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A journey is easier when you travel together. Sometimes, Interdependence
is certainly more valuable than independence. This internship report is results of
two months of training of whereby I have accompained and supported by many
people . It is pleasant that now I have the opportunity as express my gratitude for all
of them.
First and Foremost, I offer my sinceres gratitude to the teachers’s guidance,
family’s support, friend’s care for giving me the strength and patience to complete
this internship course. I am grateful to you for your contribution and encouragement
helped me not only overcomed the limitation and difficulties in the study but also
gave me more learned experiences in life. Especially, I am greatly indebted to my
supervisor Mrs. Nguyen Thi Bich Hien, MA at Foreign Language Department of
Vinh University, who taught and gave me valuable assistances in the internship
I also want to take this opportunity to Tran Van Luong – M.A at former
Vinh University and also the director of the company and Tran Thi Thanh Huyen who manages only operating department and its divisions giving me working
environment where I had chance to recieve experiences and useful knowledges in
working as well as in life.
Last but not the least, thousands of thanks to all Thang Long translation
company staffs who helped me in all the possible aspects about translation and soft
skills. Thank you for give me awonderful internship period, for helping me quickly
learn to acquaint wirh job and become more professional translator at Thang Long
Once again thank you all!
Vinh, April 15th, 2016
Tran Thi Ngoan



TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................ii
PART I: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................1
1.1. Name and address.............................................................................................1
1.2. History of company..........................................................................................1

Organization of company................................................................................2

1.4. Structure of company........................................................................................2
1.5. Advantage and disadvantage of company.........................................................3
1.5.1. Advantages.....................................................................................................3
1.5.2. Disadvantages.................................................................................................4
1.6. Summary of the duties and responsibilities performed by the internship................4
CHAPTER II: PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES.....................................................5
2.1. What I have done...............................................................................................5
2.2.New skills acquired and skills improved.............................................................6
2.3. Management techniques observed....................................................................7
2.3.1. Method of control time...................................................................................7
2.3.2. Method of control people................................................................................7
2.3.3. Method of manage facilities...........................................................................7
2.4 . Classroom skills employed..............................................................................7
2.5. Problems encountered........................................................................................8
2.6. Lesson learned..................................................................................................9
2.6.1 Positive learning lesson.....................................................................................9
2.6.2. Negative learning lesson.................................................................................9
2.7 Future orientation............................................................................................10
PART III: CONCLUSION....................................................................................11
PART IV: RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................12


In the trend of economic integration, translators plays an important role.
Most of these fields such as construction, health care, finance, tourism, ... are using
both Vietnamese and foreign languages. With the trend of international economic
integration, the translation services for business and cultural exchange is extremely
Especially in the context of early 2016 the AEC community was established,
the organization that allows citizens in this country go to in another country to work
, the translation industry is even more important. In this context that many
translation companies were born and one of which translation companies try Thang
Long -one of leading prestigious companies in Vinh city attracted not only by the
quality of the translation, but it also is rich in the number of languages that the
company has.
As an English- majored student at the Vinh university , I feel very lucky to
have the opportunity to work at the company. This is a professional work
environment helped me to accumulate a lot more experieces in translating and other
Overview of Thang Long Translation Company
1.1. Name and address
Full name of company: Thang Long Translation of Limited Liability
Trading name: Thang Long Translation Company
Abbreviation: TLTrans
Director: Mr. Tran Van Luong
Certificate No: 046621 issued by the Planning and Investment Department
Address: 8 – Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street - Vinh city - Nghe An province
Phone number: 0383.564.355

1.2.History of company
Thang Long Translation of Limited Liability Company was established in
June 3 1995, has become the trusting destination in translating field , exit and
entry or foreign travel and the others for domestic and international customers.
The Certificate No: 067126 issued by People’s Committee of Nghe An
province. Address: 155 – Tran Phu street – Vinh city – Nghe An province. May 5 th,
2005, registered revision first time, the business registration issued by Planning and
Investment Department. Address: 8 – Nguyen Thi Minh Khai – Vinh city – Nghe
An province, where is current location. April 2 nd, 2014, changed second time with
multi-majors and Thang Long Auto Service.\


Consists of 38 trades in which trades from 34 to 38 is:
+ Translating documents, paper from foreign languages into
Vietnamese and opposite.
+ Providing interpreters of languages.
+ Fostering language quickly before exiting.
+ Oversea Study Consultancy .
+ International Cultural Exchange.
+ Making friends.
With 21 years of operation, the company has had many good achievements .
The high quality translation, interpretation has been attracting numerous customers
in the province, domestic and international. The company has completed translation
programs with national and international level, particularly government and law
enforcement agencies have assigned many cases with foreign elements of
Procuratorate and Nghe An police as well as many important political documents .

1.3. Organization of company
Now, Thang Long Translation Company has 50 staffs and collaborators
with good operating structure and suitable scale to ensure the flexibility and
business effectiveness. There are 4 permanent staffs and 46 collaborators who have
doctor degree, bachelor of science, engineering and so on, with all the world's
languagese such as English, Japan, French, Germany, China… With an experienced
team of professional translators, technical experts and project managers, Thang
Long offers high quality Vietnamese and other Asian language translation services
in a wide range of fields such as Finance, Banking, Technical, Medical,
Pharmaceutical, Legal, IT, Hospitality, Culture, Sports and so on .All translators are
fully skilled to handle and meet any customer’s need.
1.4. Structure of company
Director: 1
Deputy Director: 1
Customer Consultant : 1
Collaborators of European languages: 26
Collaborators of Asia languages: 20



Diagram of company:

Function of departments
Director: Mr. Tran Van Luong is currently
the director of the company. He is
the leader and controller in the company. Besides, he directly manages all

departments but operating one. He also represents for the rights and obligations of
the company and all staffs before the state and the law.
Deputy Director: is Mrs. Tran Thi Thanh Huyen who manages only operating
Customerfor the
department and itsDeputy
In addition, she also works
as a counselor
director about general development activities.
Consulting Customer: Performing consultant in place, consulting and
customer inquiries; Caring customer and customer development potential; Guide,
assist customers complete the procedure before translation.
European languages
of translating
Asia languages
languages: who
specialize in
English, French, German, Russian into Vietnamese or vice versa.
Collaborators of Asia languages: who specialize in translating from Korean,
Thai, Lao, Chinese, Japanese into Vietnamese and vice versa.
German of company
Chinese Japanese Korean

and disadvantage
1.5.1. Advantages
All of our collaborators are fully-skilled and certified professionals fluent in
both source and target languages with expertise experiences in a wide range


of cases such as court, healthcare, community, business meeting,government
conference, telephone interpreting .
1.5.2. Disadvantages
Because the mechanisms State for translation companies should not need to
business registration must have a degree in foreign languages so the establishment
of the companies are widespread and everyone has the right to open the company.
Therefore, customers increasingly dispersed, quality of materials are also affected.
1.6. Summary of the duties and responsibilities performed by the internship
As an intership in company, I had chance to train myself like real translator.
I tried to finish my tasks before dealine and follow the regulations or rules of the
company such as: rule of working time, rule of working place and so on. To do my
duty well I always get on well with all staffs , help and support them something
when they busy.At the same time I apply my knowledge I learnt from university to
translate documents, news, newspaper, letter and so on.


2.1. What I have done
I began my internship period from February 22 nd ,2016. My main job was

translating documents such as news, birth of certificate, driver's license, health of
certificate, identity card and so on. After completely, director and staffs helped me
to check answer and gave me some comments about my translations. In adition, the
company gave me some tasks like type and photocopy documents , went notarized
at the Justice Department, arranged paper. I have a chance to train myself to become
translator. And I realized that translator is not simple as I thought.
The first, the duty of translator include translating documents which belong to
many fields from economy, education,tourism to chemiscal, electricity from
Vietnamese to English and in contrary. Some documents were too difficult to
understand so I have to search information to have certain background knowledge
about that topics.
Sometimes, the translator may also typed the text, sent mail to customers.
Some, but not all, office may expect the translator serve customers and gave them
informations about procedures of exiting, oversea study consultancy,...
Moreover, the translator was expected having background knowledge about
culture and features of target language.
In summary, to be good translator I have to update my knowledge every day ,
every hour not only knowledges in book but also events in the daily life.
Office time: - In the morning: from 7:00am to 11:00am
- In the morning: from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
In the first weeks, my first responsibility was going to the company learn more
about the its history, the scale and organization of the company, got acquainted with
the way and method of working , learn some experiences from staff in method and
technique of translation. Besides, I also started to learn how to use computer and
printer .I had some difficulties with the photocopy and fax machine because this
was the first time I’ve used them. But after practicing few days , I did much better.
In the next three weeks, Mrs. Thanh Huyen gave me some documents about
the economy, tourism,education...to translate from Vietnamese to English and in
contrary. When I started translating I met some specialized terminologies so I found
very difficult to choose the exactly meaning . Especially, the document belongs to

chemical sector, some words is really strange for me. Even they are in Vietnamese
are also difficult to understand. I made many mistakes in my translation but with
staffs’s comments in company I felt more confident to translate others .
In the few next weeks, I was also responsible for writing and reviewing
monthly reports to be presented at the meeting in the company every weekend.
Besides these responsibilities, I was involved in working with customers such as:

guiding the procedures of foreign travel, exiting or instructing customer prepare
some paper when they want to make labor export procedures.This was a good
chance for me learned how to work , interact and satify customers.
Furthermore, I translated the Family register from Vietnamese to English,
identity card, went to department of Justice to seal some documents. In addition, I
translated the somes articles, news on BBC. To begin with translating these
documents I had to look up news, information around the world to have background
knowledge relate to document I was translating. It helped me take more experiences
in translating newspaper.
In the final weeks, I continued translating documents such as the confirmation
of marital status, BBC news, newspaper and so on from English to Vietnamese.
Translating these documents help me expand my knowledge in many fields.
Moreover, I met customers typed some documents ,photocopied documents for
them or called and answered telephone from customers. In the weekend, I
participated in the monthly meetings in the company, worked with the Director and
the staff of all company to prepare for the new plans for next week and review the
work of last week.
2.2.New skills acquired and skills improved
During my internship period, I have learned that a lot of useful things to my
self through my senior supervisor and staffs of company helped me. It was good
chance to be taught and listened ideas and opinion and know how to use the

opportunity to better myself and develop my skills and knowledge.
Firstly, I had some experience in using machines like photocopy, printer or the
way to send and recieve mail, fax from customers. I realized that computer skills are
also very important in job. It helped me update information, news around the world
quickly. At the same time, I also learn how to work with co-workers. Everyone is
different and getting along with co-workers isn’t always easy, I often came across
unusual characters at work. Using communication skills to interact with different
types of people in a professional setting, On the other word , this requires your
ability and skills not only answer and give information which they need but it also
communication skill to satisfy them and make them trust you. this can take some
getting used to but I know it will help me to settle in at new jobs faster.
Secondly, translating many documents in many fields help me expand my
knowledge not only economy, education but also chemistry and finance. I didn’t
feel strange when I met that type documents. My translation become more and more
naturally. When translating sentences from Vietnamese to English and in contrary, I
know what kind of vocabularys, structures which I should use. Before intership
course, to translate a a page from English to Vietnamese it took me about 1 hour
but now I have just spent 45 minutes to finish it.


Thirdly, I learnt how to get on well with everyone. Because you worked in the
company it mean that you had to work with a lot of people. You have to know
coperate with other, to be a good partner , can work not only on your own very but
also in teamwork effectively then you did your job well.
In short, I learned new skills that will benefit me in my job search or as I
pursue further learning opportunities in the future.
2.3. Management techniques observed
Interning in Thang Long company I not only expanded and update my

knowledge but also learnt the management techniques to control time
human,finance , facilities.
2.3.1. Method of control time
To be an effective employee and successful I must be able to manage your
time efficiently. Most people have fairly good time management skills from School
or University experience. In the workplace however it can be quite different, often
with a much higher tempo of tasks needing to be completed and usually unforeseen
variations during the day. I had chance to to learn new techniques of how to manage
my time better. When translating I know use how long time to finish one translation
on time. I also knew how to balance time, the ways to arrange were right in process
of translating document. Moreover, to save time I need to know the most important
things are priority , to balance time for my life and my job I should make careful
plans for new week.
2.3.2.Method of control people
Interning in company, I also learn how to manage and observe many
people at the same time.The director always match the requirements of the job to
the abilities of the person. He try to sure that the person is assign the task to is
capable of doing the job.Therefore, my lesson in management is if you want to lead
a team, a company or school the primary problem you have to understand them and
always get everyone moving in the direction you are managing.
2.3.3. Method of manage facilities
Machines is not too difficult to use them but I know that I need to learn the
way to use them to use them longer. That is also the way to save money for
company. So the director always teach people the procedures in order before using
2.4 . Classroom skills employed
This internship period was the time when I started to become financially
responsible which allowed me to explore more options in my life and career. The
use of the knowledge and lesson from my thesis in some subjects like ‘translation
theory’, I know this subject until I were in real job. It gave me basic theory about

translation such as techniques, strategies, steps to translate. A good translator is
person who has not only good grammar, vocabulary but also background

knowledge,cultural knowledge of other countries. Therefore, translator has to
update knowledge every day, every hour.
In next terms we were learnt translation I and II . Teacher gave us specific
topics about economic, education,health, tourism, environment which help us a lot
when in real job. Because these documents provide some specialized terms , new
words, structures when we translating.
In the ‘Business English’ I learned about economy concepts and
terminologies. I was taught some basics knowledge on marketing. It help me more
understand some terminologies about economy.At the same time ‘Interpreting I and
II’ gave us chances to practice translating by speaking.This help us reflect quickly
and speed up translating.
I found that subjects which I learnt in university were very useful when I use
them in working.
2.5. Problems encountered
First of all, it was not easy for me to be better communicate with customer
when I met and received to all request from customers. Because giving satisfaction
of fastidious customers, I must be patient and harmony. For the first time, there was
a customer who gave me some paper about exting and required me translate for
them. There are many paper so when I translated for them I forget one paper. After
checking, they complained with the director. I was afraid and embarrassed then the
customer require another staff did it again for them. I really dispointed about myself
. Since then I always tell myself check everything careful before giving every thing
for customers.
Secondly, sometimes time was limited so I had to face to translate
documents quickly as soon as possible. I felt really stress to finish my work and

gave customers on time. I realized that I always need to plan and know how to
arrange time to finish my job well.
Finally, some documents belong to specialized terms so they are very
difficult to translate. When I received these documents, I don’t know how to start.
Furthermore , in tranlation process I usually met new words, strange structure
which I’ve never seen before making me despondent. Especially, everything was
not same as I was in class.When I had finished my translations, teacher had helped
me check them. But in company everyone is very busy, sometimes they can’t help
me so I had to do it alone.
So I found that besides my knowledge, it is very important to have
background knowledge in the others fields. On the other words, I need to equip
myself with knowledge not only in books but also in life.
Although, the intern was also faced with some difficulties during the internship
period but my supervisors supported me so much, they always gave valuable


guidances for me to finish my job well, besides they also encouraged me spiritually
to help me become more confident.
2.6. Lesson learned
2.6.1 Positive learning lesson
Internship are quickly becoming essential for any job and offer a lot of
experiences to student hoping to get ahead. Perharp, most importanly, a good
internship provides you with experiences, lessons and tools for your future. In the
entire two months, I also got personal experiences .
Firstly, one of the most important things you can take away from intership is
working hard and do not waste your time. I had time a chance to work translation
company, no one give me second chance. Therefore, I should have also spent time
to use my knowledge, sharpen and hone the skills I already possessed.

Secondly, imitating co-worker in company. I meant I could learn how they
interact, how they talk, how thay dress and their repeated habits. For example, if
you notice that everyone is always on time and take puntuality seriously, you can
learn about office etiquette procedures from the ones who have them for 20 years.
Thirdly, talk with your co-worker. Co-workers have lot of experience and
they have obviously made it in that particular field. Ask them how they got this and
what advice have for you .You could learn a lot and get some great idea. The best
way to learn from your performance is to ask for feedback from those with whom
you work with.So make an effort to maintain a relationship with everyone in
Learn to adapt and don’t be afraid to ask question. As an intern, I have
learned to adapt to different tasks, deadlines, and personalities in the workplace.
Through trial, and error. I have learned what works best for my team and our work.
To gain better clarify and effectively manag change, I have alsolearned to not be
afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to show your strengths and acknowledge
your mistakes . Mistakes are opportunity for growth.
The one more thing when sending emails, always say please and thank you
even if it is something small. Because everyone is very busy, they rarely pay
attention. Saying pleasure and thank you is very easy and everyone appreciates the
gesture. Being polite and showing people kindness goes a long way.
2.6.2. Negative learning lesson
Besides some positive learning lessons, there were also some painful
experiences. When I started to find the place where I interned, I didn’t know which
company I should apply for. So I have to ask my friend’s idea to make my decision.
I was not sure about my decision , fortunately, I made right choice.
One time I promised to help a staff to finish the translation because she was
sick but until the deadline the director required to hand in, I knew I forget. That was
lesson about keeping the promise I never forget.

2.7 Future orientation
Internship period can be difficult and you only have a short time to make a
lasting impression. But an internship is a great opportunity to gain hands-on
experience, develop deep relationships and set yourself up for a rewarding career.
Internship is an opportunity to test out a career field of interest," Strausser
says. By the end of it, you should have a clearer idea of whether or not you really
do want to enter that field or pursue that occupation.
I learned the basic techniques and principles of this translation company
while executing assignments and working with the professional staff. My major
goal was to be translator in the future. Basing on the ablility ,results of studying and
my favourite , I was concerned with developing an understanding of the methods
and knowledges which could be applied to become translator.


The time has come for us to say goodbye to Thang Long company. While we
each took something different from this experience, we can unanimously say that
our time here has been unforgettable. From the day-to-day tasks to meet and
communicate with customers and co-worker, I learned a lot and have grown
personally as well as professionally.
Throughout my eight weeks training period, I had the opportunity to learn
and gain valuable experiences at Thang Long company. Each day of training
session, I have learnt many new thing and gained knowledge which is related to
translation field. Besides that, this training session also teaches me on how to be
responsible in conducting tasks and also being independent to learnt new things. In
addition, the entire task given is challenge. Along my undergoing training, I already
to solved several problems or challenges faced.

It has trained me to be more independent. In addition, I also have already
able to work as a team and be a team player.
I also found I have find out what my strengths and weaknesses are. I
achieved many of my learning goals, however for some the conditions did not
permit to achieve something as I wanted.I had to deal with real problem and painful
lesson. But I am trying to learn they way controland address the troubles better.
In general, internship was time I can not forget. This was an excellent
experience, proved very good quality and I will continue to work hard to achieve
what I want .


I do appreciate the time and opportunity given to us as students as far as
intership training is concerned, however there is a need to review in ways in which
internship is handled and address some of above mentioned challenges by both
organization and university.
Firstly , I want to suggest for the company. I would like to suggest the
company should cooperate with foreign company, make more conditions for intern
have opportunities to meet and communicate with native speaker to improve english
skills such as organize party, exchange intership send volunteer to company.
Secondly, the training programs should be devided into professional major
which should meet the following question: who do students want to become? Such
as if their dream job is interpreter the program need to give concentrate on not only
listening and speaking skills but also provide more training course to practice. If
student want to become translator help them focus writing and reading . Or student
would like to become tour guide provide them knowledge about tourism an often
organize trip to know wonders in country as well as aboad.
Thirdly, choosing company you intern is the most important decision . It is a

great opportunity for developing personal activities and making contacts which may
prove of value in the near future and work with a experienced staffs in your
favourite field . If it is wrong, you will get bored and dispointed in working . Thus,
you have to consider carefully.
Finally,the advices for next internship students was preparing your
knowledges, skills well when you are studying in class. Because lacking of those
you will meet some problems and it is hard for you to finish your job well. I hope
that other interns got as much out of it as I did.
In summary, there are some difficulties , of course you will meet. However,
instead of avoiding them, let’s face and find the way to solve them. I believe that
‘everything will be okay in the end if it’s not okay, it’s not the end.’

