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1. Rationale
It can not be denied that nowadays english has become more and more important in many
fields of human life, such as, science, technology, trade, communication and research as well.
In recent year, the number of Vietnamese's students learn this target language has been
dramatically increasing because they are aware of its essential role in their job and their life.
Living in a new age, but without mastering any foreign language, you will be lelf behind. A
common language as English helps our society to unite to cooperate together to develop more
and more. Yet, to learn English well is not easy thing to Vietnammese learners. One of the
reason is the polysemy of English words, especially English verbs. A verb can have a lot of
meaning in different contexts. Ph.D. Do Thi Kim Lien (1990: 90) states that : " verb is the
complicated word - class, it is used widely and takes a leading - position in the lexical stock,
the verb plays a nuclear role in forming the sentence " (cited from Truong Thi Hai, 2004 :4).
In English, among such verbs as TO HAVE, TO GET,TO TAKE, TO GIVE, the verbs TO
DO and TO MAKE are also the most popular words, and are used in many different ways. A
noticeable thing is two verbs, at first sight, having the same meaning, so they often make
learners confused. And, as a result, they will make mistake in using of them. This is a basic
error that is worthness having to any English learner.
The author, herself, a student of Foreign Language department at the moment and a teacher in
the near future, also found some difficulties and challenges when learning and applying these
two verbs. Therefore, her ambition in this study is to identify difficulties that may have and to
help her and learners overcome these ones. In addition, the author wants to make teaching of
English in general and grammar lessons in particular more interesting and practical to pupils
in the long run.
2. Aims of the study
The study is conducted with the following aims :
- to emphasize the importance roles of multifunctional verbs in English, to do and to make as
- to help learners understand the usages of the verbs to do, to make in each concrete cases.
- to help them to know and apply two verbs in some constructions .
- to suggest some useful exercises and solutions to help learners make no errors in the process

of learning English .


3. Scope of the study
The study will focus on discovering how two verbs to do and to make are used in short
stories: "That's what friends are for", "Zoom in" and other material resources as from Internet,
dictionary or books and the differences between them, as well as some typical constructions .
4. Research questions
The study will focus on dealing with the following questions:
- how many fuctions do the verbs to do and to make have?
- how many lexical meanings do the verbs to do and to make have in English?
- how do these two verbs to do and to make differ from using of each other ?
5. Method of the study
To finish this study, the author has used some approches as following:
- collection
- analysis
- synthetic
- compare and contrastive
5. Design of the study
The study comprises of three main parts:
Part I dealt with the rationale for choosing the topic, the aim, scope, method and format of the
study. Part II consist of three chapters : chapter 1 with the title theoretical background
introduces to readers the general informations about definitions of verbs as well as
classifications of them. Chapter 2 entitled the study provides deeper knowledge about the two
verbs to do and to make, the different meanings and some differences in using of them.
Besides that is problems that learners meets in learning process .Chapter 3 named findings
and suggested exercises gives reasons , solutions for the problem so that help learners
distinguish these two verbs better

Chapter I
1.1. An overview of English verbs
1.1.1. What is a verb?
Verbs compose a fundamental category of words in most languages
There are many differenr definitions of verb:


According to Collin Cobuild in English grammar (1990), " verb is a word used with a subject
to say what someone or something does, or what happens to them (eg: live, go, eat)" (cited
from cao Thi Viet Ha, 2007:1).
Another one, "A verb is a lexical category in the grammar made up of words such as like and
listen. In Universal Grammr it is the head of the lexical verb phrase. Different types of verbs
specify whether there is a need for :no Object: Eric fainted, one Object: Bill sang the blues, 2
Objects: Mary gave the money to her brother, an animate Subject: the man fainted not The
rock fainted, and so on" ( cited from: )
Verbs are one of the most essential parts of speech that exist within any language. Without
them, we would never be able to tell exactly what was happening in any text. Verbs are
"action" words that detail what is going on. You can make a sentence with a single verb, but
you cannot make one without a verb.
Verbs are sometimes described as action words.this is partly true.many verbs give the idea of
action, of "doing" ST. For example, words like go, sing, do and work all convey action, but
some verbs do not, they give the idea of existence, of state or "being".for instance, verbs like
be, seem, belong all covey state.
A verb always has a subject, except command sentence does not have subject (hidden
subject). (in the sentence " John speaks English", John is the subject and speak is the verb ).


something very




in English.


other words

( adjectives,adverbs, prepositions, etc ) do not change in form (although nouns can have
singular and plural forms). But almost all verbs change in form. For example, the verb to eat
have five forms: to eat, eat, eats, eating , ate .
1.1.2. Transitive and intransitive verbs
A transitive verb is followed by a direct object
Eg: - I am typing my thesis
- I saw my cousin yesterday
Most transitive verbs can be used in the passive voice. Some transitive verbs consist of more
than one part.
Eg: - I listen to the radio
An intransitive is not followed by an object and can never be used in passive voice.Some
intransitive verbs consist of more than one part
Eg : - My head aches

- The plane touched down .


1.2. Verb classification
Leech and Svartvik (1975) state that there are two types of verbs : main verbs ( eg: learn,go,
think, etc.) and auxilary verbs which include primary auxilaries ( do, have, be ) and modal
auxilaries (eg : will , may, should, etc .) (cited from Cao Thi Viet Ha, 2007:1).
In this thesis , we will follow the classification of A.J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet.
According to A .J. Thomson and A.V. Martine, verbs can be classified into : Auxilary and
Ordinary verbs .
1.2.1. Auxilaries verbs

Auxilary verbs are verbs that have grammatical function in the verb phrase, help
complete the meaning of the verb phrases.
There are three kinds of auxilary verbs :
- primary auxilaries : be , do, have
- modal auxilaries : must , should, can, need, ought to, etc.
- semi - auxilaries : had better , tend to
(Greenbaum, S. & Quirk, R. , 1973 :26)

General characteristics of auxilary verbs :
- forming negative form by adding " not" after verb
- forming interogative form by inversion
- forming tag- question by using that verb ourself
- repeating in elliptical sentences

1.2.2. Ordinary verbs
Ordinary verbs are those that denote action or state and they themselves carry full dictionary
There are many categories to classify ordinary verb :

According to the ability, to be used in progress form, verbs are classified into : Stative
and Dynamicverbs.
- Stative verbs : are verbs that can not be used in continuous form. They expsess

state , experence, condition, etc.
Eg: want, desire, wish, like, taste, see, hear.etc
- Dynamic verbs : are verbs with continuous form , they express action .
Eg: work, do, run, sleep, jump ,kick , etc

According to the relationship between the verb elements in the clause , we classify
verbs into : Intensive and Intransitive Extensive Dynamic Verbs .
- Intensive verbs : are verbs that take subject complement ( Cs) or obligatory
adverb ( Aob).





a girl

→ S . V. C






at school




→ S . V . Aob

- Intransitive Extensive Dynamic Verbs : are verbs that do not take any object .





→ S .V

Mary goes

to the library


→ S.V.A


Transitive verbs are verbs that take one or more than one objects. There are three kinds of
transitive verbs:

Monotransitive verbs : these verbs take one object ( Od).
Eg :






Ditransitive verbs : two objects are taken by these verbs .
Eg : Hung






→ S.V.O

a new shirt

S .V.O.O

S . V . O. C


Complextransitive verbs have two subtypes
+ They take object and object complement
Eg :




Mr Bean





+ They take object and obligatory adverbial




her hat

on the self




S . V. O . A

1.3. Verb forms
1.3.1. Ordinary verbs
Ordinary verbs often have five forms : the base form, the -s form, the past form, the - ing
participle and the - ed participle. Regular ordinary verbs have four actual forms because
they have the same -ed inflection for both the past and the past participle: V, V-s, V-ed1 =
V-ed2, V-ing. Irregular ordinary verbs have from 3 to 8 forms:


Verbs with 3 forms

V= V- ed1 = V-ed2



• Some other verbs; put, cost, hurt,etc.
Verbs with 4 forms

V = V-ed2


V- ed1

V- ing

• Other verbs : become, overcome, run.
Verbs with 5 forms











(most of ordinary

• Verbs with 8 forms; There is only one verb " be".


she is a famous singer.
I am a student.
they are tourists.
she was an actress 5 years ago.
we were good friends last year.
the study was being done at 7 a.m last night.
I have been to Ha Noi
she is considered as my closest pattner.

1.3.2. Auxilary verbs
• Primary auxilaries


is / am / are
has / have
does / do

was / were


• Modal auxilaries


Non- finite
be /being /been
have / having

Modal auxialaries have only one form which is used for all persons and numbers. They
are followed by the base forms whether they are in negative or not.

Their forms are the following:

Contracted negative















1.4. Conclusion
In this chapter, all the theoretical background relating to English verb have been
mentioned with a hope to help the readers have a comprehension understanding of the
verb. In the next chapter we will study some lexical meaning of two verbs to do and to
make in English. Because of the limited time, we only focus on some the common
meanings of to do and to make .

2.1. Introduction
Firstly, the author would like to present forms and fuctions of to do and to make and then
the different lexical meanings of them. Finally, she will give some differences in use of
these two verbs.
2.2. Forms and fuctions of to do and to make
2.2.1. Forms and fuctions of to do Forms of to do
To do is treated as an action verb (ordinary verb). Moreover, to do is an irregular verb,
therefore, it has five actual forms as following : V, V-s, V-ed1, V-ed2, V-ing




DOING Functions of to do
To do is one of the special verbs in English besides to have and to be, because it is both an
auxilary verb and ordinary verb . To do is an auxilary verb
When to do is an auxilary verb, it has 3 variants : do / does / did

Do : is used for the first and the second person singular in present tense .


Does : is used for the third person singular in the present tense .

Did : is used for all persons of both singular and plural in the past tense .

Four usages of to do :
1. To form negative and interogative for ordinary verbs .in " yes - no" questions,
the form of to do goes before subject ; the main verb comes after the subject
eg : did you do your homework ?
in wh- question, it goes after WH and before subject .
2. To form tag- question when main verb in the sentence is an action verb .
3. To advoid repeating main verb whether main verb is an action verb in short
4. To form emphatic form To do is an ordinary verb
To do is also an ordinary verb. The ordinary verb to do can refer to almost kind of
Eg: - What were you doing in the morning?
I went out with my friends.
- You are a grown up man now.You should be able to do things on your own
2.2.2. Forms and fuctions of to make Forms of to make
To make is also an irregular verb, it has four actual forms because it has the same -ed
inflection for both the past and the past participle : V, V-s, V-ed1 = V-ed2, V -ing



MAKING Functions of to make
To make is an ordinary verb. It means to perform an action, to create or construct
something, and to cause somebody to do something.

She is making a cup of tea for her parents.
They often make some mistakes in their English tests.

2.3. Different meanings of to do and to make
2.3.1. Different meanings of to do
When to do is used as an ordinary verb, we often translate it into Vietnamese with
"lam" in sense. However, besides this one, to do has many other popular meanings
that the author wants to refer to as follows. To do in the sense of act, perform .
To do is used with the meaning act , perform, execute a deed, duty, role or an act


Eg : I am pround of that I can do this work to help my family.
[ 6,13 ]
Eventhough she's been blind for twleve years, she still teaches horse to do
[ 1,198 ]

Sometimes, we use it with what, something , anything or nothing to refer to an
action which is not specified or not yet known about .
Eg : Yesterday, I was free. I did not do anything all day
[ 4, 304 ] To do in the sense of finish, complete or accomplish
Here, to do means to fullfil the requirements of task or duty
Eg: Huong always tries to do her duty well at all time.
They have done their homework.
[ 4, 304 ] To do in the sense of deal with, clean, fix a wide range of action
This is one of the basic meanings of to do when it is used with " the V- ing" to indicate
housework or other ones .
Eg : we divided into Mom's chores : Dad did the cooking and I did the dishes,

[3,198 ]
While she was doing the ironing, her husband was doing the shopping with his


lover. To do in the sense of put forth , exert
Put forth and exert means to try one's best to gain, to manage to something
Eg : When Mr. Rickey told him, "I want a man with the courage not to fight back",

Robinson replied, " If you take this gamble, I'll do my best to perform ".
[ 3, 226 ]

If she wants to pass in the next examination, she must do her best. To do in the sense of cheat, swindle
In this meaning, to do is understood as to cheat, to defraud of money or property of
Eg :

You have to pay a dime to try it out, and if you can do the trick, you'll win a

[ 3, 517 ]
This table isn't a genuie antique. I'm afraid you've been done.


[ 4,604 ]
2.3.2. To make
Unlike to do, to make is an ordinary verb only , nevertheless, there are also many different
meanings in using of this verb that make ambiguous to learners. Here, we want to introduce
some of the most popular meanings. To make in the sense of construct or create
In this meaning, to make is equal to bringing into existence by shaping or changing material,
combining parts : to make a dress, to make a channel, etc.
Eg : How did you make these biscuit?
That's a secret! One day I'll let you make some
[ 1, 225 ]
The stone made a dent in the roof of my car
[ 4, 507 ] To make in the sense of write, compose
Eg : - The play was going to be performed on the day before Thankgiving I made the

mother's old

for most of the scenery. I made a barn, a church,...Consulea brought in her
leftorer make up. She did a good job of making up everybody .

[1, 242 ]
- My drawings stood out really well. I never made such big drawings in my life
[1,263 ] To make in the sense of cause ST to exist
Here, to make means to produce, cause to exist or happen, bring about an negative effect
Eg: A jackhammer was making so much noise that I couldn't hear whether the light was
green or red.
[ 1,202 ]
After school, everyone was still making a fuss over her. Even Pat had to open his stupid
[1, 242 ] To make in the sense of elect, appoint
Eg : They had made Peter the Brat chairman because he had volunteered for it .Peter said
that he would make a good chairman.
[3, 517 ]
He was made spokesman by the committee.
[ 4, 1228 ] . To make in the sense of prepare ST


To make is used with the meaning of putting in the proper condition or state, fixing or
preparing something for use .

Eg : When he saw his grandpa busy making his own big bed, Jim went into his room .
[ 1,214 ]
He would always remember how to make a bed swung as a bug and fold clothes
neatly .
[4 ,1228 ]
2.4. Some differences in using of to do and to make
2.4.1. Introduction
To do and to make are considered as one of the verbs categories that make Vietnamese
learners embrassed most in their English learning process. Because these two verbs are
commonly translated into the sense of word "lam" in Vietnamese, therefore, learners find
difficult to distinguish between them. Below are tips that the author gives with the hope to
help learners have a clearer distinction.
2.4.2. The common uses of to do We use the verb to do when someone performs an action, activity or task

Do the irroning
Do the washing
Do a crossword,etc


I do the shopping once a week.
He does the gardening everyday. To do is used when refering to work of any kind, and these do not produce a physical

Do your homework

Do her duty,etc.


we have to do a lot of work on the house. To do is used for general ideas : you use the verb to do when speaking about things in
general. In other word, to describe a action without saying exactly what the action is. This
form is often used with the words something, nothing, anything, everything, etc.

She is ready to do everything for him.
There is nothing to do in this place.

→ Then,

to do is used for daily actions that is not specified and creative. This means to do

not produce or create new things.

Important expressions with to do


There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb to do. Here some the most
common ones we often meet:
Do homework

Do an exercise
Do housework
Do the dishes
Do the cooking
Do the shopping
Do business
Do a favour
Do one's duty
Do an experiment
Do a crime
Do harm
Do your best
Do time (to go to prison)
Do well
Do badly
Do your share
Do your part
Do me a honor
Do your hair
Do your nail
Do damage

2.4.3. The common uses of to make
Unlike to the verb to do, the most general sense of to make is to create ( something that did
not exist come into being). To make is used for constructing, building or creating something new, and specific
things or actions
Eg: Make a dress
Make plan
Make a profit To make is often used when refering to preparing food of any kind


Eg: My mother always gets up early to make breakfast for my family
Tommorow, they wil make a meal for their fifteenth wedding anniversary

! NOTE : These actions usually create something that you can touch
● Some important expressions of to make:
Make a mistake
Make progress
Make a speech
Make money
Make love
Make war
Make a fuss / a scene
Make a mess
Make noise / a sound
Make an appointment
Make an assumption
Make an attempt
Make a complain
Make a decision
Make an effort
Make an excuse
Make friend
Make sense
Make an offer

2.4.4. Conclusion
In chapter II, the author has presented all the different lexical meanings and notable
expressions of the verbs to do and to make in English concretely and clearly. In chapter III,
the author continues to deal with these two verbs in pointing out differences in lexical
meaning as well as in structures. From that give advice and suggestions to help learners
advoid mistakes in using the verbs to do and to make.


Chapter III

- findings, error analysis and discussion

3.1. Introduction
After making an overview on the lexical meanings of the verbs to do and to make in the two
previous chapters, in this chapter, the author will analyze some difficulties and mistakes of
English learners when using two verbs above, then find giving out suggested solutions.
3.2. Common mistakes of learners in using to do and to make
3.2.1. Mistakes in using to do
Because to do performs role of both an auxilary verb and ordinary verb in English, therefore,
in using and applying this learners often meet some mistakes as following:


- First, in putting the verb in the correct form exercises with auxilary verb Do / Does in
negative and intterogative sentences.
Many students find confused in selecting which auxilary verb to agree with Subject stands
before it.

Eg: He do not /does not like going to the cinema at all !
Did / do / does they buy this TV last week?
- Second, in translating the meaning of to do into Vietnamese. This originates from the variety
of this verb. In different contexts and with other words, to do has different senses.
3.2.2. Mistakes in using to make
In contrast with to do, the use of to make is simpler because it is only an ordinary verb,
however, it also is confusing to English learners in some structures and translations.
- First, in memorizing meanings of to make and applying it into different contexts
- Second, in using wrongly basic structures of this verb

The more he made, the more his friends laughed
→ This sentence is not in right structure. It must be corrected such as:
The more he tried, the more his friends laughed

Or with the structure:
To make someone / something + adj
Students, especially Vietnammese ones, often use wrongly in translating because they always
add a transitive verb after the direct object of make. This is right in Vietnammese but not in
Eg: Her bad behaviour made everyone feel uncomfortable (1)
The new shirt makes her look more pretty (2)
Sentence (1) and (2) will be correct if we obmit verbs " feel" and "look".
The reason for this error is because of Vietnam's thinking that are given into learning a second
language. It is a negative transfer.
In the structure:
To make someone / something do something
Sometimes, students make errors such as in the sentence below:
The white ceiling and walls of the living room make it seem brighter and larger

We must correct it as following:
The white ceiling and walls of the living room make it brighten and enlarge
Besides that, learners also make error in using make in the position of another transitive vern
in many idoms of English


Eg: that frightening scene made me feel comparison for the two persons
→ instead of using " make" or "feel",we must use the idioms " arouse one's comparison for
something ".
That frightening scene aroused my comparison for the two persons
3.3. Some measures to omit the mistakes
3.3.1. Some advice
Finding out the mistakes is not an easy task to any English teacher in teaching process, but
correcting them and having a good method to help learners not to repeat that mistakes later is
even much more complex.
The basic mistakes made by Vietnamese learners are mostly caused by mother tongue
interference. Therefore, the first and also the most important thing is that the learners should
not abuse their mother tongue in learning foreign language. The best way to omit mistakes
worthless is that learners should use the verbs to do and to make exactly and master their uses
from the beginning. there are some following advice may be used in learning two verbs to do
and to make.
- be aware of verbs in general, the verbs to do and to make in particular.
- master the common meanings, basic forms as well as functions of to do and to make
- try to find out the midtakes and the reasons for these mistakes. After that, try to correct
them to limit or advoid making the same mistakes later.
- do exercises and practise regularly with friends, teachers to have a comprehensive
understanding of these two verbs.
3.3.2. Teaching and learning suggestions

In order to help Vietnamese advoid making mistake as above when teaching the verbs to do
and to make, teacher should explain the general understanding of them. It means that to do
and to make have its most typical sense to realize. To do is used to refer to general ideas,
things or actions of any kind, while to make is used for constructing, building and creating
something specific and new. In addition, teachers should provide important expressions or
idioms of these two verbs.
In using of grammar structures of to do and to make, to not make errors, it is better for the
teacher to do as follows:
- Firstly, writing the structure on the board and giving as many simple examples as
- Secondly, asking learners to give some sentences basing on that structure.
- Finally, getting them to make their own sentences as they can.
3.4. Suggestions for practice


Practice plays an essential role in acquisition of new structure and in determining if students
are able to understand teacher's presentations or not. With objective of helping students master
the lexical meanings and distinctions between to do and to make then advoid commiting
errors, following exercises are suggested by the author.
Exercise 1
Put the correct form of to do ao to make in these following sentences.
1. What do you ( do) for a living?
2. Have you (do) your homework already?
3. The children (make) a mess in the garden now.
4. My husband ( do) the grocery shopping for ten years.
5. Amber ( do) badly on her geography exam last week.
6. We are having guests tonight, so please ( make ) your bed.
7. She only ( make) a mistake in her English test

8. I have to ask you ( do ) me a favour.
9. Have you and your friend ( make ) a decision yet ?
10. Please excuse me while I ( make) a phonecall.
Exercise 2.
Complete the following sentences with "do" or "make" without the quotation marks.
1. When I grow up, I want to have a job that allows me to........... a lot of money.
2. We would be very happy if the countries in the Middle East .......... peace.
3. I always ........... my best.
4. The British like to ........... business with the Americans.
5. When there is no food to eat, everyone has to ............... without.
6. The president ............... an excellent speech yesterday.
7. All soldiers must ............ their duty.
8. Have you ............. your homework?
9. At the end of each holiday, I always think it would't .................. me any harm to have one
more week off.
10. They ........ a big mistake in ........... business with the company that went bankrupt.
11. It's very difficult to............. students ........ their work properly.
12. .......... your best! ......... me pround of you.
13. They can't ......... out what we are trying to .......... they are very confused.
14. At the end of the term tests , you have to ........... the most of time you have left.
15. Madam, will this jacket ........... for your husband? I think he can ........... it .............


To do and to make are the most typical verbs in English. It is refered and concerned a lot
in many materials, not only in the grammar books but also in some research studies as well as
on Internet. Our study of these two verbs are only a small part in the total study about English
grammar. Through this study, firstly, the author gives some general points about grammar that

are fundamental . Next, she tries to finding out the deeper understanding about the uses of to
do and to make in particular. There are many different meanings and important expressions of
each verb in each specific context. Moreover, as mentioning previously, two verbs are
confusing to English learners. They usually make mistakes in using and distinguishing the
differences between to do and to make. From this finding and analyzing, we give some tips to
help learners reduce commiting the same mistakes caused by interlingual effection in the long


run. In addition, since in the near future we will be an English teacher, this study also will be a
very useful guidance for us in teaching grammatical items. In fact, there are many methods to
apply in teaching, these are only the most simple and common ways that the author wants to
introduce. Although the study has been done with all her attempts, her limitation of
knowledge and experience may cause mistakes in the study. Therefore, any comments and
remarks from the audiences are very necessary for her for study.
Vinh, summer 2010.

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4. English - English - Vietnamese Dictionary (1998). Vietnam. The Information Culture
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