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<i><b> WEEK 6</b></i>

P:………; T:……..

<b>UNIT 2: CLOTHING</b> <b>Period 10</b> <b> Read</b> <b>P.17-18</b>

A. <b>Objective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text for details, about

B. <b>Teaching aids</b>: pictures, posters
C. <b>Procedure</b>:

I. <b>Stabilization</b>: Greetings, Absentees
II. <b>Warm up</b>: Shark attack

_ _ _ _ _( JEANS). The word has five letters, say about the famous clothes the young people
love to wear.

III. <b>New lesson</b>:

Teacher’s activities Steps/content student’s activities
<b>T introduces Voc by </b>

<b>using realias,transltion</b>

<b>- T asks Ss the</b>

<b>- Elicit questions from</b>

<b>- Ask Ss to read the</b>
<b>text to find out the</b>
<b>answers to their</b>

<b>- Give feedback</b>

1. <b>Pre-reading</b>:

<b>Vocab</b>: - material (translation)
- cotton (realia)

- (to) wear out ( translation) :
làm rách

- style( picture): kiểu dáng
- (to) embroider (realia): thêu
- label(realia)

* <b>Checking Vocab</b>: What and Where
2. <b>While- reading</b>:


What do you want to know about

<b>Make questions</b>:

1, Who first designed Jeans?

-Calvin Klein and Pierre Cardin

1) When did Jeans become
popular? Why? - In 1960s.
Because many university and
College students wore Jeans.
2) Where were Jeans made?

-They are made in Europe.
3) What was Jeans cloth made

from? - It's made from Cotton,

* <b>Answer key</b>:

+ 18th <sub> century ... Jean</sub>

+ 1960s ...

cheaper ...

Whole class

Pairs work

Ss read the text again to fill
in the missing dates and

words: 5a P.17

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>- Ask Ss to read the</b>
<b>text to find out the</b>
<b>answers to their</b>

<b>- Give feedback</b>

<b>Have Ss work in pairs </b>
<b>to answer the </b>


<b>- Have Ss work in</b>
<b>group to discuss the</b>

+ 1970s ...

cheaper ...

+ 1980s ... fashion ...
+ 1990 ... sale ...
- <b>Answer the questions</b>: 5b P.18
( pairwork)

* <b>Key</b>:

1) The word Jeans comes from a

kind of material that was made
in Europe.

2) The 60s fashions were
embroidered Jeans, painted
Jeans and so on.

3) Because Jeans become cheaper.
4) Jeans at last become high

fashion clothing in the 1960s.
5) The sale of Jeans stopped

growing because the
worldwide economic situation
got worse in the 1990.

3. <b>Post-reading</b>: Discussion

+ Do you like wearing Jeans? Why?
Why not?

+ What type of Jeans do you love

+ Do you think Jeans are fashion?
<b>Homework</b>: - Learn Vocab

- Write down what you
have talk about in group

in your notebook.

- Prepare: Write

Ss work in pairs to answer
the questions

Work in group

<i>Week 6: </i>


<b>UNIT2: CLOTHING</b> <b>Period 11</b> <b> Write</b> <b>P.18-19</b>

A. <b>Aim</b>: To write an exposition

B. <b>Objective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an exposition, presenting one
side of an argument.

C. <b>Teaching aids</b>: posters
D. <b>Procedure</b>:

I. <b>Stabilization</b>: Greetings, Absentees
II. <b>Warm up</b>:

- Ask Ss some questions about their feeling when wearing different types of clothing.
1. How often do you wear uniform?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

2. How do you feel when wearing uniform?

3. If you have a choice, what type of clothing do you want to wear when going to school? Why do you
choose it?

Teacher’s activities Steps/content student’s activities
<b>T introduces Voc by </b>

<b>using transltion</b>

<b>- Tell Ss it is the outline</b>
<b>to present one side of an</b>
<b>argument. (poster)</b>

<b>- What is the purpose of</b>
<b>the Introduction? - lets</b>
<b>the reader know the</b>
<b>writer's point of view.</b>
<b> Series of arguments? </b>
<b>-presents arguments in a</b>
<b>logical way .</b>

<b>- Conclusion? - sums up</b>
<b>the arguments. </b>

<b>Ask Ss to read the topic</b>
<b>and Outline A(6a P.18</b>)
<b>Ask Ss to answer the</b>
<b>questions to check their</b>

III. <b>Pre-writing</b>:
1. <b>Vocabulary</b>:

(to)encourage: động viên, khuyến

(to) be equal in : cơng bằng
(to) bear one's name: mang tên
freedom of choice : tự do lựa chọn
self-confident(adj) : tự tin

* <b>Checking Vocab</b>: R.O.R
2. <b>Presentation</b>:


Introduction My opinion is

I think ...
Series of arguments Firstly,

Conclusion Therefore,

* <b>Concept check</b>:

* <b>Comprehension questions</b>:

1. What is the topic of the passage?- It's
secondary school students should wear

2. Why does wearing uniforms
encourage Ss to be proud of their
school?- Because the uniforms bear

Pairs work

Pairs work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>- Ask Ss to read the</b>
<b>passage to answer the</b>

<b>* Tell Ss to work in</b>
<b>group to discuss and get</b>
<b>some more ideas about</b>
<b>the topic and then write</b>
<b>a paragraph of 100-150</b>
<b>words to support the</b>
<b>argument( 6b P.19)</b>
<b>- Each student write a</b>
<b>part of the argument on</b>
<b>the Bb.</b>

<b>- T helps them to</b>

<b>- Ask Ss to write the</b>
<b>correct argument into</b>
<b>their notebooks</b>

their school's name.

3. How do Ss fell when wearing
uniforms?- They fell equal in many

4. Do Ss have to think of what to wear
everyday?- No, they don't

IV. <b>While-writing</b>:

1. What is the topic of the argument?
-It's secondary school students should
wear casual clothes.

2. Why should secondary school
students wear casual clothes?

- make Ss fell comfortable /

- give them freedom of choice
- make school more colorful and


V. <b>Post-writing</b>: Correction

Ex: My opinion is that secondary
school students should wear casual
clothes when they are at school.

Firstly, wearing casual clothes is
comfortable.Ss don’t feel constrained
to wear the uniform that they don’t

Secondly,wearing casual clothes gives
Ss the freedom of choice.They can
choose the sizes, the colors and the
fashions of clothes that they love and
this makes their school more colorful
and lively.

Finally, casual clothes makes Ss felt
self- confident whenthey are in their
favorite clothes.

Therefore,Ss in secondary school
should wear casual clothes when they
are at school.

Pairs work

- student write a part of
the argument on the Bb

-Ss write the correct
argument into their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>Homework</b>: - Prepare: L.F 2-5

<b> </b>

<b>UNIT 2: CLOTHING</b> <b>Period 12</b> <b> Language Focus: 2-5</b> <b>P.20-21</b>
A. <b>Objective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- practice Already and Yet in the present perfect tense, distinguish the difference in using the
past simple and the present perfect tense.

- review the passive forms of the present perfect, simple present, simple past and simple future.
C. <b>Teaching aids</b>:

D. <b>Procedure</b>:

I. <b>Stabilizatio</b>n: Greetings, Absentees
II. <b>Warm up</b>: Pelmanism

do - done; visit - visited; go - gone; eat - eaten; see - seen; try - tried.

Teacher’s activities Steps/content student’s activities

<b>Set the scene</b>: <b>You and </b>

<b>your friend are visiting </b>
<b>HCM City. Look at the </b>
<b>notes, there are things </b>
<b>you have done, and S.th </b>
<b>you haven't done, what </b>
<b>are they?</b>

<b>- Ask Ss to look at the </b>
<b>Dia. Elicit from Ss the use</b>
<b>and the position of </b>

<b>Already and Yet in the </b>

<b>- Ask Ss to practice the </b>
<b>Dia in pairs (2 P.20</b>

<b>I/ Presentation</b>:
I. The present perfect:

1. <b>Review the present perfect with</b>:
Already and Yet

- Elicit from Ss:

+ I have seen Giac Lam Pagoda.

+ I have eaten Chinese and French food.
+ I haven't seen Unification Palace, Zoo
and Botanical Garden.

+ I haven't tried Vietnamese and
vegetarian food.


<i><b>Already </b></i>is used in affirmative sentences.
It stands between has / have and the main

<i><b> Yet </b></i> is used in the negative sentences
and questions. It stands in the end of the

<b>Ex</b>: S1: Have you seen Reunification
Palace yet?

S2: Yes, I've already seen it.

S1: Have you eaten Vietnamese food

S2: No, I haven't.

2. <b>Review present perfect with</b>: Ever
- Elicit from Ss:


T-whole class

- Ask Ss to practice the
Dia in pairs (2 P.20

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>- Set the scene: Tom and</b>
<b>Mary are talking to each</b>
<b>other about places they</b>
<b>have been to.</b>

<b>- Ask Ss to look at the Dia</b>
<b>3 P.21</b>

<b>- Run through the Vocab</b>
<b>in exercise 3 P.20</b>

<b>- Give feedback</b>

<b>- Ask Ss to do exercise.</b>
<b>- Give feedback</b>

<b>- Elicit from Ss the modal</b>
<b>verbs: must, can, should,</b>

<b>might,</b> <b>and</b> <b>the</b>

<b>patterns''have to; be</b>
<b>going to'' </b>

<b>- Have Ss do Exercise 4</b>

<b>- Give feedback</b>

+ We use the past simple to talk about
definite time

<b>Ex</b>: I finished this exercise this morning /
yesterday / ...

+ We use the present perfect to talk about
indenifite past time.

<b>Ex</b>: Have you <i><b>ever</b></i> been to Da Lat?
<b>Ever</b> is used in the questions.
II/ <b>Pracrice</b>:

II. <b>The passive</b> :

1. <b>Ask Ss to look at the example in</b>
<b>exercise 4 P.21</b>

- Elicit from Ss the passive form of the
present simple, past simple, present
perfect and simple furure.
<b>Ex</b>: She writes her class reports in this


Her class reports <i><b>are written</b></i> in this

2. <b>The passive forms of modal verbs</b>
<b>and ''have to; be going to''</b>


S + modal verbs

S + has / have to + be +

S + am / is / are going to
<b>Ex</b>: The local government is going to
build a new school near my house.

A new school <i><b>is going to be built</b></i>

near my house by the local government.
<b>Homework</b>: - Do 5-9 (W.B)

- Prepare: Check one period.

- Work in pairs.


<b>P13</b> <b>WRITTEN TEST</b>

<i>I.Circle and blacken thebest answers A, B, C, and D(2,5m)</i>

1. Kuala Lumpur is the ……city in Malaysia

a. big b. biggest c. biger d. bigger

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

2. If He…..on time, We’ll go without him

a. comes b. don’t come c. does’t come d. will come
3.Hoa used to... to Nam.

a. writes b. wrote c. write d. writing
4. Many people like……..jeans

a. wearing b. wear c. to wear d. wears

5. This bridge ……….built for 2 months.

a. has been b.have been c. has d. have
6. He .. .... a picnic last weekend

a. have b. had c. has d.to have

7. The national language in Viet Nam is ....

a. bahasa Malay b. French c. Vietnamese d. Chinese
8. He wishes she ……have to go to school

a. did b. didn’t c. had d. has
9.He has lived in this town ……..1998.

a. since b. for c. in d.ago
10. She wishes she…… a answer

a. could find b.can find c. can found d.finding

<i>III.Read the text and fill in the blanks with the suitable words(3m):</i>

Colorful, firstly, casual, self –confident, freedom, secondly,

My opinion is that secondary school should wear casual clothes (1).... casual clothes
makes students feel comfortable(2)……….. wearing (3)……….. clothes give students…… ..(4)
of choice. They have right to choose sizes ,colors and fashion of clothes that they love.

Thirdly, casual clothes makes students feel .(5)……… when they are in their favorite clothes.
Finally, casual clothes makes school students more (6)... and lively.In conclusion,
secondary school students should wear casual clothes

Colorful, firstly, casual, self confident freedom, secondly,

<i>IV.Rewrite the sentences from the cues given(2.5m):</i>

1. He cleaned the room yesterday.The room...
2. I don't understand that question.I wish...

3. He went fishing when he was a child.He used to ...
4.Lan is very strong.She can walk for 3 hours.Lan is strong

enough ...

5.She last wore that dress at her birthday.She hasn’t ...

<i><b>V/Listen and fill in the gaps (2m)</b></i>

1. Mary is reported missing at a (1)………Fair.
2. She’s (2) ………years old.

3. She’s carrying a large (3)………

4. Her (4)……….is waiting for her at the information desk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

T: 6/10/2010


<i>I(2,5đ)/Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 0,25đ</i>


<i>I/(3đ)Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 0,5đ</i>

6.Colorful, 1.firstly, 3.casual,5. self –confident,4. freedom, 2.secondly,

<i>I/(2,5đ)Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 0,5đ</i>

1.The room was cleanedby him yesterday
2.I wish I understood that question

3. He used to go fishing when he was a child
4. Lan is strong enough to walk for 3 hours

5.She hasn’t worn that dress since her birthday.

<i>I/(2đ)Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 0,5đ</i>

1. car 2. three 3. doll 4. father

Week 8

<b>UNIT 3: </b>


<b>Period 15</b> <b>Lesson 1 Getting Started + Listen and Read P.22 - 23</b>
<b>A. Aim</b>:Introduce life , and activities in the countryside.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>B. Objective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about life and activities in the

<b>C. Teaching aids: picture, poster, tape </b>
<b>D. Procedure</b>:

<b>I. Stabilization</b>: Greetings, Absentees

Teacher’s activities Steps/content student’s activities
- T asks Ss some questions

about the countryside
- Ask Ss to look at the
pictures and describe what
the people are doing in the


T uses pictures to
introduce voc

- Ask Ss to predict which
sentences are True or False
-Ask Ss to listen to the tape
twice and correct their

Give feedback

<b>I. Warm – up:Chatting</b>

1. Do you live in the city or in the

2. Do you like to live in the
countryside? Why?


P 1: - She is watering the vegetables.
P2: - The children are swimming
P3: - She is feeding the chicken /
collecting the eggs.

P4: - The farmers are harvesting.
P 5: - He is feeding the pigs.

P 6: - He is plowing the field.
P7: - A boy is flying his kite.

P 8: - The children are playing football.
<b>III. Pre-reading</b>:

<i><b>1. Vocabulary</b></i>:

- home village: miền quê

- bamboo forest: lũy tre (picture)
- banyan tree: cây đa (picture)

- shrine: miếu thờ, điện thờ ( picture)
- riverbank: bờ sông (picture)

* <b>Checking Vocab</b>: What and Where
<b>2</b><i><b>. True / False statements prediction</b></i><b>: </b>

<i><b>2b P 23 ( poster)</b></i>

<b>IV. While- reading</b>:

<i>* Check the prediction</i>

G R corection


...had a day………
….a big old banyan tree
…under the banyan tree.
….on the river bank.
…a lot of photos

Ss answer

Ss look at the pictures
and describe what the
people are doing in the
picture.Ss work in pairs
S1: What is she doing?
S2: She is watering the


- Listen and repeat.
- Read new words in

- Copy down.

- Ss predict which
sentences are True or

-Ss listen to the tape
twice and correct their

Ss share their answers
with your friend

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

Ask Ss to read the text
again and answer the
questions 2b P.23( Ss work
in pairs

- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to talk each other
about their home village
- Ask Ss to copy their
answers into their

notebooks to form a
passage about their home

<i>* Comprehension questions:</i>

1. It’s 60 kilometers to the North of

2. Ba and his family got to the village
by bus.

3. The banyan tree is at the entrance to
the village.

4. They saw the shrine of a Vietnamese
hero on the mountain.

5. They had a picnic on the river bank.
6. Liz took a lot of photos to show the
trip to her parents.

7. Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s
village again.

V. Post - reading: Speaking

<b>Ex</b>: a. Where is your home village?
b. How far is it from here?

c. How can you get there?

d. Are there any banyan trees in
your home village?

e. Which of the places would you
like to show us?


<b>Homework</b>: - LearnVocab

- learn questions in speaking
- Prepare: Speak + llisten

Ss read the text again
and answer the questions
2b P.23( Ss work in pairs

- Ss talk each other
about their home village
-Ss copy their answers
into their notebooks to
form a passage about
their home village


<b>Period 16 Lesson 2</b> <b> Speak </b> <b>P.24</b>

<b>A. Aim</b>:Practice asking for and giving information.

<b>B. Objective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for and give information about
their own village.

<b>C. Teaching aids</b>: poster
<b>D. Procedure</b>:

<b>I. Stabilization</b>: Greetings, Absentees

Steps/content Teacher’s activities student’s activities
<b>I Warm – up</b>: Noughts and Crosses

Who What How far

-divide class in to 2 teams
-The teams will take turn to
choose the number and make
a question using the word


<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

Where Do Is

When How Are

<i><b>*Suggest questions</b></i>:

1. Where is your home village?

2. What can you see on the way

to your village?

3. When do you often go to your

4. Who do you often go with?
5. How do you get there?
6. How far is it from here?
7. Are there any banyan trees in

your village?

8. Is there a village gate?
9. Do your village have any

bamboo forests?
<b>II. Practice speaking</b>:
<b> * </b><i><b>Activity 1</b>:Role-play</i>


A. Where is your home village?
B. It’s to the west of the city
A. How far is it from the city?
B. It’s about 15 kilometers from

the city

A. How can you get there?
B. We can get there by bus.
A. How long does it take to get


B. It takes an hour.

A. What do people do for a living
in your village?

B. They plant rice and raise

A. Does your village have a

B. There aren’t any rivers, but
there is a big lake.

<b>Activity 2</b>: 3b P.24

given on card. If they can
make a correct question,put a
X or O in that box.

-The first team that has three
“Xs” or “Os” in a line on the
grid wins.

-Have Ss read the questions in
3a P.24

-Play the role of A and B, ask
and answer about their

partner’s home village, using
the information in the box.

- Have Ss ask and answer
about your real home village.
- If Ss don’t have a home
village, make up information
similar to those in the box A
or B.

Ss read the questions in
3a P.24

Pairs work

Ss ask and answer about
your real home village.
Pairs work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>



-Copy the questions and the answers

into exercise notebook ( 3a)

- Prepare: Listen + Language focus

- T goes around the class to
take notes for delayed

Week 9
T: 18/10/2010


<b>Period 17</b> <b>Lesson 3</b> <b>Listen + Language </b>

<b>P.28 - 31</b>
<b>A. Aim</b>:- Further practice in the past simple with ''wish''

- Practice in prepositions of time and adverbs clauses of result .
- Practice listening for specific information

<b>B. Objective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for specific information about
the trip to Ba's village.andSs will be able to use the past simple with ''wish'', prepositions of time,
and adverb clauses of result.

<b>C. Teaching aids</b>:picture, poster
<b>D. Procedure</b>:

<b>I. Stabilization</b>: Greetings

<b>II. Warm – up: Jumbled words</b>

- sga / tistaon = gas station - mobabo / fosetr = bamboo forest
- dadyp / ledif = paddy field - ropd = drop

- runt / flet = turn left - anyban / reet = banyan tree
<b>III. New lesson:</b>

Steps/content Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>* LISTEN</b></i>

<b>1. Pre-listening</b>:

<i><b> @. Vocab</b>:</i>

- a route (explanation: a way from
one place to another)

- a pond ( picture)

- parking lot ( a synonym of car

T uses pictures to introduce

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

- (to) pick S.b up: ( translation)

* <b>Checking Vocab</b>: R .O .R
<b>2. Prediction</b>:

<b>IV. While-listening</b>: Matching
* <b>Key</b>:

A: banyan tree E: gas station
B: airport F: store

C: high way No.1 G: pond
D: Dragon bridge

H: bamboo forest I: parking lot

<i><b>1. Vocab:</b></i>

- (to) pas the exam<b> # (to) </b>fail the

- itinerary (picture): lich trinh
- (to) depart (translation): Khoi


* Checking Vocab: R .O .R

<i><b>2.Noun Clause</b></i> (Wish clause):
<i>Wish</i>: express wishes about the
present or the future

<i>Form: </i>

S + wish + S + Simple past /
To be ( were)


a. Does Ba have a bicycle? - No,
he doesn't

b.What does he wish? - He wishes
he could have a bicycle.

* <b>Modal ''Could" with ''wish''</b>:
expresses an ability which doesn't
have in the present.

<i><b>3.Review prepositions of time</b></i>

- IN: <i><b>in</b></i> + month (in Jannuary) /
year (in 2006) / season ( in
winter) / century ( in the 21st
century) ; <i><b>in</b></i> the morning ./
afternoon / evening...

- ON: <i><b>on</b></i> Monday, <i><b>on</b></i> Monday

- Ask Ss to look at the map,
guess where the places on the

map are, and compare with
their friends

- Give Ss' feedback

-Have Ss listen to the tape
twice and check their

Give feedback.( Ss sticks the
places on the bus route with
the letter on the map

Elicit from Ss in check up

-Ask Ss look at the picture
and study the real situation
-T asks some questions and
Ss answer

Ask Ss do exercise 1 on P.28
29 ( Ss work in pairs)

Give feedback

Ss look at the map,
guess where the places
on the map are, and
compare with their


Ss listen the tape twice
and check their


Ss look at the picture
and study the real

Ss answer

Ss do exercise 1 on P.28
- 29 ( Ss work in pairs)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

afternoon , <i><b>on</b></i> 4 June, <i><b>on</b></i>

Christmas day.

- AT: <i><b>at</b></i> 6 o'clock, <i><b>at</b></i> night, <i><b>at</b></i>
midday / midnight, ...

- FOR: ( for a period of time) <i><b>for</b></i>
ten years, <i><b>for</b></i> a long time.
- SINCE: ( a point of time) <i><b>since</b></i>

2000 / yesterday...
- BY: <i><b>by</b></i> May

- TILL: <i><b>till</b></i> 10 o'clock
- UP TO: <i><b>up to</b></i> now, from

Monday <i><b>up to</b></i> Sunday

- BETWEEN: <i><b>between</b></i> 1 p.m and

<i><b>4.Practice: </b></i>



b. on c. between d. till
e. after f. up to


a. on b. at / in c. in d. for
e. in f. at

*<i>Adverb Clauses of Result</i>

Hoa worked hard, so she passed
the exam.

So : express the result of the
statement before

* Matching: Exer 4 P.31

* Write it up:

<b>Ex</b>: 2-a) It was hot, so I turned on the
air conditioner.


- Write 3 wishes about the present or

- Do 1, 5, 7, 8 ( W.B)

- Prepare: Unit 4 - Lesson 1

-Ask Ss to look at the
itinerary on P.30 and

complete the sentences,use
the prepositions in the box
- Give feedback.

-Ask Ss to compete the
sentences with: on, at, in, for
( Exer 3 P.30)

Give feedback

- Ask Ss to look at the
example on P.31

-Ask the question to elicit the
answer: What did Hoa do to
pass the exam?

-( Hoa passed her exam
because she worked hard)
-Have ss match the

* Give feedback

-Ask Ss to write all the
correct sentences

-Ss look at the itinerary
on P.30 and complete the
sentences,use the

prepositions in the box
- Ss compete the

sentences with: on, at, in,
for ( Exer 3 P.30)

Give feedback

- ss match the


<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<i>Tape transcript:</i>

At 6.30 in the evening, the bus collected Ba and his family from their home. After picking
everyone up, the bus continued north on Highway Number 1. It crossed the Dragon Bridge and
stopped at the gas station to get some fuel. Then it left the highway and turned left on to the
smaller road westward. This road ran between green paddy fields, so the people on the bus could
see a lot of cows and buffaloes.The road ended before a big store beside a pond. Instead of
turning left towards a small airport, the bus went the opposite direction. It didn't stay on that
road for very long, but turned left onto a road which went through a small bamboo forest.

Finally, the bus dropped everyone off at the parking lot ten metters from a big old banyan tree. It
parked there and waited for people to come back in the evening.

<b> </b>


<b> </b>

<b>Period 18</b> <b>Lesson4</b> <b> Read </b> <b>P.22 - 23</b>

<b>A. Aim</b>:To read the text for details and complete the summary.

<b>B. Objective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text in details.
<b>C. Teaching aids</b>:poster

<b>D. Procedure</b>:

I. <b>Stabilization: Greetings</b>
<b>II.Warm – up: </b><i>Jumbled words</i>

hangeexc = exchange

zemai = maize

cerygro = grocery

edfe = feed

ectcoll = collect

Steps/content Teacher’s activities Students’s activities
<b>III. New lesson:</b>

<i><b>1. Pre-reading:</b></i>

-<i>Set the scene:</i>

<i>Ex</i>: + plant rice and vegetables /
suger-cane / cassava / sweet potato

+ raise cattle

+ grow maize (corn)

+ They relax on Saturday afternoons
+ They eat hamburgers or hot dogs
and watch Peter play basketball.

<i><b>2. While reading</b></i>:

<i>-Comprehension questions</i>

a) How long will Van stay there?

-Tell Ss What ''exchange
students'' means: trao doi
du hoc sinh

Van is an exchange
student. He is from HCM
city. He is now studying
in the USA. He is living
with the Parker family on
a farm outside Columbus,

Have Ss tell the class
what they know about life
in the country, on the farm
- What people do / How
they relax...

- Ask Ss to read the text to
answer the questions:

Whole –class

Ss tell the class what
they know about life in

the country, on the farm
- What people do / How
they relax...

- Ss read the text to
answer the questions
(pairs work)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

b) What do Mr and Mrs Parker do?
c) How many children do they have?
d) What does Van do after finishing his


e) How do the Parker family spend their

<i>* Matching: 3a P.26</i>

- Give feedback:
+ maize - corn

+ feed - give food to eat

+ grocery store - where people buy food
and small things.

+ part time - shorter or less than standar

+ collect - bring things together.

<i>* Complete the summary: 3b P.26</i>


1.Ohio 2.Farmer
3.Works part-time at a grocery store
4.Peter 5.Sam 6.After

7.Weekends 8.Watch
9.Baseball 10Member
<b>3. Post - reading</b>:

* Role-play:

S1: hi,Van.I’m going to the USA next
month as an exchange student.I want to
know what I should do when being
there. Can you help me?

Van: Sure. Where are you going to stay?
Homework: - Learn Vocab

- Do 3 (a,b) P.26 again
- Prepare: WRITE

- Give feedback

Ask Ss to match the
words in column A with
the words or group of
words in column B having
the same meaning

Ask Ss to read the text to
complete the summary
Give feedback

Ask Ss towork in pairs.
One is Van who has just
come back from the USA.
The other play the role of
a student who is going to
the USA as an exchange

(pairs work)

Ss read the text to
complete the summary

Ss work in pairs

Week 10: T: 25/10/2010


<b>Period 19</b> <b>Lesson 5</b> <b> Write</b> <b>P.22 - 23</b>

<b>A. Aim</b>:Practice writing a passage.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<b>B. Objective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a short paragraph describing a
story happended in the past, a picnic in the countryside.

<b>C. Teaching aids</b>:pictures
<b>D. Procedure</b>:

<b>I. Stabilization</b>: Greetings
<b>II. Warm – up:Pelmanism</b>

<b> Take walk put layout gather</b>
<b> </b>

<b> walked laid out gathered took put </b>

Steps/content Teacher’s activities Students’s activities
<b>III. Pre - writing</b>

<b>1. Pre-teach Vocab</b>:
-blanket (picture)
-site (translation)

- go on the picnic trai tam

- put down the blanket di da ngoai

- The side next to the river bay thuc an
- lay out the foot dia diem
canh bo song

<b>IV. While witing:</b>
<b>1. Set the scene:</b>

<b>Pic1,2&3</b>: What did they do?

- They took the bus to the countryside.

- They put down the plankets and laid
out the foot.

- They sang, played ''blind man'n
bluff'' and went fishing.

<b>Pic 4</b>: What time isit? –
It is 6.30 p.m

Is it soon or late?
- It's late

What did they do?
- They ran to the bus stop.

<b>Pic5</b>: Did they arrive home very late in
the evening

- Yes. They arrived home very late in
the evening.

- T hangs the first picture
and asks Ss look it.

-T asks : What are they
going to do? - They are
going on a picnic.

<b>You</b> wil write a passage
entitled ''A Country Picnic''
T hangs the pictures on P.26
- 27

Ask Ss to read the cues and
describe the pictures

T elicit from Ss:

- T models the starting
sentence on the board.
-Have Ss write a passage

Ss listen and answer
T’s questions

Ss read the cues and
describe the pictures


<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<i>* Suggested writing: </i>

It was a beautiful day, my friends and I
decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus
to the countryside and then walked about
20 minutes to the picnic site next to the
river. We put down the blanket and laid
out the food. After meal we played the
games “what song is it?” and blind man’s
buff. Lite in the afternoon we went fishing
We enjoyed our picnic .When we look at
the time, it was nearly 6:30p.m. We
hurriedly gathered our things and ran to
the bus .We were lucky to catch the last
bus and arrived home late in the evening.
<b>V. Post-writing</b>: Correction


-Ask Ss to write the correct passage in
their notebook.

-Prepare: Unit 4 “<b>LEARNING A </b>


using the cues given

-ask Ss to wrap their writing
and compare with their

Choose some writing to
correct in front of the class

Individual work

Ss copydown


<b>PERIOD 20</b> <b> LESSON 1 GETTING STARTED+ LISTEN AND READ</b> <b>P 32 - 33</b>

A.Aim: Reading a dialogue for details about the questions in an exam.

B. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Vcab, get experiments for learning
a foreign.

A. Teaching aids : poster, picture, cassette, tape
B. Procedure :

I. Stabilization: Greetings
II. Warm-up: ( Getting started)

Brainstorming: How you learn English

Learn by heart new words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

1. Do you sometimes watch English TV programs?
2. Do you like singing English songs?

3. How often do you use dictionary?
Do you read the short stories in English

Steps/content Teacher’s activities Students’s activities

<b>A Pre-reading:</b>

<i>1. Pre-teach Vocab:</i>

- examiner: giám khảo
- aspect: khía cạnh, mặt
- candidate: thí sinh

- college: trường cao đẳng
- written examination:kì thi viết
- oral examination: kì thi vấn đáp

<i>* Checking Vocab</i>: R.O.R

<i>2. Set the scene</i>: Lan is talking to Paola, a
foreign student, about the oral

examination that she has just taken.

<i>3. Pre-questions:</i>

a) How many questions did the examiner
ask Lan?

b) What are they?

c) Were the questions difficult?
<b>B. While - reading:</b>

1.<i>answer questions:</i>

<i>2. True / False statements: 2b P. 33</i>

* <i>Answer key</i>:

1 , 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14

<i>* Find the reported speech</i>

1. What is your name?

<i>She asked me what my name was</i>.
2. Where do you come from?
<i>She asked me where I came from</i>.

3. Do you speak any other languages?

<i>She asked me if I spoke any othe </i>


4. Why are you learning Englsh?

<i>She asked me why I was learning E.</i>

5.How did you learn English in your

<i>She asked me how I learnt English in my</i>

T introduces voc by using
definition, explanation…

Ss asks some questions
Ask Ss to listen to the tape
(twice) and answer the

Give feedback.

Ask Ss to read the list of
questions for the Oral
examination of Royal
English College.

Get them to read the Dia
again and decide what
questions that the examiner
asked Lan

Give feedback

-Ask Ss to find out the
reported speech with the
answers in 2b P.33

Ss find out words

Ss listen & answer

Ss read the list of
questions for the
Oral examination of
Royal English

Comparing and

Ss find out the
reported speech with
the answers in 2b

Work in groups

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>


6.How will you use English in thefuture?

<i>She askes me how I would use English in </i>
<i>the future.</i>

7.What aspect of learning English do you
find most difficult?

<i>She asked me what aspect</i> of learning
English I found difficult.

8.Read this passage.

<i> She asked me to read the passage. </i>

<b>C. Post-reading: </b><i>Speaking role play</i>

Homework: - Learn Vocab

- Write the direct questions and their
reported speech in your notebook
- Prepare: Speak.

Ask Ss to work in pairs to
practice asking and

answering. One student
plays examiner, one plays

Ss work in pairs

Week 11

Teaching date: 1/11/ 2010


<b>PERIOD 21</b> <b> LESSON 2</b> <b> SPEAK</b> <b>P 34 - 35</b>
A. Aim: Practice speaking to persuade S.O to do S.Th.

B. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to persuade their friends to attend the
school they like

C. Teaching aids: poster
D. Procedure:

I. Stabilization: Greetings
II. Warm-up: Play the game

<i><b>III. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>1. Presentation</b>
* <i>Pre-teach vocab</i>

- scholarship: hoc bổng (n)

- persuade (v): thuyết phục, làm
cho tin (definition) try to advise

T introduces by using

translation, definition… Ss find out words

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

S.O to do S.Th

- dormitory (n): cư xá

(definition) a place for Ss live in a

- campus (n): khu trường học

- reputation (n): danh tiếng (a
synonym of : fame)

- native speaker(n): người bản xứ
(definition) a person who speaks
his/her mother tongue.

<i>* Checking Vocab: R.O.R</i>
<i>*. Set the scene: </i>

- T models: Let's go to the English Club.
-Ss : I think we should go to the
English Club

-Why don't we go to the English Club?

-If we go to the English Club, we can
practice English / improve our English

<i>* The expression that they can use to </i>
<i>persuadeS.O to do S.Th.</i>

- I think we should ...

- What do you think about ...
-Why don't we ...?

- Let's ...

-I agree / disagree because ...
- I don't understand.

- If we go ..., we can ...
<b>2. Practice: </b><i>role play</i>

S1: I think we should ...
S2:I disagree because ...
S3: Why don't we go to ...
S1: But the cost is...
S2: What do you think about ...
S3: I agree because ...

Tomorrow is Sunday. Lan and
her friends want to go

somewhere. Lan enjoys going
to the English Club. What does
she say to persuade her friends
to go with her to the English

Ask Ss to remind the

expression that they can use to
persuadeS.O to do S.Th.

-Get Ss to read the three
advertisements to get
information and use the
expression given on P.34 to

-T divides class into groups of

-T prepares posters ( P34-35)
- T models with Ss

- Ask Ss to play the roles of
Thu, Tam and Kim. Each
person tries to persuade
his/her friends to attend the
school he/she likes to go to.
( Ss work in groups of

- T observes and helps Ss.
- Call on some groups to

Ss remind the
expression that
they can use to
persuadeS.O to do

Ss work in groups
of three

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<b>3. Production:</b> <i>Discussion</i>

Topic''What will you do during your next
summer holiday?''

Ex: S1: We should go to Hoi An next
summer holiday. In Hoi An , we can
see ancient houses, Phuoc Kien
pagoda, Cau pagoda, the beaches and
try Hoi An specialities .

S2: What about Hue ?

S3: I disagree because it's too far. I
think Hoi an is an interesting place we
should go to.

S1: etc.
<b>4.Homework: </b>

- Write a short paragraph about the place
you will go to and the reasons make you
to choose it in your next summer holiday.
- Prepare: Listen

show before the class.
- Ask Ss to discuss about the

Topic''What will you do
during your next summer

Get Ss to work in group of
three, persuading their friends
to do what they like

Ss show before the

work in group of

<b> </b>


<b>PERIOD 22</b> <b> LESSON 3</b> <b> LISTEN </b> <b>P 35</b>

A. Aim: Checking True or Fasle statements by listening and further practice in Modal Verb.
B. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to identify the correct information by
listening and use in modal verbs with ''IF''

C. Teaching aids: poster, cassette, tape.
C. Procedure :

I. Stabilization: Greetings
II. Warm-up: Network

- Ask Ss to think about the way to learn English well and write on the Bb.
Watch English TV program Read English newspapers

The way to learn English well

Listen to English music Learn by heart all the words.

<b>III. Pre-listening:</b>

<i><b>1.</b></i> <i>Set the scene :</i> Nga is talking to Kate
about her studying English.

<i><b>2.</b></i> <i>True / False prediction :</i> - Ask Ss to read the

Ss read the
statements on the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

<b>IV. While- listening:</b>

* <i>Answer Key:</i>

Ex: a) T
b) T

c) F: She works for an international bank
in Hanoi.

d) T

e) F: Her listening is terrible.
f) T

<b>V. Post-listening:</b>
* <i>Answer the questions</i>

<b>1.</b> Is Nga studying English in Vietnam or in
England? - In England

<b>2.</b> Why is she studying English here? - For
her work

<b>3.</b> Did she learn English at school and
university?- Yes,she did

What does she want to improve? - Her


<i><b>1. </b></i>

<i> Revision of Modal verbs:</i>

- must

- have to

- should

- ought to

- may có lẻ
- might

- *Form:

-2.Revision of Conditional sentences type 1

If clause Main clause

Simple present tense Will +
Modal verbs

- Ex: If you want to get good marks, you

statements on the poster
- Have Ss work in
pairs to guess which is
True or which is False
- Give feedback

Ask Ss towork in pairs to
answer questions

Ask Ss to name some
Modal verbs they have
learn (must, have to,
should, might, ought to )

Ask Ss to do exercise 1 P.
38 ( work in pairs)

- Comparing and sharing


Ss work in pairs to
guess which is True
or which is False

ASs work in pairs
to answer questions

Ss do exercise 1 P.
38 ( work in pairs)

D:\VAN\ANH 9 2010-2011\a 9.doc

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

must study hard.

<i>3. Practice:</i>

* Answer key:

c) If ..., you should do exercise regularly.
d) If ... , you might miss the train
e) If ..., you ought to stay in bed.

f) You must do your homework If ...

- Write the 5 conditional sentences, using
modal verbs

- Do Ex 7 (WB)
- Prepare: Read

- Give feedback. Comparing and

<b> </b>

Host: Kate, can I introduce you to Nga. She's studying English here in London.
Kate: Hello, pleased to meet you.

Nga: Pleased to meet you ,too.
Kate: Where are you from?
Nga: I'm from Vietnam.

Kate: Why are you studying English here?
Nga: I need it for my job.

Kate: Really? So, what do you do?

Nga: I work for a bank, an international bank in Hanoi.
Kate: Oh, I see. Did you learn English at school?

Nga: Yes, and at university, too.But I've forget er ....forget....
Kate: Forgotten

Nga: Yes, of course. I've forgotten a lot of it. I want to improve my writing skills. You know ...sometimes I have
to write litters in English.

Kate: What about listening, Nga?

Nga: It's terrible. This is my biggest problem. People talk very quickly and I cat understand them.
Kate: Do you like studying English?

Nga: Oh yes. It's an interesting language and it's very useful; and I can talk to people from all over the world
...and I can understand the words of my favorite songs, too.

Kate: Well, that's very good. Good luck to you, Nga.
<b>Week 12:</b>

<i>Teaching date:8/11/2010</i>


<b>PERIOD 23</b> <b> LESSON 4</b> <b> READ</b> <b>P 36</b>

Aim: Reading the advertisements to get information.

Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about the English
classes from the advertisements.

Teaching aids: poster

I. Stabilization: Greetings

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

II. Warm up: Getting started

Ask Ss to think about the way they learn and improve their English,then write on the board

Do homework learn by heart

new words

use dictionary

III. New lesson:
1. Guiding questions:

a. What are these? – They are

advertisements (P.36)

b. What are about? – They are about
the English courses.

2. Pre-reading:
* Vocab:

- intermediate (adj): trung bình, ở giữa,
trung cấp

- advanced (adj):

- well-qualified (adj): có trình độ cao, có
tay nhề vững vàng

- tuition (n):học phí
- academy (n): học viện
- council (n): hội đồng
* Checking Vocab: R.O&R
* True/ False prediction:
+ Set the scene.

a. Mr. Lam needs to learn French.
b. Mr. Lam needs the intermediate level


c. He wants to learn English in the

d. He wants the course to begin late

- Give feedback
3. While-reading:

<i>* Check the prediction</i>

G R corection



He needs to learn English
He wants to learn early

T gives Ss 2 questions

T introduces Voc By using
translation, definition…

Mr. Lam wants to attend a
foreign language course.
Guess what he needs for his


Ss read the Notes and check

Ss listen & answer

Ss listen & repeat

Guess what he
needs for his class

Ss read the Notes
and check their

D:\VAN\ANH 9 2010-2011\a 9.doc

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

d F


He wants the course to begin
late Oct or early Nov

* Fill in the form: 5a P.36

* Choose a suitable language school for
Mr. Lam (5b P.36)

their predictions.

Ask Ss to correct the false

Give feedback.

Aks Ss to read the three
Advertisements to get

information and complete the

Sharing and Comparing their

Give feedback.

Get Ss to read the Notes
again, then look at the

Advertisements and choose a
suitable language school for

Comparing and sharing the

Give feedback.


Ss read the three
Advertisements to
get information
and complete the

Ss give the
reasons for your

* Key:

School Class time
(morning /
afternoon /

Language level
( beginner /
intermediate /

Time to start

Academy of

Morning /

afternoon / evening

Advanced First week of Nov

<i>Foreign Language </i>

<i>Morning / evening</i> <i>Beginner/ </i>
<i>Intermediate </i>

<i>3rd<sub> Nov</sub></i>
New English


Afternoon /

evening / weekend

Beginner Today

<b>4.</b> Post-reading : Survey

Name Class time Language Level Time to start

Nga Evening Beginner Late April


<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

a. What time can you go to your English class?
b. Which level do you choose?

c. When do you want to start learning
* Write it up:

Ex: Nga wants to go to her English class in the evening. She chooses the beginner level class.
She wants to start learning late April,


- Learn Vocab and write the Notes about the English class you want.
- Prepare: Write

<b>Unit 4</b>

<b>: </b>


<b>PERIOD 24</b> <b> LESSON 5</b> <b> WRITE</b> <b>P. 37</b>

<b>A. Aim</b>: Writing a letter of inquiry.

<b>B. Ojective</b>: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of inquiry to the
institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees.

<b>C. Teaching aids</b>: Poster
<b>D. Procedure :</b>

<b>I.</b> <b>Stabilization</b>: Greetings
<b>II.</b> <b>Warm up</b>: Jumbled words

- versetimadnet = Advertisement

- swne = News

- restetni = Interest
- atmorfioinn = Information
- sasecenry = Necessary
- psulpy = Supply

Stages/ content Teacher’s activities students’s activities
<b>III. Pre-writing:</b>


- edition (n) : ấn bản, số ra.
- detail (n) : chi tiết

- fee (n) : học phí

- (to) look forward to + V-ing : trông
mong , chờ đợi

* Checking Vocab: R.O&R

T introduces Voc By
using translation,

Have Ss read the letter

written by John Ss read the letter

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

<b>2. Comprehension questions:</b>

* Questions:

a. Where did Robinson see the

b. What language does he want to

c. What aspect of Vietnamese does
he want to improve?

d. What does Robinsonwant to

3. Matching:
* Key:

a. Introduction: I saw…Vnese New
b. requests: I am…… your school

c. Futher information: I speak….if necessary
d. Conclusion: I look….. from you

<b>IV. While-writing:</b>
* Notes:

- Could you please + inf …… ?
a polite request.

Suggested letter:

Dear Sir

I saw your Institute’s advertisement on today’s
TV programs. I am very interested in learning
English and I would like some more

information about your institute.

I can speak a little English,but I read it very
slow and my writing is bad.So I want to
improve my reading and writing

Could you please provide more information
about the length of the courses and fees for
beginners? I can supply my record of English
study if necessary.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your faithfully

V. Post-writing: Correction

- Write the correct letter in your exercise

- Prepare: Language Focus 2 - 4

Robinson on P. 37
Answer some questions

about the letter

Give feedback

Give Ss 4 parts of a
letter of inquiry.
Ask Ss to divide the
letter in to 4 parts and
match each paragraph
with a suitable headline
Let Ss work in pairs

Have Ss read the three
Advertisements on P.
36 and choose one of
the schoos they want to
attend to improve their

Have Ss write a letter

Give feedback

written by John
Robinson on P. 37
and answer some
questions about the
letter (pairworks)

Work in pairs

Ss read the three
Advertisements on P.
36 and choose one of
the schoos they want
to attend to improve
their English.

Have Ss write a letter

Comparing and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

Week 13

Teaching date: 15/11/2010


<b>PERIOD 27</b> <b> LESSON 6</b> <b>LANGUAGE FOCUS</b> <b>P 38 - 39</b>

Aim : Further practice in direct and reported speech.

Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to report what they hear or change the
direct into the reported speech.


Teaching aids : poster
I. Stabilization: Greetings
<b>I. Warm-up: Matching</b>

<i> Direct</i> <i> Reported speech</i>

1. What is your name? a. She asked me where I live.
2. Where do you live? b. She asked me how I would use

English in my countries.

3. Do you live with your parents? c.She asked me what my name was.
4. How will you use English in your


d. Lan said she was working then.
5. "I'm working now" Lan said e. She asked me if I lived with my


6. "I must go now" Nam said f. Nam said he had to go then.

Stages/ content Teacher’s activities students’s activities
1.Revision of Direct and Reported speech


<i> </i>


- Simple present

- Past simple tense
- Present

progressive tense

- Past progressive

- Future simple

- Would + inf
- Can / May - Could / Might

- Must - Had to

2. Adverbs:

Ask ss to complete the
table by writing suitable
tenses in Reported speech

Ask complete the
table by writing
suitable tenses in
Reported speech

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

- this - that
- these - those

- here - there

- now - then / immediately
- today - that day

- tomorrow - the next day / the
following day.

<b>III.</b> Practice :

1. Reported speech: 3 P.39
- Set the scene :

Ex: I'm happy to see you. (Aunt Xuan)
Aunt Xuan said that She was happy
to see you.


a. Uncle hung said that birthday cake was

b. Miss Nga said she loved those roses
c. Cousin Mai said she was having a
wonderful time there

d. Mr Chi said he would go to Hue the
following day

e. Mrs Hoa said she might have a new job
f. Mr Quang said he had to leave then
2. Reported questions: 4 P.39

- Set the scene :

a. Do you like music? She
asked me If / Whether I liked music.
b. Where do you meet him?
She asked me where I met him.

* Keys:

a. She asked me how old I was

b. She asked me if/whether my school was
near here

c. She asked me what the name of my school

d. She asked me if/whether I could see a

e.She asked me why I wanted that job
f. She asked me when my school vacation

V. Further practice: LUCKY NUMBER

Lan's father held a party
to celebrate his mother's
birthday. Unfortunately,
Mrs Thu, her grandmother
has a hearing problem and
she couldn't hear what
people were saying. After
the party, Lan reported
everything to her

Ask Ss to read the direct
speech and then make a
reported speech (pairwork
Give feedback

This morning Nga had an
interview for a summer
job. When she arrived
home, she told her mother
about the interview.

Ask Ss to read the direct
questions , then make the
reported questions.

- T checks some pairs.
- Give feedback.

Ss have to turn the direct
speech to the reported

Ss read the direct
speech and then
make a reported
speech (pairworks)
one student with
direct speech and the
other with reported

Ss read the direct
questions , then make
the reportedquestions
Work in pairs

Ss turn the direct

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

2. Do you like fashion?

3. Is you English well?

4. Why do you learn English?

6. I will go to Hue tomorrow.
7. We must keep the class tirdy.
8. I can play the guitar.


- Learn grammar
- Do 1 - 6 ( W.B)

- Prepare: Check one period.

speech to the
reported speech


/ Choose the best answer a, b, c or d and circle it ( 4ms )
1/ Hoa isn’t here. I wish she………here.

a/ was b/ is c/ were d/ weren’t.
2 / A house ……….next month.

a/ will built b/ will be built c/ is built d/ will be build
3/ Wearing casual clothes makes students………..self- confident.

a/ felt b/ feels c/ feel d/ feeling
4/ Have you ………….been to Singapore ? No, I haven’t.

a/ ever b/ already c/ yet d/ since
5/He asked me where she ………

a/ living b/ lives c/ live d/ lived
6/ She can’t sing English song. I wish she ………..it.

a/ were sing b/ can sing c/ could sing d/ couldn’t sing
7/ My classes end at 11.15 so I go home …………..11.15

a/ at b/ before c/ till d/ after.
8/ Ha hates………cartoons.

a/ watches b/ watching c/ watched d/ to watch

<b>II/Rewrite the sentences from the cues given (2.5m)</b>

1/ She asked me:” When do people have holidays?”

She asked me ………
2/ He asked her: “ Do you sing a song?”

He asked her………..
3/ Hoa can’t visit her parents.

Hoa wishes ………
4.He watches TV at home.


5.He smoked a lot a year ago but now he doesn't smoke any more.
He used to ...

<b>III/ Read the passage then circle and blacken the correct answer. (3m)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

of subjects. Hundreds of books are written in English every day in many countries.English also helps to
spread ideas and knowledge to all corners of the world . Therefore the English language has helped to
spread better understanding and friendship among countries of the world.

1/ English is a very………….. language in the world

a/ important b/ main c/ useful d/ Exact
2/ We will find it …. to make people understanding what we want to say.
a/ hardly b/ easily c/ hard d/ carefully
3/ English helps us to learn all kinds of subjects.

a/ right b/ wrong c/ a and b are correct d/ a and b are incorrect
4/ …… books are written in English every day.

a/ hundred of b/ / hundreds of c/ one hundred of d/ one hundreds of
5/ English helps to spread only knowledge to all corners of the world.

a/ wrong b/ right c/ a and b are incorrect d/ a and b are correct

6/ English has also helped to spread better understanding and friendship……. countries of the world
a/ between b/ after c/ before d/ among

<b>IV/ Listen and fill in the gaps(1,5)</b>

A little …….(1). is reported missing. He …(2).. last seen ten minutes ago near the entrance to Dam
Sen (3)….. His name’s Nam and he is three years old. He has dark, short hair, he’s wearng (4)….. pants,
a short - sleeved shirt and black …(5)... If you see Nam, (6)…..bring him to Gate One. His mother is
waiting for him there. Thank you very much.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

Class: ………. English 9
<b>I/ Circle the correct answer A,B,C or D </b>

1. He was born ... February 2nd.

a. on b. at c. between d. in

2. He asked me where I ...

a. live b. to live c. lived d.living

3.If he is taller, he could ... baseball.

a. played b.play c. playing d. to play
4 / A house ……….next month.

a/ will built b/ will be built c/ is built d/ will be build
5. Nam is from Ha Noi. Now he is an ...student in Australia.

a. oversea b. exchange c. home d. foreign

6. I wish I ... a computer.

a. have b. has c. had d. don't have

7.The Ao Dai is the ... dress of Vietnamese women.

a. beautiful b. traditional c. casual d. baggy
8. Water can ... ...here.

a. find b. is found c. be found d. found
<b>II/Rewrite the sentences from the cues given (2.5m)</b>

1. It’s a pity; I can’t play the piano.

I wish ………

2. They built the church in 18th<sub> century.</sub>

The church ……….

3. Someone has stolen my bike .

My bike ……….

4. “Can you speak English?” Mr. Brown asked.

Mr. Brown asked me ……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

5.He drank a lot many years ago but now he doesn't drink any more.
He used to ...

<b>III/ Read the passage then circle and blacken the correct answer. (3m)</b>

English is very useful language . If we know it we can go to any countries what we like .
We will not find it hard to make people understand what we want to say. English also help us to
learn all kinds of subjects. Hundreds of books are written in English every day in many

countries.English also helps to spread ideas and knowledge to all corners of the world .

Therefore the English language has helped to spread better understanding and friendship among
countries of the world.

1/ English is a very………….. language in the world

a/ important b/ main c/ useful d/ Exact
2/ We will find it …. to make people understanding what we want to say.
a/ hardly b/ easily c/ hard d/ carefully
3/ English helps us to learn all kinds of subjects.

a/ right b/ wrong c/ a and b are correct d/ a and b are incorrect
4/ …… books are written in English every day.

a/ hundred of b/ / hundreds of c/ one hundred of d/ one hundreds of
5/ English helps to spread only knowledge to all corners of the world.

a/ wrong b/ right c/ a and b are incorrect d/ a and b are correct
6/ English has also helped to spread better understanding and friendship……. countries of the

a/ between b/ after c/ before d/ among

<b>IV/ Listen and fill in the gaps(1,5)</b>

A little …….(1). is reported missing. He …(2).. last seen ten minutes ago near the entrance
to Dam Sen (3)….. His name’s Nam and he is three years old. He has dark, short hair, he’s
wearng (4)….. pants, a short - sleeved shirt and black …(5)... If you see Nam, (6)…..bring him
to Gate One. His mother is waiting for him there. Thank you very much.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

Class:……… English 9


/ Choose the best answer a, b, c or d and circle it ( 4ms )
1/ Hoa isn’t here. I wish she………here.

a/ was b/ is c/ were d/ weren’t.
2 / A house ……….next month.

a/ will built b/ will be built c/ is built d/ will be build
3/ Wearing casual clothes makes students………..self- confident.

a/ felt b/ feels c/ feel d/ feeling
4/ Have you ………….been to Singapore ? No, I haven’t.

a/ ever b/ already c/ yet d/ since
5/He asked me where she ………

a/ living b/ lives c/ live d/ lived
6/ She can’t sing English song. I wish she ………..it.

a/ were sing b/ can sing c/ could sing d/ couldn’t sing
7/ My classes end at 11.15 so I go home …………..11.15

a/ at b/ before c/ till d/ after.
8/ Ha hates………cartoons.

a/ watches b/ watching c/ watched d/ to watch
<b>II/Rewrite the sentences from the cues given (2.5m)</b>

1/ She asked me:” When do people have holidays?”

She asked me ………
2/ He asked her: “ Do you sing a song?”

He asked her………..
3/ Hoa can’t visit her parents.

Hoa wishes ………
4.He watches TV at home.


5.He smoked a lot a year ago but now he doesn't smoke any more.
He used to ...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b>III/ Read the passage then circle and blacken the correct answer. (3m)</b>

English is very useful language . If we know it we can go to any countries what we like .
We will not find it hard to make people understand what we want to say. English also help us to
learn all kinds of subjects. Hundreds of books are written in English every day in many

countries.English also helps to spread ideas and knowledge to all corners of the world .

Therefore the English language has helped to spread better understanding and friendship among
countries of the world.

1/ English is a very………….. language in the world

a/ important b/ main c/ useful d/ Exact
2/ We will find it …. to make people understanding what we want to say.
a/ hardly b/ easily c/ hard d/ carefully
3/ English helps us to learn all kinds of subjects.

a/ right b/ wrong c/ a and b are correct d/ a and b are incorrect
4/ …… books are written in English every day.

a/ hundred of b/ / hundreds of c/ one hundred of d/ one hundreds of
5/ English helps to spread only knowledge to all corners of the world.

a/ wrong b/ right c/ a and b are incorrect d/ a and b are correct
6/ English has also helped to spread better understanding and friendship……. countries of the

a/ between b/ after c/ before d/ among
<b>IV/ Listen and fill in the gaps(1,5)</b>

A little …….(1). is reported missing. He …(2).. last seen ten minutes ago near the entrance
to Dam Sen (3)….. His name’s Nam and he is three years old. He has dark, short hair, he’s
wearng (4)….. pants, a short - sleeved shirt and black …(5)... If you see Nam, (6)…..bring him
to Gate One. His mother is waiting for him there. Thank you very much.



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