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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week 20 (7.1-12.1.2013) Period 55 Unit 9: The post office A: Reading I. Aim To read a passage about Thanh Ba Post office II. Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying sntonyms - Use the information they have read to discuss post office services III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated Problems: Ss may have limited linguistic resources for discussion, so T should be ready to assist them V. Procedures -Check Ss attendants: Stages and time 1.Warm up (5mins). Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Network -Ask Ss to work in group of 4 to complete the network about some services of the post office. Group work -Work in groups of 4 to complete the network about some services of the post Accomplished discarded indulge office. Flower telegram service Telephone & fax service. in. Post office. Mail &Pacel service. Mail Phone cards&internet cards. 2.Before you read (7mins). Postal savings. -Ask Ss to look at the pictures in textbook page 100 and ask them questions: - what can you see in the pictures? -Ask Ss to work in pair ask and answer the questions in textbook (page 100). Whole class -Look at the pictures in textbook page 100 and answer the questions -Stand up to answer questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Vocabulary -List on the board new words -Ask ss to write down and read up after T Spacious(a)= large:réng r·i Well-trained(a): trình độ cao Courteous(a) /'kə:tjəs/ : lich sư, nhã nhăn Surface mail:thư gưi đương bé hay đương biÓn Express Mail Service(EMS):dÞch vô chuyÓn ph¸t nhanh Competitive rate:møc gi¸ ph¶I ch¨ng Speedy(a)=fast an toàn, bảo đảm: Secure(a) /si'kjuə/: an toàn, bảo đảm Messenger Call Service /'mesindʒə/; dÞch vô nh¾n tin Recipient(n) /ri'sipiənt/;=receiver Facsimile(n,v) /fæk'simili/; b¶n sao, b¶n chÐp To surscribe /səb'skraib/;đặt mua dài hạn. Expected answer: -There is a post office and some services of it 1. It is about 1.5 kilometer. 2.I sometimes go to the post office to subcribe to a internet service. 3.The post office office may offer a number of various services such as mail and pacer service, express mail service, … -Write down and read up after T -Practice reading vocabulary and make sentence from them. Ask Ss to practice reading vocabulary and make sentence from them 3.While you read (25 mins). Task 1(7 mins) -Ask Ss to work individually to circle the letter(A,B,C or D) before the word that has the opposite meaning to the italicized word -Then call some Ss to speak out their answers -Listen and give feedback. Individual work -Work individually to circle the letter(A,B,C or D) before the word that has the opposite meaning to the italicized word -Speak out their answers Expected answer: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C. Task 2(10 mins) -Ask Ss to read again the text and answer the questions Individual work and -Remind Ss some tips to do the task: pair work +Underline the key words -Listen to T’s tips and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> +Look for question words like : why,.. +go back to the passange and locate the key words in the passage +read around the key words carefully to find the answer. -Ask them to work pairs to practice asking and answering -Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their answers -Ask the other to remark and give feedback. Task 3(8 mins) Ask Ss to read the statements in task 3 and read the text again to find evidence in the text to support these statements -Instruct Ss to guess where in the passage they can find the information, using the knowledge of the passage. Ask Ss to work individually and then discuss the answers with their partners Call on some Ss to speak out their answers Listen and give feedback. do task 2 -Work pairs to practice asking and answering -Go to the board and write their answers Expected answer: 1. Thanh Ba Post Office is equipped with advanced technology and a spacious and pleasant front office 2. Mail and Parcel Service, Express Money Transfer, Phone Calls and Faxes Press Distribution 3. They are air mail, surface mail, EMS mail 4. It is used for notifying the reciepient of the time and the place to receive the call 5. You will have subsribe to your favourite newspapers and magazines Individual work and pair work -Read the statements in task 3 and read the text again to find evidence in the text to support these statements speak out their answers -Listen and give feedback Expected answer: 1. The post office opens daily from 7a.m to 9p.m 2. We offer a very.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> competitive rate for parcels of under 15kg 3. We also have the Express Mail Service and your EMS mail will be delivered in the shortest possible time 4. We offer a speedy and secure service of transfering mone in less than 24 hours 4.After you read (6 mins). 5.Wrapping up (2 mins). -Ask Ss to work in small groups of 4 to answer the questions in the book -Go around the class and offer help -Call on a representer of each group to answer the questions. Group work -Work in group to answer the questions -A representer of each group answers the questions. -summarise the main points of the text Whole class -Ask Ss to learn by heart new words and -Listen to T and take write a short paragraph about 50 words about notes Thanh Ba Post Office VI. Evaluation:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Week 20 (7.1-12.1.2013) Period 56 Unit 9: The post office B: Speaking I. Aim To make dialogues taking place between the clerk and the customer at the post II. Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Use appropriate language to make requests in formal business situations III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated Problems: Ss may transfer the Vietnamese speaking rules when making requests in English, which could cause communication difficulty, should they be involved in crosscultureal communication. So T should raise their awareness of linguistic and sociocultural differences between English and Vietnamese speakers in the way they make requests. VI. Procedures -Check Ss attendants: Stages/time 1.Warm up (5 mins). Teacher’s activities -Show the picture and and ask Ss to guest how the clerk and the customer greet to eachother. Students’ activities -Look at the picture and answer T’s question Expected answer: The woman: Excuse me! The clerk: Yes? Can I help you, Madam?. 2.Task 1 (10 mins). -Ask Ss to act out the dialogue and then answer the questions: What service is the customer taking in the D?. Pair work -Act out the dialogue and then answer the questions: What service is the customer taking in the D? Expected answer: facsimile service. 3.Task 2. - Set the scene: Make a conversation from. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> (10 mins). the suggestions. The conversation takes place at the post office between a clerk (A) and a customer (B), who wants to have a telephone line installed at home. -Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a converstion -After they finish T calls on some pair to practice before class -Listen and correct their mistakes. -Make a conversation from the suggestions -Work in pairs to make the converstion Expected answer: A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes, I would like to have a telephone line installed at home? A: Ok, where do you live? B: I live in Ngoc Ha Street. When can you install it? A: We can install it one week afer you register B: Can you come on Friday? A: Yes, that’s fine. Have you got a telephone yet? B: Yes, I have a telephone already. How much is the installation fee and monthly fee? A: The installation fee is 600 thousand Dong and the monthly fee is 27 thousand Dong. Could you please fill this form?. 4.Task 3 (15 mins). - Set the scene :Imagine that one of you is a clert at the post office and the other is a customer, make a dialogue for each of the situations -Ask Ss to work in pairs -T goes around the class and offer help -Call on some pairs to practice before class. work in pairs -Stand up to present the dialogue Expected answer: Dialogue 1 A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes, I would like to suscribe to Lao Dong daily newspaper A: Yes, how long would you like to get the newspaper? B: for a year please A: where would you like to get the newspaper? B: At home. I live at 67 Ngoc Ha Street.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 5.Wrapping up (5 mins) VI. Evaluation:. A: Ok B:Oh, can I get the newspaper every morning before 6:30? A: Before 6.30? Well, it might be a little bit too early? How about 7.30? B: Ok, That’s fine. Thank you! A: All right. Could you fill in this form please -Summarise the main points of the lesson Whole class Ask Ss to complete the second dialogue in -Listen to T and take task 3 notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week 20 (7.1-12.1.2013) Period 57 Unit 9: The post office C: Listening I. Aim To listen to some information about the development of Vietnam’s telephone system over the past few years. II. Objectives I. Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -Develop listening skills as listening for specific and detailed information. -Summarise the content of the listening using aqured language. III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, speakers, usb. IV.Anticipated Problems: Ss may have difficulties to get information to answer the questions so T can help them V. Procedures -Check Ss attendants: Stages/time 1.Warm up (7mins). Teacher’s activities Ask Ss to answer the question: Which is the quickest, a phone call, a fax, an e-mail or a letter? -Call one student to answer -Check and remark. Students’ activities -Work in pairs to answer the questions. -Stand up to answer Expected answer: +A phone call. 2.Before you listen (8mins). -Ask Ss to work in pair to discuss 3 questions in textbook Goes around the class and offer help -Call on some Ss to answer the questions -Ask ss to practice reading the words in the “Listen and repeat” part. Pair work -Work in pairs to discuss 3 questions in textbook -Stand up to answer Expected answer: 1.Yes, we are. My phine number is 03213928567 2.Yes, my father has one. 3. With a mobile phone, you can contact other people easily, you always feel close to your family even when you are away from home. However, you don’t have much privacy.( sư riêng tư) Sometimes,it’s irritating (làm phát cáu) to get a call when you are.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> sleeping or in a meeting 3.While you listen (23 mins). Task 1(8mins) Ask Ss to read the statements or questions in task 1 to understand them Explain some key words and practice to read them Play the tape once for Ss to get information Play it again and ask Ss to answer Task 2(15mins) Before listening again the tape ask Ss to read the questions and understand them -Remind Ss some tips to do the task: +Underline the key words +Look for question words like : why,.. Ask Ss to listen again and answer the questions, to pay attention to the key words -Call on some Ss to go to the board and answer the questions -Play the tape again if they don’t answer correctly -T listens and gives feedback. Individual work -Read the statements or questions in task 1 to understand them -Listen to the tape twice -Stand up to give answer and evidence Expected answer: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C. Individual work and pair work -Listen to T’s tips +Underline the key words +Look for question words like : why,.. -Listen again and answer the question -Stand up to answer Expected answer: 1. China has the best growth in telephone number 2. In the early 1990s, there were only 140.000 telephones in VN 3. In the 1996, the fixed telephone nubers were changed from 6 to 7 digits in HN and HCM City as well as 5 to 6 digits in other provinces 4. In 2001 5. There are 6.014 communal post offices in VN 4.After you -Ask Ss to work in group and base Group work listen on provided suggestion to -Work in groups of 4 to base (5mins) summarise the main point of the on provided suggestion to listening summarise the main point of the listening 5.Wrapping up -Ask Ss to rewrite the listening Whole class (2mins) about 50 words -Listen to T and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> VI. Evaluation:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Week 21 (14.1-19.1.2013) Period 58 Unit 9: The post office D: Writing I. Aim To write a formal letter to express satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) II. Objective By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Write a letter to express satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the services of the post office III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated Problems: Ss may not have sufficient linguistic resources to write a letter of complain (dissatisfaction), so T should be ready to help them. V. Procedures -Check Ss attendants: Stages/time 1.Warm up (5m). Teacher’s activities Ask Ss to read the following adjectives and underline those can make people/things satistified -Call ss to answer “Polite, rude, cold, helpful, spacious, cramped(chật hẹp), large, small, good, bad, reasonable (hợp ly), expensive, cheap, arrogant, punctual, reliable /ri'laiəbl/ (chắc chắn, đáng tin cậy)”. 2. Preparing Ss to write (13m). -Ask Ss to open their book and read again the text about Thanh Ba Post Office to get information Ask them some suggested questions: 1. What time does Thanh Ba post office open and close? 2. What is Thanh Ba post office equipped with? 3. What services are offered at Thanh Ba post office? 4. What are the attitudes of the staff?. Students’ activities Group work -Read the following adjectives and underline those can make people/things satistified -Stand up to answer Expected answer: Polite, rude, cold, helpful, spacious, cramped, large, small, good, bad, reasonable (hợp ly), expensive, cheap, arrogant, punctual, reliable (đáng tin cậy) Individual work -Read again the text about Thanh Ba Post Office to get information and answer questions -Stand up to answer questions Expected answer: 1.It opens daily at 7a.m and closes at 9 p.m 2.It is equipped with advanced technology and a pacious, pretty place for transaction (sư giao dịch) 3. They are Mail and Parcel Services, EMS, Express Money Transfer, Phone Calls and Faxes, Messenger Call Services, Press Distribution.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 4. The staff are always thoughtful and courteous to the customers -Listen to T and take notes. 3.Writing (17m). -Elicit the outline from Ss. The letter may have the following points: * Dear Mr. director, * State the reason for writing (Iam writing about the quality of the services your post office offers …) * Say whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied with these services, or both. * List out some evidences to support your idea. * (firstly…secondly…thirdly… finally) * Your suggestion * End the letter politely (sincerely yours, your faithfully, etc.) Task 1(7m) Ask Ss to work in pair to discuss the abilities which make the customers satisfied or dissatisfied with the services at Thanh Ba post office T goes around the class and offer help Then call some Ss to say their opinions. -Work in pair to discuss the abilities which make the customers satisfied or dissatisfied with the services at Thanh Ba post office + the opening hours of the post office It is too early when closing at 9 p.m. It would be much better if the post office opened until 10 p.m so that customers can have more access to the services +The quality of the equipment It is a well-equipped and reliable address for the postals and telecommunication needs + The security conditions of the post office The parking area of Thanh Ba is not a good and security place( Although the parking area is large, it has no security guards + The attitudes of the staff The staff are always helpful and polite to the customers/ the attitude of the staff sometimes seems a bit cold and not very helpful.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Task 2(10m) -Ask Ss to work in group to write letters to the director of Thanh Ba post office to describe the quality of the services they have received -Ask Ss to work in group of 5 Ss to write the satisfaction or dissatisfaction or both using ideas in task 1 -Go around the class and offer help. 4.Feedback on Ss’writing (8m). -. -. T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction T goes around and collects mistakes and errors Choose one or two descrition and read it/them to the class Then T elicits corrective feedback from the class and gives final comments afterwards. T should draw Ss’attention to the organization of ideas and language use. -Work in groups of 3-4 to write letters to the director of Thanh Ba post office to describe the quality of the services they have received Expected answer: Dear Mr. Director, I am writing about the quality of the services of your post office. I am satisfied with some of your services. However, there is still something that I am dissatisfied with. Firstly, the post office is closed too early.sometimes I need to make an emergent phone call after 9 and this service is not available. Secondly, the prices for sending oversea mails are too expensive compared with other post offices in the district. Finally, there is no one to look after the motorbikes of the customers. Therefore, we are always nervous when leaving the motorbikes outside. I would suggest that the post office should open until 10p.m.and there should be someone to keep an eye on the customers’motorbikes. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, (signature) Whole class -Exchange their writing with another student for peer correction -Listen to T and correct mistakes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 5.Wrapping up(2m). -. T summarises the main points of the lesson For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing taking into consideration their friends’ and T’s suggestions and correction. -Listen to T and take notes. VI. Evaluation. Period 5: Language focus I. Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -Distinguish the clusters /sp/, /st /, and /sk/ -Pronoun the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly - Understand the uses of defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses and do exercise correctly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> II. Teaching aids Textbook, handouts, …………. III. Anticipated problems Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters, so T should prepare a lot of practice IV. Procedure. Stages/time Pronunciation (8m). Teacher’s activities Handout T gives Ss some pictures of : spoon, scanner, stamp, statue, dish, sparrow and then give them a crossword puzzles which has the words concern to the pictures a. b.. Students’ activities -Look at pictures circle the words to name pictures -Listen to T -Stand up to answer Expected answer: S T A M P a. statue stamp. c.. T P A L D. A I O I E. b. dish. T N S O A. U K I N N. E G G R T. c.spoon e.. d.. -Listen to T then repeat after T. e. f. -T reads the words which they have found and introduces the clusters /sp/, /st /, and /sk/ Distinguish sounds - T models the three clusters /sp/, /st /, and /sk/ for few times and explains how. Individual work, pair work and whole class -Work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> to pronounce them - T gets Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times. T listens and corrects if Ss pronounce the words incorrectly Practicing sentences containing the target sounds -Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the dialogue - Go around to listen and take notes of the typical errors - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue again and provides corrective feedback Grammar a.Presentation (10m). -Give some examples and analyse the form of relstive clause Ex1: Elephants who marry mice are very unusual. Ex2: My friend John, who went to the same school as me, has just written a bestselling novel . Ex3: Let's go to a country where the sun always shines. Ex4: Elephants, which are large and grey, can sometimes be found in zoos àDefining relative clauses give essential information to define or identify the person or thing we are talking about Non-defining relative clauses are always separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. Notes: 1. In non-defining clauses, you cannot use ‘that’ instead of who, whom or which. 2. You cannot leave out the relative pronoun, even when it is the object of the verb in the relative clause. 3. Non-defining clauses can. -Identify what kind of relative clause the examples are. (ex1,3: defining; Ex 2,4: Nondefining) -Recall how to use relative clauses. T can give Ss some more notes. -Listen to T and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> be introduced by expressions like all of, many of + relative pronoun: Examples: There were a lot of people at the party, many of whom I had known for years. b. Practice 24 m. Exercise 1(5m) Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answers with another student. Then T calls on some Ss to read out their answers. Exercise 2 (5m) Ask Ss to work individually to complete the sentences using who, whom, whose Call some Ss to say loudly their answers Lisen and give feedback. Individual work -Do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answers with another student -Read out their answers Expected answer: 1. A burglar is someone who breaks into the house to steal things 2. A customer is someone who buys something from the shop 3. A shoplifter is some one who steals from the shop 4. A coward /'kauəd/ is someone who is not brave 5. A tenant /'tenənt/ is someone who pays rent to live in a house Individual work and pair work -Work individually to complete the sentences using who, whom, whose -Say loudly their answers Expected answer: 1. who 2. whose 3. whom 4. whose 5. whom. Exercise 3 (7m) Ask Ss to do exercise individually and then compare the answer with their partners Call on Ss to go to the board and do exercise After finishing ask them to correct if necessary. Pair work and individual work -Do exercise individually and then compare the answer with their partners -Read out their answers Expected answer: 1. The man who answered the phone told me you were away 2. the waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient 3. the building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt 4. the people who were arrested.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> have now been released 5. The bus which goes to the airport runs every half an hour. Exercise 4 (7m) Ask Ss to do exercise 4 individually and then compare their answers with another student. Then T calls on some Ss to go to the board and do exercise After finishing ask them to correct if necessary. Wrapping up (3m). VI. Evaluation:. -Summarise the main points of the lesson -Ask Ss to do TEST YOUR SELF at home. -Do exercise 4individually and then compare their answers with another student -Go to the board and do exercise Expected answer: 1. Peter, who has never been abroad, is studying Frech and German 2. You’ve all met Michael Wood, who is visiting us for a couple of day 3. We are moving to Manchester, which is in the north west 4. I’ll be staying with Asrian, whose brother is one of my closest friends 5. John Bridge, who has just gone to live in Canada, is one of my oldest friends -Listen to T and takes notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Week 21(14.1-19.1.2013) Period 60: TEST YOUR SELF C I. Aim To check Ss’ knowledges after units 7, 8, 9 II. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to better reading skills, listening skills , writing skills and grammar points of units 7, 8, 9 III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated Problems: Ss may have limited linguistic resources to do the exercises, so T should be ready to assist them V. Procedures Check ss’ attendant: Stages and time Teacher’s activities 1.Listening -Ask Ss to read the sentences 7’ carefully then listen to a conversation and put these telephone expressions in the order they hear. - Play the tape once -Call Ss go to the board to write down the answers. Students’ activities - Read the sentences carefully then listen to a conversation and put these telephone expressions in the order they hear. -Go to the board to write down the answers Expected answer: 1. g 2. b 3. e 4. f 5. d 6. j 7. h 8. k 9. c 10. a 11. i. 2.Reading 10’. -Go to the board to wrtie down the answer -Other Ss hand in the reading answers for T to check Expected answer:. -Call SS to go to the board to wrtie down the answer -Go aroud to check other Ss -Check and remark. 1. They gather before midnight and select twelve grapes from a large bunch 2. Because the twelve grapes are symbols of the twelves months of the year 3. In Iran 4. It lasts for thirteen days 5. They read from the Koran, then all embrace each other and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 3.Pronunciation a. pronunciation (5’) and Grammar Listen and put a stick 10’ -Read aloud once for Ss to check -Ask the whole class to answer -Check with the whole class b. join the sentences using (5’) -Call SS to go to the board to wrtie down the answer -Go aroud to check other Ss -Check and remark. say.”May you live 100 years” -Listen once to do part a -Check with the whole class Expected answer: 1. glean 2. fry 3. thrive 4. overthrow -Go to the board to do part b -Check with the whole class Expected answer: 1. Earth is a planet which can support life 2. The book is about a girl who runs away from home 3. A dictionary is a book which gives you the meaning of workds 4. The man and the woman who live in flat 8 are from Scotland. c. Match the clause in column A with the one in column B -Call one ss to go to the board -Go to the board to do exercise to do exercise c c -Check with the wholw class -Check and remark Expected answer: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a. 4.Writing 15’. - Collect some students’ -Hand in some writing for T to writing to check with the whole check class Expected answer: Tet is one of the most important traditional holiday in our country. It celebrates the Lunar New Year. Actually Tet starts on the first day of the lunar new year, however, people always prepare for it well in advance. The house is usually cleaned and decorated with beautiful things such as flowers and pictures. Peach flowers and kumquat trees are very typical at Tet. Almost every house has at least either peach flowers or kumquat trees, some even have both in their house at Tet..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> During Tet people enjoy traditional foods such as banh chung, fruit jams….. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, people often go to pagodas or churches then they visit their relatives. I enjoys Tet holidays because we often have “lucky money” at Tet and we can get up later than usual. The only thing I don’t like at Tet is that the weather is wet and cold 5.Wrapping up 3’. - T summerizes the main points -Listen and take notes of the lesson and assign home works. Tapescript R: Father and Son Ltd, goodmorning, for Sales press 1. For Account press 2. For enquiries, please hold Donna: Father and Son Company, Thank you for calling. This is Donna speaking. How can I help you? Georgia: Hello, my name is Georgia King, I’d like to speak to John Barnes, please Donna: Sorry, What name is that? Georgia: It’s Georgia King speaking Donna: Oh, I’m afraid Mr. Banes isn’t here at the moment. Can I take a message? Georgia: Well, I’m returning his call. He lelf me a message to call him Donna: Ok, Hold on please….The line’s busy at the moment. Can you call Mr. Barnes back later Georgia: Um……..Can I leave a message please? Donna: Oh, just a minute, I’ll put you through to one of his colleagues R- Record VI. Evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Week 22(21.1-26.1.2013) Period 61 REVISION I.Aims: Reviewing the defining and non-defining relative clause II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - master the use of defining and non-defining relative clause III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with distinguish defining and non-defining relative clause V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3. Time/ Steps REVISION (15ms). PRACTICE (27ms). Teacher’s activities - Ask one st to present how to use defining and non-defining relative clauses -Listen to T and check àDefining relative clauses give essential information to define or identify the person or thing we are talking about Non-defining relative clauses are always separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. Notes: 1. In non-defining clauses, you cannot use ‘that’ instead of who, whom or which. 2. You cannot leave out the relative pronoun, even when it is the object of the verb in the relative clause. 3. Non-defining clauses can be introduced by expressions like all of, many of + relative pronoun: Examples: There were a lot of people at the party, many of whom I had known for years. - Remind sts that " be going to" can also be used to predict something with some evidence. Eg: The ceiling looks unsafe. I think it's going to fall. - Notes: Avoid using the present progressive with "be"and "go" - Ask some sts to give examples. Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete sentence. Students’ activities -Recall how to use defining and nondefining relative clauses. T can give Ss some more notes. -Listen to T and take notes. -Listen to T and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> - Ask Ss to work individually to do the exercise. - Listen to teacher’s. - Go around to check and offer help. - Work individually and. - Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud. do the exercise. - Check the answers with the whole class. -. * Suggested answers:. answers. 1B 2D 3A 4C 5D 6C 7B 8D 9A 10C. 11C 12D 13B 14B 15B 16B 17A 18D 19A 20B. 21B 22C 23B 24A 25A 26C 27A 28A 29A 30B. HOMEWORK - Summarize the main points of the lesson (3ms). -. Give Copy. the. correct. the. correct. answers. - Listen carefully. - Ask Ss to do more exercises in workbook and - Do more exercises at prepare for the next lesson.. home and prepare for the next lesson. VI. Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. --------------***---------------. HANDOUT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> Exercise 1. Choose the best answer 1. This is the place _________ I met my wife. A. what B. where C. which D. that 2. Simon is the man _________ Mary loves. A. who B. which C. whom D. A&C 3. My wife, _________ is a doctor, works at Community Hospital. A. who B. which C. whom D. that 4. Only one of the people _________ work in the company is qualified. A. what B. which C. who D. where 5. She is the one _________ I told you about. A. what B. which C. whose D. who 6. Those _________ had studied hard passed their exams. A. what B. which C. who D. whose 7. The magazine _________ you lent me is interesting. A. what B. which C. whom D. whose 8. The man _________ is resting is very tired. A. what B. which C. whom D. who 9. The boy _________ sat next to you is my friend. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose 10.We are using books _________ were printed last year. A. what B. who C. which D. whose 11.The painting_________Ms. Wallace bought was very expensive. A. whom B. whose C. which D. where 12.The homeless people_____story appeared in the paper last week have now fo und a place to live. A. who B. whom C. that D. whose 13.__________ is your favourite sport, swimming or running. A. What B. Which C. Whom D. Whose 14.Were the Wright brothers the ones __________built the first aeroplane? A. which B. whom C. whose D. t hat 15.I don't like stories________ have unhappy endings. A. where B. which C. they D. who.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> 16.Vicky, __________ name was missed off the list, wasn’t very pleased. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom 17.The picture was painted by Laura, ____________ is being shown in an exhib ition. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom 18.The concert ___________ we are looking forward is next Saturday. A. which B. that C. whom D. A&B 19.The sun, ____ is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with he at an light. A. which B. that C. who D. A&B 20.Tom made a number of suggestions, most of ____ were very helpful. A. them B. which C. that D. B&C 21.Alaska, __________ my brother lives, is the largest state in the United States. A. which B. where C. w ho D. All are correct 22.Tell me the reason ____________ you were absent yesterday. A. where B. when C. why D. t hat 23.There was a time __________ dinosaurs dominated the earth. A. which B. when C. that D. A&B 24.The house in ________ I was born and grew up was destroyed in an earthqu ake ten years ago. A. which B. where C. that D. All are correct 25.Summer is the time of the year _________ the weather is the hottest. A. when B. which C. that D. B&C 26.Sunday is the day on ___________ I am least busy. A. where B. when C. which D. t hat 27.Do you know the man about ___________ they’re talking? A. whom B. whose C. that D. A&C 28.What’s the name of the blonde girl ___________ just came in? A. who B. whose C. whom D. A&B 29.Mexico City, _________ has a population of over million, is probably the fa stest growing city in the world. A. which B. whose C. that D. A&B 30.This is Henry, __________ sister works for my father..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> A. who A&C. B. whose. C. that. D.. Week 22(21.1-26.1.2013) Period 62 Unit 10: Nature in danger Period 1: Reading I.Aims: To read a passage about nature and environment in danger II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic - Understand the consequences which cause from human for nature and environment and Ss will be aware of their activities to prevent nature and environment from destroying III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may have limited linguistic resources for discussion, so T should be ready to assist them explaination. V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages and time Warm-up (5 minutes). Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Ask students to look at the pictures and answer the questions : - Open the book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> 1, What animals can you see in these pictures? 2, where do these animal often live? 3,What would happen if their habitats were destroyed? - Let students understand more about nature in danger, today we learn Unit 10- part A: Reading. - Listen to the teacher - Give the answers 1. a tiger ,an elephant , a bear , a lion 2, they often live in the forests ,zoos or National parks 3. if their habitats were destroyed ,animal s would die, the environment would be polluted. Nature would be in danger - Listen to the teacher and open the book – Unit 10, part A: reading. Before you read Ask Ss to open their book and ask them (7 minutes) to read the fact about endangered species and answer the questions 1. What do you understand from the fact above? 2. Can you explain why the numbers of these animal become small? 3. What causes danger to environment?. - Look at the book, listen to the teacher and work in pairs:. Vocabulary pre-teach -List on the board new words -Ask ss to write down and read up after T Ask Ss to practice reading vocabulary and make sentence from them To scatter ['skætə] rải, rắc Species(n) ['spi:∫i:z] loài Danger(n) dangerous(a) To endanger: gây nguy hiểm Pollutant(n) [pə'lu:tənt] chất gây ô nhiễm (do xe cộ, động cơ.. thải ra) – pollution(n)- polluted(a) – pollute(v). - Look at the picture - Answer the questions Pair work 1. The facts above show that the numbers of some wild or rare animals such as cheetahs, pandas and Siberian tigers become small or extinct 2. The numbers of these animals become small because they are killed for food, medicines, fur or skin 3. - wastes from factories and hospitals - smoke from vehicles - oil spills from ships - forest fires - people’s carelessness Write down and read up after T -Practice reading vocabulary and make sentence from them. - Listen to the teacher then read the passages.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Consequence(n): hậu quả, kết quả Extinct(a)[iks'tiηkt] tuyệt chủng To prohibit [prə'hibit]= ban ( to prohibit somebody / something from doing something) cấm; ngăn cấm Interference(n) [,intə'fiərəns] ( interference in / with something) sư can thiệp- to interfere [,intə'fiə] Offspring(n): con (của một con vật) While you read - Ask students to look through the (23 minutes) passage and read in silence - Help students read the passage - Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage Task 1 : (3 minutes) - Ask students to fill each blank with a suitable word - Let students work individual or in groups - Help students if necessary. - Ask some new words if necessary. - Keep the book open. - Listen to the teacher then do task 1 - Ask the teacher if necessary - work individual or in group - Write down in the notebook Expected answer 1extinct; 2protect; 3decrease; 4lpollutants ;5endangered 6, interferences. Task2: (4 minutes) -Ask students read the passage again - Listen to the teacher and decide the best sums up each -Do the task individually paragraph -Compare the answer with the -Go around and help if necessary partner’s answer -call on some students to answer - Expected answer -Give feedback 1c,2a,3a ,4 c Task 3: (6 minutes) - Ask students to answer the following questions - Ask students look through the passages then try to answer the questions in right way - Let them work in pairs - Help students if necessary (the answers in the passage). - Try to answer the questions - Practice with a partner then write them down in the note books - Ask the teacher if necessary Expected answer 1.They are: They are changing invironment… pollutants to it. 2. The serious consequences of people’s interference with the environment are: - many kinds of rare animals are killed - the environment where these.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> animals are living is badly destroyed - the numbers of rare animals are decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct 3. Many things have been done to protect endangered nature, such as: - Many organizations have been set up and money has been raised to save rare animals - thousands of national parks have been established - laws have been passed to prohibit killing endangered animals After you read - Ask students to close their books (8 minutes) - Ask them to find out why some animals have become extinct -Call on the groups to tell and explain their choice - Listen to students and correct mistakes Home work (2 minutes). VI.Evaluation. - Listen to the teacher -Discuss and give reason why . - The students who are called to stand up to talk loudly are intelligent ones. - Ask students to write a passage about - Listen to the teacher and environment (80 words) write down homework - Ask students to do Reading exercise of Unit 10 in workbook and prepare Part B : Speaking at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Week 22(21.1-26.1.2013) Period 63 Unit 10. Nature in danger B. Speaking I.Aims: To talk about about nature in danger and about measures for protecting endangered nature II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about about nature in danger and about measures for protecting endangered nature III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may have limited linguistic resources for discussion, so T should be ready to assist them V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages and time 1.Warm-up (5 minutes). Teacher’s activities - Ask students to keep book close -Ask students some questions 1,Why do we call some animalss such as tiger, bears, elephants endangered animals ? 2, What should we do to protect and save them?? - Tell students to understand more. (We learn Unit 10, part- speaking). 2.Pre-speaking (12 minutes). Task 1 - Ask students to put some reason why nature is threatened in the order of importance - Let them work in pairs. Students’ activities - Keep books close - Listen to the teacher - Answer the question: Expected answer 1. because they are hunted or killed in large number that they are in danger of becoming extinct 2, As a students you should stop eating and killing wild animals - Look at student’s book -Listen and do the task -Work in pairs Expected answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> - Listen to students and correct A : in your opinion which mistakes the reason is the most important? B :I think burning the forest is the most important because animals and plants will die, which cause the air polluted ................ 3.While-speaking (15 minutes). Task 2 - Ask students to work in pairs to read through the task and match the problems in task 1 with appropriate solutions in task 2 - Let them work in groups - Walk round and help them - Ask some students to stand up to talk again loudly - Listen and correct mistakes. 4.Post-speaking (10 minutes). -Ask ss to state the negative impacks made by people on the environment and suggest measures to protect it -Ask Ss to work in pair to discuss about environment -Go around the class and offer help -Call some pairs to practice Listen and give feedback. -Listen to the teacher - Do task 2 in groups Expected answer A: It is said that people are killing animals for fur,skin and food B: I think killing amimals for fur, skin and food should be banned … Pair work - Close the books - Listen to the teacher - Do task 3 -Work in group and discuss -The students who are called to stand up to talk loudly are intelligent ones -State the negative impacks made by people on the environment and suggest measures to protect it Expected answer A: It is said in the newspaper that people are burning forests and cutting down trees for wood B: That’s why the forests are destroyed A: What should we do to protect forests? B: I think burning forests and cutting down trees should be banned and planting trees should be encouraged.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 5.Homework (3 minutes). VI.Evaluation. - Ask students to do exercises in - Listen to the teacher workbook - Write down the homework - Ask students to prepare Part CListening and do homework.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> Week 23(28.1-2.2.2013) Period 64 Unit 10: Nature in danger C.Listening I.Aims: To listen to a passage about the problems United States’ forest facing with and solution to protect them. II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and listening for general infromation III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, speakers,USB. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may not also be familiar with the note-taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (5 minutes). Pre-listening (7 minutes). Teacher’s activities - Ask students to close the books - Give a picture of national parks and ask some question about it 1.what can you see in the picture 2.Do you know where it is located ? 3.What does it look like? ........ If you want to know more details, we will go to Unit 10- part Listening - Ask students to look at the part: Before listening - Let them work in pairs and answer questions: “Name some national parks in Vietnam” - Walk round, listen and help students - Listen and check pronunciation. Students’ activities - Close the books - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups - Listen to the teacher and answer the question: - Listen to the teacher and open textbooks - Look at the books - Work in pairs - Give correct answer Expected answer 1.Cuc Phuong national Park, Cat Ba National Park,Bach ma ,Phong Nha, Cat Tien....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> While-listening. (7 minutes). (13 minutes). After-listening (10 minutes). Task 1 - Ask students to look through the sentences in task 1 - Ask students to listen to the typescript carefully and decide the correct answers - Ask students to give reasons for their answers. - Keep book open -Listen to the teacher - Read the sentences in task 1 and try to understand them - Listen to the typescript and choose the correct answers Expected answer 1.T- 2T- 3F- 4T- 5.T. Task2 -Ask students to look at the task 2 and answer the questions -Before listening again the tape ask Ss to read the questions and understand them -Remind Ss some tips to do the task: +Underline the key words +Look for question words like : why,.. Ask Ss to listen again and answer the questions, to pay attention to the key words -Let students listen again more time and answer -Call on some students to give answers. -Listen to the teacher and do the task2 -Listen again and give correct answers Expected answer 1. There are 52 national parks in United States 2,millions of people visit national parks every year 3,rare animals are killed or hunted for fur, skin or other parts....... 4,rare animals and treees should be protected, fires causes by careless people should be limited, pollution from visitors’ vehicles should be decreased and money should be raised for the parks’ staff and maintenance of their resources. - Ask students to open the books - Ask them to summarise the listening text based on their notes - Let them work in pairs - Walk round and help students. -Listen and discuss - The students who are called stand up and retell about the Statue of Liberty in front of the class:. - Ask some students to stand up and retell the national parks in the USA to the class - Listen and correct mistakes Homework (3 minutes). VI. Evaluation. - Ask students to write a story about a -Listen to the teacher and national park they liked write down homework - Remember them to prepare PartWriting at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Week 23(28.1-2.2.2013) Period 65 Unit 10: Nature in danger D.Writing I.Aims: To write a paragraph to describe the national parks base on provided information II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Write a paragraph to describe the national parks base on provided information III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should be ready to assist them IV. Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stage/time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up Handout Pair work (7m) -Ask Ss to read the passage -Read the passage carefully carefully and fill in each blank and fill in each blank with with one suitable word or phrase one suitable word or phrase Cuc Phuong National Park is -Stand up to answer located 160 km()…..of Hanoi. It Expected answer is the first of Vietnam’s nine 1. south west 2. national parks to be ()……and it established contains over 200 km2 of(3)….. . 3. rain forest 4. caves Tourist go there to study 5. 1000 year old 6. 2000 butterflies, visit(4)……, hike 7. fauna 8. endangered mountains and look at (5) species …….tree. According to scientists, there are about(6)…… different species of flora and 450 species of (7)….. . Many visitors come to Cuc Phuong to see the work being done to protect(8)….. -Call ss to check Before you write Ask Ss to read the information of Individual work (8m) Cat Ba National Park -Read the information of Cat Ask Ss some questions Cat Ba Ba National Park National Park -Answer questions 1. Where is Cat Ba National Park -Take notes located? Expected answer: 2. What are the features of Cat Ba 1.Cat Ba National Park is.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> While you write (17m). National Park? 3. How large is it? 4. What do you know about the animals and plants in Cat Ba National Park? 5. What are some of historic features of the parks? Useful language It’s located in/on………….. It’s famouas for……… It covers/contains……. Its total area is…………… There are…….species of/kinds of/sorts of…… We can find……… Something is found in………….. Ask Ss to write a description about Cat Ba National Park, using the facts and figfures Goes around the class and offer help Call some Ss to go to the board and write their writing. situated on Cat Ba Island, 120 km from Hanoi and 20 km east of Hai Phong. 2. Cat Ba National Park is the only site in Vn endowed with both tropical forests and coastal waters with while sand beaches, abundant natural resources, beautiful landscapes and many kinds of rare animals and plants. 3….. -Work individually to write a description about Cat Ba National Park, using the facts and figfures -Go to the board to write the description about Cat Ba National Park Expected answer: Cat Ba National Park, which was declared as a national park in 1986, is situated on Cat Ba Island, 120 km from Hanoi and 20 km east of Hai Phong. Cat Ba National Park is the only site in Vn endowed with both tropical forests and coastal waters with while sand beaches, abundant natural resources, beautiful landscapes and many kinds of rare animals and plants. It covers 15.200 ha, including 9,800 ha of ocean Cat Ba National Park presevers approximately 300 species of fish, 40 kinds of animals, 150 different birds and 620 species of plants The stone tools and human bones found in the island’s limestone caves reveal that people inhabited there at least 6,000 years old..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> Feedback writing (10m). Wrapping up (3m). VI.Evaluation. - Ask Ss to correct the mistakes the writing on the board -Choose one description and reads it to class - Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards T summarises the main points For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing, taking in consideration their friends’ and T’Ss suggestions and correction and do the extra exercise. -Hand in some ss’ writing for T to check -Listen to check. -Listen to T and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Week 23(28.1-2.2.2013) Period 66 Unit 10: Nature in danger E.Language Focus I.Aims: To listen to a passage about the problems United States’ forest facing with and solution to protect them. II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Practice reading correctly the clusters: /sl/, /sm/, /sn/ and /sw/ Consolidate how to use relative pronouns with prepositions III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters, so T should prepare a lot of practice V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Pronunciation (10 minutes). Teacher’s activities - Ask students to look at their books then introduce to them *Listen and repeat : - Read loudly then ask students to repeat - Introduce : /sl/-/sn/-/sm/-/sw/ - Correct pronunciation for the students * Practise these sentences - Read the sentences loudly - Ask students to repeat - Correct pronunciation for students. Grammar and - Introduce exercises to the students vocabulary Exercise 1: (10 minutes) (32 minutes) Non-defining vs defining relative clause -Let students read the example in the textbook and then present the form and meaning and use of Non-defining vs defining relative clause For example: Hanoi, which is he capital city of Vietnam, is located on the Red river -Ask students give some examples related relative clauses - Ask students to do Exercise 1 - Introduce how to do it. Students’ activities - Listen to the teacher - Open the books - Look at : Listen and Repeat - Repeat the words in chorus then individual - Look at Practise the sentences - Listen to the teacher then repeat in chorus then individual - Listen to the teacher. - Listen to the teacher and copy down -Give some examples about relative clauses -Do the exercise 1 -Compare with the partners’ answers -Key : 1 whom 2, which 3, whom ,4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> - Let them work in pairs - Walk round, check and give mark Exercise 2 (15 minutes) Relative pronouns with prepositions T gives situation for Ss to rewrite it Ex: The man is living near your house. I talked to him on the phone last night  The man to whom I talked on the phone last night is living… Ask Ss to remark the differences in two answers - Introduce Exercise 2 to students and explain how to do it - Ask students to do it - Let them work individually - Check, correct mistake. Exercise 3 (7 minutes) -Get students to review when to use whom, who, which and that -ask students to complete the exercises individually and then find a peer to compare their answers -Check the answer with the whole class and give correct answer Homework (3 minutes) VI.Evaluation. who ,5 which ,6 whom ,7 ,which , - Listen to the teacher and do exercise 2 -Keys: 1,the man to whom I talked yesterday was very kind 2, the man about whom I told you works in hospital 3,the woman about whom I am telling you teaches me English 4,the movie about which they are talking is fantastic 5,the picture at which she was looking was beautiful 6,I’ll give you the dress to which you should write -Listen and do the exercise 3 individually -Compare their answers with a partner -Keys: 1,whom/that 2, which ,3,who , 4,whom 5, which ./that 6, which 7,who 8,whom. Ask students to do Part Language - Listen to the teacher and Focus and prepare part Reading of write down Unit 11 at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> Week 24(04.2-9.2.2013) Period 67 Unit 11 : sources of energy A.READING I.Aims: To read a passage about sources of energy II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic - Understand the the importance of saving sources of energy in our life III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters, so T should prepare a lot of practice V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up 5’. Before you read 10’. Teacher’s activities - Ask students close the book -Ask students complete the sentences: 1. We use ----------to cook 2. We use ---------to run machines, cars , motorbikes. Students’ activities. - Listen to the teacher and answer the questions Expected answer: 1. oil, coal, wood, natural gas -Lead in : today we are learn about 2. gas sources of energy - Ask students work in pairs and look at two pictures on the book and discuss the questions - Go around and help if necessary -Ask students to give the answers - Listen to students and correct pronunciation and grammar if necessary. -Listen to the teacher and open the book – Unit11, part A: reading Expected answer: Picture 1: wind power 2: solar panels, solar energy 3: hydroelectric power station, dam - we need energy to live and work +To cook meals +To light, heat or cool the house + to run machines, cars, mortobikes…. Vocabulary pre-teach -Look through the passage and - Ask students to look through the read in silence.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> passage and read in silence -Read loudly the words in chorus - Help students read the passage - Explain pronunciation and meaning -Take notes of new words which appear in the -Practise reading the words passage -Ask students to read loudly the words in chorus +Hydroelectricity(n) [haidrouilek'trisiti] thủy điện +Fossil fuel (n): Nhiên liệu hóa thạch +Reserve(v,n) [ri'zə:v]: ( to reserve something for something / somebody) để dành; dư trư +Exhausted(a) :kiệt sức, mệt lư To exhaust +Alternative sources +Geothermal heat +Windmill(n) ['winmil] +To release [ri'li:s] +Plentiful(a) ['plentifl] +Infinite(a) ['infinit] +Potential(a) [pə'ten∫l] T helps Ss to pronounce them correctly While you read (23 minutes) 7’. 13’. Task 1 : - Ask students to do task 1 -Give Ss some típ to do task 1: + Ask ss to read all the words in the box +Read the passage to find and underline them +Find the part of speech and guess the meaning of them +Read 5 sentences and fill the gaps - Let students work individual or in groups - Help students if necessary Task 2: -Ask students to read the text a second time and located the key words in the passage -Ask Ss to read the sentences containing the answer and help them to write down advantages and disadvantages -Gets students to check their answer. - Look at the book, listen to the teacher and work in pairs: -Discuss and give correct answers Expected answer: 1.released 2.alternative 3.energy 4.limited 5.exhausted. - Listen to the teacher - Ask some new words if necessary - Keep the book open -Check their answer with a peer Expected answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> with a peer -Call on students to answer and write them on the board -Check the answers with the whole class. Sources of energy Nuclear power Solar energy. Advantage (s) unlimited. Plentiful, clean infinitve, safe Water power Clean &unlimited Wind power Clean &unlimited Geothermal avialable heat Disadvantage(s dangerous Possible during the day time expensive No wind no energy Possible in some places. 5’. After you read : 8’. Task 3: -Ask students to read the passage again then answer the questions - Ask students to answer the following questions - Ask students look through the passages then try to answer the questions in right way - Let them work in pairs - Help students if necessary. - Ask students to work in groups to complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank with a suitable word from the box -Go around to help the groups when necessary -Call on some groups to answer the. - Listen to the teacher then do task 3 - Ask the teacher if necessary - work in pairsListen to the teache -Compare with the partner’s answers Expected answer 1. Fossil fuels ( oil, coal , and natural gas) (line1,paraghaph1) 2, 6 sources : fossil fuels, nuclear power, solar energy, water power, wind power, geothermal heat .Sun energy has the most potential because it is plentiful and infinite.At the same time , it is clean and safe to use - Listen to the teacher -Discuss and complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank with a suitable word from the box - The students who are called.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> question to stand up to talk loudly are - Listen to students and correct intelligent ones mistakes Expected answer 1,energy 2, one, 3,fuels 4, limited 5, alternative, 6,sources 7.unlimited 8,environment Home work 2’. - Ask students to do Reading - Listen to the teacher and exercise of Unit 11 in workbook and write down homework prepare Part B : Speaking at home. VI.Evaluation. Week 24(04.2-9.2.2013) Period 68 Unit 11 : sources of energy B.SPEAKING I.Aims: To talk about advantages amd disadvantages of energy sources II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Talk about advantages amd disadvantages of energy sources III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may have limited linguistic resources for discussion, so T should be ready to assist them V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up 5’. Teacher’s activities - Ask students to keep book close -Ask them questions: 1.Which sources of energy is the most popular in our country? 2.Is it limited or unlimited ? What should we do to be sure that we can continue to use it in the future? - Lead in Unit 11, part b- speaking. Students’ activities. Pre-speaking : 12’. Task 1 -Help Ss with some new words +Nuclear reactor ['nju:kliə ri:'æktə] lò phản ứng hạt nhân +radiation [,reidi'ei∫n] sư bức xạ, sư phát xạ, phóng xạ - Ask students to read about the advantages and disadvantages of using alternative sources of energy - Let them work in pairs to order the advantages and disadvantages of using alternative sources of energy -Call on some students to give their answer in front of the class - Listen to students and correct mistakes. -Do the task 1 in pairs -Work in pairs and order the causes ,explain their order. While-speaking Task 2 15’ - Ask students to list the advantages and disadvantages of using alternative sources of energy in the task 2 -Useful expressions : I think that…………… Why do you think/believe so? It is ----------However,---------Ask ss to practice reading the dialogues and useful languages -Help them to make sentences with the useful languages - Let them work in groups. - Look at student’s book - Listen to the teacher - work in pairs to list the advantages and disadvantages of using alternative sources of energy -Listen to the teacher. - Keep books close - Listen to the teacher Look at the pictures and Answer the questions Expected answer 1.Fossil fuels 2.It is limited so we should start using alternative sources of energy. Expected answer 1, 2,3,5,7- disadvantages 4,6- advantages. Model T: More and more people worry about the shortage of fossil fuels S: That’Ss true and I think that wind power can be an alternative source of energy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> - Walk round and help them T: Why do you think so? - Ask some students to stand up to S: Because our major source of talk again loudly energy is running out while the - Listen and correct mistakes wind is abundant and unlimited T: I know it is also clean and safe to the environment. However, it is not available when there is no wind Post-speaking : 10’. Homework 3’. Task 3 - Ask students to close books - Ask students to tell the advantages and disadvantages sources of energy in the future ,using the ideas in task 2 - Walk round and help them - Let them work in groups - Ask some students to stand up and tell loudly - Listen and correct mistakes. -Look at the task 3 and the advantages and disadvantages sources of energy in the future ,using - Work in groups - The students are called stand up and tell loudly the ideas in task 2 Suggested answers: +A : I think that more people will use the solar energy B: Why do you think so? A: Because it’s available , unlimited and easy to use C: But it’s expensive and we can only have it at a specific time of the year ..................... - Ask students to do part B in the - Listen to the teacher workbooks - Write down the homework - Ask students to prepare Part CListening and do homework. VI.Evaluation Week 24(04.2-9.2.2013) Period 69 Unit 11 : sources of energy C. LISTENING I.Aims: To listen to a passages of energy sources II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and listening for general infromation III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, speakers, usb. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may not also be familiar with the note-taking task so T should provide them some tip to deal with the task.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up 5’. Teacher’s activities - Ask students to close the books - Ask students to pick out the odd one from the following words and explain why 1.The air, the sun , the land , the ocean , the house 2.What kind of energy can be taken from each of these recourses? - Lead in: “If you want to know more details about them. we will go to Unit 11- part Listening”. Pre-listening 7’. - Ask students to look at the part: Before listening - Let them work in pairs and make questions - Walk round, listen and help students. While-listening 20’. Task 1 - Ask students to read and explain 5 statements in task 1 - Explain some words or phrases which students can’t understand - Ask students to listen to the tape twice and do task 1 -Ask 2 students to give their answer on the board - Correct the answers then explain them. Students’ activities - Close the books - Listen to the teacher and Answer the questions Suggested answer 1.The house : the other words can be sources of energy 2.the air------wind power the sun---------solar energy the land-----------geothermal heat the ocean------water power. -Listen to the teacher and look at the before you listen -Answer the question 1,for heating and cooling the houses, for cooking, for running electronic appliances such as washing machines, - Read loudly the words: fridges…. - Ask students to repeat loudly the -read individually and then words read in chorus - Listen and check pronunciation - Look at the books - Listen to the teacher - Read the statements in task independently - listen to the tape carefully and do the task Suggested answer 1C , 2C .3D ,4A ,5B. - Keep book open Task 2 - Ask students to look through questions in task 2 - Ask students to listen to typescript again and write missing words - Ask students to give reasons their answers. the - Look at the questions and ask teacher some new words if the necessary the - Listen to the typescript and for do the task 2 Suggested answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> 1,unlimited 2, may 3, gases 4, amounts After-listening: 10’. Homework 3’. - Ask students to open the books - Ask them to summarize the main ideas of the listening passage - Let them work in pairs - Walk round and help students - Ask some students to stand up and retell their opinion to the class - Listen and correct mistakes. - Keep book open and listen to the teacher -The students who are called stand up and talk their idea the listening passage. - Ask students to summarize the -Listen to the teacher and write main points of the passage down homework - Remember them to prepare PartWriting at home. VI.Evaluation. Week 25 (11.2-16.2.2013) Period 70 Unit 11 : sources of energy D. WRITING I.Aims: To describe information from a chart II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Describe information from a chart III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, speakers, usb. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so T should be ready to assist them V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up. Teacher’s activities T asks Ss some questions. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 5’. Pre-writing 10’. 1. what kind of energy is consumed the most in Vietnam? 2. Which one ranks next?why?. In group think about the questions Suggested answer 1.Petroleum 2.Coal 3. Nuclear and hydroelectricity because we need these sources in many factories. Task1 - Ask student to read the hand out with a description of a pie chart and discuss the organization and other characteristics of the description - Explain some new words - answer the questions 1, how many parts are there in the description? what are they? 2,what does the first part tell you? 3.what language items should you pay attention to in the second part/underline them 4.what does the last part tell you?. Read the prompts - Ask the teacher if necessary - Work in groups and answer the questions -Useful language: 1. parts (introduction, body and conclusion) 2. language use : +make up less than...percent +the most+ adj, the second most +adj 3.the chart shows that……… Make up the largest/ smallest/ proportion/ amount contribute the larges…… Suggested answer 1. 117 2.coal 3.smallest. - Let them work in groups - Walk around, check and help students While-writing 18’. Task 2 - Ask students to work in pair to analyze the chart using the following questions +what does the chart show? +what is the general trend of the chart? +which consumption has the largest energy Which comes second? +which consumption has the smallest? +where does most of the world consumption ? - Let students work individually to write the description of the pie chart, using the sentences given in the book. -Work in pairs and analyze the chart -Give answer Suggested answer 2005: nuclear and hydroelectricity 75 million tons Petroleum – 50 million tons Coal -45 million tons Total – 170 million tona -then work individually to write the description of the chart, using the sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> to begin their description - Walk round and help students. given in the book to begin their description Suggested answer The chart shows the energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland As can be seen, the total energy consumption was 170 million tons. Nuclear and hydroelectricity made up the largest amount of this figure with 75 million tons. This was followed by the consumption of petroleum(50 million tons). Coal made up the smallest amount of energy consumption(45 million tons). Post-writing 10’. Listen to the teacher - Give suggestions and corrections - Finish the profile - Ask students to read their profile - Some students read loudly - Ask some students to read loudly their products in front of the their description class -Correct mistakes and mark. Homework 2’. VI. Evaluation. - Ask students to do task 3 and part - Listen to the teacher and writing of Unit 11 in the student’s write down homework work book and prepare part Language Focus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Week 25 (11.2-16.2.2013) Period 71 Unit 11 : sources of energy E. LANGUAGE FOCUS I.Aims: -To distinguish the clusters /∫r/, /spl /, and /spr/ - To ponoun the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly - To help Ss understand the uses of defining relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives and do exercise correctly II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -Distinguish the clusters /∫r/, /spl /, and /spr/ -Pronoun the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly - Understand the uses of defining relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives and do exercise correctly III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters, so T should prepare a lot of practice V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm up. Teacher’s activities Listen and write out the odd ones. Students’ activities -Look at the board to find.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 5’. Pronunciation 10’. Grammar 10’. 1. shred 2. shrine 3. splint 4. shrimp 5. sprain. shrank splash shram splice spline splay spring split spleeny sprint sprinkle spring spray splendid spread. the odd ones Expected answer: 1. splash 2. shrine 3. spring 4. shrimp 5.splendid. Distinguishing the sounds - T models the clusters/∫r/, /spl /, and /spr/ for a few times and explains how to produce them - Play the tape once for Ss to hear the words Containing these clusters. Then T plays the tape(or read) again and this time ask Ss to repeat after the tape (or T) - Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few times. Then T calls on some Ss to read the word out loud. T listens and corrects their pronunciation Practicing sentences containing the target sounds - Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the sentences - Call on some pairs to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback. - Open the books - Look at : Listen and Repeat - Repeat the words in chorus then individual -Stand up to read the word out loud -Listen and check. Presentation: Relative clauses replaced by participles -write some sentences on the board a + the man who spoke to John is my brother -the man speaking to John is my brother + the sport games, which were held in India in 1851,were the first Asian Games - the sport games held in India in 1851 was the first Asian Games +Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew into space - Yuri Gagarin was the first man to fly into space -Ask students to comment on the use of relative clauses replaced by participles +Relative Pronoun + V = V-ing +Relative Pronoun + be + V-ing = Ving +Relative Pronoun + be + PII = PII +The first/second/third/../last. - Listen to the teacher. - Look at Practise the sentences - Listen to the teacher then repeat in chorus then individual. -write down their notebook. -Give answers The same in meanings and different in structures. -Give some examples.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 6’. 6’. 7’. Homework 2’. only+N/v= to + Vinfi. + When the Relative Clause express something that must/can/or have to be done ex: He has a lot of homework that he must finish → He has a lot of homework to finish Ex:The children need a large playground which they can play in → The children need a large playground to play in -Help students to use of them -Ask some students give some similar examples - Introduce exercises to the students Exercise 1: (15 minutes) - Ask students to do Exercise 1 - Introduce how to do it - Let them work in pairs -Call ss to stand up to read the answer - Walk round, check and give mark. -Listen and write down. - Listen to the teacher and do exercise 1 in pairs Expected answer: 1,…..playing…A 2,…coming…. 3….researching…. 4…..surrounding…. 5…overlooking…. Exercise 2 (8 minutes) - Introduce Exercise 2 to students and explain how to do it - Ask students to it - Let them work individually -Call ss to stand up to read the answer - Check, correct mistakes. - Listen to the teacher and do exercise 2 individually Expected answer: 1,….presented…. 2….built…. 3…..published…. 4…..conducted… 5….sponsored……. Exercise 3: (11 minutes) - Introduce Exercise 3 to students and explain how to do it - Ask students to do it - Let them work individually - Walk round and help them -Call ss to stand up to read the answer - Check, correct mistakes , give reasons and mark. - Listen to the teacher -Do the exercise 3 Expected answer: 1….to reach…. 2, ….to leave…. 3…..to see… 4,…to B killed… 5,…to catch…... Ask students to do Part Language Focus -Listen to T and take notes and prepare Test your self.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> VI. Evaluation. Week 25 (11.2-16.2.2013) Period 72 TEST YOURSELF D I.Aims: -To revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the two units: 10 and 11. - To improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Check the skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters, so T should prepare a lot of practice V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up 5’. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Greeting - Ask students something about the - Greeting test yourself D -Answer teacher’s questions * Have you prepared it at home? Expected answer: * Have you got any difficulties? 1.Yes, we have -Lead in the test. 2.Yes, we have some Test yourself difficulties with new words,. I. Listening (2.5 points). - Ask students to read all the - Look at the book and listen to sentences first the task.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> 10’. - Ask students to listen to the tape once. - Ask students to listen again and complete the sentences . - Ask students to listen in the third time, the work in groups to compare and discuss the answers with each others to find the correct answers. - Keys: In the teacher’s book.. - understand the task - Read the questions - Listen to the tape - Listen again and say the right sentences. - Listen and discuss in groups to find the correct answers: Expected answer: 1. can’t live 2. it rains 3. planting vegetation [thưc vật, cây cối nói chung] 4. hold back the water 5. dry seasons. II. Reading (2.5 points) 10’. - Present the task: - Ask pupils to work in groups to answers the questions. - Give the correct answers to the class: - Keys: In the teacher’s book. - Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher - Work in groups to discuss about the passage - Finish the task - Compare their results with the other groups. - Write the answers on the board. - Listen to the teacher and correct the answers. Expected answer: 1. Air, water and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things 2. Badlly polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food 3. Because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust from automobiles causes a large percentage of air pollution, but the automobile provides transportation for millions of people 4. They would have to stop using many things that benefit them 5. Governments can pass and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop, or cut down on certain polluting activities. III. Grammar (2.5 points) 8’. - Present the task: a/ Ask students to listen and put a tick in the right box. -Ask ss to do individually -Call some ss to read the answer -Listen and check b/ Ask ss to give the correct form of verbs. -Ask ss to do individually -Call some ss to read the answer -Listen and check. IV. Writing 10’. - Present the task: - Call the students to read the suggested sentences in front of the class. -Check their writings and help them correct the mistakes if they’ve made.. - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups - Compare the results with the other groups - Show the answers in front of the class. - Observe the keys and correct their answers. Expected answer: a. Pronunciation 1. sneeze 2. smash 3. shrimp 4. spread b. Grammar 1. living 2. ringing 3. to leave 4. to drink 5. invited 6. blown - Students work in groups and practise writing. - Two students go to the board and write. - Give the writings by reading aloud. - Read the writing carefully. - In groups or in pairs. - Compare the results with the other groups - Correct mistakes Expected answer: We are trying to find solutions to environmental pollution problem. People should stop cutting trees for timber [gỗ xây dưng]. Instead, they should plant more trees and forests. They should reduce using cars and motorbikes that cause noise and air pollution. We should.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> prevent farmers from using fertilizers and pesticides that damage the soil. People should not leave litter on the land and in the water. We should prohibit factories from dumping industrial waste into rivers and lakes. It is high time governments over the world had measures that require companies and individuals to stop or cut down on polluting activities. V. Homework 2’. VI. Evaluation. - Ask students: - Study all the lessons again + to study all the lessons again - Get the knowledge ready for + to get ready for the 45 minute- the coming test test in the next period.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> Week 26(18.2-23.2.2013) Period 73 REVISION I.Aims: Reviewing vocabularies of sources of energy and relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - master the use of vocabularies of sources of energy and relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with distinguish the form of verbs used in the relatives clauses V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3. Time/ Steps REVISION (15ms). Teacher’s activities - Ask one st to present Relative clauses reduced by participles, Relative clauses reduced by To Inf -Listen to T and check 1.1 . Relative clauses reduced by participles a. Present participle  Relative Pronoun + V = V-ing  Relative Pronoun + be + V-ing = Ving (The verb in the relative clause is in active form) b. Past participle  Relative Pronoun + be + PII = PII (The verb in the relative clause is in active form) 1.2. Relative clauses reduced by To Inf a. when the Relative Clause follows the first/second/third/../last only+N/pronoun or the superlative degree of Adj ex: The last man who left the shop. Students’ activities -Recall how to use Relative clauses reduced by participles, Relative clauses reduced by To Inf . T can give Ss some more notes. -Listen to T and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> → The last man to leave the shop Ex: This is the first man who reaches the top of this mountain →This is the first man to reach the top of this mountain b. When the Relative Clause express something that must/can/or have to be done ex: He has a lot of homework that he must finish → He has a lot of homework to finish Ex:The children need a large playground which they can play in → The children need a large playground to play in PRACTICE (27ms). -Listen to T and take notes. Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete sentence - Ask Ss to work individually to do the - Listen to teacher’s exercise. - Work individually and. - Go around to check and offer help. do the exercise. - Call on some Ss to read their answers -. Give. aloud. answers. - Check the answers with the whole class. -. * Suggested answers:. answers. 1D 2C 3C 4D 5C 6A 7D 8B 9C 10C. Copy. the. correct. the. correct. 11A 12C 13C 14A 15A 16D 17B 18B 19B 20C. Exercise 2: Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. - Ask Ss to work individually to do the exercise. - Listen to teacher’s. - Go around to check and offer help. - Work individually and. - Call on some Ss to read their answers do the exercise - Give the. correct.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> aloud. answers. - Check the answers with the whole class. -. * Suggested answers:. answers. Copy. the. correct. 1B- 2B- 3 C - 4B- 5A HOMEWORK - Summarize the main points of the lesson (3ms). - Listen carefully. - Ask Ss to do more exercises in workbook - Do more exercises at and prepare for the next lesson.. home and prepare for the next lesson. VI. Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. --------------***---------------.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> HANDOUT A. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence. 1) Non-renewable energy sources are running ____. A. up B. on C. to D. out 2) In some countries people use wind or sea ____ as the environment friendly energy sources. A. waves B. water C. products D. weeds 3) People have used coal and oil to ____ electricity for along time. A. generation B. generated C. generate D. generates 4) Coal and oil are non-renewable ____ sources. A. engineer B. energy C. engineering D. energetic 5) People on earth are ____ need of more nuclear energy. A. on B. at C. in D. for 6) ____ energy uses natural sources of energy such as the sun, wind, or water for power and fuel, rather than oil, coal, or nuclear power. A. Alternative B. Solar C. Hydropower D. Electricity 7) Oil, coal and natural gas are ____ fuels made from decayed material. A. unleaded B. smokeless C. solid D. fossil 8) All fossil fuels are ____ resources that cannot be replaced after use. A. unlimited B. renewable C. avaible D. nonrenewable 9) We should develop such ____ sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy. A. tradition B. alternative C. revolutionary D. surprising 10) Increased consumption will lead to faster ____ of our natural resources. A. exhaust B. exhausting C. exhaustion D. exhaustive 11) ____ heat comes from deep inside the earth. A. Geothermal B. Solar C. Nuclear D. Hydro 12) “Have you ever met the man ____ over there?” “No. Who is he?” A. stands B. is standing C. standing D. who he is standing 13) The boy ____ the piano is my son. A. who is playing B. that is playing C. playing D. All are correct 14) ____ by his parent, this boy was very sad. A. Punished B. Punishing C. To be punished D. Be punished 15) We have apartment ____ the park. A. overlooking B. overlooks C. to overlook D. overlooked 16) He was the last person ____ in this way..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> A. to kill B. who killed C. being killed D. to be killed 17) Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman _____ governor in the United State. A. who elected B. to be elected C. was elected D. her election as 18) ____ in large quantities in the Middle East, oil became known as black gold because of the large profit it brought. A. Discovering B. Discovered C. Which was discovered D. Thatwhen discovered 19) She is the only in the discussion ____ to using nuclear power. A. objects B. objected C. to object D. whom objects 20) Johnny was the last applicant ____ for a position in that energy station. A. to interview B. interviewing C. to be interviewed D. which is interviewed B. WRITING * Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 21) The man to speak to me is John’s brother. A B C D 22) He is the second person be killed in that way. A B C D 23) They work in a hospital sponsoring by the government. A B C D 24) It an essay writing in 1779, Judith Sargeant Murray promoted the cause of women’s A B C D education. 25) A dam is wall building across river to stop the river’s flow and collect the water. A B C D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Week 26(18.2-23.2.2013) Period 74 WRITTEN TEST I.Aims: -To test all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 9, 10 and 11. II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to test all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 9, 10 and 11. III.Material : handout.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> Week 26(18.2-23.2.2013) Period 75 Unit 12: the Asian games a. reading I.Aims: To read a passage about the Asian Games II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context - Understand the history and meaning of The Asian Games III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may not know some new words and the Asian Games so T shoud provide ss with some information and new words V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (5 minutes). Pre-reading 7 minutes. Teacher’s activities - Let students to look at some pictures about sports a. What sports do you see in the picture? B .Which one do you like to play ? why ? c .in which sporting events are these sports competed? -There are many things about Asian Games that we want to say. Today, we’ll study a new lesson Unit 12- Reading. - Ask students to look at the picture and discuss the three questions in pairs -Go around to offer help -Call on some students to present their answers and give comments from other students. Students’ activities - Look at the picture - Answer the questions Suggested answer a. they are : volleyball. Table tennis, rugby, hockey , tennis,,,,,,, b. I like to play….because it makes me healthy c. in Sea Games and Asian Games - Listen to the teacher look at the picture and answer the questions -The answers are various Suggested answer 1,every four years.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> -Give feedback. 2,the number of participating countries has increased tremendously since the first games. n 1951 only 11 countries participated in the first Asian games, In 2002 the games attracted nearly 10000 participants from 44 countries 3, Vietnam seem to do well in bodybuilding, billiard. Karate do and wushu. Vocabulary pre- teach 7 minutes. While-reading 10 minutes. -Ask students to read through the passage and find some new words -Let students read and copy in their notebooks +Intercultural (adj): liên văn hóa +Multi-sport event: sư kiện đa môn thể thao +Facilities(n) [fə'siliti] ( số nhiều) nhưng tiện nghi +Aquatic(n) [ə'kwætik]: thể dục,thể thao) chơi ở dưới nước (ví dụ bóng nước...) +Wrestling(n) ['resliη] môn đấu vật +Squash(n) bóng quần +Fencing(n): đấu kiếm +Billiards(n) ['biljədz]: bia +Appreciate(v): đánh giá cao +Enthusiasm(n) [in'θju:ziæzm]: long nhiệt tình. -Read individually -Underline new words -Try to guess the meanings of the words -Copy in their notebooks. -Ask SS to read the passage silently then T ask Ss to listen to T to read the passage while SS underline the words in the box in task 1 to find the part of speech of them. -Read the passage silently then listen to T to read the passage while SS underline the words in the box in task 1 to find the part of speech of them Suggested answer facilities Noun aquatic Adj enthusiasm Noun effort Noun advancing V-ing appreciated Pii.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> 10 minutes. Wrapping 6 minutes. VI. Evaluation. -Make the class read the small talks, to scan the details and do the tasks 1.Task 1 : -Ask ss to read 6 statement in task 1 to guess the part of speech of the words filled the gaps - Firstly, ask students to study individually then in pairs - Walks around the class, offer ideas and comments when students need help -Call on some students to explain their answer in front of the class - Give suggestions. Suggested answer 1. Noun 2.Adj 3. Noun 4. Noun 5.V-ing 6.Pii Suggested answer Task 1 1,facilities 2,aquatic 3, enthusiasm 4, effort 5, advancing 6, appreciated. -Ask Ss to practice reading new words -Practice reading new words and the passage and the passage -Call SS to read in fron of the class -Read in fron of the class -Listen and check.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> Week 26(18.2-23.2.2013) Period 76 Unit 12: the Asian games a. reading I.Aims: To read a passage about the Asian Games II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic and summarise the content of the text III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may not also be familiar with finding the key words in task 3 V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Teacher’s activities Check Ss’ the old -Call Ss to go to the board to list new lesson words of the reading passage of Unit (5 minutes) 12 -Ask other SS to read the passage again -Call Ss to check then T remarks While-reading 10 minutes. 15 minutes. Task 2 - Work in pairs, read the small talks again underline the key words - Ask students to work individually then work in pairs - Walk round the class and comments when students need -Check the answer in front of the class as a whole -Give correct answers. Task 3 : - Ask students to read all questions to answer the questions in task 3 -Ask SS to underline the question words and key words -Ask Ss to scan the passage to look for the information to answer the questions. Students’ activities -Go to the board to list new words of the reading passage of Unit 12 -Other SS to read the passage again -Stand up to check -Read passage again -Work individually -Stand up to answer Suggested answer 1. 1951 2,the second Asian games in Manila, the Philippines 3.1958 4, squash, rugby. Fencing and mountain biking 5.2002 -Work in pairs -Read all questions to answer the questions in task 3 -Underline the question words and key words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> - Ask students to work with a partner - Walks around the class to help students whenever they need -Give correct answer (the answer is in the passage). Post- reading (13 minutes). Homework (2 minutes). -Scan the passage to look for the information to answer the questions. -Read carefully and Pairs stand up to read the answers ans explain the answers Suggested answer 1. the purpose is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia 2.9,919 3. body building, billiard and women’s karate do - Let students work in groups to talk about -Work in group and discuss sports in which Vietnamese athletes -two students present in have won gold medals at the Asian front of the class Games - Has students work in groups and discuss - Walk around the class, listen to student’s discussions and offer suggestions when necessary - Give comments - Call on some students to speak and give them feedback -Ask students summarize the passage -Copy down at home and prepare the next lesson notebooks. Week 28 (04.3-09.3.2013). on. the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> Period 77 Unit 12: the Asian games B. SPEAKING I.Aims: - To ask for and give information about the Asian Games - To talk about sport results II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Practice asking for and giving information about the Asian Games - Talk about sport results III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may have difficulties with speaking ordinary numbers so T should help them V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (6 munites). -. -. Teacher’s activities Ask students close the book and arrange these jumbled words to make the complete questions by putting the words given in the right orders 1, were, the ,where, Asian, held, games, when, and ,14th- ? 2. countries , in hw , the part, many , took .Games ?. Student’s activities - Listen to the teacher -Find out the words Suggested answer: 1. when and where were the 14th- Asian Games held? 2.How many countries took part in the games?. Today, we will practice speaking about the Asian Games Pre-reading (5 minutes). Task 1: -Ask students to read the dialogue and ask them what points are mentioned in the dialogue - T reviews how to read cardinal number and ordinal number - Ask student to work individually then work in groups -call on some pairs to act out the dialogue - Give suggestions. -Read the dialogue and ask them what points are mentioned in the dialogue -Read the years, the numbers and names of nations -Work individually then work in groups -Some pairs to act out the dialogue Suggested answer: A: When and where were the 1st Asian Games held? B: in 1951 in India A: How many countries took part in the Games? B:11 A: How many sports were competed at the Games?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> B: 6 While – speaking (24 minutes). Post-reading (13 minutes). Homework (2 minutes). Task 2: -Ask students to look at the pictures and talk turns to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14 asian games ,using the information from the table below - Ask students to work individually then in pairs - Walk around the class to help student when necessary - Check and give suggestions - Ask student to practice it with a partner - Corrects students’ pronunciation if necessary. -Listen to the teacher Compare the answer with the partners Ask the teacher if necessary -Some groups present their answer in front of the class. - Ask students to talk about the Asian games and sports in which Vietnamese athletes took part in -Give the meaning of some words when necessary - Ask students to work individually then work in pairs - Walk around the class to help students when necessary - Check and give suggestions - Ask students to practice this conversation - Correct their pronunciation when necessary - Give comments. - Do the task “talk about the Asian games and sports in which Vietnamese athletes took part in” -Work individually then work in pairs -Practice this conversation -Compare the answer with the partners -Ask the teacher if necessary -Some groups present their answer in front of the class. Suggested Answer 1,in bodybuilding, the Vietnamese athletes won one gold medal and one bronze medal ………….. Write about the Asian games their like -Listen to T and take notes and prepare the next lesson. VI. Experience. Week 28 (04.3-09.3.2013) Period 77 Unit 12: the Asian games C. LISTENING I.Aims: To listen to “The Asian Games Report” progamme.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and listening for general infromation Do multiple-choice questions, comprehension questions exercises well Summarise main ideas III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. USB. speakers IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may not also be familiar with the note-taking task so T should provide them some tip to deal with the task V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (4 minutes). Teacher’s activities -Ask the students question : 1.Name some gymnastics you know or see? 2.What do you call A person who display in gymnastics? -Call Ss to answer the questions then check and give futher ìnormation Lead in: we are going to listen to the talking about the Asian games. Pre-listening 6 minutes. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions - Go around check and offer help - Call some pairs of Ss to stand up and practice asking and answering the questions 1. What are name of these sports? 2. Have you ever watched sports like these on television? 3. Which sport do you like best? Why?. 3 minutes. While-listening 7 minutes. Students’ activities - Listen and answer quétions Suggested Answer 1.marathon Weightlifting swimming pole vaulting (nhảy sào) jumping 2.We call a person who displays in gymnastics a gymnast. - Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions - stand up and practice asking and answering the questions Suggested Answer 1.a. long jump b. high jump c. gymnastics d. weightlifting e. swimming 2.Yes, I have 3.I like swimming because it make relax and healthy. b. Listen and repeat -Ask ss to read up the new words -Read up the new words after T after T -Listen carefully and take notes -Call Ss to check -Review the ways of reading numbers - Give examples: 9.5 (Nine point five) 1mminute 58 seconds Task 1: -Ask students. to. listen. to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> conversations - Listen to each pair - Let students listen for three times -Check the answer in front of the class as a whole -tick in the right column that best reflect their answer - Go around and remark. 15 minutes. Task 2: -Ask SS to read all questions to underline wh- questions and key words - Ask students to listen again and answer the questions - Let students read the questions first and quickly- work in pairs - Let students listen again 3 times and ask them to discuss in groups to answer the questions - Listen to each group and remark. -Listen to the dialogues and then work in groups and give their answers Suggested Answer 1,10.15 2,6 3,2 4,high jump 5,disappointed -Read all questions to underline wh- questions and key words -Work in groups and discuss -Each group presents their answers Listen and copy in their notebooks Suggested Answer 1. 10.15 p.m 2. 6 gold medals 3. 2 times 4. High jump 5. He looked very disappointed. After-listening (8 minutes). Ask Ss to discuss about the famous Vietnamese gymnasts who won medals they know and what sports they won - Go around the class and offer help - Call on some Ss to stand up and speak out. Homework (2 minutes). -Ask students to do exercise in -Listen to T and tke notes workbook -Prepare the next lesson. VI. Evaluation. -Work in group and discuss -Each group presents their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> Week 28 (04.3-09.3.2013) Period 79 Unit 12: the Asian games D. WRITING I.Aims: To describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may have difficulties in writing and build correct sentences so T should give some structures V.Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (4 minutes). Teacher’s activities -Ask students to arrange the jumble word? duilb, upgraed, nidew, pquie. aevertisd, rtcruie, hodl Lead in : To know more about them we will learn the new lesson: Writing. Students’ activities - Observe and work in pairs to answer - arrange the jumble word Suggested Answer Build, upgrade, winden, equip, advertise, recruit, hold. Pre-writing (8 minutes). - Let students read task and match the verbs in column A with the noun phrases in column B - Explain some new words if they do not know -Let students work in pairs set in the task - Go around to help students to answer the task -Check the answers with the whole class. -Listen and do the task -Read task and match the verbs in column A with the noun phrases in column B -Work in pairs set in the task Suggested Answer i+ B 2+D ,3+A,4+e.5+g, 6+C, 7+g. Setting the scene *Suppose Vietnam is going to hold the Asian Games. What will we have to do to prepare for the Games? -T gives some questions: -Call on some Ss to stand up and answer the questions Listen and give feedback 1. what will your country do first? 2. Why will we have to upgrade the National Sports Centres and stadiums? 3. What about the training areas and the roads? 4. What will we have to equit the hotels and guest houses with? What for? 5. Which form of mass media will be used to advertise all the preparations for the Games? 6. Who will you recruit to serve the Games? 7. What competition will we have to hold? -Ask Ss to look at the suggestions in the book before writing. -Listen to T and answer the questions in pairs -Stand up to answer Suggested Answer 1. We’ll have to build one more National Stadium and some sports buildings and car parks 2. Because they are not in good condition 3. We will widen the training areas the roads and the sports building 4. We will have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities- to welcome foreign athletes and visitors 5. The radio and television will be used for advertising 6. We should recruit university teachers and students with good English 7. We should hold a competition to choose an official song for the coming Asian Games.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> While-writing (20 minutes). -Ask Ss to write a short para about 100-120 words to desribe the preparations for the Games Useful language Conjunctions: First, next, then, finally Because, so, moreover….. Tense: simple present and future Ask Ss to work in group to practice writing. -Work individually -Write a short para about 100120 words to desribe the preparations for the Games Sample writing: To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we will have a lot of things to do. First of all, we will build one more National Stadium, some sports buildings and car parks. The National Sports -Let students write their paragraph for Centres and local stadiums are 10 minutes not good condition so they -Go around helping and collecting need upgrading. And we will typical errors widen the training areas the roads and the sports buildings. Then we will have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors. The hotels should also have special service for disable athletes. It is necessary to promote and advertise all the preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and television. Finally we need to recruit volunteers to serve the Games- These people should be university teachers and students with good English. One more important thing is that we will have to hold a competion to choose and official music for welcoming the Asian Games. Post-writing (10 minutes). -Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction - Go around and collect mistakes and errors - Collect some writings for quick feedback - Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicits self and peer. -Compare with the partners - Some students read aloud the form of someone - Listen and check themselves - One student of one group reads aloud the paragraph - Discuss and correct mistakes themselves.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> correction - Finally, T provides general comments on the writings Wrapping up (3m). -. Listen and copy. -Listen to T and take notes - T summarises the main points of the lesson - For homework, T asks Ss to improve their writing taking into consideration their friends’ and T’Ss suggestions and correction. VI. Evaluation. Week 28 (04.3-09.3.2013) Period 80 Unit 12: the Asian games E. LANGUAGE FOCUS I.Aims: - Distinguish the clusters /str/, /skr/, and /skw/ - To revise relative clauses and the way to omiss the relative pronouns II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Distinguish the clusters /str/, /skr/, and /skw/ - Pronoun the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly - Be consolidated relative clauses do exercise correctly - understand about omission of relative pronouns III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters and the omission of relative pronouns so T should prepare a lot of practice V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> I.Pronunciation (10 minutes). II.Grammar 7 minutes. 10 minutes. -Model the two sounds / str/ and /skr/ and/ skw//for a few time -Pronounce the sounds and ask students to repeat -Ask students to practice pronouncing the sounds in chorus and individually -Give feedback +Practice these sentences -Read all the sentences and ask students to underline the words with the sounds and write / str/ and /skr/ and/ skw/ under them -Ask students to practice the sentences in pair -Go around and help - Let students read the sentences and work in groups - Listen and remark each group. -Listen to the teacher. 1.Presentation Relative clauses(revision) Setting the scene T: Do you know the man? T: The man whom you met in the street yesterday T: So the man you met yesterday is your cousin T gives some example for Ss to do + The girl whom you saw on the bus yesterday is my sister + The books that/which I bought yesterday is very interesting -Ask Ss a question: “when is a relative pronouns omissed?” -Listen to the answer and correct. - listen to the teacher and comment - Listen and copy. 2. Practice Exercise1: -Ask students to comment on the use of relative clauses and write them on the board -Ask students to read it quickly -Explain the use of them -let students do excerise1 individually and then compare their answers with another students. - Read aloud in chorus first ,then read individually. -Underline the words with the sounds and write / str/ and /skr/ and/ skw/ -Work in pair -Listen to their friends’ reading. - Take note quickly -Give some more examples -Listen and answer the questions Suggested Answer + In spoken English, it is common to omit the opject pronouns + In non-defining relative clauses it is not allowed to omit the opject pronouns + it is not allowed to omit the opject pronouns if before relative pronoun is a preposision.. -Do the Exercise1: -Work individually -Compare with the partners -Answer: Suggested Answer 1, you lost 2, he invited to the birthday party.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> -Go around and help -Check the answer the class as a whole. 10 minutes. 8 minutes. Homework (2 minutes) VI. Evaluation. 3, John told 4, I bought yesterday 5, we met this morning 6, we had for lunch. Exercise 2 -Ask students read the sentences -Listen to the teacher and do through exercise 2 -Explain new words if any Suggested Answer -Call on some students to go to the 1, I work with board and write the answers 2, we went to -Give a feedback 3,we are living in 4,they were talking about 5.he applied for 6,I slept in Exercise 3 -ask students how to do this exercise -let students work in pair to finish the exercise and compare with the person sitting next to them - Listen to students and help them to do it -call on some students to give the answer and give feedback. - Let them do exercises in Workbook -Prepare the next lesson. -Do the exercise3 - Some students write on the board and others check and correct mistakes. Suggested Answer The relative pronoun in sentence 1, 3, 5, 6 can be omitted - Listen and copy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> Week 28 (04.3-09.3.2013) Period 81 Correct the 3rth test I.Aims: -Check and remark the test -Evaluate the test -Consoliate ss’s knowledges II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: After these correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done. And have to know how to try their best for the next test. III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters and the omission of relative pronouns so T should prepare a lot of practice V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (5 minutes). Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities - Greeting - Greeting - Ask students some questions on the - Listen and understand the previous test task - Tell the aim of the period: correct the - Get ready for the lesson test. I. Phonetics (5 minutes). I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently by circling A, B, C or D (5 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get students to read the passage again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not. - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the resutls with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. II.Grammar and Vocabulary (10 minutes). Circle A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence (15 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if. - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud III.Reading (10 minutes). - Repeat the questions -Remark the mistakes and consolidate ss’s knowledges - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. IV. Writing (10 minutes). IV. Writing - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. Homework (5 minutes). Ask students to prepare Unit 13: -Listen to T and take notes hobbies at home. VI. Evaluation. Week 29 (11.3-16.3.2013).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> Period 82 Unit 12: hobbies A.READING I.Aims: -To read a passae about hobbies II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to do task 1 with new words V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (4 minutes). Teacher’s activities - ask students to do the things they often do in their free time -Lead in: Ask ss to answer the question: “hat do you call things you do in free time?” - Recheck and introduce the new lesson. Students’ activities -Listen and try to answer the questions -Stand up to answer Suggested Answer +watching TV +swimming +climbing the moutain +listening to music +singing + Hobbies. Pre-reading (7 minutes). - Ask students to look at the pictures in the book -Let students work in pairs to say which you like to do in your free time - Let each student stand and speak their opinions - Go around and help them if necessary. - Listen to the teacher and then discuss in their groups - Some students stand up and answer in roles... Suggested Answer I like to play the guitar/play chess/ keep fish/ fish/ swim in my free time.. While-reading 7 minutes. Task 1 - work in pairs - Let students read all sentences and explain - Read quickly and guess some new words if necessary meanings of the words in task 1 -Ask students to read again and stop at the - Predict the meaning of lines that contains these words to guess the words meaning Suggested Answer 1, tài hoa 2, đệm đàn 3, khiªm nhêng -Let students do the task individually 4, say mª , 5, đã bị bỏ đI -Call on some students to answer and 6,®am mª.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> explain their answers -. 13 minutes. Post-reading (10 minutes). Homework (4 minutes) VI. Experience. 7, lµm cho bËn rén. Listen and correct if needed. Task 2 - Ask Ss skim the 9 questions to understand them - Ask them to read carefully the passage again - Then T gets Ss to check their answer with a partner - Call on some Ss to read aloud their answer and ask them to explain their choices - Give the correct answers. - Work in pairs and answer the questions -Work individually Suggested Answer 1, playing the guitar 2,No, he isn’t 3,because he is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing with his guitar 4, it is keeping fish 5, he bought some from the shop and collected some from the rice field near his house 6,he is not an avid stamp collector 7, he collects them from discarded envelops his relatives and friends give him 8,local stamps 9.he keeps the less common ones inside A small album .the common ones he usually gives away to others of if no one wants them he simply throws them away. -Ask students to close their books and -Work in small groups of practise discussing the their hobbies: 3 or 4 and take turn to talk - Let students give opinions about their hobbies: - Go around to check ,help and take note of students typical errors -Call on some students to talk and give feedback - Reread the passage and summary the main - Listen and copy point (about 75 words) -Prepare the next lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> Week 29 (11.3-16.3.2013) Period 83 Unit 12: hobbies B. SPEAKING I.Aims: -To talk about collection II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: + Ask and answer about a hobby.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> + Talk about collection III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult with some new words V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (3 minutes). Teacher’s activities Students’ activities -Ask students to close the book and give - Close the books the verbs that go with STAMPS -Work in pairs and discuss and find out the verbs that go with STAMPS Suggested Answer To collect,to keep, to get, to buy, yo throw, to classify……….. Pre-speaking (8 minutes). Task1 - Ask students to say which of the following you would like /not like to do and why in the task 1 - Go around and listen to them -Explain the task and new words Second hand (n): old Category (n): loại/ hạng Book stall (n): book shop Organize (v): tổ chức/ sắp xếp Pen friends (n):bạn tâm thư Classifiy (v):phân loại Exchange (v):trao đổi Politicians (n):nhà chính trị Relatives(n): họ hàng Task 2 - Let students open the books and look at the task2 -let students act out the dialogue together firstly in close pairs and then in open pairs - Listen and correct Task 3 Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the role play using the suggestions in task 3 T goes around the class checking and offering help Call some pairs to talk in front of the class T elcits feedback from the class and gives final comments. While-speaking 10 minutes. 12 minutes. - Read these words and work in groups - Work in groups with some cues given below - Other groups go on practicing speaking Suggested Answer In my free time, I would like to chat with my friends on the phone, watching tv because it makes me relaxed. I wouldn’t like to fish, collect stampt because it’s boring. Look at the dialogue -Read the new words after T and then practice reading in pairs - Others listen. -Work in pairs to do the role play using the suggestions in task 3 Suggested Answer A.What is your hobby? B.My hobby is collecting stampt A.Could you tell me how you collect stampts? B.I buy from the post office.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> and ask members of family, friends, relatives, postmen. More over I also make friends with people overseas to exchange stampts with others … Post-speaking (10 minutes). Homework (2 minutes). -Ask ss to work in groups to talk about their hobbies -Help ss with new words -Call the leader of each group to present. -Listen and check - Let students to do exercises in workbook -Ask students to prepare the next lesson. work in group to talk about their hobbie The leader of each group presents. - Listen and write down in their notebooks. VI. Experience. Week 29 (11.3-16.3.2013) Period 84 Unit 12: hobbies C. LISTENING I.Aims: -To listen to a passage about the hobby “reading book” II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to develop their skill of listening for specific information III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult with some new words V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> Stages/time Warm-up (4 minutes). Teacher’s activities Students’ activities ask students to make as many - listen to the teacher and give sentences as possible with the words some information about them provided: stamps – fish- book- Suggested Answer swimming 1, I like stamps / I have A lot of stamps 2. we usually have fish for meals /what kind s of fish would you like to eat?. Pre-listening (8 minutes). - Let students open the books and write down three benefits from reading books - Let students read some words they’ll listen then -Introduce some new words from the listening passage - Listen and check *Listen and repeat -Ask ss to read aloud the words then call ss to repeat. -Give the meaning of the words. While-listening (20 minutes). -Listen and answer the question -three benefits -help to widen our knowledge -give us valuable -make our life better. - Read in chorus Some students themselves:. read. Task 1 - Let students read some sentences given and explain some new words if necessary - Read or let students listen first - Let students listen the second time - Check their listening - - Observe the class and listen to each group’s feedbacks - Give more information if students wonder or not clear. - Read silently the sentences given before listening - Listen the first time - No, we haven’t - Listen the second time and begin doing the task - Listen the third time and choose the best answer Suggested Answer 1T, 2F ,3F ,4F, 5T ,6T,7T,8F. Task 2 - Before listening, let students read quickly some sentences they’ll listen and guess some answers that will be in the conversation - Let students listen the first time: Who can guess some words? - Let students listen the second time - Let student listen the last time and let them work in groups to speak out - Listen and correct their listenin. - Each group asks and explains why they choose by some information they’ve listened - Work in groups and and write the missing words Suggested Answer 1,wonderful 2,disease 3,jungle 4, certainly 5, ignorantly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> Post-reading (10 minutes). - Ask students to talk about the disadvantages of over-reading -go around and help students - - Listen to each group and correct mistakes if they’ve done -suggested: + near-sighted +weak body(not move too much) +not having enough time for studying. Homework (3 minutes). - Ask students to write a short -Listen and take note their passage about football player they books like. VI.Evaluation. Week 30 (18.3-23.3.2013) Period 85 Unit 12: hobbies D. WRITING. - Work in groups and each group talk about the disadvantages of over-reading - Write in groups and ask someone to speak out their opinion - Other groups listen and copy some information and give some questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> I.Aims: -To write about a collection II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write about a collection information III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult with some new words V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (4 minutes). Teacher’s activities - Ask students to close the books Ask Ss to make questions with”book collection” Suggestions 1. Where to buy books 2. How to collect books 3. How to keep books 4. How to classify books 5. When started collecting 6. Why to collect books 7. Plan for the future -then introduce the topic of the lesson. Pre-writing (8 minutes). - Ask students to open their books - Get students to read task 1 silently and answer the questions that follow -Ask students to talk about things that they like about collections using : +name if your collection +how you collect them +how you keep them +how you classify them +your plan for the future -Then check the answers with the whole class. While-writing (18 minutes). - Let students read quickly the task - Explain some new words if necessary - Ask some other groups to write A collection a using some cues below -Introduce the structure of the collection they are going to write Name , when , how, why, your plan for the future -Ask Ss to work individually. Students’ activities 2. buy the book when find it interesting 3. keep them in a big bookself 4. Different categories: history, people, science… 5. at age of 12 6. Broaden knowledge; know more about the world… 7. continue to make the collection richer Work in group of four Suggested Answer 1. from book shop, secondhand stall, parents, friends... -Listen to the teacher and Talk about collections - Listen to the teacher - Read silently - Read those words and copy -Listen and take note quickly. -Work individually - Practise writing in groups Sample writing I’m very much interested in collecting books and have a book collection at home. I started collecting books when I was a 12 year-old student. I.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> buy the book whenever I find them interesting. Near my house are several book shops, so when I have free time I go there to find books for my collection. Sometimes I also buy books in second-hand book stalls, and occasionally, my parents and friends give me some. Now I have a total about 100 books and I keep them all in a big bookshelf in my bedroom. I classify them into different categories: books about history, books about famous people, and books about science… I love collecting books because books help me broaden my knowledge and know more about the world. Also, reading books train my patience. Post-writing (13 minutes). -Ask students to read another’s letter -Call on some students to read loudly their writing -Give feedback and correct typical errors. Homework (2 minutes). - Write a letter about something they - Listen and copy like -Prepare the next lesson. VI.Evaluation. - Each member of groups reads aloud his/ her writing - Other group appreciate and correct mistakes each other.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> Week 30 (18.3-23.3.2013) Period 86 UNIT 12. HOBBIES E.LANGUAGE FOCUS I.Aims: - To pronounce the clusters /pt/, /bd/, /ps/ and /bz/ - To pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly - To use cleft sentences (subject focus, object focus and adverbial focus) correctly to do the exercises and solve communicative task II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Pronounce the clusters /pt/, /bd/, /ps/ and /bz/ - Pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly - Use cleft sentences (subject focus, object focus and adverbial focus) correctly to do the exercises and solve communicative task III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss might have difficulty pronouncing. Therefore, T should be ready to assist them V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Pronunciation 15’. Teacher’s activities - Close the books! a. Introduce syllables pt/ -/bd/and /ps/-/bz/. Students’ activities Listen and repeat following the teacher - Work in pairs and read.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> - Let students practise pronunciating these words: Speak speech, stop, best, and text, ask, disk, dusk, skill, school...... -Listen and correct the syllables students read Practise these sentences b. Let students read aloud the words given and try to pronunciate syllable /pt/ -/bd/or /ps/-/bz/ correctly - Listen and check for pronunciation - Ask students to listen and read after these sentences Grammar 7’. 7’. -Write on the board some examples containing cleft sentences with different focus 1, the boy visited his uncle last month +Subject focus : it was the boy who visited his uncle last month +Object focus : it was his uncle that the boy visited last month +Adverbial focus : it was last month that the boy visited his uncle -Ask students to explain the differences among them -cleft constructions : It + be + focus +clause Exercise 1 - Ask students to do exercise themselves then discuss in groups -Introduce how to do it -let them work in pairs -Walk around and check and give mark. aloud these words then choose which words have sound /pt and which have sound / ps/-/bz/ - Read in silent first - Some of each groups read aloud - Read after teacher and work in groups to find the syllable /pt / -bd/ps/bz/ in the word in these sentences: - Read silently and give the opinion -Listen and discuss - Students work in pairs and give the differences among them - Some students give some examples. -Do the exercise themselves -Each student of each group gives correct answers Suggested Answer 1,it was the boy visited his uncle last month 2, It was my mother who bought me A present on my birthday 3, it was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party 4, it was Nam ‘s father who got angry with him 5, it was the boys who played football all the day 6, it was the girl who received A letter for her friend yesterday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> 7’. 7’. Homework (2 minutes). Exercise 2 -Work in groups and give -ask students to read the exercise 2 the correct answers - Then do the exercise2 -Do the exercise 2 -Call on some students go to board and individually write down their answers Suggested Answer - Listen and remark 1,It is English that the man is learning 2.it was the book that the woman gave him 3, it was the postcard that she sent her friends 4, it was the book that Hoa borrowed from Long 5,it was his grandfather who the little boy greeted in A strange language 6, it was the policeman who the pedestrian asked A lit of questions 7, it was the stranger who the dog barked at Exercise 3 -Do the exercise3 and then -Let students read the exercise3 and do it compare with the partners’ individually answer - Listen and write down -Let students write the sentences with a Suggested Answer peer 1,it was in the garden that -Get students complete other sentences in the boy hit the dog the same way 2,it was for tea that she -call on some students to write their made some cakes answers on the blackboard 3,it was for him that his -Check with the whole class father repaired the bicycle 4, it was for him that his fat her repaired the bicycle 5.it was on his birthday that she presented him A book 6, it was in Britain that he met his wife 7, it was from the shop she bought that present 8, it was at 8.00 A.m that the meeting started - Ask students to revise the use relative -Listen and copy clauses - Practise doing exercise in the Workbook.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> VI.Evaluation. Week 30 (18.3-23.3.2013) Period 87 TEST YOURSELF E I.Aims: -To revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the two units: 112nd 13 - To improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Check the skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult with new words V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up 5’. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Greeting - Ask students something about the - Greeting test yourself D -Answer teacher’s questions * Have you prepared it at home? Expected answer: * Have you got any difficulties? 1.Yes, we have -Lead in the test. 2.Yes, we have some Test yourself difficulties with new words,. I. Listening (2.5 points) 5’. - Ask students to read all the sentences first - Ask students to listen to the tape once. - Ask students to listen again and complete the sentences . - Ask students to listen in the third time, the work in groups to compare and discuss the answers with each others to find the correct answers.. - Look at the book and listen to the task - understand the task - Read the questions - Listen to the tape - Listen again and say the right sentences. - Listen and discuss in groups to find the correct answers: Expected answer: 1. brings pictures and sounds.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> 2. can watch the president 3. people, places, and things 4. of plays or dramas, light comedies, sporting events, and motion pictures. 5. than to go out.. II. Reading (2.5 points) 12. - Present the task: - Ask pupils to work in groups to decide the statement “T/F” - Give the correct answers to the class:. III. Grammar (2.5 points) 8’. - Present the task: a/ Ask students to listen and put a tick in the right box. -Ask ss to do individually -Call some ss to read the answer -Listen and check b/ Ask ss to fill who/ that in the blanks -Ask ss to do individually -Call some ss to read the answer -Listen and check. - Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher - Work in groups to discuss about the passage - Finish the task - Compare their results with the other groups. - Stand up to answer - Listen to the teacher and correct the answers. Expected answer: 1 2 3 4 5 T F T T F. - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups - Compare the results with the other groups - Show the answers in front of the class. - Observe the keys and correct their answers. Expected answer: a. Pronunciation 1. D 2.C 3.D b.Grammar 1. who 2. That 3. (that) 4. who 5. who 6. That 7. (that). IV. Writing 15. - Present the task: - Students work in groups and - Call the students to read the practise writing. suggested sentences in front of the - Two students go to the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> class. and write. -Check their writings and help them - Give the writings by reading correct the mistakes if they’ve made. aloud. - Read the writing carefully. - In groups or in pairs. - Compare the results with the other groups - Correct mistakes Expected answer: My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that I find interesting. I started reading when I was a little girl. I used to ask my father to read fairy tales. Then I learned to read. At first I read simple books, then stories. Now I read everything. I love reading novels. Even I can read short stories in English, especially I’m interested in reading funny stories. Through reading, I can learn about many things: how people live, how things go on everywhere in the world. Books provide me with necessary information and facts. I don’t have to learn things the hard way. The books have certainly helped me so much in my daily life. Books would be my life-long friends. I would never stop reading them in my life. VI. Evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> Week 32 (01.04- 06.04.2013) Period 88 REVISION I.Aims: Reviewing vocabularies of unit 12,13 and cleft sentences II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - master the use of vocabularies of unit 12,13 and cleft sentences III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with defining the structures of sentences nto do the exercises of the cleft sentences V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3. Time/ Steps PRACTICE (33ms). Teacher’s activities Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to. Students’ activities. complete sentence - Ask Ss to work individually to do the - Listen to teacher’s exercise. - Work individually and. - Go around to check and offer help. do the exercise. - Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud -. Give. - Check the answers with the whole class. answers. * Suggested answers:. -. 1C 2B 3A 4B 5D 6B 7C 8C 9B 10C. 11B 12C 13B 14A 15D 16B 17C 18C 19A 20A. 21B 22B. 23B 24B 25A 26D 27C 28D 29A 30D. Copy. the. correct. the. correct. answers. Exercise 2: Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. - Ask Ss to work individually to do the - Listen to teacher’s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> (10mins). exercise. - Work individually and. - Go around to check and offer help. do the exercise. - Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud -. Give. - Check the answers with the whole class. answers. * Suggested answers:. -. Copy. the. correct. the. correct. 1. It was his uncle that the boy visited last answers month. 2. It was I and she who sang together at the party. 3. It was Nam’s father that got angry with him. 4. It was the English book that the woman gave him 5. It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog HOMEWORK (2ms). - Summarize the main points of the lesson. - Listen carefully. - Ask Ss to do more exercises in workbook - Do more exercises at and prepare for the next lesson.. home and prepare for the next lesson. VI. Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. --------------***---------------.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> HANDOUT A. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence. 1) The Vietnamese participants took ____ in the 14th Asian Games with great enthusiasm. A. notice B. notes C. part D. role 2) ____ from several countries competed in many Asian Game. A. Spectators B. Athletes C. Audience D. Viewers th 3) How many sports are there ____ the 14 Asian Games? A. in B. on C. at D. to 4) The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling. The word “cycling” is closest in meaning to “____”. A. driving a car B. riding a bicycle C. kicking a ball D. playing football 5) The Olympic Games is one of the biggest sporting ____ all over the world. A. problems B. athletes C. cultures D. events 6) Swimming is one of the ____ sports. A. mountainous B. aquatic C. racing D. running 7) ____ can help n athlete to improve the strength of muscles and the appearance of the body. A. Shooting B. Table tennis C. Weightlifting D. Playing chess 8) On some special occasions, people often march and demonstrate to show their ____. A. nation B. event C. culture D. solidarity 9) Vietnam won 3 gold ____ in the 15th Asian Games. A. degrees B. medals C. awards D. boards 10) Nearly 500 ____ from 11 nations took part in the first Asian Games in New Delhi, Indian. A. viewers B. spectators C. athletes D. passers-by 11) My father is an ____ guitarist. A. accomplishing B. accomplished C. accomplish D. accomplishment 12) He is very good at ____ people singing with his guitar. A. making B. getting C. accompanying D. having 13) My uncle is interested in ____ stamps. A. collect B. collecting C. collected D. to collect 14) She is a very accomplished pianist. The word “accomplished” is closest in meaning to “____”. A. skilled B. beautiful C. interesting D. admired 15) A ____ is a series of musical notes that is pleasant and easy to remember. A. musical instrument B. guitar C. practice D. tune 16) If you ____ a singer or a musician, you play one part of a piece of music while they sing or play the main tune. A. accomplish B. accompany C. collect D. admire 17) My ____ for my mother is infinite. A. admire B. admirer C. admiration D. admirable 18) I am quite keen on my father’s valuable stamp ____. A. collect B. collecting C. collection D. collector.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> 19) I had forgotten all about it because I had been so ____ with other things. A. occupied B. interested C. accomplished D. successful 20) You should not indulge yourself ____ anything that can form a bad habit. A. in B. on C. for D. at 21) He keeps a lot of pictures and paintings. He is at art ____. A. keeper B. collector C. guitarist D. relative 22) I really admire him, for his ____. A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully 23) I don’t know the title but I recognize the ____ of this song. A. sound B. rhyme C. tune D. theme 24) I don’t have much money, so I bought the camera ____. A. newly B. second-hand C. immediately D. profitably 25) ____ I bought the golden fish. A. It was from this shop that B. I was from this shop where C. It was this shop which D. It was this shop that 26) It was Tom ____ to help us. A. comes B. that comes C. to come D. who came 27) ____ the police had rescued from the fire. A. The baby B. The baby that C. It was the baby whom D. The baby whom 28) ____ my parents gave me the fish tank. A. It was on my birthday when B. It was my birthday on that C. It was my birthday that D. It was on my birthday that 29) ____ I first met my girlfriend. A. It was in London that B. It was in London where C. It was London that D. It was London which 30) ____ on the phone. A. It is his mother whom is B. It was his mother whom is C. It was his mother who is D. It is his mother who is B. CLEFT SENTENCES (SUBJECT/ OBJECT/ ADVERD). 31.The boy visited his uncle last month.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------32. I and she sang together at the party. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------33.Nam’s father got angry with him.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------34.The woman gave him the English book.  ---------------------------------------------------------------35.The boy hit the dog in the garden.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 32 (01.04- 06.04.2013) Period 89.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> WRITTEN TEST I.Aims: -To test all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 12 and 13. II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to test all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 12 and 13. III.Material : handout. Week 32 (01.04- 06.04.2013) Period 90 UNIT 15. SPACE CONQUEST A.READING I.Aims: To read a passage about Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying and correcting false statements III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with defining the structures of sentences nto do the exercises of the cleft sentences V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 IV. Procedures:. Stages/time Warmer 5’. Pre- Reading 10’. Teacher’s activities -(Teacher prepares a picture of a plane, a spacecraft and an astronaut) -T asks students to look at the pictures and answer the questions: +What can you see in each picture? +What do you call a person who flies a plane/ a spaceship? +Which job do you prefer, a pilot or an astronaut? Why? ( Based on sts’ answer, teacher leads in the new lesson). Students’ activities Discuss in pairs and answer the teacher’s questions. Activity 1: -Ask sts to match the names with the pictures in the textbook. (page 166) 1. Pham Tuan 2. Neil Armstrong 3. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin Activity 2: - Have sts work in pairs, answers the questions in the textbook based on the names of people in activity 1. - Check sts’ answer and supply the correct information if necessary.. Answer orally (Order of the pictures from left to right: Neil Armstrong, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, Pham Tuan). Activity 3: - Teacher introduces some new words orbit (n) weightlessness (n) enormous (a) uncertainty (n) temperature (n) occur (v) - T has sts practise reading the new words. Suggested answers: +It’s a plane/ a spacecraft/ an astronaut. +A person who flies a plane is called a pilot, and a person who flies a spacecraft is called an astronaut. -. Answers to the questions in textbook: Suggested answers: 1. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin 2. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin 3. Pham Tuan - Listen and take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> While-Reading 7’. 13’. Post-Reading 8’. Task 1: - Give instructions for task 1. - Ask sts to read the passage silently to finish task 1. - Check orally & correct if necessary.. Task 2: - Ask sts to read the passage again to answer the question in pairs. - Teacher walks around to give help if necessary. - Check sts’ answers by asking some pairs of sts give the questions and answers. Sts open books, listen to the text and read in silence. - Read aloud their answers. Suggested answers: Paragraph 1: B the lift off Paragraph 2: D A view on Earth Paragraph 3: E Uncertainties Paragraph 4: C Congratulations Paragraph 5: A The tragic accident Read silently and then work in pairs. Give answers and take notes. Suggested answers: 1. He was 27 then. 2. He was in space for 108 minutes. 3. They were what would happen to a human being in space or how the body would react to the extreme changes in temperature or how the mind would deal with the psychological tension. 4. It was more than 17 000 miles per hour. 5. Because he died in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968. 6. After his death, his hometown of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin, and the Cosmonaut Training Center at Star City, Russia, was given the name of this national hero.. Ask sts to work in groups, complete Give answers the summary of the reading passage Suggested answers: by putting the words/ phrases in the 1. cosmonaut box into the blanks 2. lasted - Teacher walks around to give help 3. success if necessary 4. gravity - Check sts’ answers and give bonus 5. view to the winners 6. impossible 7. named after.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> Home work 2’. -Learn the new words -Read the passage again -Prepare Part B: Speaking. -Learn the new words -Read the passage again -Prepare Part B: Speaking. VI.Evaluaion. Week 33 (08.04- 13.04.2013) Period 91 UNIT 15. SPACE CONQUEST B. SPEAKING I.Aims: To talk about historical events on the space conquest. II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about historical events on the space conquest III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> Ss may be difficult with words/phrases relate to the process of launching its first manned apace craft into space. V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/ time Warn Up (6’). Teacher’s activities close the book -give some picture of famous astronaut -ask sts some questions and answer Question 1.Who Are They? 2.What Are They? 3.What Are their nationalities? *Ask sts rearrange 6 picture with is name. Students’ activities Listen and stand p to answer T’s questions Expected answer Pict 1:He’s Pham Tuan_VietNamese astronaut 2.He’s Yuri Gagarin Russian astronaut 3.Buzz Aldrin_American Astronaut. 4.Yang Liwei_Chinese Austronaut 5.John Glenn_An American Astronaut 6..Valentina_Tereshkova. Pre Speaking (10’) (task 1). Now we study “Speaking of Space conquest “. -Has sts work in pair, read the following piece of news, then ask and answer question(task 1). -give some new words : .manned, spacecraft. .launch(v) .milestone (n) -Has sts made questions with when, what, how old, how important, how many.. Listen and repeat Work in pair Stand up to answer Expected answer S1:When did China laugh first manned spacecraft into space? S2:On October 15/2003 S1:what is the name of china’s first manned spacecraft? S2:It’s SjemZjou S1:What is the name of the astronaut? S2;His name’s Yang Liuri S1:How old was he when he flow into space? S2:38 years old. S1:How important was the successful flight to China S2:Make a milestone in China’s space project. Has sts talk about the important events in space exploration -walks around the class, offer ideas and comments when sts need help. -set model with students Ex: (1)T: when did Russia launching. sts talk about the important events in space exploration Expected answer. While speaking Task 2 (22’). 1.S: on October 4,1957 2.S: sputnik 3.S: mask the beginning of space age..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> its artificial satellite? T: What is the name of Russia’s first artificial. individual T How important? Post speaking (10’). Homework (2’). Has some students to present in front of the class and talk about the important event in the space conquest.. individual. Prepare “ listening” - Rewrite “the important event in the space conquest.”. Prepare “ listening” - Rewrite “the important event in the space conquest.”. VI. Evaluation. Week 33 (08.04- 13.04.2013) Period 92 UNIT 15. SPACE CONQUEST C. LISTENING I.Aims: To listen about the 1st people to set foot on the moon II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able students will be able to develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with words related to memorable experiences and listening for specific information and comprehension questions V.Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/ time * Warm- up: up: 5’. Teacher’s activities Have students close their books then ask some questions to lead in 1. Name the 1st men to land on the moon. 2. His nationality. 3. When. Students’ activities - Close their book. - Answer the questions in group. Expected answer 1. Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin. 2. American. 3. 20 July 1989. * Before you listen 5’. - Have students work in pairs to match the picture with the caption. - Have students read a loud the words correct. * Listen and repeat - Supply the stress (or pronunciation) and the meaning. - Work in pairs. -Read a loud the words correct.. While you listen Task 1 Task 1 - Explain the situation. 7’ - Have students read through the statements quickly. - Supply the meaning of some words (in need). - Play the tape thrice, for the last time, have a pause after each sentence. - Play the tape again (in need) to confirm the answer.. Task 2 15’. Task 2 - Ask students have a look at the questions. -Ask ss to underline whquestions and key words - Have students listen to the tape again for 3 times (with a pause. Expected answer 1d – 2a – 3c – 4e – 5b - Practice reading. - Take notes - Listen. - Read the statements. - Take notes. - Listen twice. - Give answer after 3rd times. Expected answer 1F – 2F – 3F – 4F – 5T. - Listen again. - Read the questions. - Listen to the tape. - Work in groups to give answers. - Share answers & take notes. Expected answer. * After you listen. * After you listen:. 1. NASA’s Apollo Program. 2. On 16 July 1969. 3. Controlling the oxygen … - Share answer & take notes..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> 10’. Homework 3’. - Have students work in group to discuss the questions. - Go round the class to help students (In need). - Call some students to give answer. Homework Prepare Unit 15 – Language focus. Expected answer 1. Some reason: - adventure - find out another life outside the earth. - precious material. - other place for human beings. 2. The three things are: - camera. - water / food. - tent. Prepare Unit 15 – Language focus ise answer Prepare Unit 15 – Language focus. Week 33 (08.04- 13.04.2013) Period 93 UNIT 15. SPACE CONQUEST D. WRITING I.Aims: To Writing a biography II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able students will be able to write the biography of one identified person, based on the given information. III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may not know the structure of a biography of a person. V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/ time Warm up (3 minutes). Teacher’s activities Show a short video clip /picture about Neil Armstrong and ask students some questions about him:. Students’ activities work in groups of four suggested answers: - He is Neil Armstrong.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> - Who is he? - What does he do? - Is he Russian or American? - When did he walk on the moon?. -. He is an astronaut He is American In 1969. Pre –writing (12 minutes). -Divide sts into four groups, ask one from each group to the board to write down information we need to write one’s biography. Others in the same group can help by shouting the needed words or phrases. - Give feedback and marks to the group with correct information. - Choose five words/phrases and explain the meanings (if necessary): career, place of birth, date of birth, quote,. Work in groups - Brainstorming for needed words/phrases to write one’s biography - Suggested answers: job, address, hometown, career, place of birth, date of birth, quote, marital status, family, education…. Whilewriting Task 1 (5 minutes). Task 1: -Ask sts to read the information about Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on the moon, then put each of the headings in the box in the appropriate blank. - Show some pictures relating to the career of Neil Armstrong: NASA, the moon, space shuttle, United States Navy. - Explain the meaning of some difficult words: resign, appoint, vice chairman, committee, investigate, disaster, leap). -Work individually, then check with their partners. -Take notes on difficult words.. Task 2 (15 minutes). Task 2 - Teacher divides students into groups of four. - asks sts to write a biography of Neil Armstrong from the information given in task 1 - Ask sts to pay attention to these points: + prepositions: at-on-in-from-towith +articles: a-an-the + words/phrases used to write biography: be known as- work asresign from+ Simple past tense +Simple present tense - move around to supervise and give help when necessary. Suggested answers: 1. Birth 2. Place of Birth 3. Known as 4. Career 5. Quote. - Students works in groups and write the biography on a piece of paper card Suggested answers: Neil Armstrong is an American astronaut. He is known as the first person to walk on the moon. He was born on August 5th, 1930 in Wapakoneta in Ohio. From 1949 to 1952, he worked as a pilot in the United States Navy. Armstrong received his B.S from Purdue University in 1955. He joined the NASA astronaut program in 1962. Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> moon’s surface on July 20th, 1969. He was joined by Buzz Aldrin forty minutes later. Armstrong and Aldrin spent two and a haft hour on the moon’s surface. Armstrong received his M.S from the University of Southern California. He resigned from NASA a year later and from 1971 to 1979, he taught at the University of Cincinnati. In 1986 Armstrong was appointed vice chairman of the committee that investigated the Challenger shuttle disaster. He is also well-known for what he said when he stepped on the moon’s surface:” That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” Post writing (8 minutes). - ask sts to exchange their paper card to correct - ask one group to show their biography on the board. - Give comment and correct in front of other students, ask them to pay attention to some basic grammatical mistakes. - Students pick out the mistakes then correct them. - show their biography on the board. Homework 2’. Homework Ask sts to write their own biography. write their own biography. VI. Evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> Week 34 (15.04- 20.04.2013) Period 94 UNIT 15. SPACE CONQUEST E. LANGUAGE FOCUS I.Aims: - To distinguish the sounds /nt /, /nd/ /nθ /, /ns/ and /nz/ - To pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - To use could/be able to and tag questions II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to - Distinguish the sounds /nt /, /nd/ /nθ /, /ns/ and /nz/ - Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - How to use could/be able to and tag questions III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with distinghuishing could/be able to and tag questions V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/ time Pronunciation: (15 minutes). Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Has students listen and repeat - Listen to the tape carefully the sounds /nt /, /nd/ /nθ /, /ns/ - Practise reading and /nz - Asks students to practice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> reading the sentences provided Grammar and 1-Could, was/were able to vocabulary: 1.1. Could: (28 minut -Give example then ask ss to remark the use of “could” then check and remark Ex1: My grandfather was very clever. He could speak five languages. Ex2: We were totally free. We could do whatever we wanted. 1.2. Was/were able to: -Give example then ask ss to remark the use of “be able to” Ex: A girl fell into the river, but fortunately we were able to rescue her. =>be able to is used to talk about a special ability. It is used in all tenses. -Listen to T and read the examples then remark Expected answer: =>Could is used to talk about an ability in general. It in only used in the past simple tense. -Listen to T and read the examples then remark Expected answer: =>be able to is used to talk about a special ability. It is used in all tenses =>COULD NOT or WAS/WERE NOT ABLE. =>COULD NOT or WAS/WERE NOT ABLE TO are used the same Ex: My father couldn’t swim. (=My father wasn’t able to swim.) 2) Tag questions -Give example then ask ss to remark the form of tag questions Ex1: You are a student, aren’t you? Ex2: The film wasn’t very interesting, was it? Ex3: Mary does a lot of homework every day, doesn’t she? Ex4: John didn’t go to school yesterday, did he? Ex5: We have seen this film twice, haven’t we? Ex5: They can swim very fast, can’t they? =>the form of tag question: -S+ V + …, Auxilialy V (negative) + Personal Pronoun? - S+ V (negative) + …,. -Listen to T and read the examples then remark Expected answer: =>the form of tag question: -S+ V + …, Auxilialy V (negative) + Personal Pronoun? - S+ V (negative) + …, Auxilialy V (positive) + Personal Pronoun?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> Auxilialy V (positive) + Personal Pronoun? => Note: Let’s + V +.., shall we? V(infinitive) + O, will you? Do/ don’t + V+ O, will you? I am +.. , aren’t I Nothing/ something+ …, … it? Someone./ everyone+ …, …+ they? …. Exercise 1 - Asks students to do exercise 1 - Work in pairs in pairs -Stand up to read the answer - Checks and gives correct Expected answer: answers Exercise 1 1. couldn’t/ wasn’t able to 4. was able to 2. was able to 5. could/ was able to 3. could/ was able to 6. couldn’t/ wasn’t able to Exercise 2 - Asks students to do exercise 2 - Work in pairs in pairs -Stand up to read the answer - Checks and gives correct Expected answer: answers 1. It’s (very) expensive, isn’t it? 2. The film was great, wasn’t it? 3. She has/ She has got/ She’s got a lovely voice, doesn’t she? Or She has a lovely voice, doesn’t she? 4. It doesn’t look very good, doesn’t it? 5. You’ve had your hair cut, haven’t you? Exercise 3 - Asks students to do exercise 3 - Work in pairs in pairs -Stand up to read the answer - Checks and gives correct Expected answer: answers 1. doesn’t she 4. didn’t we 6. can’t you 2. haven’t you 5. won’t we 7. mustn’t it 3. wasn’t it.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> Homework: (2 minutes). - Write down exercise 1, 2, 3 - Write down exercise 1, 2, 3 - Prepare to repair test 45 - Prepare to repair test 45 minutes minutes. VI. Evaluation. Week 34 (15.04- 20.04.2013) Period 95 Correct the 4TH test I.Aims: -Check and remark the test -Evaluate the test -Consoliate ss’s knowledges II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: After these correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done. And have to know how to try their best for the next test. III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters and the omission of relative pronouns so T should prepare a lot of practice V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (5 minutes). Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities - Greeting - Greeting - Ask students some questions on the - Listen and understand the previous test task - Tell the aim of the period: correct the - Get ready for the lesson test. I. Phonetics (5 minutes). I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently by circling A, B, C or D (5 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get students to read the passage again. - Look at their paper - Compare the resutls with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not. - Finally read the keys out aloud II.Grammar and Circle A, B, C or D as your best choice Vocabulary to complete each sentence (10 minutes) (15 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. III.Reading (10 minutes). - Repeat the questions -Remark the mistakes and consolidate ss’s knowledges - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. IV. Writing (10 minutes). IV. Writing - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. Homework (5 minutes). Ask students to prepare Unit 16: -Listen to T and take notes hobbies at home. VI. Evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> Week 34 (15.04- 20.04.2013) Period 96. UNIT 16: THE WONDER OF THE WORLD A. READING I.Aims: - To read a passage about the Great Pyramid II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to develop such micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general information, and guessing meaning in context III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with words related to topic V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3. Stages. Teacher’s activities - ask Ss to name some wonders of the world Warm-up - give feedback to Ss 5’ - introduce the lesson Before you Answering the questions : read - have Ss look at pictures page 178 7’ and answer 3 questions - ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer there questions - ask some Ss to talk the 2 wonders of the world - give feedback to Ss. * New words : - elicit from Ss their meaning. Students’ activities Ha Long Bay , Eiffel Tower , Pyramids of Egypt , Tai Mahal , Statue of liberty , Great Wall .... * Pyramid of Egypt - was built by the King Khufu the second Pharaoh of the fourth dynasty - have been built by 100.000 laborers - 20-year- period , 2560 BC * Taj Mahal : - a mausoleum in the bank of Yamuna River in Agra , India - the Mugal Emperor Shaha Jahan buit in memory of his wife : Mumtaz Mahal - begun in 1632 - Copy down - listen and repeat these words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> - have Ss listen and repeat these - make up some sentences with these words new words - ask Ss to make up some sentences with these new words - give feedback to Ss’ answers treasures : jewels and precious objects burial chamber : a grave , a tomb belongings : his/ her own things proceed : progress enclose : surrounding plateau : raised area with level top mysterious : secret While you While you read read - have Ss read the text and do the 23’ task that follow : Task 1 : Completing sentences - ask Ss to read through to do the task and 6 sentences - ask Ss to look back the text & find the meaning of the given words - give feedback to Ss’ answers Task 2 : Answering the questions - ask Ss to do the task by looking back to passage - have Ss give answers and translate the answer - give feedback to Ss. -Work in pairs Expected answer 1. tomb 2. wonder 3. ramp 4. chamber 5. mysterious 6. spiral -Do the task in pairs -Write the answer on the board Expected answer. 1. It is situated in the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the River Nile. It was built around the year 2560 BC 2. It was about 147 miters high on a base of 230 meters square. 3. Its purpose was to serve as a tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and to protect the burial chamber from the weather and from thieves who might try to steal the treasures and belongings there. 4. It is proposed that ancient Egyptian used a straight or spiral ramp or huge weight arms to lift and place the blocks. 5. The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on the earth before being buried inside the pyramid. Task 3 : Scanning the text : -work in groups and scan what the - have Ss work in groups and scan given refer to what the given refer to Expected answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> - have Ss give answer - give feedback to Ss. - who : thieves - it : the Great Pyramid - it : the Great Pyramid - each : blocks of stone Talking about the wonder of the work in pairs and talk about the world wonders of the world they prefer and - ask Ss to work in pairs and talk give the reason about the wonders of the world they Expected answer prefer and give the reason - ask Ss to report to whole class A: If you could visit one of the seven After you - give Ss feedback wonders of the world, which one read would you like to? 8’ B: I would prefer to visit the Great Wall in China. Because I think it has an interesting history, besides it is the longest structure in the world. A: What do you mean? B: ........ - finish exercises and translate the - Listen to t and take notes passage into Vietnamese Homework - prepare for U16.Speaking 2’. VI. Evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> Week 35 (22.04- 27.04.2013) Period 97. UNIT 16: THE WONDER OF THE WORLD B. SPEAKING I.Aim: -To talk about features of man-made places II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to distinguish the facts and opinions and talk about features of man-made places III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with words related to topic V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3. Stages. Warm-up 5’. Task 1 15’. Teacher’s activities - give Ss handout and ask Ss to find out what the wonders of the world are mentioned - give feedback to Ss and answer 1. The Great Pyramid 2. Taj Mahal 3. Colosseum. Task 1 : Putting a tick in the right column and tell about the facts and opinions of Great Pyramid: - have Ss work in pairs to read through the statements - help Ss with new words - ask Ss to read and find out what are the facts and options - have Ss tell each other about the facts and the opinions of the Great Pyramid - check and give feedback. Students’ activities -Work in pairs to find out what the wonders of the world are mentioned Suggested answer 1. This wonder is located in Egypt. It was built around 2560 BC. It is believed to have been built by 100.000 laborers over 20-year period. 2. This wonder of the world is located in India. The Mug Shah Jahan had built it in memory of his wife. The construction began in 1632. 3. This wonder of the world is located in Rome, Italy. It was used for contest between gladiators and public spectacles and could seat 50.000 spectators. - work in pairs to read through the statements -read and find out what are the facts and options -tell each other about the facts and the opinions of the Great Pyramid Suggested answer * Facts: 2,3,4 The Great Pyramid of Giza was 147 meters high The Great Pyramid ranked as the tallest structure on earth for more than 43 centuries * Opinions : 1,5, 6,7 The Great Pyramid is believed to have been built over a 20-year period One theory involves the construction of a....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> Task 3 : Disusing the given questions - ask Ss to work in groups to discus the given questions in the book, page 181 - have Ss read through the useful language - have Ss report - give feedback to Ss. - work in groups to discus the given questions in the book, page 181 - read through the useful language -report Suggested answer 1. I think that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built by a giant. The Great Pyramid of Giza is thought Task 3 to have been built by a giant. 20’ Probably a giant built the Great Pyramid of Giza. A giant might have built the Great Pyramid of Giza. 2. It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built in 20-year period. They might have built the Great Pyramid of Giza in 20 years. ... -Summerise the main points of -Listen to T and take notes Wrapp- up the lesson 5’ -Assign home work VI.Evaluation. Week 35 (22.04- 27.04.2013) Period 98. UNIT 16: THE WONDER OF THE WORLD.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> C. LISTENING I.Aim: -To listen to a passage about the Great Wall of China II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to develop listening skills as intensive listening for specific information III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with words related to describing Great Wall of China V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages. Teacher’s activities - have Ss look at the picture page 182 and think of the topic of the Warm-up lesson 3’ - give feedback to Ss and introduce the lesson - ask Ss to answer the 3 given questions - give feedback to Ss’ answers - pre-teach Ss some new words. - elicit new words from Ss - read as model and have Ss repeat - practice reading and copy down Before - give feed back to Ss you listen New words: 7’ - man-made wonder: - World heritage - Magnificence - Dynasty - Visible - Wind : uon khuc - Defence = defense Stretch : Task 1 : Filling the missing information : While you - have Ss read through these listen questions 13’ - play the tape and have Ss answer the questions - ask Ss to give answers - give feedback Task 2 : Answering the questions - have Ss read and translate the questions - ask Ss whether they can give answer or not. Students’ activities - look at the picture page 182 and think of the topic of the lesson -Stand up to answer Suggested answer Great Wall of China -answer the 3 given questions Suggested answer 1. The Great Wall 2. In China. 3. I am not sure -copy new words down -repeat. - work in pairs -read through these questions - answer the questions -give answers Suggested answer 1. moon 2. 1987 3. Ming dynasty 4. 200 5. 200 BC 6. 6,000km 7. 11 meters 8. stones -Work in pairs -read and translate the questions -Listen again to answer the questions -Give feed back Suggested answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> - listen to Ss’ answer but checking after that - play the tape for several time to answer the questions - ask Ss to give answer and give feedback to Ss. 1. The ancient Chinse started to build the Great Wall in 1368. 2. Five provinces. 3. Because it can be seen from the moon. 4. The part in the northwest of Beijing is the best choice for visit because it is still in its original state. Talking about reasons the Great -work in groups of 4 to discuss the Wall of China becomes a wonder questions of the world -Present - ask Ss to work in groups of 4 to -Listen and check After you discuss the questions Suggested answer listen - call on the groups can be seen from the moon 17’ - ask Ss to give others ideas stretch for about 6.000 km - give feedback to Ss about 11 meters high and a stone road way run along the top of it be the longest man-made structure -Summerise the main points of the -Listen to T and take notes Wrapp- lesson up -Assign home work 5’ VI.Evaluation. Week 35 (22.04- 27.04.2013) Period 99. UNIT 16: THE WONDER OF THE WORLD D. WRITING I.Aim: -To write about the Ponagar Cham Tower. II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write about the Ponagar Cham Tower..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with the report organization and some words needed to write V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages. Warm-up 5’. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - ask Ss to look at picture in the - look at picture in the book , page 184 book , page 184 and answer the and answer the questions in pairs questions -Stand up to answer - give feedback and introduce the Suggested answer lesson 1. What is it? The Ponagar Cham Tower 2. Where is located? In Nha Trang 3. What do you know about it?. - set the scene: You are going to write a report on a visit to the Ponagar Cham Tower in Nha Trang - have Ss read and understand the order of the lesson - ask Ss to work in pairs to work out the report organization by asking them some questions 1. How many parts are there in the report? 3 parts:brief ,detail and summary of the visit 2. What kind of information is included in each part? Before you - give feedback to Ss write - ask Ss to work in pairs to read the 10’ given information on page 184 - elicit from Ss quickly some words and tense to be used - go round and offer help to Ss New words: - to be dedicated: to memory - sandstone: - throne : - illustrate - honor : Past tense : past events Present tense : facts Passive voice : occasionally used. -Work in pairs to work out the report organization by answering some questions -Stand up to answer Suggested answer The introduction : the general information about the place The detail : describe the special features in detail : the location, the time and place built , the things the place has The last : how long the visit last and our feelings -. work in pairs to read the given information on page 184 Copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> While you write 15’. After you write 10’. Writing a report of Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang : - asks Ss to read the given information again and writein 15’. - call on two Ss to go to the board to write - go around for help Sample writing Last year I had a brief tour to Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang. This tower complex is one of the most beautiful examples of Cham architecture in central Viet Nam. The Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang consist of four towers. They are located on Cu Lao Marble Hill, 2 km north of Nha Trang. They were built between the 8th and the 13th centuries. Each tower is dedicated to a different god. The largest one was built in honor of Lady Thien Y. The 22.5 m tower contains her sandstone statue sitting on Buddha’s throne. The 2.6 m statue has 10 hands; each is holding a object illustrating the power of Buddha. The tour to the Ponagar Cham Towers in Nha Trang lasted 5 hours. It was tiring but enjoyable and memorable trip. - ask Ss to share their writing with others - give feedback to Ss’ writing. - correct their mistakes and finish writings. -Summerise the main points of the -Listen to T and take notes Wrapp- up lesson -Assign home work 5’. VI. Evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> Week 36 (29.04- 04.05.2013) Period 100. UNIT 16: THE WONDER OF THE WORLD E. LANGUAGE FOCUS I.Aim: -To pronounce of 4 ending sounds /ft/, /vd/, /fs/ and /vz/. - To use the structures with verb of reporting: 1. It is said that …………. 2. He is said …………….. 3. People say that ………. II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> - pronounce of 4 ending sounds /ft/, /vd/, /fs/ and /vz/. - use the structures with verb of reporting: 1. It is said that …………. 2. He is said …………….. 3. People say that ………. III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with distingusing the sounds and the structures of tenses of verbs V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/ time I.Pronunciation. II. Grammar. Teacher’s activities * Listen and repeat : - model the two sounds and have Ss repeat - play the tape have Ss listen & repeat *Practice sentences : - ask Ss to practice in pairs - give feedback to Ss. Students’ activities * Listen and repeat /ft / /vd/ /fs/ /vz/ Gift arrived coughs behaves Lift loved laughs loves Soft moved roofs knives *Practice reading aloud sentences : 1. They are not on the roofs now. They’ve been moved to the ground... 2. I think he’s improved, but he still... -Teacher: Presten the special passive voice by giving structures and example -Students: Listen to T and look at the board - give Ss some examples and have Ss look at them and find out the rules. People /they + think/ say/suppose/ believe/ consider/report ... +that + clause. There are two ways to change this structure into passive voice : 1. Change into this structure People say that he is 108 years old. → It is said that he is 108 years old. → He is said that to be 108 years old.. It is + thought/said/supposed/ believed/ considered/reported +that + clause. (Original sentences). 2. Use the subject of that-clause as the subject of the passive clause A. If verb in that-clause is in simple present: S + am/is/are + thought/ said ...+ to V-inf Eg: People say that he is a good doctor. → He is said that to be a good doctor. B. If verb in that-clause is in past or present perfect : People think that he stole my bike → He is thought that to have stolen my bike. S + am/is/are + thought/ said ...+ to have + PII C. If verb in that-clause is in present: continuous : People think that he is living in Ha Noi →He is known to be living in Ha Noi. S + am/is/are + thought/ said ...+ to be + V.ing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> Exercise 1: - ask Ss do Ex1 then compare their answers with another student. - have Ss give answers - give feedback to Ss’ answers III.Practice. VI.Evaluation. - do Ex1 then compare their answers with another student. -Go to the board to give tha answers. Suggested answer 1. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods. 2. The prisoner is thought that to have escaped by climbing over the wall. 3. He is believed to have driven through the town at 90 km an hour. 4. Two people are reported to have seriously injured in the accident. 5. Three men are said to have been arrested after the exploration. 6. The strike is expected to begin tomorrow. 7. He is said to speak English very well. Exercise 2: -Do ex2 individually and then find a - get Ss to do ex2 partner to check their answer with. individually and then find a -Go to the board to give tha answers partner to check their answer with. Suggested answer - check and give feedback 1.He is thought to be very clever. 2.The wanted man is believed to be living . in New York. 3.He is known to be very rich. 4.The film is supposed to be very good. 5.Many people are thought to have been killed in the accident. 6.About a million puppies are thought to be born each year. 7.The factories are said to be mush worse. 8. These dogs are said to be dangerous.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> Week 36 (29.04- 04.05.2013) Period 101 test YOURSELF F I.Aim: -To revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the two units: 15 and16. -To improve their techniques of doing the simple tests. II.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with some new words V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/ time Test yourself I. Listening. Teacher’s activities - Ask students to read all the sentences first - Ask students to listen to the tape once.. Students’ activities - Look at the book and listen to the task - understand the task.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> (2.5 points) - Ask students to listen again and (10 minutes) complete the sentences . - Ask students to listen in the third time, the work in groups to compare and discuss the answers with each others to find the correct answers. - Keys: In the teacher’s book.. - Read the questions - Listen to the tape - Listen again and say the right sentences. - Listen and discuss in groups to find the correct answers: - Suggested answer 1. T, 2. F, 3. F, 4. T, 5. T.. II. Reading - Present the task: (2.5 points) - Ask pupils to work in groups to (10 minutes answers the questions. - Give the correct answers to the class:. - Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher - Work in groups to discuss about the passage - Finish the task - Compare their results with the other groups. - Write the answers on the board. - Listen to the teacher and correct the answers.. III. - Present the task: Grammar a/ Ask students to listen and put a tick in (2.5 points) the right box. (10 minutes) - Keys: 1. rent, 2. tenth, - 3. lives, 4. loves. b/ Give the correct form of verbs. Keys: 1. isn’t it, 2. didn’t he c/ Rewrite the sentences ….. 1/ Jane is thought to be rich. 2/ She is said to have won a special prize. 3/ He is said to know five foreign languages. 4/ The thief is thought to have got in through the kitchen windown.. - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups - Compare the results with the other groups - Show the answers in front of the class. - Observe the keys and correct their answers.. IV. Writing - Present the task: - Students work in groups and (13 minutes) - Call the students to read the suggested practise writing. sentences in front of the class. - Two students go to the board and write. -Check their writings and help them - Give the writings by reading correct the mistakes if they’ve made. aloud. - Read the writing carefully. - In groups or in pairs. - Compare the results with the other groups - Correct mistakes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> IV.Home work (2 minutes). - Ask students: Study all the lessons again + to study all the lessons again - Get ready to review all the units + to get ready to review all the units of grade 11 of grade 11. VI.Evaluation. Week 36 (29.04- 04.05.2013) Period 102 REVISION I.Aims: Reviewing vocabularies and grammar of unit 15 II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - master the use of vocabularies and grammar of unit 15 III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, handout IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with defining the structures of sentences nto do the exercises of the cleft sentences V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Teacher’s activities A. PHONETICS -Deliver ss with handout 5’ - Ask ss to do exercise in pairs -Ask students to read all the words first - Ask students to circle the correct answer -Call pairs to compairs and check. Students’ activities -Work in pairs -Compaire the answer with other pairs -Stand up and give the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 30’. - Ask ss to do exercise in pairs -Ask students to read all the words first - Ask students to circle the correct answer -Call pairs to compairs and check. -Work in pairs -Compaire the answer with other pairs -Go to the board and give the answers. C. WRITING 10’. - Ask ss to do exercise in pairs -Ask students to read all the words first - Ask students to circle the correct answer -Call pairs to compairs and check. - Ask ss to do exercise in pairs -Ask students to read all the words first - Ask students to circle the correct answer -Call pairs to compairs and check. VI.Evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> HANDOUT UNIT 15: SPACE CONQUEST A. PHONETICS I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1) A. stones B. learns C. phones D. tense 2) A. lifted B. lasted C. happened D. decided 3) A. speed C. person C. temperature D. psychology B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR * Circle the best answer for each sentence. 8) No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space. The word “precisely” is closest in meaning to “____”. A. nicely B. exactly C. rigidly D. roughly 9) Many spacemen could never get back to the Earth because of ___ accidents. A. tragedy B. tragic C. tragically D. tragedies 10) He finds it difficult for him to recover from his son’s ____. A. die B. dead C. deadly D. death 11) He failed again, which was a/an ____ disappointment. A. enormous B. big C. wide D. large 12) The flight will take approximately three weeks. The word “approximately” is closest in meaning to “____”..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> A. closely B. exactly C. about D. precisely 13) How long did Yuri Gagarin’s trip into space ____? Only 180 minutes. A. lengthen B. last C. late D. strengthen 14) When ____ astronaut travels into space, if a technical failure happens, he can never get back to ____ Earth. A. an / the B. Þ / an C. an / Þ D. the /Þ 15) Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on ____ moon. A. a B. an C. the D. Þ 16) Everybody congratulated the astronauts ___ their successful trip into space. A. on B. for C. of D. in th 17) Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel into space ___ April 12 , 1961. A. at B. on C. in` D. from 18) A / an ____ is a person who is trained for traveling in a spacecraft. A. astronaut B. scientist C. engineer D. technician 19) When spacemen travel into space they have to face enormous ____ because they do not know what may happen. A. certainties B. uncertainties C. possibilities D. precisions 20) Lisa’s been able to play the flute since she was six, ____? A. can’t she B. isn’t she C. wasn’t he D. hasn’t she 21) Neil seemed to have a good time at the party, ____? A. hadn’t he B. had he C. did he D. didn’t he 22) There has not been a great response to the sale, ____? A. does there B. hasn’t there C. has there d. hasn’t it 23) She had done more work in one day than her husband ____ in three days. A. do B. could do C. may do D. done 24) You are going to come to the party, ____? A. aren’t you B. do you C. will you D. won’t you 25) Despite the bad weather, he ____ get to the airport in time. A. could B. couldn’t C. was able to D. almost 26) You’re Cynthia, ____ you? A. aren’t B. are C. didn’t D. were 27) We didn’t eat here last week, ____ we? A. didn’t B. did C. haven’t D. do 28) You have ever heard about Yuri Gagarin, ____? A. do you B. haven’t you C. don’t you D. didn’t you 29) Jenny ____ leave the hospital only fours days after the operation..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> A. was able to B. could C. can D. will be able to 30) At last, they ____ get through the mountain in such a heavy rain. A. can B. could C. are able to D. were able to C. WRITING * Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 41) Your grandfather could speak five languages, could he? A B C D 42) She spoke in a very low voice, but I can understand what she said. A B C D 43) I used to be to stand on my head but I can’t be able to do it now. A B C D 44) The trip was cancelled lask week. John couldn’t go away because he was ill. A B C D Week 37 (06.04- 11.05.2013) Period 103 REVISION FOR THE 2ND TERM I.Aims: Reviewing vocabularies and grammar of unit 16 II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - master the use of vocabularies and grammar of unit 16 III.Material : Textbook, board and chalk, handout IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may be difficult with defining the structures of sentences nto do the exercises of the cleft sentences V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time. Teacher’s activities A. . -Deliver ss with handout VOCABULARY - Ask ss to do exercise in pairs AND -Ask students to read all the words GRAMMAR first 30’ - Ask students to circle the correct answer -Call pairs to compairs and check. B. WRITING 15’. - Ask ss to do exercise in pairs -Ask students to read all the words first - Ask students to circle the correct answer -Call pairs to compairs and check. Students’ activities -Work in pairs -Compaire the answer with other pairs -Go to the board and give the answers. -Work in pairs -Compaire the answer with other pairs -Go to the board and give the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> VI.Evaluation. HANDOUT UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD A . VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Circle the best answer for each sentence. 1. The local ………….information office provides a free map of the region of the Giza Plateau. A. tour B. tourist C. tourism D. touristy 2. …………..are places built in ancient Egypt to contain the bodied of their kings and qeens. A. Tombs B. Graves C. Pyramids D. Grave yards 3. What do you intend to do with these …………..of stone. A. pieces B. blocks C. sheets D. sets 4. A huge rock was placed on a base of 100 meters square. A. involved B. suggested C. lifted D. put 5. A …………..is large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an important person, is buried. A. tomb B. base C. wonder D. block 6. The tomb was broken last night and the …………..stole all the jewelries. A. thieves B. king C. dead D. police 7. A pharaoh was a ……………….of ancient Egypt. A. king B. queen C. prince D. princess 8. The thieves broke into the tomb to steal the treasures. A. mummies B. bodies C. materials D. valuable objects 9. When a pharaoh was dead he was …………….in his pyramid. A. carried B. hidden C. dug D. buried 10. The pharaohs built pyramids to prepare for their ……………….. . A. die B. death C. dead D. dying 11. People say that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed. A. It is said that six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world were destroyed. B. Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to be destroyed..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> C. Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world is said to have destroyed. D. Six out of the seven wonders of the ancient world are said to have been destroyed. 12. It is believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomb. A. They believed that a buried treasure was hidden in the tomb. B. A buried treasure is believed that was hidden in the tomb. C. A buried treasure is believed to hide in the tomb. D. A buried treasure is believed to have been hidden in the tomb. 13. George …………another trip to Greece. A. is said to be planned B. said to be planned C. said to be planning D. is said to be planning 14. The skyscraper is said to have been built in 1930. A. They said that skyscraper was built in 1930. B. It was said that skyscraper was built in 1930. C. They are said that skyscraper is built in 1930. D. It is said that skyscraper was built in 1930. 15. John ……………… The Great Egypt of Giza. A. said to have been visited B. is said to have been visited C. is said to have visited D. said to have visited 16. Mr. pike …………..the most famous archaeologist in our city. A. says to be B. is said to be C. is said that D. said to be 17. Many people believe that God created the world. A. It believes that God created the world. B. The world is believed God created. C. God is believed to create the world. D. God is believed to have create the world. 18. ……………..to be the richest man in the USA. A. Bill Gates B. Bill Gates says C. Bill Gates is D. Bill Gates is said 19. John is said to have been stolen the money. A. It is said John steals the money. B. It is said John stole the money. C. People said John steals the money. D. People say John steals the money. 20. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods. A. Many people say to be homeless after the floods. B. Many people said are homeless after the floods. C. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods. D. Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods. B. WRITING: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. People think the government will build a supermarket here. →The government ……………………………………………………………………... →It ………………………………………………………………………… 2. People believed that fresh air was bad for sick people..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> → fresh ………………………………………………………………….. →It …………………………………………………………………………... 3. They say he is an agitated state. →He …………………………………………………………………………………. →It …………………………………………………………………………………... 4. They say he is somewhere in Germany. →He ……………………………………………………………………………. →It …………………………………………………………………………………... 5 People rumoured that he was involved in the bank robbery. →He …………………………………………………………………………………. →It …………………………………………………………………………... 6. People think that she died in a plane crash. → She ………………………………………………………………………………… →It ………………………………………………………………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> Week 37 (06.04- 11.05.2013) Period 105 Correct the FINAL EXAMINATION I.Aims: -Check and remark the test -Evaluate the test -Consoliate ss’s knowledges II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: After these correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done. And have to know how to try their best for the next test. III.Material: Textbook, board and chalk. IV.Anticipated prolems: Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters and the omission of relative pronouns so T should prepare a lot of practice V.Procedure: - Check students’ number of attendants: 11A3 Stages/time Warm-up (5 minutes). Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities - Greeting - Greeting - Ask students some questions on the - Listen and understand the previous test task - Tell the aim of the period: correct the - Get ready for the lesson test. I. Phonetics (5 minutes). I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently by circling A, B, C or D (5 minutes) - Repeat the questions - Get students to read the passage again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not. - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the resutls with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. II.Grammar and Circle A, B, C or D as your best choice - Look at their paper Vocabulary to complete each sentence - Compare the results with the (10 minutes) (15 minutes) others.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> - Repeat the questions - Get the correct answers - Get student to read the test again from the keys carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud III.Reading (13 minutes). - Repeat the questions -Remark the mistakes and consolidate ss’s knowledges - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. IV. Writing (12 minutes). IV. Writing - Repeat the questions - Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not - Finally read the keys out aloud. - Look at their paper - Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys. VI. Evaluation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span>

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