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Giáo án English 10 - Unit 10: Conservation - Period 60: A-Reading

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Unit 10: CONSERVATION Period 60: A – READING I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : - To present and practise new vocabulary relating to conservation and environment. - To be aware of the wild animals,plants and environment after reading the paragraphs - To understand more about the conservation by scanning for specific information. - To develop skills ,especially reading skill. 1. Language : Vocabulary: conservation,endangered species,destruction……. Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple present tense in the passive voice. 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially reading skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To make the students be aware of arranging the timetable. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : No III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good morning class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge : Conditional sentence type 2. 3. The new lesson: STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON (5ms) 1.Warm up: Play a game. Unit10:. Bingo. Table of 9 boxes (1-9) 9 names of animals. 1.tiger 2. monkey 3.elephant 4.beer 5.snake 6.deer 7. woft 8.lion 9.bird Read out word by word/ winner (3 words on a line) (10ms) 2. Before you read: Asks the sts to look at the pictures and answer the questions (pair work) Gives some more questions: 1.What cause some plants and animals to become extinct ? 2.How they are protected and saved ? Calls some pairs to ask and. CONSERVATION. Write the lesson Work in pairs, think and answer the questions. 1.Killing animals, destroying forests 2.Keeping wild animals and plants in the naturalenvironment. Answer. -Write down new words Lop10.com. Period 60: A- Reading 1.Killing animals, destroying forests 2.Keeping wild animals and plants in the naturalenvironment. I. New words: conservation,endangered species,destruction….. II. Tasks: A.Task 1: Feedback: 1.Because of the lose of much forests 2.Trees, grasses and other plant life 3.Rapid run off.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> TIME. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. answer questions - Presents some new words. ( Use pictures, synonym, (15ms) explanation to explain the new words.) -Reads new words and asks sts to repeat. - Checks the understanding of new words. - Helps sts review the simple present tense in the passive voice. 3. While you read: -Asks sts to read the passage silently and to get more information about conservation - Guides sts to do Task 1. -Asks sts to choose the option A with B that best suits the meaning of words. - Feedback. Questions for good students 1.Why are some species of plants and animals already being eliminated each year ? 2.What plays an important part in the natural circulation of water ? 3.What causes frequent floods and littlewater during dry season ? 4.What are hydroelectric dam used for ? Guide sts to do Task 2: Asks sts to T/F statements Gives instructions and shares (8ms) with neighbours Calls some pairs to check. Gets feedback orally (3ms) Guide sts to do Task 3: Scan the passage Matching-ideas- paragraphs in groups of 4 Gives instruction and time Call groups to hang their answers on the board. Correct and give feedback. 4. After you read: Sts work in groups of 4 Each gpoups discusses each question Sts discusses to get ideas for the questions. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES and guess the meaning of them. -Repeat after the teacher. -Match the new words with their meaning. - Take note.. - Do silent reading.. -pair works. 1.Because of the lose of much forests 2.Trees, grasses and other plant life 3.Rapid run off 4.To hold back needed water and provide power for homes and industries work individually. Work in pairs. Work in groups of 4. Work in groups. Take note.. Lop10.com. CONTENT OF THE LESSON 4.To hold back needed water and provide power for homes and industries Keys: 1-C, 2-A,3-D,4-B B. Task 2: Keys: 1F 2T 3T 4T 5F 6F C. Task 3: Keys: 1.Paragraph A, main ideas: Forests give us a lot of valuable things The title sentence: Many of those plants and animals can be used as medicine…………..sicknesses. 2. Paragraph B, main ideas: We can not live without water. The title sentence: Man and animals…………to live. 3. Paragraph C, main ideas: Lets do some thing to save the earth The title sentence:The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad.What can each of us do ? D. Task 4: Keys: 1.The loss of much forests is destroying the earths 2. Man and inimals need a constant supply of water to live.Farmers need water for their crops.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> TIME. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Gets feedback orally( group by group) in front of the class -Corrects mistakes and evaluates. V. Homework: (2ms) - See again all carefully - Learn by heart all the words , the summary of the text. - To talk about the importance of invironment and how to preserve it. - Prepare the vocabulary in speaking period VI. Self – evaluation:. Lop10.com. CONTENT OF THE LESSON.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Unit 10: CONSERVATION Period 61: B – SPEAKING I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : - To enable the sts to speak about conservation and environment. - To be aware of the wild animals,plants and environment after reading two paragraphs - To understand more about the conservation by scanning for specific information. - To develop skills ,especially speaking skill. 1. Language : Vocabulary: Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple present tense in the passive voice. 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially speaking skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To make the students be aware of arranging the timetable. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : No III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good morning class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge : Conditional sentence type 2 3. The new lesson: STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON (5ms) I. Warm up: Unit 10: CONSERVATION Filling the table Period 61: B - Speaking Farm animals Wild/zoo Game animals pets Sheep… Lion…… parrot…. 1.Farm animals: Delivers the handout to sts horse,sheep,pig,hen,fish Gives instructions and limited time Filling the table 2. Zoo animals: Guides the sts to do (groups) elephant,menkey,tiger,giraff Gets feedback e,snake,lion,tortoise,panda Keys: 3.cat, parrot,fish (10ms 1.Farm animals: Task 1 ) horse,sheep,pig,hen,fish 1.It is used to provide as 2. Zoo animals: natural an environment as elephant,menkey,tiger,giraffe,snake,lio natural as possiple for the n,tortoise,panda animals 3.cat, parrot,fish Or They are opened to help Questions: endangered species develop. 1.Have you ever been to the zoo? 2. –The places where 2.What animals can you see in the zoo Answer endangered species develop or in the wild? - Animals can live in. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. (15ms ). 3. What are zoos opened for? 4. What animals are in danger? Corrects, says something more and leads to the lesson”. II. Before – speak; Asks the sts to do pairs Sts read the text and answer the questions Gives instruction and time Shares answers with other pairs. Call sts to hang their answers on the board. Correct and give feedback III. While - speak: Task 2 Pair works-read the suggested ideas – discuss – share ideas – give out answers Asks sts to ask and answer questions with a partner, using the information from the text A and B Calls some pairs to check. - Feedback. Guide sts to do Task 3:. For and against Sets pair works – instructions – time Advantages Disadvantages -The conditions the animals are in -The animals that people can visit -The money spent on reconstructions of the animals natural environment.. (8ms) (3ms). -The dangers that the keepers may have Calls some pairs/groups to speak orally Guides the sts to practise speaking more with the ideas above Gets feedback IV. Post - speak: Guide sts to do Task 4: Make group reports Calls one or two sts to report -Corrects mistakes and evaluates.. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Write the lesson Pairs Listen. Work in pairs.. CONTENT OF THE LESSON natural environment They are not the places where animals are imprisoned Task 3 Advantages Disadvantage s -The conditions the animals are in -The animals that people can visit -The money spent on reconstructions of the animals natural environment.. -The dangers that the keepers may have. answer the questions. Work in groups.. Work in pairs. Take note. one or two sts to report. V. Homework: (2ms) - Asks students to look over all at home:the words ,the summary of the text. VI. Self – evaluation:. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Unit 10: CONSERVATION Period 62: C – LISTENING I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : - To provide sts with vocabulary relating to natural environment. - To help sts listen and number the events and decide on True or False statements. - To develop skills ,especially listening skill. 1. Language : Vocabulary: Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple present tensein the passive. 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially listening skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To make the students be aware of arranging the timetable and learn and work according to the timetable. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : conservation. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good afternoon class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge :( 5’) Asks sts to talk about natural plants and animals 3. The new lesson: STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON (5ms) 1.Warm up: UNIT 10: CONSERVATION Use two pictures of forest destruction & forest fire Period 62: C LISTENING Leading questions: 1. What are they ? 2. What do you see in the pictures? 3. What have happened to them ? Takes the second picture to lead Sts to Listen and repeat Porest, porester, destroy….. the topic 2. Before you listen: (10ms Asks sts to listen and repeat Write the lesson T reads word by word/ Sts repeat Task1: ) 3-2-5-1-4 (book closed) Sts practise with words on the board. Task 2: Calls some pairs to check. 1F 3. While you listen: 2F -Introduces the situation of task 2 T or 3T 4T F statements: Sts read the suggested statements Work in pairs. 5F Task 3 (limited time) Gives time for sts to look at the 1B 2A 3A Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. (15ms ). (8ms) (3ms). sentenses carefully and guess. Sts listen to the tape (2 times) Asks sts to share their answers with their partners. Calls some sts to check. Feedback. Tast 3: Sts read the suggested ideas first. Sts listen to the tape (2 times) Asks sts to share their answers with their partners. Calls some sts to check. Feedback. 4. After you listen: Asks sts to take turns to ask and answer: 1. Causes of forest fire 2. Camper’s duties . Then retell his story to the class. Calls some pairs to check. Calls some sts to retell the story again. -Corrects mistakes Gives feedback. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. CONTENT OF THE LESSON. Look at the pictures in the text book and guess. Listen and number. Listen and choose T or F Share their answers with partners.. Take note.. Work in pairs.. V. Homework: (2ms) See again all carefully - Learn by heart all the words , the summary of the text - Asks students to look over all at home:the words ,the summary of the text. VI. Self – evaluation:. Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Unit 10: CONSERVATION Period 63: D – WRITING I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : - To provide sts with vocabulary relating to a frightening story. - To help sts to review to infinitive, gerund and the way of writing a letter of invitation. - To develop skills ,especially writing skill. 1. Language : Vocabulary: Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review to inf , gerund. 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially writing skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active,communicative ,creative , self-confident … To make the students be aware of arranging the timetable and learn and work according to the timetable. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwok, explanation,groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : Write a paragraph about conservation III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good afternoon class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge :( 5’) Asks sts to talk about protecting animals and forests 3. The new lesson: STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON (5ms) 1. Warm up: UNIT 10: CONSERVATION Uses” an inviting card” Leading questions Listen . Period 63: D- -Writing 1. When do you use it? Work individually. 1. Would you like + To inf 2. How can you write in it? 3. Whom do you give it to? 2.How about + V-ing Corrects, says something more and Share their answers 3.Do you feel like+ Vleads to the topic” A letter of with partners. ing invitation” . 4.Are you free+ To inf 2. Before writing 5.Can you; Shall we + bare inf (10ms -Introduces the situation of task 1: Read 2e 2g 3a 4h 5i 6d 7e ) the following passage and find all the 8b verbs that are used : To inf/ bare inf/ Verb- ing 1. Would you like + To inf 2. How about + V-ing Work in groups. Dear Lam 3. Do you feel like+ V-ing We have not met you since 4. Are you free+ To inf you moved.I miss you a lot.We are both having some 5. Can you; Shall we + bare inf day off between the two Gives time for sts to read column A & B carefully and match (pairs) terms soon.If you haven’t Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. (15ms ). (8ms) (3ms). 2e 2g 3a 4h 5i 6d 7e 8b Asks sts to share their answers with their partners. Calls some sts to check. - Feedback. Guides sts to do Task 2: Gap filling T suggests the forms quickly Sts work in groups T read the open letters and use task 1 to fill in the blanks Asks sts to share their answers with other groups. Calls some sts to check. - Feedback. 3.While writing Guides sts to complete letters Asks sts to write forms of writing – letter- paper quickly, then discuse to complete the lettert and share these sentences with other groups. Corrects and gives feedback Sts hang their letters on the wall suitably ( exhibiting) Sts sit near/ walk around to read and find mistakes in the letters T chooses a letter to cerrect as a model. 4. Post writing Chaining letters Group with 4/5 Each student makes a sentence of a letter from first to last Write on the board (4 groups) Corects quickly and remarks. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Work in groups. Write the drafts. Correct yourselves. Write a completed narrative.. share their answers with other groups. complete letters. read and find mistakes in the letters. makes a sentence of a letter from first to last. V. Homework: (2ms) Asks sts to write a letter of invitation VI. Self – evaluation:. Lop10.com. CONTENT OF THE LESSON made any other plans why don’t we spend a weekend together? Do you feel like visiting the forest near my grandparent’s house again? It look quite different now because very many young trees have been planted at the Tree-planting Festivals. Do come if you find it possiple and I will make all the preparations. Please give my love to your parents. Your friend Nam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Unit 10: CONSERVATION Period 64: E – LANGUAGE FOCUS I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : - To provide sts with vocabulary relating to lesson. - To help sts to review the simple past, the simple present in passive - To help sts how to pronounce the sounds / p / and / b / correctly. - To develop skills ,especially writing skill. 1. Language : Vocabulary: Review the old words. Structures : questions , statements , sentences …… Review the simple past, the simple present in pasive 2. Skills : Integrated skills. Especially writing skill . 3. Educational factor : To help students to be more active, communicative ,creative , self-confident … To educate sts to do useful things. II. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION. 1. Method : Communicative approach 2. Techniques / Activities : pairwork, explanation, groupwork … 3. Materials needed : textbooks , references , teaching aids …… 4. Students’ preparation : Lesson preparation Appliances for studying. 5. Previous exercises : the simple past, the simple present in passive. III. TEACHING PROCEDURE. 1. Stabilization : (2’) Good afternoon class! How are you today ? Who is absent today ,monitor ? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge :( 5’) Asks sts to write a letter of invitation 3. The new lesson: STUDENTS’ CONTENT OF THE TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES LESSON (5ms) 1.Warm up: UNIT 10: CONSERVATION A. PRONUNCIATION Gives diagram words E- LANGUAGE FOCUS PROBLEMS S-P-E-R-M-O-L-P Sts use these letters to as many words A. PRONUNCIATION as possible Listen and repeat: Gets “Problems” to lead to /b/ /p/ /b/ /p/ Introduce the words and the sentences bee pea in the text book. ban pan (10ms Asks sts to listen and repeat them. Practice these sentences in Calls some sts to read them again ) book ( Focus on intonation) Ask sts to give more examples having Listen and repeat. B. GRAMMAR the sound /b/ or / p/. Task 1: The simple present B. GRAMMAR tense in pasive. 1. Task 1: Affirmative: (be)  am/ is / Asks sts to give the form and the usage are + Vp.p of the simple past, the simple present in Read out individually. Negative: am/ is/ are + not + pasive Vp.p S + be-Vp.p. Interrogative: Am/ Is/ Are + Lop10.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. (15m). (8ms) (3ms). : The simple present tense in pasive. Affirmative: (be)  am/ is / are + Vp.p Negative: am/ is/ are + not + Vp.p Interrogative: Am/ Is/ Are + S + Vp.p? The past tense in pasive. Affirmative: (be)  was/ were + Vp.p Negative: was/ were + not + Vp.p Interrogative: was/ were + S + Vp.p? Asks sts to work in pairs Guide sts to do exercise 1 in the text book. Asks sts to share their answer and correct. Gives feedback. Task 2: Asks sts to do multiple choice then share in pairs Asks sts to say the meaning if necessary Asks sts to share their answer and correct. Gives feedback. 3. Task 3:Verbs -forms Guide sts to do Task 3 individually in the text book . Asks sts to share their answer and correct in pairs. Gives feedback. Task 4 Gives 3 boxes S –V –O Sts put words into three boxes suitably to make sentences to change into the passive. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Give more examples. Take note. Answer based on the examples.. Work in pairs. Share the answers.. Answer Work individually Work in pairs. Work individually. Work in pairs. V. Homework: (2ms) + See again all carefully + Learn by heart all the words , the summary of the text. VI. Self – evaluation:. Lop10.com. CONTENT OF THE LESSON S + Vp.p? The past tense in pasive. Affirmative: (be)  was/ were + Vp.p Negative: was/ were + not + Vp.p Interrogative: was/ were + S + Vp.p? 1.were reported 2.grow 3.be spoken 4.am not invited 5.are being built Task 2 1.came/ had started/were 2.is standing/ is being photographed 3.have been told 4.was being laid/decided not to come will be planted Task 3 1.was orgnized 2.arrived 3.were met 4.taken 5.had been changed 6.had been put 7.was 8.prepared 9.made 10.were served.

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