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<b>ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 7 NĂM HỌC 2011 - 2012</b>
<b>Môn: Tiếng Anh</b>

<b>(Thời gian làm bài 120 phút)</b>
<b>Đề thi gồm 04 trang</b>

<b>I. Choose one word(marked A,B,C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced </b>
<b>differently from the others. Write your answer on the answer sheet.</b>

1. A. sure B. saw C. send D. sit

<b>2.</b> A. plays B. stays C. says D. days

<b>3.</b> A. stall B. hot C. sauce D. pork

<b>4.</b> A. symptom B. painful C. cap D. poster
<b>5.</b> A. leave B. please C. easy D. pleasure

<b>II. Choose the correct answer (marked A, B, C or D) to complete the following</b>
<b>sentences. </b>

1. Baby birds depend………….their parents for food.

A. for B. by C. of D. on

2. Mrs. Ha went………yesterday afternoon.

A. shop B. shops C. shopping D. shopped

3. When………you born? In March

A. be B. is C. was D. were

4. We played soccer………..week.

A. last B. at the C. the last D. in the

5. I …………so tired yesterday that I ………..asleep at work.

A. were/fell B. was/ fell C. fell/was D. am/am falling
6. “Was he disappointed?” – “Yes, he found the movie ...”

A. boring B. boringly C. bores D. bored

7. I divided the sweets………….. several boys.

A. during B. between C. into D. among

8. There are a lot of people in the street that the police can’t do………
A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. most thing
9. It is raining very……….

A. greatly B. heavily C. heavy D. very big

10. She can not skate board, and I can’t ,... .

A. too B. neither C. either D. so

11. Lien never eats durians because she doesn't like their...

A. smell B. smelly C. smells D. smelt

12. Some people are used to ...in crowded buses and don't mind it at all.

A. riding B. ride C. rode D. to ride

13. The boy is better...English than I am.

A. for B. with C. in D. at

14. The class ...at 7 o'clock in the morning.

A. comes B. starts C. ends D. plays

15. He looks different...his father.

A. at B. with C. on D. from

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A. These B. This C. That D. It
17. ...do you go to bed ? - At half past ten.

A. When B. What time C. How long D. Why

18. All the students enjoy...on the weekend.

A. to camp B. camping C. camp D. camps

19. He is a student...Le Loi school.

A. of B. with C. on D. for

20. Talking is ...common way of relaxing

A. more B. most C. the most D. much

<b>III. Supply the correct form of the verbs. Write your answer on the answer </b>

1. I would like (buy) ………some stamps for overseas mail.

2. It often (take) ……me twenty minutes to go to school. How long it (take)…. you,

3. We (rehearse) ……… a play at the moment.

4. Where they (spend) ……… their summer vacation next year?
5. Students in the USA usually (not wear) ………uniform.

6. My brother (go) ……… to the Youth club every weekend.

7. Don’t make too much noise. I (try) ……… to do this math question.
8. You (do) ……… anything this weekend?

Yes, my nephews will come and I will show them round London.
9. Let’s (meet) ……. at seven o’clock in front of the park.

<b>IV. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capital. </b>
<b>1. My brother is a ……….at Vietnam National University, Ha Noi.</b> STUDY

<b>2. That …………..paints beautiful pictures. ART</b>

<b>3. Ask the ……….if you can borrow this book. LIBRARY</b>
<b>4. That ……….plays a lot of different instruments. MUSIC</b>
<b>5. Lan’s brother is a ………..He plays it very well. PIANO</b>
<b>6. If the machine goes wrong, tell the ………. . ENGINE</b>
<b>7. We have a ……….. who comes twice a week. GARDEN</b>
<b>8. Phone the …………..if the lights don’t work. ELECTRIC</b>
<b>9. Miss Quyen is a ………. . She travels a lot. JOURNAL</b>
<b>10. You pay the ……….. . She’s that lady over there. CASH</b>
<b>V. Find out the mistake (marked A,B,C or D ) in the following sentences. </b>

<b>1. Hoa prefers reading books to play video games.</b>

2. After each lesson we often have a ten - minutes rest.

3. Million of foreign visitors come to Viet Nam every year.
4. Would you like going to the movies with us tonight.

5. My sister likes badminton but she doesn’t play it very good.

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7. It takes Huy three hours doing his homework every day.

8. My father has less days off than Tim’s father

9. Hoa playing the piano in her room at the moment

10. Does Nam’s mother go always to work by bus?
<b>VI. Complete the following passage with suitable words</b>

Do you want to be fitter and healthier? Would you like to look younger? Do you
want to feel (1)……relaxed? They try a few days at a health farm. Health farm are
becoming (2) …… of the most popular places (3) ……a short break. I went to
Henley Manor for a weekend. It’s (4) …… largest health farm in the country (5)
……it isn’t the most expensive. After two days of exercise I (6) …… ten times
better. But the best thing for me was the food. It was all very healthy, of (7) ……,
but it was excellent ,too! If you look for something a (8) ……cheaper, try the winter
break. Winter is the darkest and the coldest (9) ……of the year, and it can also be
the worst time for your body. We all eat too (10) ……and we don’t take enough
exercise. A lot of health farm offer lower price Monday to Friday from November to

<i><b>VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer.</b></i>

Nga lives in the city with her parents and two brothers. She lives at 14/234
Nguyen Tri Phuong Street. Her telephone number is 8 290 374. On her next

birthday, July first, Nga will be 14. She will have a small party for her birthday. She
will invite some best friends to her house. They will eat cake and sweet. And they

will have a lot of fun. The party will start at five o'clock and finish at nine.

1. Who does Nga live with ?

A. She lives with her parents and two brothers
B. She lives with her father and two brothers
C. She lives with her mother and two brothers
D. She lives with her parents and one brother
2. How old is she now ?

A. She is fourteen B. She is fifteen

C. She is twelve D. She is thirteen

3. How old will she be ?

A. fourteen B. fifteen

C. twelve D. thirteen

4. Who will she invite ?

A. She will invite her teachers B. She will invite her father
C. She will invite her classmate D. She will invite her friends
5. When will the party last?

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fishing singer Join Join in off watching

when spend movies things house home

I only have Sunday (1)………… so I have very little free time. Sunday is a
wonderful day for me to (2)……….time with my friends and family. One of the (3)

.I really enjoy doing on Sunday morning is to go (4) .with my

……… …………

friends, although I am not always successful in catching fish. It is a time to relax and
talk about the previous week’s events and future plans. I usually go (5)……..late in
the afternoon. My family sometimes (6)………..other relatives on Sunday
evening at a karaoke restaurant and we all have a good time together. It is especially
fun (7)……..my father gets up to sing. Please don’t tell him I said this, but he is a
very bad (8)……..! Once in a while I go to the (9)………with my friends or my
brother. Sometimes, I just stay at home, listening to music, (10)………videos or
reading novels.

<b>IX. Rewrite sentences but not change the meaning of the sentences. </b>
1. Listening to music at home is more interesting than going to the concert

-> I prefer……….….
2. We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain

-> The heavy rain prevented………..
3. You shouldn’t eat too much candy.

-> You’d……….……….…..
4. He is a slower and more careful driver than I am

-> He drives………..
5. The visitor spoke so quickly that I couldn’t understand what he said.

-> The visitor spoke too………
6. What a luxurious car!

7. No one can run as fast as me.

->I am ………...
8. Is there a library at your school?

9. How old are you?

->What ………...?
10. Shall I bring you a cup of tea?

->Would ………...?
<i><b>THE END</b></i>

<i><b>Họ và tên thí sinh:……… Phịng thi số:………….</b></i>

<i><b>Người ra đề</b></i>
<i><b>Bùi Anh Dũng</b></i>


<b>HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 7 NĂM HỌC 2011- 2012</b>

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<b>I/0,5 điểm</b>

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D
<b>II/ 2 điểm</b>

1. D 2.C 3.D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C

11. A 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. B 19.A 20.C
<b>III/ 1 điểm</b>

1. to buy 6. goes

2. takes – does / take 7. trying

3. are rehearsing 8. will / do

4. will / spend 9. meet

5. don’t wear
<b>IV/1 điểm</b>

1. student 6. engineer

2. artist 7. gardener

3. librarian 8. electrician

4. musician 9. journalist

5. pianist 10. cashier

<b>V/ 1 điểm</b>

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
<b>VI/1 điểm</b>

1. more 6. felt

2. one 7. course

3. for 8. bit/little

4. the 9. season/time

5. but 10. much

<b>VII/ 0,5 điểm</b>

1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C

<b>VIII/1 điểm</b>

1. off 2. spend 3. things 4. fishing 5. home
6. join 7. when 8. singer 9. movies 10. watching
<b>IX/2 điểm</b>

1. I prefer listening to music at home to going to the concert
2. The heavy rain prevented us from enjoying the trip

3. You’d better not eat too much candy

4. He drives more slowey and more carefully than I do.

5. The visitor spoke too quickly for me to understand what he said.
6. How luxurious car the car is !

7. I am the fastest runner.

8. Does your school have a library ?
9.What is your age?



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