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Giáo án tuần 21 – Tiếng anh 4

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<b>WEEK 21- Period: 81</b>
<i>Date of planning: 14/01</i>

<i>Date of teaching: 4a1, 4a2(16/01); 4a3, 4a4(17/01); 4a5(18/01)</i>


<b>Lesson 3 (1-2-3)</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b> - </b>By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to pronounce the sounds of the letters <i><b>ie </b></i>

and<i><b> ea</b></i> in the words <i>f<b>ie</b>ld, p<b>ie</b>ce, t<b>ea</b>cher </i>and<i> r<b>ea</b>ding</i> respectively.
<b>II. Language focus:</b>

<b>-</b> Vocabulary and structures: Review
- Phonics: <i>f<b>ie</b>ld, p<b>ie</b>ce, t<b>ea</b>cher, r<b>ea</b>ding</i>

<b>III. Resources:</b>

<b>- </b>Teacher’s: pictures, recording, posters....
<b>-</b> Students’: Book, notebook

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<i><b>Teacher’s work</b></i> <i><b>Students’</b></i>


<i><b>1. Warm up.</b></i>

Play game: <i>Palmanism</i>

- Whole class

<i><b>2. Listen and repeat.</b></i>

- Tell pupils that they are going to practise saying the
sounds of the letters <i><b>ie </b></i>and<i><b> ea </b></i>in the words <i>f<b>ie</b>ld, </i>
<i>p<b>ie</b>ce, t<b>ea</b>cher </i>and<i> r<b>ea</b>ding </i>respectively.

- First, put the letters <i><b>ie </b></i>and<i><b> ea</b></i> on the board. Play the
recording and ask pupils to repeat the sounds a few

- Whole class
- Individuals
- Pairs

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times. Then write the words <i>f<b>ie</b>ld, p<b>ie</b>ce, t<b>ea</b>cher </i>and
<i>r<b>ea</b>ding</i> and the four sentences on the board, Play the
recording more than once, if necessary, and let pupils
say the words and the sentences, paying attention to
the target sounds.

- Do choral and individual repetition of the sounds,
words and sentences until pupils feel confident.

- Get some pupils to saythe words and sentences.
Check as a class and correct the pronunciation, if

<i><b>3. Listen and circle. Then say sentences with the </b></i>
<i><b>circled words</b></i>

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to two sentences
and circle the correct words.

- Give Ps a few seconds to read the words in silence.
- Have Ps listen to circle the words. Remind them to
focus on the words with the sound <i><b>ie/ea </b></i>while

listening. Check as a class. Then give Ps time to make
sentences with the circled words.

- Play the recording again for Ps to check their

- Call a few Ps to read aloud their sentences.
Key:<i><b> 1.b 2.b </b></i>

- Whole class

- Individuals

- Pair work

<i><b>4. Let’s chant</b></i>

-Tell pupils that they are going to say the chant “<i>Jobs </i>
<i>and places of work</i>”. Follow the procedure in

Teaching the unit Components in Introduction.

- Have them read the chant and check comprehension. Play
the recording a few times for pupils to do choral and

individual repetition. Show them how to chant and do

- Whole class

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- Put the class into two groups to practise chanting and
doing actions. Each of the groups should sing one verse of
the chant. Go around and offer help, if necessary.

- Call two pairs to the front of the class to chant and
do actions. The rest of the class claps along to the

- Groups

- Pair work

<i><b>5. Homelink:</b></i>

-Learn by heart the new words and model sentence.
-Be ready for lesson 3: 4,5,6

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<b>WEEK 21- Period: 82</b>
<i>Date of planning: 14/01</i>

<i>Date of teaching: 4a1, 4a2(16/01); 4a3, 4a4(17/01); 4a5(19/01)</i>


<b>Lesson 3 (4-5-6)</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

- By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to use words and phrases related to the topic
<i>Jobs</i> and do a project about parents’ jobs.

<b>II. Language focus: </b>

<b>-</b> Vocabulary and structures: Review
<b>III. Resources:</b>

<b>- </b>Teacher’s: Pictures

<b>-</b> Students’: Book, notebook
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<i><b>Teacher’s work</b></i> <i><b>Students’</b></i>


<i><b>1. Warm up.</b></i>

-Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson.
Get two pairs of pupils to go to the front of the class to
say the chant “<i>Jobs and places of work”</i> .

- Individuals
- Whole class

<i><b>2. Read and complete</b></i><b>. </b>

- Introduce the activity by saying: <i>You’re going to </i>
<i>read about an interview between Mai and Phong</i>.
Give a few minutes for Ps to read the text. Check
comprehension by asking: <i>Who’s the interview? Who </i>
<i>is she interviewing? What does Phong’s father do? </i>

- Whole class

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<i>Where does he work? What’s his mother’s job? Where</i>
<i>does she work? Does he have a sister? What does his </i>
<i>brother do? Where does he work?</i>

- Get Ps to read the paragraph. Tell them that they
have to complete the table, using the text cues.
- Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary
- Have Ps trade the answers in pairs for correction
- Call on some Ps to report their answers. Others listen
and comment.

- Have the whole class read each sentence of the
paragraph in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Job </i> <i>Place of word</i>

<i>Father</i> <i>teache</i>


<i>Le Hong Phong</i>
<i>Primary School</i>

<i>Mother</i> <i>nurse</i> <i>Thanh Nhan Hospital</i>


<i>factory</i> <i>factory car</i>

- Individuals

<i><b>3. Write about the jobs of your family members and </b></i>
<i><b>where they work.</b></i>

- Introduce the activity by saying: <i>Now it’s time for </i>
<i>you to write about the jobs of your family members </i>
<i>and where they work. </i>Tell Ps to stick a photo of their
family next to paragraph, or draw simple stick figures.
- Ask Ps to do the task. T goes around and offers help.
- Get them to swap their answers before checking as a

- Ask Ps to read the answers aloud to the class. The
others listen and give comments.

- Individual
- Pair work

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- Tell the class about the project and how to carry it
out by saying: <i>In this project, you’re going to </i>

<i>interview two classmates about their parent’ jobs and </i>
<i>the places where they work. Complete the tables when</i>
<i>you interview your classmates.</i>

- Prepare the interview questions with the class and
write them on the board for Ps to practice.

- Ask Ps to do the interviews.

- Invite a few Ps to report their interviews to the class.
- Teach Ps how to report their interviews. <i>Ex: Hi. My </i>
<i>name’s ... My first interview is with ... His/ her father/ </i>
<i>mother is ... He/She works in ... My second interview </i>
<i>is with ... His/ her father/ mother is ... He/She works in</i>
<i>... And that’s the end of my report. Thanks for </i>

<i>listening. </i>

- T gives comments.

- Whole class

<i><b>5. Homelink:</b></i>

-Learn by heart the new words and model sentence.
-Be ready for unit 13 -lesson 1 1,2

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<b>WEEK 21- Period: 83</b>
<i>Date of planning: 14/01</i>

<i>Date of teaching: 4a1, 4a2, 4a3, 4a4(18/01), 4a5(19/01)</i>


<b>Lesson 1- Part 1,2</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<b>- </b>By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to ask and answer questions about favourite
food and drink.

<b>II. Language focus:</b>

<b>-</b> Vocabulary: <i>would like, milk, favourite, food, fish, chicken, drink, orange juice, </i>
<i>beef, pork, water.</i>

- Structures: <i>What is your favourite food/ drink? - It’s (chicken).</i>
<b>III. Resources:</b>

<b>- </b>Teacher’s: Posters, flashcards, puppets, CD player and projector
<b>-</b> Students’: Book, notebook

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<i><b>Teacher’s work</b></i> <i><b>Students’</b></i>


<b>1. Warm up.</b>

Play “<i>jumbled letters</i>” game

- Whole class
- Individual
<b>2. Look, listen and repeat.</b>

- Tell Ps that they are going to learn to ask and answer
questions about favourite food and drink.

- Ask Ps to identify the characters in 4 pictures on page
12 and ask:

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<i>+ Who are they? </i>
<i>+ Where are they? </i>

<i>+ </i>And<i> What are they talking about?</i>

- Open the tape and have the Ps listen the sound of the

- Play the recording a few times for pupils to listen and
repeat. Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to
the characters speaking

- Individual

- Whole class

<b>3. Point and say</b>

- Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and
answering questions about favourite food and drink.
+ Teacher read first as a model and ask the Ps to repeat
+ Have the Ps repeat in groups and individuals

- Instruct how to ask and answer questions about
someone’s job.

- T practices as a model and ask Ps to practice in choral,
groups and pairs. Correct Ps’ error pronunciation

- Whole class

<b>-</b> Individuals,
<b>-</b> Pair work

<b>* Work in pairs. Ask your partners about the jobs of</b>
<b>their family members.</b>

<b>-</b> Tell Ps that they are going to ask and answer
questions about time, using <i>What is your favourite </i>
<i>food/ drink? - It’s + name of food/ drink..</i>

- Ask Ps to work in pairs.

- Have Ps write the answer on the board.

- Have the whole class to read aloud the answers on the
board. Correct the pronunciation.

- Individuals
- Pair work
- Groups

<i><b>4. Homelink:</b></i>

-Learn by heart the new words and model sentence.

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<b>WEEK 21- Period: 84</b>
<i>Date of planning: 14/01</i>

<i>Date of teaching: 4a1, 4a2, 4a3, 4a4,4a5 (20/01)</i>


<b>Lesson 1 (3-4-5)</b>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen to the CD then do the tasks.
<b>II. Language focus:</b>

<b>-</b> Vocabulary and structures: Review
<b>-</b> Skill: listening

<b>III. Resources:</b>

<b>- </b>Teacher’s: Pictures, recording, posters, puppets...
<b>-</b> Students’: Book, notebook

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<i><b>Teacher’s work</b></i> <i><b>Students’</b></i>


<b>1. Warm up.</b>

Have Ss play the game: Slap the board.






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<b>2. Listen and tick.</b>

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to three dialogues
about some children’s favourite food and drink and tick
the correct pictures.

- Have Ps look at the pictures on page 19 to identify the
name of food and drink. Have them say the words
aloud. Check comprehension.

- Open the tape and have Ps listen the sound of the

- Turn on the tape 2 times and ask Ps to listen and tick.
- Answers:<i><b> 1b 2c 3a</b></i>

- Whole class

- Individuals

- Pairs

<b>3. Look and write.</b>

- Tell Ps that they are going to write the answers to
three questions about favourite food and drink
suggested in the pictures.

- Have Ps look at the pictures. Ask them to read the
question next to each picture and write the answer.
- Ask Ps to do the task. Go around and offer help.
- Get them to swap their answers before checking as a

- Ask Ps to read the answers aloud to the class. The

others listen and give comments.

- Have the whole class read the sentences chorally to
reinforce their pronunciation.

Answers<i><b>: 1.It’s chicken </b></i>
<i><b> 2.It’s orange juice</b></i>
<i><b> 3.It’s fish and water</b></i>

- Whole class

- Pairs

- Individuals

<b>4. Let’s sing.</b>

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<i>favourite food and drink”.</i>

<i>- </i>Have Ps read each line of the lyrics. Check

- Open the tape and have the Ss listen the sound of the

- Play the tape again for Ps to do choral and individual
repetition of the song by line.

- Ask Ps to sing in choral

- Have Ps practice singing in groups.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their

- Whole class
- Groups


<i><b>5. Homelink:</b></i>

-Learn by heart the new words and model sentence.
-Be ready for lesson 2


