: </b>

- Poster, pictures, radio, tape.
<b>*. Procedure </b>

<b>I. Warm up: Answer my questions:</b>
How are you?

Where is your school?

How many students are there in your school?
How many teachers are there in your school?
<b>II. Revision: Bingo.</b>

- T: elicits & lists numbers on the board.
6, 8, 12, 20, 52, 100, 200, 32, 41, 400
- Ss: choose 5 numbers from the board.
- T: reads: 6, 12, 100, 32, 41

<b>III. New lesson: </b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b> Contents</b>
<b>1. Pre reading</b>

<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab./ ordinal numbers </b>

- T uses some techniques for eliciting
New Vocab.

- Ss read the Vocab after the teacher.

- Ss read the Vocab chorally then

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<b>-> Checking Vocab: What and Where</b>
<b>+ Predict Dialogue.</b>

T: - We are going to listen to a

conversation between Thu and Phong
Before listening you predict which words

will fill in the gaps
-> Check:

? What do you have to do now?
Ss: Predict and fill in the gaps.
- Ss predict and give their ideas.

- T gets Ss’ predictions and writes on the

<b>2. While – listening</b>

- T reads the dialogue or play the tape.
- Ss listen to the dialogue carefully, then
check their predictions.

- T calls on Ss to give their answers after

- Give feedback and correct.
<b>+ Complete the table.</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the table and complete
the table.

<b>3. Post listening:</b>

- Board –drill with the table
above.-- Elicit from the students to give

<b>+ Writing:</b>

- Ask Ss to use the information in the
table to write about Thu, Phong and

<b>III. Homework.</b>

<b> - Learn by heart all ordinal number </b>
and write each word two line.

- Do B5/P.48 in your exercise book.

The eight= 8th
The ninth = 9th
The tenth = 10th
- floor: ( n) . taàng
- ( to) have: coù

- grade: ( n): khối, lớp
<b>II. Complete the dialogue.</b>

Thu: Hello, Which grade are you in?
Phong : I'm in grade (1)…6..

Thu: And which class are you in?
Phong: (2)…6A….what about you?
Thu: I'm in grade (3) …7.., class (4)…

<b>7C…….How many floors does your </b>
school have?

Phong: (5)…Two…It is a small school.
Thu: My school has ( 6)…four……..floors

and my classroom is on the

(7).second… …floor. Where’s your
classroom ?

Phong: It's on the (8)…first……….floor.
<b>III. </b>

Complete the table.

Grade Class Classroom’s

Thu 7 7C 2nd

Phong 6 6A 1st

You 6 6A 3rd

<b>IV. Practice</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

<i><b>Period: 23 Date of Teaching :……..10/09</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 4: Big or small</b>

<b>Lesson 4: C</b>

<b><sub>1- 3</sub></b>

<b>*. Objectives: By the end of this lesson will be able to use simple present, positive</b>
<b> statement with "I" and vocabulary of routines to talk about habitual </b>

actions and practise with their partners.

<b>*. Ways of working: T.WC, pairs, groups, individual.</b>
<b>*. Materials: Word - cues</b>

<b>*. Procedure </b>
I. Warm up:
<b>II. </b>

New lesson:

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b> Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation</b>
<b>+ Pre teach.</b>

- T uses the pictures on P.49 and elicits the
new words.

- Ss: repeat the whole class & individually
<b>+ Checking new Vocab</b>

Slap the board

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>
+ (to) get up
+ (to) get dressed
+ (to) brush my teeth.
+ (to) wash my face
+ (to) have breakfast
+ (to) go to school

<b>+ Presentation text. C1/P.49</b>

-T sets the scene: Draw the pictures of
Mai and Ba and says:

“ This is Ba and this is Mai. Mai is asking
BA about His habitual action

- Check:
? Who are you?

? What are they talking about?

- T elicits the model sentences from the


<b>+ Concept check:</b>

-T explains the simple present tense of the
ordinary verb.

<b>2. Practice.</b>
<b>+ Gap – fill.</b>

- Show the word cues on the

<b>II. Model sentences.</b>

Mai: What do you do every morning?
Ba: I gets up.

 Form:

What do you do every morning?
I + V( bare-inf)

- > Use: To talk and answer about
habitual action

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

board and ask Ss to fill in each
gap with a suitable word or

- T models first . Then Ss take turns to do.

<b>+ Asking and answering.</b>

<b>3. Production</b>

- T divides the class into two groups: A,B.
- Ask Ss to go to the board to write the
things they do every morning.

Ss take turn to go to the board to write
- T WC: correct and give mark.

- Praise the winner.

<b>Example exchange.</b>

S1: What do you do every morning?
S2 : I {get up}

<b>IV. Writing.</b>
I get up

I brush my teach
I wash my face……..

<b>III. Homework</b>

1. Learn by heart the Vocab in Unit 4
2. Write the things you do every morning
3. Do C1- p.43

<i><b>Week: 8 Date of Planning:….. 10/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 24 Date of Teaching:…..10/09 </b></i>
<b> </b>

<b>Unit 4: Big or small</b>

<b>Lesson 6: C</b>


<b>*Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand and </b>
Practise the ways telling the time

<b>*Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>
<b>*Materials: Realia, word cues, pictures</b>


<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
1. Warm up:

2. Revision: Number dictation:

- T. reads: one ten, five twenty, three fifteen, six forty, seven thirty, ten thirty, twelve
twenty five. Ss write: 1.10, 5.20 , 3.15, 6.40, 7.30, 10.30, 12.25.

<b>II. New lesson</b>




f p

ast ten

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<b>III. Home work</b>
- Vocab

- Make 5 sentence telling the time you get up, get dressed have breakfast, go to school,
go home.

- Do Ex<sub>3</sub>/P.23( exercise note book)




f p

ast ten

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b> Contents</b>

- Pre teach , Vocab

- Elicit the word from the Ss

- Ss read the Vocab chorally then

- Checking the Vocab What and Where
presentation dialogue:C4/P.50

<b>I . Vocabulary</b>
- The time: thời gian

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

Prepare: Lesson1: A1,2

<i><b> Hải Triều ngày……..tháng ……..năm 2009</b></i>

<i><b> Đã kiểm tra </b></i>

<i><b>-Week: 9 Date of Planning: …….10/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 25 Date of Teaching:…….10/09 </b></i>
<b> </b>

<b>Check for the test</b>

<b>* Objectives: </b>

<b> - Listen: Học sinh có thể nghe một đoạn văn nói về gia đình.</b>
- Đọc: Đọc hiểu một đoạn văn nói về các đồ vật trong gia đình.
- Kiến thức ngôn ngữ: Nối câu hỏi và câu trả lời sử dụng các mãu
câu đã học trong chủ điểm

- Write: Sử dụng các mẫu câu đã học để hoàn thành câu.
<b>*. Ways of working: </b>

- individual.
<b>*. Materials:</b>
<b>*. Procedure:</b>

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>


<b>I. Listening</b> 5




<b>II. Reading</b> 5


<b>III. Language</b>

<b> focu</b>




<b>IV.Writing</b> 5



Toång 10







<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

2. What’s your name?

3. How do you spell your name?
4. How many chairs are there?
5. Where do you live?

6. Is this your pen?
7. What does she do?
8. How old is your father?
9. Who’s that?

10. What do you do?

b. He is forty.

c. I live in Dong Son.
d. Yes, it is

e. My father is a teacher.
f. It is Hoa.

g. L – A –N, Lan.
h. I’m fine, thanks
i. There are three.
j. My name is Lan
k. She is a nurse
2. Đáp án:

<b>I. Listening: ( 2,5 ps ): Each correct answer gets 0,5 ps.</b>
1. B, 2. A, 3. B, 4.C, 5. C

<b>II. Reading: (2,5ps ): Each correct answer gets o,5 ps.</b>
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C

<b>III. Language focus: (2,5ps). Each correct answer gets 0,25 ps.</b>
1. h 2.j 3.g 4.i 5.c 6.d 7.k 8.b 9.f 10.a

<b>IV. Write. ( 2,5ps ). Each correct answer gets 0,5 ps.</b>
1. I am Mai.

2. I am a student.

3. How many people are there in your family?
4. There are four people in my family.

5. We live on Tran Phu street.

<i><b>Notes: T gives some common mistakes for students to check</b></i>
- I -> am not with is or are

- How old is your father ? not How old are your father?
- What do/ does + S do ? ask for job

- Ask about “ How many” with plural nouns

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

<b>Units 5: Things I do</b>

<b>Lesson 1: A</b>


<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to </b>

-practise the present simple tense with “(I/he/she/it) to talk about daily routines.
<b>*.Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>

<b>*.Materials: Handouts, poster, pictures</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
1.Warm up:

2.Written test: 15 minutes

II New lesson

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b> Contents</b>

<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab</b>

- Elicit words from the students
- T. guides Ss to read the Vocab

- Ss read the Vocab chorally, then

+Checking the Vocab. Slap the board
- T’s instruction check

- Ss play in groups: A-B
- Praise the winner

+ Presentation text: A1/P.52

- Set the scene

+ Have Ss look at the pictures on P.52 and

“This is Nga. She is in grade 6. She is
telling us about things she does every
morning. Let us read the text about Nga to
know her daily routines”

- Ss read the text silently.

- Elicit from the students to give the model

- Ss read the model sentences in chorus
then in pairs

<b>+ Concept check</b>

Meaning, from, use, pro.

(?) What subjects go with”do”?


- (to) do my homework: làm bài tập về

-(to) play game: chơi trò chơi

<b>II. The text</b>

1. Model sentences

S1: What do you do everyday?
S2: Everyday, I go to school
S1: What does Nga do everyday?

S2: Every day, She goes to school


<i>What+do/does+S+do+every morning?</i>
<i> day?</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

(?) What subjects go with”does”?
Ss: answer:

(?) When do we add “e/es” to verb?
Ss: repeat

- Ask Ss give examples
<b>2. Practice</b>

<b>a. Answer the questions: A2./P.53</b>

- Ask Ss to practise asking and answering
the questions A2./P.53

- Ss work in groups:
1/2 of class: ask

1/2 of class: answer


<b>b. Substitution Drill</b>

T.reads sentence by sentence Ss substitute
I  she and change the Verb


- Do: I/ you/ we/they
- Does: He/she/it

Ta thêm “s” vào sau động từ nếu động từ
đi theo sau ngôi thứ 3 số it (he/she/it)
Thêm “es” nếu V đi theo sau ngơi thứ 3
số ít mà có tận cùng là” o, s, x, ch, sh”
Eg: go-goes

brush- brushes

Use: Dùng để hỏi và trả lời xem 1

người nào đó làm gì vào các buổi sáng,
buổi chiều, hàng ngày.


- Answer the questions: A2/P.53

<b>Example Exchange</b>

S1: What does Nga do everyday?
S2: She goes to school

Substitution Drill

Every day, I get up at six
I brush my teeth
I wash my face
I get dressed
I have breakfast
I go to school
I go home


Everyday, She gets up at six
She brushes her teeth
She washes her face
She goes dressed

She has breakfast
She goes to school
She goes home

- Have Ss ask their friends some questions then fill in the survey

Name Get up Have breakfast Play games Do my



5.30 6.00 4.30 7.30

S1: What time do you get up?
S2: I get up at 5.30

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

S2: I have breakfast at 6.00
<b>III. Homework</b>

- Vocab

- Write a paragraph to talk about one of your family member/s daily routines

- Do A<sub>1,2,3</sub>/P.44-45( exercise book)

- Prepare: A<sub>,3-4S</sub>
<b> </b>

<i><b>Week: 9 Date of Planning: ……../09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 27 Date of Teaching: ……../09</b></i>

<b>Units 5: Things I do</b>

<b> Lesson 2: A</b>


<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to do the written test:15</b>
<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs, groups, individual</b>

<b>*. Materials: poster, pictures</b>
<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
1.Warm up: Greetings
2. Revision

II. New lesson

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b> Contents</b>

<b>+ Pre –teach :Vocab.</b>

- Using pictures on P.53 for elicciting
words from students.

- T guides Ss to read the Vocab
<b>+ Checking the Vocab</b>

Rub out and Remember
<b>+ Presentation text: A3/P.53</b>

- T. sets the scene:
(?) Who is this? ( Ba )

(?) What does he do?(He washes T.V)
-Ask Ss the same questions as picture 1
for picture 2,3,4

- Have Ss read the text silently

+ Elicit from the students to give out the
model sentences

- Get Ss to read the model sentences in
chorus, then in pairs


- (to) listen to music: nghe nhaïc
- (to) watch T.V: xem ti vi

- (to) do the housework: làm việc
- (to) read: đọc sách

<b>II.The text: A</b>3/P.53

<b>1. Model sentences</b>

S1:What does Ba do after school?
S2: He watches T.V


<i>What +does+he/she/Ba...?</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b>+ Concept check</b>
- 2. Practice

+ Picture Drill A<b>3/p.53</b>

- Divide the class in to 2 teams then
name their teams: A-B

- )

<b>3. Production</b>

- Play the game: noughts and crosses
-T’s instruction  check


<b>Example Exchange</b>

A: What does Lan do after school?
B: She does the housework


- Write a paragraph about your mother or father’s routines
- Do A<sub>3</sub>(p.44-45)

- Prepare: Lesson 3: A5-6

Hải Triều ngày……..tháng ……..năm 2009
<i><b> Đã kiểm tra </b></i>

<i><b>Week: 10 Date of Planning:……../09 </b></i>
<i><b>Period: 28 Date of Teaching:……./09 </b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Units 5: Things I do</b>

<b>Lesson 3 : A</b>


<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand and practise</b>
“Yes/ No questions and short answers “ to talk about daily routines in the present simple


<b>*. Ways of working:T,WC, pairs ,groups, individual</b>
<b>*. Materials:Cards, poster, pictures</b>

<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
<b>1.Warm up: Greetings</b>
<b>2. Revision: </b>

II.New lesson

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b> Contents</b>

<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab</b>

- using some techniques for eliciting new


<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>


(pictures, explanation, realia)
<b>+ Checking Vocab: R.O.R</b>

<b>+ Presentation dialogue(A5/P.54)</b>

- T.sets the scene:

+ Shows the picture on P.54 and says. This
is Ba and this is Lan. They are talking to
each other Ba wants to know what Lan
and their friends do after school. Now,
listen to me tell me what they do after

- Concept check:
<b>2. Practice</b>

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and
complete the table

- Ss work in pairs to do

- Call on some Ss to give their answer
- T.WC correct

- Have Ss use the question A<sub>6</sub>/P.55 and
the table above to ask and answer
- T. models first

- Ss repeat after the teacher
- Ss work in pairs to practise
- No1: ask

- No2: answer
- <sub></sub> exchange

(open pairs/ close pairs)
<b>3Further practice:</b>

Fine some one who...


- (to) play sports: chơi thể thao
- A girl # a boy: bạn nữ # nam

<b>* Model sentences</b>
Do you/they play soccer?
Does he/she play soccer?
Yes, I/we/they do

He/she does


<i>Do/Does +S+ V(bare- inf)/?</i>
<i>Yes, S+ do/does</i>

<i>No, S+ don’t/doesn’t</i>

Use: Hỏi đốn xem bạn mình hoặc 1 ngời

nào đó có làm 1 việc gì đó hay không?
<b>III. Practice</b>


Complete the table





Play football


<b>2.</b> <b>Asking and Answering A6/P.55</b>

- Give the table on the board

Fine someone Who... Name

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

...Plays football

...Does the housework
...plays volleyball
...Listen to music
...reads books


2.Do A4,5/P (exercise book)

- 3. Do exercise:

<b> Week: 10 Date of Planning:……../09 </b>
<i><b>Period: 29 Date of Teaching:……./09 </b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Units 5: Things I do</b>

<b>Lesson 4: B</b>


<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand a picture story</b>
about Ba’s daily routines to practise the simple present tense

<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs ,groups , individual</b>
<b>*. Materials: Text book, posters, pictures</b>

<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
1.Warm up:

2. Revision: Jumbled Words

work house housework tchwa watch tenlis listen ypal  playeadr read workhome

II.New lesson

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b> Contents</b>
<b>1. Pe-reading</b>

- Using some techniques for eliciting
new Vocabulary

Pictures, explanation, realia...
- Ss read the Vocab chorally then

- Checking the Vocab
Do matching

+ T. introduces the text

- Draw a picture of Ba and say This is Ba.
He is telling us about his daily routines.


-(to) take a shower: tắm
-(to) eat: ăn

- (to) start: bắt đầu
- (to) finish: kết thúc
- (to) have lunch: ăn tra
- (to) go to bed: đi ngủ

- a quarter to seven = six forty five
- a quarter past ten = ten fifty
- class: giờ học

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

Before reading the text I have some
statements from the text, but they are not
in order. You’ll predict and arrange them
in order


(?) how many statements are there?(7)
(?) What do you have to do?

(arrange them in order)

- Ask one students read the statements

- Deliver the students to 2 teams

- Deliver the handouts to 2 teams. They
discuss and arrange in 2

T. gets 2 team’s hand outs  stick on the

<b>2. While reading</b>

- Ask Ss to open their books on P.56 to
read the text about Ba silently (3 minutes)
then check their predictions

Have Ss correct their predictions

- Call on one students to read all
statements in order

- Get Ss to play attention to the notes
+ Complete the table

- Ask Ss to read the text gain then
complete the table in Ex2/p.57

- T.shows the poster on the board

- Call on Ss to go to the board to complete
the table(turn by turn)

<b>1. Ordering statements</b>

a. Ba goes to school at a quarter to seven
b. He eats a big breakfast

c.He gets up at 6
d. He goes home
e. He has lunch

f. He does his homework

g. He goes to bed at ten o’clock

 Notes: Cách nói giờ

+ Giờ chẵn: giờ + o’clock
+ Giờ lẻ: hơn dùng “past”
+ kém dùng “ to”

+ quá 30 phút dùng: haft past
+ a quarter: 15 minutes

<b>2. Complete the table Ex1/P.57 </b>

<b> Compelete the table (with answer key)</b>
- Ask Ss to check the times of Ba’s action

4. Post – reading

- Get Ss to practise asking ands
answering about the time of Ba’s

activities and themselves basing on the
table above

- T. models first – Ss repeat
- Ss work in pairs o practise

Open pairs- closed pairs

<b>Example Exchange</b>

S1: What time does Ba get up?
S2: He gets up at 6.00

S1: What time do you get up?
S2: I get up at 6.00

a b c d e f g

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>


- Learn by hear the Vocab

- Do B<sub>1-4</sub> (p.47-50) in exercise book

- Prepare: Unit 5:C<sub>1</sub>
<b> </b>

<i><b>Week: 10 Date of Planning:……../09 </b></i>
<i><b>Period:30 Date of Teaching:……./09</b></i>

Units 5: Things I do

<b> Lesson 5: C</b>

<b>1 -> </b>



<b>*. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: - know some subjects</b>
- know how to use “ have” , “don’t have” to talk about the school time table
<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs ,groups, individual</b>

<b>*. Materials: Text book, posters, word cues.</b>
<b>*. Procedure</b>

<b>I Warm up and Revision:</b>
<b>1.Warm up: </b>

<b>2. Revision: Tell the time</b>

II. New lesson

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b> Contents</b>
<b>1. Presentation</b>

<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab</b>

- Elicit words from the students, use some

(realia, pictures, explanation)

- Ss read the Vocab, chorally then

- Checking the Vocab, matching
<b>+ Presentation dialogue, C1</b>

- T. sets the scene:

- Draw the pictures of Ba and Hoa
- (?) Who are they? (Ba and Hoa)
- (/) What are they doing?(talking)
(?) What are they talking about?
(time table)

- Ss read the dialogue in pairs(open
pairs- closed pairs)

- Elicit from the students to give out the

<b>I. Vocabulary</b>

- a timetable: thời khóa biểu
- English(n): Mơn tiếng Anh
- Math (n): Mơn tốn

- Literature(n): Mơn ngữ văn
- History(n): Môn lịch sử
- Geography(n): môn địa
- Monday(n): thứ hai
<b>II. Dialogue: C</b>1/P.58

1. Model sentences

S1 : What do we have today/
S2: We have English

S 1: What time does it start?
S2: It starts at 7.15

<b>2. Practice</b>

Example Exchange

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

model sentences
- Concept checking
+Meaning, form, use, pro
<b>2. Practice: Wordcue Drill</b>

- Ask Ss to practice asking and
answering using some word cues.
- Run through all word cues

- T. and a good student model
- Ss work in pairs

- (open pairs – closed pairs)
<b>3. Further practice</b>

- Draw the pictures and the cues on the

- Elicit the exchanges from students

S1: What time does it start?
S2: It starts at 7.00

 Mapped Dialogue

- Get students to practice each exchange before going on to another exchange

- After finish the dialogue, ask some good pairs to demonstrate the whole dialogue
(open pairs)

- Get the whole class to work in pairs (close pairs)
- Monitor and correct

<b> III. Home work</b>

1. Learn by hear the Vocab
2. Complete the dialogue above
3. Do C1,2 (p.50- 51) in exercise book

4. Prepare: C2-3

<i><b> Hải Triều ngày……..tháng ……..năm 2009</b></i>
<i><b> Đã kiểm tra </b></i>

<i><b>Week: 11 Date of Planning:………/09 </b></i>

<i><b>Period: 31 Date of Teaching………/09: </b></i>

<b>Units 5: Things I do</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Lesson 7: Grammar Practice</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

question words, school subjects and days of the week
<b>*. Ways of working:T,WC, pairs ,groups , individual</b>

<b>*. Materials: Text book, posters ,T’s book, word cues</b>
<b>*. Procedure:</b>

<b>I. Warm up and Revison</b>
1. Warm up:

<b>2. Revison: Word Square</b>
<b>II. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b> Contents</b>
<b>1. Activity1</b>

- Ask Ss to repeat the way to tell the time
<b>-</b> Ss repeat- T. writes on board

<b>-</b> Have Ss give examples

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to practise asking and
answering about the time in exercise
2/P.60 (in pairs)

<b>-</b> Call on some pairs of students to
practice before the class

<b>-</b> Give feedback and correct

<b>2. Activity 2: Question words</b>

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to retell some question words
they have learnt and uses of them
<b>-</b> Ss answer

<b>-</b> have Ss do the exercise 4/P.61

Ss complete the (question word) questions
using the question words:

- Give feedback and correct

 <b>Noughts and crosses</b>

- Divide the class in to 2 team A-B

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to make questions using the
question words and answer using the
information in the boxes

<b>-</b> The team who gets 3 noughts or 3
crosses in a line will win the game
<b>-</b> Praise the winner

<b>3.Acitivity 3: Adjective with “be”</b>

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to repeat the function and the
position of adjective

<b>-</b> Have Ss give examples?

<b>I. Telling the time</b>
- What time is it?
What is the time?

 Answer

+Giờ đúng: It is + giờ+ o’clock
+ Giờ hơn: It is + giờ+ phút
+ Giờ kém: It is + phút + to + giờ

(?) What time is it?
It is eight o’clock
<b>II. Question words:</b>

<b>-</b> How, what, where, when, who, which
<b>*Practice: Ex4/p.61</b>


a. Where d. How
b. How e. which
c. What f. which
<b>*.Noughts and crosses</b>

Tran Phu

3 floors
Grade 6
Tuesday &

Class 6C
<b>Example Exchange</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

<b>* Practices: word cues: </b>
- Run through all word cues
- T. models first Ss repeat
- Ss work in pairs to practice
Open pairs – closed pairs

<b>4.Activity 4: The present simple tense</b>
-Ask Ss to repeat the form and the use of
this ten

Get Ss to retell the ways to ad “s/es”


- Ask Ss to do the exercise1/p.60
- Ss work in pairs to do

- Call on students to give their ideas
Give feedback and correct

<b>Activity 5</b>

Get Ss to repeat the days of the week


S2: It has 3 floors

<b>III. Adjectivee with “be”</b>

(+) S + Tobe+adj
(?) Tobe + S + adj?
Yes, S + to be
No, S + to be not
Eg. Is your hour big?

yes, it is
-> No, it isn’t

<b>IV: The present simple tense</b>

<b>1. Form</b>

(+) S+ V(s/es)

(-) S + doesn’t /don’t + V(bare- inf)
(?) Do/Does + S + V(bare- int)

Yes, S + do/does
No, S + don’t/does
<b>2. Use</b>

- 1 hành động thường xuyên xảy ra ở hiện

- 1 sự thật, 1 chân lý luôn luôn đúng
3. Adverbs:

Always, usually, often, sometime...
4. How to add “s/es”

<b>*Practice: Ex1/p.60</b>

a. – get-gets b. do… have
- get- get have
- get- get does…. have

<b>V. Days in a week……. have</b>

c. do ...go d. Do...wash

<b>IV. Homework </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<i><b>Week: 11 Date of Planning: ………/09</b></i>

<i><b>Period: 32 Date of Teaching:………/09 </b></i>

<b>Unit 6: Places</b>

<b>Lesson 1: A1-3 ( P. 62)</b>

<b>*. Objectives: By the and of this lesson ss will be able to understand the main idea</b>
<b> of the text and practice country Vocabulary.</b>

<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs ,groups , individual</b>
<b>*. Materials: Textbook, T’s book, pictures</b>

<b>*. Procedure:</b>

<b>I. Warm up and revision</b>
- What time is it ?
- What's today, class ?
<b>II. </b>

New lesson.

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b> Contents</b>
<b>1. Pre Reading</b>

<b>+ Pre teach: Vocabulary</b>

- T : uses pictures for eliciting the new

- T/ Ss read the Vocab.

- Ss read the Vocab chorally/ individually.
- Checking the Vocab: R.O.R

<b>+ Open prediction.</b>
<b>-</b> <b>T sets the scene:</b>

“ You are going to read a text about Thuy
and her house. Before reading the text ,
you’ll predict and answer the questions: “
What’s near Thuy’s house?”

Ss : write 5 things in their books
<b>2. While Reading</b>

<b> - T asks Ss to read the text silently then </b>
answer their predictions.

- Ask Ss to give their ideas after reading
the text.

- Give feedback and correction.
b) Matching

<b>I. Vocabulary</b>
- a lake : hồ
- a river : sông

- trees : cây cối
- flowers : hoa

- a rice paddy : cánh đồng lúa
- a park :công viên

<b>II. The text.</b>

<b>1. Answer the question:]</b>
( ? ) What’s near Thuy’s house?

 a lake, a river, a park, a rice

paddy, a hotel.
<b>2. Matching.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

- T asks Ss to read the text again, guess
the meaning of these words from
context and match.

+ Comprehension Questions

T divides the class in to 2 groups: A –B
<b>-</b> T’s instructions -> check.

<b>-</b> Ss play in groups:

<b>-</b> No1: Q-a, No2: Qd, No3: Qb, No4: LK,
No5: LK, No6:Qe, No7: Qf, No8: Qe,
No9: LK

<b>-</b> After finish the game: TWC praise the

<b>-</b> Answer key
a. Thuy is twelve
b. She is a student
c. His name is Minh
d. He is twenty

e. She lives in s house

f. There's a lake, a river and a rice paddy
<b>3. Post Reading</b>

<b>+ Picture drill / P62 - 63</b>

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions
about the things in the pictures/p.62
<b>-</b> T models with a good student.

<b>-</b> Ss work in pairs( open pairs/ closed

<b>+ Writing: </b>

<b>* For normal students:</b>
<b>* For good students:</b>


<b>-3. Answer the questions.</b>
( Poster : Questions from a-> f.)

 <b> Lucky numbers.</b>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b>

<b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b>

<b>7</b> <b>8</b> <b>9</b>

<b>A B</b>

<b>4. Practice.</b>

<b> Example exchange:</b>
S1: What is this/ that?
S2: It’s a river

S2: What are these/those?
S2: They’re trees

<b>5. Write it up. (A3/p. 63)</b>
<b>* Answer key</b>

- Our house has a yard. It’s near a rice

- There is a hotel near the lake.

- There is a river near the park.

- There are trees and flowers in the park.

<b>III. Homework</b>

- A3 / P63 and A1 / P63 (Questions)

- Answer the question: What’s near your house?
- Do Ex1,2,3 /p.60- 61(work book)

- Be ready for Unit 6- Lesson 2: A4-5

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

<i><b>Period: 33 Date of Teaching:……../09 </b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b> </b>

<b>Unit 6: Places</b>

<b>Lesson 2: A4-6 ( P. 62)</b>

<b>*. Objectives: By the end of this lesson </b>

<b> - Ss will be able to describe places where they live. </b>
- understand more about country vocabulary.

<b>*. Ways of working: T,WC, pairs ,groups , individual</b>
<b>*. Materials: Text book, pictures, posters.</b>

<b>*. Procedure:</b>

<b>I. Warm up and revision,</b>
<b>1. Warm up:? </b>

<b>2. Revision: </b>
<b>II. </b>

New lesson:

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b> Contents</b>
<b>1. Presentation:</b>

<b>+. Pre teach: Vocab.</b>

- T uses some techniques for eliciting the
new Vocab.

- T/ Ss read the Vocab.

- Ss read the vocab. Chorally/ individually.
- Checking the Vocab: What and Where.
<b>+ Listening:</b>

-Ask Ss to read the words listed in the

- T plays the tape ans asks Ss to listen and
tick the words they’ve listed.

-> Check:

? What do you have to do now?

( Listen to the tape and tick the words
we’ve heard.)

<b>2. Practice. Picture drill( a-> f/p.64).</b>
- Have Ss work in pairs to talk about the
place they live basing on the pictures/ P.

- T asks Ss to run through all pictures
- T models first.

- Ss work in pairs: open pairs/ closed pairs.

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>
- a town : thị trấn
- a village: làng xã
- a city : thành phố

- a country : nông thôn
<b>II. Listen. Write the words you </b>
<b>hear in your notebook.</b>

 Answer key:

a. hotel
b. country

c. rice paddy, river
<b>III. Practice: A5/ P.64.</b>

Example exchange.

S1: There is a hotel near our house.
S2: There are trees near our house.
*. Write: Write sentences about your

Group A --- Group B

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<b>3. Further practice.</b>
<b>* For normal students.</b>

- Ask Ss to write some sentences about
things where they live.

- T WC check and correct.

<b>* For good students: Chain game:</b>
- T calls on 6 Ss to go to the board .They
take turn to describe place where they

S1: There is a hotel near our house.

S2: There is a hotel , and a school near my

S3: There is a hotel, a school and a lake
near our house.

S4: ………..

<b>III. Homework.</b>

<b>-</b> Write sentences about your places.
<b>-</b> Do Ex1/ P. 32-33 ( exercise note book ).
<b>-</b> Be ready for B1- 2.

<i><b>Week: 12 Date of Planning:02/11/2009 </b></i>
<i><b>Period: 34 Date of Teaching: 9/11/2009</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 6: Places</b>

<b>Lesson 3: B1-3 ( P. 65-66</b>

<b>*. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: </b>

<b> - improve reading skill by reading a text about where Minh lives.</b>
- understand and use place Vocabulary, prepositions of places.
<b>*. Materials: Textbook, pictures, posters.</b>

<b>*. Procedure:</b>
<b>I. Warm up:</b>
+ Revision:
<b>II. New lesson: </b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation:</b>
<b>+ Pre teach: Vocab</b>

T : elicits the vocab from the students
( using pictures, explanation)

Ss: - repeat in chorus.
- repeat individually.
<b>+ Check: Matching:</b>

<b>+ T sets the sence:</b>

“ You are going to read a text about Minh.

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

- a (book) store: hiệu sách
- a temple : đình , miếu.
- a restaurant: nhà hàng
- a hospital : bệnh viện
- a factory: nhà máy
- a museum: bảo tàng
- a stadium : sân vận động

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

He tells us about his family and things rear
his house. Before reading I have some
statements ( some of them are True and
some of them are False).

You should read and tell me which
sentence is true and which one is false.).
<b>+ Check: How many sentences are there? </b>

( 6)

? What do you have to do now?
( Predict True or False).

- Ss give their ideas, T gets Ss’ ideas.
<b>2. While reading.</b>

- Have Ss read the text about Minh on P.
65- 66, then check their prediction.

- Ss read the text in three minus ( can
share woth their partners).

- Have Ss correct the false statements.
<b>+ Do matching</b>

<b>+ Gap – fill.</b>

- Ask Ss to read B1 again . Then complete
the sentences.

- Ss work in groups to do. ( A- B).
+ Check:

? How many sentences are there?( 5)
? How many gaps are there? ( 8)…….
- Ss do in 5 minutes.

- T gets 2 groups’ ideas and check.

<b>3. Post- reading:</b>

<b>* For normal students.</b>
<b>* For good students.</b>

<b>II. The text.</b>

<b>1. True or false statements?</b>
a. Minh lives in the country.

b. There are four people in his family.
c. Their house is next to a bookstore.
d. There is a museum near the house.
e. Minh’s father works in a hospital.
f. Minh’s mother works in a factory.
=> Answer key:

<b>a</b> <b>b</b> <b>c</b> <b>d</b> <b>e</b> <b>f</b>

<b>F</b> <b>T</b> <b>T</b> <b>T</b> <b>F</b> <b>F</b>

<b>2. Correct the false statements.</b>
a. in the city.

e. in a factory.
f. in a hospital.

<b>3. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.</b>

 Answer key:

a. city

b. restaurant….. bookstore…. temple
c. hospital.

d. house…… store.
e. factory.

4. Speaking

<b>III. Homework.</b>

- Learn by heart the Vocab

- Do B1-2 / P. 62- 63 ( work book)

- Write 6 sentences describing your house.
-Be ready for B3-4.

<i><b>Week: 12 Date of Planning:04/11/2009 </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

<b>Unit 6: Places</b>

<b>Lesson 5: C1-2 ( P. 68- 69)</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to : know some more prepositios </b>
ofplaces: in front of, behind, to the right, to the left, opposite…..

<b>*. Materials: Tape, radio, text book, pictures.</b>
<b>*. Procedures:</b>

<b>I. Warm up</b>
<b>II. New lesson: </b>

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation.</b>

<b>+ Pre- teach: Vocabulary</b>

+ Using some techniques for eliciting new
Vocab.( pictures/ realias)

- T / Ss read the Vocab.

- Ss read the Vocab chorally then

- Checking the Vocab. Do matching.
<b>+ Presentation text.</b>

- T sets the scene: Look at the pictures and
answer my questions.

? What is this ? ( a house ).

-> There are many things around the
house. Listen to the text to understand the

description of the house.

-2. Practice.

- Have Ss ask and answer the questions
( a-> f /p. 68).

- T and a student models first.
- Give Ss 3 minutes to prepare.
- Ss work in pairs

<b>3. Further practice.</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and think
of the positions of things around the house.
- Have Ss listen to the tape and find which
houses are described.

<b>* Writing.</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and
write sentences describing those houses.

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

- in front of: ở phía trước
- behind: ở đằng sau.
- to the right of:ở bên phải
- to the left of: ở bên trái
- opposite: đối diện

- a well: cái giếng
- a mountain: ngọn núi
<b>II. The text. C1/p.68.</b>

<b>*.Ask and answer the questions. (p. 68)</b>
a. Where is the yard?

b. Where are the tall trees/
c. Where are the mountains?
d. Where is the well?

e. Where are the flowers?
f. Where is the house?
<b>Example exchange:</b>

<b> S1: Where are the tall trees?</b>
S2: They are behind the house.
<b>III. Listen: C2/ P. 69: Matching.</b>
a. Which is Ba’s house? A
b. Which is Lan’s house? A
c. Which is Tuan’s house? B

<b>IV. Writing. Write about Ba,Tuan and </b>
<b>Lan’s houses.</b>

+ Red team:

<b>-</b> There are a lot of flowers in front of
Ba’s house………

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

- Divide the class in to 2 teams: Red-

- Ther are tall trees to the right of the
<b>III. Homework.</b>

<b>-</b> Learn by heart the Vocab.

<b>-</b> Answer the questions C1/p.68 again.
<b>-</b> Do exercise 3/p.34 ( exercise notebook)

<i><b>Week: 12 Date of Planning:07/11/2009 </b></i>
<i><b>Period: 36 Date of Teaching:14/11/2009 </b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 6: Places</b>

<b>Lesson 6: C3-4 ( P. 70)</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, ss will be able to practice questions "Where </b>
is …../are….?" answers. They also can use town vocabulary &prepositions of place to
describe a street.

<b>*. Materials: pictures, textbook, radio, tape.</b>
<b>*.Procedures </b>

<b>I. Warm up</b>
<b>II. New lesson: </b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b> Contents</b>

<b>1. Presentation</b>

<b>a. Pre teach- Vocabulary</b>
T: elicits the voc. (using picture
Ss: repeat the whole class and


+ Checkimg the Vocabulary: Matching
<b>b. Presentation text: C3/P.70</b>

+ Checking the Vocabulary: Matching.
+ Presentation text.C3/p.70.

- T sets the sence:

“ Look at the picture. There are many
places on the street. To know more
about them.Let’s listen to the tape”.
<b>2. Practice.</b>

a.Picture drill: C4/D.70

- Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions
about the picures in exercise C3/

+ the movie theater.

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

the drugstore : hiệu thuốc

- the toystore : cửa hàng đồ chơi
- the movie theater : rạp chiếu phim
- the police station : đồn cảnh sát
- the bakery :tiệm bánh mì
- photocopy store : quán phôtô
- between (pre): ở giữa

<b>II.The text:</b>

<b>1. Listen and read</b>
<b>2.Model sentences . </b>

S1:Where is the photocopy store?
S2: It’s next to the bakery.


<b> Where + be + S ?</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

+ the restaurant
+ the police
+ the toystore
+ the children.

+ Run through all the pictures.
- T and Ss model first. Ss repeat.

- Ss practice in pairs: Open pairs- Closed

<b>b. Guessing game: C4/P.71</b>
3. Production

T: reads, the bookstore, the mountains, the
restaurant, the hospital, the river,
the drugstore, the factory, trees, the
police station, the the bakery, the
lake, the

<b>3. Practice: </b>

<b>a. Picture drill: C4/D.70</b>
<b> Example exchange:</b>
S1: Where is the toystore?

S2: It’s between the booksrore and the
police station.

<b>b. Guessing game: C4/P.71</b>

S1: It’s opposite the movie
theater.What is it?

III. <b> Homework.</b>

- Write down newwords.

- Learn by heart the structures and the uses
- Do C4 (b) /P.7

- Revise Unit 3- 6 for the written test

= = = = = = = = * * * * = = = = = = = = = =

<i><b>Đã kiểm tra ngày ………tháng ……..năm 2009</b></i>

<b> Week: 13 Date of Planning:09/11/2009 </b>
<i><b>Period: 37 Date of Teaching: 16/11/2009</b></i>
<b> </b>

<b>Written test.</b>

<b> Time allowed: 45 minutes( In the test lesson plan) </b>

<i><b>Week: 13 Date of Planning: 11/11/2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period:38 Date of Teaching: 18/11/2009</b></i>

<b>Unit 7: Our house</b>

<b>Lesson 1: A1-2 (P.72-73)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

letter about a house to understand the details.
<b>*. Materials:Posters, pictures, lecture, radio, tape</b>
<b>*.Procedures </b>

<b>I. Warm up</b>

<b>1. Warm up: </b>

<b>II. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’activities</b> <b>Content</b>

<b>I. Activity 1: Listening</b>
<b>1. Pre- listening:</b>

- T sets the scene: T show the picture on
page 72 and say: They are Minh and
Hoa. Minh is asking about Hoa’s
House. Before listening, I have a grid
with some information. You should
stick in colums “ Yes” if it is right, and
stick in column “ No” if it is wrong by

- Check understanding

(?) Who are they? ( Minh and Hoa)
(?)What do you have to do now?
Ss: Predict and stick

- Ss predict- T collects Ss’s ideas
<b>2. While- Listening</b>

- Ss listen to the tape then check their

- T have Ss check their predictions.

- After each student’ s answer. T plays the
tape again to check.

<b>3. Post – listening</b>

- T asks Ss to use the grid to talk about
Hoa’s house.

<b>II.Activity 2: Reading (A2)</b>
<b>1. Pre- reading: Vocab.</b>

- T uses pictures on page 73 to teach

- Ss read the vocabulary chorally, then

*Checking Vocab : R.O.R
<b>* T/F prediction</b>

+ T sets the scene: You are going to read

<b>I. Listen.</b>

<b>1.Listen and complete the table</b>

<b>Yes</b> <b>No</b>

………big? <b>v</b>

………small? <b>v</b>

………a well? <b>v</b>

………a yard? <b>v</b>
……….flowers? <b>v</b>

………..trees? <b>v</b>

<b>2. Use the grid to talk about Hoa’s house</b>
- Example statements.

Hoa’s house is small. It is not big. There is
a yard. There are flowers. There isn’t
awell. There aren’t trees.

<b>II. Reading (A2)</b>
<b>1. Vocabulary.</b>
- a garden: Vườn

- a vegetable: rau quả ( explanation)
- a photo : bức ảnh ( realia)

<b>2. Reading</b>

<b>*. True or false statements.</b>
a. The house is in the country
b. There is a river near the house.

c. There are trees to the left of the house.

d. There are two gardens.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

Nga’s letter which she writes to
Lan. In the letter she writes about
her house. Before reading the
letter, you read the statements and
tell me which sentence is true and
which one is false

- A - Ask a student to read all statements first.
- Ss read and predict T or F. T gets Ss’


<b>2. While- reading (A2 P. 73)</b>

- Ss read the letter on page 73 then check
their predictions

* Comprehension questions.

(?) How many questions are there? (5)
How many answers are there?(5)
( ?) Do the answers suitable with the

question ? (No)

( ? ) What do you have to do now?
( Match)

Ss do matching (one by one) : T- corrects.
<b>3. Post – reading</b>

- Group work : ask and answer the
question (A2: a e)

a. T
b. F
c. F
d. T

<b>*. Answer the questions.</b>

<b>* Answer key:</b>

a.D, b.A, c.E, d.B, e.C

<b> Example Exchange</b>

S1: Is there a flower garden in front of the

S2: Yes, there is.

<b>III. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart Vocab.

- Do A 1, 2 ( P. 66- 67- workbook)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = * * * * = = = = = = = = = = = = =

<i><b>Week: 13 Date of Planning: 14/ 11 / 2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 39 Date of Teaching: 21 / 11/ 2009</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 7: Our house</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

- describe a house, a town and things around them.
- ask and answer questions abouts around the house.
<b>*. Materials: </b>

- Posters, pictures, picture.
<b>*.Procedures </b>

<b>I. Warm up</b>

II. New lesson:

<b>Teacher and Ss’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>

1. Presentation:
+ Pre- teach: Vocab

<b>-</b> T uses the pictures/ synonym p.74 for
eliciting the new vocabulary.

<b>-</b> Read Vocab chorally, individually

checking Vocab. Rub out and remember/
<b>2. Practice:</b>

- Review the structures :

T: Have Ss practise the structure
What is that ? _ It is a hotel.
<i> Ss: Work in pairs </i>

T: Have Ss practise the structure
Is there / Are there .. ?

Ss: Work in pairs
<b>*Exercise 4/ p.74</b>

T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures in A4
and describe them

<b>-</b> S choose a picture and the others ask
some questions:

- Are there any trees?

- Are they behind the house?

……….Then tell which house that is.
<b>* Exercise 5/ p.75.</b>

T: Ask Ss to listen to the description
and decide which house it is .

T: Ask Ss to fill in the blank with the
correct word.

T: Ask Ss to make sentences with
Is there /Are there .. ?

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

<b>- a bank: ngân hàng </b>
<b>-</b> a clinic: phòng khám.
<b>-</b> a post office: bưu điện
<b>-</b> a super market: siêu thị.
<b>-</b> a shop: cửa hàng

<b>-</b> any: nào cả.

<b>II. Model sentences.</b>

a. What is that? -> It’s a hotel.

What are those?-> They are flowers.

Is there a lake near your house?
- Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t

Are there any trees near your house?
- Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t
<b>III. Practice:</b>


1) What is this ? It is a bank

2) What are those? They are flowers.
3) What is this? It is a supermarket.


- Is there a bank near your house?
- No, there isn’t

- Is there a supermarketnear your school?
- Yes,there is .

- Are there any flowers near your house?
Yes, there are.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<b>3. Production (A5)</b>

- T. ask Ss to look at the pictures of A4

- Then T. reads a paragraph describing a
house. Ss listen then predict which h*

- Ss nhắc lại cách hỏi đoán với “ Is there/
are there”

Notes: ins’t = is not
Aren’t = are not

<b>Exercise 4/ p.74.Look at the pictures .</b>
Choose one of the houses. Don’t your
partner which house. Ask questions to find
which house your partner chooses.


S1: Are there any trees?
S2: Yes, there are.

S3: Are they behind the house?
S2: Yes, there are

<b>III. Homework</b>

- Learn by heart Vocab

- Draw a picture of a house then ask and answer the questions about it
- Do A1-6 (p66- 67- work book)

- PrepareB1

= = = = = = = = = =* * * * = = = = = = = = = = =

<i><b>Đã kiểm tra ngày…….tháng ………năm 2009</b></i>

<i><b>Week: 14 Date of Planning: 16/ 11 / 2009</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 40 Date of Teaching: 23 / 11/ 2009</b></i>

<b>Unit 7: ( Cont)</b>

<b>Lesson 3: B1- 3 ( P.76-77)</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to read the text about Ba’s and </b>
Chi’s houses to understand the differcene between town and country.

- Practise reading, speaking, writing skills.
<b>*. Materials: </b>

- Posters, pictures, picture.
<b>*.Procedures </b>

<b>I. Warm up.</b>

Good morning.
Who is absent today?





<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

<b>-</b> T’s instruction  check

<b>-</b> Ss play in groups (Red/ Blue)
<b>-</b> Praise the winner

II. New lesson:

<b>Teacher and Ss’activities</b> <b>Content</b>

<b>1. Pre- reading</b>
+.Pre- teach: Vocab

T uses some techniques for eliciting :
(pictures and antonyms)

( explanation)
( picture)
( picture)
( synonysm)

Ss read the Vocab chorally/ individually
* Checking Vocab : R.O.R

+T sets the scene: You are going to read
the texts about Ba’s apartment and
Chi’s house. Before reading the
texts, I want you to read the passage
about Ba and Chi and fill in the gaps
with suitable words ( using the

- Ss look at the pictures and fill in the

<b>-</b> Ss “ look at the pictures and fill in the

gaps  T. collects students’s ideas.
<b>2. While- reading</b>

- Ss read the text on page (76/77) and
read the text silently. Then check their

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

- noisy >< quiet : ồn ào >< yên tónh
- an apartment:căn hộ

- a zoo: vườn back thú
- paddy fields= rice paddy:

<b>1. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.</b>
<b>Using the pictures.</b>

Nam lives in an (1)………… in town. Near
his apartment, there is a supermarket, a
post-office, ( 2)…………,a clinic, a market
and a (3)………… . It is very (4)………here




<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

predictions above.

- T. has students correct the false words
- Ask 2 Ss to read the texts aloud.

<b>* Answer the questions:B1/ P.76</b>
(?) How many number are there?

(?) How many questions/ LK numbers are

(?) What happen if you choose a lucky N0<sub>?</sub>

Ss play in groups.

1. Does Ba live in town? ( Yes, he is)
2. Does he live in a house?

( No, he doesn’t)

3. Is the country noisy?( No, it isn’t)
4. LK

5. LK

6. Does Chi live in town? 9 No, she

7. Are there any flowers?( Yes, there are)
9. LK

10. Is the country quiet?( Yes, it is)

<b>3. Post- reading</b>

- Pair work: talk about places they live
(open pairs/ close pairs)

Eg: S1: “ Hello, I’m Lan. I live in
apartment in Hanoi

It is very noisy. Near my house, there

`S2: “ Hello. I’m Thu. I live in a house in
the country. It’s very quiet. Ear my house,
there is a lake, a rice paddy and a………..”
* Consolidation

- List differences between life in town
and life in coumtru

- Ss play in groups

Chi lives in a (5)…………in the country .
There aren’t any stores here. There are
not any (6)…here.There are trees and (7)
………….., a river , a lake and ( 8)………. It
is very (9)………in the country.


1. apartment 4. noisy

2. a bank 5. house
3. zoo 6. stores
7. flowers. 8.quiet
<b>2. Answer the questions</b>

- Play a game: Lucky Number
Cat- Mouse

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

III. Homework

- Learn by hear Vocab

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

= = = = = = = = = = * * * * = = = = = = = = =

<i><b>Week: 14 Date of Planning: </b></i>
<i><b>Period: 41 Date of Teaching: </b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 7: ( Cont)</b>

<b>Lesson 5:C1,3</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Learn vocabulary related to</b>
means of transportation. Use How- questions with the simple present.

<b>*. Materials: </b>

-- pictures, handout
<b>*Procedures </b>

<b>I. Warm up.</b>
Guessing Game

- Ss choose a place in town

(Factory, museum, post office, stadium………and complete the sentence strip.
- I live near the……….

<b>II. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’activities</b> <b> Contents</b>

<b>a. Presentation</b>

+ Pre- teach: T uses pictures on P. 78/79 to
elicite Vocab

<b>-</b> Read Vocab chorally, individually
* Checking Vocab. What and Where:

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

<b>-</b> by bike: bằng xe đạp
<b>-</b> by bus: bằng xe bt

<b>-</b> by motorbike: bằng xe máy
<b>-</b> by car: bằng xe hơi

<b>-</b> by train: bằng tàu thuỷ
<b>-</b> by plane: bằng máy bay
<b>+ Presentation text: C 1-2 (P78-79)</b>

<b>Model sentences.</b>

How do you go to school?

does he travel work?

I go/travel by bike

He goes/travels car

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

- Meaning
- Form
- Use

- Pronunciation

+ Form: How + do/does + S + go/ travel to……….?
S + go (es)/ travel(s) + by + phương tiên
+ Use:

Hỏi và trả lời về phương tiện đi lại.
b. Practice:

Example Exchange

S1: How does Lien go to work?
S2” She goes by bike

S1: How does Mr Hai travel to work?
S2: He travels by train

*. Substitution Drill. ( C2 P. 78-79) 11 picture cues: Lien, Thu, Tuan, Hoa, Huong, Mr
Hai, Mrs. Lan, Mr Ba, Mrs Hoa, Mr Kim, Mrs Dung.

<b>-</b> Pair work

( closed pairs/ open pairs)
<b>c. Production</b>

<b>Nought and Crosses</b>
- T’s instructions Check

- Group Work: Group A(x) Group B(0)

Mrs. Lien Mrs. Lan Mr Hai

Dung Thu Tuan

Mr Ba Mr Kim Miss Hoa

Example Exchange

S1: How does Mrs. Lien go to work?
S2: She goes by bike

<b>III. Homework</b>

- Learn by hear Vocab/ Model sentences (form)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

<b> = = = = = = = =* * * * == = = = = = = = = ==</b>

<i><b>Week: 14 Date of Planning: </b></i>
<i><b>Period: 42 Date of Teaching:</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 7: ( Cont)</b>

<b>Lesson 6:C3,4</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the reading text </b>
abut Hoang’s daily routine for further practice in simple present habitual actions.
- Practise reading, speaking, writing skills

<b>*. Materials: </b>

- Posters, lectures, picture.
<b>*Procedures </b>

<b>I. Warm up.</b>
<b>II. New lesson</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Pre- reading</b>

- Vocabulary (Matching)

<b>- Ask Ss to take turns to go to the board to </b>
do the matching.

<b>-</b> Ss do matching ( one for each)
- Have Ss read the words again.

 <b>Open – prediction:</b>

(Grid with answer key)

- Ss predict what time Hoang does the
following things

<b>I. Vocabulary .</b>

Bike Tàu hỏa

Motorbike Đi bộ

Plane Xe đạp

Train Xe máy

Bus Đi lại
Car Ôtô

Walk Máy bay

Travel Xe buyùt
<b>II. Reading</b>

<b>1. Complete the table.</b>

<b> </b>
<b> </b>
<b> </b>

<b>2. While – reading:</b>

C4: “ Hi, My name is Hoang…………” P.80
Ss read silently then check their predictions

<b>-</b> Comprehension Question – C4 P. 80

( af)

Lucky Number Game

1. What time does Hoang get up ?

<b>2. Answer the questions.</b>
<b>( Poster). Lucky numbers.</b>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b>

<b>6</b> <b>7</b> <b>8</b> <b>9</b> <b>10</b>

<b>Tiger ---Lion</b>

What time?
He gets up

He leaves the house
School starts

School ends
He has lunch

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

2. What time do you get up?

3. What time does Hoang go to school>
4. Lucky Numbeer

5. How do you go to school?

6. Does Hoang go to school by car?
7. Lucky Number

8. Lucky Number

9. What time do your classes start?
10. What time do you have lunch?
+ T’s instruction  check

+ Play in groups ( tiger/ Lion)
<b>3. Post- reading</b>


What time?

Get up Time Name

Go to school 5.00 Lan

Classes start
Go home
Have lunch

<b>-</b> Ss work in pairs to ask what time do their friends do the things above? Then go to the
board to fill in the Grid

Example Exchange
S1: What time do you get up?
S2: I get up at 5.00

S2: My name is Lan

- Revise Vocab

- Write a paragraph about your daily routine
- Do C4(71)

Guide: Write a paragraph about your daily routine

Example: I’m Huong. I’m a student. I learn at Dong Son secondary school. Everyday I
get up at 6. I go to school at 6.20………..

<b> = = = = = = = = = * * * * = = = = = = = = = </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

<i><b>Week: 15 Date of Planning:23/11/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period:43 Date of Teaching: 30/11/09 </b></i>
<b> </b>

<b>Check for the test</b>

<b>I Objectives: </b>

<b> - Listen: Học sinh có thể nghe một đoạn văn nói về gia đình.</b>
- Đọc: Đọc hiểu một đoạn văn nói về các đồ vật trong gia đình.
- Kiến thức ngôn ngữ: Nối câu hỏi và câu trả lời sử dụng các mãu
câu đã học trong chủ điểm

<b>II. Materials:</b>
<b>III. Procedures</b>

<b>Chủ đề</b> <b>Nhận biết</b> <b>Thông hiểu</b> <b>Vận dụng</b> <b>Tổng</b>


<b>I. Listening</b> 5




<b>II. Reading</b> 5


<b>III. Language</b>

<b> focu</b>




<b>IV.Writing</b> 5




Toång 10






Teacher and students’ activities Contents

1. Presentation

- T and students give some common
mistakes that Ss often makes in their tests
- How to answer with yes or no questions
- Grammar :

: six fifty , six fifteen, quarter to,
quarter past,

: Yes, there is/ there are

: No, there isn’t / there aren’t
<b>-</b> she do / do she

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

2. Practice

- Ask Ss how to repair the mistakes
- Suggest Ss to avoid the mistakes

Call Ss to the board to repair the mistakes
<b>-</b> Ss to the board to repair th mistakes
<b>-</b> T explains more clearly about the


<b>-</b> Explain about the Wh- questions?

<b>B. Answers</b>

I3. Production

- T helps Ss avoid the mistakes by giving
somes kinds of exercises for Ss to do

- Ss do exercises to review more clearly
about the lessons

<b>-</b> She wash/ brush/


-Six fifty – sixfifteen
Yes, there is/ there are
No, there isn’t/ there aren’t

<b>-</b> She does/ watches/ washes/ goes/
brushes/ plays….

<b>-</b> In questions: Do you/ we/ they…..?
<b>-</b> Does she/ he/ Lan………?

<b>-</b> The questions with : What, how,
who, when……..

<b>-</b> Using: Do/ does to make questions

. 1. Passage

<b>Hi! My name is Phong .I’m in grade 6,</b>
<b>class 6A. Every day I get up at 5.30. I go</b>
<b>to school at 6.45. My classes start at 7</b>
<b>o’clock and finish at 10 o’clock. I go</b>
<b>home at 10.15. In the afternoon, I do</b>
<b>the housework and play sports. I play</b>
<b>tennis. In the evening I watch TV and I</b>
<b>go to bed at 10.00 </b>

<b> 2. Answer</b>

<b>1.T</b> <b>2. F</b> <b>3. F</b> <b>4. T</b> <b>5. F</b>

<b>II. 1. Phong is ingrade 11</b>

<b>2. His house is on Hang Bac street</b>
<b>3. There is a small park near his house</b>
<b> 4. There is a drugstore to the right of</b>
<b>the bookstore</b>

<b>5. Yes, it is</b>

<b>III. 1. C</b> <b>2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A</b>

<b>IV. 1.A – is 2. A- in</b> <b>3. B- do</b>

<b>4. A- doesn’t 5. C – opposite</b>
<b>V. Viết đúng ngữ pháp theo đúng nội</b>
<b>dung của từ gợi ý </b>

1.every / afternoon / school / Ba / housework / and
/ listen / music .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

<b>-</b> T calls Ss to the board to do the

<b>-</b> Ss to the board to do exercises

<b>-</b> T notices about the common mistakes
and repair



5.attractive/ let’s / our / grounds / more / school /

6. good / are / juices / there / very / there
7. for / what / we / have / tomorrow / shall /


8. What / beautiful / she/ has/ a/ dress/ !
you / hope / the / come / I / join / fun / and /

birthday / old / you / your / on / how /
will / next / be?


<i><b>-Week: 15 Date of Planning:25/11/09 </b></i>
<i><b>Period: 44 Date of Teaching:02/12/09 </b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 8: Out and about</b>

<b>Lesson 1: A1-3</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, ss will be able to use present present Progressive</b>
positive statements with I/she/he to talk about actions happening now.

<b>*. Materials: </b>

- Posters, lectures, picture.
<b>*Procedure </b>

<b>I. Warm up:</b>

- How do you go to school?

- How does you father travel to work?
<b>II. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher and Students’activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

1. Pre reading.
a.Pre teach.

- T: elicits the Vocab

- ss: repeat the whole class and

* Vocab/picture/P.82.
- Checking Vocabulary:
Rub out and remember.
b. Presentation text.

A1/P.82 (Top 3 pictures only)
- Ss: - listen and repeat.

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

- (to) play video games: chơi trò chơi điện tử
- (to) ride a bike: đi xe đạp

- (to) drive a car: lái xe ô tô.
- (to) wait for : đợi chờ
<b>II. Model sentences</b>

- I am playing games.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

- read silently.
* Model sentences:

- Concept check: form/ meaning/use.


- Picture drill A1/P.82.

<b>- Ask Ss to run through all pictures.</b>
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do.
- T models first.

Then Ss practice :( Open pairs/ closed

S1: I am playing video games
S2: He is playing video games

<b>(+) Form: S + be + V.ing.</b>
<b> Am/is/are</b>

<b>(+)Use: Present Progressive is expressed the</b>
actions happaing now.

Eg: What are you doing?

- I'm waiting for my teacher.
<b>III. Practice. (- Picture drill A1/P.82.)</b>
I am playing I am riding my bike
video games

a, He is playing b, She is riding her video
games bike

I am driving my car

C,He is driving his car
<b>Example exchange</b>

S1: I'm [playing video games]

S2: He's/She's [playing video games].
<b>3.Production. Noughts and crosses.</b>

S1: I'm walking to school.
walk to school


drive a bus

travel by bus

wait for a train

ride a bike

play a game

go by plane

drive a car

ride a motor bike

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

- Write down newwords.

- Learn model sentences by heart.

- Learn Present progressive tense by heart

<i><b>Week: 15 Date of Planning: 26/11/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 45 Date of Teaching: 03/12/09</b></i>

<b>Unit 8: Out and about</b>

<b>Lesson 2: A4-6</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use Present Progressive "Wh" </b>
Questions with she/he/they to talk about actions happening now.

<b>*. Materials: </b>

- Posters, lectures, pictures.
<b>*Procedure </b>

<b>I. Warm up and revision:</b>
<b>1. Warm up:</b>

<b>2. Revision: </b>
- Slap the board

- Teacher sticks all the picture cues from lesson 1 and lesson 2 drills on the board.
Teacher and ss call whole sentences.

Eg: He's walking to school.

II. New lesson:

Teacher and students’activities Contents
1. Activity 1.A4/p84.

a. Pre- teach : Vocab.
( translation )

( explanation)

- Ss read the Vocab chorally, then

- Checking the Vocab: R.O.R

<b>+ Listen, then number the pictures you</b>

- Ask Ss to listen to the pictures and
describe these people’s activities.

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then number
the pictures .

<b>I. Activity 1: A4/p84.</b>
<b>1. Vocab.</b>

- businessman (n): thương gia
- station (n) : nhà ga, beán
- downtown (n) :

<b>2. Listen, then number the pictures you</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

Tape transcript.

1 - Mr Tam is a businessman. He's driving
home from work.

2 - Mrs Thanh is waiting at the station. The
train is late and she is very angry.
3 - Nam and Quang are going around the

city by mortorbike.

4 - Viet is a student. He is riding his bike to

5 - Mai lives near her school. She is
walking home from school.
6 - The boy is waiting for the bus


<b>2. Activity 2: A2,A3/ P 84</b>
<b>a,Presentation: A2, A3/P.83</b>

- - T elicits the model sentences from the

- - Ask Ss t0 read the model sentences.
--- Concept check:

F – Form, meaning, uses, pro.
b. Practice.A3/p83.

- Ask Ss to ask and answer questions about
all the people in the pictures. A3/p.84.
- T models first- Ss repeat.

- Ss work in pairs: Open pairs/ closed pairs.

<b>3.Further Pratice</b>

Answer Given: A6/P.85 ( a  c).

Ss: read A6 in 3' ( a  c).

T - Whole class:
a) Who is that?
->That is Mr Ha
- What does he do?
->He's a businessman.
- What does he going?
->He's going to Ha Noi.
- Where is he traveling?
->He's traveling by plance.

d e f

=> answer key:

1 – b ,2 - f; 3 – d ; 4 - a; 5 -c; 6 - e

II. Activities 2: A2,A3
1. Model sentences.

- What are you doing ?
is he/she

<b>-</b> I am doing my homework
<b>-</b> He is his homework
<b>+ Form:</b>

What + to be + S + doing?
<b> S + to be + Ving.</b>

<b>+ Use:</b>

- to ask and answer what someone is doing

read  reading

write  writing ( bỏ e thêm ing )

swim  swimming ( nhân đôi phụ âm

rồi thêm ing)
( nhöng play  playing )

<b>2. Practice.A3/p83.</b>
A3: Answer. Then write …
Example exchange
a) S1: What's he doing?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

<b>+ Make similar questions to b & c with </b>
<b>Who/What/Where/ How.</b>

<b>+ Answer key;</b>

<i>b) Who is that ? </i>
<i> That is Miss Hoa.</i>
<i>What does she do ? </i>
<i> She is a teacher.</i>

<i>Where is she going? </i>
<i> She is going to school.</i>
<i> How is she traveling? </i>
<i> She is traveling on foot.</i>
<i>c) Who are they ? </i>

<i>They are Mr Tuan and Mrs Vui</i>
<i>What do they do ? </i>

<i>They are doctors</i>

<i>Where are they going? </i>
<i>They are going to the hospital</i>
<i>How are they traveling? </i>

<i>Thye are traveling by car.</i>

S2: They're waiting for a bus.

a.What are you doing?
I am doing my homework

b) What is she doing?
She is riding her bike

c) What is he doing?
He is driving his car

d) What are they doing?
They are waiting for a bus
<b>III. Homework</b>

-Do A6/P.85 and A3/P.84 again.
- Do A1-4/p 72-72( workbook)
- Be ready for the next lesson: B1-2

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

<i><b>Week: 16 Date of Planning: 30/11/09</b></i>

<i><b>Period: 46 Date of Teaching: 07/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 8: Out and about</b>

<b>Lesson 3: B1,2, ( P.86-88)</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use read a picture story about a </b>
truck driver to understand the main ideas and details.

<b>*. Materials: </b>

- Posters, cards, picture.
<b>*Procedure </b>

<b>I. Warm up </b>
<b>II. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher ans Ss’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>1. Pre reading</b>

<b>+ Pre-teach : Vocab. </b>

- T: elicits the newwords from students
- Ss: Repeat ( the whode class and


<b>- Checking the Vocab: Matching</b>

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

- a truck driver: người lái xe tải
- a farmer : người nông dân
- (to) load: chất hàng lên

- (to) unload: dỡ hàng xuống
- a food stall: quầy bán thực phẩm
- (to) arrive at: đến

1. a truck driver a: Quầy bán thực phẩm
2. a farmer b: người lái xe tải

3. (to) load c: dỡ hàng xuống

4. (to) unload d: chất hàng lên

5. a food stall e: đến

6. (to) arrive at f: nông dân
1…….., 2………,3……….,4………5,………6,………

b. Ordering statement

+ T introduces the text: You are going to
read the text about Mr Quang. He is a
farmer. Before reading, you read the
statements and rearrange which sentence
comes first, second……

? How many statements are there? ( 6)
? What do you have to do now?

( rearrange/ order them).

<b>-</b> Have Ss read all statements first.

<b>II. Reading:</b>

<b>a. Rearange the statements in the </b>
<b>correct order.</b>

1. He’s going to Hanoi
2. He’s meeting the farme
3. He’s having breakfast
4. He’s going to a farm

5.He’s loading vegetables in the truck
6.He’s unloading the truck

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

<b>-</b> Then Ss order them. T writes on the

<b>2. While Reading </b>

- Ask - Ss to read B1 A / Truck Driver/P.86 ,
then check their prediction.

- - Have Ss check their prediction after


* Comprehension Questions : B1( a-f) /
P.86 .

- - - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask andanswer
the questions /P.87 first.

( Closed pairs)
+ Answer key:

a. He is a truck driver
b. He is going to a farm
c. a farmer is

d. He is taking the vegetables to the

e. He is eating

f. He is eating at a food stall

- No 1- a, No 2- c, No3- e, No4- LK,
No5- b, No6- LK, No7-d, No8- f
<b>3. Post Reading </b>

T: Show the pictures and ask Ss some
questions ( Who is this ?)

( What is he doing ?)

Ss: Answer

T: Ask Ss to listen and repeat the
sentences in the dialogue .

T: Ask Ss to read the dialogue again.
Ss: Play the roles of Lan and Ba .
T: Have Ss to ask and answer.
Ss: Work in close pairs

T: Call on some pairs of Ss to perform in
front of the class

Ss: Open pairs T: Explain the

grammar notes

Ss: Listen and copy on their notebook
<b>III. Homework </b>

1.d, 2.b, 3.f, 4.a, 5.c, 6.e

<b>b. Answer the questions/ P.87</b>
( Poster)

<b>-</b> Lucky numbers:

Tiger--- Lion

<b>* B2: Listen and repeat. Then answer…</b>


=> Answer key:

a) He is doing his hemowork
b) Yes, he is

c) No, he isn’t

d) He is playing soccer
e) No, they aren’t
<b>B4: Remember.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

- Write down newwords
- Do B1, B2/ P86- 87.
- Be ready for C1,2

= = = = = = = = = =* * * * = = = = = = = = = = =

<i><b>Week: 16 Date of Planning: 02/12/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 47 Date of Teaching: 09/12/09</b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT </b>

Lesson 4:Road signs (C1-2)
<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : </b>
- Review vocabulary related to traffic.

- Use modal verb “can” and “can’t”.
<b>*. Materials: </b>

- Posters, cards, picture, handout
<b>*Procedure </b>

<b>I. Warm up </b>

T: Show some road signs and ask Ss to tell what they are .
T: Ask Ss to guess the aim of the lesson.

<b>T: Tell the aim of the lesson : giving permission and making prohibition.</b>
<b>II. New lesson.</b>

<b>Teacher ’ s / students ’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

1.Activity 1: C1.
+ Pre-teach: Vocab.

- T elicits the Vocab from the Ss.
( picture + example)

( picture)
( picture)
( picture)
( picture)
( picture)

( picture)
<i> (translation) </i>

T: Read the new words
T: Read the new words

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>

- can (v) : có thể

- can’t = can not : không thể

- road sign (n): biển báo giao thông
<i>- park (v): đỗ xe </i>

- turn (v) : rẽ

<i>-ahead (adv) : về phía trước </i>
- job(n) : nghề nghiệp

- difficult (adj) : khó khăn
- policeman (n) : công an
- go into : đi vaøo

- way (n) : con đường

<i>- one way : đường một chiều</i>
- say (v) : nói

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=90>

<b>Ss: </b>

<b>Ss: </b>Listen and repeatListen and repeat
<b>T: </b>

<b>T: </b>Write the new words on the boardWrite the new words on the board
<b>Ss: </b>

<b>Ss: Write them down</b>Write them down

Read individuallyRead individually

- Checking the Vocab : Matching.
<i>+ Open- prediction.</i>

T: Ask Ss to look at the road signs
Read the statements and guess
what the signs say

Ss: Read and predict

T: Ask Ss to listen to the statements
and check their prediction

T: Ask Ss to read C1 and translate
into Vietnamese.

<b>2. Activity 2: C2.</b>

T: Explain the grammar notes and
present the structures of modal verb“

Ss: Listen and copy down

T: Ask Ss to look at the road signs,
read the sentences and then complete
them with “can” or


Ss: Work in pairs
T: Feed back

<b>II. Predict What does this sign mean?</b>

A- You can park here
– B - You can’t park here

C - You can turn left
D - You can go ahead
A- You can’t turn right

B- You can turn left.
C- You can’t park here
D-You can turn right.

A-You can’t go ahead
A- B- You can’t ride a motorbike.

C. You can go ahead.

D. You can turn left

A. You can ride a mortorbike.
B. You can’t park hear.
C. You can park here.

D. You can’t ride a motorbike
A- You can’t park here .
B- You can’t go ahead .
C- You can go into this street.
D- You can’t go into this street.
=> Answer key:

1.A, 2.B, 3.C, 4.D,5. D

<b>C2: What do the road signs mean? …</b>
<b> @ Modal verbs: “Can”</b>

<b> S + can + V-inf ……..</b>

<b> S + can not + V-inf …….. </b>
<b> can not = can’t</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=91>


<b>Can: nói một ai đó có thể làm gì.</b>

<b>Can’t: nói ai đó khơng thể làm gì</b>

<b>a) You can turn left b) You can’t turn right</b>
<b>c) You can go ahead d) You can’t ride a</b>
<b> motorbike</b>

<b>III. Homework</b>

- Ask Ss to learn the new words by heart .
- Ask Ss to translate the text into Vietnamese.

= = = = = = = = = = = =* * * * = = = = = = = = = = =

<i><b>Week: 16 Date of Planning: 03/12/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 48 Date of Teaching:10/12/09 </b></i>

<b>Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT </b>

Lesson 5:Road signs (C3-4)
<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : </b>
- Review vocabulary related to traffic.

- Use must and mustn’t.
<b>*. Materials: </b>

- pictures, handout
<b>*Procedure </b>

<b>I_WARM UP:</b>

T: Ask Ss to tell what the road signs below mean
Ss: Answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=92>

<i><b>II_NEW LESSON:</b></i>
T: Set the situation .

T: Show some road signs and ask Ss to tell what they are .
T: Ask Ss to guess the aim of the lesson.

<b>T: Tell the aim of the lesson : talk about an obligation and make prohibition</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

1. Activity1:C3/P90
<b>+ Teach vocabulary</b>
<i>( picture + example)</i>
( picture)

<i>(translation) </i>
<i>(translation) </i>
( picture)

T: Read the new words
T: Read the new words
Ss: Listen and repeat
Ss: Listen and repeat

T: Write the new words on the
T: Write the new words on the


Ss: Write them down
Ss: Write them down

Read individuallyRead individually

<b>+Checking vocabulary: </b>
(Slap the board)

+ Open prediction :

T: Ask Ss to read the passage and
fill in the blanks with the words
they guess

I. Vocabulary.

_ must (v) : phải_ mustn’t : không được phép
_ road (n) : con đường

_ dangerous (adj): nguy hieåm
_ accident (n) : tai naïn

_ discipline (n ): traọt tửù
_ help(v) : giúp đỡ

_ warn(v) : canhr báo
_ fast(adv) nhanh # slow
<b>_ stop (v) : dừng lại </b>

<b>_ slow down (v) : giảm tốc độ _</b>
intersection (n): giao lộ

<b>II.The text.C3/P90</b>

<b>* Fill in the gaps with suitable words.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=93>

Ss: Work in pair ( Guess)

T: Ask Ss to listen to the text and
check their prediction .

T: Ask Ss to read the text (C3)
Ss: Repeat in chorus and read



T: Explain the exercise

Show the pistures in C4 ask Ss to
look at them and tell what they

Ss: Look at the signs and answer
T: Ask Ss to listen and number
the road signs as they hear .
- Asks Ss to match the road signs
with what they say.

- Asks Ss to learn the new words
and structures .

Answer Key:

You can’t turn right hear – C
2. There is a stop sign. You must
stop –D

3. You casn park your car here-H
4. You must slow down. There is
an intersection ahead- A

5. You can enter that road. Look

at the sign- G

6. We can turn left here-B

7. You can’t ride mortorbike on
this street - F

* Consolidation.

- T Asks Ss to repeat some notes.

…….(1)……on our roads.We must have ………(2)….
Road signs ………(3)……….us . Some road signs ………..
( 4)……us . There is an intersection ahead , we must

We …….(6)…….go fast . There is a sign “STOP”
ahead , we mustn’t …………(7)……


Answer Key :
<i> (1) accidents </i>
(3) help
(4) warn
(5) slow down
(6) mustn’t
(7) go ahead

<b>C4: Listen. Which sign? Number the …</b>

A, B, C,

D, E, F,

G, H,
<b>C6: Remember . </b>

<b>@ Modal verbs: “Can”</b>
<b> S + can + V-inf ……..</b>

<b> S + can not + V-inf …….. can not = can’t</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=94>

- Ss repeat.

<b>III. Homework.</b>

<b>-</b> Revise some Vocabulary.

<b>-</b> Do exercises C1-2/p.75( workbook)
<b>-</b> Prepare: Grammar Practice.

<i><b> Đã kiểm tra ngày... tháng... năm 2009</b></i>

<i><b>Week: 17 Date of Planning: 07/12/09</b></i>

<i><b>Period: 49 Date of Teaching: 14 / 12/ 2009</b></i>

<b>Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT </b>


6: Grammar Practice

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : review the simple present </b>
tense of the ordinary verb, the present continuous tense , the question

words (Where , Who , What , When , How ), the prepositions of
position , the modal verbs can , can’t , must , mustn’t.

<b>*. Ways of working.</b>

- T, WC, pairs, groups, individual
<b>*. Materials: </b>

- pictures, handout
<b>*Procedure </b>

<b>I_Warm up and revision:</b>

T shows some road signs – Ss make sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=95>

<b>+ Answer key:</b>
A, You can turn left
B, You must stop
C, You can’t park here.
D, Yiu can park here.

E, You can’t ride a motorbike.

<b>II. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher and Ss’activities</b> <b> Contents</b>

1.Activity 1: The simple present.

- T asks Ss to repeat some verbs of talk
about means of travelling.

Ss: “go, travel,walk and question word

_ Notice the use of the tense: to express an
everyday action.

+ adverbs?

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to do Ex1/p92.
<b>-</b> Ss work pairs to do.
<b>-</b> Give feedback-> check.

<b>2. Activity 2: The Present progressive </b>

- Review of formation: I am/ You, We,
They are…., He/ She/ It is………+ Ving.

. The Use : To express an action happening
at the same time or around the time or

around the time as we are talking.

<b>3. Preposition.</b>

- Have Ss look at the picture and ask the
question like this: “ What do you see in the
picture?/ What is the girl doing?/ and the

<b>1. Present simple tense.</b>
<b>+ Form:</b>

<b> S + V(s/es).</b>

<b>+ Use: to express an everyday action.</b>
<b>+ Adverbs:</b>

<b>-</b> <b>always/ usually/ often/sometime/ </b>

<b>-</b> <b>every day/week/month/year.</b>
+ Answer key:

a, How do you go?/ I go to school by bus
b, How does he travel to Hanoi? / He
travels by plane.

c, Do you walk to school? – No. I don’t
walk to school.

<b>2. The Present progressive tense.</b>
<b>+ Form:</b>

<b>I + am + </b>

<b>You/ They/ We + are + Ving</b>
<b>He/ She / It + is +</b>

<b>+ Answer key:</b>

a, Minh is riding his bike.
b, They are waiting for a bus.
c, She is watching television.
d. We are playing soccer.
e, He is listening to music.
f, They are walking to school.
g, He is travelling to Ha noi.

<b>3. Preposition: Complete the exercise </b>
<b>with the words in the box.</b>

+ Answer key:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=96>

- Ask Ss to read the list of words and give
the meanings.

4. Question words:

- Ask Ss to repeat some questions words
and their uses they’ve learnt.

- Ss repeat: Where/ Who/ What/ How/ How
old/ When/ What time…….

- Then asks Ss to do exercise 4/p93.
-Ss work in pairs to do.

- Give feed back/ correct.

+ Exercise 5/P. 94.
Ss work in pairs to do.
- Give feed back/ correct.

of/ to the right of.
<b>4. Question words.</b>

* Wh questions( Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi)
1. Wh- words:

Where : ở đâu ( hỏi về nơi chốn)
Who : ai ( hỏi về ngời)

What: gì, cái gì ( hỏi cho vật, hành động)
How : như thế nào ( hỏi về sức khỏe)
How old : bao nhiêu tuổi( hỏi về tuổi)
When : khi nào( hỏi về thời gian)
What time : mấy giờ ( hỏi về giờ)

How many + Dt đếm được ở số nhiều...?
How much + Dt không đếm được...?

bao nhiêu( hỏi về số lượng).

<b>Exercise 4/p93:</b>
+ Answer key:

a, Where, b, Who, c, What, d, What
<b>5. Exercise 5/P95.</b>

+ Answer key:
A, play/ playing
B, rides/ is riding
C, go/ are going
D, drive/ is driving.

<b>III. Homework.</b>

<b>-</b> Revise the simple present/ the present continouse tense.
<b>-</b> Redo all exercises.

= = = = = = = = * * *= = = = = = = = = = = = =

<i><b>Week: 17 Date of Planning: 9/12/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 50 Date of Teaching: 16 / 12/ 2009</b></i>

<b>Revision for the first term test. </b>

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<b>*. Materials:</b>
<b> - Handouts</b>
<b>* Procedure:</b>

<b>I. Warm up: Chatting.</b>
<b>II. New lesson.</b>

<b>Ex1: Em hóy dựng hỡnh thức đúng của những động từ trong ngoặc:</b>
1. My sister and me (be) ...are...students.

2. He (go) ...goes...to school at half past six.
3. Lan (be) ...is...twelve years old.

4. They (play) ...are playing...soccer now.
5. We (have) ...has...breakfast at 6.30.

6. My mother (do) ...is doing...the housework at the moment
<b>Ex2:Em hóy nghe v# chọn (</b>

) đúng hoặc sai:

Đúng Sai

1. Ba is twelve years old.
2. His father is a doctor.
3. His mother is a teacher.
4. His sister is Lan

Ex3: Em hóy đọc đoạn văn, chọn từ thớch hợp điền v#o chỗ trống, v# trả lời cỏc cõu hỏi:
My (1) ..name...is Lan. This (2)...is...my family. We are (3) ..in...
our living room. There are four people in my family. This is my father. He is forty. He is
(4)...an...engineer. This is my mother. She is thirty – five. She is a teacher. My
brother is eight. He is (5) ….a… student.

1. How many people are there in Lan’s family?

...There are four...
2. How old is her father?

..He is forty...
3. How old is her mother?

..She is thirty- five...
4. What does her mother do?

.She is a teacher...
5. How old is her brother?

- He is eight...
6. What does he do?

.- He is a student...
<b>Ex 4: Em hóy ho#n th#nh những câu sau đây:</b>

1. My mother works in a school. She is a ....teacher...
2. They listen to ....music...after school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=98>

4. My school isn’t big. It is ...small...

<b>Ex5:Em hóy sử dụng những từ cho sẵn để viết về nơi ở của mỡnh.</b>

- I / Nam . I / country. In fron of / house / flowers. Behind / house / tall trees. lake / to the
right / house.

Ss’ answer.

- T gives Ss 30’ to do all the exercises. Then T WC correct.
<b>III. Homework:</b>

- Be ready for the first term test.

<b> = = = = = = = =* * * = = = = = = = = = = =</b>

<i><b>Week: 17 Date of Planning: 10/12/09</b></i>
<i><b>Period: 51 Date of Teaching: 17 / 12/ 2009</b></i>

<b>Revision for the first term test. </b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do some esercises using the</b>
knowledge they have learnt in the fitst term.

<b>*. Materials:</b>
<b> - Handouts</b>
<b>* Procedure:</b>

<b>I. Warm up: Chatting.</b>
<b>II. New lesson.</b>

<b>Ex1: Em hóy dựng hỡnh thức đúng của những động từ trong ngoặc:</b>
1. My sister and me (be) ...are...students.

2. He (go) ...goes...to school at half past six.
3. Lan (be) ...is...twelve years old.

4. They (play) ...are playing...soccer now.
5. We (have) ...has...breakfast at 6.30.

6. My mother (do) ...is doing...the housework at the moment
<b>Ex2:Em hóy nghe v# chọn (</b>

) đúng hoặc sai:

Đúng Sai

1. Ba is twelve years old.
2. His father is a doctor.
3. His mother is a teacher.
4. His sister is Lan

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=99>

(4)...an...engineer. This is my mother. She is thirty – five. She is a teacher. My
brother is eight. He is (5) ….a… student.

1. How many people are there in Lan’s family?

...There are four...
2. How old is her father?

..He is forty...
3. How old is her mother?

..She is thirty- five...
4. What does her mother do?

.She is a teacher...
5. How old is her brother?

- He is eight...
6. What does he do?

.- He is a student...
<b>Ex 4: Em hóy ho#n th#nh những câu sau đây:</b>

1. My mother works in a school. She is a ....teacher...
2. They listen to ....music...after school.

3. My father works in the rice paddy. He is a ...farmer...
4. My school isn’t big. It is ...small...

<b>Ex5:Em hóy sử dụng những từ cho sẵn để viết về nơi ở của mỡnh.</b>

- I / Nam . I / country. In fron of / house / flowers. Behind / house / tall trees. lake / to the
right / house.


Ss’ answer.

- T gives Ss 30’ to do all the exercises. Then T WC correct.

<b>III. Homework:</b>

- Be ready for the first term test.

<b> = = = = = = = =* * * = = = = = = = = = = =</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=100>

<i><b>Week: 18 Date of Planning:15/12/2009 </b></i>
<i><b>Period:52 Date of Teaching: 21 / 12/ 2009</b></i>

<b>Test for the first term</b>

<b>( in the lesson plan)</b>

<i><b>Week: 18 Date of Planning:17/12/2009 </b></i>
<i><b>Period:53 Date of Teaching: 23 / 12/ 2009</b></i>

<b>Check for the test</b>

<b>*.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do the first term test using </b>
the knowledge they have learnt in the fitst term.

<b>*. Materials: - testing papers. </b>
<b>* Procedure:</b>

<b>Question I: </b>

<b>Listen then fill in the blank with a correct word you have heard.( 2,5pts)</b>

Hello, my ……….. is Hoa. I’m twelve and I’m a ……… I have a brother, Nam. He is
……… We live in a ……….. in the country. There is a ……….. near our house. It is
beautiful here.

<b>Question II. Read the passage then do the task bellow ( 2,5ps).</b>

This is Nam. He is a student at Quang Trung school. He gets up at six o’clock
every day. He takes a shower, has breakfast and he goes to school at seven o’clock by
bike.He has classes from 7.30 to 11.30. He has lunch at school at twelve o’clock. After
school he plays soccer. In the evening, he watches TV and does his homework. He goes
to bed at ten o’clock.

 <b>Write T ( true) or F( false) next to the statements about the passage.</b>

1. Nam is a student at Le Loi school.
2. He has classes from 7.30 to 11.30.
3. After school he does the housework.
* Answer the questions ( 1p)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=101>

5. How does he go to school?

……….Question III. ( 2,5ps)

 <b>Choose the best ending ( A- E ) to complete these questions.</b>

1.Where does he ……….?

2. How many students are there in your………?
3. Which class are you…………..?

4. What time do you ………

A. class

B. get up
C. in
D. work

 <b>Circle the best answer a,b,c,d to complete the following sentences.( 1,5ps)</b>

5. ... there a lake in your garden?
a.Is B. Do c. Are

6. My parents go to work……….. bus
a. with b. in c. by

7. Is your house……….? – No, it isn’t. It is small.
a. beautiful b. big c. noisy.

8. My mother is a doctor. She works in a ………
a. factory b. museum c. hospital

9. What do Thu and Vui do after school? - ………..play soccer.
a. She b. You c. They

10. ……….. are you? – I am fine.

a. How b. How old c. How many.

<b>Question IV. Write about your day, using the cues below. (2,5ps)</b>
1. get up / 6 o’clock/ everyday.

2. have breakfast/ 6.30

3. go to school / 7 o’clock.
4. play soccer after school.

5. do homework/ 7.30 in the evening
6. go to bed / 10 o’clock.

- Prepare Unit 9: Lesson 1: A1,2.

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