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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>Date of teaching: 6/6/2020 </b>

<b>Week :28</b>
<b>Period :109</b>


<b>Lesson 3 (p1)</b>
<b>I. Aims.</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>

<b>- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice stress 4 sound and </b>
practice listening, writing, reading skills, .

<b>2. Skills: Develop Listening, speaking skill..</b>

<b>3. Attitude : Students feel confident to speak English.</b>
<b>II. Teaching aids.</b>

<b>1. Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector, sách </b>
mềm, violet.

<b>2. Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks</b>
<b>III. Method.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure.</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’)</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance.
2. Warm up.(4’)

<b>-</b> Ask Ss sing a song page 61.
<b>-</b> Comment

3. New lesson

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

8/6/2020 4D1

8/6/2020 4D2

8/6/2020 4D3

<b>* Listen and repeat</b>

<b>-</b> Have Ss open the book page 62 draw
their attention to the letters colored
differently in the words ‘<i><b>crocodile, </b></i>
<i><b>‘</b><b>elephant, </b><b>‘</b><b>wonderful,</b><b>’</b><b> beatiful</b></i>.
<b>-</b> Produce the sound of the letter.

<b>-</b> Have Ss repeat the focused sounds a few

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>


<b>-</b> Play the recording twice and ask Ss to

<i><b>+I want to see crocodiles.</b></i>
<i><b>+ Elephants are enormous.</b></i>
<i><b>+ The weather’s wonderful.</b></i>
<i><b>+ Some zoo animal are beatiful.</b></i>

<b>-</b> Monitor the activity and offer help when
necessary/ correct typical pronunciation

<b>-</b> Call on someone to pronounce

<b>-</b> Have the whole class recite the chant to
reinforce their pronunciation.

- Have Ss look at the table on page 62.

- Ask Ss what they have to do in this task

- Play the tape twice

- Ask them to listen and circle the answers

- Call someone to write on the board,
check Ss’ notebook

- Check and correct mistakes

- Ask Ss to read aloud 2 sentences
<b>* Let’s chant</b>

- Show the chart of the chant..
<b>I want to go to the zoo.</b>

- Play the tape a few times

- Ask Ss to read aloud each line in the
chant and clap their hands

- Ask them to listen again and repeat

- Have Ss practice the chant in pairs

- Call each group, then pairs to perform

- Correct and comment

- Play the tape once to reinforce their

<b>4. Consodilation</b>

<b>-</b> In this lesson, Ss have learned about 4

<b>5. Home link</b>

- Have Ss to further practice at home.
- Be ready Unit 19– Lesson 3(4.5.6)

- Listen

- Listen and write the title
- Look at the words.
- Notice the letter.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>Date of teaching: 6/6/2020 </b>

<b>Week :28</b>
<b> Period :110</b>


<b>Lesson 3 (p2)</b>
<b>I. Aims and objectives I. Aims.</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to asking and answering questions
about about expressing reason

<b>2. Skills: Develop Listening, speaking skill..</b>

<b>3. Attitude : Students feel confident to speak English.</b>
<b>II. Teaching aids.</b>

<b>1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, computer, and projector, sách </b>
mềm, violet.

<b>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks</b>
<b>III. Method.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure.</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’)</b>

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

9/6/2020 4D1

9/6/2020 4D2

10/6/2020 4D3

2. Warm up.(4’)

- Call 2 Ss to the board and practice the chant on page 62
- Comment

3. New lesson

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Open the books page 63.

- Run through the sentences and words in the

Give a question and do example
- check Ss’s understanding.

- ask Ss to look at the text in silently and write
the words individually.

- call Ss to say the answers and check the

- call some pairs to read aloud and correct

- check understandthe content of the
sentences.Guess what they say?
* Writing game.

Look at the sentences and write words in the
gaps. Which group is the fastest, it is a winner..
<b>*Let's write .</b>

Open the books page 57.
- Run through the questions.
Give a question and do example
- check Ss’s understanding.

- ask Ss to look at the dialogue in silently and
write the words individually.

- call Ss to say the answers and check the

- call some pairs to read aloud and correct


- check understandthe content of the
sentences.Guess what they say?
* Writing game.

Look at the sentences and write words in the
gaps. Which group is the fastest, it is a winner..
<b>* Project:</b>

Ss look at the picture on page 63 in their book
and identify it.

- Ask them to draw and coloura favourite zoo
animal. Then show it/ them to the class and say
why you like it/ them.

- After finishing ask Ss tell your classmates
about it . The others listen and comment.

- *Read and complete

<b>Let's write .</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>4. Consodilation</b>

<b>-</b> In this lesson, Ss have reviewed the lesson.
<b>-</b> Develop reading and writing skills

<b>5. Home link</b>

- Have Ss to further practice at home and be
ready next lesson: Unit 20 lesson 1 (1,2,3)

<b> Date of teaching: 6/6/2020 </b>

<b>Week :28</b>
<b> </b>

<b> Period :111</b>


<b>Lesson 1 (1.2)</b>
<b>I. Aims.</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>

<i> - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to asking and answering </i>
questions about where someone plans to go.

<i> 2. Skills: Develop Listening, speaking skill..</i>

<b>3. Attitude : Students feel confident to speak English.</b>
<b>II. Teaching aids.</b>

<b>1. Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector, sách </b>
mềm, violet.

<b>2. Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks</b>
<b>III. Method.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance.

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

10/6/2020 4D1

11/6/2020 4D2

10/6/2020 4D3

* Look, listen and repeat

Ask Ss to open their book on page 64 and
describe 2 pictures

Who are they? – They are Mai, Linda and

? What are they talking about?

-You are going to listen the dialogue between

Play the recording twice

Ask Ss to repeat a few times
Call on two pairs to play roles
Ask Ss to practice in pairs
Call some pair to perform

Have the whole class repeat all the phrases a
few times to reinforce their pronunciation.
* Point and say

Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 64 and
identify the characters

set the scene and model new words.
New words

- Ha Long Bay:Vịnh Hạ Long
- summer: mùa hè

check vocabulary: Rubout and remember.
Use the puppets/picture to introduce the

-Explain the requirement of this part as well
as the sentence patterns

-Model: T-S, S-S

Where are you going this summer?
I'm gong to Ha Long Bay.

+ run through all the pictures
+ practice

* Look, listen and repeat

* Point and say


<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

T-S S-T half-half Open pairs
Close pairs

-Check the pronunciation( stress, assimilation
of sound and intonation),offer help when

Get feedback: Call on some pairs to perform
in front of the class.

-Make checking understanding questions (in

* Game: chain game.

Ss listen to music and give one by one a box.
When music stops who has a box will

introduce the partner nex to him/her Then the
others greet

* Let's talk

Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 64 and
indentify the characters.

Guide Ss to practice introducing some school

Asks Ss practice in small groups and
introduce some their classmates.

Where are you going this summer?
I'm gong to Ha Long Bay.

someone to perform at the front of the class
- Comment

4. Consolidation

Review the structure and new words .
Where are you going this summer?
I'm gong to Ha Long Bay.

-Educate Ss how to make friends.
5. Home link

* Let's talk

<b> Date of teaching: 6/6/2020 </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b> Period :112</b>


<b>Lesson 2 (1,2,3)</b>
<b>I. Aims.</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to asking and answering questions
about what someone plant to do.

<b>2. Skills: Develop Listening, speaking skill..</b>

<b>3. Attitude : Students feel confident to speak English.</b>
<b>II. Teaching aids.</b>

<b>1. Teacher’s: student's and teacher's book, pictures, computer, and projector, sách </b>
mềm, violet.

<b>2. Students': Books, notebooks, workbooks</b>
<b>III. Method.</b>

<b>IV. Procedure.</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’)</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance.

Date of teaching Class Student’s absent

11/6/2020 4D1

12/6/2020 4D2

11/6/2020 4D3

2. Warm up.(4’)

<b>* Look , listen and repeat</b>

<b>-</b> Have Ss open the book page 66 and
identify the characters in the pictures.
<b>-</b> Set the scene: you are going to hear 4

<i>conversations between Linda and Mai.</i>
<b>-</b> Play the recording all the way through for

Ss to listen while they are reading the

<b>-</b> Play the recording again for Ss to repeat
each line of the dialogue a few times.
<b>-</b> Ask the groups to repeat the dialogue and


<b>-</b> Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs.

Work in groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>-</b> Call on some pairs to perform, others

<b>-</b> Correct the mistakes.
<b>* Point and say.</b>

<b>- use pictures elicit and model </b>
<b> -*New words:</b>

- stay: ở lại

- seafood : đồ ăn biển , hải sản
- build : xây

- sancastales ; lâu đài cát

- go on a boat cruise; du thuyền
- holiday: kỳ ghỉ

- sea; biển

- Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 66
and identify the characters

- set the scene and model sentences.
Model: T-S, S-S

<b>What are you gong to do?</b>

<i><b>I'm going to swim in the sea.</b></i>
Practice in pairs

+ run through all the pictures
+ practice

T-S S-T half-half Open pairs
Close pairs

-Check the pronunciation( stress, assimilation
of sound and intonation),offer help when

Get feedback: Call on some pairs to perform
in front of the class.

-Make checking understanding questions (in

Play chain game.
<b>* Let's talk</b>

- Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 66
describe the situation.

Guide Ss to practice asking and answering
about someone

<b>What are you gong this summer?</b>

<b>Whatare you going to do this summer</b><i><b>?</b></i>

- Listen and write the

- Identify : Linda and Mr

- Listen the scene

- Listen the tape
- Read each line
- Play role

- Practice in pairs
- Perform

- Comment

- Correct the mistakes
- Look at the bubbles
- Listen and repeat.
- work individually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

- Ss to practice in pairs.

- Call someone to perform at the front of the

- Comment
<b>4. Consolidation.</b>

<b>-</b> In this lesson, Ss have learned ask and
answer about the weather in different

<b>-</b> Educate Ss to be friendly with friends.
<b>5. Home link</b>



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