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<i><b>Ngày dạy: 10/01/2012</b></i>
<i><b>Tiết: 01</b></i> <i><b>Tuần: 20</b></i>

<b>Unit 9:</b>


<b>Lesson 1 - A1 </b>

<b>I/ Objectives</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about vacation activities, using “was, were,
wasn’t, weren’t” and some past regular verbs.

<b>II/ Language contents</b>

<i><b>1) Language skills</b></i>: Listening and reading

<i><b>2) Language knowledge</b></i>:

<i><b>+ </b></i>Vocabulary: aquarium gift friendly souvenir wonderful

<i><b>+ </b></i>

<i> </i>Structure : Past simple tense

<b>III/ Method and teaching aids</b>

- Communicative approach

<i><b>- Teaching aids</b></i>: Textbook- posters – tape- realia- picture.

<i><b>- Teaching techniques</b></i>: Chatting Word cue drill Pre-question

Matching Guessing game

<b>IV – Time </b> 45 minutes

<b>V –Procedures:</b>

- Greetings

- Checking attendance

<b>Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>


<b>Warm up: </b>

“ Chatting”

- Asks Ss some questions
about their vacations

- Gives feedback

<i><b>1/ Presentation</b></i>

+ Pre – teach vocab


+ Checking – vocab
+ Presentation

- Shows a picture of Nha
Trang to Ss and sets the scene

Listen and answer

Guess and say the
words in English

Match from E
words to Vnese

Look at the picture
and listen to T

<b>+ Chatting</b>
<b>* Questions : </b>

1. How long is your summer vacation ?
2. What do you usually do on summer
vacation ?

3. Where do you go ?

4. Do you think it is interesting ? Why ?

<b>+ Vocabulary:</b>

1. an aquarium : hồ cá
2. a gift : quà

3. a souvenir : quà lưu niệm

4. wonderful (adj) : tuyệt vời
5. friendly (adj) : thân thiện

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“ Pre-question”

- Writes a question on the bb.
Has Ss guess and answer
- Turns on the tape once
- Checks Ss’ listening
- Turns on the tape again
- Asks Ss to read the dialogue
in pairs

- Teaches grammar

- Sticks 2 posters on the bb.
Gets Ss to match the

infinitive with the past form
of the verbs

- Gives feedback

<i><b>2/ Practice</b></i>

- Puts a poster of some
sentences on the bb. Has Ss
read the dialogue again and
number the sentences

Guess and answer
Listen to the tape

Listen again and

Read the dialogue
in pairs

Take notes

Go to the bb and

Copy down

Look at the poster,

read the dialogue
again and number
the sentences




What did Liz see in Nha Trang ?

<i><b>* Answer key :</b></i>

She saw Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen

<b>+ Grammar :</b> Past simple tense

The food <i><b>was</b></i> delicious, but most things

<i><b>weren’t</b></i> cheap

<i><b>Did </b></i>you <i><b>buy</b></i> any souvenirs ?
Yes, I <i><b>did</b></i>. I <i><b>bought</b></i> a lot of gifts

<b>* Notes :</b>

<b>- To be</b> : “was” and “were” are used

<b>- Auxilary verbs</b> : V2/ V-ed

In the Negative or Interogative, we use
“did” for all persons

<b>* Usage :</b> To talk about actions or
situations in the past

<b>+ Match from the infinitive with the</b>
<b>past form of the verbs :</b>

1. be a. liked
2. have b. returned
3. like c. went
4. want d. was/ were
5. go e. talked
6. visit f. had
7. buy g. took
8. return h. bought
9. take i. wanted
10. talk j. visited

<i><b>* Keys :</b></i>

1-d 2- f 3- a 4- i 5- c
6- j 7- h 8- b 9- g 10- e

<b>+ Number the sentences</b>

a- Liz bought souvenirs

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- Asks Ss to compare with
their partners

- Writes Ss’ answers on the

- Gives feedback

“Word cue drill”

- Gives Ss some cues, asks
them to make questions and
answers in pairs ( models first

- Calls on some pairs to
practice in front of the class

- Gives feedback

<i><b>3/ Production</b></i>

“ Guessing game”
- Has each student write a
name of a city in a small
piece pf paper and keep it


- Calls on a student to go to
the bb with his/ her paper
( asks the rest of the class to
guess the place by asking
“Yes/No questions”

- Listens to Ss and gives


Listen to T, then
make questions and
answers using these

Practice in front of
the class

Write a name of a
city on paper and
keep it secret

Answer “Yes or

d- Liz went to Nha Trang

e- Liz talked to Ba about her vacation

<i><b>* Keys:</b></i>

1- d 2- b 3- a 4- c 5- e

<b>+ Word cue drill</b>

<b>Ex :</b> vacation / wonderful

How was the vacation ? It was

1. The people / friendly
2. The food / delicious
3. The things / expensive
4. Nha Trang / beautiful

<i><b>* Keys :</b></i>

1. How were the people ?
They were friendly

2. How was the food ? It was delicious.
3. How were the things ?

They were expensive

4. How was Nha Trang ? It was beautiful

<b>+ Guessing game</b>
<b>Ex : </b>

S1 : Were you in Da Lat last vacation ?
S2 : No.

S3:Were you in Nha Trang last vacaion?
S2 : No.

S4 : Were you in Hue last vacation ?
S2 : Yes.

<b>VI – Homework: (2’):</b> - Learn by heart vocab and past verb form
- Make 5 sentences, using the past simple tense
- Prepare lesson 2 – A 2

<b>VII- Remarks</b>

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<i><b>Ngày dạy: 10/01/2012</b></i>
<i><b>Tiết: 02</b></i> <i><b>Tuần: 20</b></i>

<b>Unit 9:</b>


<b>Lesson 2 – A2</b>

<b>I/ Objectives</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for details about the Robinsons’vacation to Tri
Nguyen Aquarium and practice with Wh-questions in the past simple tense.

<b>II/ Language contents</b>

<i><b>1) Language skills</b></i>: Listening and reading

<i><b>2) Language knowledge</b></i>:

<i><b>+ </b></i>Vocabulary: shark dolphin turtle

cap crab exit poster

<i><b>+ </b></i>

<i> </i>Structure : Past simple tense

<b>III/ Method and teaching aids</b>

- Communicative approach

<i><b>- Teaching aids</b></i>: posters – tape – textbook- pictures

<i><b>- Teaching techniques</b></i>: Pelmanism Matching Retell story
T/F prediction LNs

<b>IV – Time </b> 45 minutes

<b>V –Procedures: </b>

- Greetings

- Checking attendance

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<b>Warm up: </b>


- Sticks 10 numbers with 10
words on the bb.

- Divides class into 2 teams
and asks Ss to play a game
- Decides the winner

<i><b>1/ Presentation</b></i>

+ Pre – teach vocab

+ Checking – vocab

+ Presentation
- Sets the scene

“ T/F prediction”

- Sticks a poster on the bb,
runs through some key
words. Asks Ss to guess
whether they are true or false
- Writes Ss’prediction on the

- Turns on the tape once, asks
Ss to listen and check

- Checks Ss’listening
- Turns on the tape again
- Has Ss read the text again
- Corrects Ss’pronunciation

<i><b>2/ Practice</b></i>

“Lucky Numbers”

- Puts a poster of 6 questions
on the bb, runs through some
key words

- Asks Ss to play a game in


Play a game in
teams, choose 2
numbers at a time

Guess and say the
words in English

Match from E
words to Vnese

Listen to T

Guess and answer


Listen and check

Listen again and

Read in pairs

Look at the poster
and answer

Play a game in
teams, choose the
number and answer
the question


1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10

<i><b>* Keys :</b></i>

1- 8 2-10 3-6 4-9 5-7

<b>+ Vocabulary:</b>

1. a shark : cá mập

2. a dolphin : cá heo
3. a turtle : rùa biển
4. a crab : cua
5. an exit : lối ra
6. a cap : mũ lưỡi trai

7. a poster : tranh ( khổ lớn )

<b>+ True/ False prediction</b>

a. The Robinsons went to Tri Nguyen

b. They saw many types of fish
c. Liz bought a little turtle

d. They had lunch at a restaurant
e. Liz ate fish and crab

<b>Guess Read</b>

a. T
b. T
c. F
d F
e. F
The text – page 88

<b>+ Lucky Numbers</b>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 and 7 are LNs

<i><b>* Answer keys :</b></i>

6-a/ Liz’s parents went to TN Aquarium
with her

8-b/ They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles
and many different types of fish

2-c/ They bought a cap and a poster
5-d/ Yes, she did. She wore the cap all

3-e/ Yes, they do. Mr and Mrs Robinson
ate fish and crab

4-f/ Because she remember the beautiful

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<b>VI – Homework: </b>(2’): - Learn by heart vocab

- Answer the questions and write the story into your notebook
- Prepare lesson 3 – A 3,4

<b>VII- Remarks</b>


<i><b>Ngày dạy: 12/01/2012</b></i>
<i><b>Tiết: 03</b></i> <i><b>Tuần: 20</b></i>

<b>Unit 9:</b>


<b>Lesson 3 - A3 - 4</b>

<b>I/ Objectives</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the details in Ba’s diary, the Robinsons’trip
and talk about past activities

<b>II/ Language contents</b>

<i><b>1) Language skills</b></i>: Listening and reading

<i><b>2) Language knowledge</b></i>:

+ Vocabulary :paddy ice cream rent teach peanut
keep in touch move improve

<i><b>+ </b></i>

<i> </i>Structure : Past simple tense

<b>III/ Method and teaching aids</b>

- Communicative approach

<i><b>- Teaching aids</b></i>: posters – tape – textbook

<i><b>- Teaching techniques</b></i>: Networks T/F prediction

Discussion Answers given Matching

<b>IV – Time </b> 45 minutes

<b>V –Procedures:</b>

- Greetings

- Checking attendance

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<b>Warm up: </b>

- Divides class into 2 teams.
Asks Ss to go to the bb and
write the words with the
infinitive and past forms
- Gives feedback

<i><b>1/ Pre- reading</b></i>

+ Pre – teach vocab

+ Checking – vocab
+ Pre-reading
- Sets the scene

“ T /F prediction”

- Sticks a poster of some
statements on the bb, runs
through some key words.
Asks Ss to guess if they are
true or false

- Writes Ss’ prediction on the

<i><b>2/ While- reading</b></i>

- Asks Ss to read Ba’s diary
and check their prediction
- Has Ss compare with their

- Writes Ss’ answers on the
bb and gives feedback

- Sticks another poster of
some statements on the bb
and runs through them

- Has Ss work in pairs and
make sentences true

- Calls on some Ss to read
aloud their correct sentences

- Gives feedback

<b>+ Pre-listening</b>

- Puts a poster of 10

Play a game in
teams, go to the bb
and write as many
words as possible

Guess and say the
words in English

Match from E
words to Vnese

Listen to T

Look at the poster,
listen to T

Guess individually


Read Ba’s diary and


Look at the poster .
Discuss in pairs,
read the diary again
and make sentences

Read aloud ( one
student reads one
sentence )

Take notes

Look at the bb,


<b> A B</b>

<b>+ Vocabulary:</b>

1. a paddy : cánh đồng lúa

2. ice cream (unc) : kem
3. peanut (unc) : đậu phộng
4. (to) keep in touch : giữ liên lạc
5. (to) rent-rented : thuê

6. (to) teach-taught : dạy

7. (to) improve-improved : cải thiện
8. (to) move-moved : di chuyển

<b>+ True or False prediction</b>

a. The Robinsons are Vietnamese

b. Mr Robinson works at a hospital in Ha

c. They rented a house next door to Ba’s
d. They moved to a new apartment last

e. Liz and Ba are the same age.
<b>Guess Read</b>

a. F

b. F
c. T

d. T
e. T

<b>+Make sentences true</b>

( 7 sentences – page 90 )

<i><b>* Answer keys :</b></i>

a. Liz lived next door to Ba
b. Liz learned Vnese in VN
c. Ba collects stamps

d. Liz’s aunt lives in New York
e. The Robinsons moved to Ha Noi
f. The Robinsons moved . Now Ba is
sad/ unhappy.

g. Ba will see Liz next week.

<b>A3: Listen. Write the letter of the</b>

<b>Past </b>
<b>Infinitive </b>

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sentences on the bb, runs
through some key words.
- Has Ss guess and choose the
correct sentences

- Writes Ss’prediction on the

<b>+ While-listening</b>

- Turns on the tape 3 times
- Has Ss compare with their

- Writes Ss’answers on the bb
- Turns on the tape again and

<i><b>3/ Post- reading</b></i>

“ Role play”

- Has Ss work in pairs to talk
about Liz’s trip back to Ha

- Calls on some pairs to

practice in front of the class
- Gives feedback

listen to T

Guess and choose
the answers


Listen and check


Listen again and

Work in pairs ( one
is Liz and one is
Liz’s friend ), ask
and answer each

Practice in front of
the class

<b>sentences you hear</b>

( 10 sentences – page 89 )

<b>Guess Listen</b>

a – b b
c – d d
e – f e
g – h h
i – j j

<b>+ Role play</b>

+ Suggested questions and answers
a- Liz, how did you travel to Ha Noi ?
( I travel by bus )

b- What did you see on the way back ?
( I saw paddies for the first time )

c- Were you excited about the
countryside in VN ?

( Yes, I was )

d- When did you arrive in Ha Noi ?
( I arrived in Ha Noi at about 7pm )

<b>VI – Homework: </b>(2’): - Learn by heart Vocab

- Write the correct sentences ( A4) into notebook

- Prepare lesson 4 – B1, 2

<b>VII- Remarks</b>

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<i><b>Ngày dạy: 12/01/2012</b></i>
<i><b>Tiết: 04</b></i> <i><b>Tuần: 20</b></i>

<b>Unit 9:</b>


<b>Lesson 4 - B1- 2</b>

<b>I/ Objectives</b>

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice the past simple tense in Negative,
Interrogative and short answers to talk about past activities.

<b>II/ Language contents</b>

<i><b>1) Language skills</b></i>: Listening and reading

<i><b>2) Language knowledge</b></i>:

<i><b>+ Vocabulary</b></i>: neighbor dressmaker cut
hairdresser material

+ Grammar : Did + S + Vinf + O ?

Yes, S + did / No, S + didn’t

<b>III/ Method and teaching aids</b>

- Communicative approach

<i><b>- Teaching aids</b></i>: posters – tape – picture – textbook

<i><b>- Teaching techniques</b></i>: Shark attack Pre-question

Discussion Grid

<b>IV – Time </b> 45 minutes

<b>V –Procedures:</b>

- Greetings

- Checking attendance

<b>Time</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Ss’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>


<b>Warm up: </b>

“Shark attack”

- Explains the word. Divides
class into 2 teams and asks
them to guess the letters of
the word

- Decides the winner

<i><b>1/ Presentation</b></i>

Listen to T. Play a
game in teams,
guess the letters of
the word

<b>+ Shark attack</b>


<b>A B</b>

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+ Pre – teach vocab


+ Checking – vocab


+ Presentation
- Sets the scene

“ Pre-question”

- Writes a question on the bb.
Asks Ss to guess about the

- Writes Ss’prediction on the

- Turns on the tape once
- Checks Ss’listening
- Turns on the tape again
- Has Ss read the dialogue in

- Checks the right answer

- Teaches grammar

- Gives some cues, has Ss
make questions and answers

<i><b>2/ Practice</b></i>

- Sticks a poster of 5
questions on the bb, runs
through some key words
- Asks Ss to work in pairs,
ask and answer each other
- Calls on some pairs to
practice in front of the class
- Gives feedback

<i><b>3/ Production</b></i>

“ Discussion”

- Gives Ss a situation “ It’s
going to be the Tet holiday )
- Gets Ss to work in pairs, ask
and answer, using the past

Guess and say the
words in English

Rewrite the E words
on the bb

Listen to T

Look at the
question, guess and

Listen to the tape

Listen again and


Take notes

Make questions and

Look at the poster
and listen to T
Ask and answer
each other

Practice in front of
the class

Listen to T

Work in pairs, ask
and answer each

<b>HAIR / DRESS</b>
<b>+ Vocabulary:</b>

1. a neighbor : người hàng xóm

2. a hairdresser : thợ cắt tóc
3. a dressmaker : thợ may
4. material (unc) : vật liệu
5. (to) cut-cut : cắt



<i><b>+ </b></i><b>Pre-question</b>

Who cut Hoa’s hair and make her dress?

The dialogue – page 92

<i><b>* Answer keys</b></i>

Hoa’s aunt cut her hair and Mrs Mai
made her dress

<b>+ Grammar :</b> Past simple tense in

Did your uncle do it ?
No, he didn’t

<b>+ Form :</b>

<b>Did + S + V-inf + O ?</b>
<b>No, S + didn’t / Yes, S +did</b>

1- Lan / do her homework / Yes

2- Her father / return home / No

5 questions of B1,2 – page 93

<i><b>* Answer keys :</b></i>

a- She’s a hairdresser
b- She’s a dressmaker
a- No, she didn’t
b- No, she didn’t
c- Yes, she did

<b>+ Discussion</b>
<b>+ Exchange :</b>

<b>S1 :</b> Did you buy new clothes ?

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<b>VI – Homework: </b>(2’): - Learn by heart Vocab

- Answer the questions into your notebook
- Prepare lesson 5 – B3,4

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