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Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department

Internship is a best way for students to learn experiences ịn the fields they care .
Basicly , Internship process is the same with training process for new staffs in the
company. The internship student will work together with other staff to learn as well as
save the experiences which are not at University.
Internship is not only a process which help you gain the knowledge and real
experiences about a professional field. What you receive from the internship is much
more than you image. It is an opportunity for me to observe daily works in the
company , culture and working environment ( active or professional environment or
other sectors), also opportunity for you to research more about your major or field you
direct. May be what you think is different from reality, so internship is an important
step for student to direct and develop their job in the future.
Internship helps students expand their relationships in internship time and build better
relationships. They can find a good job in the future base on these relationship .
Luckily, I have opportunity to take my internship in Thanh Vinh translation Company,
a good place that I can gain much more experiences.
The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and got during my internship period.
The report focuses on the working environment, my job, and experience that I got.

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department

Nowadays, English has been becoming more and more popular all over the
world. It’s considered as an international language. To Vietnamese, English is very
familiar to everyone, as well as all the ages. Besides, English has become a compulsory
subject in almost schools in Vietnam. Therefore, learning English and using it in many
aspects is very important.
English is the language of international communication. It is the language of

international business, research and science, more than three- forth of the world mail is
written in English, more than three- fifth of the world radio station use English, more
than haft of science and research journals are in English. Not all people over the world
can read all language, thus it is very important to translate it for people easy to
understand. Translation also helps us so much in working. English is very important
and necessary for everyone, every job needs English.
After completing all subjects in university, each 4th year student must have a
graduation practice program, called internship. The contents of the internship program
are to train for students the ability to work and study independently. The goal of this
program is to help student to know more about the actual environment work of their
future job. I had an internship time at Thanh Vinh Translation Company. During this
time, I have learned many useful lessons for myself.
I would like to express my deep gratitude the teachers at Department of foreign
languages of Vinh university for your devoted help to us. I would like to thank the
dedicated supervision of Mrs Nguyen Thi Kim Anh. I also would like to thank the
director and the officers at the company for their help, so I can complete my internship.
Nguyen Thi Nga

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................4
1.1. General information
1.1.1. Foundation and development
1.1.2. Business functions of Thanh Vinh translation company. Functions and Missions

1.1.3. Summary of duties and responsibilities performed by the internship
CHAPTER II PRACTICE EXPERIENCE...............................................................5
2.1. What I have done
2.2. New skills acquired and skills improved
2.3. Management techniques observed
2.4. Classroom skills employed
2.5. Problems encountered
2.6. Lesson learned
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION................................................................................11
CHAPTER IV RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................12

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department



1.1. General information
1.1.1. Foundation and development
Name of company: Thanh Vinh Trasnlation Company co, Ltd
( Its name of Vietnames : Công Ty Dịch thuật Thành Vinh)
Address: No 02 – Nguyen Duc Canh street – Vinh City – Nghe An province
Director: Le Nu Trang Nhung
Telephone number: 0912591886
Thanh Vinh Translation company operates in many fields:
- Notarized translation : Translation of professional multi- language applies to all types
of documents ( student records , resumes , essays , journalism , ... ) , file ( projects ,
bids , profile , ... ) ;

- Provide interpreters for languages ;
- Fostering intensive foreign language before going abroad;
- Studying abroad;
- Organize international cultural activities.
Translation Co., Ltd. Thanh Vinh is one of the professional and experience company,
in translation and interpreting languages: English, French, German, Polish, Japanese,
Korean, Chinese, Nom, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Spain, Angola - Portugal, HungaryHungarian, Czech ...
Our collaborators are qualified, experienced translators and currently work in multidisciplinary offices: translation, accounting, commerce, construction, engineering,
medicine, environment schools etc ..

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department

Company structure:





Collaborators of European




Collaborators of Asia languages





Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department

Thanh Vinh Translation Company was established in September, 2013. The
company is an experienced translation agency specialized in translations with
experienced translators. Translation Company brings over 3 years of proven translation
experience to clients.
Project of customer will be handled professionally and confidentially. Clients
can rely on Thanh Vinh Translation to meticulously manage the workflow of project
and ensure the highest quality in the market at the most competitive rates.
Professional Translation Company Thanh Vinh Co., Ltd. , with over 03 years
experience and strengths in materials handling sectors: Construction, Engineering,
Finance, Banking, Marketing, Business Administration, Tourism, Customs,
Environment, Culture, Society, IT, etc with over 50 different languages, our company
is a unit current reputation and credibility of many large clients, through a trial period,

along with a staff of collaborators economic thickness experience, we have
successfully completed many projects, including projects of the state units and foreign
1.1.2. Business functions Functions
Thanh Vinh Translation Company will help you break the language barrier, and helps
you more easily in the communication. It is a company with fully services such as :
translation, editing , notary public...
So far, we are proud to partner to provide reliable translation services for many clients
in different sectors
Document translation over 50 languages English, Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean,
German, Russian, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia ... with the
kind of material , comic books, movies of many different specialties.
Organize training translators and interpreters for languages professionally, with a team of
experienced trainers from the center of diplomatic translation and interpretation, faculty
editor of the prestigious university.


Chairman :

Comissioners :

Nguyen Thi
Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department
We believe you will be satisfied with the company's service Thanh vinh translation and
hopefully soon become trusted partners translate your long-term future. The mission is
to grow an organization with a solid foundation of great people, incentives and

communication with the clear objective of providing extraordinary customer service
and professional, high-quality language-related solutions that connect clients to the
world. Goals
Thanh Vinh translation company knows that many people need to translate documents
such as individual profile for studying abroad such as family register, Identity Card or
economic contracts, labor contract etc.. Therefore, the company will translate the
documents from the the original text into the language they request. Along with the
professional translator with lots of experiences and comprehensive knowledge about
translating, various kinds of documents translated will satisfy all customers.
1.1.3. Summary of the duties and responsibilities performed by the internship
During the time I practice in Thanh Vinh translation company, I had gained a lot of
benefits. I become a real translator and work as a translator in the company. This was a
good chance for me experience as a official staff of the company. I knew some new
skills and developed all the skills I got when studying at Vinh University. I translated
some documents the director gave. Some documents had available forms so I only
apply them to the form to translate. This is easy for me. Besides , some documents
didn’t have form, so I had to research and try to translate. When I finished my
translation, the official translator will check them for me and correct if necessary. She
taught me some intelligent ways to translate . I think they are very useful. I could
improve my translation skills quite a lot. Besides, working in such environment also
helped me improve my background knowledge. I have a chance to translate quite a lot
various fields so my knowledge about them can be enlarged. In addition, it was a good
chance for me to be used to working in that environment. It may be the place I will do
in future. I know more about working as a translator-the requests and advantages as
well as disadvantages.

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department

2.1. What I have done
When I practiced in Thanh Vinh translation company, I did a lot of useful things.
I worked as a real translator. I translated some documents such as: personal profile,
merit , family register, visa, labor contract, trade contract, letter, book, medicine…
That is the main work. I concentrated my time in the company to understand and
translate them. There are some documents which had forms, so it didn’t take a lot of
time for me to translate. On the contrary, some documents need to invest much time to
translate exactly. So I had to search the information related to the content of the
documents. And then I gave my translation for the staff. She helped me check it and
gave me some useful advices.
Moreover, I also do some general tasks, for example, arranging and classifying
the documents and book, typing and printing the documents for the official staff.
Besides, I sealed the translation to the documents.
Photocopy was one of my main mission in the company. Whenever the document
need to copying, I was ready to do. I copied the document into some copies according
to the requirement of the official staff.
I want to tell you the other important thing I have done . When the translations were
completed and they were guaranteed about the true content with the original text , I had
to bring them to the judicial departments of the People’s committee of city to notary.
After I was accustomed with work, I started answers the phone and sort, send mail
to customers. I compared with other students under this instruction and learn
From my internship I want to share some advices for lower year students when they
take it this time next year. You should be ready with taking internship in anywhere,
worry is unnecessary and you have to prepare everything need for internship such as
knowledge, well behaved ability, etc. Internship is the time for you to practice working
your future job, to complete yourself and to get useful experiences when working in a
real working environment. I wish you will success in taking internship.
2.2. New skills acquired and skill improved
After working in Thanh Vinh translation company, I translate a lot kinds of fields

such as labor contract, letter, personal profile, etc.. After these works, my knowledge

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department
was widened as well as my vocabulary increased dramatically. This job can help me to
improve my translation skill and it will be worth experiences when I work as a
professional translator in the future.
I also study English every day. I learn new words from English newspaper or simply
talked or chatted with friends in English. I practiced English skills when finishing
translation. This helped me to improve my ability and it will make me feel more
confident when I do any job in future.
For me, the best thing I gain from my internship in a translation is that I can practice
translating every day. I also spent a little time to practice my English skills myself at
2.3. Management techniques observed
Although I just went to the company only some days per week and did translation at
home, I still follow the regulation of company. I always went to the company on time
and arranged some things with the officer. When director came, he gave me some tasks
to do. I always concentrated on my work and completed them as quickly as possible
with the best effect.
Furthermore, when I was given a translation, I have to complete and give it for the
director before the deadline. I tried to do the task and always gave it on time to be
given another task. From that I can do translation everyday with various kinds.
In working time, I am not allowed to do personal things such as texting, or surfing
web. I must concentrate on what I am doing. After finishing work, I can surf web or do
other things in a limited time and continue working.
The last but not least, I found that If I have a certain job in the future, I will do my
best with it and respect it. But the most important is that I must love my job so that I
can motivate my ability for it.
2.4. Classroom skills employed

When I was at Vinh university, I have studied four basic skills named listening,
speaking, reading, writing and two advanced skills are translation and interpreting.
Furthermore, I also learnt another important subject such as grammar, semantics,
pragmatics. These skills and subjects made me feel more confident when I used them
to communicative in the real life.

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department
Among all the subjects I have learnt at university, I like translation the most. I
practiced translating from simple sentences to paragraphs. I learnt from teacher and my
classmates about how to translate and compare with mine. And teacher told that there
had been no correct or wrong translation, you only needed to transfer what the writer
implied no matter how your translation was different with the others. Luckily, I took
my internship in a translation company. This is the first time I have done translation in
real with lots kinds of documents. Therefore, I had some troubles in translating and
new words because the fields I have never known it before. In that time I tried to look
up new words and wrote down, and found the suitable meanings for translation. What I
have gained from university really helped me usefully in my internship.
In my opinion, what I have got from studying from university is not only the
knowledge, but also life lessons from my respectable teachers and my classmates. For
me, university will be place that gave me a lot of experiences and had unforgettable
memories with friends in many outdoor activities. However, in a real working
environment, it is not simple. I really try my best to work and do everything myself.
And what I studied from university really helps me very much. Someone said that
Study without practicing would be never successful. I felt that statement was
completely correct. In fact, students graduated with excellent degree still cannot find a
good job. Therefore, the internship gave me experiences and may help me to be more
confident in my future job.

2.5. Problems encountered

Through my internship, I had some problems in new environment. Firstly, I wanted
to say that
Through my internship, the first problem is that It changed my working environment.
From studying at university to working in a real environment made me really worried
and confused. However, after one week, I got used to working in a real company. This
will make me confident when I have a job in the future.
The second thing is communication. On the first time I was in company, I really feel
worried and nervous, because I have never done in a real company. I didn't know what
to do and thanks to the help of the officers and director, I knew what I have to do. I
tried to do all given things and asked for help when I didn't know exactly. I behaved

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department
friendly with officer and director especially any customer coming to company. I was
also punctual when going to work. I nearly completed my tasks.
Another problem is that I am not confident person honestly. Therefore when working
in a real company, I talked a little bit with the officers and was quiet at first. However,
after the first days I thought I should be open hearted and be more friendly and I did it.
In the second day in company I started to behaving better and learnt some things from
talking with director and officers

2.6. Lessons learned
After the internship, I got some useful lessons for myself. The most important one is
punctual. Being on time shows that you are an organized person. This is very important
in all kinds of jobs, especially when working in foreign companies, being late with any
reasons in any meeting or working is unacceptable. Furthermore, you must complete
any tasks before the deadlines.
The second thing is enthusiasm. You should be enthusiastic with tasks given for you
and always listen the others' advices to be more mature in your job. However, you also
shouldn't be too enthusiastic and be smart when you got advices from anybody. You

also have to finish and complete all given work with your best concentration.
The last but not least is that I have to be willing to do any tasks. Because in some
companies you may work under pressure and you may face to complicated work in any
time. Moreover you must have your own thought and protect them If you think it is
These are the things I learnt from the internship. I hope it will help me a lot for my
job in the future. For me, internship was really a good chance for me to get
experiences, to be more mature in thought as well as in work and experience What I
have never known before..I realized that there is nothing that can prevent you If you
dare and have determination. Someone said that No pain No gain. It is completely
right. If you do not want to do what you find it difficult, you will not never be mature.
You make mistakes, It is OK and it will be useful experiences to help you in life as
well as in work.

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department
Through the internship I gain some experiences for my future job. I will still keep
improving necessary skills day by day. Having a chance to do internship in a
translation company helped me to enlarge my knowledge and improve partly my
translation. I will also practice and practice more English skills especially listening and
speaking. That Experiences were gained from the internship simply knew how to
behave in life as well as future job and knew the request for a real translator. As I said
above, internship is the first step for me to orient exactly my future job and work more
In my opinion, training program in my university is perfect. In translation class,
students practice translating in paragraph and compare with others when teacher
correct. This helped me to do internship better and applied it in my work. However, the
field of translating is quite narrow. It is only about economics, health or education. In
contrast, doing translation in reality requests wide knowledge. But this also encourage

me to work harder and found more helpful knowledge.
In general, the time of practice brings us a lot of benefits. Each student will have the
professional skills and clearer orientation of its future work. This was the first step is
very important to help students not confused, crestfallen before the new job. After four
years of study at the University of Foreign Languages, each student has accumulated
themselves a certain amount of knowledge, but if no environment to practice, apply the
theory learned will not achieve best results. Especially for students of English,
specialized translation, without the exchange of business English skills as well as
translation will face many difficulties in the future. Therefore, the subject graduation
exercise is a very important subject for every college student last year. About 2 months
time graduation exercise is a good opportunity for each student to interact and become
familiar with the work environment, as well as office work. Furthermore, students have
the conditions to apply knowledge learned in school to real jobs, learn more
experience, additional shortcomings and contribute to improve the skills learned in
college over the years.
By doing a lot of activities at the company we gradually improve our knowledge and
grow up more. Together with the help of the company’s members as well as my effort,
I have completed my practice process. In the time of practice I had got some problems;
however, I tried my best to overcome them. In addition, from those difficulties I have
more experiences for my future job as well as for other work in my life. Through

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department
practice time I find that the university should give some real situations to help students
practice well. Besides, we should look for help from other people if we need. In the
practice process, we should take any chances to practice many skills we learnt at
school. “It is the first step that costs”; nevertheless, with our resolution, I think, we can
get over everything.

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department

During the time I have studied in Department of Foreign Language at Vinh University,
I recognized that the training program is nearly perfect. It not only provides knowledge
but also improve English skills for students. It is a good chance for students to enrich
knowledge. However, it still has some disadvantages and here are my some
Suggestions for the Department of Foreign Language:
I hope the Department of Foreign Languages should make some changes in our
program. We should reduce teaching theory and increase by practicing .We should
increase time for translation, interpretation and listening. The Department should take
lessons from real life into the lesson plan to help students not surprised by the large
difference between theory and practice. I found that in studying program some subjects
cannot be used in real work. I think we should replace these subjects by the others that
is useful for student such as we should open more speaking classes for students or more
practicing classes than theory ones.
Besides , The Department should teach students skills to analyze, synthesize
and evaluate issues…and training student communication skills and interview skills in
any situation. The Department also should contact with the companies which use
English and create more chances for the students to practice.
The university should invite foreign teachers to teach students, create conditions
for students to have good learning environment, to be communicated with native
speakers more. The university also should hold English club with specific topics
regularly to help students to have opportunities to learn and exchange experiences to
each other. Foreign language students have to master the grammar and have rich
vocabulary, ability of reading and understanding, listening and speaking fluently. Thus
the Foreign Languages Department needs to have suitable training program to create
learning interest for students, and create conditions for students to have opportunities
to practice more.

Suggestions for students
I also wish to share some experiences for students before practicing. Many
students complain that their work experience is so boring. However, if you choose

Nguyen Thi Nga- K53B3- Foreign language Department
carefully, you can find companies with better training programs. Firstly, you should
select the appropriate place to practice so that you have a chance to show your
capabilities. You should find some information and rules about the company or places
where you will practice and have background knowledge about your jobs.
Besides you should pay attention to other thing such as:
• Specific time to practice time from start to finish
• Your responsibilities and duties in the company
• The business activities of the company, especially the department where you want to
• What the main priority of the job is and relationships with other departments
• Making reference the previous report to draw experience
• Making a good relationship with the internship
In summary, to get high efficiency, you need to have a good preparation
concerning not only knowledge but also psychological aspect. It depends on each
person's adaptability. Students who have patience, openness, and good relationship
with company employees will soon get the data and better guidance. The key to
success is to be hard working, enthusiastic and do well the work assigned.
