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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>Date of preparing: 8/12/2018 </b>

<b>WEEK 14</b>

<b>PERIOD 53 </b>


<b>LESSON 3: PART (4,5,6)</b>
<b>I. AIMS:</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to use the language learnt </b>
in unit 8.

<b>* Language focus: - Vocabulary: Review.</b>
<b> - Sentence pattern: Review.</b>
<b>2. Skills: - Develop listening, reading, writing skills.</b>

<b>3. Attitude: - Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary </b>


<b>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer, speakers, projector</b>
<b>2. Student’s: books, notebooks, workbooks.</b>


- Listening, speaking and spoken interaction.

- Techniques: + Pairs/ groups work
+ Question and answer

<b>IV. PROCEDURES: </b>Time 40’

<b>1. Organization (1’)</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance.

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3B 11/12/2018

3C 11/12/2018

<b>2. Warm up. (4’)</b>
- Say greetings.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>4.Consolidation (2’)</b>

Consolidate the content of the lesson?
<b>5. Homework (1’)</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>*Activity 4: Read and match</b>(10’)

<b>+Pre- reading</b>

-Tell the class that they are going to read the
sentences and match

-Get them to identify the information given.

<b>+While- reading</b>

-Set a time limit for pupils to do the task
independently. Monitor the activity and offer
help, if necessary.

-Have them compare their answers before

<b>+ Post- reading</b>

-Ask some ss to read aloud the full sentences.

<b>*Activity 5: Read and write</b>(10’)

<b>+Pre- writing</b>

- Tell the class that they are goingto write about

<b>4</b><i><b>. </b></i><b>Read and match</b>

(Show the task on the screen)

1. b
2. d
3. a
4. c

<b>5. Read and write</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Do exercise in the workbook
- Prepare for the next lesson.
<b>6. Comment:</b>


<b>Date of preparing: 8/12/2018 </b>

<b>WEEK 14</b>

<b>PERIOD 54 </b>


<b>LESSON 1: PART (1,2,3)</b>
<b>I. AIMS:</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>After the lesson students will be able to asking and answering
questions about school things.

<b>* Language focus: - Vocabulary: review school things vocabulary</b>

- Sentence Pattern: Is this/that + school things/ Yes, it is. No, it

<b>2. Skills: - Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills</b>
<b>3. Attitude: - Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary </b>


<b>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer, speakers, projector.</b>

<b>2. Students’: books, notebooks.</b>


- Communicative approach.
- Techniques: + Q &A

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups.

<b>IV. PROCEDURES: </b>Time 40’

<b>1. Organization(1’):</b>

- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other.

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3B 13/12/2018

3C 12/12/2018

<b>2. Warm up: (4’)</b>

Play game: Jumped words: sked, npe, pneilc, ulrer, ruerbb
3. New lesson:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<b>* Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat.(12’)</b>
<b>* Set the scene:</b>

- T uses the pictures of the dialogue on page
58(Student book 1) to lead Ss in the conversation
- Ask students to look at the 4 pictures in the
book and check comprehension by eliciting the
answers for these questions.

<i>Who’s this?</i>

What activities can you see in the pictures?

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to
listen and follow in their books.

- Play the recording again for Ss repeat the
dialogue several times( line by line in the

- Point to the picture for Ss to read the dialogue

- Have Ss to find out the new structure.
<b>* Activity 2. Point and say. (12’)</b>
<b>a. vocabularry.</b>

Desk: cái bàn

Pencil sharpener: gọt bút chì
Pen: bút mực

Pencil case: hộp bút chì
<b>b. Sentence Pattern:</b>

<b>* Presenting model sentences.</b>

- Point to the school thing (desk) and elicit the
class to fill in the gap. Put the sentence on the

Is this your desk?
Yes, it it/ No, it isn’t.

and have Ss repeat them several times.
- Check the form/ use/ meaning/ intonation
Do the same with Is that....

<b>c. Practice.</b>

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking
and answering questions about school things
- T model – Ss listen & repeat.

- Ask ss to do in choral and individual repetition,
using the pictures in the book.

- T asks Ss point and say.
- T and student model.
( T S1,- T S2)
+T- WC/ + Half/half

+ Pairs( Closed pairs, Open- pairs)
<b>*Activity 3. Let’s talk(8’)</b>

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat</b>
(Show the task on the screen)
Look at the two pitures to
identify the characters

<b>2. Point and say.</b>
<b>a. vocabularry.</b>
Desk: cái bàn

Pencil sharpener: gọt bút chì
Pen: bút mực

Pencil case: hộp bút chì
<i><b> b. Sentence sentences</b></i>
Is this/ that + school thing?
Yes,it is/ No, it isn’t.

<b>c. Practice.</b>
Is this your desk?
Yes, it it/ No, it isn’t.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Tell Ss that they are going to practice more with
their friends. Give a few seconds for Ss to read
the questions. Check their understanding.

Have Ss work in pairs. Go around to offer help
and correct the pronunciation, if necessary.

Call several pairs to act out the dialogue in front
of the class.

(Show the question on the

Is this/ that...?

<b>4.Consolidation (2’)</b>

-Ask Ss to focus on the model sentence once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<b>5. Homework (1’)</b>

- Learn by heart the new words and model sentence.
- Prepare for the next lesson

<b>6. Comment:</b>



<b>Date of preparing: 8/12/2018 </b>

<b>WEEK 14</b>

<b>PERIOD 55 </b>


<b>LESSON 1: PART (4,5,6)</b>
<b>I. AIMS:</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: </b>After the lesson students will be able to asking and answering
questions about school things.

<b>* Language focus: - Vocabulary: Review</b>
- Sentence Pattern: Review.

<b>2. Skills: - Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills</b>
<b>3. Attitude: : - Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary</b>


<b>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer.</b>
<b>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</b>


- Listening, speaking and spoken interaction.
- Pairs/ groups work

- Question and answer

<b>IV. PROCEDURES: </b>Time 40’

<b>1. Organization (1’)</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance.

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3B 13/12/2018

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>2. Warm up. (5’) Do you like playing game?</b>

<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>

<b>*Activity 4. Listen and tick.( 10’)</b>
<b>+ Pre – listening. </b>

-Ask Ss to look at the pictures.

-Elicit the subjects in the pictures for ss to
identify the activities.

- Explain the way to do in this part.
<b>+ While – listening. </b>

- Play the recording through for Ss listen.
- Play the recording again for Ss to do the task.
- Play the recording once more and pause after
each sentence to check.

- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their

partners before reporting them to the class.
<b>+ Post-listening. </b>

- Provides the answers and check ss’
comprehension of the task.

<b>*Activity 5. Look, read and write. (11’)</b>
<b>+ Pre- writing</b>

- Run through the pictures for ss to identify the
school things.

- Explain the task to Ss
<b>+ While writing</b>

- Get Ss to look at the table individual and
complete the sentences.

- Get Ss work in pairs then trade their answers
within pairs for correction.

- Ask some Ss to read their answers aloud to the
class. The rest of the class listen and give

<b>+ Post writing</b>

-Ask ss to practice reading the task.
<b>*Activity 6. Let’s write. (10’)</b>
<b>- + Pre- writing</b>

- Run through the pictures for ss to identify the

- Explain the task to Ss
<b>+ While writing</b>

- Get Ss to look at the sentence individual and
complete the sentences.

- Get Ss work in pairs then trade their answers

<b>4. Listen and tick.</b>

(Show the task on the screen)

1. b
2. a
3. b

<b>5. Look, read and write.</b>
(Show the task on the screen)

1.Is this your pen?
Yes, it is.

2. Is this your pencil cas?
No, it isn’t.

3. Is that your school bag?
Yes, it is.

4. Is that your book?
Yes, it is.

<b>6. Let’s write.</b>

1. This is a school bag.
2. Is this your school bag?
Yes, it is

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

within pairs for correction.

- Ask some Ss to read their answers aloud to the
class. The rest of the class listen and give

<b>+ Post writing</b>

-Ask ss to practice reading the sentences.
<b>4.Consolidation (2’)</b>

Summary the content of the lesson
<b> 5. Homework (1’)</b>

- Prepare for the next lesson
<b>6. Comment:</b>

<b>Date of preparing: 8/12/2018 </b>

<b>WEEK 14</b>

<b>PERIOD 56 </b>


<b>LESSON 2: PART (1,2,3)</b>
<b>I. AIMS:</b>

<b>1. Knowledge: After the lesson students will be able to asking and answering</b>
about colours.

<b>* Language focus: - Vocabulary: review</b>
- Sentence Pattern: review

<b>2. Skills: - Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills</b>
<b>3. Attitude: - Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary</b>


<b>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer. </b>
<b>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</b>


- Communicative approach.
<b>- Techniques: + Q &A </b>

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups.

<b>IV. PROCEDURES: </b>Time 40’


- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other.

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3B 14/12/2018

3C 14/12/2018

<b>2. Warm up: (4’)</b>

Do you like playing game? Yes, I do
<b> “Slap the board”</b>

3. New lesson:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat.(12’)</b>
<b>* Set the scene:</b>

- T uses the pictures of the dialogue on page
60(Student book 1) to lead Ss in the


- Ask students to look at the 4 pictures in the
book and check comprehension by eliciting the
answers for these questions.

Who’s this?

What are they doing?

What activities can you see in the pictures?
- Play the recording all the way through for Ss

to listen and follow in their books.
- Play the recording again for Ss repeat the
dialogue several times( line by line in the

- Point to the picture for Ss to read the dialogue

- Have Ss to find out the new structure.
<b>*Activity 2. Point and say. (12’)</b>
<b>a. vocabulary.</b>

Blue: màu xanh
Ruler: thước kẻ
White: màu trắng
Yellow: màu vàng
Shool bag: cặp sách
Brown : màu nâu

Green: màu xanh da trời
Notebooks: những quyển sách
<b>b. Sentence Pattern:</b>

<b>* Presenting model sentences.</b>

- Point to the Science timetable and elicit the
class to fill in the gap. Put the sentence on the

What colour is/are your....?
It’s/ They’re...

and have Ss repeat them several times.
- Check the form/ use/ meaning/ intonation
<b>c. Practice.</b>

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking
and answering questions about colours.

- T model – Ss listen & repeat.

- Ask ss to do in choral and individual
repetition, using the pictures in the book.
- T asks Ss point and say.

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>
(Show the task on the screen)
Look at the two pitures to
identify the characters

<b>2. Point and say.</b>
<b>a. vocabulary.</b>
Blue: màu xanh
Ruler: thước kẻ
White: màu trắng
Yellow: màu vàng
Shool bag: cặp sách
Brown : màu nâu

Green: màu xanh da trời
Notebooks: những quyển sách
Orange: màu cam

<b>b. Model sentences</b>

What colour is/are your....?
It’s/ They’re...

-Ask and answer about colours

<b>c. Practice.</b>

+ What colour is your pen?
It’s blue

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

- T and student model.
( T S1,- T S2)
+T- WC/ + Half/half

+ Pairs( Closed pairs, Open- pairs)
<b>*Activity 3. Let’s talk(8’)</b>

Tell Ss that they are going to practice more with
their friends. Give a few seconds for Ss to read
the questions. Check their understanding.

Have Ss work in pairs. Go around to offer help
and correct the pronunciation, if necessary.
Call several pairs to act out the dialogue in front
of the class.

<b>3. Let’s talk.</b>

What colour is/ are...?

<b>4.Consolidation (2’)</b>

-Ask Ss to focus on the model sentence once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<b>5. Homework (1’)</b>

- Learn by heart the new words and model sentence.
- Prepare for the next lesson

<b>6. Comment:</b>



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