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giao an bam sat unit 1 theme –reading time 45 mines period 1 objectives 1 educational aim by the end of the lesson the ss will be able to develop such reading micro skills as scanning for specific in

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b> UNIT 1 :</b>

<b>Time</b>:<b>45 mines</b>

<b> Period:1</b>


-By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:

-Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific information ,intensive reading for details and guessing meaning in context
-Read and find out the information for answer the questions below


-Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic ,so T should be ready to assist them
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

4-<b>PROCEDURES </b>

Teacher’s activities <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP :</b>

-<b>T</b> :gives out the handout and introduces the way of match name and work with

1.teacher a .market
2.Doctor b .school
3.Worker c. hospital
4.seller d .field
5.Farmer e. hospital
-T: asks

Where does a teacher work?


T: takes out the new lesson :To understand more about the life of a farmer, today
we learn Unit 1

explains the request of the passage

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some SS to give and explain their


-T might also want to get Ss to answer the questions
T explains the request

T goes around the class to check and help Ss to find out the information about
the dolphin

<b>I/Read the reading selection and then answer the questions below it</b>

Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk with words, but they talk with
sounds. They show their feeling with sounds.

Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “ school”. They don’t study,
but they travel together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in
a school.

Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell
when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say “ Welcome” when a dolphin comes
back to the school. They talk when they play.

They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under
water. People cannot hear these sounds because they are very high. Scientists
make tapes of the sounds and study them.

Sometimes people can catch a dolphin for a large aquarium .(An aquarium is a zoo
for fish ) People can watch the dolphins in a show .Dolphin don’t like to be away for
their school in an aquarium .They are sad and lonely.

There are many stories about dolphins. .They help people .Sometimes they save
somebody s‘life .dolphin meat is good ,but people don’t like to kill them .They say
that dolphins bring good luck .Many people believe this

5.do they make more sounds above or under water?

Ss work in pair to match column
A with column B

Ss listen answer the T’s

-Work in group

group work

Ss read the text again and take
out the information

-silent reading


<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

1. Can dolphin talk with words?...
2. How do dolphins show their feeling?...
3. Are dolphins mammals or fish?...
4. When do they say “ Welcome”?...


5. Can people hear a dolphin’s sounds? Why or why not?

6.How does a dolphin feel in an aquarium?
7.Which sentence is not true?

a. A dolphin can save people’ life?
b. People like to catch dolphins

c. Dolphin bring good luck
d. A dolphin can talk with sounds

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some SS to give and explain their


-T might also want to get Ss to answer the questions T explains the request

T goes around the class to check and help Ss to find out the information about
Mount Kinabalu

<b>II/Read the passage and answer the questions below</b>

Mount Kinabalu in the Kinabalu National Park is Southeast Asia’s highest
mountain and is called “ the home of the spirits of the departed”.

It is indeed a challenge to climb Mount Kinabalu. To do it usually takes three
days. If you want to make the climb, the first part of your journey from Kota
Kinabalu to the Kinabalu National Park can be made by bus. The park is about
5,000 feet above sea level. Within the park itself, there are over 8,000 varieties of
orchids and about 5,000 species of birds. If you are adventurous enough, you can
walk along paths leading to mountain streams, waterfalls and even bat caves. The
lower slopes of the mountain are covered by mossy rain forests. The most difficult
part of the climb is when you make the final ascent up the summit. It is an

experience that only you can describe when you finally reach the peak.
What is Mount Kinabalu

How long does it take to climb


How can you go to the Kinabalu National Park from Kota Kinabalu?


4. What can you see in the

5. What is the most difficult part of the

Explains the words given in the box

asks Ss to divide class into small groups to discuss

<b>II/Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.</b>
The earth has a tremendous amount of water, but (31)_____ all of it is in the
oceans. The oceans (32)_____about 70 percent of all the water on earth’s surface.
They (33)_____about 97 per cent of all the water on earth, and are the

(34)_____of most precipitation that falls to earth. Ocean water is (35)_____salty to
be used for drinking, agriculture, or industry. But the salt is (36)_____behind during
evaporation, and the precipitation that falls to earth is unsalty water. Only about 3
per cent of the water on earth is (37)_____water – and most of it is not easily
available to man. It includes water (38) _____ in glaciers and icecaps, more than 2

per cent of the earth's water. About half of 1 per cent of the earth's water is

(39)_____the earth's surface. Rivers and lakes contain only about (40)_____of 1
per cent of the earth's water.

31. A. most B. almost C. many D. lots

32. A. include B. get C. have D. cover

33. A. contain B. content C. gather D. hold up

34. A. source B. resource C. starting D. open

35. A. very B. so C. too D. enough

2. They show their feeling
with souns

3. Dolphins are mammal
not fish

4. They say “ Welcome”
when a dolphin comes
back to the school.
5. People cannot hear

these sounds because
they are very high.
6.They are sad and lonely.
7. dolphins bring good luck

Listen T and read the text again

-Work in group

-silent reading

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

36. A. missed B. lost C. forgotten D. left

37. A. salty B. fresh C. sea D. pure

38. A. hidden B. wrapped C. locked D. trapped

39. A. beneath B. in C. over D. behind

40. , A. one-fifty B. one-fiftieth C. first-fifty D. first-fiftieth
<b>:</b> asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some SS to give and explain
their answers


-T might also want to get Ss to answer the questions

asks Ss to close their book then device class into small groups to discuss
<b>III/ Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each </b>

People have been hunting whales for at least a thousand years, and there were no
real problems until the 20th century. What happened was that fishing technology
became much more efficient and the ships were much faster, so more and more

whales were caught. In the 1960s the main whaling countries were killing more
than sixty thousand whales a year, and everyone began to realize that something
had to be done. It was environmental groups like Greenpeace that really made
things change. They set out to make people aware of the fact that whales were fast
becoming extinct. But even now we don't know if all this interest has come too late.
Let's take the great blue whale for example, which at thirty to forty meters long is
the biggest animal there has ever been - now there are perhaps about two

thousand or so left. In fact they have been protected for quite a long time, but there
is still no sign that the population is growing.

41. How long have people been hunting whales?
A. for over 2000 years B. since the 20th<sub> century</sub>
C. for nearly 200 years B. since the 1960s

42. The twentieth century has bought many dangers to whales due to
A. improved methods of technology B. faster ships

C. longer nets D. both A and B

43. What makes people aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct?
A. Greenpeace B. Environmental groups

C. Main whaling countries D. International agreement
44. Approximately how many blue whales are there on earth now?
A. 2,000 B. 30,000 C. 40,000 D. 60,000

45. Which of the following statements is NOT true about blue whales?
A. They can grow up to forty meters long.

B. They are the biggest animals on earth.
C. Their population is growing fast.

D. They have been protected for quite a long time.
<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

: asks Ss to write a paragraph about hunting whales

33 D
34 B
35 B
36 A
37 A
38 A
39 C
40 A

Listen T and read the text again

42 D
43 C
44 A
45 D

Ss: write down the homework in
their notebook

<b>UNIT 2 :</b>

<b>Time</b>:<b>45 mines</b>

<b> Period:2</b>


By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:

-Distinguish the sounds / / and / / ,/ / and / /

-Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

-Ss may find it hard to distinguish between “will” and “going to” when talking about future intentions
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>



<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP :</b>

T: has Ss play the game TONGUE TWISTERS in groups

 Writes the tongue twister on the board:

<i><b>She sells sea shells on the sea shore</b></i>

 Asks Ss to repeat after the T slowly at first, then faster .Then each S from

either team in turn says it quickly three times. The team having more
correct answers will be the winner

Leads to the lesson

explains the request of the title

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some SS to give and explain their


-T might also want to get Ss to answer the questions

 Hang on the pictures illustrating the position of the tongue when

pronouncing / / and / /

 Instructs Ss to produce the sounds

1. Open your mouth very little to make the sound/I/

2. then make your mouth a little more with a higher position of the
tongue to make the sound /i/

Exercise I: Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced

<i>differently from the rest.</i>

1. A. dear B. clear C. year D. bear

2. A. here B. where C. wear D. pair

3. A. floor B. poor C. usually D. casual

4. A. jealous B. weather C. heavy D. ideal

5. A. four B. pour C. tour D. course

T: asks each group to choose a presentative.

-The team has more correct illustration receives more marks
-Then has Ss in class practise on themselves

Exercise II: Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
6. A. carnivore B. entrapment C. herbicide D. jellyfish

7. A. dolphin B. offspring C. reveal D. challenge

8. A. submarine B. organism C. mysteries D. satellite
9. A. investigate B. technology C. diversity D. population
10. A. starfish B. maintain C. photograph D. temperature
.Instructs Ss to do exercise :complete the blanks in the sentences

Exercise III: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
11.The prefix sub in the word submarine means_______________.

A. again B. under C. above D. none

12. The UK is divided_____________ four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland.

A. between B. among C. into D. for

13. Carnivores are animals which_____________.

A. eat meat B. eat plants

Work in pair
Ss: work in teams

-silent reading

Listen and repeat

-The representative read aloud two of the sentences on
page 36 (distinguishing // and/ /

-Practice pronouncing
-free- practice

-Choose column/ / and / / in listen $repeat

<b>1.</b> D
<b>2.</b> A
<b>3.</b> B

<b>4.</b> D
<b>5.</b> C
<b>6.</b> B
<b>7.</b> C
<b>8.</b> D
<b>9.</b> A
<b>10.</b> D
<b>III/ </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

C. live on the bottom D. swim very fast
14. Ii 1___________ you, 1 wouldn't buy that coat.

A. am B. was C. were D. would be

15. You____________to go to bed late.

A. shouldn't B. oughtn't C. mustn't D. can't
16. The shrimp is a kind of_________.

A. krill B. mammal C. plant D. fish

17. The sea is polluted, which_________ sea plants and animals.
A. dangers B. dangerous C. dangerously D. endangers
18. Tain_________ more if he_________ more time.

A. will read - had B. would read - has
C. read - had D. would read - had
19.1 think you_________apologize for your behavior.
A. should B. ought C. shall D. have

20. Sperm whale populations are now_________risk due to hunting.
A. in B. at C. of D. by

21. The starfish lives on or depend_________ the bottom.
A. in B. for C. on D. of
22. Whales, seals are examples of_________animals.
A. marine B. land C. river D. tiny

23. The life_________ of sperm whale can be up to seventy years.
A. period B. length C. distance D. span

24.I wonder where Mai is. She should_________here by now.
A. be B. to be C. being D. have been
25. If I didn't want to go to the party, I_________go.

A. don't B. didn't C. won't D. wouldn't
-Asks Ss to do exercise

Gives feedback if necessary
-Gives marks for teams
-Free practice

Exercise IV: There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find
<i>the mistake (A, B, C, or D).</i>

26. If you sold your house, you didn't get much money for it.

27. The government should done more to help homeless people.


28. What would you do if you have change to travel in the submarine?

29. Do you think I ought apply for this job?

30. If modern technology didn't exist, we will never have these precious pictures.
<b>Exercise V/: </b><i><b>Choose the word in each group that has the </b><b> underlined</b><b> </b><b> part </b></i>
<i><b>pronounced differently from the rest.</b></i>

1. A. bulb B. tomb C. black D. cab
2. A.caps B.cooks C. pubs D. cuts
3. A. about B. bomb C. climb D. comb
4. A. sea B. disease C. feature D. threaten
5. A. stopped B.cleaned C. prepared D. played

<b>Exercise VI: </b><i><b>Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern</b></i>

6. A. cancer B. damage C. defence D. species
7. A. erosion B. variety C. especially D. animal
8. A. vegetation B. destruction C. reconstruction D. circulation
9. A. eliminate B. medicine C. natural D. forester
10. A. environment B. pollution C. conservation D. appearance

<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

-Summarize the main point

- gets Ss to prepare the new lesson

<b>26. B </b>
<b>27. B </b>
<b>28. B </b>
<b>29. C </b>

Listen to the teacher
-Do the exercise in groups

Work in pair

<b>1. B </b>
<b>2. B </b>
<b>3. A </b>
<b>4. C </b>
<b>5. D </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b> </b>
<b>UNIT :3</b>


<b>Time</b>:<b>45 mins</b>

<b> Period:3</b>



By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:
--guess the words to fill in the blank

- structure of sentence and punctuation

-How to use conditional sentence(divide even type)

-Ss may find it hard to distinguish between “will” and “going to” when talking about future intentions
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP </b>

-<b>T</b> :asks Ss to close their book

+to look at the picture about Ss in free time situation and
asks Ss to answer these question to lead the lesson

1. Where are they ?

2. Can you guess what are they talking about?
3. Which topics do Ss often talk about?

T: stimulates Ss to answer the question as more as possible
T can say that “I think the most popular topic Ss often talk
about is their school

=>Today we will study a new lesson ,school talks
explains the request of the title

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some
SS to give and explain their answers


-T might also want to get Ss to choose the best answer to
complete each of the following sentences<b>.</b>

Brain storm

T asks Ss toChoose the best answer to complete each of
the following sentences<b>.</b>

the words concern with the main word

<b>Exercise I: Choose the best answer to complete each of</b>
<b>the following sentences.</b>

10. If modern technology didn't exist, we will never have
these precious pictures.

A B C D.

11. John Apsidal is famous for his programme of breading_________

A. dangerous B. dangered C.

dangerously D. endangered

12. Hydroelectric dams in Vietnam have provided power ________
millions of homes and businesses.

A. for B. to C. with

D. of

13. Many plants and animals can be used as medicine _________
cancer, AIDS and other sicknesses.

A. for B. with C. against D.

14. The ____ of forest is destroying the Earth’s plants and animals.

A. lose B. lost C. loss

D. loose

Work in pair

Ss work in pair to answer these questions above
Expected answers:

1. They are in the school yard

2. I think they are talking about sports and games
,entertainment, health problems, hobbies, holidays,
films, the weather ,work and study ,their teachers,
their friends ,their schools, ect…

3. Optional

Work in pair

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

15. Without plants, most water would ___________ as soon as it falls.

A. run off B. run after C. run away

D. run by

16. About 5,000 species of plants and animals_________each year.
A. are already been eliminating B. are already being eliminated
C. has already been eliminated D. have already eliminated
17. We cannot clean up our_________rivers and seas overnight.
A. pollute B. polluting C. polluted D.

18. Many laws_________in nature's defence.

A. are passed B. have passed C. are passing
D. were being passed

19. Water_________most of the earth's surface.

A. covers B. is covered C. being covered
D. is covering

20. The situation is serious. Something_________before it's too late.
A. must do B. must be done C. must be doing D.
must have done

21. We managed to climb over the wall without_________.

A. seeing B. to see C. being seen D.
to be seen

22. This scientific theory_________to be false.

A. has now proved B. has now been proving C. has now been
proved D. has now to be proved

23. The earth is being_________and the future looks bad.
A. threatening B. threat C. threaten D. threatened
24. Many animals are_________for their fur or other valuable parts of
their bodies.

A. killed B. died C. killing D. dying
25. Wildlife all over the world is in_________.

A. risk B. danger C. threat D. death
Asks Ss to work in group

-Goes around class to help Ss if necessary

Exercise IV: There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each
<i><b>sentence. Find the mistake </b></i>

26. Modern zoos want to see as places where rare animals can develop.

27. Trees of this kind grown well on this soil.

28. Have the students be told about the changes of their timetable yet?

29. Campers must be used earth to put out their campfire completely.

30. Man and most animals need a constantly supply of water to live


<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

-Summarize the main point

-For homework ss need to practise grammar more and more

Work in pair

Work in pair

work in pair/in group
-silent reading the letter
-write a reply

26. c
27. b
28. b
29. c
30. a

<b>UNIT :4</b>


<b>Time:45 mins</b>

<b> Period:4</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>


Ss may make mistake when using the third conditional ,T should prepare a lot of practiice
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP </b>

T: asks Ss to close their book and look at the picture
,answer :

T: gives out the handout (names of electric –devices)
Picture 1.(TV) a. Electric cooker
Picture 2(computer) b. refrigerator
Picture 3(Cassette player) c. TV

Picture 4(Electric cooker) d. Washing machine
Picture 5(Air condition) e. computer

Picture 6(refrigerator) f .Cassette player
Picture 7(Fax machine) g. Air condition
Picture 8(Washing machine) h. Fax machine
T: asks Ss to read the electric devices again
(they are called the modern inventions )
T: asks Ss questions :

1.Can you tell me what each of them is used for ?
2. What is the washing machine used for ?
explains the request of the title

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some

SS to give and explain their answers


-T might also want to get Ss to choose the best answer to
complete each of the following sentences<b>.</b>

Uses the picture(a student, going to school by bicycle, going
to school on foot)

-Introduces the grammar notes:
Reviews the form of passive voice
Explains the request of exercise 1 :
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class

<b>I/ Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using 'somebody/ people/ </b>
<b>they' etc, write a passive sentence. </b>

1. Someone introduced me to Dr Felix last year.

2. People are destroying large areas of forest every day. .
3. Somebody has bought the land next to our house. .

4. Somebody had already reported the accident before 1 phoned. .
5. People were using the tennis court, so we couldn't play. .

6. You can buy videos like this one anywhere. .

7. Somebody will tell you when you should go in to see the doctor. .
8. Has anybody shown you what to do? .

9. They should have finished the hotel by the time you arrive. .
!0. Someone has to write the history of the European Community one
day. . ………

I. Nobody told me that George was.

12. They have found an unexploded bomb in Herbert Square, and
they are evacuating the area. .

Work in pair
Look at the picture
-Work in group

-look at the picture and connect picture and electric devices

-Repeat the electric devices
-Expected answers :

1.It’s used to wash dirty clothes

2.It’s used for washing dirty clothes

Answer the forms of passive voice
Answer key:

1) I was introduced ………….

2) Large areas of forest are being destroyed everyday
3) the land has been bought next to our house

4) the accident had been already reported before 1 phoned. .
5) the tennis court were being used so we couldn't play. .
6) videos can be bought like this one anywhere. .

7) you will be told when you should go in to see the doctor. .
8) Have you been shown what to do? .

9) the hotel should have been finished by the time you arrive. .
10) the history of the European Community has to be written

one day. .

11) I was told that George was.

12) an unexploded bomb in Herbert Square have been found,
the area are being evacuated

13) the case are being opened again because the verdict. Was
not being satisfied with

14) results was expected better soon.

15) When was the results of the contest going to be
announced? .

II/ Answer key

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>


13. They are opening the case again because they're not satisfied
with the verdict. . ………
14. People expect better results soon. .

15. When is someone going to announce the results of the contest? .
<b>II/ Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words provided. </b>
1. The manager always welcomes new employees.

New employees_________________________________________
2. Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.


3. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.

The phonograph____________________________________
4. Stephen Court has just invented an armchair which can play


5. Where will your company send you next year?

Where will you ______________________________________
6. During the recession, the firm was making people redundant
almost every week.

During the recession,


7. Had a special messenger delivered the package before you got to
the office?

Had the

8. The students usually hold the concerts at the university.

The concerts___________________

9. The scientists are studying the problem carefully.
The problem______________________

10. The police found two children in the forest.
Two children ____________________________

Introduces the grammar notes:

Reviews the form of conditional sentences :
Explains the request of exercise II :
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class

<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

-Summarize the main point

-For homework ss need to practise grammar more and more

2) Janet s’ colleagues gave her a present when retired
3) The phonograph was invented

4) An armchair has been just invented
Where will you be sent next year?

5) During the recession, people was being made

Package had been delivered a special messenger before you got to
the office?


7) The concerts were hold…
8) The problem is being studied …
9) Two children were found …

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>UNIT :5</b>


<b>Time</b>:<b>45 mins</b>
<b> Period:5</b>


By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:
---review the conditional sentence (type 1’2’3)

Ss may make mistake when using the third conditional ,so T should prepare a lot of practice
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP </b>

T: has Ss play the game TONGUE TWISTERS in groups

 Writes the tongue twister on the board:

<i><b>She sells sea shells on the sea shore</b></i>

 Asks Ss to repeat after the T slowly at first, then

faster .Then each S from either team in turn says it
quickly three times. The team having more correct
answers will be the winner

Leads to the lesson
<i><b>II/conditional sentences : </b></i>

--Asks ss to remind the conditional sentence type 1,2,3
-Writes down on the board and explains

-gives the photos to the class
-Asks Ss to work in pairs

<b>Put the verbs in parentheses into correct form:</b>

1/If the trip (include)…………..Mount Verson, Sally wouldn’t have

2/I wouldn’t act like that If I (be)………..you
3/If father (drive)………..the car, the accident would not
have happened

4/If Mr Ngoc (not feel)……… well, why don’t
Lan and you wash the dishes for her

5/If I (be)…………..you, I wouldn’t feed the puppy any more meat

6/If you (come)…………..home early, you would have seen your new

Ss: work in teams

work in pair
III/Answer key

1) Included
2) Were
3) Drove
4) Don’t feel
5) Were
6) Had come
7) Are
8) Work

9) Would have met
10) Don’t say

TYPE III: IF +S +HAD +V ed-(cot3) , S + WOULD/ COULD +HAVE +V ed (cot3)


<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

7/If they help the car industry, there (be)………..more jobs
8/If you (work)……….hard ,you’ll pass the exam
9/If the pupils had kept quiet, they (permit)

………..to see the movie
10/If you can’t say something good, (not say)
………something bad
-goes around the class for help if necessary
-Gives feedbacks and checks


Put a tick (V) if the sentence is correct and cross (X) if it is wrong
1.If you would come from my country ,you would
understand what I’m saying

2.If I could travel round the world ,I’ll go to Hawai
3.If you don’t be careful, You’ll lose your money
4.You wouldn’t get wet if you have umbrella
5.I’ll buy a new dictionary when I get the money
6.If I were you ,I’ll be a doctor

7.He would go swimming if he knew how to swim
8.You wouldn’t fail at the exam if you studied hard
-Explains the title of the exercise

-depend on the form of conditional sentence learnt to
choose correct or not

-goes around the class for help if necessary
-Checks and gives feedback

III/Make second conditional sentence for the following


1) LAN’s parents do not live near Hanoi ,so she
doesn’t see them on weekends

2) We won’t have a holiday because we haven’t got
any money

3) I don’t know the answer so I can’t tell you

4) There aren’t any eggs, so I won’t make any omelet
5) We have three children, so we won’t take a year off

and travel the world

6) I haven’t got any spare time. I won’t learn Russian
7) Jim works very hard .He has no time spend with his


8) I’m not very clever ,so we won’t be a doctor
9) I’ve got a headache .I can’t go swimming
10) I haven’t got a big house. I can’t invite friends to


Explains the title of the exercise

-Depend on the situation to make the conditional sentence
type 2

-goes around the class for help if necessary
-Checks and gives feedback

<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

- Summarize the main point

-For homework ss need to practise grammar more and more

-Work in pairs
Answer key

1. x
2. x
3. x
4. v
5. v
6. x
7. v
8. v

Work in pairs
Answer key

1) If LAN’s parents lived ear Hanoi , she would see
them on weekends

2) We would have a holiday if we had enough money
3) If I knew the answer I’d tell you

4) There were any eggs, I ‘d make any omelet
5) we would take a year off and travel the world if

we didn’t have three children

6) I would learn Russian, I’d had spare time.

7) If Jim didn’t works very hard, He would have time
spend with his family

8) If I were clever, I’d be a doctor

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b>UNIT :6</b>

<b>– GRAMMAR</b>

<b>Time</b>:<b>45 mins</b>
<b> Period:6</b>


By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:
--to-infinitive to talk about purpose

-to make wh- questions


Ss may make mistake when using :”so as to and so as not to”
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP </b>

-Divide two of group words(each group is four words)
-Asks SS to work in individual and choose the underlined
words differently from others

1/ earn ,bird ,fir ,other
2/Today ,nurse, from ,of
-Checks in front of the class

-Notes the pronunciation and Leads to the new lesson
explains the request of the title

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some
SS to give and explain their answers


-T might also want to get Ss to choose the best answer to
complete each of the following sentences<b>.</b>

Introduces the grammar notes:

Reviews the form of using wh-question
Explains the request of exercise 1 :
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class

<b>I / change the statements to questions using the </b>
<b>question word in parenthesis. Check the verb tense</b>

1) She feel better after she took a nap (how)
2) That is an English book (what)

3) My sister called her boyfriend yesterday(when)
4) She talked to him for an hour(How long)
5) He studies piano at the university (what)
6) The party lasted all night(how long)
7) The check was for $5.50 (how much)
8) She was eating a sandwich(what)
9) My parents have two cars(how many)
10) They are coming to visit tomorrow (when)
II/ <b>Make questions for the underlined parts</b>

<b>a) ……….</b>

Music makes people different from all the other animals
b/ ……….

Yes it is ,(Music is one of the most powerful means of

c/ ………

When she came .I was practicing my piano lesson
my favourite composer is chopin

e/ ……….

Close their book
-Work in individual
Expected answers :


-Repeat after T

Work in pair
Answer key :

1. How did she feel

2. what kind of book is that?

3. When did your sister call her boyfriend?
4. How long did she talk to him ?

5. What does he study at the university?
6. How long did the party last ?

7. How much was the check for?
8. What was she eating?

9. How many cars do your parents have?
10. When are they coming to visit?

Work in pair
Answer key :

a/What makes people different from all the other

b/Is music one of the most powerful means of

c/What was you practicing your piano lesson When she

d/Who is your favourite composer?
e/Why did you have to cancel our picnic?

f/What do you practise speaking English to sing English

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

We had to cancel our picnic because the weather was


I practise speaking English to sing English songs

I like listening to music at night

No.(I don’t know why he was absent yesterday )
Reviews the form of using the phrase of purpose
Explains the request of exercise 1 :

-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class


<b> Use to/in order to / so as not to + infinitive to </b>
<b>combine each pair of sentences:</b>

1. Mother entered the room quietly. She didn’t
want to wake up her body

2. Mary phoned me .She wanted to invite me to a

3. We are learning English .We can get a good job
4. I took off my shoes .I didn’t want to make any


5. My mother need a tin-opener. She want to open

this bottle

6. Ken is learning Vietnamese. He wishes to read

7. He turned off the lights. He didn’t want to waste

8. She locks the door. She doesn’t want to be

<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

-Summarize the main point

-For homework ss need to practise grammar more and more

to work in individual then in pair
Answer key:

1. Mother entered the room quietly. to wake up her

2. Mary phoned me to invite me to a party
3. We are learning English to get a good job
4. I took off my shoes so as not to make any


5. My mother need a tin-opener to open this bottle

6. Ken is learning Vietnamese to read Kieu

7. He turned off the lights. so as not to waste

8. She locks the door. so as not to be disturbed

<b>UNIT :7</b>


<b>Time</b>:<b>45 mins</b>

<b> Period:7</b>


By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:

--understand more about music –A UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE
--How to use the words in the sentences


Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about topic ,difficult to understand and use
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<b>WARMER –UP :</b>

-Asks SS to close their book

“look at the map and choose the number”
-Reads the suggest with ever number

1. It was invented in 1925

2. We can listen to the news but we can’t see it
3. It contains information and pictures

4. We use it to find information quickly, chat with
friends and send email.

-Leads to the new lesson
explains the request of the title

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some
SS to give and explain their answers


-T might also want to get Ss to choose the best answer to
complete each of the following sentences<b>.</b>

<b>--</b>Explains some new words in the text
-Chant (v)

-Sung (Past )

<b>-</b>rat (v)
- suffer(v)

<b> I</b><i><b>/ Read the text and then choose the correct word </b></i>
<i><b>among A,B,C or D for each space</b></i><b>:</b>


Music is universal –It is produced by all cultures. Some
scientists believe that music came before speech and
arose as a development of matching calls. In fact ,there is
one theory that the (1)……….languages were chanted or
sung rather than spoken .Indeed ,in some cultures ,music is
a form of (2) ………..history .The Aboriginal

Australians, for example ,use music as a means to
(3(…….on stories of the land and spirits to the next

New evidence suggests that music does not just satisfy the
feel –good factor but it is also good for the brain .A study of
intellectually disabled children showed that they could recall
more (4) ……….after it was given to them in a song
than after it was read to them as a story .

Researchers also report that people (5) ……….better
on a standard intelligence test after listening to Mozart. The
so-called “Mozart effect “ has

Also been(6) ………….by findings that rats brought up on
Mozart run faster through a complex network of paths or
passage (7) ……….as a maze .Overall ,it seams that in
most instances people who suffer from any form of mental
(8) ………….benefit from listening to music

1) A. earliest B .newest C .easiest D. simple
2) A enjoying B .making C. recording D. starting
3) A move B pass C hand D happen

4) A. Facts B knowledge C memory D information
5) A examine B prepare C score D achieve

look at the map and choose the number
listen to the sentences and guess
-Divide into 4 groups

Expected answers

1. television
2. radio
3. newspaper
4. the internet

to work in individual then in pair

Silent reading

to work in individual then in pair

Answer key :

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

6) A. supported B given C marked D remembered
7) A .called B heard C regarded D know
8) A badness B hurt C illness D pain
Explains the request of exercise 1 :
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words

(s) from the box

<i>Musicians anthem rock “n” roll emotion mournful band delighted</i>
<i>solemn composed lyrical integral lulled </i>

1) Tien Quan Ca is the national ………. Of Viet Nam
2) These songs were ………..by Schubert
3) The sound of rain falling soon ……….him to sleep
4) ………..is a type of music that was popular in the


5) There are some intensely ……….passage in his first

6) Music is often played in wedding funerals, and ………

7) John Lennon is one of my favourite ………
8) Home visits by staff are an …………..part of the service

9) I was ………..to see my old friends again
10) Love joy hate fear and jealously are all …………

11) Robbie William was in a ……….called take that
before he became

12) She was still …………..six month after her father’s death.
<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

-Summarize the main point

-learn by heart the words in the box to study at the exercise 2

Answer key

1. <i>anthem </i>
2. <i>composed</i>
3. lulled
4. <i>rock “n” roll </i>
5. <i>lyrical</i>
6. <i>solemn</i>
7. <i>Musicians </i>
8. <i>integral </i>
9. <i>delighted </i>
10. <i>emotions</i>
11. <i>band </i>
12. <i>mournful</i>

-write down the homework




<b>Time</b>:<b>45 mins</b>
<b> Period:8</b>


By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:
--to-pronounce 2 kinds of pronunciation /au/ and /ou/
-to do conditional sentence type 2 /

-reported speech


Ss may make mistake when using :”so as to and so as not to”
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP </b>

-Divide two of group words(each group is four words)

-Asks SS to work in individual and Circle the sound for the letter(s) in

<b>I. Circle the sound for the letter(s) in bold. </b>

1. . road /ao/ 11. goes /ao/
2. <i>. </i>town /ao/ 12. follow /ao/
3. throw /ao/ 13. couch /ao/
4. around /ao/ <i> </i>14. towel " /ao/

to work in individual and Circle the sound for the letter(s) in

<b>I. Circle the sound for the letter(s) in bold.</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

5. house /ao/ 15. phone /ao/
6. though /ao/ 16. out /ao/
7. over /ao/ 17. told /ao/
8. mountain /ao/ 18. shoulder /ao/
9. narrow /ao/ 1 9. boat /ao/
10. drought /ao/

-Leads to the new lesson
explains the request of the title

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some SS to
give and explain their answers


-T might also want to get Ss to choose the best answer to complete
each of the following sentences<b>.</b>

- Explains the request of exercise 1 :
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class

<b>II. Turn each direct speech statement into indirect speech with tense </b>

1. 'I knew nothing about the problem.'

She protested _______________________________
2. 'Oh, I'm too hot.'

He moaned _____________________

3. 'I've never worked so hard before.' Our decorator remarked ____________
4. 'I like your coat, I'm looking for one like that myself.' She told me


5. 'Careful! You'll fall through the ice.'

I warned him ___________________________
6, 'You must be home by 9 o'clock.'

She said _____________________________
7. 'John left here an hour ago.' She

told me


8. 'I easily beat everyone else in the race.'
He boasted __________________________
9. 'I've been spending a lot more time with my children.'

He mentioned __________________________
- Explains the request of exercise :IV
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class

<b>IV. Report these questions using a with, if or whether-create, as appropriate</b>

1. 'Are you enjoying yourself?'

He wanted to know __________________________
2. 'What's the weather like?'

She asked me _________________________________• '
3. 'Does Ann always go to church on Sundays?'

He wondered _____________________________________
4. 'What does Frank do for living?'

I wanted to know ______________________
5. 'Have you seen John

recently?' She asked me

20. crowd /ao/

<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

-Summarize the main point

-learn by heart the words in the box to study at the exercise 2

-to work in individual then in pair

<b>II. Turn each direct speech statement into indirect speech </b>
<b>with tense changes.</b>

<b>Answer key</b>

1. She protested she had known ….
2. He moaned he was too hot

3. She told me she liked my coat ,she was looking for one like
that .

4. I warned him he will fall through the ice
5. She said I must be home by 9 o’clock
6. She told me John had left here an hour
7. He boasted I easily bit everyone else in the race.

8. He mentioned . I' had been spending a lot more time with my

9.She told me 'Jim was arriving at our house the following day

<b>IV. Report these questions using a with, if or whether-create, as </b>

- to work in individual then in pair
<b>Answer key</b>

1. He wanted to know I was enjoying myself
2. She asked me 'What the weather was like
3. He wondered Ann went to church on Sundays
4. I wanted to know 'What Frank did for living
5. She asked me I had seen

john recently

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<b>Unit 9 </b>


<b>Time</b>:<b>45 mines</b>
<b> Period:9</b>


By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:
- know -pronunciation /i9/ and /u/ and /e/

- structure of conditional type 3 ( sentence and punctuation )
-How to use conditional sentence(divide even type)

-Ss may find it hard to distinguish between “t” and “d” and /id/when pronounce
3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP </b>

-Divide two of group words(each group is four words)
-Asks SS to work in individual and find out the words having
ends/ ed/(which group find more words is won )

-Gives out feedbacks

-Lead in to the new lesson

Explains the request of exercise 1 :
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class

<b>Exercise I: Choose the word in each group that has </b>
<b>the underlined part pronounced differently from the </b>

1. A. dear B. clear C. year D. bear
2. A. here B. where C. wear D. pair
3A. floor B. poor C. usually D. casual
4A..jealous B. weather C. heavy D. ideal
5.A. four B. pour C. tour D. course
Explains the request of exercise 1 :
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class

-Goes around the class for help

<b>Exercise II: Choose the best answer to complete </b>
<b>each of the following sentences</b>.

11.The prefix sub in the word submarine means .
A.againB. underC. above D. none

12. The UK is divided four parts: England,
Scotland, Wales and

Northern Ireland.

A. between B. among C. into D. for
13. Carnivores are animals which .
A. eat meat B. eat plants

C. live on the bottom D. swim very fast
14. IF 1 you, 1 wouldn't buy that coat.
A. am B. was C. were D. would be

15. You to go to bed late.

A. shouldn’t' B. ought' C. mustn't D. can't
16. The shrimp is a kind of_________.

A. krill B. mammal C. plant D. fish
17. The sea is polluted, which_________ sea plants and

A. dangers B. dangerous C. dangerously D.

to work in individual and find out the words having ends/ ed
SS to work in individual then in pair

<b>Exercise I: Choose the word in each group that has the </b>
<b>underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.</b>
<b>Answer key</b>

1. .D

2. A
3. A
4. D
5. C

<b>. SS to work in individual then in pair</b>

<b>Exercise II: Choose the best answer to complete each of </b>
<b>the following sentences.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>


18. Tain_________ more if he_________ more time.
A. will read - had B. would read - has
C. read - had D. would read - had
19.1 think you_________apologize for your behaviour.
A. should B. ought C. shall D.

20. Sperm whale populations are now_________risk due
to hunting.

A. in B. at C. of D. by
21. The starfish lives on or depend_________ the

A. in B. for C. on D. of
22. Whales, seals are examples of_________animals.
A. marine B. land C. river D. tiny
23. The life_________ of sperm whale can be up to

seventy years.

A. period B. length C. distance D.

24.I wonder where Mai is. She should_________here by

A. be B. to be C. being D.
have been

25. If I didn't want to go to the party, I_________go.
A. don't B. didn't C. won't D.

-Explains the exercise 3
-calls ss to work in pairs

-Goes around class for help if necessary
Exercise III: There is a mistake in the four

<b>underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake </b>
<b>(A, B, C, or D).</b>

26. If you sold your house, you didn't get much money
for it.

27. The government should done more to help

homeless people.

28. What would you do if you have change to travel in
the submarine?


29. Do you think I ought apply for this job?

30. If modern technology didn't exist, we will never have
these precious pictures.


<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

-Summarize the main point

-learn by heart the words in the box to study at the exercise 2

Exercise <b>III:</b> <b> There is a mistake in the four underlined </b>
<b>parts of each sentence. Find the mistake (A, B, C, or D).</b>
<b>Answer key</b>

<i>1.</i> B

<i>2.</i> B

<i>3.</i> B

<i>4.</i> C

<i>5.</i> C

-write down the homework

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


<b>Time:45 mins</b>

<b> Period:10</b>


By the end of the lesson ,the Ss will be able to:
--practise to –infinitive & make the wh- questions

Ss may make mistake when using the how often ,how far ……..
T should prepare a lot of practiice

3-<b>MATERIALS : </b>

-Textbook ,handout

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Student’s activities</b>

<b>WARMER –UP </b>

T: asks Ss to close their book and look at the picture
,answer :

T: gives out the handout (names of electric –devices)
Picture 1.(TV) a. Electric cooker
Picture 2(computer) b. refrigerator
Picture 3(Cassette player) c. TV

Picture 4(Electric cooker) d. Washing machine
Picture 5(Air condition) e. computer

Picture 6(refrigerator) f .Cassette player
Picture 7(Fax machine) g. Air condition
Picture 8(Washing machine) h. Fax machine
T: asks Ss to read the electric devices again
(they are called the modern inventions )
T: asks Ss questions :

1.Can you tell me what each of them is used for ?
2. What is the washing machine used for ?
explains the request of the title

asks Ss to check their answers with a partner and then calls on some
SS to give and explain their answers


-T might also want to get Ss to choose the best answer to
complete each of the following sentences<b>.</b>

Uses the picture(a student, going to school by bicycle, going
to school on foot)

-Introduces the grammar notes:
Reviews the form of to infinitive
Explains the request of exercise 1 :
-Asks SS to work in individual then in pair
-Checks in front of class

<b>V. Use </b>

<i><b>to / in order to / so as not to + infinitive </b></i>

<b> lo </b>

<b> </b>

<b>combine each pair of </b>

<b> sentence</b>

1. Mother entered the room quietly. She didn't want to
wake up her baby.

<i>2.</i> Mar> phoned inc. She wanted to invite me to a party.

<i>3.</i> Wc are learning English. We can get a good job.

<i>4.</i> 1 took off my shoes. F didn't want to make any noise.

Work in pair
Look at the picture
-Work in group

-look at the picture and connect picture and electric devices

-Repeat the electric devices
-Expected answers :

1.It’s used to wash dirty clothes
2.It’s used for washing dirty clothes

Answer the forms of passive voice
Answer key:

1. Mother entered the room quietly. She didn't want to
wake up her baby.

2. Mar> phoned inc. She wanted to invite me to a

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<i>5.</i> My mother needs a tin-opener. She wants to open
this bottle.

<i>6.</i> Ken is learning Vietnamese. He wishes to read <i>Kfeu.</i>

<i>7.</i> I Ic turned off the lights. I Ic didn't want to waste


<i>8.</i> She locks the door. She doesn't want to be disturbed.

. ………


<b>Make questions for the underlined parts.</b>

1/Music makes people different from a l l other


2………. ... ?

Yes, it is. (Music is one <i>of </i>the most

powerful means of communication.)

3……… ?
When she came. I was practising my piano lesson.
My favourite composer is Choplin

We had to cancel our picnic because the weather was

<b>6……….</b> <b>?</b>

I practise speaking English to sing English songs,
I like listening to music at night.

8 ,..., ?

No. (I.don't khow why he was absent yesterday.)

<b>HOMEWORK: </b>

-Summarize the main point

- to practise grammar more and more

<i>6.</i> Ken is learning Vietnamese to read <i>Kfeu.</i>

<i>7.</i> I Ic turned off the lights So as not to waste


<i>8.</i> She locks the door so as not to be disturbed.

. ………

II/ Answer key:

1. .what makes people different from a l l other

2. .Is Music one <i>of </i>the most powerful
means of communication?

3. .what was he doing when she came?
4. .Who is your favourite composer?

5. .Why did you have to cancel your picnic?
6. .what do you practise speaking English to?
7. .when do you like listening to music?

8. .do you know why he absent yesterday?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21></div>

