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Mức độ so sánh của trạng từ và tính từ

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Part A: theory
Degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs
I. so sánh ngang bằng ( Equal comparison)
1. S + “be” + as + adj + as + N ( đại từ )

-He is as tall as his father.
-Mai is as beautiful as her friend.
2. S + V + as + adv + as + N ( đại từ )

Ex: - John sings as well as his sister.
Notes: * Có thể dùng “So” thay cho “as” trong những câu phủ định.
Ex: - His job is not so difficult as mine.
• Ý “bằng nhau, như nhau” có thể được diễn đạt cách khác:
S+ V + the same + (N) + as + N (pronoun).
Ex. - My house is as high as his.
→ My house is the same height as his.
- Tom is as old as Mary.
→ Tom and Mary are the same age.
* Chúng ta dùng “ the same as” chứ không dùng “ the same like”
Chú ý các tính từ sau và các danh từ tương ứng của chúng.
- Heavy, light

- wide, narrow

- deep, shallow

- long, short

- big, small

- old

II. So sánh hơn. ( Comparatives)
1. So sánh hơn ( Comparatives)
- Adj ngắn 1 âm tiết + er: Ex. Thick → thicker, colder → colder….
+ Với những tính từ 1 âm tiết có câu tạo: phụ âm + nguyên âm + phụ âm thì ta gấp
đơi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm er:
Ex. Hot → hotter, big → bigger
- Với những tính từ 2âm tiết có tân cùng là đi: –y, -er, -ow ,-le: thì ta them đi er:
Ex. dirty, simple, clever, narrow → Dirtier, simpler, cleverer, narrower
+ Cịn lại những tính từ 2 âm tiết khác ta thêm more đằng trước tính từ.
- Với những tính từ 3 âm tiết trở lên ta thêm more đằng trước:
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


EX. More beautiful

more intelligent

more interesting

S + be + short Adj +er
+ than + N ( đại từ)
More + long Adj
Ex. -Today is hotter than yesterday.
-This chair is more comfortable than the other.
S + V+ short Adv +er
+ than + N ( pronouns)
More + long Adv
Ex.- She speaks English better than me.
- My father sings more beautifully than my brother.
2. So sánh kép ( double comparatives )
a) So sánh đồng tiến: ( càng……thì càng)
The+ comparative + S + V +(O), the + comparative + S + V +(O)
Ex. The hotter it is, the more terrible I feel.
The sooner you leaver, the earlier you will arrive at your destination.
The more you study, the smarter you will become.
b) So sánh lũy tiến: ( ngày càng…..)
- Tính từ và trạng từ ngắn:
S+ V+ more+ and +more + adj/ adv
Ex. She becomes more and more beautiful.
( Cơ ấy ngày càng xinh.)
Tính từ và trạng từ dài:
S + V + adj/ adv +er and + adj/ adv +er
Ex. Dung is younger and younger. ( Dung càng ngày càng trẻ )
III. So sánh nhất ( Superlatives )
So sánh nhất bắt buộc phải có từ 3 đối tương trở lên.
S + V + the + short adj/ adv +est
most + long adj/ adv

+( N )+ ( in/ of ) + N

* Các quy tắc khác cũng giống như dạng so sánh hơn. Ex. Hottest, biggest
Ex. - John is the tallest boy in my class.
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


- These shoes are the least expensive of all.
• Các trường hợp adj/ adv biến đổi đặc biệt.
- Một số adj cũng đồng thời là adv:
Early, soon, hard, fast, long
One syllable adjective: old,
fast, clean, long
One syllable adjectives
ending in –e: wide, nice
Two syllable adjectives
ending in –y, -er, -ow ,-le:
dirty, simple, clever, narrow
Other adjectives with two or
more syllables: honest,
modern, comfortable
Irregular adjectives: good,
bad, far, old

Older, faster, cleaner,

Wider, nicer

The oldest, the fastest, the
cleanest, the longest
The widest, the nicest

Dirtier, simpler,
cleverer, narrower

The dirtiest, the simplest,
the cleverest, the narrowest

More honest, more
modern, more
Better, worse,
older/elder(only with
family members)

The most honest, the most
modern, the most
The best, the worst, the
farthest/the furthest, the
oldest/the eldest (only with
family members)

I. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
1.Ms. Jones isn’t as nice …….. Ms. Smith.
A. as
B. for
C. like
D. to
2. The rooms in Graduate Towers are……….. Patterson Hall.
A. larger than
B. larger than that of
C. larger than those in
D. larger than in
3. Although she is very popular, she is not……her sister.
A. pretty as
B. as pretty
C. prettier than
D. most pretty than
4. Tuition at an American university runs……. Six thousand dollars a semester.
A. so high as
B. as high to
C. as high as
D. as high than
5. Everyone looks much………. today than they did yesterday.
A. happy
B. happily
C. more happily D. happier
6. Mr. Brown receives a …….. salary than anyone else in the company.
A. big
B. more bigger
C. bigger

D. the bigger
7. The Boeing 747 is twice…….. the Boeing 707.
A. bigger than
B. as bigger as
C. as big as
D. more bigger than
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


8. “Do you know that beautiful lady over there?” “ Yes, that’s Wanida. She’s…………. in
her group.”
A. more beautiful than any girl
B. more beautiful than any other girl
C. so beautiful as other girl
D. beautiful more than another girl
9. My young brother grew very quickly and soon he was……..my mother.
A. more big than
B. so big than
C. as big as
D. too big than
10.He is not……. tall as his father.
A. the
B. as
C. than
D. more
11. John’s grade……. than his sister’s.
A. higher
B. more high

C. more higher
D. the highest
12. Diana is the……..of the three sisters.
A. more short
B. shorter
C. shortest
D. more short
13. She speaks English as……….as her friend does.
A. good
B. well
C. better
D. the best
14. Of three shirts, this one is the………….
A. prettier
B. more prettiest C. prettiest
D. most pretty
15. The baby’s illness is……….. than we thought at first.
A. bad
B. worst
C. worse
D. badly
16. Today is the……… day of the month.
A. hot
B. hotter
C. hottest than
D. hottest
17. He works more ………..than I.
A. slow
B. slowly
C. most slowly

D. slowest
18. My book is as……….as yours.
A. good
B. well
C. better
D. the best
19. I love you……….than I can say.
A. much
B. many
C. more
D. the most
20. It’s………….to go by bus than by car.
A. cheaper
B. cheapest
C. more cheap
D. more cheaper
21. That house is ………one on the street.
A. oldest
B. the oldest
C. old
D. older
22. This hotel must be………..than the small one next door.
A. expensive
B. more expensive
C. the most expensive
D. the more expensive
23. An orange is ……… than a plum.
A. more large
B. more larger
C. larger

D. the largest
24. What is the……….thing you have done ever done?
A. more difficult
B. most difficult
C. difficulty
D. difficult than
25. This river is……… than that river.
A. narrow
B. narrowest
C. narrower
D. most narrow
26. The test is not………difficult……….it was last month.
A. as/ as
B. so/ as
C. more/ as
D. A and B
27. Peter usually drives………..Mary.
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


A. more fast
B. more fast than C. faster than
D. B and C
28. My brother sang….of all the pupils of the group.
A. more beautifully
B. the most beautifully
C. less beautifully
D. most beautifully

29. At 3,810 meters above sea level in Bolivia stands Lake Titica, ………in the world.
A. the highest large lake
B. largest high lake
C. high largest
D. the high largest lake
30. The hotel was…….any one we had stayed at before.
A. more expensive than
B. more expensive as
C. most expensive than
D. better expensive than
A: It’s a long way from Britian, isn’t it?
B: Yes, but it isn’t as……….as Hong Kong.
A. far
B. farther
C. farthest
D. further
32. Of the four dresses, which is ………………..expensive?
A. the best
B. the most
C. the more
D. the greater
33. The larger the apartment, the................... the rent.
A. expensive
B. more expensive
C. expensively
D. most expensive
34. The faster we walk,………….. we will get there.
A. the soonest
B. the soon

C. the more soon
D. the sooner
36. “ Why did you buy these oranges? ” “They were ……….….. I could find. ”
A. cheapest
B. cheapest ones
C. the cheapest ones
D. the most cheapest
37. She plays the piano …………… as she sings.
A. as beautifully
B. more beautifully
C. as beautiful
D. the most beautifully
38. The streets are getting more and …………… these days.
A. crowded
B. less crowded
C. more crowded
D. most crowded
39. The larger the city, …………… the crime rate.
A. highest
B. higher
C. the highest
D. the higher
40. You must explain your problems …………....
A. as clear as you can
B. as clearly as you can
C. as clear than you are
D. as clearly as you are
41. Pil is ……………… person we know.
A. the happier
B. the happiest

C. happier
D. happiest
42. Which woman are you going to vote for? –I ’m not sure. Everyone says that Joan
A. smarter
B. the smarter
C. more smarter
D. more smart
43. Bill is ………………
A. lazier and lazier
B. more and more lazy
C. lazier and more lazy
D. more lazy and lazier
44. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere …………………?
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


A. noisier
B. more quie
C. more noisy
D. quieter
45. ………………..the time passes, …………….I feel ! The deadline of my thesis is
coming, but I have just finished half of it.
A. The faster / the nervous
B. The more fast / the nervous
C. The fast / the more nervous
D. The faster / the more nervous
46. China is the country with…………………..population.

A. the larger
B. the more large
C. the largest
D. the most large
47. She sat there quietly, but during all that time she was getting…………….Finally she
A. more and more angry
D. the most angry
B. the more angry
C. angrier and angrier
48. For ……………….., it is certain that in the future some things will be very different.
A. the better or the worse
B. the good or the bad
C. good or bad
D. better or worse
49. Her grandfather’s illness was…………………..we thought at first.
A. more seriously as
B. as seriously as C. more serious than D. as serious
50. My brother was feeling tired last night, so he went to bed…………..usual.
A. more early than B. as early as
C more earlier as
D. earlier than
51._______ you study for these exams, _______ you will do.
A. The harder / the better
B. The more / the much
C. The hardest / the best
D. The more hard / the more good
52. His house is _______ mine.
A. twice as big as

B. as twice big as
C. as two times big as
D. as big as twice
53. A: It’s hot there, isn’t it?
B: It’s very………..during the day.
A. hot
B. hotter
C. hottest
D. hotter than
54. ……….apples are grown in Washington State.
A. Best
B. The most good
C. The best
D. The better
55. The test becomes……….and…………
A. hard/ hard
B. difficult/ difficult
C. harder/ harder
D. difficulty/ difficulty
56. His health is getting……….and…………….
A. good/ good
B. better/ better
C. bad/ bad
D. well/ well
57. The more paper we save,…………preserved.
A. more is wood pulp
B. the more wood pulp is
C. wood pulp is
D. the much wood pulp is
58. The more polluted air we breathe,…….we get.

A. the more weaker
B. the more weak
C. the weaker
D. weaker more
59. The more we study, the……we are.
A. more good
B. better
C. better than
D. good
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


60. The more I tried my best to help her, ……….she became.
A. less lazy
B. the lazier
C. the more lazy D. lazier
61. The weather becomes………………
A. colder with colder
B. colder and colder
C. colder and more colder
D. more and more cold
62. The more he slept,…………….irritable he became.
A. the most
B. the vey more C. much more
D. the more
63. ………..he worked, the more he earned.
A. The more hard
B. The hard

C. The harder
D. The hardest
64. ………I get to know Jim, the more I like him.
A. For more
B. More
C. The more
D. The most
65. The competition makes the price of goods……….
A. most cheap and cheap
B. cheaper and cheaper
C. more cheap and more cheap
D. cheaper and more cheaper
66. That factory is producing…….pollution.
A. more and more
B. better and better C. less and least
D. more and less
67. The ………I read about history, the……..it makes me realize how relevant history is
for us today.
A. more/ better
B. better/ better C. more/ more
D. better/ more
68. The less we study, the………..we are.
A. worse
B. bad
C. well
D. good
69. ……….the match was, the more spectators it attracted.
A. The most interesting
B. The best interesting
C. The more interesting

D. The interesting
70. The more running water you use,……………
A. your bill will be higher
B. will be higher your bill
C. the higher your bill will be
D. the highest your bill will be
71.……………you study for these exams, ………..you will do.
A. The harder/ the better
B. The more / the much
C. The hardest / the best
D. The more hard / the more good
72. My neighbour is driving me mad! It seems that………….it is at night , ……………
he plays his music!
A. the less / the more loud
B. the less / less
B. the more late / the more loudlier
D. the later / the louder
73. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become………….
A. more and more good
B. better and better
C. the more and more good
D. gooder and gooder
74.The Sears Tower is…………..building in Chicago.
A. taller
B. the more tall
C. the tallest
D. taller and taller
75. Peter is……………John.
A. younger and more intelligent than
B. more young and intelligent than

C. more intelligent and younger than
D. the more intelligent and younger than
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


76.Robert does not have………….Peter does.
A. money more than
B. as many money as
C. more money as
D.as much money as
77. It gets…………..when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold
B. the coldest and coldest
C. colder and colder
D. more and more cold
78. French is a…………language to learn than English is.
A. difficult
B. more difficult
C. most difficult
D. more and more difficult
79.A car is……………….than a motorbike.
A. cheap
B. cheaper
C. expensive
D. more expensive
80. Thanks to the great effort of doctors and nurses, her health is getting…………….
A. worse
B. better

C. worse and worse D. better and better
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
1. Richard feels good than several days ago.
2. Mary and Daisy are both intelligent students. Mary is so intelligent as Daisy.
3. I found the conversation as most interesting and I was glad to practice my
4. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is the largest than any other lakes in the
5. He drives the car more dangerous than his brother does.
6. It was the most biggest building that I had ever seen.

7. I wish my house were so large as Jone’s.
8. The Mekong is one of the longer river in the world.
9. She can play the piano more good than her sister.
10. Many people believe that New York is the most great city in America.
11. Jessica is only an amateur, but she sings well than most professionals.
12. This house is more spacious as that white house I bought in Rapid City,

South Dakota last year.
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


13. Lan is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part
in the play.
14. This telephone isn’t as cheap the other one, but it work much better.
15. Stories are the most good way of teaching moral lessons to young
16. The fastest you drive, the greater you get.

17. This exercise is much more easier than the others.
18. London is much more exciting as I expected.
19. The large the room is, more people can sit in it.
20. The suitcase seemed to get heavy and heavier as I carried it along the road.
III. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given:
1. They understand more than we do.
A. We don’t understand as much as they do.
B. We don’t understand anything at all.
C. They understand everything inside out.
D. They are very intelligent.
2. It is much more difficult to speak English than to speak French.
A. To speak French is more difficult than to speak English.
B. To speak English is more difficult than to speak French.
C. Speaking English is more difficult than to speak French.

D. Speaking French is not as difficult as to speaking English.
3. My interview lasted longer than yours.
A. Your interview wasn’t as short as mine.
B. Your interview was shorter than mine.
C. Your interview was as long as mine.
D. Your interview was longer than mine.
4. When I was younger, I used to go climbing more than I do now.
A. Now I don’t go climbing anymore.
B. I used to go climbing when I younger.
C. Now I don’t go climbing as much as I did.
D. I don’t like going climbing any more.

Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


5. Your coffee is not as good as mine.
A. Mine is better than yours.
B. My coffee is better than your.
C. My coffee is better than yours.
D. My coffee is more good than yours.
6. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.
A. My mother can cook better than I can.
B. My mother can’t cook better than I can.
C. My mother can cook well than I can.
D. I can cook better than my mother can.
7. Murder is the most serious of all crimes.
A. Murder is very serious.
B. No crime is more serious than murder.

C. Everyone is very afraid of murder.
D. Murder is the dangerous crime.
8. No one in this class as tall as peter.
A. Peter is taller than in this class.
B. Peter is the tallest in this class.
C. Peter is the most tall in this class.
D. Peter is more tall than in this class.
9. This is the best music I have ever heard.
A. I‘ve never heard better music than this.
B. I‘ve ever heard such a good music as this.
C. I‘ve ever heard so good music as this.
D. This is the first time I‘ve heard this good music.
10. This is the most interesting novel I’ve ever read.
A. Knowing that the novel will be interesting, I read it.
B. If only I had known the novel was so interesting, I’d have read it earlier.
C. I don’t think it is the most interesting novel.
D. I have never read a more interesting novel than this.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences, using different kinds of comparison.
1. Bob is younger than Sally.
→ Bob isn’t as old as Sally.
→ Sally is older than Bob.
2. This book is less expensive than that one.
→ This book isn’t as expensive as that one.
→ That book is more expensive than this one.
3. This room is smaller than that room.
→ This room isn’t as big as that room.
→ That room is bigger than this one.
4. she is the most beautiful girl in my class.
→ Noone in my class is as beautiful as her.
5. American coffee is weaker than Spanish coffee.

→ Spanish coffee is stronger than American coffee.
Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du


→Amirican coffee isn’t as strong as Spanish coffee.
6. Money is less important than health.
→ Health is more important than money.
→ Money isn’t as important as health.
7. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
→ No river in the world is as long as Nile river.
8. Tom’s pronunciation is worse than Sue’s.
→ Tom’s pronunciation isn’t as good as Sue’s.
→ Sue’s pronunciation is better than Tom’s.
9. This exercise is more difficult than the last one.
→ This exercise isn’t as easy as the last one.
→ The last exercise is easier than this one.
10. I didn’t spend as much money as you.
→ You spent more money than me
V. Complete the following sentences, using double comparative.
1. It becomes harder and harder to find a job. ( hard )
2. That hole in your pullover is getting bigger and bigger. ( big )
3. As I waited for my interview, I became more and more nervous.
( nervous )
4. As the day went on, the weather got worse and worse. ( bad )
5. As the conversation went on, he became more and more talkative.
( talkative )
VI. Give the suitable comparion to complete each sentence.
1. The weather today is hotter than it was yesterday. ( hot )

2. The largest city in Canada is Toronto. ( large )
3. This story is funnier than that one. ( funny )
4. I’m taking four classes. My history class is the most interesting of all.
( interesting )
5. The Pacific is deeper than the Mediterranean Sea. ( deep )
6. You can write better than I can ( well )
7. My father drives more carefully than I do. ( carefully )
8. Indonesia is larger than Japan in population. ( large )
9. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. ( high )
10. I think good health is the most important thing in the life.
( important )

Teacher: Dao Thi Kim Dung – Nguyen Du

