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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>Date of preparing: 24/3/2018 </b>

<b>Week 27</b>
<b>Period 103</b>

<b>TEST 3(p1)</b>

<b>I. Aims.</b>

<b>1. Knowledge.</b>

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practise all the knowledge they
have learn 1/New words: from unit 11-unit 15


<b>2. Skill: Listening, writing, speaking and reading.</b>
<b>3. Attitude.</b>

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends.

- Educate Ss how to love pets and show their emotion with their pets.
<b>II. Teaching aids: </b>

<b>T: Test papers</b>
<b>Ss: Test papers</b>

<b>III. Teaching method: MAT, TPA.</b>
<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>1. Organization.(1’)</b>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent Students</b>

<b>26/3/2018</b> <b>3C1</b>

<b>27/3/2018</b> <b>3C2</b>

<b>26/3/2018</b> <b>3C3</b>

<b>2.Warm up ( 4’)</b>

+ How did you do the test?
+ Do you think it’s easy?
<b>3. New lesson ( 30’ )</b>

<b> MA </b>TRẬN

<b>năng</b> <b>Nhiệm vụ đánh giá/kiếnthức cần đánh giá</b> <b>Mức/Điểm</b> <b>Tổng sốcâu, số</b>
<b>tỷ lệ %</b>

Nghe <b>M1</b> <b>M2</b> <b>M3</b> <b>M4</b> 16 câu

4 điểm

Listen and number 2

0,5đ 0,5đ2

Listen and write T or F 3

0,75đ 0,251

Listen and match 2

0,5d 0,5 đ2
Listen and complete 1

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>


<i>Look and read. Put a tick</i>
<i>(P) or a cross (x</i>


0,5đ 0, 5đ2 2 điểm8 câu
Read the passage and

write Yes or No. <sub>0,5</sub>2 <sub>0,5đ</sub>2

Viết Re-order the letter 1

0,25đ 0,25đ1 0,25đ1 0,251 2 điểm8 câu
Look at the picture and

complete <sub>0,25đ</sub>1 <sub>0,25</sub>1 <sub>0,5</sub>2

Nói Getting to know each

other <sub>0,5đ</sub>2 <sub>0,25đ</sub>1 <sub>2điểm</sub>8 câu


Describing the picture 2

0,5đ 0,25đ1
Describing the familiar

things <sub>0,25đ</sub>1 <sub>0,25đ</sub>1

<b>Tổng</b> 11 –

27,5% 14–35% 9 –22,5% 6 –15%


<b>NĂM HỌC: 2017-2018</b>
<i>(Thời gian làm bài: 40 phút)</i>

<b>FULL NAME:………</b>

<b>CLASS: 3……</b>

<b>Giáo viên coi</b> <b>Giáo viên chấm</b>

<b>Mark</b> <b>Comment</b>

<b>Listening</b> <b>Reading and</b>

<b> writing</b> <b>Speaking</b> <b>Total</b>

<b>PART 1. LISTENING ( 20 minutes)Listen and number (1P)</b>
<b>Question 1. Listen and number</b>

<i><b>______</b></i> <i><b>______</b></i> <i><b>______</b></i> <i><b>______</b></i> <i><b>______</b></i>

a b c d e
<b>Question 2.. Listen and tick T or F (1p) Listen to the example.(1)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

2. Is there a gate? - No, there isn’t.

3. Where’s the ball? – It’s under the chair.
4. There’s a cup on the cupboard.

5. She has a teddy bear.

3: Listen and match the lines. (1pt)




<b>Question 5. Listen and complete. (1p)</b>

1. Who’s that man? - He’s my _________________________.
2. That’s my grandmother . - How old is she?

She’s ____________________________.

3. Is there a _________________? - No, there isn’t.

4. How many _____________ are there? - There are two.
<b>PART 2. READING AND WRITING (15 minutes)</b>

<b>Part II: Reading and Writing (5p)</b>

<i><b>Question 5. Look and read. Put a tick (</b><b>P) or a cross (x) . (1p)</b></i>
1. This is my brother.

2. Is there a pond? - Yes,
there is

3. The chair is near the table.

4. She has four cars.

Question 6. Read the passage and write Yes or No. (1p)

1 3

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

These are my toys on the shelf. I have a car. It is black. I have a kite. It is white. I

have a doll. It is Lucy. I like my toys very much. Do you have any toys? What are

<b>Yes No</b>

1. The toys are on the self. v

2. The car is red.
3. The kite is white.
4. The doll is Lucy.
5. I have two toys.

<b>Question 7.</b><i><b> Look at the picture and the letters. Write the words.(1p)</b></i> .

rhobtreà____________________ <b>drgnea à </b>


tboorà _______________________ hdebnià _______________________
<b>Question 8. Complete the text. (1p)</b>

House Gate <sub>Garden </sub> Pond Living room

Hi. My name is Nga. This is my(1)______________. It is large. The
(2)__________ of the house is brown. There is a beautiful

(3)_________________ in front of the house. And there is a small
(4)________________ in the garden. You can see the

(5)________________________ in the house. It is quite big.

<b>PART III: SPEAKING (1 pt)</b>

<b>Question 10: </b>

Getting to know each other
Describing the picture

Describing the familiar things

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>Date of preparing: 24/3/2018 </b>

<b>Week 27 </b>
<b> Period 104</b>

<b> Test 3(p2)</b>

<b> Correct</b>

<b>I. Aims.</b>

<b>1. Knowledge.</b>

By the end of the lesson, SS will be able to know how well they did the test.
<b>2. Skill: Listening, writing, speaking and reading.</b>

<b>3. Attitude.</b>

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends.

- Educate Ss how to love pets and show their emotion with their pets.
<b>II. Teaching aids: </b>

<b>T: Test papers</b>
<b>Ss: Test papers</b>

<b>III. Teaching method: MAT, TPA.</b>
<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>1. Organization.(1’)</b>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent Students</b>

<b>28/3/2018</b> <b>3C1</b>

<b>28/3/2018</b> <b>3C2</b>

<b>27/3/2018</b> <b>3C3</b>

<b>2.Warm up ( 4’)</b>

+ How did you do the test?
+ Do you think it’s easy?
<b>3. New lesson ( 30’ )</b>

<b>PART 1. LISTENING (20 minutes)</b>

<b>Question 1. Listen and number.</b>
1.a , 2.d, 3.b , 4.c ,5 e

<i><b>Question 2 .Listen and tick T or F (1p) </b></i>

1.T 2 T 3 F 4.T 5F

<b>Question 3. Listen andmatch . Listen to the example.</b>
0.B 1.C 2.A 3.E 4.D

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>PART 2. READING AND WRITING (15 minutes)</b>

<b>Question 5. Look and read. Put a tick or a cross. There is one example.</b>
1. v 2. v 3. x 4. v 5. v

<b>Question 6. Read the passage and write Yes or No. (1p)</b>
1, yes 2,No 3, yes 4, yes 5, no
<b>Question 7. Look and write. There is one example.</b>
1, cats 2, robot 3, pen 4, lamp

<b>Question 8. Complete the text. (1p)</b>

1, house 2, gate 3, garden 4, pond 5, living room
<b>Tape </b>

<b>Question 1. Listen and number.</b>
1.This is Peter.

2. There are 5 cups in the cupboard
3. There are 6 chairs in the dining room
4. there is a picture on the wall.

5. there is a robot.

<b>Question 2. Listen and tick. Listen to the example.</b>

1. There is a pond in the garden

2. Open the door please
3.There is a window

4. There are 3 dolls under the bed
<i><b>Question 3: Listen and draw the lines.</b></i>

<i><b>0. Who's this? It's my grandpa.</b></i>

1. A: How many cats have you got?
B: I've got three cats.

2. A: What's this?
B: It's a bedroom.
3. A: What's this?

B: It's a book.

4. A: Have you got a robot?
B: Yes, I have

<i><b>Question 4 .Listen and tick T or F (1p) </b></i>
1. My grandfather’s fifty-five years old.
2.There is a gate

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b> Question 5. Listen and complete. (1p)</b>
1.Who’s that man? - He’s my father.

2.That’s my grandmother . - How old is she? She’s 60.
4. Is there a ball? - No, there isn’t.

5. How many windows are there? - There are two.
- Call some pupils to the board to redo the test.( one by one).
- Check and correct.

<b>4. Consodilation(2')</b>
Give mark for all sts
<b>5. Home link(1')</b>
- prepare unit 16


<b>Date of preparing: 24/3/2018 Week: 27</b>
<b> Period: 105</b>


<b>Lesson 1 (1.2.3)</b>

<b>I. Aims.</b>

<b>1. Knowledge.</b>

<b>- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answers questions </b>
about pet using.

<b> New words: cat, parrots, rabits, goldfish.</b>

Structure: Do you have any pets?

Yes, I do. I have two dogs / No I don’t.
<b>2. Skill: Listening, writing, speaking and reading.</b>

<b>3. Attitude.</b>

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends.

- Educate Ss how to love pets and show their emotion with their pets.
<b>II. Teaching aids: </b>

<b>T: Teachers’ book, cards, poster cassette and tape.</b>
<b>Ss: Student book, notebooks.</b>

<b>III. Teaching method: MAT, TPA.</b>
<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>1. Organization.(1’)</b>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent Students</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>29/3/2018</b> <b>3C2</b>

<b>28/3/2018</b> <b>3C3</b>

<b>2.Warm up ( 4’)</b>

<b>- Ask Ss practice retell the story ( Cat and mouse ) .</b>
- Comment

<b>- Lead in the new lesson: Unit 16 - Lesson1(1.2.3)</b>
3. New lesson ( 30’ )

<b>Teacher's and Ss activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>* Activity 1. ( 10’)</b>

- T: Ask Ss to open their book on page 40
and describe 2 pictures

Who are they? – They are Mai Quan and
<i>Phong .</i>

? What are they talking about?

-T: You are going to listen the dialogue
between them.

- Ss: look at the picture listen and repeat.
- Ss: work individually and pairs.

- T:Play the recording twice
- T:Ask Ss to repeat a few times
- T:Call on two pairs to play roles
- T:Ask Ss to practice in pairs
- Ss: work in pairs.

- T:Call some pair to perform

- T: Have the whole class repeat all the
phrases a few times to reinforce their

<b> * Activity 2 (10’)</b>

- T:Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page
40 and identify the characters

- T:set the scene and model new words.
- Ss: look at the pictures and answers
- Ss: listen and repeat.

- Ss: work individually.

Yes, I do. I have two dogs / No I don’t.
+ run through all the pictures

- Ss: practice

T-S S-T half-half Open

<b>1.Look, listen and repeat</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

pairs Close pairs

-T: Check the pronunciation ( stress,
assimilation of sound and intonation),
<b>check vocabulary: Rub out and </b>

- T: Use the puppets/picture to introduce the

-T: Explain the requirement of this part as
well as the sentence patterns

-T: Model: T-S, S-S

<b>Do you have any pets?</b>
offer help when necessary.

- T: Get feedback: Call on some pairs to
perform in front of the class.

-T:Make checking understanding questions
(in Vietnamese)

* Game: chain game.

- Ss listen to music and give one by one a
box. When music stops who has a box will
introduce the partner next to him/her Then
the others greet

<b>- Ss: work in groups.</b>
<b>* Activity 3. (7’)</b>

- T: Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page
40 and indentify the characters.

- T: Guide Ss to practice introducing some

- T: Asks Ss practice in pairs and introduce
some their classmates.

- Ss: work in pairs.
<b>- Do you have any pet?</b>

<b>- Yes, I do. I have two dogs / No I don’t</b>
someone to perform at the front of the class

<i><b>- </b></i>T:Comment

<b>4. Consolidation (2’)</b>

<b>-T: Review the structure and new words.</b>
<b>Do you have any pet?</b>

Yes, I do. I have two dogs / No I don’t

<i><b>-</b></i>T: Educate Ss how to make friends.

<b>c. Practice.</b>
- Picture a
- Picture b
- Picture c
- Picture d

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>5. Home link(1’)</b>

T: Ask Ss to further practice at home.
-T: Be ready Unit 16 – Lesson 1(4.5.6)


<b>Date of preparing: 24/3/2018 </b>

<b>Week: 27</b>
<b> Period: 106</b>


<b> Lesson 1(4, 5, 6)</b>

<b>I. Aims.</b>

<b>1. Knowledge.</b>

<b>- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answers questions </b>
about pet using.

<b> New words: cat, parrots, rabits, goldfish.</b>
Structure: Do you have any pet?

Yes, I do. I have two dogs / No I don’t.
<b>2. Skill: Listening, writing, speaking and reading.</b>

<b>3. Attitude.</b>

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends.

- Educate Ss how to love pets and show their emotion with their pets.
<b>II.Teaching aids: </b>

<b>T: Teachers’ book, cards, poster cassette and tape.</b>
<b>Ss: Student book, notebooks.</b>

<b>III. Teaching method: MAT, TPA.</b>
<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>1. Organization.(1’)</b>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent Students</b>

<b>30/3/2018</b> <b>3C1</b>

<b>30/3/2018</b> <b>3C2</b>

<b>30/3/2018</b> <b>3C3</b>

<b>2. Warm up (4’)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

- Lead in the new lesson: Unit 16 - Lesson1 (4.5.6)
3. New lesson ( 30’ )

<b>Teacher's and Ss activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>* Activity 1. (10’)</b>

- T: Have Ss open the book page 41 and
describe the pictures.

- T: Set the scene: you are going to listen
<i>to the recording,tick the information and </i>
<i>tick the correct picture.</i>

- Ss: look at the pictures listen and tick.
- Ss: work individually and pairs.

- T: 1st<sub>:Play the recording all the way </sub>
through for Ss to listen while they are
looking the pictures in their books

- T: 2nd<sub>: play the recording for Ss to listen </sub>
and tick the correct pictures.

- T: Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for

- Ss: work in pairs.

- T: 3rd<sub>: play the recording for Ss to check </sub>
their answers.

- T: Give feedback

- T: Ask some questions to ensure Ss’

comprehension of the listening text.
<b>* Activity 2. ( 10’)</b>

- T: Have Ss look at the pictures and
sentences on page 41

- T: Ask Ss what they have to do in this
picture and sentences.

- T: Ask them to discuss and complete the

- Ss: look at the picture and fill in the gaps.
- Ss: work individually.

-T: Call someone to write on the board
- T: Check and correct mistakes.

<b>* Activity 3. (7’)</b>

-T: Show the chart of the questions?
Run through the questions

- T: Ask Ss to read questions and write

<b>1.Listen and tick</b>



<b>2. Look and write .</b>

2. cats
3. birds
4. goldfish

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>


- Ss: look at the question and answers
- Ss: work individually and pairs.
- T: Ask them read aloud the answers
- T: Have Ss practice the in pairs
- Ss: work in pairs.

- T: Call each group, then pairs to perform
- T: Correct and comment

<b>4. Consolidation. (2’)</b>
- T: Review the lesson

- T: Educate Ss to be friendly with their

<b>5. Home link(1’)</b>

- T: Ask Ss to recite the song and further

practice at home.

- T: Be ready Unit 16 – Lesson 2(1.2.3)



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