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ke hoach giang day

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>






<b> BÌNH ĐỊNH</b>

<b> NĂM HỌC: 2012-2013</b>

<b>---- </b>

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<b> ----</b>

<b> ---- </b>

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<b> </b>

<i>LE VAN NAM</i>

<b> </b>

<b>TỔ: NGOẠI NGỮ – T. DỤC - NHẠC - HỌA </b>

<b> N</b>

<b>HĨM : ANH VĂN</b>


<b> 6A7-8-9</b>


<i><b>- </b></i>


1. Thuận lợi:

Tất cả các em đều được học tiếng Anh ngay từ lớp 6.

Phịng lớp khang trang , có đủ giáo viên giảng dạy ở tất cả các khối lớp .

Được sự lãnh đạo của nhà trường, hội PH và nhiều PHHS quan tâm đến điều kiện học hành của các em.

Giáo viên giảng dạy hầu hết đã chuẩn hóa, đã qua nhiều lớp tập huấn và chuyên đề, thường xuyên dự giờ đồng nghiệp có

trao đổi rút kinh nghiệm sau tiết dạy.

<b>2. Khó khăn: </b>

Phần lớn học sinh ở nhiều khu vực nông thôn nên thời gian dành cho việc học tập còn hạn chế, ngoài buổi học tại trường

các em còn phải lao động ở nhà để giúp bố mẹ về kinh tế, vì vậy một số học sinh đến trường bài vở chưa chuẩn bị xong.

Về sau khối lượng kiến thức của các bài có tăng nhiều và khó hơn so với trước nên địi hỏi các em phải dành nhiều thời

gian đểû học bài và soạn bài thì mới tiếp thu tốt bài học mới, vì thế một số học sinh yếu và chây lười trong học tập nếu không

cố gắng sẽ không theo kịp và bắt đầu chán nản.

Tình hình học 2 ca cũng khơng ít ảnh hưởng đến việc bồi dưỡng cho các em HS yếu kém cũng như các em học sinh khá giỏi.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>


<b>Sĩ </b>


<b>Chất lượng đầu năm</b>

<b>Chỉ tiêu phấn đấu</b>



<b>Học kì I</b>

<b>Cả năm</b>













SL % SL % SL % SL % SL % SL

% SL % SL % SL

% SL %









Đối với giáo viên:

Luôn sử dụng nhiều thủ thuật giảng dạy, làm và sử dụng giáo cụ trực quan trong giờ giảng tạo điều kiêïn cho học sinh dễ tiếp thu và

hiểu bài lâu hơn . Tổ chức nhiều trò chơi trong giờ học nhằm gây hứng thú cho các em học bộ môn này.

Phân loại học sinh theo từng đối tượng, đặc biệt là học sinh yếu kém để có biện pháp giúp đỡ và bồi dưỡng, cùng đi đôi với việc bồi

dưỡng học sinh khá giỏi tạo nguồn học sinh giỏi cho nhà trường.

Thường xuyên kiểm tra bài cũ, vở bài tập, vở học đồng thời chấn chỉnh thái độ học tập của một số học sinh chây lười trong học tập.

Yêu cầu các em học thật kỹ các nội dung trọng tâm của từng đơn vị bài học, giúp các em nắm vững kiến thức và vận dụng kiến thức tốt ngay

tại lớp.

Tổ chức thật nghiêm túc các giờ kiểm tra, tránh sự ỷ lại và chủ quan của học sinh , giúp các em xác định đúng đắn động cơ học tập của


<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Phối kết hợp cùng tổ bộ môn để tổ chức các hoạt động ngoại khóa nhằm khích lệ phong trào học tập bộ môn trong nhà trường.

2. Đối với học sinh



Phải có đầy đủ SGK, sách bài tập, vở ghi bài và làm bài tập. Sử dụng triệt để kênh chữ, kênh hình trong SGK để tìm

ra kiến thức mới.


Tập cho các em làm việc theo nhóm trước vấn đề giáo viên đặt ra. Các em tham gia thảo luận và phát biểu ý kiến

xây dựng bài trong q trình học tập sơi nổi...


Phát huy tính tự giác, độc lập trong học tập, biết quan sát, nhận xét, đánh giá rèn luyện kĩ năng


Nghiêm túc, tự giác trong kiểm tra, thi cử...


<i><b>KẾT QUẢ THỰC HIỆN</b></i>





<b>Sơ kết học kì I</b>

<b>Tổng kết cả năm</b>































<b>1. Cuối học kỳ I :</b>

( so sánh kết quả đạt được với chỉ tiêu phấn đấu , biện pháp tiếp tục nâng cao chất lượng trong học kỳ II )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>






<b>2. Cuối năm học : </b>

( so sánh kết quả đạt được với chỉ tiêu phấn đấu , rút kinh nghiệm năm sau )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>


<b>MÔN : TIẾNG ANH</b>

<b> KHOÁI </b>


<b>Unit </b>

<b>Sumof </b>



<b>Aims and</b>




<b>Teacher’s and</b>




<b>In troduce</b>


<b>Subject &</b>

<b>how to</b>


<b>English </b>


<sub>By the end of the period, students will </sub>

be able to know how important English

is and how to study it effectively,


to learn English well .

+Educate Ss to love learning English.



T:-Lesson plan


<b>UNIT 1</b>




_To present some new words related to

_To present some new words related to



_To enable Ss to use the verb

_To enable Ss to use the verb <b>be be </b>in the in the
present simple

present simple<b>..</b>

_To help Ss greet each other and identify

_To help Ss greet each other and identify



_To make Ss aware of the importance of

_To make Ss aware of the importance of



To help Ss ask for and say the health .

To help Ss ask for and say the health .

To present cardinal numbers from 0 to 20.

To present cardinal numbers from 0 to 20.

_To enable Ss to use cardinal numbers from 0_To enable Ss to use cardinal numbers from 0
to 20.

to 20.

_To enable Ss to use the WH-question with
<b>How old </b>




+ Words related to greetings.

+ Words related to greetings.

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>


I I <b>am / ‘mam / ‘m</b> Lan. Lan.

_My name

_My name <b>is / ‘s is / ‘s </b>LanLan

+ Words related to how to ask
+ Words related to how to ask
for and say the health
for and say the health


<b>__</b> How How <b>areare</b> you ? _ I you ? _ I<b>’m’m</b>

fine , thanks. And you ?
fine , thanks. And you ?
+ Words related to parts of the
+ Words related to parts of the

day.<b>- Structures- Structures</b>


<b>_</b> How How <b>areare</b> you ? _ We you ? _ We<b>’re’re</b>

fine , thank you.
fine , thank you.

_Good morning , Good afternoon
_Good morning , Good afternoon


<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

- To help Ss introduce a person’s name.
_To help Ss ask for and say the age

, Good evening , Goodbye / Bye
, Good evening , Goodbye / Bye
, Good night.

, Good night.

+ Words related to parts of the
+ Words related to parts of the

day.<b>- Structures- Structures</b>


<b>_</b> How How <b>areare</b> you ? _ We you ? _ We<b>’re’re</b>

fine , thank you.
fine , thank you.

_Good morning , Good afternoon
_Good morning , Good afternoon
, Good evening , Goodbye / Bye
, Good evening , Goodbye / Bye
, Good night.

, Good night.

+ Cardinal numbers from 0 to 20
+ Cardinal numbers from 0 to 20


<b>UNIT 2</b>

<b> AT</b>




To present some action verbs.
_To enable Ss to master commands<b>.</b>

_To help Ss give and obey orders.

_To make Ss aware of how to give orders .
To present some new words related to
personal information.

_To enable Ss to use the WH-questions with
<b>What</b> and <b>Where.</b>

_To help Ss ask for and give personal

To review the English Alphabet .

_To enable Ss to practice spelling and
mastering WH-questions with How, How old ,
What , Where

<b>.</b> To present some new words related to school
_To enable Ss to use the structure with <b>this / </b>
<b>that is</b> ( positive and yes-no question )
_To help Ss identify places , people and

_To make Ss love the class , the school , the
teachers and the friends.

_To present some new words related to school
and classroom.

_To enable Ss to use the question <b>What’s </b>
<b>this ?</b>


<b> Vocabulary</b>



+ some action verbs.


+ Sit down!


+ words related to personal
information. <b>- Structures- Structures</b>

<b>+ What </b>is your name ? _

<b>Where</b> do you live ?


+ the English Alphabet .<b>- - </b>

<b>+ </b>

<b>+ </b>WH-questions with How,
How old , What , Where


+ words related to school.
And classroom

<b> _ This is </b>

my school



<b>Is this </b>

your desk ?

<b>_ What’s this/ that ? </b>
<b> _ It’s a clock / an eraser.</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

To help Ss identify some objects in the
classroom , study implement .

_To make Ss aware of keeping things in good

<b>UNIT 3</b>

<b>AT HOME</b>



To present some new words related to things
in the living-roomand in the class
_To enable Ss to use the question <b>What’s </b>
<b>this / that ? </b>and<b> What are these / those?</b>

_To help Ss identify some objects in the
living- room .

_To make Ss aware of keeping things in good

_To present some new words related to family.
_To enable Ss to use the question <b>Who’s this / </b>
<b>that ? </b>, possessive pronouns.

_To help Ss talk about family members.
_To make Ss aware of the importance of


_To help Ss talk about family members.
_To make Ss aware of the importance of
family. To present cardinal numbers from 21 to

_To enable Ss to use cardinal numbers from 0
to 100 .<b> </b>

_ To present plural nouns.

_To enable Ss to use the question <b>How many </b>
<b>… ? </b>and<b> There is / are…</b>

_To help Ss ask for and say the number of

_To make Ss aware of keeping things in good

_To enable Ss to develop the reading skills
_To help Ss talk about family members ‘s job
and age .

To review the verb <b>be </b>( positive , question ,





+ words related to things in
the living-room.

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>

<b>_ What’s this/ that ? _ </b>
<b>What are these / those ?</b>


+ words related to family.
<b>_ Who’s this/ that ?</b>
<b> _ There is / are………</b>


+ cardinal numbers from 21
to 100


+ review vocabulary related
to things in the classroom and
in the living-room.

<b>_ How many windows are there ? </b>
<b>_ There is one. / There are ( two ). </b>

<b>- Grammar</b>

<b>_ Plural nouns</b>


Words related to family.

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>
_ <b>There are …….. </b>
<b>_ This is ………. </b>

<b>cardinal numbers </b>

_ verb <b>be </b>( positive , question
, negative )and <b>personal </b>

<b>- </b>

<b>- commands</b>

_ Question words <b>What , </b>
<b>How , Where , How many</b> ,


<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

negative )and <b>personal pronoun</b>

_To review the question words <b>What , How , </b>
<b>Where , How many</b> , <b>Who</b>

<b> _</b>To review<b> cardinal numbers </b>
<b> _</b>To review <b>commands</b>
- To help Ss give information.




+ All from unit 1 to unit 3

+Check what they learned


- View all they learn



T:-Lesson plan




-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&prepare the

new lessons.

<b>THE FIRST</b>

<b> 45-MINUTE</b>
<b>TEST </b>


<sub>+ Check the knowledge from Unit 1 to </sub>

Unit 3

- The knowledge in the

units 1, 2,3



T: -Test papers

Ss: review




<sub>+ Correct the test</sub>


<sub>The knowledge</sub>

in the units 1, 2,3



-Test papers


To review vocabulary related to school and
the verb <b>be.</b>

_To enable Ss to use the possessive case and


_To help Ss describe location and size of




+ words related toschool and



- Preposition of time


_possessive case


<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>UNIT 4</b>

<b>BIG </b>

<b>OR SMALL</b>


_To make Ss aware of the importance of class
and school. _To present vocabulary related to

school and ordinal numbers.
_To enable Ss to use WH-questions with
<b>which</b> and the verb <b>have.</b>.

_To help Ss ask for and talk about grade and
class and describe the school .

_To make Ss aware of the importance of class
and school

To present ordinal numbers.

_ To review vocabulary related school
_To enable Ss to use WH-questions with
<b>which</b> and the verb <b>have.</b>.

To help Ss ask for and talk about grade and
class and describe the school .

_To make Ss aware of the importance of class
and school.

To present vocabulary related to routines.
_To enable Ss to use the present simple tense
of the ordinary verbs.

_To help Ss talk about habitual actions .
_To help Ss ask for and say the time

_To make Ss aware of having good habits .

To review cardinal numbers.

_To enable Ss to use WH-question with <b>What</b>

_To help Ss ask for and say the time

_present simple of


_What time …?

_How many….?

-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&prepare the

new lessons.




+ All from unit 4 to unit 5

+Check what they learned

_To review Simple Present Tense ( positive ,
WH -questions , Yes-No Questions , negative)
_To review the asking for and telling the


_To review the prepositions <b>at , on , in , </b>
<b>from … to … , to , after</b>


- View all they learn



<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

_To review vocabulary related to school
subjects and days of the week, the ordinary

the old lessons

&prepare the

new lessons.

<b>UNIT 6</b>

<b> PLACES</b>



country.To present vocabulary related to the


To enable Ss to read the text about Thuy and
where Thuy lives .

_To help Ss give personal details and describe

_To make Ss aware of the importance of a

house’s location

_To help Ss describe surroundings.
_To make Ss aware of the importance of a
house’s location

To present vocabulary related to city buildings


To enable Ss to use certain prepositions of

_To help Ss develop the reading skills .
_To make Ss aware of the advantage of living
in the city .

To present vocabulary related to the house’s
surroundings .

_To make Ss aware of how important

the environment is .

_ To present vocabulary related to city
buildings .



To enable Ss to use the
structure” There is/are”
-Vocabularies related to the

-Vocabularies related to city
buildings .

prepositions of

position:near, in , next

to, on, infront of,

behind , to the left of,

to the right of ,

between , opposite

_Where , Which , What




T: -Lesson plan





-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meaning


<b> 45-MINUTE</b>



+ Check the knowledge from Unit 4 to

Unit 6

* - The knowledge in

the units 4, 5, 6



T: -Test papers

Ss: review

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>


<sub>units 4, 5, 6</sub>


<b>UNIT 7</b>




To present vocabulary related to country .
_To enable Ss to use Yes-No questions .
_To help Ss develop the speaking skills.
_To make Ss aware of how to take care of the

house .

_ To help Ss identify places

To help Ss develop the reading skills.

_ To make Ss aware of how important the love
for hometown.

To present vocabulary related to means of

_ To enable Ss to use How- questions with the
simple present .
_ To help Ss ask and talk about transportation.
_ To make Ss aware of how important the
transportation safety is.

To present vocabulary related to routine.
_To enable Ss to use Yes-No questions and
WH-questions with the simple present .
_ To help Ss ask and talk about habitual

_ To make Ss aware of how important the
work arrangement is.

+ Words related to

+ Words related to country,



<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>

adverbial phrase


_There is/are

_yes-no questions

<i>What is that</i> ? , <i>What are </i>
<i>those</i> ? , I<i>s / Are There </i>…?
Yes-No questions and
WH-questions with the simple
present .



T: -Lesson plan





-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meaning

<b>UNIT 8</b>



_To review vocabulary related to means of

_To enable Ss to use the present continuous

_ To help Ss talk about actions in progress.
_ To make Ss aware of how important the
work arrangement is.

_To present some vocabulary.

_To enable Ss to use can and can’<i>t</i>, use <i>must</i>


+ Words related to how to+ Words related to how to
means of transportation.

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>


To review the simple
present tense of the ordinary
verb, the present continuous

tense , the question words
(<i>Where , Who , What , When , </i>
<i>How</i> ), the prepositions of



T: -Lesson plan


<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b>OUT AND</b>


and <i>mustn’t</i>.
_ To help Ss give permission and make

_To help Ss talk about an obligation and make

_ To make Ss aware of traffic rule.

position , the modal verbs


the old lessons

<sub>&look up new </sub>

words’ meanings




-To review the simple present tense of the
ordinary verb, the present continuous tense ,
the question words (<i>Where , Who , What , </i>
<i>When , How</i> ), the prepositions of position ,
the modal verbs <i>can , can’t , must , mustn’t.</i>


To review the simple
present tense of the ordinary
verb, the present continuous
tense , the question words
(<i>Where , Who , What , When , </i>
<i>How</i> ), the prepositions of
position , the modal verbs



T: -Lesson plan





-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings

<b>REVISION &</b>

<b>THE FIRST</b>
<b>TERM EXAM</b>


+ Review the knowledge from Unit 1

to Unit 8

+Correct the first term test mistakes


To review the simple present tense of the
ordinary verb, the present continuous tense ,
the question words (<i>Where , Who , What , </i>
<i>When , How</i> , <i>How many , How old , What time</i>
<i>, Which</i> ) , the prepositions of time and
position .<b>_</b> Revision of vocabulary related to
sports , family , job , subjects , days of the
week , places , means of transportation

- The knowledge has

been learned from unit 1

to unit 8



T:-sample test


<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>THE FIRST</b>

<b>TERM TEST</b>


+The first term test

- The knowledge has

<sub>been learned from unit 1</sub>

to unit 8



T:- test papers

Ss: review

<b>THE FIRST</b>
<b>TERM TEST</b>


+Correct the first term test mistakes

- The knowledge has

been learned from unit 1

to unit 8



T:- test papers

<b>UNIT 9</b>





_To present vocabulary related to parts of the

_ To enable Ss to use <i>What is this ?</i>
_ To help Ss identify parts of the body.
_ To make Ss aware of the importance of
keeping the body clean.

- To enable Ss to use The structure “ S + be +
adj “

_ To help Ss describe a person ‘s appearance.
-_To enable Ss to use the noun phrase ( a / an
+ adj + noun )
_ To help Ss identify parts of the head.
_To make Ss aware of the importance of
making the face beautiful .

_To enable Ss to use the structure <i>What color </i>
<i>+ be + S ?</i>

_ To help Ss ask for and tell the color of
something ._

- To make Ss aware of the importance of
making the face beautiful .




+ Words related to

+ Words related to parts of
the body.

-Vocabulary related to
feelings and needs.

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>

To enable Ss to use The
<i><b>structure “ S + be + adj “</b></i>
To enable Ss to use the
structure <i>What color + be + S</i>

<i>What color + be + S ?</i>



T: -Lesson plan


<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

-_To review vocabulary related to color and
parts of the head .

_To enable Ss to use <i>the verbhave</i>
_ To help Ss describe a person ‘s appearance.

_ To make Ss aware of how important our
health is .

<b>UNIT 10</b>





To present vocabulary related to feelings
and needs. ( food / drink )

_To enable Ss to use <i>How do you feel ?</i>
_ To help Ss ask and tell about feelings and
needs .

_ To make Ss aware of how important staying
healthy is .

-To enable Ss to practise <i>How do you feel ? </i>
<i>What would you like ?</i>

To enable Ss to practise <i>There is / are</i> and
<i>some / any</i>

_ To help Ss identify food and drink

- To enable Ss to practise <i>would like</i> for polite

_ To help Ss make a polite request.

-To present vocabulary related to vegetables
and drink .

_To enable Ss to use the verb <i>like</i> ( question
and positive form )

_ To help Ss how to express an interest.


<b> Vocabulary</b>


+ Words related to

+ Words related to feelings
and needs. ( food / drink
vegetables and drink )
_To present vocabulary
related to food

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>

<i>-How do you feel ? What </i>
<i>would you like ?</i>

<i>-</i>The verb <i>like</i> ( question and
positive form )



T:-Lesson plan




-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&prepare the

new lessons.

<b>UNIT 11</b>


_To present vocabulary related to containers
, food and other things .

_To enable Ss to use the noun phrase ( n + of +
n )

_ To help Ss make a polite request .
_ To make Ss aware of how important the
suitable expense is .

- _To review vocabulary related to food / drink


<b> Vocabulary</b>


+ Words related to

+ Words related to
containers , food and other
things .

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>


How much / many ?
-<i> would like</i>


<i> How much + is / are + S ?</i>



T: -Lesson plan



<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>WHAT DO</b>

<b>YOU EAT</b>



/ fruit

_To enable Ss to use <i>How much / many</i>
_ To help Ss ask and talk about quantity.
To enable Ss to use <i>would like</i>

_ To help Ss ask and tell what someone would
like for meals .

To enable Ss to use <i>How much + is / are + S ?</i>
_ To help Ss ask and say the price

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings




<sub>+ </sub>

<sub>To review vocabulary related to food / </sub>

drink / container and adjectives for describing

_To enable Ss to use Question words , Present
simple , Present continuous , a/ an /some / any


To review vocabulary
related to food / drink /
container and adjectives for
describing people.

_To enable Ss to use
Question words , Present
simple , Present continuous ,
a/ an /some / any



T: -Lesson plan





-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings

<b>THE THIRD</b>

<b> 45-MINUTE</b>
<b>TEST </b>


<sub>+ Check the knowledge from Unit 9 to </sub>

Unit 11

- The knowledge in the

units 9, 10, 11



T: -Test papers

Ss: review


<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<b>UNIT 12</b>






To present vocabulary related to sports ,to
pastime activities..

_To enable Ss to use <i>Present continuous and </i>
<i>Present simple .</i>

_ To help Ss tell who is doing something and
tell about pastime activities

_ To make Ss aware of how important for
health playing sports is

- To help Ss tell about frequency.

_To make Ss aware of the importance of work

. _ To help Ss develop the reading skills




+ Words related to

+ Words related to sports
,to pastime activities..

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>

-Which sports do/

does + s + want?

-What =is/are+ S+ doing

now ?

- How often……… ?

-Always, usually. Often,

sometimes, never



T: -Lesson plan





-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings

<b>UNIT 13</b>

<b>AND THE</b>



-To present vocabulary related to the
weather and the seasons and activities

-To enable Ss to use the structure <i>S + is + adj</i>

- To help Ss ask and tell about the weather in
each season / city.

- To make Ss aware of the fact that the
weather forecast is necessary.

--To enable Ss to use the structure <i>What </i>
<i>season do you like ?.</i>

- To help Ss ask and tell about the favorite

--To review vocabulary related to the weather
and activities.

- To enable Ss to use the structure <i></i>
<i>When-clause .</i>

- To help Ss tell about some common
activities depending on the weather

. -To review vocabulary related to the seasons
and activities.

- To enable Ss to use the present simple with

+ “



+ Words related to

+ Words related to the
weather , the seasons and


<i>-What season do you like ?</i>
<i>-</i> The structure <i>When-clause .</i>


The present simple with the
adverb of frequency



T: -Lesson plan


<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

the adverb of frequency <i>.</i>

- To help Ss tell about some common
activities depending on the weather .

<b>UNIT 14</b>





-To present vocabulary related to vacation ,
to sports and pastime .

- To enable Ss to make plans with be going to
+ inf


To make Ss aware of the importance of

- To enable Ss to make free time plans with <i>be</i>
<i>going to + inf</i> in the near future.

-- To make Ss aware of the importance of
work arrangement.

<i>-</i> To enable Ss to <i>Let’s / Why don’t we + inf </i>
<i>and What about + V-ing.</i>

<i>-</i> To make Ss aware of the importance of




+ Words related to

+ Words related to vacation
, to sports and pastime .

<b>- Structures</b>
<b>- Structures</b>


The near future.


be going to + inf

- Let’s / Why don’t we + inf
and What about + V-ing.



T: -Lesson plan





-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings





To review some vocabulary related to
sports and pastime , food and drink .
_To review the present simple , the present
continuous and the near future


To review some

vocabulary related to sports
and pastime , food and drink .
_To review the present
simple , the present
continuous and the near



T: -Lesson plan


<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b> 45-MINUTE</b>

<b>TEST </b>


<sub>+ Check the knowledge from Unit 12 </sub>

to Unit 14

- The knowledge in the

units 12, 13, 14



T: -Test papers

Ss: review




+ Correct the test

- The knowledge in the

<sub>units 12, 13, 14</sub>



-Test papers

<b> </b>

<b>UNIT 15</b>




-To present vocabulary related to countries ,
languages and nationality .

- To enable Ss to tell where people are from
and what language they speak.

- To make Ss aware of how necessary people
know the countries in the world.

-- To enable Ss to tell what a person ‘s

nationality is .

- To enable Ss to write a postcard
-To present vocabulary related to cities ,
buildings and people

- To enable Ss to compare the one with the
other (using comparative )and the one with the
others(using superlative ).

-To present vocabulary related to natural

- To enable Ss to describe natural features

-- To make Ss love the nature and the country.




+ Words related to

+ Words related to
countries , languages and
nationality - to cities ,
buildings and people


<b>--</b> <b>StructuresStructures</b>


Compare the one with the
other (using comparative )
and the one with the
others(using superlative ).
-long,longer, the longest
-big, bigger, the biggest
… is longer than……..



T: -Lesson plan





-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<b>UNIT 16</b>

<b>MAN AND</b>





country life.

--Presenting vocabulary related to

-To enable Ss to use indefinite quantifiers.
- To help Ss develop the reading skills .
- To make Ss aware of how necessary
protecting the environment is .
--Revision of indefinite quantifiers
-Presenting vocabulary related to
environment .

+ Words related to

+ Words related to the
country life,to the



<b>--</b> <b>StructuresStructures</b>

Some/ a lot of / afew.

-too much

-Why ?

- Because ..

-should / shouldn’t





-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings





Review the knowledge from Unit

15to Unit 16



QUANTIFIERS , The structures ( Unit 15_16 )

Review the

knowledge from Unit

15 to Unit 16


-To review PRESENT

structures ( Unit 15_16 )



T: -Lesson plan




-Adjectives, adverbs

-Like / Dislike /


<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings


<b>FOR THE</b>




<sub>+Review vocabulary and structures</sub>

from Unit 9 to Unit 16

Check the knowledge from Unit 9 to

Unit 16



-Review all or what

is necessary



T: -Lesson plan




-extra board

Ss: Do the

homework, learn

the old lessons

&look up new

words’ meanings









<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>



<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<i>Lêe V</i>


<i>n Nam</i>



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