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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>I) Complete the following sentences by using reported speech.</b>
<b>( Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng lời nói gián tiếp (câu tường thuật)</b>
1. Nam said: “ I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock”.

 Nam said (that)
he---2. Thu said :” All the students will have a meeting next week”.

 Thu said (that)
---3. Phong said : “ My parents are very proud of my good marks”.

 Phong said (that)
---4. Lan said to Tam: “ You should stay at home and do the homework”.

 Lan told Tam (that)
---5. Lien said to her brother, “ You ought to clean your room”.

 Lien told to her brother (that)
---6. The teacher said, “All the homework must be done carefully”.

 The teacher said
(that)---7. Tam said, “ I could swim across the river”.

 Tam said
(that)---8. Her father said to her: “You can go to the movie with your friend”.

 Her father said (that)

9. Hoa said: “I may visit my parents in Summer”.

 Hoa said
(that)---10. The students said: “we should finish our work before going out for lunch”.

 The students said
(that)---11. The teacher said: “We can collect old books for the poor students”.

 The teacher said
(that)---12. She said: “She doesn’t buy this book”.

 She said
(that)---13. The boys said “ We have to try our best to win the match”.

 The boys said
(that)---14. Her mother told her “ You ought to wash and iron your own clothes”

 Her mother said
(that)---15. My teacher told me “You should read these books”.

 My teacher said
(that)---16. Her classmate said “Lan is the most intelligent girl in our class”.

 Her classmate said
(that)---17. They told us “Our friends will get the award for their highest scores”.

 They told us
(that)---18. He said “ I will go to school by bus tomorrow”.

 He said
(that)---19. My grandparents told me “We will travel aroud the world by plane”.

 My grandparents said
(that)---20. Phong said “I need to learn more vocabulary”.

 Phong said
(that)---21. Lan said “I have to do more grammar exercise”.

 Lan said
(that)---22. Tinh told Lien “You may go shopping with your friends”.

 Tinh said
(that)---23. The girls said “We ought to finish our homework tonight”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

 His brother said
(that)---26. The coach told the players “ You have to train harder for the next match”.

 The coach said
(that)---27. Tam’s sister told him “ You ought to help me to clean the house”.

 Tam’s sister said
(that)---28. Hoa’s parents said “We’ll visit you this summer”.

 Hoa’s parents said
(that)---29. Mai said, “I cannot go to the movies with you, Nam”.

 Mai said
(that)---30. “ I will expect to see you next Wednesday”, Mary said to her friend.

 Mary told to her friend
<b>(that)---II) Rewrite these Wh- questions in reported speech.</b>

<b>( Viết lại các câu hỏi sau sử dụng lời nói gián tiếp)</b>
1. “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me.

 The
teacher---2. “ How far is it from HCM city to Vung Tau?” A tourist asked.

 A tourist
---3. “How long will you stay in England?” Tam’s friend asked him.

 Tam’s friend
---4. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked Lan.

 She
asked---5. “What’s your hobby?” The teacher asked Lien.

 The teacher
---6. “Why do you collect waste paper?” She asked Ba.

 She
---7. “When will you visit Hanoi?” Hoa asked her parents.

Hoa---8. “What language do you speak?” Mrs Brown asked Thu.

 Mrs
Brown---9. “What time do schools begin?” He asked Mrs Brown.

 He
---10. “How do you go to the airport?” His friend asked him.

 His
friend---11. “Where do you learn English?” She asked Lan.

She---12. “What do they save paper for?” Lien asked Ba.

Lien---13. “How much does this dress cost?” Lan asked Lien.

Lan---14. “How often do you wash your clothes?” Ba asked Tam.

Ba---15. “How do your children enjoy the trip?” She asked Mrs Lam.

She---16. “What kind of books do you read?” Thu asked Huong.

 Thu

17. “What television program do you like best?” She asked me.

 She
---18. “What aspect of learning English do the students find most difficult?” The teacher asked

 The teacher
---19. “Where can you buy the new cartoon?” Lan asked Thu.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Lan---20. “When will your father leave Vietnam for the USA?” Phong asked Lan.

Phong---21. “What do you think about leaning language?” Ba asked his teacher.

Ba---22. “How many books do the students need?” The librarian asked my teacher.

 The
librarian---23. “What size of shoes do you want, Madam?” The salesman aksed my mother.

 The
salesman---24. “How do people learn languages in general?” Ba asked Mr Brown.

Ba---25. “How much bread do you need?” The baker asked Thu.

 The
baker---26. “What will they make for their mother on Mother’s Day?” Thu asked Hoa.

 Thu
---27. “When do your children go swimming?” She asked Mrs Brown.

She---28. “Whom can we ask for advice?” They asked their teacher.

They---29. “Why is she crying?” Thu asked Hoa.

Thu---30. “What should we do to help the victims of the blood?” The teacher asked the students.
 The

<b>teacher---III) Rewrite the following Yes- No questions in reported speech.</b>
<b>(Viết lại các câu hỏi nghi vấn sau sử dụng lời nói gián tiếp)</b>
1. “Do you enjoy reading books?” Phong asked Peter.

 Phong
asked---2. “Does she like sports?” Hoa asked Lan.

 Hoa
asked---3. “Does Hoa play badminton?” Lan asked Thu.

 Lan
asked---4. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam.

 She
asked---5. “Do the children perform on television?” Her mother asked her teacher.

 Her mother
asked---6. “Are ther some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom.

 She
asked---7. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend.

 He
asked---8. “Do you travel to school by bus?” Tam asked Peter.

 Tam
asked---9. “Are Tam and Hoa late for class?” Tuan asked Lan.

 Tuan
asked---10. “Do you need an umbrella to go out?” She asked me.

 She
asked---11. “Does Lan’s mother work for a bank?” Thu asked Long.

 Thu
asked---12. “Do the students know something about their new English teacher?” Phong asked Tuan.
 Phong
asked---13. “Does Phong’s father work in a hospital?” Thu asked Ba.

 Thu
asked---14. “Does our teacher ask us to clean up the room?” Phong asked Lam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

asked---15. “Can you speak Chinese?” She asked me.

 She
asked---16, “Will she be here for five days?” Tam asked Thu.

 Tam
asked---17. “Should we keep our room warm?” Lan asked her teacher.

 Lan
asked---18. “Do they need some help?” she asked her husband.

 She
asked---19. “May I have a look at your pictures?” Lan asked Hoa.

 Lan
asked---20. “Can these athletes swim across the river?” Phong asked Ba.

 Phong

asked---21. “Will our class take part in that competition?” Lam asked Lan.

 Lam
asked---22. “Can you buy me some soap on the way home?” My mother asked my brother.

 My mother
asked---23. “Do you see somebody using my book?” Lan asked Thu.

 Lan
asked---24. “Will the students in grade 9 have their finalexam in May?” Phong asked his teacher.
 Phong
asked---25.”May I use your dictionary for a moment?” Mai asked Hoa.



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