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Lesson plan 9

<b>Period 21: Date:... </b>

Unit 4:

Learning a foreign language.


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

- By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to

+ Express their opinions about choosing English course
+ Practice speaking skill.

<b>II. Contents:</b>

<i><b>1. Vocabulary</b></i><b>:</b> Scholarship, Campus, Native speaker, Reputation, Dormitory
<i><b>2. Grammar</b></i>

<b>III. Teaching aids</b>:
- Text books, extra board

<b>IV. Procedure</b>:

<b>Stages / steps</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<i><b>Warm up: </b></i>

5 minutes - Ask Ss some questions. Do you like English? Why or Why not?
Is it easy or difficult?


<i><b>Pre speaking</b></i>

15 minutes *Pre teach vocabulary: - Scholarship (n) (example): hoc bong
- Campus (n) (example) : khu truong hoc
- Native speaker = mother tongue: tieng me
de( nguoi ban xu)

- Reputation (n) (translation): danh tieng
- Dormitory (n) (example): ký tuc xa
* Check vocabulary: “Matching”.
* Set the scene.

- Ask some question.

Why does Thu take part in the Brighton

Why doesn’t Tam and Kim take part in the

What about you?

- Ss answers and teacher correct mistakes
- Ask Ss to read example.

- Remind Ss of the expression that they can use
to persuade someone to do st.

+ I think…………

+ What do you think……….?
+ I agree / disagree because………

Whole class

<i><b>While </b></i>
15 minutes

- Devide class into 3 groups.

- Ask Ss in each groups to play the roles of
Thu, Tam, Kim.

- Call on some groups to practice before class.
- Correct mistakes.


<i><b>Post speaking</b></i>

8 minutes - Ask Ss to discus in groups, using the expression to persude your partner to attent the
way you learn English. (vocabulary,


2 minutes - Learn by heart the newwords. - Do more exercises.
- Prepare next lesson.

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Lesson plan 9

<b>Period 22 : Date:...</b>

Unit 4

<b>: </b>

<b>Learning a foreign languge</b>

<b> </b>


<b>I.Objective</b> :

- After the lesson ss will be able to identity the correct information by listening
the tape and correct false information.


<i><b>1. Vocabulary</b></i><b>:</b>

<i><b> 2</b></i><b>. </b><i><b>Grammar</b></i><b>:</b>
<b>III.Teaching aids</b>:

-Tape, radio, poster, text books

<b>IV.Procedures</b> :

<b>Stages / steps</b> <b>Content</b> <b>Activities</b>

<i><b>Warm up </b></i>

5’ -Information transmitting<sub>- Suggested sentences: -I want to improve my </sub>
writing/ reading/ speaking skill

- English is an interesting language and It’s very


<i><b>Pre - lisening</b></i><b>:</b><i><b> </b></i>

<b> 15</b>’ <i><b>* Set the sence : Nga is talking to Kate about </b></i>her studing English
- T/F prediction (page 35)

* Questions:
T / F

a. Nga’s studying English for her work.
b. She learned English at school and

c. She works for a national bank in Hanoi.
d. She needs to improve her writing.
e. Her listening is excellent.

f. She hopes she can talk to people from all
over the world, and understand her favorite
English songs.

- Ask Ss to work in group to predict which
statement is true and which is false.

- Write their predictions on black board .

Whole class

<i><b>While-listeninng</b><b> </b><b>:</b></i>

<i><b> 15’</b></i>

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice

- Ask Ss to compare their answers with their

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape once more

- Ask Ss to check the box (V) and correct false


<i><b>Statements</b></i> <i><b>Key Correct</b></i>

a. T

Whole class

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Lesson plan 9


She works for a
bank in HN


She work for an
internationl bank in

Her listening is

<i><b>Post- listening</b></i>

<i><b> </b><b> 8’</b><b> </b></i> * Retell : Ex: Nga is studing English in London, She…. Whole class

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> 2 </b><b> </b></i>’ - Write it up.- Prepare next lesson.





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