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Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
For the completion of this work, I have been fortunate to receive invaluable
contributions from many people.
I want express my great attitude to Mr. Son Minh who helped me to contact
to Viet Smile Consultant, Training and Communications Limited Company . Their
guidance has contributed to my success in the internship.
I wish to thank those at Viet Smile Consulting, Training and
Communications Limited Company, especially the Network of Viet Youth for
HIV/AIDS Prevention where I had taken my internship.
I also wish to thank those working at Project Board and Business Department
for their assists, hospitality, and friendliness. In particular, I wish to give my special
thanks to Mrs. Viet Huong as my teacher, my friend, as well as my guider for her
instructions, guidance and counsels on my translated texts.
Last, I wish to thank my family and my friends to create the condition for me
to finish and to go to Hanoi Capital for internship. They are my fellows who were
always beside me, gave me many good advises and encouragements during that
time so that I could overcome all the obstacles and finished my internship.

Vinh, April , 2014
Tran Van Hoang Thuyen


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen


PART I : INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................4
PART II: DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................................5
I. Introduce about Viet Smile Consulting, Training and Communication Limited
1. Design................................................................................................................................5
2. Mission of the company ....................................................................................................5
3. Goals .................................................................................................................................5
4. Structure of the company...................................................................................................5
5. Function of department......................................................................................................6
II. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES....................................................................................11
1. New skills acquired and skills improved..........................................................................11
2. Management techniques observed....................................................................................11
3. Classroom skilled employed............................................................................................12
4. Problems encountered......................................................................................................12
5. Lesson learned .................................................................................................................13
PART III. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................14
PART IV : RECOMMENDATION..................................................................................15


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
An internship is a pre_professional work that provides students with the
opportunity to gain experience in a particular area field. It also supplements
academic classes and, in some areas, earns college credits. As students, we need to
use the things we have learned in school and put it in practice. This is also a good
chance for us to get to know our future jobs and to try our strengths.
The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and learned during my
internship period. The report focuses primarily on the working environment, my

job and benefits that I get. I also enclosed with my translated materials that I had
The aim of this practice report is to apply and inspect knowledge after
studying in Vinh University into real life at Viet Smile Consulting, Training and
Communication Limited Company, as well as capability of student when working
there with the hope to improve communicating and consulting skills for student
after graduation from Vinh University. The importance of interpreting in the areas
having foreign guests such as hotel, foreign company has stimulated me in the study
on interpreting field. In this report, I will talk about the experiences and problems
through the internship process. There are three main parts in this practice report.
The first part is introduction about company and their duties, the second is
development including experiences, problems, skills acquired and the third is
conclusion and the last part is suggestion.


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
Nowadays, English has been becoming more and more popular all over the
world. It’s considered as an international language. To Vietnamese, English is too
familiar to everyone, as well as all the ages. Besides, English has become a
compulsory subject in almost schools in Viet Nam. Therefore, learning English and
using it in many aspects is very important.
English is the language of international communication. It is the language of
international business, research and science, more than three- forth of the world
mail is written in English, more than three- fifth of the world radio station use
English, more than haft of scientific and research journals are in English. Not all
people over the world can read all language, so it is very important to translate it for
people easy to understand. Translation also helps us so much in working

Up to now, many companies and organization have tried their best in
translating and improving translation skills documents.
When I’m a foreign student, I’m going to graduate from the university, I
choose the company to study and experience for myself.


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
I. Introduce about Viet Smile Consulting, Training and Communication
Limited Company.
Address: No. 35- Alley No. 720, La Thanh Street, Ba Dinh District. Hanoi
City, Vietnam
Tel: 0967490234
Viet Smile Company has established on 6th July 2012. it is located in Hanoi
City where is Capital of our country so that many other important events were also
taken place here. Coming to Hanoi with many famous tourist attractions, you are
always welcome to Viet Smile to be consulted and checked for HIV test ,whether
you are a Vietnamese or a foreigner. This is also a chance to show your respect to
trading city of Viet Nam. Besides, there are many students come from the rest of our
country to study so it is very easy for me to take a survey on my topic.
1. Design.
Viet Smile Consulting, Training and Communication Limited Company has
three floors. The first floor is reception to welcome customers who want to consult
and find out how to solve their problems. The second floor is for the director to
work and the third one is for storehouse which to put the souvenir related LGBT
and HIV/AIDS things such as condoms, flags, badges, and something like that.
2. Mission of the company .
- Viet Smile Company is to provide knowledge about how to prevent

HIV/AIDS and get to know about LGBT lives. The company focuses on individual
business and event organiziers , as well as travel associated with groups meetings. .
- The company may be to provide the way to spread events inside and
outside the country.
3. Goals .
- Take the way for HIV/AIDS people to come back to normal life and to be
harmony with others.
- Support LGBT Community for “Coming out” and express their opinions
and status for a “more open and positive view” to them.
- Anti Homophobia and discrimination from lack of knowledge people and
educate to them.
- Build an equality and justice Vietnam. There is no discrimination for
HIV/AIDS people and LGBT Community.
4. Structure of the company

Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
Mr. Nguyen Van

Deputy Director of

Deputy Director of

Mr. Le Tuan Anh

Ms. Lai Minh Hong

Projectional Dep.

Business Plan

Mr. Nguyen Dinh

Administrative and
Accounting Dep.
Ms. Nguyen Hong

Mr. Nguyen Thanh

HIV Prevention

Business Board

Developing Society

Events Board

Number of staff:

- Full-time Employees: 7
- Part-time Employees: 10
- Collaborators: 15
5. Function of department.
5.1. Director.
- Function: is the leader of Viet Smile Company takes legal responsibilities and
management all activities of the company
- Duty:
+ Organize and guide activities of the company

Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
+ Popularize regulations of the company to its members
+ Assign duties to its members
+ Find solution in training the skills and knowledge for members
5.2. Administrative and Accounting Department
- Function:
An accountant is responsible for the higher function of designing where
necessary, improving or modifying the system of accounts.
- Duty:
+ Accountant supervise and coordinates the work of the book keeper, staff,
writes up more important private and impersonal accounts and prepares the annual
profit and loss accounts and balance sheet.
+ Accountant also interprets such accounts, prepares statistical and financial
data, there from and advises the proprietors of business generally, on all the higher
and more important aspects of accountancy and finance.
+ To receive and coordinate the processing requirement.
+ Provide information and promote the consulting service in the company
+ Information for other parts of the company on the guests to work together

to serve our customers
5.3. Functions and duties of Department Business Plan
- Function :
Advise the Managing Director in the following areas :
- Construction work plans and strategies :
- The aggregate production statistics ;
- The scheduling of business ;
- The estimation ;
- The management of economic contracts ;
- The settlement of economic contracts ;
- Bidding ;
- Perform other duties assigned by the Director .
- Duties:
+ Work plan :
Develop strategic business development of the Company in each stage ;
Advising investment planning and implementation of investment projects up;
Chaired business plan of the Company in each month , quarter , year , and
plans for short, medium and long term leadership as required by the Company;
Statistics , summing up the execution of the business of the Company and
other assigned work according to regulations ;
Guide to units under the plan year per unit . Synthesis of data and opinions of
the provision , the member units to the Company's plan .


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
Analyze and evaluate the results of implementing the plan monthly, quarterly
and year . On that basis, the draft plan summary report quarterly and annually ,
draws its strengths , weakness , find cause to promote strengths and overcome

weaknesses .
+ The estimation :
Chaired construction estimating , estimating procurement of materials and
equipment and the competent authority for approval;
Revise documents advise the Director on the estimated appraisal , settlement
activities carried out mass public , and commercial production - services ,
investment projects construction , equipment procurement overcome floods to the
competent authorities for approval .
+ Work contract :
Drafting and contract management of the economy, in cooperation with the
provision monitored the activities related to the implementation of economic
contracts ,
To advise on contracts with the economic and capital by the Company as
Investor and construction contracts , procurement facilities , equipment , supplies
and fuel , contract repair facilities and equipment agreement on other areas under
current regulations . Coordinating with departments performing the acceptance ,
payment and settlement .
Chaired the work norms , securities regulations .
+ Bidding Responsible for advising and conduct job searches , participate in
bidding for the project to generate revenue and profits for the company .
Responsible for advising investment procedures - construction procurement contracting - contracting ;
Preparation and review of bidding documents , records require the
instructions to bidders , advising organizations bidding as prescribed ;
Join the team of experts to assist the bidding ; advise the Director solve all
procedures related to the stage of preparation of bidding ended .
Perform other duties as required leadership .
+ Powers :
To request the units in the Company and related coordination with relevant
agencies to carry out the functions , duties and powers as prescribed .
To be entitled to participate opinions and propose solutions to the

implementation of field activities of the Company ;
Sign documents and administrative services under the laws and regulations
of the Company to perform the work assigned and authorized by the Director ;
To participate in the arrangement , promotion , reward and discipline
employees of the room and proposed directors to terminate the contract before the
deadline for non- affiliated staff complete assigned tasks ;

Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
Were allowed to participate room staff of the organization signed by the
directors decided to establish .
Are entitled to use the equipment and facilities of the Company to serve the
purpose to complete the above tasks ;
Be entitled to refuse to carry out the tasks assigned by the leadership but not
in accordance with the provisions of laws and procedures that work ;
+ Responsibilities :
Construction project director and program planning work of their units are
defined in section A , to ensure compliance with regulations , quality and
effectiveness of advisory work ;
To ensure compliance with the provisions of the Company and the laws of
the State in the implementation process ;
Directors regularly report the performance of assigned duties ;
Preservation , storage and management of records and documents , ... of the
work in accordance with the provisions of the rooms , facilities management ,
property of Company Affairs unit ;
Responsible to the Director and the law for the implementation of the above
tasks ;
5.4. Functions and duties of Communicating Events Board
- Functions

Communications Unit is advising the Principal of the school's branding .
In charge of propaganda activities , promote the image of the school to the
outside .
A representative of the speech and working with media agencies .
Provide and manage internal communication channels .
- Duties
+ Management website :
- Implement content , images all activities of the school and on the web
- Editing and processing messages, the image of the departments , faculties , centers
in schools
- Design banners , flash web
- Organize the writing contest and photo contest periodically on the web
- Cinema Management page
- Management 's Facebook fanpage schools and media room
- Gradually implement activities to increase traffic and improve web
rankings : established clubs online , the online poll…
- Organize regular meetings offline themed
- Coordinate with relevant departments organized playground for students ,
staff , faculty, staff : the fashion design competition , singing competition ,
competition on schools , recreational activities in the holidays

Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
- Provide ideas for organizing events related parts
- Organize training courses , skills training sessions , knowledge of group
communication for staff , staff involved in media
Publish media publications :
- Internal Newsletter
- Clips, Videos

- Design products for internal and external advertising .
- And other products according to the needs of each stage
Communication outside
- Work with news agencies and newspapers in the external communication
activities : organizing press conferences , writing press releases , checking the
information on the media outside the school.
- Coordinate with leader board and the relevant parts of the function handle
communication breakdown .
- Coordinate with the departments , faculties , schools or other centers of
prominent individuals in the propaganda activities of the school on the media
- Propose and coordinate plans with partners implement media events
- Develop communication activities associated with the brand throughout the
school to promote the image of the outside : a regular program of art , a single event
but have far-reaching influence as a sponsor humanitarian activities ...


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
1. New skills acquired and skills improved
After the practice process, I have summarized some precious experiences.
Firstly, I know more about consulting job. It is not new job now but it helps
many people understand more about what we do not know exactly or yet. It needs
many skills. After working there I summarize some precious experiences as a
consultant in my practice report. I had an opportunity to improve my knowledge
when I communicate with everybody so my special skills have been improved.
Secondly, I worked in an active and professional environment so I learn
working style there, it is different from university I can send and receive e-mail
fluently as well as working under pleasure which help me to work in the future.

Thirdly, the company also organized some events for people in LBGT
community and HIV/AIDS inflected disease to discuss and learn more each other.
And particularly, I translated some short news and documents so it helps me to
enrich my vocabulary. Although know that translation in variety of field s is not
easy but it will help me understand that before translating a document we must
understand the main contents of it , don’t use all words in the root document .
In this time, I can improve my English speaking as well because I
sometimes went to famous places to speaking to foreigners who come from many
countries in the world. At work, I have good attention to director and deputy as
well. I always create a comfortable atmosphere for customers and colleague.
Lastly, I want to mention that translator require patience ,active, and have
good memory because when working we need a lot of skills to fulfill work,
moreover passion for the profession, reading and learning vocabulary are traits that
make you close with translator career longer ,as you know that I can apply my
theory into practice. I had many chances to contact with knowledge about
translation we can see that practicing at company is good for every student.
2. Management techniques observed.
It is said that the more we go, the more knowledge we get. In fact, I really
recognized that when I practiced in Viet Smile Company I was familiar with
administrative measures. When coming here, I learnt more experiences of financial
management, people, equipment. Here, they managed everything strictly and
scientifically. Working here, I have learnt my own observation experiences on
One of management skills is Time Management. Time Management is very
important. Managing your time keeps you focused on task. A checklist is the most
useful tool as far as time management goes. This allows you to prioritize and figure
out how much time can be spent on which tasks. You know what your goals and

Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
priorities are, you then need to know how to go about creating a schedule that keeps
you on track, and protects you from stress. That will allow you to control your time
and keep your life in balance. Prioritizing what needs to be done is especially
important. Without it, you may work very hard, you will not be achieving the results
you desire because what you are working on is not of strategic importance.
Another management skill involves human skills – also known as "soft
skills". They play a big role on your success as your technical skills. When
resolving conflict, it helps a lot if you can understand other people's needs and
points of view – this can often help you find solutions that may otherwise not have
occurred to you. And when you take the time to understand another person's
perspective, you are demonstrating your willingness to work together to find a
solution. You should express your thoughts and feelings clearly. That helps your
working relationships better. With well-developed people skills, you can
communicate effectively on an interpersonal level; manage conflicts positively;
work productively with others to find solutions and reach agreement; and work with
integrity and ethics to motivate and inspire others.
The last skill is organizing skill in company. Most of consulting staffs and
operators as well in the company work on time, hard, and effectively. This not only
creates convenient condition for guests but also brings high income for company.
There are some accountants managing finance of company and some marketing
staffs. The service staff works in shifts so they can service 24 over 24 hours. So
customers can relax comfortably with asking questions to get information about
how to avoid and recognize the disease and have a large and open sight of
homosexual people.
3. Classroom skilled employed
After one period of study and training at Vinh University, I learned skills
such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, has helped me a lot during
this practice. I have used these skills to communicate with customers, to receive emails and services of the company. I know how to analyze questions and how to
receive documents quickly, accurately and efficiently, and how to manage and to

train the new members to know more about this field.
4. Problems encountered
Because of my lack of experience, I have encountered some difficulties in
practice so I solved work slowly, after that, I tried to practice to exchanging the
My knowledge can not satisfy requirement of translator job. Translation job
requires a lot of standards to become a good translator. As you know translation
practice is very different with theory when I studied in university it includes
contents, style, forms with variety of fields. First time I field embarrassed to
translate. Moreover before practice at the company my knowledge of vocabulary is

Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
still poor. So when I practice at any company, I do not have enough expertise to take
over that work. That requires me to have time learn work. However, in fact my
practice time is not long for me to learn professional work assigned at the company.
5. Lesson learned .
After a long time practice in the company, It gave me lessons, I already know
how to arrange a reasonable time when the work to be effective. Especially, as I
know how to observe and learn from those experiences and how to work. I know
how to communicate with people and have good relationships with colleagues. It
helps me work better in your future. I will try to overcome its deficiency to achieve
better work results.
Through the time of practice, I myself realize that my translating skill is
greatly improved. The amount of time for translation increases significantly
I have used fluently online search engine and dictionary. I really understand
the significant support/help of them. My efficient online dictionary is tratu.vn.
Tratu.vn is a free, open online professional Vietnamese dictionary.


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
An eight-week internship is not a long period. However, it is really a useful
time for me to practice myself and learn new things. The working environment was
not as simple as what I have imagined, which caused me worried at the first time.
Then, the more I worked at the company, the more I found interested in it. Working
in a professional environment and with friendly, knowledgeable colleagues, I was
supported much so that I could improve my team-working manner, communication
skill and time management. Especially, being trained at the company, I had chances
to use my English skills when welcoming representatives from foreign countries or
preparing documents. After the internship, I find out that I love this environment
and I may get a job in this area. To get this target, I am going to return Vinh
University and get more knowledge, preparing for my future job. I would like to
give many thanks again to Vinh University and Viet Smile Limited Company that
gave me a chance to train myself and orient me to my future profession.


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen

The role of the program of university is undeniable. However, the ability of
graduate students do not meet the requirements of society. Lessons focus on too
much on theory. The teaching program does not include the urgent demand of the
society and update of knowledge for working, that causes confusion and students do
not meet market needs when leaving school.

I would like to have some suggestions for Department of Foreign Languages.
- I hope the Department of Foreign Languages should make changes in our
program. We should reduce teaching theory and increase by practicing .We should
increase time for translation, interpretation and listening. The Department should
take lessons from real life into the lesson plan to help students not surprised by the
too large difference between theory and practice.
- Besides, I think Foreign Language Department should teach students more
working skills in the future. I have practiced in a very dynamic working
environment. First, I felt surprised and confused in communicating with the others.
I hope our department will have effective strategies to improve students’
communicating skills and languages in business and daily life.
- Moreover, The Department should help students practice more by some
ways such as talking to their teachers, organizing English clubs… It will help
students express and widen their knowledge. The Department can organize more
competitions to give students chances to speak English more. Students can practice
the skills needed for work in the future as teamwork skills, public speaking skills,
communication skill, etc.
- Finally, The Department should teach students skills to analyze, synthesize
and evaluate issues…and training students communication skills and interview
skills in any situation. The Department also should contact with the companies
which use English and create more chances for the students to practice.
I also wish to share some experiences for students before practice.
- Many students complain that their work experience is so boring. However,
if you choose carefully, you can find companies with better training programs.
Firstly, you should select the appropriate place to practice so that you have a chance
to show your capabilities. You should find some information and rules about the
company or places where you will practice and have background knowledge about
your jobs.
- Besides you should pay attention to other thing such as :
* Specific time to practice time from start to finish

* Your responsibilities and duties in the company


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
* The business activities of the company, especially the department where
you want to practice
* What the main priority of the job is and relationships with other
* Making reference the previous report to draw experience
* Making a good relationship with the internship
In summary, to get high efficiency, you need to have a good preparation
concerning not only knowledge but also psychological aspect. It depends on each
person's adaptability. Students who have patience, openness, and good relationship
with company employees will soon get the data and better guidance. The key to
success is to be hard working, enthusiastic and do well the work assigned.


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen



Nghe An, April 2014

Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen

Intern Content
Week I
Monday 24/02:
- Morning: Came to meet Board of Director to permit to be
practiced in the company and visited it.
- Afternoon: Made friends to each other members in the
Tuesday 25/02:
- Morning: Studied the company’s information and learnt what
to do
- Afternoon: Continued studying the company and met other
Wednesday 26/02:
- All day: I was on duty to pick phone and met customers to be
Thursday 27/02:
- All day: I was on duty to pick phone and cleaned the office
Friday 28/02:
- All day: practiced to consult to customers about HIV/AIDS

Week II
Monday 03/03:
- Morning: Watched and learned with consulting work and
answered customers’ questions related to HIV/AIDS.
- Afternoon: Translated HIV/AIDS and LGBT Community
documents into English.
Tuesday 04/03:
- Joined the offline exchange between the organization and
HIV/AIDS infected people and LGBT community.
Wednesday 05/03:
- Translated some documents of difficulties in “Coming out” of
LGBT Community.
Thursday 06/03:
- Joined a realistic program around Hoan Kiem Lake and talked
to foreigners about HIV/AIDS, by the way, consolidated my
English skills.
Friday 07/03:
- Was on duty to pick phone, cleaned the official room and found
information about the Company’s structure.


Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
Week III


Intern Content

Monday 10/03:
- Learned officers’ experiences, their difficulties and
Tuesday 11/03:
- Joined in YOUNG AND HEALTH volunteering program
Wednesday 12/03:
- was on duty to pick phone and found information about the
Thursday 13/03:
- Translated breaking news into English and read documents
Friday 14/03:
Spoke to foreigners and created a chance to improve English
speaking skill
Week IV
Monday 17/03:
- Joined in the offline YOUNG AND HEALTH and discussed
17/03/2014 the difficulties and advantages of LGBT Community for Coming Out
and solutions.
21/03/2014) Tuesday 18/03:
- Was on duty in the office and consulted to students about
HIV/AIDS prevention.

Wednesday 19/03:
- Joined in a realistic program around Hoan Kiem Lake and
spoke English about the program to foreigners.
Thursday 20/03:
- Diffused the knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention such as
use condoms to protecting yourself skill against social evils…
Friday 21/03:
- Was on duty in the office and read documents
Week V
Monday 24/03:
- Was on duty in the office and read English documents about
LGBT Community
Tuesday 25/03:
- Consulted to students about how to prevent HIV/AIDS and
avoid getting pregnant.
Wednesday 26/03”
- Was on duty and cleaned the office and read documents
Thursday 27/03:
- Visited city centre to collect information about HIV/AIDS
prevention and met foreigners.
Friday 28/03:
- Was on duty and read documents in the office.
Week VI

Monday 31/03:
- Was on duty and consulted to customers about LGBT
Community and more open and positive view for LGBT

Student Internship Report --- Tran Van Hoang Thuyen
04/04/2014) Tuesday 01/04:
- Joined in the offline of LGBT Community to prevent
Wednesday 02/04:
- Was on duty and read documents in the office.
Thursday 03/04:
- Consolidated English speaking skill and discussed about
planning project of the Network.
Friday 04/04:
- Spoke to visitors about status HIV/AIDS infected people in
their country.
Week VII
Monday 07/04:
- Was on duty in the office and integrated related papers and
read documents.
Tuesday 08/04:
- Held meeting between leaders and staff, shared experiences

and knowledge in working process.
Wednesday 09/04:
- Was on duty and read documents in the office, found
documents and translated into English.
Thursday 10/04:
- Meeting for finishing my internship time in the company,
submitted the papers to my manager.
Friday 11/04:
- Helped other members in the company, thanked them for their
warm help in these past days. Said goodbye to Viet Smile Company.

