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1.Justification of the study
In the intergrating life, English becomes the common language which
people from all over the world want to learn or study.English is used as
an official language in many countries and in many fields such as:
sport,medical , music,aviation,business,…This is the reason why all
people learn or study English. However, during the process of
communicate or writing, we still embarrass in linking sentences and
whether we use conjunction is correct or not?
To identify all kinds of conjunctions and their usage are not
sometimes easy for students and learners of English.
Being a English student, it is very important and necessary for me to
understand clearly when learning conjunction.
Besides that,I also find that my paper is quite interesting.So I decided
to choose this topic for my paper.
2. Aims of the Study.
With the above reasons, our targets of this paper, firstly is to give
the general description kinds of English conj.
Most importantly, researching some conjunction used in “Cinderella”
fairy story.
Finally, helping the learners to understand deeper about the usages
of connectives.
3. Method of the Study.
_ Review of published theories
_ The analysis the using of conjunction in English and this mentioned
_ Both quanlity and quality method
4. Scope of the Study
As mentioned above, in this paper we used some context such as :
Grammar English by Xuan Ba, A Univesity grammar of English by

Randolph Quirk, Explaining of English Grammar by Le Dung ang








/>5. Format of the Study
The paper indudes 3 parts:
Part A: Introduction
Part B: Investigation
Part C: Conclusion




An overview about conjunction


1.1.1. What is conjunction ?
-Some concepts for conj:
+ A conj is a word which joins words, phrases, clauses or sentences.
+ In grammar, conjunction is a part of speech that connects words,
phrases, clauses or sentences together.
Ex: 1. I must go to school all day but Sunday.
2. She is not only beautiful but also intelligent.
- Conj’s functions link words, phrases, or clauses and describe the
relationship among compositions is connected ( subordinating or
coordinating relationship).
1.1.2 Position of conjunction
- The normal position for most conj is initial

Some conjunctions are restricted, or virtually restricted to





(antithetic), yet.
- Medial positions are rare for most conjs, and final position rarer


- Excepting for initial position, conjs may be in an independent tone
unit or enclosed in commas to prevent confusion with homonyms or
contribute towards indicating informal focus.
1.1.3 Forms of conjunction
- Conj may be simple words : and, but, or ,becase…etc..
Ex : 1.You or I must leave right now.
2.We still went out although the rain is heavy.
- Conj may be a phrase : in order that, as though, as soon as, as well
Ex : I must study hard in order that I will have good marks in
final exam.

Conj may be some common correlative pairs: either …or,
neither….nor, not only…but also, both…and.
Ex: He is not only stupid, but also obstinate.


Classifincation of Conj

1.2.1. Based on the characteristic of Conj: there are some kinds:

Enumerative: first, second, third,…, first(ly), secondly, thirdly …; one,
two, three, for, one thing… (and) for another (thing) ; for a stsrt, next,
then, last, lastly,…
Reinforcing : also, furthermore, morever, then, in addition, above all,
what is more, and
Equative : equally, like wise, similarly,…
Trasitional: by the way, incidentally
Summative : then, (all) in all, in conclusion, …
Apposition : namely , in other words, for example,
Result : consequently , nhence, so, there fore, thus, as a result
Inferential : else, othetwise, then, on the other hand
Replacive : alternatively, ratheron the conteary, in contrast, by


Concessive: any how, any way, beside, else, however, never therless,
still, though, yet, in any case, at any rate, in spite of that, apter all,but
Temporal teansition : mean time,mean while

Based on the conj’s role: 3 types of conj.

a.Coordinating conjs

coordination conj, also called coordinators, are used to join two
or more items of equal syntactic importance.

- when a coordinator joins independent clause, it is always correct to
place a comma before the conj.
Ex: He was tired, so he went to bed early.
However,if the independent clauses are short and well-balanced, a
comma is not really essential:
Ex: She is kind so she helps people.

Position of coordinators : always come between the words or
clauses that they join.


Coordinator can be divided into four groups:
+ group “and”: implies addition and include some conjs,such
as,and,both..and..,not only.. but also..,as well as,also,then…
Ex: He drinks both wine and beer.
+ group “but”: indicates a contrast or exception,such as,
but,still,yet,however,nevertheless,although,in spite of, though,
Ex: The shoes are old but comfortable.








b. Subordinating conj
- Subordinating conjs, also called subornators,are conjs,for
example,after,although,as,because,before,how,if,since.. that connect a
subordinate (dependent) clause to a main (independent) clause.
Ex: I went swimming although it was cold.


A subordinating or dependent clause depends on a main or
independent clause.It can not exist alone.But a main or
indepenpent clause can exist alone.


A subordinating conj always comes at the beginning of a
subordinating clause.It introduces a subordinate clause.However,
a subordinate clause can sometimes come after and sometimes
before a main clause.Thus,two structures are possible:
Main clause


Ex: I went swimming although it was raining.


Main clause

Ex: Although it was raining I went to swimming.

Subordinator may be:
+ group “ when”: refer the time- relationship, such as:
when,whenever,while,as soon as, until,till, before,after…
Ex: please call me whenever you are free.





include:because,now,as,since,seeing that..
Ex: She was ill because she worked hard.







Ex: If I were you, I would left him.
+ group “ though”: implies the concession,other conj are:
wherever, although, whatever, whether…or not, no matter what,
however,in spite of…
Ex: You must leave here right now, whether you want or not

+ group “ in order that” refer the aim, for example: in order that, so
that, in case
+ group “that”: introduces the content is mentioned
Ex: She said that she would help me.
c. Correlative
- Correlative is mutually related, expressing a reciprocal or
complementary relation; "correlative conjunctions"
- Correlative may be group so… that:indicate the result,there are

two structures:
→ so + adj/adv + that
Ex: She is so old that she can not carry that chair.
→ such + noun phrase + that
Ex: It is such an interesting book that I have read many times.


2.1 An overview about “Cinderella” fairy tale
Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper" (French: Cendrillon, ou La
petite Pantoufle de Verre) is a classic folk tale embodying a mythelement







variants are known throughout the world.The title character is a young
woman living in unfortunate circumstances which suddenly change to
remarkable fortune. The word "cinderella" has, by analogy, come to









unexpectedly achieves recognition or success after a period of
obscurity and neglect. The still-popular story of Cinderella continues to
influence popular culture internationally, lending plot elements,
allusions, and tropes to a wide variety of media.
2.2 Part 1 from Once upon a time to garrel : Cinderella and her
unhappy life.
Now we will see conj in this paragragh:

The new wife hated har young stepdaughter, because her gentle
ways and the sweetness of her temper, which was shown in her
beautiful face, made the ill manners and frowning faces of her own
daughters appear as disagreeable and ugly as they really were. So

she set her to do all the meanest work of the house. The young girl
swept, baked and washed for the whole household. She wore only
shabby clothes and slept in a bare garrel.
( par 2,page 1, in Appendix)
Because is a conj as “ cause” connective or subordinator used to link
two clauses “The new wife hated har young stepdaughter” and “her
gentle ways and the sweetness of her temper”.It is a comma before
because and the clause contains because is subordinating clause.
In the first sentence, there are three coordinators “ and” which link
two parallel elements ( adj and NP) and the second adj or NP is a pure
addition to the first.Howerer, the first “and” links two NP “her gentle
ways” and “the sweetness of her temper”.All NP plays role as subject
in sentence,the second which also connects NP “
the ill manners” and “frowning faces of her own daughters” and this NP
is object in sentence.While the third “and” is coordinator to link two
adj “disagreeable” and “ugly” in equal comparison.
The next conj is subordinator “so”.It refers an informal of result and its
function links two sentences.The event in second sentence is a
consequence or result of the event in the first.So is initial position.
And is used as a coordinator in the third sentence.And means
enumeratation of verbs: swept,baked,washed.
In the last sentence, and is a coordinate conj used to connect two VP
“wore only shabby clothes” and “slept in a bare garrel” with the same
subject “ she”.And,here implies the addition.
2.3 Part 2 from “Now it happened that” to “on the staircase”: the fairy
Godmother helped Cinderella to become a beautiful girl and the
interesting meeting between prince and Cinderella.

Firstly, I want to analyze the using of connectives in paragraph:
Now it happened that the king’s son made up his mind to give a
ball,(1) and to invite to it all the people of fashion in that country-side.
There was to be dancing for two evenings, (2)and the supper(3) and
entertainment were to be of very splendid kind.
Cinderella’s stepsisters were invited; (4)and very proud and
happy they were,(1) as they talked of the smart dresses they would
wear,(5)and they grand folk they would meet at the palace.
(1) When the great day came, Cinderella was busy, from morning
till evening, helping her sisters to get ready for the ball. She feced
their gowns, dressed their hair, arranged their feathers (6)and jewels,
(7)and even put on their slippers.(2) As she did so, they teased her,
to amuse themselves.
At last the sisters were ready,(8) and with their mother, they
drove away to the palace.(2) When they were gone, Cinderella, left
alone, sat down among the cinders,(9) and began to cry.
( par 4 -> 7,p.1, in Appendix)
Now is an transitional conj which introduces a new part in the
sequence of the story.Now, here started an important event which
changed Cinderella’s life.
That is a bubordinate conj linking the first clause “ Now it happened”
and the second “the king’s son made up his mind to give a ball, and to
invite to it all the people of fashion in that country-side”.Here, “that”
clause is subordinate clause.
There are nine conj “ and”.so we will see other conj before “and”.
(1)As is subordinator of time relationship used to link wto clauses in
the sentence and a comma is laid before “so”.
Time relationship between clauses is signalled by temporal adverb
(1)When.Here,when is subordinator which has simultaneous with

given time-reference.Of course, the clause containing “ when” is
subordinate clause.
In initial position of the third sentence is subordinator (2)As which is
used to link two clauses and refers time related.”As she did so,” is
subordinate clause and the rest is main clause.
At last is enumerating conj as well as a transitional conj to end the
part Cinderella’s sisters was prepared and went to the ball during she
is not done yet.
(2)When, an initial subordinator, refers time-related,links two clauses
and “when they were gone” is called subordinate clause.
(1)and is used to connect two VPs and preceded by a comma.The first
VP is a condition of the second.
(2,(3)and are used to join two clauses or NPs and the second NP or
clause is a pure addition to the first.(2)and links two independent
“There was to be dancing for two evenings” and “the supper(3) and
entertainment were to be of very splendid kind”.it is a comma
immediately preceds the conj to separate two clauses while (3)and
connects NP “ the supper” and “ entertainment”, and plays as subject
in the second clause.
(4)and links two clauses.It is middle and a comma is before.The event
in the second inversion clause “(4)and very proud and happy they
were,” is a result of the event in the first “Cinderella’s stepsisters were
(5)and combines two AP “very proud” and “ happy” implies the
enumeration.the second clause holding “as” also has a conj “and”
meaning the adding between two clauses “as they talked of the smart
dresses they would wear” and “they grand folk they would meet at the
palace”.A comma is used to separate each unit.


(6)and links two NPs “ their feather” and “their jewels” but coordinator
and is used for ellipsis “their” in second NP.
(7)and,the coordinator do not allow another conj to precede it.Here,
two coordinating clauses are linked by “and”
Which precedes the second conj “even”.With precedind comma,”and”
connects four VPs:” feced their gowns”, “dressed their hair”, “arranged
their feathers (6)and jewels”,and” put on their slippers”.
(8)and is a coordinator with a before comma to add the Cinderella’s
sisters and their mother.
(9)and,here is coordinator,describes some actions occur together and it
is the addition of three VPs: “left alone”, “sat down among the
cinders”, “began to cry”.
Secondly, The next part- the fairy Godmother prepared for Cinderella
to the ball.Some conj appear from the next paragraph to “that ever
were seen”
Cinderella was so much startled that she left off crying, as she
looked up and saw, standing before her, an old lady in a red cloak and
pointed hat, leaning on a stick. This was cinderella’s Godmother, who
was a fairy.
The correlative pair “so…that” implies purpose, links two clauses and
“that” clause is subordinate clause.
As,a subordinator with preceding comma, combines the before clause
and its behind clause.It implies the time relationship.
And is coordinator linking two VPs and may be seen as chronologically
sequent,” she looked up and/then saw”.

And,also a coordinate conj, links two Adjs “cloak” and “pointed” in NP
with meaning adding.
Now, there are three conjs with the same kinds “and”:

“ Run into garden,” said the Godmother,” (i)and fetch me the
largest pumpkin you can find.”
Away went Cinderlla, (ii)and very soon she ran back again,
hugging a big green (iii)and yellow pumpkin
(par 8,9.page 1,appendix)
(i)and is conj which the second VP is ordering continuity to event in
the first.
(ii)is used to combine two clauses in inversion, refers two Cinderella’s
actions occurring constantly .“Away went Cinderlla” is an action and
then “very soon she ran back again, hugging a big green” with
acomma before conj.
(iii) connects two Adj “ green” and “ yellow” in NP, it is pure adding of
the second adj to the first.
In the paragraph 10:
The fairy Godmother scooped out the inside of the pumpkin,
leaving nothing but rind. Then she touched it with her stick, which
was really a fairy wand, (a)and at once the pumpkin became a fine
coach, shinning all over with gold,(b) and lined with green.
“ Now fetch the mousetrap,” said she.
( par 10, page 1,2,appendix)
But is coordinator,denotes an exception “leaving nothing but rind”.
Then, a subordinator,refers subsequent to given time- reference.The
sentence which contains “then” is following stage of the before
sentence and both of them are connected by subordinator- then.

(a)and, a coordinator with a comma before it,makes the relationship
explicit the event in the second clause is chronologically frequence to
the first.
(b)And is coordinate conj and has a comma before.And links “shinning
all over with gold” and “ lined with green”t to present adding.


Now in “ Now fetch the mousetrap,” is coordinator introducing a new
event the sequence of preparing for Cinderella go to the ball.It is initial
The fairy Godmother opened the trap, and as each ran out, she
touched it with her wand, (c)and it became a sleek (d)and prancing
“ there are your coach (e)and horses,” said she, “ now for the
coachman.Bring me the rat-trap.
(par. 11, page 2, appendix)
And as are two conj and subordinator as is preceded by coordinator
and.This sentence is an asyndetic conj if no and,with the addition of
“and”, it becomes syndetic.In this sentence, two clauses are linked by
subordinator as are also linked by and.















clauses.Here, semantic implications of coordinating by and means the
clause “ it became a sleek and prancing horse.” Is the result of before
(d)and ,a coordinator, connects two Adjs “ sleek” and “ prancing” in
NP “a sleek and prancing horse.” Shows the adding.
(e) and, coordinator, links two nouns “ coach” and “ horses” meaning

Now, also coordinator and transition of its sentence with before
sentence.Here, we can see a ordering list: coach, horses,coachman.
In the paragraph 12:
….The fairy Godmother chose the finest of the three , and touched it
with her wand. At once the rat became a tall and handsomely-dressed
coachman.” Behind the watering pot are six green lizards,” said the
fairy Godmother: “ bring them here.”


And, a coordinator with a comma before, implies the relationship
which the second action “touched it with her wand” is the order
process to the first.
At once,here, a enumerating conj
And links two adjs “tall”,”hansomely-dressed” as coordinator with
adding to make NP.
Now, seeing the conjs in the next par:
“Cinderella brought the six lizards,(1a)and at a touch of the wand,
each one was turned into a smart footman, in a green uniform. The
coachman mounted the box, (1b)and the footman climbed to the back
of the coach. “ Now your carriage is ready,” said the fairy Godmother.
“ But how can I go to the ball like this?” said Cinderella, looking
down at her shabby frock.
“ You shall soon be more beautiful than your coach,” replied her
Godmother, tapping her lightly with her wand. Then Cinderrell’s
clothes were turned into robes of silk (1c)and velvet, glittering with
jewels. (1d)And the fairy Godmother gave her a little pair of shinning
glass slippers, the prettiest that ever were seen.

“ Remember,” said her Godmother,” you must leave the ball
before the clock strikes twelve. If you do not, your coach will again
become a pumpkin, your horses will become mice, your coachman will
turn into a rat,(1e) and your footmen into lizards; while you will find
yourself once more in shaaby clothes.”
(par 13,page 2,appendix)
(1a),(1b), coordinators with a comma before,but(1a) combines two
clauses which occurschronologically sequence while(1b)shows the
addition between two clauses.
But indicates the contrast between luxurious carriage and cinderella
shabby frock.But is coordinator.


Subordinator Then implies the result of a process, it is cinderella’s old
clothes become robes.
(1c) links two nouns “silk” and “velvet” means addition, it is
coordinate conj.
(1d) stared a newsentence.However, this sentence is chronologically
frequency to the before sentence.And, here is a coordinator.
That is a subordinator,links two clauses having an inversion.That is
used in the supper comparison.
Before, subordinator is used to link two clauses “you must leave the
ball” and the clock strikes twelve”.Before expresses the time-related
between clauses.The clause holding “before” is dependent clause.
Here, if in the type I of conditional sentence is used as conj link two
clauses.”If” clause is the condition to the main clause so it is
subordinate clause.
And, a coordinator, makes the chain of actions.This coordinator

enumerate four clauses that the bad things may be occurred if
Cinderella laeves the ball after twelve.
While,here is also conj.It is usually a subordinator of time but in
case,while is coordinator combining some events happen together.The
bad thing happen to her.
Subordinator as is time conj with initial position.As clause is dependent
clause.And a comma separates the dependent clause to the main
“As she entered, the musicans ceased playing, (1e)and the
dancers stopped dancing,while all gazed in surprise at the lovely
unknown princess.”









coordinator.(1e)And links two clauses that the second clause is

ordering sequence to the first and a comma before.While connects the
before clause to its after clause and implies the evitable result “all


gazed in surprise at the lovely unknown princess”.A semi-colon is
before conj.
The next paragraph is the first evening Cinderella go to the
palace.And some conjs are used to link events occurring at that time:
“All the evening, the prince kept Cinderella’s side, dancing with her,
(1f)and serving her with dainly dishes at supper-time.Indeed, his
mind was so taken up with her that he gorgot to eat a morsel
himself.While Cinderella was talking to her stepsisters, who did not
know it was Cinderella, the clock chimed the quarter before
twelve.Cinderella rose,(1g)and after curtsying to the company, left
the palace,(1h)and drove home in her coach. Then she thanked her
Gosmother for the kindness which had given her so much happiness,
(1i)and asked leave to go to the ball again on the next evening, when
the prince had specially begged her to come.At this moment there was
a knock at the door. The fairy Godmother(1j) and the beautiful clothes
vanished as suddenly as they had come, (1k)and cinderrella drew
back the bolt,(1l) and let her stepmother and stepsisters in.
Cinderella’ stepsisters told her of a beautiful princess who had been
at the ball.”
(par.15,16,page 2,3,appendix)
(1f)and, a coordinator,enumerate the events that the prince behave
to Cinderella:”kept Cinderella’s side”,”dancing with her”,”serving her
with dainly dishes at supper-time”.
Indeed, a coordinator, confirm prince’s actions have mentioned

A pair of correlative,so… that,expresses the result,and the dependent
clause “that he gorgot to eat a morsel himself” is the result of the main

While,a bubordinator,links two clause in a sentence,describes a action
ia happening then another action make(the clock chimed the quarter
before twelve.)
(1g)and after,two conjs, coordinator is before subordinator,of course
describe some actions happen after “ Cinderella rose”.
(1h)and,a coordinator,makes a list of actions Cinderella did.And
connects four VPs with a comma before.
Then,here expresses the next event, a coordinator refer time
(1i)and,a coordinator with following a comma,also show the adding
“thanked her Gosmother for the kindness which had given her so much
happiness”,and ”asked leave to go to the ball again on the next
Subordinator when with before comma, used to link two clauses
relating time-reference.
(1j) and, a coordinator links two NPs which contain the addition.
(1k)and,also coordinate conj and it refers the starting of the ordering
continuity about the chain of actions:”drew back the bolt”,”let her
stepmother and stepsisters in”.
(1l) and, a coordinator which links two NPs “her stepmother”,”sisters”
as direct object in VP:”let her stepmother and stepsisters in”.
The next evening of the ball and whether our princess makes some
mistakes or not?

“On the next evening, the stepsisters again went to the palace.
(1m)And Cinderella went too in her coach, even more beautifully
dressed than before.The prince again kept close beside her,(1n)and
said so many kind things to her, that Cinderella, in her happiness,
forgot how to quickly the hours flew past.
She thought it not yet eleven, when the clock stuck twelve. Then
she started in affright,(1o)and fled from the ballroom as swiftly as a

dear. The prince ran after her, but he did not catch her.All he could
find of her was a little glass slipper lying on the staircase”
(Par 16,17,page 3,appendix)
2.4 Part 3 from “Next morning….” to end: Cinderella and her happiness
Again, hare is conj,expresses the repetition of an action:“the
stepsisters again went to the palace”.
(1m)And,a coordinator,start new sentence, not give more anything
but show the continuity of event happen,
Even,a coordinate conj, emphasizes what the writer wanted to
mention is Cinderella’s beuty.







clauses),give the addition.
So… that, a correlative pair,shows the purpose meaning that “the
prince said so many kind things to her” and as a result “Cinderella , in
her happiness, forgot how to quickly the hours flew past”
When,a subordinator with a preceding comma, combines two clauses
having a relationship of time.
A coordinator Then started a new sentence, gives the new sequence”
she started in affright”.
(1o)and,here, also a coordinator with a comma before,links two
clauses:” she started in affright”and “she fled from the ballroom as
swiftly as a dear”.
But,a coordinator,indicates the contrast,what is said in the second
conjoin” he did not catch her” is unexpected in view of what is said in
the first.It is a comma before.
All,a coordinate conj,means the summary from what is mentioned
what happened after all? Let’s see the next paragraph:
(18)Next morning folk were roused by a sound of trumpets,
(1p)and through the streets of the town came the royal chamberlain,

with guards (1q)and an attendent carrying the little glass slipper on a
velvet cushion.
(19)Cinderella’s sisters were in great haste to try on the slipper.
But though, they pinched their toes,(1r)and squeezed their heels,

their feet were fat too larger to go into it. Then the royal chambertain
encuired whether there were any other young women in the house.
“ Only Cinderella.” Said the elder sister. “ Of course the slipper
would not fit her.”
“ Let her be brought here,” said the chambertain.
(20) So Cinderella was sent for,(1s)and, siiting down in the chair,
the royal chambertain put the slipper on Cinderella’s foot.
(21) Then, to the surprise of the everyone, Cinderella drew the
other little glass slipper from her pocket (1t)and put that on also.
(1u)And at this moment the fairy Godmother appeared,(1v) and with
a touch of her wand, changed Cinderella’s foor garments into robes,
more splendid than ever.
(22) (1x)And then everyone saw that she was indeed the beautiful
princess whom the prince loved.
(par 18-> 22,page 3,appendix)
There are two conjs “and” in the first sentence
(1p)and,links two clauses denoting the adding
(1q)and connects two N “guard” and “an attendant” of preposition
p[hrase “with guards (1q)and an attendent carrying the little glass
slipper on a velvet cushion”
But, a coordinator,started a new sentence but having a relation with
the before sentence,but denotes the contrast.The result of the
sentence is not expect to the first.
Though,a subordinator after but,describes the concession,links two
clauses and “they pinched their toes,(1r)and squeezed their heels” is
dependent clause


(1r)and, links two clauses ( ellipsis subject) with a comma before
shows the addition.
Then,describes the next order.It started a new sentence and a
The next sentence was started by a subordinator So,here it refers the
result from what is said above “So Cinderella was sent for”
(1s)and,with two comma before and after, is a coordinator links two
VPs(ellipsis subject) indicate the chronologically sequence
Then,started a next paragraph with a comma after it,shows the
(1t)and links two clauses with a comma before expresses the secons
clause is the order sequence to the first.It is a coordinator.
(1u) and, connects some events happening together.It is a coordinator
starting a new sentence but relation with the first.
1v)And,a coordinator with a comma before,continues the next event.
(1x)And then,two conjs and subordinator “ then” can not precede
and to show the next stage or event.
That,a bubordinator links two clauses and the clause after “that” is
subordinate clause.
And in “The stepsisters fell at Cinderella’s feet and begged her
forgiveness.” Links two clauses with the addition “fell at Cinderella’s
feet” and then “begged her forgiveness”
“(2)And Cinderella freely forgave them,(3)and asked them try to love
her”.(2) and started a new sentene, also a coordinator and this before
sentence is the condition to above sentence.(3) and links two VPs with
a comma before, and is a coordinator also refering adding
Then in “Then she was taken to the palace, where the prince met
her, with freat joy, (4)and married her.”(par 22,page 3,appendix), a
subordinator,showing the next event will happen(she was taken to the


(4)and,a coordinator with a comma before,links two VPs and the
second is the ordinal continuity.









“Soon afterwards, Cinderella fetched her stepsisters to live at the
palece.(5)And they were so much ashamed of their past conduct,
(6)and so grateful for her kindness, that they ceased to be proud
(7)and unkind.(8)And as their hearts became good, their faces
became beautiful.Then two lords of the court loved (9)and married
them, (10)and they, as well as Cinderella, were happy.”

(par 23,page4,appendix)
(5)And,started a new sentence show the concesion
(6)and,a coordinator with preceding comma linking two NPs in a
corelative pair so… that
So… that,a correlative pair,shows the purpose.The clause holding
“that” is the result to the before clause “that” clause is dependent
(7)and,a coordinator,links two Ajds “proud” and “unkind”
(8)And as,two conjs,of course a coordinator is before “as” links two
clause in the sentence” And as their hearts became good, their faces
became beautiful”,these conjs show the cause which conduct the good
Then,a coordinator,shows the happening orderinal event of what is
said before.
(9)and,connects two VPs with the same subject “two lords of the
court”,and adds the second clause to the first
(10)and,a coordinator links clause after it with the before.The second
clause is sequence to the first.It is a comma before conj.
as well as, acoordinator with a comma before,”Cinderella” is the
addition of “they”.As well as is quasi-coordinator.

Those are all conjs used in the Cinderella fairy tale.They help the story
mor fluently and clearly.

3.1 Summary conj in Cinderella
To sum up the numbers of Conj are used in this story.We will statistic

by the following table:
Kind/form conjunction















































































As well as




At once










3.2 Some suggestion of subtitute conjunction in Cinderella fairy tale

(1)Once upon a time,……as her own mother had been.
(2) The new wife hated har young stepdaughter, because →
since/as her gentle ways and→also the sweetness of her temper,
which was shown in her beautiful face, made the ill manners and→as
well as frowning faces of her own daughters appear as disagreeable


and ugly as they really were. So→Therefore she set ……….The young
girl swept, baked and washed fo a bare garrel.
(3) Now it happened that……There was to be dancing for two
evenings, and the supper and→as well as entertainment were to be of
very splendid kind.
(5)When→as/since the great day came,……. and even put on their
slippers. As→when she did so, they teased her, to amuse themselves.

(6) At last→finally/lastly the sisters were ready, and with their
mother, they drove away to the palace. When they were gone,
Cinderella, left alone, sat down among the cinders, and→then began to
(7) Cinderella was so much startled that she left off crying,
as→when she looked up and saw,……….who was a fairy.
(10) The fairy Godmother scooped out the inside of the pumpkin,
leaving nothing but rind. Then→after she …….and lined with green.
“ Now→at the moment fetch the mousetrap,” said she.
(11)Cinderella obeyed quickly…….. she touched it with her wand,
and it became a sleek and→also prancing horse.
“ There are your coach and horses,” said she, “ now→at present
for the coachman.Bring me the rat-trap.
(12) Cinderella…… and touched it with her wand. At once→First
time the rat became ……
(13)…….. The coachman mounted the box, and the footman
climbed to the back of the coach. “ Now→At this time your carriage is
ready,” said the fairy Godmother.
“ But→However how can I go to the ball like this?” said Cinderella,
looking down at her shabby frock.


……… Then→Afterwards Cinderrell’s clothes were turned into
robes of silk and velvet, glittering with jewels. And→Then …….t that
ever were seen.
“ Remember,”…………

(14)As→When she entered, the musicans ceased playing, and the
dancers stopped dancing,while all gazed in surprise at the lovely
unknown princess.
(15)…….dancing with her, and→also serving her with dainly dishes
at supper-time.Indeed, his mind was so taken up with her that he
gorgot to eat a morsel himself.While→During Cinderella was talking to
her stepsisters,….left the palace, and→and then drove home in her
coach. Then→After that she thanked her Gosmother…… on the next








stepsisters in.
On the next evening, the stepsisters again went to the palace.
And→When Cinderella went…… and said so→such many kind…..
(17)She thought it not yet eleven, when→as the clock stuck twelve.
Then…… but he did not catch her.All→Overall.…

(19)…… But though→although, they pinched their toes, and
squeezed their heels, their feet were fat too larger to go into it.
“ Let her be brought here,” said the chambertain.
(20) So→Therefore Cinderella was sent for,……
(21) Then→After, to the surprise of the everyone, Cinderella drew
the other little glass slipper from her pocket and put that on also. And
at this moment→now…..
(22) ………
Soon afterwards→Soon then, Cinderella………, were happy.


The end

3.1 Summary
In this study, I only introduce an overview of conj.The paper of conj in
Cinderella is only a small part in the total conj of English Grammar.Conj
may differ from language to language.But in general,semantically it is
used to link words,phrases,clauses,sentences to get rid of singleness
and make more clearly what writer is saying.However,not at all conjs
are used in Cinderella.Only few conjs are showns in this story so I can
not avoid the restriction of documents,knowledge and the limiting the
number of conjs.
So I would be very grateful to receive all your attention as well as
feedbacks to make this paper better.
3.2 Suggestions for Further Study

We are fully aware that this paper can not convey all problems that
have related to conj.Therefore, I would like to make some suggestion
for futher study:

Comparing the usage of conj in English and Vietnamese.






Subordinator/Coordinator/Correlative in Cinderella and other story
as it realization.

