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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week 1/Period.1 Unit one. New friends,New places Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about nationalities. B. Language focuss: My name’s______ .I’m from______. I’m________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,maps,a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Teacher’s activities Warmer(5’): Matching words to the pictures. I.Presentation(12’): 1. Vocabulary: - Show pictures,model the words,write them on the board. -Check sts’understanding/ Slap the board. 2. Structure: -Ask sts to look at A.1,describe it. -Ask sts: Who are they? What are they talking? -Set the scene.Play tape twice. -Call 2 pairs to act out the dialogue. -Ask sts how they talk about nationalities. -Present the structure.. Students’activities Matching: Vietnam,Singapore,England,America. -Listen and repeat.Copy the words: Vietnamese:ngườiViệtNam Singaporean:người Sing-ga-po, English:ngườiAnh,American:người Mỹ. -Two teams of 4 sts take turns slapping the board. -Look at A.1 and answer teacher’s questions. They are Thu and Linda.Expected. -Listen/ Listen and repeat. -Practice the dialogue. -Answer and guess the Vietnamese meaning. -Copy the structure. I’m from + country(city). I’m + nationality.. Ex: I’m from London.I’m English. II.Practice(10’): -Show A.2.Call good sts as model. -Ask sts to practice introducing in group of 4. -Call some sts to introduce in front of class. III.Extension(7’): -Ask sts to practice introduce themselves in pair. -Call some sts to practice in front of class. -Ask sts to walk around the class and introduce to their classmates. IV.Consolidation(2’): -Recall the new words and the structure. V.Homework(1’): -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart and do ex.1,2,3workbook.. -Picture-cue drill. Ex: My name’s___ .I’m from____ .I’m_____ . -Volunteer to introduce the 4 characters. -Groupwork,practice introducing. -Introduce the characters in front of class. -Two sts introduce themselves as model. -Sts practice introducing themselves in pairs. -Some pairs introduce in front of class. +Walk and talk,introducing themselves. -Listen and memorise the lesson. -Copy the homework..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Week 1/P.2 Unit one. New friends,New places Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Students practice further on nationality through listening. B. Language focuss: My name’s______ .I’m from______. I’m________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,maps,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Teacher’s activities Warmer(5’): Apple pass-game. I.Pre-listening(10’): 1.Vocabulary: -Show pictures.Model the new words. -Check sts’understanding –ROR. 2.Prediction: -Ask sts to guess the orders of the pictures. II.While-listening(8’): 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene.Play tape twice. -Ask sts to give the answers. -Play tape again with pauses.Give answers. 2.Comprehension questions: -Ask sts to listen again and answer the questions: a.Where is Peter from? b.Is Peter English? c.Is Linda English? d.Where is Alan from? -Play tape twice.Get feedback. III.Post-listening(9’): 1.Writing: -Show a chart of A.6.Ask sts to complete the sentences about themselves. -Ask some sts to read aloud their sentences and correct if there’re any mistakes. 2.Game: -Ask sts to look at A.7.Explain the rule of the game.Ask sts to play in groups of 8.. Students’ activities Play the game in group of 4,passing a ball and introduce themselves: My name’s______ .I’m from_____ .I’m_______. -Listen and repeat.Copy the words Washington D.C:Thủ đô nước Mỹ,Singapore: Thủ đô nước Singapore,Japanese:Người Nhật, China:Nước Trung Hoa. -Predict the orders of the pictures: 1-b,2-a,3-c -Listen and check -Write the answers: 1-c,2-a,3-b.. -Listen and answer the questions. -Copy the answers. a.He is from Washington D.C. b.No,he’s American. c.Yes, she is. d.He’s from Singapore. -Complete the sentences. My name’s_______. I’m from_________. I’m_____________. -Some read aloud the sentences.Correct the exercises. -Play the game in group. A:Where is Washington? B:In England. A:No. C:In America.A:Yes… -Listen and memorise.. IV.Consolidation(2’):-Recall the new -Co -Copy the homework. words. V.Homework(1’): -Ask sts to learn the words by heart. -Do ex.4,5,6-workbook. Week 2/P.3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Unit one. New friends,New places Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about other people’s nationalities. B. Language focuss:.He’s(She’s) from______. He’s(She’s)________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,maps,a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Teacher’s activities Warmer(5’): T/F-Listening. -Show B.3.Ask sts to listen and check T/F. I.Presentation(12’): 1. Vocabulary: - Show pictures,model the words,write them on the board. -Check sts’understanding(What And Where) 2. Structure: -Ask sts to look at B.1,describe it. -Ask sts: Who are they? What are they talking? -Set the scene.Play tape twice. -Call 2 pairs to act out the dialogue. -Ask sts how they talk about Tony’s nationalities. -Present the structure.. Students’activities Listen and check: Answers:1-T,2-T,3-F,4-T -Listen and repeat.Copy the words: Look:hãy nhìn kìa,pen friend:bạn qua thư từ,his:của cậu ấy,her:của cô ấy -Say the words,then write them again in the circles. -Look at B.1 and answer teacher’s questions. They are Nam and Mai.Expected. -Listen/ Listen and repeat. -Practice the dialogue. -Answer and guess the Vietnamese meaning. -Copy the structure. He’s(She’s) from + country(city). He’s(She’s)+ nationality.. .. ExHe’s from England.He’s English. II.Practice(10’): -Show B.2.Call good sts as model. -Ask sts to practice introducing the 4 characters in pair -Call some sts to introduce in front of class.. III.Extension(7’): -Ask sts to practice introduce their classmates in group of 4. -Call some groups to practice in front of class. IV.Consolidation(2’): -Recall the new words and the structure. V.Homework(1’): -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart and do ex.7,8,9 workbook. Week 2/P.4 Unit one. New friends,New places. -Word -cue drill. Ex:This is Tam.He’s from Hanoi .He’s Vietnamese. 1.Alan/Singapore/Singaporean. 2.Peter/America/American. 3.Linda/England/English. -Volunteer to introduce the 4 characters. -Pairwork,practice introducing. -Introduce the characters in front of class. -Sts practice introducing their classmates in group. -Some groups introduce in front of class. -Listen and memorise the lesson. -Copy the homework..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Students practice further on nationality through reading. B. Language focuss:.I’m from______. I’m________. He’s(She’s) from_______.He’s(She’s)_______. C.Teaching aids: pictures,maps,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Teacher’s activities Warmer(5’): Crossword puzzle I.Pre-reading(10’): 1.Vocabulary: -Show pictures.Model the new words. -Check sts’understanding –ROR.. Students’ activities Play the game in group of 4,complete the puzzle. Answers:1.America,2.Vietnam. 3.Singapore,4.England.. -Listen and repeat.Copy the words. live:sống ở,study:học,primary school: trường tiểu học,play sports:chơi thể thao,P.E:môn thể dục. II.While-reading(8’): -Say the words,then write them again. 1. Comprehension questions: -Read the passage,then ask and answer -Set the scene. -Ask sts to read the passage silently and the questions in pair. -Volunteer to ask and answer in front of answer the questions in pair. class. -Call sts to ask and answer. -Copy the answers: -Give answers. 1.His names is Tony. 2.He’s from England. 2.Practice reading aloud: -Ask sts to listen and read the text aloud. 3.He lives at 58 White Road,London. 4.He’s eleven years old. -Call some sts to read in front of -Listen. class.Then translate it into Vietnamese. -Practice reading aloud the passage. III.Post-reading(9’): -Translate it into Vietnamese. Writing: -Show a chart of B.5. -Ask sts to write a letter to their pen friend. -Ask some sts to read aloud their letters -Write a letter. -Some read aloud their letters. and correct if there’re any mistakes. -Correct the mistakes. IV.Consolidation(2’): -Recall the new words. V.Homework(1’): -Ask sts to learn the words by heart. -Practice reading aloud the passage -Do exe.10,11,12 -workbook.. -Listen and memorise. -Copy the homework.. Week 3/P.5 Unit two. The Date Of Birth Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about dates B. Language focuss:What’s the date today? It’s_______ C.Teaching aids:calendars ,pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps: Stage Steps/Activities. Work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Warmer (5’). +Matching: 12 months in English. January April July October February May August November March June September December Presentation 1.Vocabulary: (12’) date:ngày tháng năm (calendars) 1st :first:ngày mồng một 6th:sixth:ngày mồng sáu 2nd:second:ngày mồng hai 7th:seventh:ngày mồng bảy 3rd:third:ngày mồng ba 8th:eighth:ngày mồng tám 4th:fourth:ngày mồng bốn 9th:ninth:ngày mồng chín 5th:fifth:ngày mồng năm 10th:tenth:ngày mồng 10. -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Presentation dialogue:(A.1) -Set the scene:Miss Chi and Nam are talking about date. Practice -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. (8’) -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts: T:How do Miss Chi and Nam talk about date? St:What’s the date today?-It’s October 10th 2008. -Present the Further structure: A:What’s the date today? practice B:It’s + date. (7’) -Picture cue drill A.2: Consolidation -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair Homework (open-closed (3’) pairs) Ex: St.1:What’s the date today? St.2:It’s October 10th 2008. a.February 1st 2008. b.July 3rd 2008. c.November 20th 2008. -Ask sts to talk about the present date in pair. St1:What’s the date today? St2:It’s_________. -Ask sts to play the “flying ball”game. -Recall the ordinal numbers and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the numbers and the structure by heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook. Week 3/P.6 Unit two. The Date Of Birth. arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on dates through listening and game B. Language focuss:What’s the date today? It’s_______ C.Teaching aids:calendars ,pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps: Stage Steps/Activities Warmer (5’). +Pelmanism: -Ask sts to choose the grids. 1st. first. 2nd. second. 3rd. 4th. third. fourth. Pre-listening 1.Vocabulary:(calendars) (12’) 11th :eleventh:ngày mười một 16th:sixth:ngày mười sáu 12th :twelfth:ngày mười hai 17th:seventh:ngày mười bảy 13th :thirteenth:ngày mười ba 18th:eighth:ngày mười tám 14th :fourteenth:ngày mười bốn While19th:nineteenth:ngày mười chín listening 15th:fifteenth:ngày mười lăm (7’) 20th:twentieth:ngàyhai mươi. Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Ordering prediction: -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 pictures. 1__,2__,3__,4__ Post1.Listen and check: listening -Set the scene: (10’) You’re going to hear 4 dates.Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. Answers: 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b.. 2.Listen and practice A.5 Consolidation A:What’s the thdate today? Homework B:It’s May 28 2008. 1.Writing: (3’) Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud A:What’s ____________today? B:It’s____________________. 2.Play the Birthday game A.7: Sts play the game in group of 4. I’m______.My birthday is on_________. -Recall the ordinal numbers and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the numbers and the structure by heart,and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Week 4/P.7 Unit two. The Date Of Birth Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about their date of birth. B. Language focuss:When were you born?I was born on_______. C.Teaching aids:calendars ,pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Practice (8’). Steps/Activities +Listen and check B.3 1-T,2-F,3-F,4-T. 1.Vocabulary:(calendars) 21st :twenty-first:ngày 21 26th: twentysixth:ngày 26 22nd:twenty-second:ngày 22 27th: rd twenty-seventh:ngày 27 23 :twenty-third:ngày 23 28th: twenty-eighth:ngày 28 24th:twenty-fourth:ngày 24 29th: twentyninth:ngày 29 25th:twenty-fifth:ngày25 30th:thirtieth:ngày ba mươi 31st:thirty-first:ngày 31 born:được sinh ra(translation) -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Presentation dialogue:(B.1) -Set the scene:Mai and LiLi are talking about Mai’s date of birth. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts: T:How do Mai and LiLi talk about Mai’s date of birth? St:When were you born?-I was born on September 20th 1996. Present the structure: A:When were you born? B:I was born on + date of birth.. -Picture cue drill B.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair Further (open-closed practice pairs) (7’) Consolidation Ex: St.1:When were you born?st St.2:I was born on June 1 1996.. Homework a.September 2nd 1997. (3’) th b.March 8 1994. c.November 20th 1999. -Ask sts to talk about their own date of birth in pair. St1:When were you born? St2:I was born on_________. -Ask sts to walk and talk. -Recall the ordinal numbers and the structure.. Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> -Ask sts to learn the numbers and the structure by heart. And do exe.7,8,9/workbook. Week 4/P.8 Unit two. The Date Of Birth Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on date of birth through reading. B. Language focuss:When was she born?-She was born on_____. C.Teaching aids:calendars ,pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Pre-reading (10’). Steps/Activities. +Counting cardinal numbers(1-100) -Ask sts to practice counting the numbers. 1.Vocabulary: have a birthday party:tổ chức một bửa tiệc sinh nhật (picture) cake:bánh (picture) candy:kẹo (picture why?vì sao? (translation) because:bởi vì(translation) Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Pre-question: While-Ask sts to discuss in pair and guess the answer. reading When was Mai born? She was born on________. (8’) 1.Read and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about Mai,first read and check your answer. She was born on September 20th 1996. 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions. Answers: a.Her name is Mai. Post-reading b.She is eleven years old. (9’) c.She is happy because today is her birthday. 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing: Complete the student card B.5 2. Sts introduce themselves, using the cards in front of class. My name is ____. Consolidation I am____________school. Homework I am______. (3’) I was born on___________. -Call sts to read aloud their texts in front of class. -Recall the ordinal numbers and the vocabulary. -Ask sts to learn the numbers and the vocabulary by heart,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook.. Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Week 5/P.9. ONE-PERIOD TEST 1. Week 5/P.10 Unit Three. Jobs Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about their fathers’ jobs B. Language focuss:What does your father do? -He’s a _______. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Practice (8’). Steps/Activities +Game: Play the”Hangman”game (teacher,father,mother) 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) a postman(n):người đưa thư a factory worker(n):công nhân nhà máy a farmer(n):nông dân a nurse(n):y tá -Checking vocabulary:ROR. 2.Presentation dialogue:(A.1) -Set the scene: Mai and LiLi are talking about LiLi’s parents’jobs. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts: T:How do Mai and LiLi talk about LiLi’s father’s job? St:What does your father do?-He’s a doctor. Present the structure:. Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. A:What does your father do? B:He’s a +(name of job).. -Picture cue drill A.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (open-closed pairs) Ex: St.1:What does your father do? St.2:He’s a doctor. a.a postman. Further b.a factory worker. practice c.a farmer. (7’) d.a nurse. -Ask sts to talk about their own fathers’ jobs in pair. Consolidation St1:What does your father do? Homework St2:He’s a _________. (3’) -Ask sts to play the”flying ball” game in group of 8. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook.. Pairwork. Groupwork Teacher whole class. Week 6/P.11 Unit Three. Jobs Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on jobs through listening B. Language focuss:What does your father do? - He’s a_______ . C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Warmer (5’). +Matching: Student Farmer Factory worker Nurse Teacher. cô giáo . y tá học sinh công nhân nhà máy nông dân. Pre-listening 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) (12’) Student(n):học sinh want to be(v):muốn trở thành Which?:(nghề) nào? Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Ordering prediction: -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 Whilepictures. listening 1__,2__,3__,4__ (7’) 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to hear Linda introduce her family. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. Answers: 1-b,2-c,3-d,4-a.. 2.Listen and practice A.5 Posta.Tony was born on Otober 24th. listening b.I want to be a teacher. (10’) 1.Writing: Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud A:What does_________do? B:He is _______________. 2.Reading aloud A.7: Sts practice reading aloud the poem about jobs. Doctor,teacher Which one do you want to be? Consolidation Worker,farmer Homework Which one do you want to be? (3’) -Recall the ordinal numbers and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the numbers and the structure by heart,and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Teacher whole class. Week 6/P.12 Unit Three. Jobs Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about their favourite jobs and reasons. B. Language focuss:I want to be_________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer +Listen and check B.3 (5’) 1-F,2-F,3-T,4-T. Presentation 1.Vocabulary:(pictures). Work arrangement Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> (12’). Practice (8’). a footballer(n):cầu thủ bóng đá a singer(n):ca sĩ a musician(n):nhạc sĩ a dancer(n):nghệ sĩ múa a taxi driver(n):tài xế lái xe taxi -Checking vocabulary:What and Where 2.Presentation dialogue:(B.1) -Set the scene:Mai and LiLi are talking about Mai’s fafourite job and reason. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts: T:How do Mai and LiLi talk about Mai’s fourite job? St:Why do you like Music?-Because I want to be a singer. Present the structure: I want to be +( name of job).. -Picture cue drill B.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair Ex: I want to be a taxi driver. Further a.a footballer. b.a singer. practice c.a musician. d.a dancer. (7’) -Ask sts to talk about their own favourite jobs in group of 8 + I want to be__________. -Ask sts to report their groups’results. Ex:Ba wants to be a singer. Consolidation Hoa wants to be a teacher. Homework …. (3’) And I want to be a doctor. -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart. And do exe.7,8,9/workbook.. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class. Week 7/P.13 Unit Three. Jobs Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on jobs through reading. B. Language focuss:I want to be_______. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer (5’). +Game: Play” the apple pass” game. “I want to be a _____.” -Ask sts to play in groups of eight in front of class. 1.Vocabulary: Sing(v):hát(miming). Pre-reading (10’). Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> play the piano(v): đánh đàn pi-a-nô(picture) future(n):tương lai Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.T/F-Statements prediction: Ask sts to discuss and guess. a.Nam likes English. (T/F)_____. Whileb.Nam wants to be a teacher. (T/F)______. reading 1.Read and check:-Set the scene: (8’) You’re going to read a passage about Nam,first read and check your guesses: a. F, b.F 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions in pair. Answers: a.His name is Nam. b.He is a student. Post-reading c.His favourite subject is Music. d.He wants to be a musician. (9’) 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing: -Ask sts to write a passage about themselves like Nam. My name is________.I want to be a ______in the future. -Call some sts to read aloud their writings.Correction. Consolidation 2.Play game: Homework -Ask sts to play the game in group ,drawing pictures and guessing. (3’) St1:(drawing)What does he do? St2:He’s a worker. St1:No. St3:He’s a farmer. St1:Yes. -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to practice introducing themselves,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook. Week 7/P.14. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class. REVIEWS OF UNIT ONE TO THREE. I.Recall the old lessons: II.Practice: Unit One:New Friends,New Places -To talk about nationalities. 1.My name’s_______.I’m from_______.I’m________. (Vietnamese,Singaperean,English,American) 2.His/Her name’s________.He’s/She’s from_______.He’s/She’s_________. Unit Two:The Date Of Birth -To talk about the date and the date of birth. 1.A:What’s the date today? B:It’s______________. 2.A:When were you born? B:I was born on______..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> ( 12 months and 31 dates) Unit Three.Jobs -To talk about family members’job and favourite jobs. 1.A:What does your father do? B:He’s a/an____________. 2.A:I want to be a/an______. (postman, factory worker, farmer, nurse, teacher, student,footballer, singer, musician, dancer,driver). Week 8/Period 15. ONE-PERIOD TEST 2 (SELF-CHECK ONE).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Week 8/P.16 Unit Four. School Activities Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about happening activities at school. B. Language focuss:What are you doing? –I’m _______. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Steps/Activities +Game: Miming -Ask sts to guess what the teacher is miming(in Vietnamese) 1.Vocabulary(pictures and mimes) read(v):đọc draw(v):vẽ write(v):viết sing(v): hát song(n):bài hát -Checking vocabulary:ROR. 2.Presentation dialogue(A.1) -Set the scene: Thu and Nam are talking about what Nam is doing. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts: T:How do Thu and Nam ask and answer about what Nam is doing? St:What are you doing?-I’m reading a letter.. Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Practice (8’). Present the structure:. A:What are you doing? B:I’m + V-ing.. -Picture cue drill A.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (open-closed Pairwork pairs) Ex: St.1:What are you doing? St.2:I’m reading a letter. a.reading a book. Further b.writing a letter. practice(7’) c.drawing a picture. Consolidation d.singing a song. Homework -Ask sts to talk about their own happening activities (3’) in group. Groupwork -Ask sts to play the”flying ball” game in group of 8. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. Teacher whole -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by class heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook. Week 9/P.17 Unit Four. School Activities Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on happening activities at school through listening B. Language focuss:What are you doing? – I’m_______ . C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Mime and guess St1:What am I doing? St2:You’re reading a book. St1:No. St3:You’re singing a song… Pre-listening 1.Vocabulary(pictures) (12’) play computer games(v):chơi trò chơi vi tính study(v):học bài Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Ordering prediction: -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 pictures. While1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ listening 1.Listen and check: (7’) -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. Answers: 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a.. 2.Listen and practice A.5: singing draw Postnow listening writing drink (10’) how 1.Writing:Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> read it aloud A:What are you doing now? B:I’m _______________. 2.Take a survey: -Ask sts to ask their classmates and complete the chart in. Pairwork Groupwork. group.. Names Activities Minh writing a letter Nga singing a song Nam drawing a picture Consolidation -Ask sts to report the results: Minh is writing a Homework letter. (3’) Nga is singing a song. Nam is drawing a picture… -Recall the activities and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the activities and the structure by heart,and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Teacher whole class. Week 9/P.18 Unit Four. School Activities Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts continue to talk about happening activities at school. B. Language focuss: What’s he(she) doing?-He’s(She’s) ________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Practice (8’). Steps/Activities +Listen and check B.3 1-T,2-T,3-F,4-F. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) do English exercises(v):làm bài tập Tiếng Anh ride a bike(v):đạp xe đạp play football(v):đá bóng -Checking vocabulary: Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogue(B.1) -Set the scene:Mai and Miss Chi are asking and answering about what Nam is doing -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts: T:How do Mai and Miss Chi ask and answer about what Nam is doing? St:What’s he doing?-He’s doing English exercises . Present the structure: A:What’s he/she doing? B:He’s/She’s + V-ing.. -Picture cue drill B.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair. Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Ex: A:What’s she doing? B:She’s writing a letter. a.he/riding a bike. b.he/playing fooball. Further c.she/drawing a picture. practice -Guessing game: (7’) -Ask sts to play the game”Miming”,one st from each group goes to the board and mimes,sts from other group guess. Consolidation A:What’s he /she doing? Homework B:He’s/She’s________. (3’) -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart. And do exe.7,8,9/workbook.. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class. Week 10/P.19 Unit Four. School Activities Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on happening activities through reading. B. Language focuss:S+be+V-ing C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer (5’). +Game:Play the “Word Chain” -Ask sts to find the words in the word chain in group. Answers: job,book,bookshop,open,notebook. 1.Vocabulary: have a break(v):có giờ giải lao (picture) interesting(a):thú vị (translation) do an English crossword(v):giải ô chữ tiếng Anh (picture) tell a story(v):kể một câu chuyện (translation) funny(a):khôi hài (translation) Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.T/F statements prediction: -Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F in pair. a.Hoa is singing b.Phong is telling a story. c.Mai is reading a book. 1.Read and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about what the sts are doing at recess,first read and check your guesses. Answers: a.F, b.T, c.F 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions. Answers: a.Hoa is writing a letter to her pen friend.. Pre-reading (10’). Whilereading (8’). Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork. Teacher whole class. Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Post-reading b.Nam is doing an English crossword. (9’) c.Phong is telling a story about Santa Claus d.Mai is reading some funny stories about pets. 3.Practic reading aloud. Consolidation 1.Writing: Homework -Ask sts to write about what they are doing now. (3’) I’m in English class now.I’m__________. -Call some sts to read aloud their writings -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to learn the vocabulary by heart,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook.. Groupwork. Teacher whole class. Week 10/P.20 Unit Five. Sports and Games Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about some after- school activities. B. Language focuss:Do you want to_______? –Sure. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer +Game: Shark’s attack (5’) -Ask sts to guess words(sports,games) Presentation 1.Vocabularypictures) (12’) play hide and seek (v):chơi trốn tìm play skipping rope (v):chơi nhảy dây play badminton (v):đánh cầu 19ong go swimming (v): đi bơi exciting (a):thú vị sure:vâng -Checking vocabulary:What and Where 2.Presentation dialogueA.1) -Set the scene: LiLi and Alan are talking about after- school activities. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts: T:How do LiLi and Alan suggest and respond about after school activities St:Do you want to play hide and seek?-Sure. Present the structure: Practice A:Do you want to + V? (8’). Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. B:Sure.. -Picture cue drill A.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (open-closed pairs). Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Further practice(7’) Consolidation Homework (3’). Ex: St.1:Do you want to play skipping rope? St.2:Sure a.play hide and seek. b.go swimming. c.play badminton. -Ask sts to walk around the class and talk about after- school activities. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook.. Groupwork Teacher whole class. Week 11/P.21 Unit Five. Sports and Games Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on after school activities through listening B. Language focuss:Do you want to______? –Sure. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart,a ball and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Apple Pass St1:Do you want to play badminton? St2:Sure.Do you want to play hide and seek? St3:Sure.Do you want to go swimming? St4:Sure.Do you want to play skipping rope? … Pre-listening 1.Vocabularypictures) (12’) play chess(v):đánh cờ play football (v):đá 20ong Checking vocabulary: Slap the board. 2.Ordering prediction: -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 pictures. While1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ listening 1.Listen and check: (7’) -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations about afterschool activities. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. Answers: 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b.. 2.Listen and practice A.5: a.I play football everyday. Postb.The girl in the red dress is playing chess. listening 1.Writing: (10’) Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud A:Do you want to ______? B:Sure 2.Game: Slap the board. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Consolidation Homework (3’). football. volleyball. badminto n. tennis. hide-andchess seek -Recall the vocabulary and the structure.. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart,and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Teacher whole class. Week 11/P.22 Unit Five. Sports and Games Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can express frequency about sports and games. B. Language focuss:How often do you______? C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer +Listen and check B.3 (5’) 1-F,2-T,3-T,4-F. Presentation 1.Vocabularypictures) (12’) play volleyball (v):đánh 21ong chuyền always(adv):luôn luôn usually(adv):thường xuyên sometimes(adv):thỉnh thoảng never(adv):không bao giờ -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogueB.1) -Set the scene:Phong and Nam are asking and answering about favourite sport and the frequency to play it -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do Phong and Nam ask and answer about the frequency of playing football? Practice St:How often do you play football?-Sometimes. Present the structure: A:How often do you + V ? (8’). Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. B:Adverbs of frequency.. -Picture cue drill B.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair(open- Pairwork closed) Ex: A:How often do you play football? B:Sometimes. Further a.play badminton/always practice b.go swimming /usually (7’) c.play hide and seek /never Consolidation d.play chess/sometimes Groupwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Homework (3’). -Ask sts to play the “flying ball”game in group. St1:How often do you ______? St2:_______.How often do you_______? St3:_______.How often_____________? -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart. And do exe.7,8,9/workbook.. Teacher whole class. Week 12/P.23 Unit Five. Sports and Games Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on after- school activities through reading. B. Language focuss:How often do you_______? C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Take a survey: Ask sts to ask and answer questions to complete the chart in group.Then report the results. You:What’s your favourite sport and game? Pre-reading Hoa:It’s swimming. 1.Vocabulary: (10’) favourite(a):ưa thích swimmer(n):vận động viên bơi lội at weekends:vào ngày nghỉ cuối tuần Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.T/F statements prediction: -Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F in pair. a.Jim is from America. b.He doesn’t like swimming. Whilec.He wants to be a good swimmer. reading 1.Read and check: (8’) -Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about Jim,first read and check your guesses. Answers: a.F, b.F, c.T 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions. Answers: a.He’s from England. b.It’s swimming. c.He plays football with his friends. d.He wants to be a good swimmer. Post3.Practic reading aloud. reading 1.Writing: (9’) -Ask sts to write about their favourite sports and games,then read it aloud. My name is _______. My favourite sport is_______. Consolidation -Call some sts to read aloud their writings. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork. Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> Homework (3’). -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to practice reading the text aloud,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook.. Week12/P.24. Week 13/P.25 Unit Six. The School Festival Lesson 1 A.1,2,3. ONE-PERIOD TEST 3. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> A:Where were you yesterday? B:I was at________________. (are → were / am,is→ was). A.Aims: Sts can talk about their past events. B. Language focuss:Where were you yesterday? –I was at_________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Week 13/P.26.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> Unit Six. The School Festival Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on past events through listening B. Language focuss:Where were you yesterday? –I was at_________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart,a ball and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Apple Pass -Ask sts to play the game in group. St1: Where were you yesterday? St2: I was at_____. Where were you yesterday? St3: I was at_____. Where were you yesterday? St4: I was at_____. Where were you yesterday?.... Pre-listening 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) (12’) sad(a):buồn(mimes) sport festival (n):hội thi thể thao bad(a):xấu,tệ(translation) English Festival (n):hội thi nói tiếng Anh Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. While2.Ordering prediction: listening -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 (7’) pictures. 1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations about past events at school yesterday. PostListen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. listening Answers: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d.. (10’) 2.Listen and practice A.5: A:Were you at school yesterday? B:Yes, I was. 1.Writing:Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud A:Where were you _______? B:I was at________ 2.Read aloud: -Ask sts to listen and practice reading aloud the poem.A.7 Consolidation Happy Teacher’s Day Homework Teacher,Teacher,we are very sad (3’) That we are sometimes very bad. Teacher.Teacher, we want we could Every day be very good. Teacher,Teacher, we want to say “A very happy Teacher’s Day”. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart,practice reading the poem at home and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Work arrangement Teacher- whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher –whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> Week 14/P.27 Unit Six. The School Festival Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about past activities. B. Language focuss:What did you do at the Festival?-I____________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer +Listen and check B.3 (5’) 1-F,2-F,3-F,4-T. Presentation 1.Vocabularypictures) (12’) have-had(v):tổ chức sing-sang(v)hát dance-danced(v):múa,khiêu vũ draw-drew(v):vẽ play-played(v):chơi last week(n):tuần vừa qua -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogueB.1) -Set the scene:Mai and Nam are asking and answering about past activities last week. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do Mai and Nam ask and answer about past activities? St:What did you do at the Festival?-We sang and danced. Practice Present the (8’) structure: A:What did you do at the Festival? B:We/I + V(past simple). (regular and irregular verbs). Work arrangement Teacher –whole class Teacher- whole class. Teacher –whole class. Pairwork Teacher- whole class. Pairwork -Picture cue drill B.2 –Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair Ex: A:What did you do at the Festival? B:We sang and danced. a.played badminton b.danced Groupwork d.sang songs Consolidation c.drew a picture Homework -Take a survey:Ask sts to ask and answer about past activities (3’) in group,then report the results. St1:What did you do at the Festival last week? Teacher –whole St2:I_______. St3:I_______.St4:I________. class Last week,Nam________.Nga_________.Phong______. -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart. Further practice (7’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> And do exe.7,8,9/workbook. Week 14/P.28 Unit Six. The School Festival Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on past activities through reading. B. Language focuss:past simple tense C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Ask sts to play the “Chain Game”. St1:Yesterday,I had a School Festival. St2: Yesterday,I had a School Festival.I played football. Pre-reading St3: Yesterday,I had a School Festival.I played football.I____. (10’) 1.Vocabulary: Teacher’s Day(n):ngày nhà giáo celebration(n):lể kĩ niệm schoolyard(n):sân trường tell-told(v):kể exciting (a):hấp dẫn Checking vocabulary:ROR. 2.T/F statements prediction: While-Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F in pair. reading a.They had the celebrations yesterday. (8’) b.There were a lot of teachers and students. 1.Read and check:-Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about Teacher’s Day celebrations,first read and check your guesses. Answers: a.F, b.T, 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions in pair. Answers: a.They had the celebrations last week. b.The celebrations were in the schoolyard. Postc.There were a lot of teachers and students there. reading d.They sang and danced,told funny stories and (9’) played exciting games. 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing: -Ask sts to write about one of their school Consolidation Festivals,then read it aloud. Homework We had the English Festival last week…… (3’) -Call some sts to read aloud their writings -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to practice reading the text aloud,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook. Week 15/P.29 REVIEWS OF UNIT FOUR TO SIX. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> I.Recall the old lessons: II.Pratice: Unit Four.School Activities -To talk about happening activities at school. 1.A:What are you doing? B:I’m____________. (reading a book,writing a letter,drawing a picture,singing a song,playing computer games) 2. A:What’s he/she doing? B:He’s/She’s________. (riding a bike,playing football,doing English exercises,telling a story,doing a crossword) Unit Five.Sports And Games -To talk about after-schhol activities and frequency. 1.A:Do you want to_________? B:Sure. (play skipping rope,go swimming,play badminton,play hide-and-seek,play chess,play football) 2.A:How often do you______? B:Sometimes. (always, usually,sometimes,never) Unit Six.The School Festival -To talk about past events and activities. 1.A:Where were you yesterday? B:I was at_______________. (Song Festival, School Games,School Festival,home,English Featival) 2.A:What did you do at the Featival? B:We sang and danced. (played badminton.drew a picture,told funny stories,had a Song Festival). Week 15/Period 30. ONE-PERIOD TEST 4 (SELF-CHECK TWO).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> Week 16/P.31-32. REVISION FOR THE FIRST- SEMESTER TEST.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Week 17/P.33. THE FIRST- SEMESTER TEST.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Week17/P.34. CORRECTION OF THE FIRST- SEMESTER TEST.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Week 18/P.35 Unit Seven. My Health Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about their common sickness. B. Language focuss:What’s the matter with you? –I have_________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer (5’). +Game: Matching -Ask sts to match the English words to Vietnamese meanings: (head,eye,ear,nose, mouth) 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) a fever (n):sốt a cough(n): ho a headache (n):đau đầu a toothache (n):đau răng a sore throat (n):đau họng Get better soon (a):Chúc bạn sớm bình phục -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogue:(A.1) -Set the scene:Nam and Mai are talking about Nam’s sickness. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do Nam and Mai ask and answer Nam’s sickness? St:What’s the matter with you?-I have a fever. Present the structure:. Presentation (12’). Practice (8’). Work arrangement Teacher -whole class Teacher- whole class. Teacher -whole class. Pairwork Teacher -whole class. A:What’s the matter with you? B:I have + ( sickness).. -Picture cue drill A.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (open-closed pairs). Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> Ex: St.1:What’s the matter with you? St.2:I have a fever. a.a headache. b.a sore throat. c.a cough. d.a toothache -Ask sts to play the “flying ball”game. Consolidation St1:What’s the matter with you? Groupwork Homework St2:I have a headache.What’s the matter with you? (3’) St3:I have a sore throat.What’s the matter wiyh you?... -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. Teacher -whole -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by class heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook. Further practice(7’). Week 18/P.36 Unit Seven. My Health Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on common sickness through listening B. Language focuss:What’s the matter with you? –I have_________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart,a ball and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Miming -Ask sts to play the game,one st goes to the board and mimes, other sts guess the matter. St1:What’s the matter with me? Pre-listening Sts:You have______________. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) (12’) neck (n):cổ arm (n):cánh tay hand (a):bàn tay leg (a):cẵng chân foot(n)bàn chân Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Ordering prediction: While-Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 listening pictures. (7’) 1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations about common sickness. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. PostAnswers: 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a.. listening 2.Listen and practice A.5: (10’) matter headache fever hand toothache better 1.Writing:Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud A:What’s the matter with you? B:I have________________. 2.Play”What and Where”game.. Work arrangement Teacher- whole class. Teacher whole class Teacher -whole class Pairwork Teacher- whole class. Pairwork. Teacher -whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> head. Consolidation Homework (3’). neck. hand. foot. leg. mout hh arm. ear. -Ask sts to play the game. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart,practice reading the poem at home and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Teacher -whole class. Week 19/P.37 Unit Seven. My Health Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk express corncern and give advice to family members. B. Language focuss:I have___________. –You should(not)___________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Steps/Activities. Practice (8’). +Listen and check B.3 1-t,2-T,3-T,4-F. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) take some aspirins (v):uống thuốc giảm đau see a doctor (v)đi khám bệnh go to school (v):đi học go out (v):đi chơi go to the dentist (v):đi khám răng should:nên -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogue:(B.1) -Set the scene:Mai and her mother are asking and answering about Mai’s sickness and her Mom is giving her advice. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do Mai and her mother ask and answer about Mai’s sickness and give advice? St:I have a headache –You should take some aspirins. Present the structure: A:I have + sickness.. Further. -Picture cue drill B.2 -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair Ex: A:I have a headache.. Work arrangement Teacher -whole class Teacher- whole class. Teacher -whole class. Pairwork Teacher- whole class. B:You should(not) + V.. Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> practice (7’). B:You should take some aspirins. a.a fever/see a doctor b.a cough/not go to school Consolidation c.a cold/not go out d.a toothache/go to the Homework dentist (3’) -Ask sts to play the “flying ball”game. St1:I have a fever. St2:You should see a doctor.I have a toothache. St3:You should go to the dentist.I have a headache. -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart, and do exe.7,8,9/workbook.. Groupwork. Teacher -whole class. Week 19/P.38 Unit Seven. My Health Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on sickness and giving advice through reading B. Language focuss:Modal should for advice C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Play”Simon says” T:Simon says,”Touch your nose” Sts:Take teacher’s orders when hearing”Simon Pre-reading says_____” 1.Vocabulary: (10’) eat(v):ăn take-took s/o to(v):dẩn ai đi đâu examine(v):khám bệnh say-said(v):nói rằng brush(v):đánh răng After meals:sau bữa ăn Be good for:tốt cho Checking vocabulary:ROR. 2.T/F statements prediction: -Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F in pair. Whilea.Jonh doesn’t like candies. reading b.Yesterday he had a toothache. (8’) 1.Read and check:-Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about Jonh’s toothache,first read and check your guesses. Answers: a.F, b.T, 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions in pair. Answers: a.Jonh likes candies very much. b.He had a toothache. Postc.He should brush his teeth after meals. reading. Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> (9’). d.He shouldn’t eat too much candies. 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing: Groupwork -Ask sts to write about what they should or shouldn’t Consolidation do to have good health.Then read it aloud. Homework We should_____________.We shouldn’t________. (3’) -Call some sts to read aloud their writings -Recall the vocabulary. Teacher whole -Ask sts to practice reading the text aloud,and do class exe.10,11,12/workbook. Week 20/P.39 Unit Eight.Family Weekend Activities Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about family activities in the past. B. Language focuss:What did you do last weekend? –I _________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Practice (8’). Steps/Activities. Work arrangement +Game: Matching Teacher-whole -Ask sts to match the present form to its past form of class the verbs: (go/went,write/wrote,are/were,listen/listened, play/played,is,am/was,read/read) 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) Teacher-whole class go-went(v):đi write-wrote(v):viết read-read(v):đọc listenlistened(v):nghe -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogue:(A.1) Teacher-whole -Set the scene:LiLi and Mai are talking about what class Mai did last weekend. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. Pairwork -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by Teacher-whole asking st T:How do LiLi and Mai ask and answer class about what Mai did last weekwend? St:What did you do last weekend?-I read Harry Potter all day. Present the structure: A:What did you do last weekend? B:I + V(simple past). Further practice(7’). -Picture cue drill A.2: Pairwork -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (open-closed pairs) Ex: St.1:What did you do last weekend? St.2:I read Harry Potter all day. a.went to the cinema b.wrote a letter c.listened to music d.played football Groupwork -Take a survey.Ask sts to work in group,complete the chart..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> Consolidation Homework (3’). Nam played football Hoa went to the cinema Lan read a novel Report the results: Last weekend,Nam played football.Hoa went to the cinema… -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook.. Teacher-whole class. Week 20/P.40 Unit Eight. Family Weekend Activities Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on activities in the past through listening B. Language focuss:What did you do______? –I _________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart,a ball and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: “flying Ball” -Ask sts to play the game in group,passing the ball,ask and answer St1:What did you do last weekend? Sts2:I went to the cinema.What did you do last weekend? Pre-listening Sts3:I wrote a letter.What did you do……. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) (12’) clean the floor(v):chùi nhà go swimming(v):đi bơi play the guitar(v):chơi đàn ghi-ta have great fun(v):vui vẽ laugh(v):cười Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Ordering prediction: While-Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 listening pictures. (7’) 1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations about what Nam did last week. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. PostAnswers: 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c. listening 2.Listen and practice A.5: (10’) 1.Last Sunday we had great fun with lunch in the sun. 2.My father play the guitar in the garden. 1.Writing:Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud A:What did you do yesterday? B:I played football with my friends. Consolidation 2.Read aloud:. Work arrangement Teacher- whole class. Teacher whole class Teacher -whole class. Pairwork. Teacher- whole class. Pairwork. Teacher -whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Homework (3’). -Ask sts to listen and practice A.7 What did you do last night? I went to the cinema with Mai. Did you sit side by side? Yes.And we were laughing all the time. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart,practice reading the poem at home and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Teacher -whole class. Week 21/P.41 Unit Eight. Family Weekend Activities Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts continue to talk about activities in the past. B. Language focuss:Did you______yesterday? –Yes,I did/ No,I didn’t. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Practice (8’). Further practice (7’). Steps/Activities +Listen and check B.3 1-F,2-T,3-F,4-F. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) bay(n):vịnh island(n):đảo visit-visited(v):viếng thăm buybought(v):mua cook(v):nấu ăn clean(v):lau chùi -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogue:(B.1) -Set the scene:Nam and Alan are talking about what Alan did last Sunday. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do Nam and Alan ask and answer about what Alan did last Sunday? St:Did you visit Tuan Chau Island last Sunday?– Yes,I did. Present the A:Did structure: you + V + (past time)?. Work arrangement Teacher -whole class Teacher- whole class. Teacher -whole class Pairwork Teacher- whole class. B:Yes,I did / No,I didn’t.. -Picture cue drill B.2 -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair Pairwork Ex: A:Did you clean the floor yesterday? B:Yes, I did ( No,I didn’t). a.watch TV b.cook dinner c.listen to music -Ask sts to play the “guessing”game.Each st chooses an activity,keeps it as secret,then goes to the Groupwork board.Other sts guess by asking Yes/Noquestions.Those who guess right have the right to go.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> the board. Consolidation St1:Did you play football? Homework ST:No,I didn’t. (3’) St2:Did you cook dinner? ST:Yes,I did…. -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart, and do exe.7,8,9/workbook. Week 21/P.42 Unit Eight. Family Weekend Activities Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on activities in the past through reading B. Language focuss:Past simple tense. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook.. Teacher -whole class. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Play”Tell your friends” -Show B.6,ask sts to make sentences about what they did yesterday.Those who have the most right sentences win the game. Pre-reading 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) (10’) sit-sat(v):ngồi take-took photos(v):chụp ảnh souvenir shop(n):quầy bán quà lưu niệm colourful(adj):sặc sở trip(n):chuyến du lịch Checking vocabulary:ROR. 2.T/F statements prediction: -Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F in pair. Whilea.Nam went to Do Son last weekend. reading b.Their trip was great. (8’) 1.Read and check:-Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about a trip that Nam and his family took last weekend.First scan the passage and check your guesses. Answers: a.F, b.T, 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions in pair. Answers: a.Nam went to Sam Son with his family. b.They sat in the sun and talked. c.He went swimming. Postd.She went to some souvenir shops and bought some reading colourful T-shirts for her friends. (9’) 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing: -Ask sts to write about what they did last weekend.Then read it aloud. Consolidation Last weekend,I went to the beach with my family.We Homework went swimming and ate good sea food.We had a. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> (3’). great time. -Call some sts to read aloud their writings -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to practice reading the text aloud,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook.. Week 22/P.43. ONE-PERIOD TEST 5. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Week 22/P.44 Unit Nine. Activities For Next Sunday Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about future plan. B. Language focuss:What are you going to do tomorrow? –I’m going to _________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities +Game: Networks Ask sts to think of and write down words of sports and games footbal l. Presentation (12’). Practice (8’). Sports-games. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. volleyball tennis. ches s. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) : visit(v):viếng thăm play badminton(v):đánh cầu lông have a picnic(v):đi dã ngoại Have a good time:chúc vui vẽ tomorrow:ngày mai -Checking vocabulary:What and Where 2.Presentation dialogue:(A.1)-Set the scene:Alan and Nam are talking about their plans for tomorrow. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking st T:How do Alan and Nam ask and answer about their plans? St:What are you going to do tomorrow? -I’m going to play football. Present the structure:A:What are you going to do tomorrow?. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. B:I’m going to + V. -Picture cue drill A.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (openFurther closed pairs) Ex: St.1:What are you going to do practice(7’) tomorrow? St.2:I’m going to visit Ha Long Bay. a.play badminton b.play chess c.read Harry Potter d.have a picnic Consolidation -Take a survey.Ask sts to work in group,complete the Homework chart. (3’) Nam play football Hong go swimming…. Report the results:Tomorrow ,Nam is going to play football. Hong is going to go swimming… -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by heart.. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> And do exe.1,2,3/workbook. Week 23/P.45 Unit Nine. Activities For Next Sunday Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on future plans through listening B. Language focuss:What are you going to do______? –I’m going to _________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart,a ball and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer (5’). +Game: “Making sentences” -Ask sts to play the game in group,look at A.7 make sentences. The group that makes the most write sentences wins the game. Alan is going to play football. He is going to play computer games. Pre-listening He is going to listen to music. He is going to learn English. (12’) 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) Revision of activities: play chess play volleyball play badminton listen to music watch TV play football Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Ordering prediction: -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 Whilepictures. listening 1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ (7’) 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations about what Mai,Nam, Alan,and LiLi are going to do tomorrow. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. Answers: 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a. Post2.Listen and practice A.5: listening A:Are you going to play football? (10’) B:No.I’m going to play volleyball. Consolidation 1.Writing:Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then Homework read it aloud A:What are you going to do_______? (3’) B:I’m going to__________________. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart,and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Work arrangement Teacher- whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher -whole class Pairwork Teacher- whole class. Pairwork Teacher -whole class. Teacher -whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Week 23/P.46 Unit Nine. Activities For Next Sunday Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts continue to talk about future plans. B. Language focuss:Are you going to_______? –Yes,I am/ No,I’m not. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Practice (8’). Steps/Activities +Listen and check B.3 1-T,2-T,3-F,4-F. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) take along some food(v):mang theo một ít thức ăn cook lunch(v):nấu bửa trưa stay at home(v):ở nhà visit the museum(v):viếng thăm viện bảo tàng -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogue:(B.1) -Set the scene:LiLi and Mai are talking about what they are going to do next Sunday. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do LiLi and Mai ask and answer about if LiLi is going to do something next Sunday? St:Are you going to take along some food?–Yes,I am Present the structure:. Work arrangement Teacher -whole class Teacher- whole class. Teacher -whole class Pairwork Teacher- whole class. A:Are you going to+V? B:Yes,I am/ No,I’m not.. -Picture cue drill B.2 -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair Further Ex: A:Are you going to take along some food? practice B:Yes, I am ( No,I’m not). (7’) a.clean the floor b.cook lunch c.take photos d.ride a bike -Ask sts to play the “guessing”game.Each st chooses an activity,keeps it as secret,then goes to the board.Other sts guess by asking Yes/Noquestions.Those who guess right have the right to go Consolidation the board. Homework St1:Are you going to play football? (3’) ST:No,I’m not. St2:Are you going to cook dinner? ST:Yes,I am…. -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart, and do exe.7,8,9/workbook.. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher -whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Week 24/P.47 Unit Nine. Activities For Next Sunday Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on future plans through reading B. Language focuss: S + be going to + V C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage. Steps/Activities. Warmer (5’). +Game: Play Dice -Show B.6,ask sts to drop the Dice and make sentences about what they are going to do.Those who make the right sentences stay in the game,who can’t Pre-reading get out of it. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) (10’) stay in a hotel(v):ở lại khách sạn go to the zoo(v):đi thăm sở thú a football match(n):một trận bóng đá stadium(n):sân vận động Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.T/F statements prediction: -Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F statements in pair. Whilea.Nga is going to visit Hanoi next Sunday. reading b.They are going to stay at their friend’s house. (8’) 1.Read and check:-Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about Nga and her family’s plan for next Sunday.First scan the passage and check your guesses. Answers: a.T, b.F, 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions in pair. Answers: a.She is going to visit Hanoi with her family. b.They are going to stay in a hotel. c.They are going to the zoo in the morning. Postd.They are going to watch a football match at My reading Dinh stadium. (9’) 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing:-Ask sts to write about what they are going to do next weekend.Then read it aloud. Next weekend,I’m going to havea pinic with my Consolidation friends on the Huong riverbank.We’re going to play Homework a lot of games,sing and dance there. (3’) -Call some sts to read aloud their writings -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to practice reading the text aloud,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook. Week24/P.48. REVIEWS OF UNIT SEVEN TO NINE. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> I.Recall the old lessons: II.Pratice: Unit Seven.My Health -To talk about common sickness and give advice to family members. 1.A:What’s the matter with you? B:I have_________________. (headache,sore throat,cough, fever,cold,toothache) 2.A:I have__________. B:You should(not)___________. (see a dotor, go to school,take some aspirins, go out) Unit Eight.Family Weekend Activities -To talk about activities in the past. 1.A:What did you do last weekend? B:I_______________________. (read Harry potter,went to the cinema,wrote a letter, listened to music,played football) 2.A:Did you __________yesterday? B:Yes,I did/ No, I didn’t. (clean the floor,watch TV,cook dinner,listen to music,visit Tuan Chau Island) Unit Nine.Activities For Next Sunday -To talk about plans for an excursion to places of interest 1.A:What are you going to do tomorrow? B:I’m going to__________________. (play badminton,plat chess,read Harry Potter,have a picnicvisit Ha Long Bay,play chess) 2.A:Are you going to_____________? B:Yes, I am/ No, I’m not. (clean the floor,cook lunch,take photos,ride a biketake along some food). Week 25/P.49. ONE-PERIOD TEST 6 SELF-CHECK 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> Week 25/P.50 Unit Ten. Seasons And Weather Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can describe seasons and weather. B. Language focuss:What’s the weather like in_____? –It’s _________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Steps/Activities +Game:play the” Hangman”game (seasons,weather) 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) : spring(n):mùa xuân. summer(n):mùa hè. autumn(n):mùa thu winter(n):mùa đông season(n):mùa weather(n):thời tiết. Work arrangement Teacher whole class Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Practice (8’). hot(adj):nóng ≠ cold(adj):lạnh warm(adj):ấm ≠ cool(adj):mát mẻ -Checking vocabulary:What and Where 2.Presentation dialogue:(A.1)-Set the scene:Linda and Nam are talking about seasons and weather in England. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking st T:How do Linda and Nam ask and answer about seasons and weather in England? St:What’s the weather like in summer?-It’s hot Present the structure: A:What’s the weather like in+season?. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. B:It’s + adj. -Picture cue drill A.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (open-closed pairs) Ex: St.1:What’s the weather like in summer? Further St.2:It’s hot practice(7’) a.spring/warm b.autumn/cool c.winter/cold Groupwork.Ask sts to play the”Flying ball”game. Consolidation St1:What’s the weather like in summer? St2:It’s hot.What’s the weather like in autumn? Homework St3:It’s cool.What’s the weather like in winter? (3’) St4:It’s cold….. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook.. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class. Week 26/P.51 Unit Ten. Seasons And Weather Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on seaons and weather through listening B. Language focuss:What’s the weather like todday? –It’s _________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart,a ball and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities +Game: “Pelmanism” -Ask sts to choose the grids that match each other. spring. warm. autumn. winter. hot. cool. cold. summer. Pre-listening 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) (12’) go fishing(v):đi câu cá go skiing(v):đi trượt tuyết. Work arrangement Teacher- whole class. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> ride a bike(v):đạp xe go swimming(v):đi bơi Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Ordering prediction: -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 Whilepictures. listening 1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ (7’) 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations about seaons and weather. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. Answers: 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c. 2.Listen and practice A.5: Postsummer school weather listening winter cool season (10’) 1.Writing:Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud A:What’s the weather like today? B:It’s hot and sunny. 2.Play game:Mime and guess Consolidation Sts take turns going to the board and miming.Other Homework guess. St1:Do you go swimming in the summer? (3’) ST:No.St2:Do you go fishing in the autumn? ST:No.St3:Do you go skiing in the winter? ST:Yes…. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart,and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Teacher -whole class Pairwork Teacher- whole class. Pairwork Teacher -whole class Groupwork. Teacher -whole class. Week 26/P.52 Unit Ten. Seasons And Weather Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts continue to talk about favourite activities in seasons. B. Language focuss:What do you usually do______? –I usually________ C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Steps/Activities +Listen and check B.3 1-T,2-F,3-F,4-T. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) go camping(v):đi cắm trại go cycling(v):đi đạp xe go fishing(v):đi câu cá go skiing(v):đi trượt tuyết -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogue:(B.1) -Set the scene:Linda and Nam are talking about Linda’s favourite activity in summer. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair.. Work arrangement Teacher -whole class Teacher- whole class. Teacher -whole class Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> Practice (8’). -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do Linda and Nam ask and answer about Linda’s favourite activity? St:What do you usually do in summer?I usually go swimming. Present the structure:. Teacher- whole class. A:What do you usually do in+season? B:I usually + V. Pairwork. -Picture cue drill B.2 -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair Ex: A:What do you usually do in summer? B:I usually go swimming. a.winter/go skiing b.autumn/go fishing c.spring/go caping Groupwork -Take a survey.Ask sts to work in group,complete the chart. Consolidation Names Spring Summer Autumn Winter Homework Minh (3’) swimming Nam camping Teacher -whole Hoa badmiton class -Report the results.Minh usually goes swimming in summer. Nam usually goes camping in spring.Hoa usually plays… -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart, and do exe.7,8,9/workbook. Further practice (7’). Week 27/P.53 Unit Ten. Seasons And Weather Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on activities in seasons through reading B. Language focuss: seasons, weather and activities C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. +Game: Complete the crossword puzzle. -Show B.6,ask sts to find the words of seasons in group.Those who find the right words first win the game. 2.winter 3.autumn Pre-reading (1.summer 4.spring.) Teacher whole (10’) 1.Vocabulary:(matching) class Show the English words.Ask sts to match. (Summer-hot,sunny/autumn-cool/winter-cold,cloudy/ spring-warm,beautiful) Checking.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> 2.T/F statements prediction: Teacher whole -Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F statements in pair. class Whilea.There are two seasons in England. reading b.Linda often goes fishing in autumn. Pairwork (8’) 1.Read and check:-Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about weather in Teacher whole England and Linda’s favourite activities in those class seasons. First scan the passage and check your guesses. Answers: a.F, b.T 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions in pair. Pairwork Answers: a.There are four seasons in England. Postb.She usually goes swimming. reading c.She often goes fishing in autumn. (9’) d.It is cold and cloudy. 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing:-Ask sts to write about the seasons and Groupwork weather in Vietnam.Then read it aloud. There are four seasons in Vietnam:spring,summer,autumn and winter.In spring,it is often warm and fine.I usually go Consolidation camping. Homework It’s very hot and sunny in summer.I often go swimming.In autumn.It’s cool and windy.I often go (3’) fishing.And winter is very cold and rainy.I often stay Teacher whole at home. class -Call some sts to read aloud their writings -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to practice reading the text aloud,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook. Week 27/P.54 Unit Eleven. Places Of Interest Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can talk about plans for an excursion to places of interest. B. Language focuss:Where are you going next weekend? –I’m_________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities +Game:Networks. cinema. places zoo. Presentation (12’). Work arrangement Teacher whole class stadium park. Ask sts to think of words of places and write it down.Those who have the most right words win the game. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) :national park(n):công viên. Teacher whole.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> Practice (8’). Further practice(7’). quốc gia museum(n):viện báo tàng swimming pool(n):hồ bơi amusement park(n):công viên giải trí It sounds nice:nghe rất tuyệt -Checking vocabulary:What and Where 2.Presentation dialogue:(A.1)-Set the scene:Linda,Mai and Nam are talking about plans for an excursion to Cuc Phuong National Park.Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking st T:How do Linda,Mai and Nam ask and answer about their plans for the excursion. St:Where are we going tomorrow?-We’re going to CucPhuong National Park. Present the structure: A:Where are you going + future time? B:I’m going to + places of interest. class. Teacher whole class Pairwork Teacher whole class. Pairwork. -Picture cue drill A.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (openclosed pairs) Ex: St.1:Where are you going next Consolidation weekend? Homework Groupwork St.2:I’m going to the park. (3’) a.tomorrow /zoo b.next Sunday /swimming pool c.next weekend /museum d.tomorrow/amusement Teacher whole class park Groupwork.Ask sts to play the”Flying ball”game. St1:Where are you going tomorrow? St2:I’m going to the zoo.Where are you going next Sunday?.. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook. Week 28/P.55 Unit Eleven. Places Of Interrest Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on plans for an excursion to places of interest through listening B. Language focuss:Where are you going______? –I’m_________. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart,a ball and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities +Game: Play Dice”Where we are going” -Ask sts to drop the Dice and make sentences in group.Those who can’t make the sentences are put out of the game. St1:We are going to the cinema. St2:We are going to the circus.. Work arrangement Teacher- whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> St3:We are going to the amusement park. Pre-listening St4:We are going to the swimming pool… (12’) 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. -Show pictures on the board.Sts play the “slap the board”game (museum,cinema,amusement park,swimming pool,circus,zoo) While2.Ordering prediction: listening -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 (7’) pictures. 1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations about plans for excursions to places of interest. Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. PostAnswers: 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b. listening 2.Listen and practice A.5: (10’) A:Are we going to the zoo or the swimming pool? B:We’re going to the zoo. 1.Writing:Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud A:Where are you going__________? B:I’m going to_______________. 2.Play the Guessing game: Each st makes a plan for an excursion to some place Consolidation of interest and keep it as secret.Other guess by Homework asking Yes/No-questions. (3’) St1:Are you going to the zoo? ST:No.St2:Are you going to the amusement park? ST:No.St3:Are you going to the swimming pool? ST:Yes…. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart,and do exe.4,5,6/workbook.. Teacher whole class. Teacher -whole class. Pairwork Teacher- whole class Pairwork Teacher -whole class Groupwork. Teacher -whole class. Week 28/P.56 Unit Eleven. Places Of Interest Lesson 3 B.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts continue to talk about others’ plans for an excursion to places of interest. B. Language focuss:Is he going to _____or_____? –He’s going to______. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’) Presentation (12’). Steps/Activities +Listen and check B.3 1-F,2-T,3-T,4-F. 1.Vocabulary: -Checking vocabulary(pictures) Show the words,ask sts to play the “Kim’s game” Sts observe the pictures.Then write down the words. (zoo,amusement park,circus,museum,post. Work arrangement Teacher -whole class Teacher- whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Practice (8’). office,cinema) 2.Presentation dialogue:(B.1) -Set the scene:Linda,Mai and Nam are talking about Peter’s plan for an excursion to places of interest. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call some sts to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do Linda,Mai and Nam ask and answer about Peter’s plan for the excursion? St:Is Peter going to the museum or the zoo?-He’s going to the zoo. Present the structure:A:Is he going to+ place +or+ place?. Teacher -whole class Pairwork Teacher- whole class. B:He’s going to + place.. -Picture cue drill B.2 -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair(openclosed) Ex: A:Is he going to the zoo or the circus? B:He’s going to the circus. Further a.museum /swimming pool b.cirsus /cinema practice c.national park /zoo d.amusement (7’) park/circus Game:Sts play the Guessing game.Each st chooses a place of interest as secret.Then goes to the board asks questions for others sts to guess.Those who guess right takes the place. ST:Am I going to the zoo or the cinema? Consolidation St1:You are going to the zoo. Homework ST:No. (3’) St2:You are going to the cinema. ST:Yes. -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart, and do exe.7,8,9/workbook.. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher -whole class. Week 29/P.57 Unit Eleven. Places Of Interest Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on plans for an excursion to places of interest through reading B. Language focuss: Present Progressive for plans C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Finding the four differences in the two pictures. Show B.6.Ask sts to find the differences.Those who find the correct differences first win the game. Pre-reading (picture,statue,bonsai pot, flowers vase,tea pot) 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) (10’) Water Puppet Theater(n):nhà hát múa rối nước write to s/o(v):viết thư cho ai. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> soon(adv):sớm Check sts’ understanding:What and Where 2.T/F statements prediction: -Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F statements in pair. a.Jonh is writing to Linda. Whileb.Linda is going to the Water Puppet Theater reading tomorrow. (8’) 1.Read and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to read a letter in which Linda talks about the plans for tomorrow. First scan the passage and check your guesses. Answers: a.F, b.T 2.Comprehension questions: Sts read the passage again and answer the questions in pair. Answers: a.Linda is writing to John. b.She is in Hanoi now. Postc.She is going to the Water Puppet Theater tomorrow. reading d.Peter is going to the cinema tomorrow. (9’) 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing: -Ask sts to write about where they are going this weekend. Then read it aloud. This weekend,I’m going to the amusement park with Consolidation my family.We are doing lots of interesting things Homework there.My sister and I are riding a horse and take a (3’) lot of pictures. -Call some sts to read aloud their writings -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to practice reading the text aloud,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook. Week29/P.58 ONE-PERIOD TEST 7. Teacher whole class Pairwork. Teacher whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> Week 30/P.59 Unit Twelve. Directions And Road Signs Lesson 1 A.1,2,3 A.Aims: Sts can give directions to some places. B. Language focuss:Where’s_______? –_________. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart, a map and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities +Game:Matching. Show signs and words in Vietnamese.Ask sts to match.. ↑ Presentation (12’). →. ←. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. stop. rẽ phải đi thẳng dừng lại rẽ Teacher whole trái class 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) : turn right(v):rẽ phải turn left(v):rẽ trái go straight ahead(v):đi thẳng on your right:ở bên phải bạn on your left:ở bên Teacher whole trái bạn class -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board 2.Presentation dialogue:(A.1)-Set the scene:A man.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> Practice (8’). and Nam are asking for and giving directions to the museum. Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in pair. -Call two pairs to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking st T:How do the man and Nam ask for and give directions? St:Where’s the museum?-Turn right.It’s on your left. Present the structure:. Pairwork Teacher whole class. A:Where’s the + place? B:Instructions. Pairwork. -Picture cue drill A.2: -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair (openclosed pairs) Ex: St.1:Where’s the zoo? St.2:Go straight ahead.Turn left.It’s on Consolidation your left Homework a.bookshop /right/right (3’) b.amusement park /left/right c.museum /right/left Play the “Giving directions”game.Set up a route.One Teacher whole “blind”st carries his partner on his back.The carried class st gives instructions.The blind follows the instructions to pass the way. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the new words and the structure by heart. And do exe.1,2,3/workbook. Further practice(7’). Week 30/P.60 Unit Twelve. Directions And Road Signs Lesson 2 A.4,5,6,7 and B.3 A.Aims: Further practice on asking for and giving directions through listening B. Language focuss:Where’s the______? –Go_____.Turn_____.It’s_____. C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart, and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Play the”Describe the way to the Sun Temple” -Show A.7.Ask sts to look at the map and describe Pre-listening the way. (12’) Those who make the right way first win the game. 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) over there:ở đằng kia road(n):con đường by:bằng(phương tiện) bus(n):xe buýt train(n):tàu lửa Checking vocabulary:What and Where. While2.Ordering prediction: listening -Ask sts to look at A.4 and guess the order of the 4 (7’) pictures.. Work arrangement Teacher- whole class Teacher whole class. Teacher -whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> 1__, 2__, 3__, 4__ 1.Listen and check: -Set the scene: You’re going to hear four conversations about asking for and giving directions.Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 4. Answers: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d. 2.Listen and check True/False: -Set the scene:You’re going to hear four sentences.Listen and check the statementsTrue or PostFalse. listening Answers: 1.T, 2.F, 3.F, 4.T (10’) 3.Listen and practice A.5: A:Excuse me.Is this the museum? B:No,it isn’t.It’s over there. A:Is it on the left or on the right of the road? B:It’s on the left. 1.Writing:Ask sts to complete the exchange.Then read it aloud Consolidation A:Where’s the post office? Homework B:Go straight ahead.Turn left.It’s on your right. (3’) 2.Game:Sts play the “Slap the board”game. turn left. Teacher- whole class. Pairwork. Teacher -whole class Groupwork. turn right stop. go straight. Teacher -whole class. -Recall the vocabulary and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart,and do exe.4,5,6/workbook. Week 31/P.61 Unit Twelve. Directions And Road Signs Lesson 3 B.1,2 A.Aims: Sts can talk about distance and means of transport. B. Language focuss:How far is it from here to_____? –It’s about______. C.Teaching aids: pictures, a wallchart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities +Game:Networks. museum amusement park. places. bookshop. Work arrangement Teacher -whole class. circus. Ask sts to think of words of places and write it down. Presentation 1.Vocabulary: (pictures) (12’) bus stop(n):bến xe buýt post office(n):bưu điện railway station(n):ga xe lửa airport(n):sân bay How far..?:bao xa?. Teacher- whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> Practice (8’). -Checking vocabulary:Slap the board. 2.Presentation dialogue:(B.1) -Set the scene:LiLi,Mai and Nam are talking about distance, means of transport for their excursion to Ha Long Bay. -Model the dialogue.Ask sts to practice in group. -Call some sts to practice in front of class. Model sentences:Elicit the exchange from the sts by asking sts T:How do LiLi,Mai and Nam ask and answer about the plan for their excursion? St:How far is it from here?-It’s about 100 kilomerters. Present the structure: A:How far is it from here to+place? -Picture cue drill B.2 B:It’s about + distance.. -Give sts cues and ask them to practice in pair(openFurther closed) practice Ex: A:How far is it from here to the bus stop? (7’) B:It’s about 50 kilometers. Consolidation a.post office /30 b.airport /100 Homework c.railway station /40 d.your house/2 (3’) -Groupwork:Ask sts to walk around and talk about distances. St1:How far is it from here to your house? St2:It’s about three kilometers. -Recall the new words and the structure. -Ask sts to learn the words and the structure by heart, and do exe.7,8,9/workbook.. Teacher -whole class Groupwork Teacher- whole class. Pairwork. Groupwork Teacher -whole class. Week 31/P.62 Unit Twelve. Directions And Road Signs Lesson 4 B.4,5,6,7 A.Aims: Further practice on distances and means of transport through reading B. Language focuss: A:How far_____? B:It’s___ C.Teaching aids: pictures,a chart and textbook. D.Teaching steps:. Stage Warmer (5’). Steps/Activities. +Game: Play Dice Show B.6.Ask sts to drop the Dice and ask and answer. St1:How do you go to Hue? St2:By train.How do you go to Hanoi? Pre-reading St3:By car.How do you go to Da Nang?.... 1.Vocabulary:(pictures) After:sau (10’) travel(v):đi du lịch take(time)(v):mất(bao nhiêu thời gian) fly(+back)(v):đi máy bay (trở lại) return(v):quay trở lại Check sts’ understanding:What and Where. Work arrangement Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class. Teacher whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Whilereading (8’). 2.T/F statements prediction: Pairwork -Ask sts to discuss and guess T/F statements in pair. a.LiLi and Alan are going to travel to HoChiMinh City by bus. Teacher whole b.It takes about thirty hours to get there by bus. class 1.Read and check:-Set the scene: You’re going to read a passage about LiLi and Alan’s plan for an excursion to Ho Chi Minh City.First scan the passage and check your guesses. Answers: a.F, b.F 2.Comprehension questions: Pairwork Sts read the passage again and answer the questions Postin pair. reading Answers: (9’) a.LiLi and Alan are going to travel to Ho Chi Minh City. b.It takes about thirty hours to get there by train. c.They are going to visit some places of interest Groupwork there. d.They are going to fly back to Hanoi. 3.Practic reading aloud. 1.Writing: Consolidation -Ask sts to write about their visit to a place of Homework interest.Then read it aloud. (3’) Next Sunday,I’m going to travel to Hoi An with my Teacher whole family by bus.It takes about three hours to get class there.We’re going to visit the Ancient City and My Son Holly Land.After two days,we are going to return to Hue by train. -Call some sts to read aloud their writings -Recall the vocabulary. -Ask sts to practice reading the text aloud,and do exe.10,11,12/workbook. Week 32/P.63 REVIEWS OF UNIT TEN TO TWELVE I.Recall the old lessons: II.Practice: Unit Ten.Seasons And Weather -To talk about the four seasons and weather and activities in the seasons. 1.A:What’s the weather like in_______? B:It’s_________________________. (spring,summer,autumn,winter,hot,cold,cool,warm) 2.A:What do you usually do in________? B:I usually______________________. (go swimming,go skiing,go fishing,go camping) Unit Eleven.Places Of Interest -To talk about plans for an excursion to places of interest. 1.A:Where are you going next weekend? B:I’m going to__________________. (national park,zoo,museum,swimming pool,amusement park,cinema) 2.A:Is he going to_______or________? B:He’s going to_________________. (circus,post office,water puppet theater).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Unit Twelve.Directions And Road Signs -To talk ask for and give directions and talk about distances and means of transport. 1.A:Where’s the___________? B:Go straight ahead.Turn_______.It’s on your_______. 2.A:How far is it from here to______________? B:It’s about___________________________. (bus stop,post office,railway station,airport). Week32/P.64. ONE-PERIOD TEST 8 SELF-CHECK 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> Week 33/P.65,66 REVISION FOR THE SECOND-SEMESTER TEST.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Week 34/P.67. SECOND-SEMESTER TEST.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> Week 34/P.68. CORRECTION OF THE SECOND-SEMESTER TEST.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span>

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