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<b>Date of preparing: 1/12/2018 </b>
<b>Week: 13</b>
<b> Period:25</b>

<b>UNIT 6: Letter Ff </b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>
<b>I. Aims.</b>


- By the end of the lesson, students can be able to recognize and pronounce the letter
<i><b>Ff and its sound correctly</b></i>

-Understand, recognize and say the three Ff words and Write the letter Ff

Fox, fish, frog
<i><b>Sight words</b></i>
My, funny

<b>2. Skill: Listening, writing , speaking and reading.</b>
<b>3. Attitude.</b>

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends.
- Students love animals with the letter f
- S:Le Ngoc Linh know the letter F.
<b>II.Teaching aids: </b>

<b>T: teachers’ book, , CD, phonics cards ,paper including the lyrics of the chant </b>
<b>Ss: Student’s book, colour. Activity book.</b>

<b>III. Teaching method: MAT, TPA.</b>
<b>IV/ Procedure</b>

<b>1. Organization</b>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent Students</b>

<b>3/12/2018</b> <b>1A1</b>

<b>5/12/2018</b> <b>1A2</b>

<b>2.Warm up ( 5’)</b>
<b>-Greet students</b>

<b>-</b> Revise the words from the previous unit through <i>‘Reorder Letter Game’</i>

-Put up the egg, elf, elephant and elbow phonics cards on the board
-Write the letter of each word in jumbled order around the phonics cards
- Ask students to write the words in their notebook

- Ask individual students to come to the board and write the words
<b>3. New lesson ( 30’ )</b>

<b>Teacher's and Ss activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>* Activity 1.(15mins)</b>

-Introduction of letter Ff, its sound and how
to pronounce the words beginning with Ff

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<b>-</b> Use a card with letter Ff (or write on the
board the letter Ff) to introduce to the
students the new lesson.

<b>-</b> Instruct students how to pronounce the
letter name and the letter sound by saying:
“This is the letter Ff <i>/ef/</i>. The letter f
says /f/.”

<b>-</b> Ss: look at the sound listen and repeat.
<b>-</b> Ss: work individually and pairs.

<b>-</b> Play the CD

<b>-</b> Ask students to repeat several times and
check their pronunciation (letter Ff <i>/ef/ </i>

and its sound /f/)

<b>-</b> Use the phonics cards with fox, fish, and
<i><b>frog read the words out loud and ask </b></i>
students to repeat.

<b>-</b> Use gestures (hand actions) to help

students to understand the meanings of the
three words.

<b>-</b> Check students’ understanding: Teacher
says the words, all students do actions and

vice versa.

<b>-</b> Ss: look ang do action

<b>-</b> Ss: work individually and pairs.

<b>-</b> Call some students to say the words out
loud and correct their mistakes (if any)
- S:Le Ngoc Linh know the letter D.
<b>* Activity 2: What is it? (5 mins)</b>

<b>-</b> Hold up the phonics cards fox, fish, and

<b>-</b> Show one by one phonics card, partly
hidden by a sheet of paper

<b>-</b> Slowly reveal the phonics card
<b>-</b> Ss: Remember the cards
<b>-</b> Ss: work individually.

<b>-</b> The students try to guess what the phonics
card is

<b>-</b> Go on the other cards

<b>-</b> Remember to correct the students’

- S:Le Ngoc Linh know the letter D.

Ff - fox
- fish
- frog

<b>2. Practice.</b>

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<b>* Activity 3 Writing in the air:(5mins)</b>
-Show the letter Ff again, have students
write the Ff in air with their fingers
- Ss: look and write in the air with their

- Ss: work individually and groups.
- S:Le Ngoc Linh know the letter D.
<b>4.Consolidation: (5’)</b>

- T asks whole class to read the letter aloud.
Do the excersice 1,2,3

<b>5/Comment the lesson</b>


<b>Date of preparing: 1/12/2018 </b>
<b>Week: 13</b>
<b> Period:25</b>

UNIT 6: Letter Ff
<b>Lesson 2</b>



-By the end of the lesson, students can be able to recognize and pronounce the letter
<i><b>Ff and its sound correctly</b></i>

-Understand, recognize and say the three Ff words and Write the letter Ff
- Skill: listening, speaking ,reading , writing

Fox, fish, frog
<i><b>Sight words</b></i>
My, funny

<b>2. Skill: Listening, writing , speaking and reading.</b>
<b>3. Attitude.</b>

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends.
- Students love animals with the letter f
- S:Le Ngoc Linh know the letter D.
<b>II.Teaching aids: </b>

<b>T: teachers’ book, , CD, phonics cards ,paper including the lyrics of the chant </b>
<b>Ss: Student’s book, colour. Activity book.</b>

<b>III. Teaching method: MAT, TPA.</b>
<b>IV/ Procedure</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent Students</b>

<b>7/12/2018</b> <b>1A1</b>

<b>6/12/2018</b> <b>1A2</b>

<b>2.Warm up ( 5’)</b>
Greet students

<b>-</b> Revise the words from the previous unit through <i>‘Reorder Letter Game’</i>

-Put up the egg, elf, elephant and elbow phonics cards on the board
-Write the letter of each word in jumbled order around the phonics cards
- Ask students to write the words in their notebook

- Ask individual students to come to the board and write the words
<b>3. New lesson ( 30’ )</b>

<b>Teacher's and Ss activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
<b>* Activity 1 (15mins)</b>

<b> Read the commands with preceding “My </b>

<b>-</b> Have students look at the books and listen
to the words: My funny

<b>-</b> Point to the cat and say: I am a cat. Then,
ask students to repeat

<b>-</b> Ss: listen and repeat.
<b>-</b> Ss: work individually.

<b>-</b> Use gestures (hand actions) to help
students to understand the meanings of

<b>-</b> Ss: listen and repeat
<b>-</b> Ss: work individually.
<b>-</b> Play the CD

<b>-</b> Then, check by saying: My funny fox. Ask
the students to point to the corresponding
item in the picture. Repeat with the rest of
the items in random order

<b>-</b> Ask students to look at the pairs of

pictures on the side and choose the correct
one for each corresponding animal

<b>-</b> Go around and ask the students to name
the item they are choosing

<i>e.g., Teacher: </i> <i>(pointing to the fox)</i>
<i>My funny, …</i>

<i>Student 1: fox! etc.</i>

<b>1.Listen and point. Choose.</b>

<b>2. Practice.</b>
- Picture.

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- S:Le Ngoc Linh know the letter D.

<b>*Activity 2: Memory Game (5mins)</b>
<b>-</b> Put the phonics cards of fox, fish, and

<i><b>frog on the board</b></i>

<b>-</b> Ask students to memorize the order of
these cards

<b>-</b> Ss:Remember the cards

<b>-</b> Ask students to close their eyes, remove
one phonics card randomly and ask
individual students to name it.
<b>-</b> Ss: work individually.

<b>-</b> Continue changing the other cards
Remember to correct students’
pronunciation throughout the lesson
<b>* Activity 3</b>

<b>-</b> Put up the lyrics of the chant on the board

<i><b>-</b></i> Without music, use the phonics cards and

step students to sing the chant with fox. Do
the same with fish and frog

<b>-</b> Ss: listen and repeat the chant
<b>-</b> Ss: work individually and pairs.
<b>-</b> With music, the whole class sings the

whole chant. Do the chant again using
gestures for each word.

<b>-</b> Give feedback

<b>Activity 4: Write down the words into </b>
<b>Students’ notebook(3mins)</b>

<b>-</b> Ask students write down: Ff, egg, elf,
<i><b>elephant into their notebook</b></i>

<b>-</b> Ss: work individually.

- S:Le Ngoc Linh know the letter D.
<b>4.Consolidation: (5’)</b>

- T asks whole class to read the letter aloud.
Do the excersice 1,2,3

<b>5/Comment the lesson</b>


<b>3. Chant and show! </b>
F, fox!



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