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bai 1 lop9 chuan 2010

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<i>Teaching date:...Class:... </i>

<i>Period: ... </i>



After finishing the lesson, Ps are able to Know the 7 Engkish book, notebook, look up the new
words and how to study English.Ps remember the grammar of 8 English book.

<b>1. Knowledge: Recognition </b>

Language: Past simple, simple future, present progressive ,present simple tense.
2. Skill: Reading, speaking.

3. Attitude: Ss have a positive attitude towards what they learned.

<b>-Teacher: Textbook, picture</b>
-Student: book, notebook

<b>III. Anticipated problems</b>

- Some students conjugate wrongly. They don’t add ‘s’, ‘es’ to be in accordance with the other
subjects of the present simple tense. They forget to add ‘ing” in the present progressive tense.
<b>IV. </b>


<b>Teacher and students’</b>

<b>Board display</b>

<b>I. warm up (5 )</b>’
How are you?

What’s your/her/his name?
What class are you in?
What do/does

Possible answers:

My/his/her name’s...

<i> </i>



<b>* Free talk</b>

<b>II. New Lesson (35 )</b>’
<b>1. Grammar (20 )</b>’

Ss repeat the form and use
of Present simple, past
simple, Present progressive
and Simple future tense

Ps get some sentences with
present simple tense.

<b>1. Grammar</b>

<b>*Present simple tense.</b>

Positive S+V/Vs-es I go to school everyday
She watches TV

He plays soccer

Negative S+don’t/doesn’t+ V They don’t have breakfast
He doesn’t sing

Question Do/does +S+ V...?

Do you like coffee?

Does she listen to radio?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

Ps get some sentences with
present progressive tense.

Ps get some sentences with
simple future tense

Ps get some sentences with
past simple tense

Positive S+ to be+ Ving.... She is reading book
They are swimming
Negative S+ to be+ not+ Ving.. I’m not sleeping

We aren’t eating
Question To be+ S+ Ving....?


Are you playing marble?
Yes, I am

Is she skipping?
No,she isn’t
* Simple future tense

Positive S+ will/shall+ V... He will visit his grandfather

Negative S+ will+ not+ V... I won’t read story
Question Will+ S+ V...?


Will you meet me tomorrow

* Past simple tense

Positive <i>S + was/ were</i>
<i>S + V 2 / V</i>–<i> ed</i>

He visited his grandfather

Negative S + wasn’t/ weren’t
S + didn’t + V1

I didn’t read that story
Question Was/ Were + S + ?

Did + S + V1?

Did you meet me last night?

<b>2. Practice (15 )</b>’

<b>EX1: Put the verbs in the </b>
present simple tense

Ss work in small groups 
T checks

1. do

2. doesn’t watch
3. Does….cook?
4. rise…..sets 5. is
<b>EX2: Put the verbs in the </b>
past simple tense

Ss work in small groups 
T checks

<b>2. Practice</b>

<b>EX1:. Put the verbs in the present simple tense</b>
1. We often (do) ____________ homework after dinner.
2. Nam (not watch) ____________ at home at night.
3. ______Mr.Hoa (cook) ____________ dinner every day?
4. The sun (rise) _______in the east and (set) _____ in the west.
5. It (be) ____________ often hot in Summer.

1. do 2. doesn’t watch 3. Does….cook? 4. rise…..sets 5. is
EX2: . Put the verbs in the past simple tense

We (be) ____________ at school on time yesterday.
The Browns (visit) ____________ my parents yesterday.
We (see) ____________ him at seven o’clock last night.
She (not, work) ____________ hard last week.

Mr. Tam (leave) __________ a message for Miss. yen last night.
1. were 2. visited 3. saw 4. didn’t work 5. left
<b>III. WRAPPING UP (3 )</b>’

T: What tenses have you

<b>EX3:Choose and underline the best answers: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>


Ss list all the tense that they

EX3: Choose and underline
the best answers

 T & the whole class
check together

years ago.

2. It’s great! What does your friend look ( likes/ likes/ like/

3. Who do you live (at/ with/ on/ to)?

4. I ( sent/ gave/ took/ received)a birthday present from my
mother yesterday.

5. Hoa has a lot of friends. She is (reserved/ shy/ sociable/

<b>IV. homework (2’)</b>
Prepare unit 1: - Getting

started& Listen and read
(page 6-7)


Prepare unit 1: - Getting started& Listen and read (page 6-7)

<b>V. Feed back</b>


<i>Teaching date:...Class:... Period: ... </i>
<b>Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal</b>

<b>Lesson 1: - Getting started (page 6)</b>
<b> - Listen and read (page 7)</b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the text for details. Know about some
places Lan went to with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together.

<b>1. Knowledge: Recognition, comprehension.</b>

Students reminisce about vocabularies and the way to read the text for details. They can
understand the content of the text to answer the questions and make dialogues according to the
given information.

Vocabulary: <i><b>Verbs: </b></i>Correspond, , impress, pray, separate.

<i><b> Phrase verbs</b>: Keep in touch, depend on.</i>

<i><b> Nouns: </b></i>Mosque, atmosphere, abroad, friendliness, mausoleum, recreation,

2. Skill: Reading, speaking.

3. Attitude: students are interested in practicing reading, speaking about the beauty, famous
places of their city.

<b>-Teacher: Textbook, picture</b>
-Student: book, notebook

<b>III. Anticipated problems</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>Board display</b>
<b>I. getting started (7’-T & The whole</b>


T: give some questions
- Do you have any pen pals ?
- Where does s/he live ?

- Has s/he ever visited your city ?

-What activities would you do during the visit ?
S: Possible answers

- She/He lives ....

-Yes/ No. I have (not)

- I think I'll take our friends to temples and

- I'll take them to the beach.
- I'll take the to the mountains.

- I'll take them to theaters, restaurants.


<b>Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal</b>
<b>Lesson 1: - Getting started (page 6)</b>
- Listen and read (page 7)

* Free talk
<b>II. NEW LESSON (31 )</b>’

<b>1. Listen and read (14 )</b>’
<b>a. Vocabulary</b>

- to correspond (explanations: if two people
correspond, they regularly write to each other):
trao đổi th từ.

- a mosque (picture): nhà thờ Hồi Giáo.
- to pray (mime): cầu nguyện, cầu khấn
- (The) peaceful atmosphere: peaceful feeling
- to be impressed by (explanation: good feeling

for s.o or s.t, admiring someone or something
very much): có ấn tợng, cảm động, cảm kíck.
T reads first. And then Ps read later in chorus
and individually, T writes the words on the
board and Ps repeat in chorus and individually
again. Ps copy down the new words on the

* Checking vocabulary: write the meaning of
the words in E or Vietnamese.

<b>1. Listen and read</b>
<b>a. Vocabulary</b>

correspond(v):trao đổi th từ.
Mosque(n) : nhà thờ Hồi Giáo.
Pray(v): cầu nguyện, cầu khấn
peaceful (a): hoà bình, n tĩnh
atmosphere (n): bầu khơng khí

impressed by (a): có ấn tợng, cảm động,
cảm kíck.

Check: write the meaning of the words in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Lan's Malaysian pen pal came to visit her in
Hanoi. Can you guess where she went and what
she did during her stay ?

- Give feedback the whole class to the open

- Ask students to listen 2 or 3 times and read
the text to check their prediction and add some
more information.

- Ask students to listen and read the text again
to do the two exercises below

<b>2. Practice (12 )</b>’

EX. 1: choose the correct option to
<b>complete the sentences on page 7 </b>
Ss work in pairs in 3’

T guides, corrects and checks

<b>EX 2 : Questions </b>
1. Who is Maryam?
2. When did she visit Lan?

3. What did Lan and Maryam do during the

4. What was Maryam really impressed by?
5. What did Lan wish?

6. What did Maryam wish?

7. What did Maryam invite Lan to do?

T asks Ss to work with their partner to find out
the answers in 3’

T monitors the class.

* Check. by lucky numbers (the team that wins
the game will be given a big present)

<b>2. Practice</b>

<b>EX. 1: choose the correct option to </b>
<b>complete the sentences .</b>

1. Maryam and Lan usually write to each other
every two weeks.

2. Maryam was impressed because Hanoi
people were friendly.

3. The girls went to see famous places in
Hanoi, areas for recreation, a place of

4. Mryam wanted to invite Lan to Kuala

<b>EX 2 : Questions</b>
* Game: lucky numbers

1. Maryum is Lan’ pen pal
2. Last week

3. They went to Hoan kiem lake, visited Ho
chi Minh’s mausoleum, the History
Musuem, the Temple of Literature and
mosque on Hang Luoc street, as well as
many beautiful parks and lakes in ha Noi.
4. By the friendliness of Ha Noi’s people.
5. She wished she had a longer vacation.
6. Maryam wished she had more time to get
to know Lan’s beautiful country better.
7. She invited Lan to come and visit her next

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

T asks students to recommend places of
interest in Hai Phong city or nearby ones.

supermarket, Sat market,…
T gives some words cues:

- Ask them to discuss where they should take
their friends to and what activities they should do

-Using the suggested dialogue

T asks Ss to work with their partner .T guides,
corrects and checks

<b>Word cues</b>

1. Do Son beach / beautiful beaches /

2. Cat Ba island / beautiful beaches /
national park / good service

3. Pagodas : Red pagoda /Chua Hang
pagoda / beautiful sight / peaceful

4. Supermarkets: Metro, In Timex,
Sunlight, / wide selection / good service.
5. Markets: Ga market , Sat market, Do

Restaurants: Trong Khach, Phu Gia, Van

<b>* Example change dialogue</b>

S1: My pen pal, Peter is going to visit me
next week.

S2: Really? What should you do and where
should you take him to?

S1: I think I should take our him to Do son
beach, the famous resort in Hai Phong. We

can swim, we can sunbathe we can go
sightseeing and we can eat sea food there.
S2: Good ideas! I believe they will be
interested in it.

III. wrapping-up (5’)

1. Check Ss’ understanding of the lesson,
T: What does the text talk about?

P: the visit of Maryam in ha Noi

T. What activities did she do during the visit?
She went to Hoan kiem lake,..

2. Tell again the text.

P: Maryam ‘s lan’s pen pal,...
IV. Homework (2’)

-Ask students to write a short paragraph about
your vacation

-learn by heart the text.

<b> 4. Homework</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

Do ex 1,2-p5 ( Mai Lan Huong book)
V. feed- back


<i>Teaching date:...Class:... Period: ... </i>
<b>Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal</b>

<b> Lesson 2: Speak (page 8)</b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to introductions
1. Knowledge: Recognition, comprehension and application.

2. Skill: speaking and writing.

3. Attitude: students are interested in listening, speaking to make and respond to introductions

<b>-Teacher: Textbook, picture, radios.</b>
-Student: book, notebook.

<b>III. Anticipated problems</b>

Students confuse nouns and adjectives such as English, England, Viet nam, Vietnamese,
England and English.

<b>IV. </b>


<b>Teacher and students’</b>

<b>Board display</b>
<b>I. Warm up (7’)</b>

* Pelmanism

- Prepare 8 cards with numbers on one side


<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

and the countries and their cities on the other.
- Make sure the countries and the cities are
mixed up. Stick the cards on the board so
students can only see the numbers.

- Divide the students into two teams and ask
them to choose two numbers.

- Turn over the card and see if they match, e.g.
Tokyo - Japan. If not, turn the cards face down
again and ask the other team to choose.

- Continue until all the cards are turned over.
Ps play in 2 small groups  T check and correct

<b> Lesson 2:- (page 8)</b>

Game: Pelmanism

<b>II. NEW LESSON (33 )</b>’
<b> Speak</b>

<b>1. set the sence </b>

- Teacher introduces the situation: Nga is
talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan
outside her school.

<b>2. Exercise a on page 8</b>

- Ask students to do exercise a) on page 8. The
students have to work in pairs in 3’ to put the
sentences in the correct order to make a
complete dialogue.

* Ask some questions to check students'

 Have Nga and Maryam met each other
before ?


 Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Hanoi ?

 What does she like in Vietnam?

(Vietnamese people is very friendly and Hanoi
is a very interesting city.)

Ask students to practice speaking the

- Teacher plays the role of A. Students play the
role of B. Reverse roles.

- Students play the roles of A and B to practice
the dialogue. Reverse roles.


<b>1. Exercise a on page 8</b>

a) Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting
for Lan outside her school. Put their dialogue
in the correct order and copy it into your
exercise book. Then practice with your
partner: Start like this

* Answer:

1. Hello. You must be Maryam.
c) That's right, I am.

5.Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce

myself. I'm Nga.

b) Please to meet you, Nga. Are you one of
Lan's classmates ?

4. Yes, I am. Are you enjoying your stay in
Vietnam ?

d) Oh yes, very much. Vietnamese people are
very friendly and Hanoi is a very interesting

2. Do you live in a city, too ?

e) Yes, I live in Kuala Lumpur . Have you
been there ?

3. No, Is it very different from Hanoi ?
a) The two cities are the same in some ways

<b>3. Exercise b on page 8</b>

- Set the scene: " You are talking to Maryam's

2. Exercise b on page 8

Tokyo Perth bombay
India England



<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

friends. Introduce yourself."

- Ask students to take turn to be of Maryam's
friends and practice.

- Ask students to work in pairs to practice the

+ First ask some pairs to present with their

- While students are doing their tasks, teacher
goes round, takes notes things should be
corrected afterwards.

- Do you delayed correction
+ Final sounds k, v, d...

+ Information in Yes/No questions.

A: Hello, You must be Yoko.
B: That's right, I am.

A: Are you enjoying your stay in Hue ?

B: Oh yes, very much. I like Vietnamese
people and I love old cities in Vietnam.

A: Do you live in the city, too?

B: Yes, I live in Tokyo. Have you been there?
A: No. What's it like ?

B: It's a busy big capital city. It's very different
from Hue.

A: I see.

A: Hello. You must be Paul.
B: That's right. I am.

A: Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce
myself. I'm Le.

B: Pleased to meet you, Le.

A: Are you enjoying your stay in Vietnam?
B: Very much. I love the people, the food, and
the beaches in Vietnam.

A: Do you like in cities, too?

B: Yes, I live in Liverpool in England. Have
you been there ?

A: No. What's it like ?

B: It's an industrial city, in the North of

A: I see.

A: Hello. You must be Jane.
B: That's right, I am.

A: Please to meet you. Let me introduce
myself. I'm Ha

B: Pleased to meet you, Ha.

A: Are you enjoying your stay in Vietnam ?
B: Oh yes, very much. I love the temples and
churches in Vietnam and I love ao dai .

A: What about the food?

B: I love Vietnamese food, especially nem.
A: Do you like in a city ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

been there?

A: I'm afraid not. What's it like?
B: It's a quiet small town.

III. wrapping-up (3’)

T: What have you have learnt?
P: make and respond to introductions

Imagine that you are talking to some famous
singer, footballers .... who are visiting Viet
Nam, make similar dialogues

Ss work in pairs

Hello. You are …...
B: That's right. I am.

A: Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce
myself. I'm Le.

B: Pleased to meet you, Le.
IV. Homework (2’)

Ask student to copy one dialogue they like
into the notebook

Do ex 3-p5 ( Mai Lan Huong book)


copy one dialogue they like into the notebook
Do ex 3-p5 ( Mai Lan Huong book)

V. feed- back


<i>Teaching date:...Class:... Period: ... </i>
<i> </i>

unit 1: A visit from a pen pal

<b>Lesson 3:</b> <b>Section: - Listen (page 9)</b>
- <b>Language focus: the past simple (page 11, 12)</b>
- <b>the past simple with wish (page 12)</b>


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to specific information to select the
correct picture and to use past simple, and past simple with wish.

1. Knowledge: Recognition, comprehension, application.
Language: the past simple , the past simple with wish .
2. Skill: Listening, writing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>-Teacher: Textbook, pictures, radios.</b>

-Student: book, notebook.

<b>III. Anticipated problems</b>

Students pronounce the final sounds of past verbs inaccurately such as /t/, /ed/, /d/.
<b>IV. </b>


<b>Teacher and students’</b>

<b>Board display</b>
<b>I. Warm up (5’)</b>

* Jumbled words:
+ tccah = catch
+ rkap = park
+ ondp = pond
+ rssag = grass

+ rrubmage = hamburger
- Divide the class into 2 teams

- Ask students from each team to go to the
board and write down the correct words.

- The Team which is faster with more correct
words wins the game.


unit 1: A visit from a pen pal

<b>Lesson 3: Listen (page 9)</b>

Language focus: the past simple (page 11, 12)
the past simple with wish (page 12)
<b>Game: Jumbled word</b>

II. New lesson (33’)
1. Listen (11 )’

a. set the sence

Tim Jones’s Mexican pen pal, Carlos is
visiting the USA

- Ask students to look at the pictures and tell
the class what there is in each one, where the
place is, what the people are doing.

b. Open predictions:

- Tell students that Tim is talking to Carlos to
visit some places. Ask them to think of three
things that Tom and Carlos are doing.

Ss give their predictions without checking

1. Listen

Possible answer:

 They are going to the park.
 They are talking a bus.

 They are going to the restaurant.

c. Give feedback.

Ask students to listen to the tape to check their

- Ask students to listen to the tape the second
time to choose the correct picture.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 2
<b>2. Language focus: the past simple (p 11-12)</b>

a.Set the scene:

This is the conversation between Tan and

<b>2. Language focus: the past simple (p 11-12)</b>
<b>a.Model sentence</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

Phong. They are talking about what Ba did on
the weekend.

T: What did Ba do on the weekend?

P: He went to see the movie called:" Ghosts
and Monsters".

T: When did he see it?

P: He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two

 Meaning: đã
<b>b. Practice</b>

- Ask students to work in pairs to ask and
answer questions about what Ba, Nga, Lan,
Nam and Hoa did on the weekend (exercise 1
on page 11).

- Tell them that the activities happened in
definite time in the past.

S+V-ed/ V2 (past form of irregular verb)

<b>b. Practice</b>
Exercise 1

Possible conversations

1. A: What did Nga do on the weekend ?
B: She went to the correct performed by Hanoi

A: When did she go ?

B: She went there on Saturday at 8 pm.
2. A: What did Lan do on the weekend ?
B: She went camping help by Y & Y.
A: When did she go?

B: She went camping all the weekend. She
went on Sat. morning.

3. A: What did Nam do on the weekend?
B: He watched a soccer match Dong Thap vs
The Cong

A: Where did he watch it? At the stadium ?
B: No, he watched it on TV.

4. A: What did he do on the weekend ?

B: She went to see a play called "Much Ado
about Nothing"

A: When did she go to see it ?
B: She saw it on Sunday at 7 pm.

<b>3. the past simple with wish (page 12) (11 )</b>’

<b>a. Set the scene</b>

" Lan and her friends are holding a farewell
party for Maryam. Write the things they did to
prepare for the party."

- Ask students to use the words and the
pictures in the box. * Example:

1. Hoa baked a cake.

<b>3. the past simple with wish (page 12)</b>
<b>The past simple with </b><i><b>wish</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

2. Hai hung colorful lamps on the wall/ in the

3. Tan painted a picture of Hanoi.
5. Nga and My went shopping.
<b>b. Model sentence and form</b>

- Ask students to look at the picture and
answer the questions:

 Is he tall? No, - Is he happy with it? - No.
What does he have in his mind? " I wish I
were taller."

T Checks : Meaning? ( What does this mean
in Vietnamese?)

Use?  What tense was used in the clause
after with? Past Tense.

WISH is used when we want really to be
different and exactly opposite of the truth, e.g.
express wishes in the present.

Pronunciation? (where is the stress?)

- Ask students to look at the real situations
and make wishes.

<b>C. Practice</b>

Ss work in pairs in 3’ T check all the whole
class ,open pairs & close pairs

<b>Model sentence</b>
1. I wish I were taller.

2. I wish I had a computer now

<b>1. I wish + S + Were + adj. </b>
<b>2. I wish + S + V-Past Simple.</b>

<b>C. Practice</b>

b) I wish I were in the swimming pool now.
c) I wish I had a computer now.

d) I wish I lived close to school.
e) I wish I had a sister.

f) I wish I draw well.

g) I wish I had my friend's phone number.
h) I had i knew many friends

i) I wish it rained so often in my hometown.
j) I wish there were rivers and lakes in my

- Ask student to make three wishes of their

III. wrapping-up (5’)

T: Tell me the different usage between the
present simple and past simple tense? S:..
- Ask student to make three wishes of their

Ss stand in front of the class to talk about their

<b>Possible answers:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>


IV. Homework (2’)

-Make five wishes of their own.

- Do ex 4,5-p6 ( Mai Lan Huong book)
Learnt by heart the past simple tense and wish


-Make five wishes of their own.

- Do ex 4,5-p6 ( Mai Lan Huong book)

Learnt by heart the past simple tense and wish

V. feed- back




<i>Teaching date:...Class:... Period: ...</i>
<b>Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal</b>

<b>Lesson 4: - Read (page 9, 10)</b>

By the end of the lesson, student will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the
countries of the ASEAN.

1. Knowledge: Recognition, comprehension, application.

Verbs: Comprise.
Nouns: Currency, Tamil.
Adjectives: Compulsory
2. Skill: reading, writing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>-Teacher: Textbook, pictures, radios, map of countries of the ASEAN.</b>
-Student: book, notebook.

<b>III. Anticipated problems</b>

Students mistake between noun and adjective such as: Malay, Malaysia, Chinese and china.
<b>IV. </b>


<b>Teacher and students’</b>

<b>Board display</b>

<b>I. Warm up (5’)</b>

<b>* Hangman</b>

- Draw strokes on the board. Each stroke
stands for a letter of the word.

- If a student's guess is not right, the teacher
draws a stroke (according to the order in the

- If student guess wrong eight times, they
lose. Teacher gives the answer

- The word has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ letters. It is

- Ask students what they know about

- Ask them to make questions for what they
want to know.

- Expected questions:
 Where is it ?

 What Is the capital of Malaysia ?

 What is its population?/How big is

 What language is spoken in this country ?

<b>Unit 1 : A visit from a pen pal</b>

<b>Lesson 4: - Read (page 9, 10)</b>

<b>Game 1: Hangman</b>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

II. New lesson (35’)

1.Pre-teach (10 )’
<b>a. Vocabulary</b>

- Comprise (explanation):bao gåm
- Currency: (example) tiỊn tƯ
- Tamil: (example) TiÕng Latin

- Compulsory: (Explanation) b¾t buéc
Checks R.O.R

Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting
Repeat in chorus and individually

<b>1. Vocabulary</b>

- to Comprise(v) : bao gåm
- Currency (n): tiỊn tƯ
- Tamil(n) : TiÕng La tinh
- Compulsory(a) : b¾t buéc

Game 2: R.O.R

<b>b. Open prediction.</b>

Give some questions and asks ss to guess

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

Where is it?

What is the capital of Malaysia?

What is its population?/How big is Malaysia?
What language is spoken in this country?
Work in groups in 3’ and then write on the

329,758 sq km
over 22 million
Kuala Lumpur
Bahasa Malay

<b>2. Reading (25 )</b>’
<b>Activity 1: (10 )</b>’

- Asks ss to read the text to find out the
answers to their questions.

- Gives feedback to the class.
. Answer given

- Asks ss to read the text the second time to
fill in the chart in exercises (a) on page 10.

<b>2. Reading</b>

<b> Activity 1:Answer given</b>

<b>Activity 2: (15 )</b>’

Tell about some information about Malaysia,
one of the countries of ASEAN.


- T guide Ss to interview and Gives Ss their

A: You are going to visit Malaysia. Prepare
some question to ask Maryam about her
country (refer to the chart on page (10)

B: You are Maryam, from Malaysia. You have
to answer A's question about your country.
The interview may start like this:

T guide Ss to interview and Gives Ss their task
He interviews : may start like this

A. Hi, Maryam. I am going to visit Malaysia
next summer holiday, I'd like to know some
information about your country, can you help

B. Yes, certainly

- Asks Ss to work in pair and Write some

<b>Activity 2:</b>
<b> Interview</b>

A: Hi, Maryam. I'm going to visit Malaysia on
my summer holiday. I'd like to know
something about your country. Can you help
me ?

B: Yes, certainly.

A: What language is spoken in your country ?
B: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and
Tamil are also widely spoken.

A: Do children have to study any foreign
language in school ?

B: Yes, English is a compulsory second
language in secondary school.

A: Ah, I see. What about the people? What are
they like?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

information about your country to make ask
and answer the question.

III. wrapping-up (3’)
T: What have you learnt?

S: Learn about Malaysia, one of the countries
of the ASEAN.

<b>.True / False statements.</b>
Ss give theirs answers

<b>True/False statements.</b>

2. F (there are more than two regions.)

3. F (English, Chinese and Tamil are also
widely spoken)

4. F (One of the three: Malay, Chinese, Tamil)
5. F (English is a compulsory second language,
n not primary language of introduction.)
IV. Homework (2’)

<b>* Do project.</b>

- In your group of eight do a project to
introduce your city as a tourist attraction. Use
the cues

 Where is your city ?
 What is it famous for?

 What could people do when coming to the

 Where could you do to make your city

- Do ex A,B-p12 ( Mai Lan Huong book)

<b>4. Homework </b>
<b>* Do project.</b>

- In your group of eight do a project to
introduce your city as a tourist attraction. Use
the cues to write some information about your

 Where is your city ?
 What is it famous for?

 What could people do when coming to the


 Where could you do to make your city

- Do ex A,B-p12 ( Mai Lan Huong book)
V. feed- back


<i>Teaching date:...Class:... Period: ... </i>……….
<b>Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal</b>

<b>Lesson 5: Write (page 11)</b>

By the end of the lesson, student will be able to write a personal letter.
1. Knowledge: Recognition, comprehension, application.

Language: past simple, present simple, future simple and present continuous tense.
2. Skill: speaking, writing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>-Teacher: Textbook, pictures.</b>
-Student: book and notebook

<b>III. Anticipated problems</b>

Students don’t remember begin a new line and use the tense correctly
<b>IV. </b>


<b>Teacher and students’</b>

<b>Board display</b>
<b>I. warm up (5’)</b>

<b>* Chatting:</b>

- Have you ever visited any other places in
Vietnam ?

- When did you go? How did you get there?
- Did you visit any places of interest?
- Did you buy anything?

- When you are away from home, do you
keep in touch ? How?

Possible answer

Yes/ No I have/ haven’t
Last year/ last summer
By car/ by plane/ by bus
Yes/ no


<b>Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal</b>
<b>Lesson 5: Write (page 11)</b>

<b>II. New Lesson (35’)</b>
<b>1. Set the scene: (5 )</b>’

" Imagine you are visiting your relatives or
friends in another part of Viet Nam or a
different country".

- Ask students on their own answer the
following questions:

1. Where are you now? How did you get there ?
2. Who did you meet ?

3. What have you done?

- What places have you visited ?
- Who have you met ?

- What kinds of food have you tried ?
- What souvenirs have you bought ?
4. How do you feel now ?

5. What do you think interest you most ?
6. When are you returning home?

- Ask two or three students to tell the class

Possible answers:
+ I am...

+ I got there by bus/ car..
+ I met my...

+ I have...

+ I visited some places...
+ I have met ....

+ I have tried...
+ I bought ...for...
+I fell happy...

+I think...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

about their visit.

- Remember students about the format of a
personal letter by asking the question: What
are the parts of a personal letter?

A. Heading - Writer's address and the date.
B. Opening - Dear...

C. Body of the letter

D. Closing - Your friend/ Regard/ Love.

<b>2. Writing (30 )</b>’

<b>Activity 1: (15 )</b>’

- Ask students to write a letter to their to their
family, telling them about their visit.

- Ask students to look at the outline on page
11 and ask them what part of the letter they
are going to write. (body of the letter)

- Ask students to follow the outline to write
their own letter.

- Ask them to swap their letters, compare
with their partner's, and correct if they can.

Choose some letters to correct in class (using
projector if possible)

<b>2. Writing</b>
<b>Activity 1:</b>
Suggested ideas:
First paragraph:

I arrived at Da Nang airport/ train station/ bus
station at 2 pm/ 8am/ late in the afternoon/ at
midnight, etc. on Tuesday/ Wednesday/

Hoa / Nam / uncle Tan / aunt Huong met at the
airport/ train station/ bus station, then he/ she
took me home by taxi/ motorbike/ bicycle...
Second paragraph:

I have visited/ been to many places like the
beaches, the Cham Museum, Marble
Mountains, supermarkets, the water park, etc. I
have tried different foods: seafood, Da Nang

I will visit Hoi An and My Son tomorrow/ on

Third paragraph:

I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much. The
people here are so nice and friendly, the foods
are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful.
I will leave Da Nang at 2am/ 7am... next
Thursday. Sunday ....and will arrive home at 11
pm / 5 am ...Please pick me up at the airport/
bus station/ train station ...

<b>Activity 2: (15 )</b>’

T: how many parts do you need to write a
personal letter? What are they?

P: 4 parts

Write a letter to your friend

I / arrive / Thap Cham train station / 2 pm late
last Saturday. My uncle Hung / meet me
there. He/ take/ me home / taxi.

I/ visit/ the Cham Tower/ the beaches. I / go/
to Vinh Hy Beach, too. It / be/ beautiful.

<b>Activity 2</b>

Write a letter to your friend
Dear Nga,








<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

Yesterday my uncle / I / go / Phan Rang

supermarket. I / buy / lot / souvenirs there. I /
eat/ lots/ food. I / enjoy/ it very much. I like
grapes/ best.

I/ leave/ Phan Rang next Saturday. I/ happy.
People in Phan Rang/ be/ very nice/ friendly.
The food / / be/ delicious and the air / be/
pure. The train /arrive home / 7 pm. Please
pick me up at Hanoi train station.

Ss write the letter individually and then tell in
front of the class. T and the whole class

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

See you then.

<b> </b>Hoa

III. wrapping-up (3’)
T: What have you ever learnt?
S: write a personal letter

T: Put format of a personal letter in order.

A. Opening - Dear...

B. Heading - Writer's address and the date.
C. Closing - Your friend/ Regard/ Love.
D. Body of the letter

A-1 B-2 C-4 D-3
<b>IV. Home Work (2 )</b>’

Ask student to write their letters (after
correction) on their notebooks.

<b>4. Home Work</b>

Ask student to write their letters (after
correction) on their notebooks.

V. feed- back


<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<b>Lesson 1: - Getting started (page 13)</b>
<b> - Listen and read (page 13,14)</b>

Students will know more about ao dai, the traditional dress of Vietnamese women.
<b>1. Knowledge: Recognition, comprehension.</b>

Students reminisce about vocabularies and the way to read the text for details. They can

understand the content of the text to answer the questions

- Vocabulary: <i><b>Verbs:</b></i> slit

<i><b> Phrase verbs</b>: take inspiration from.</i>

<i><b> Nouns: </b></i>poet, tunic, silk, inspiration, minority, pattern.
_Language: - The present perfect tense ( review )

<i><b> </b></i>- The passive forms.
2. Skill: Reading, speaking.

3. Attitude: Students are interested in practicing reading and know more about ao dai, the
traditional dress of Vietnamese women.

<b>-Teacher: Textbook, pictures</b>
-Student: book, notebook

<b>III. Anticipated problems</b>

Students pronounce plural nouns incorrectly /s/, /z/.
<b>IV. </b>


<b>Teacher and students’activities</b> <b>Board display</b>

<b>I. Getting started (5</b>’)

<b>* Match the pictures with the names of the</b>

- Divide class into groups. Ask them to look at
the clothes people are wearing and take turn to
decide where each person comes from.

- Example:

T: Where does the woman in picture a come

S1: She comes from Japan.

T: How do you know she comes from Japan?
S1: Because she is wearing a Kimono.

T:”aodai”is the traditional dress of Vietnamese
women.To day we are going to know more
about Aodai.


<b>unit 2 : clothing</b>

<b>Lesson 1: - Getting started (page 13)</b>
<b> - Listen and read (page</b>


* Answers:

a) She comes from Japan
b) She comes from Viet Nam
c) He comes from Scotland (UK)
(He is wearing a kilt)

d) She comes from India.
(She is wearing a sari)
e) He comes from the USA.
(He is wearing jeans)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

(She is wearing a veil).
<b>II. NEW LESSON (35’)</b>

<b>1. Pre teach </b>
<b>a. Vocabulary</b>

a poet (Example: Nguyen Du, To Huu, Huy
Can, are...): nhà thơ.

a long silk tunic(translation): áo lụa dài rộng.
(to) slit: (explanation: to make a long thin cut
in something): xẻ.

inspiration (translation): cảm hứng, hứng khëi
(to) take inspiration from something: lÊy c¶m

ethnic minorities (examples: Thai, Muong,
Ede, H'mong are...): các dân tộc thiểu số
a pattern (picture): hoa văn

T reads first. Then Ps read later in chorus and
individually, T writes the words on the board
and Ps repeat in chorus and individually again.
Ps copy down the new words on the notebook.
Checking vocabulary: matching

<b>a. Vocabulary</b>
poet (n) :nhà thơ.

long silk tunic (n): áo lụa dài rộng.
slit (v): xẻ.

inspiration : cảm hứng, hứng khëi

take inspiration from something(v.p) :lấy
cảm hứng.

ethnic minorities ; các dân tộc thiểu số

n (n): hoa văn

<b>b. Prediction</b>

* you are going to read a text about the
traditional dress of Viet Nam. T gives Ss an
exercise to predict the answers.

Ss work in groups to predict

<b>b. Multiple choice</b>

1.For a long time the ao dai has been the
subject of ………

A. poems, novels B.novels, songs
C.poems ,novels, songs

2.The ao dai is described as a…………
A. a long silk tunic B.sari
C. long silk tunic with slits up the sides
worn over loose pants

3.the majority of Vietnamese women

A. to wear modern clothing at work

B. to wear aodai C. to wear uniform
4. Some designers have modernized the
aodai by printing…………..

A. lines of poetry on it B. roses on
C. animals on it

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

A. Flowers

B. Symbols such as suns, stars, crosses
C. symbol such as seas, trees

* Ask students to read the text to check the

- Give feedback.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B
<b>c. Answer the questions</b>

- Ask students to read the text the second time
to answer the questions.

Ss work in close pairs in 3’ and then they give
their answers in close and open pairs

<b>c. Answer the questions</b>

1. Who used to wear the ao dai by tradition?
<i>- Traditionally, men and women used to</i>
<i>wear the ao dai.</i>

2. Why do the majority of Vietnamese
women prefer to wear modern clothing at
work these days?

<i>- Because it is more convenient.</i>

3. What have fashion designers done to

modernize the ao dai?

<i>They have printed lines of poetry on it or</i>
<i>have added symbols such as sun, stars,</i>
<i>crosses and stripes to the ao dai.</i>

T: What grammar did the writer use In the text? * Note

1. The present perfect tense :
<b>S + have / has + V(p.p)</b>
2. The passive forms :

<b> S + be + V(p.p)</b>

- Simple present : be  am / is / are
- Simple past : be  was / were

- Present perfect : be  have / has been
- Simple future : be  will / shall be
- Modal verbs : be  modal verbs be
- Asks students to use their own words to tell the

group what they have known about the ao dai.

III. wrapping-up (3’)

Tell me the content of the text

<b>ao dai, the traditional dress of Vietnamese </b>

T/F statements

Ss give theirs answers

<b>T/F statements</b>

1. Traditionally, men and women used to
wear the aodai.

2. The aodai is more convenient at work.
3. They have printed lines of poetry on it or
have added symbols such as sun, stars,
crosses and stripes to the ao dai.

IV. Homework (2’)

* Writing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

- Ask students to write down what they have
spoken to their partner and adding their opinion
whether they like wearing ao dai or not.

- Do ex 1,2-p14 ( Mai Lan Huong book)

- Ask students to write down what they have
spoken to their partner and adding their opinion
whether they like wearing ao dai or not.

- Do ex 1,2-p14 ( Mai Lan Huong book)

V. feed- back


<i>Teaching date:...Class:... Period: ... </i>……
<b>unit 2: clothing</b>

<b>Lesson 2: Speak (P14,15)</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

By the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and respond to questions on personal references.
1. Knowledge: Recognition, comprehension, application.

- Vocabulary:

Nouns: colorful T – shirt, sleeveless sweater, striped shirt., plain suit, fade jeans, short
-sleeved blouse, baggy pants, plaid skirt ,shorts.

Language: Yes/No questions and Wh-questions
2. Skill: speaking, writing.

3. Attitude: Ss try their best to learn how to write a personal letter best

<b>-Teacher: Textbook, pictures.</b>
-Student: book and notebook

<b>III. Anticipated problems</b>

Some students pronounce the final sounds of plural nouns wrongly such as: /s/, /z/, /iz/.
<b>IV. </b>


<b>Teacher and students’</b>

<b>Board display</b>
<b>I. Warm up (5’)</b>


T: What do you wear everyday?
S: T-shirt/shirt.

T: what do you like wearing in your

S: dress/ ..

T: do you often wear a hat/ jeans?
S: yes/ no

<b>unit 2: clothing</b>

<b>Lesson 2: Speak (P14,15)</b>

<b>II. New lesson (35’)</b>

<b>1. Pre teach (7 )</b>’

<b>Use definitions / descriptions for</b>

<b>1 .vocabulary</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

<b>ss to guess what words they are.</b>
Sweater: something used to keep us
warm, beginning with letter’s”
jeans: many people like to wear
them, especially young boys.

Skirt: It is worn waist down by
girls and women,

Striped: It is an adjective. Short
people prefer to wear the material
with this.

Baggy: very loose

Plain: It is the material with no

blouse: It is worn by girls or
women only.

suit: It consists of a pair of trousers
or a skirt and a jacket

plaid: rectangular (ke soc o vuong)
shorts: short pants

pants: trousers

Shirt: It has cottons up the front, a
collar, sleeves and it is often white.
Faded: an adjective, means losing

Colorful: an adjective means having
many colors.

<i><b>Check the vocabulary </b>:<b>Kim s </b></i>’


- Asks students to remember the
phrases in 30 seconds. Then let
their books closed.

- Divides the class into four groups.
Students from each group take turn
to go to the board write as many
words as they can. Group with the
most words wins the game.

sleeveless sweater(n) : áo len không có tay
striped shirt(n) : áo sơ mi kẻ sọc

plain suit(n) : bộ quần áo màu
faded jeans(n) : quần bò phai màu

short sleeved blouse(n) : áo cánh ngắn tay
baggy pants(n) : quần ựi rng

plaid skirt(n) : váy ô vuông
blue shorts. (n) : qn sỗc xanh

<i><b>2. Speak</b></i>
<i><b>Activity 1 (8 )</b></i>’

<i><b>a) Match the phrases to the</b></i>

<i><b>2. Speak</b></i>

<b>Answers </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

- Asks students to do the matching
individually, then compare with
their partners to check.

- Call some students to tell the class
about their answers.

- Checks and corrects.

c. a striped shirt
d. a plain suit

e. faded jeans

f. a short – sleeved blouse
g. baggy pants

h. a plaid skirt
i. blue shorts.
<b>Activity 2 (10 )</b>’

- Ask students to work in group of 8
or 10 students each to read and
write two more questions for the
last section of the survey about
students' wear.

- The form of the survey may look
like this:

Questions Name Items of

clothes Notes
1. What do you

usually wear on the
weekend ?

2. Why do you wear
these clothes?

3. What is your

favorite type of
clothing? Why?
4. Is it comfortable to
wear uniform?

5. What color is it?
6. What type of
clothing do you
usually wear on Tet

7. What would you
wear to a party?
<b>Activity 3 (10 )</b>’

- Ask students to interview their

- After students have finished their
task ask them to report the result of
their survey in their group. The
survey should begin as follow:
- Three people said that they like
their uniform.

Two people said that they usually
wore colorful T - shirt on the

Chi said she loved baggy pants.

- Ask the representative from each
group to present the result of the
survey in front of the class

III. wrapping-up (3’)

T: What have you ever learnt?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

S: talk about the different clothes.
T: What are they?

2. a piece of clothing without sleeves with long sleeves
and no buttons for the top half of your body

3. a piece of underwear that covers the area between your
waist and the top of your legs

1. suit 2. sleeveless sweater 3. pants
<b>IV. Homework (2’)</b>

Make a list of type of clothing that
most of the students in the class like
wearing on different special cases.
- Do ex 3,4-p15 ( Mai Lan Huong


Make a list of type of clothing that most of the students
in the class like wearing on different special cases.

- Do ex 3,4-p15 ( Mai Lan Huong book)

V. feed- back



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