Treatment of Pain with Tung’s
Acupuncture – An Introduction
Pain in our Clinics
! Moderate to severe pain is one of the most
common reasons for primary care visits in the
United States
McCarberg BH, Nicholson BD, Todd KH, Palmer T, Penles L. The impact of pain on
quality of life and the unmet needs of pain management: results from pain sufferers
and physicians participating in an Internet survey. Am J Ther. 2008;15:312-320.
! Pain is the most common condition treated in the
acupuncture clinic (40%)
Pain in Chinese Medicine
Ward-Cook K, Hahn T, ed. NCCAOM 2008 Job Task Analysis, Jacksonville:
NCCAOM, 2010.
Pain in Chinese Medicine
! Descriptions of treating pain account for
a significant portion of early medical
literature, such as the Huang Di Nei Jing
! Pain is associated with stagnation, and in
classical literature caused by cold
Tong Bing Bi Yu
There must be stasis in painful disorders.
Bu Tong Ze Tong, Tong Ze Bu Tong
If there is no free flow there is pain, establish free
flow and there will be no pain.
Case Study 1 – Lumbar Pain
! April 2015; 50 year old female, acute lumbar pain after air
travel; patient complained of bilateral lower back pain with
pain slightly worse on the left; reduced range of motion
with limited left trunk rotation
! Main treatment point = Right Zheng Shui 正水穴
Secondary points = Left Wan Shun Yi 22.08, Wan Shun Er 22.09
! ROM normalized almost as point inserted and patient
asked to stand and move; pain also almost completed
abated soon after needles inserted
Zheng Shui 正水穴
! Location: 3 point group; on the horizontal midline of the
posterior proximal phalanx of the 5th (small) finger; one point
on the midline of the finger (over the bone), and then one point
each on the ulnar and radial margins of the phalangeal bone
! Functions: Drains the lower jiao, rectifies water and disperses
! Indications: Pyelitis (inflammation of the renal pelvis), cystitis,
urethritis, sour pain of the lumbar region, back pain, aching pain
in the leg bones, injury and pain of the lateral leg
! Needle: 0.1-0.2" insertion
Wan Shun Yi 腕順一穴 22.08 &
Wan Shun Er腕順二穴 22.09
Zheng Shui 正水穴
! Location: On the ulnar margin of the hand on the junction of the red
and white skin, 2.5 cun distal to the wrist joint crease, 0.5 cun
proximal to Hou Xi (S.I.-3); and 1.5 cun distal to the wrist joint crease,
1 cun proximal to Wan Shun Yi (22.08); on the Small Intestine
on the Small Intestine channel
Functions: Enriches the Kidneys and disinhibits urine, frees the
Kidneys and settles pain
Indications: Headache, back pain (especially due to Kidney vacuity),
fatigue, nephritis, pain and fatigue of the whole body, dizziness (due to
Kidney depletion), sciatica, edema of the limbs; epistaxis(Wan Shun
Yi 22.08 only); hip pain (Wan Shun Er 22.09)
Needle: 0.5-1.0" perpendicular insertion
Wan Shun Yi 腕順一穴 22.08 &
Wan Shun Er腕順二穴 22.09
Tung Family Acupuncture
! Family lineage dating
back to Han Dynasty*
! Passed down from father
to eldest son
! Incorporates unique set
of extra points, as well as
14 channel points
Characteristics of Tung’s Acupuncture
! Pre-TCM classical acupuncture system
! Extensive use of unique extra points
! Almost exclusive use of distal (distant) point
treatment; points needled mostly contralaterally
! Minimal number of needles per treatment (usually <
6 needles)
! Use of special point combination and stimulation
techniques, including bleeding
Tung’s Points
! “Orthodox channel extra points” 正經奇穴
! Distributed over entire body
! Organized by zone of distribution; have an
original Chinese name and a modern
numbering system (e.g., Ling Gu 22.05)
! Not originally associated with channels, but
rather “reflex areas” 神經
! Each zone functions similar to a microsystem
Zone Characteristics
Point Distribution
Number of Points
27 (55)
Palm and dorsal hand
11 (22)
Upper Arm
Plantar aspect of foot
Dorsal Foot
28 (2)
32 (12)
25 (2)
Ventral and Dorsal Trunk
VT and DT
17 (9)
! Certain zones have special characteristics
! Finger, hands, head treat more acute conditions
and get faster symptom relief
! Leg and thigh (especially thigh) treat more chronic
and recalcitrant conditions
! Trunk points are mostly bled, not needled
Bleeding Points (examples)
Core Theory
Black box: causal chains are unknown.
A model is required which links acupuncture
points and their effects in a reliable, rational,
and reproducible way.
“Heaven, Earth and Humanity [are] in Harmony”
天地人和 Tiān Dì Rén Hé
According to Chinese philosophy man is a microcosm or hologram of
the natural world with structural and functional characteristics
corresponding to those of its immediate environment and nature, as
well as to those of the universe.
On a smaller scale, analogous rules of correspondence can be observed
within the human organism: parts of the body can be viewed as
microsystems or holograms representing the whole. Likewise, channels
and tissues have various correspondences. This provides us with a
reliable tool for point selection.
Humans and Nature are in Harmony
! 天地人和 Tiān Dì Rén Hé
! Humans are a Microcosm or Hologram of the
natural world
! In the body we have numerous Taiji Holograms
" Quan
Yang L. 周易与中医学 [The Zhou Changes and Chinese Medicine]. Beijing:
Beijing Science Technology Publishing House, 1999.
Humanity and the Universe
! “A human body is the image of Heaven and Earth”
! 人身應天地
! “A human body is a small Heaven and Earth”
! 人身小天地
" Zhang
Jie Bin (in the Lei Jing)
! “Yin and Yang are the Dao of Heaven and Earth”
! 陰陽者天地之道也
" Yin
Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun (Su Wen Ch. 5)
Xi = Microsystem/Hologram
Rules of Diagnosis and Treatment
! Holographic Correspondence
Identifying diseased locations of the body to choose
treatment location
! Channel Correspondence
! Identify diseased channels to choose treatment channels
! Tissue Correspondence
! Identify diseased Zang-Fu and tissues to choose point
location and needling methods
McCann H, Ross H-G. Practical Atlas of Tung’s Acupuncture. Munich: Müller and Steinicke20, 2018.
Shubs J. The foundations of channel theory. Journal of Chinese Medicine 100 Oct 2012:53-61.
Young WC. Lectures on Tung’s Acupuncture: Therapeutics. Rowland Heights, CA: American Chinese
Medical Culture Center, 2008.
Wang M. 董氏奇穴精要整理. Shenyang: Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House, 2011.
Holographic Correspondence
Tung’s Correspondence of arm and Leg
[Large Taiji]
! Large Taiji Holograms
Body mapped out onto large regions of the body
Limb to limb, trunk to limb
Elbow and knee are pivot points
" Originally
described in philosophical, martial arts & Dao Yin / Qigong writings
! Small Taiji Holograms
Body mapped out onto small structure, such as long bones
Ear, hand or scalp acupuncture are examples of this mapping
Tung’s Korrespondenz Arm – Bein [Großes Taiji]
Tung’s Correspondence of the extremities
[Large Taiji]
Large Taiji:
Correspondence between head, trunk and extremities
Knee-navel-elbow level
Genital area
Tung’s Korrespondenz der Extremitọten
[Groòes Taiji]
Groòes Taiji:
Abbildung von Kopf und Rumpf auf Extremitọten
Small Taiji
Small Taiji - Kleines Taiji
! Most completely described by Zhang Yingqing, developer
of ECIWO theory in early 1970s (prior to publication of
any material on Tung’s acupuncture correspondences)
! Similar time period of other microsystem development
such as Korean hand acupuncture by Tae Woo Yoo
! ECIWO describes that all small parts of the body are
microsystems (全息), and all long bones can be
Zhang YQ. ECIWO and Its Applications to Medicine. Jinan: Shandong Science
and Technology Press, 1991.
Zhang YQ. ECIWO and Its Applications to Medicine. Jinan: Shandong Science and
Technology Press, 1991.
Small Taiji – Long Bones
Kleines Taiji – Röhrenknochen
Small Taiji – Palm Diagnosis
McCann H, Ross H-G. Practical Atlas of Tung’s Acupuncture. Munich: Mü̈ller
and Steinicke, 2018.
Small Taiji – Palm Diagnosis
Wu Zang Bie Tong 五臟別通:
Branching Connections of the Five Zang
! Branching connections describe Yin-Yang channels pairings
(as opposed to Yin-Yin or Yang-Yang as described already)
! Described in many early classics such as the Yi Xue Ru Men
(Entering the Gate of Medicine – Ming Dynasty); derived
also from Su Wen Chapter 6
! Also known as Zang Fu Bie Tong 臟腑別通 (Young)
McCann H, Ross H-G. Practical Atlas of Tung’s Acupuncture. Munich: Müller and Steinicke, 2018.
Young WC. Lectures on Tung’s Acupuncture: Therapeutics. Rowland Heights, CA: American Chinese
Medical Culture Center, 2008.
Wang M. 董氏奇穴精要整理. Shenyang: Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House, 2011.
Channel Correspondence - same Name Channels
Korrespondenz von Leibahnen gleicher Namen
! Taiyang ↔ Taiyang
! UB ↔ SI
! Bl ↔ Dü
! Shaoyang ↔ Shaoyang
! GB ↔ SJ
! GB ↔ SJ
! Yangming ↔ Yangming
! St ↔ LI
! Ma ↔ Di
! Taiyin ↔ Taiyin
! Sp ↔ Lu
! MP ↔ Lu
! Shaoyin ↔ Shaoyin
! Kd ↔ Ht
! Ni ↔ He
! Jueyin ↔ Jueyin
! Lv ↔ Pc
! Le ↔ Pe
Yin Yang Li He Lun (SW6)
Three Yang
Three Yin
Taiyang is the open
Yangming is the close
Shaoyang is the pivot
Taiyin is the open
Jueyin is the close
Shaoyin is the pivot
Channel Correspondence Wu Zang Bie Tong 五臟別通
! Taiyang ↔ Taiyin
! Shaoyang ↔ Shaoyin
! Yangming ↔ Jueyin
Clock Channel Correspondence
! UB ↔ LU
! Bl ↔ Lu
! SI ↔ SP
! Dü ↔ MP
! GB ↔ HT
! GB ↔ He
! SJ ↔ KD
! SJ ↔ Ni
! ST ↔ PC
! Ma ↔ Pe
! LI ↔ LR
! Di ↔ Le
Tissue Correspondence
From Guan Zhen
(Ling Shu 7)
The first is called one-half piercing (ban ci). For one-half needling,
shallowly insert, then quickly withdraw the needle without injuring the
flesh. It is like plucking a fine hair and is used to treat the skin qi. It is in
resonance with the lungs.
! 二曰豹文刺,豹文刺者,左右前後針之,中脈為故,以取經絡之血者,此心
The second is called the leopard's spots piercing (bao wen ci). Leopard's
spots piercing involves piercing in left and right, front and back [to the
diseased location]. This strikes the vessels, and is used to remove blood
from the channels and network vessels. It is in resonance with the heart.
Tissue Correspondence
To Treat
! Skin
! Skin and Lung
! Vessels
! Vessels and Heart
! Flesh
! Flesh and Spleen
! Sinew
! Sinew and Liver
! Bone
! Bone and Kidney
Acupuncture Points
Acupuncture Points
Tissue / Zang
Potentially effective
Areas, Channels, and Points
Needle Rules and Methods
! Needle distal (distant) and contralateral; bleed
Distant Point Needling
! “Hence, those who know well how to use the
! Dao Yin (Guiding) 導引針法or Dong Qi (Moving)
needles [i.e., the superior acupuncturist], from the
yin they pull the yang and from they yang they pull
the yin. With the right they treat the left and with
the left they treat the right.”
! Simple stimulation technique, long retention
! Yin
! Dao Ma (Coupled Horses) Technique 倒馬針法
! AlsocalledHuiMa回馬
Technique 動氣針法
McCann H, Ross H-G. Practical Atlas of Tung’s Acupuncture. Munich: Müller and Steinicke, 2012.
Li GZ. 台灣董氏針灸倒馬針刺療法 [Taiwan’s Tung Lineage Dao Ma Needle Therapy]. Taipei: Zhi Yuan Bookstore, 1999.
Wang M. 董氏奇穴精要整理. Shenyang: Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House, 2011
Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun, SW5; tr. Unschuld, 2011,
vol I, p.120
! 故善用鍼者,從陰引陽,從陽引陰,以右治左,以左治右
How do we treat pain?
Needling and Movement
! “When the physical body is joyful while the mind suffers,
Bù Tōng Zé Tòng, Tōng Zé Bú Tòng
If there is no free flow there is pain,
establish free flow and there will be no pain
disease is engendered in the vessels. Treat it with
cauterization [moxa] and piercing.”
" The
physical body is not damaged or overtaxed. Mind/emotions leads
to diseases in the circulation of Ying/Wei. Mind-intent leads and the
Qi follows (意到氣到).
" 形樂志苦,病生於脈,治之以灸刺
! “When the physical body is joyful and the mind is joyful
as well, disease is engendered in the flesh. Treat it with
needles and stones.”
" The
‘body is joyful’ means no laboring or physical movement leading
to stagnation.
" 形樂志樂,病生於肉,治之以鍼石
Needling and Movement
! “When the physical body suffers while the mind is
joyful, disease is engendered in the sinews. Treat it
with ironing and pulling.”
" Here
there is injury to the muscles and connective tissue (sinews
筋). The circulation of Qi and Blood in the channels and vessels is
not yet systematically damaged. Ironing is the application of
poultices or other topical application of hot medicinal substances
(e.g., herb packs), and pulling is movement therapy such as Dao
Yin (導引) or Dao Yin / Dong Qi needle technique.
" 形苦志樂,病生於筋,治之以熨引
Case Study 2 – Lumbar Pain
! 80 year old with severe lumbar pain. She has a
history of kidney cancer (treated by nephrectomy 1
year ago), and a diagnosis of osteoporosis and spinal
stenosis. She is very stiff and has difficulty walking
upright. Hands are cold on palpation and the Kidney
region is very pale. Pulse is deep and weak.
! Su
Wen 24 (Blood, Qi, Body, Mind 血氣形志); translations
based on Unschuld, 2011
Case Study 2 – Lumbar Pain
! Dx: Kidney vacuity cold with blood stasis
! Tx: Shui Tong 1010.19 threaded to Shui Jin 1010.20,
Wan Shun Yi 22.08, Wan Shun Er 22.09, Ren Huang
77.21 (i.e., San Yin Jiao SP-6)
! Rx: Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
" Du
Huo 9g, Xi Xin 3g, Fang Feng 9g, Qin Jiao 9g, Sang Ji Sheng 12g, Du
Zhong 12g, Dang Gui 12g, Chuan Xiong 6g, Sheng Di 12g, Bai Shao 12g, Fu
Ling 12g, Huai Niu Xi 12g, Dang Shen 12g, Gui Zhi 9g, Zhi Gan Cao 6g; 5:1
granular concentrated dosed 4g b.i.d.
Shui Tong 水通穴 1010.19 & Shui Jin 水金穴 1010.20
! Location: 0.4 cun inferior to the corner of the mouth (Shui Ting),
and 0.4 cun obliquely medial (and a little inferior) to Shui Tong
! Functions: Benefits the Kidneys, secures the Root, warms the
channels and frees the network vessels
! Indications: Low back pain, acute lumbar sprain, rheumatism,
vertigo, dizziness, fatigue, dyspnea, asthma
! Needle: Oblique needling from medial to lateral to connect Shui
Tong 1010.19 and Shui Jin 1010.20
Shui Tong 水通穴 1010.19 & Shui Jin 水金穴 1010.20
How do we treat pain?
! “For Fixed Painful Obstruction that does not
leave, with long term Cold that has no end,
choose San Li (ST36)” LS19
! 著痺不去,久寒不已,卒取其三里
Bù Róng Zé Tịng
“If there is no nourishment, there is pain”
Ling Gu 靈骨穴 22.05
Ling Gu 靈骨穴 22.05
! Location: On the dorsum of the hand, at the junction of the first and
second metacarpal bones, on the Large Intestine channel
! Functions: Frees the channels and quickens the network vessels, clears
and regulates Lung qi, frees and descends the Stomach and intestines,
frees the qi and disperses stasis
! Indications: Migraine, low back pain, sciatica, facial paralysis,
hemiplegia, tinnitus, deafness, menstrual disorders (irregular, scanty,
profuse, absent), polyuria, incontinence, foot pain, intestinal pain,
difficult labor, angina pectoris, emphysema, pneumonia
! Needle: 0.5-2.0" perpendicular insertion; can be needled through to the
thenar eminence (Hand Taiyin Channel)
! Notes: Contraindicated in pregnancy
Metacarpal Three Needles 掌三針
! Dao Ma Point Group on second metacarpal (Zhang 掌
stands for ‘metacarpal’ 掌骨)
! Ling Gu 靈骨 22.05, Da Bai 大白 22.04, and Zhong Kui 重魁
! Indications: Emphysema, back pain, hemiplegia, irregular
menses, dysmenorrhea, pneumonia, sciatica, lumbar pain,
pediatric asthma, high fever, headache, nasal pain,
trigeminal neuralgia; all chronic diseases, unusual diseases,
all diseases of Qi stagnation or that lead to stagnation of the
Wu Hu 五虎穴 11.27
! Location: 5 point group; evenly distributed on the radial side of the
proximal phalanx of the thumb at the border between the palmar and
dorsal surfaces of the thumb (on the junction of the red and white
Functions: Opens the channels and quickens the network vessels,
disperses swelling and stops pain
Indications: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, acute
injury; pain of hands, fingers, feet, toes, heels. Specific indications:
#1- pain of fingers palm, #3- toe pain, #4- dorsal foot pain, instep
pain, #5- heel pain; #2- assistant to form Dao Ma with #1 or #3
Needle: 0.1-0.2" insertion
Note: Can be combined with Ling Gu 22.05 and Da Bai 22.04 to treat
bony swelling
Wu Hu 五虎穴 11.27
Shou Jie 手解穴 22.10
! Location: On the palm, between the 4th and 5th metacarpals, 0.5 cun
proximal to the distal transverse crease; on the Heart channel. Overlaps
with Shao Fu HT-8
! Functions: Regulates and harmonizes the qi and blood, courses the
channels and quickens the network vessels, settles and tranquilizes,
quiets the spirit
! Indications: Iatrogenic effects of acupuncture treatment (e.g., dizziness
or pain/numbness), severe trauma, intense pain (from disordered
movement of Qi and Blood), sciatica, lumbar pain, trigeminal neuralgia,
pain of the entire body, post-surgical pain, food poisoning, ingestion of
toxic herbs, severe and acute pain from gastroenteritis, use as
acupuncture anesthesia for tooth extraction or uterine surgeries
(experience of Taiwanese authors)
Shou Jie 手解穴 22.10
Shou Jie 手解穴 22.10
! Needle: 0.3-0.5" perpendicular insertion; retain needle for
3 to 5 minutes to treat iatrogenic effects of acupuncture (if
effect was caused by one specific needle, apply needle on
opposite side of the body); for severe trauma or generalized
pain syndromes longer retention is applicable.
How do we treat pain?
! Chronic pain patients often present with depression; one
study of chronic pain patients on opioids found that 61%
had major depression
" Bouckoms
AJ, et al. Chronic nonmalignant pain treated with long-term oral narcotic
analgesics. Ann Clin Psychiatry 1992;4:185–92.
! Depression makes pain feel worse
" Fishbain
DA. Approaches to treatment decisions for psychiatric comorbidity in the
management of the chronic pain patient. Med Clin North Am 1999;83(3):737–60.
! Pain causes depression as often as depression causes pain
" Merskey
H. Psychological medicine, pain, and musculoskeletal disorders. Rheum Dis Clin
North Am 1996;22(3):623–39.
Zu Jiu Li 足九里
How do we treat pain?
! Neijing recognizes that pain and emotional disorders are related;
the Ju Tong Lun (SW39) describes pain first and then goes on to
describe emotional states and how they effect the qi and blood
! 諸痛瘡癢皆屬於心 All pain, sores and itching are subordinate to
the Heart.
From Zhi Zhen Yao Da Lun 至真要大論, Su Wen 74
Tong Ze Bu Song, Bu Song Ze Tong
“Pain causes an non-relaxation,
non-relax causes pain”
Zu Jiu Li 足九里
! Location: Zhong Jiu Li 中九里穴 88.25 is located at the midpoint of the
median line of the lateral thigh, where the tip of the middle finger
touches when a person stands erect with their arms hanging by their
sides; Shang Jiu Li 上九里穴 88.26 is 1.5 cun anterior to Zhong Jiu Li
88.25, between the Gallbladder and Stomach channels; Xia Jiu Li 下九
里穴 88.26 is 1.5 posterior to Zhong Jiu Li 88.25
! Functions: Benefit qi and treat blood, free and disinhibit the joints,
soothe the sinews and transform stasis
! Indications: Migraine, low back pain, cervical spondylosis, numbness
and pain of the hand and arm, facial paralysis or pain, dizziness,
tinnitus, leg or knee pain, hemiplegia, bone spurs, lack of strength in
the nerves (神經無力); lung diseases or inflammation; arm pain;
abdominal pain or distention
! Needle: 1.5” – 3” perpendicular insertion
! Notes: Zhong Jiu Li 88.25 with Ling Gu or San Cha San
treats hemiplegia; with Tian Huang 77.17 treats shoulder
pain or frozen shoulder; with Upper Three Yellows (Shang
San Huang) treats wandering pain, although treatment
takes time; Xia Jiu Li 88.27 together with Jian Zhong 44.06
treats migraine
Zu Jiu Li 足九里
Channel Diagnosis & Zang-Fu Diagnosis
! Kidney Zang governs bones
! 病之在骨也 [Kidney] disease is located in the bones (Su Wen 4)
! 腎生骨髓 Kidney engenders the bone and marrow (Su Wen 5)
! Leg Shaoyang Gallbladder Channel governs bones
! 是主骨所生病者 (Ling Shu 10)
Case Study 3 – Finger Laceration
! 51 year old female injured left hand with hedge
trimmer June 2016. Had lacerations to the ring and
middle fingers, and fractured distal phalanges. Upon
presentation 4 months later there was still
significant swelling of the fingers, pain at the MCP
joints, and numbers in the fingers. Pain was worse
with cold and in rainy weather.
Case Study 3 – Finger Laceration
! Dx: Late stage injury with blood stasis and cold-
damp in the sinews and network vessels
! Treatment: (R) Shui Qu 66.09, Mu Liu 66.06,
Men Jin 66.05, Wu Hu 11.27 (#1, 2); TDP lamp
over (L) hand
! Patient was asked to move through treatment
while needles retained 30-45 mins; even with
first treatment there was diminution of pain and
stiffness immediately upon needle insertion
Case Study 3 – Finger Laceration
Case Study 3 – Finger Laceration
! Herbal Formula:
! Gui Zhi 30g, Wei Ling Xian 15g, Fang Feng 15g, Wu Jia Pi 15g,
Shen Jin Cao 15g, Gu Sui Bu 15g, Xu Duan 15g, Jing Jie 9g, Ru
Xiang 9g, Mo Yao 9g, (Zhi) Fu Zi 9g
! Decocted and then Epsom salt stirred into decoction; used as
external soak
! Hu BQ. 董氏針灸全集驗證(上下冊)[A Complete Inventory of Tung’s
Acupuncture, Vol. 1 and 2]. Taipei: Zhi Yuan Bookstore, 1998.
! Hu BQ. 董氏奇穴圖譜治療學 [Illustrated Study of Treatment by Tung’s
Lineage Curious Points]. Taipei: Zhi Yuan Bookstore, 1999.
Li GZ. 台灣董氏針灸倒馬針刺療法 [Taiwan’s Tung Lineage Dao Ma
Needle Therapy]. Taipei: Zhi Yuan Bookstore, 1999.
Li GZ. 台灣董氏針灸經穴學 [Taiwan’s Tung Lineage Study of Channel
Points]. Taipei: Zhi Yuan Bookstore, 2011.
McCann, H. Pricking the Vessels: Bloodletting Therapy in Chinese
Medicine. London: Singing Dragon, 2014.
Unschuld P. Tessenow H. Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2011.
Unschuld P. Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2016.
! Other References can be found in: McCann H, Ross H-G. Practical Atlas
of Tung’s Acupuncture, 6th Ed. Munich: Verlag, Müller and Steinicke,
! Original Chinese text of the Neijing and Nanjing can be found at
Dr. Henry McCann, DAOM, LAc
! Dr. McCann’s clinic:
! For more information on Dr. McCann’s teaching
please visit: