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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Mark. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. THE FINAL WRITTEN TEST Name: …………………………… Class: …. Listen and tick A. sunny B. windy C. cloudy A. bird B. dog C. cat A. pink B. blue C. green A. playing B. flying C. cycling A. football B. badminton C. volleyball. II. Circle the correct answer 1. What’s the weather like? It’s ……….. A. rainy B. yellow C. black 2. What’s are they doing? They’re …………. A. run B. running C. runs 3. What’s colour is it? It’s ……….. A. chess B. rabbit C. red 4. I …… got a parrot. A. have B. do C. are 5. Phong is flying ………… A. goldfish B. kites C. pets III. Reorder the words 1. I / got / have / a / dog . ……………………………………. 2. What / are / playing / they ……………………………………. 3. are / they / playing / football ……………………………………. 4. is / He / cycling. ……………………… 5. It / sunny / is ……………………… VI. Complete the words 1. b__ ue 2. sk__p 3. d__ __r 4. c__ __king 5. f__sh. 5. r__ bb__t 6. __range 7. paper b__ __ts 8. j__mping 10. sh__.
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